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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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168509 No.168509 [Reply] [Original]

The 4chan Farm Project (Formerly Project New Agartha), is for the establishment of a sustainable settlement and farm by and for 4chan. If you are interested, please visit our IRC at ( http://mibbit.com/?channel=%23AgrarianEven&server=rizon.mibbit.org ) and say hi.

Is this project for you?

For me, I have wanted land for years. I've saved up for years, and I know my dedication to the project is not on a whim. I know for myself that I will do this with or without help, and I view that as the attitude everyone should have coming in (in one form or another). However there are many roads, some longer than others. Some people are still in college and have obligations to school; after school they will have debt; and after that they will likely chase financial security. A lot of people in this situation also dream of owning land. No body gets rich farming, and if you're buying your ticket into the shrinking middle class elite with a degree, make sure that rural living is really what you're after.

It is not impossible, though. Marcin Jakubowski ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GEMkvT0DEk ) has a PhD in nuclear fusion and decided to create a sustainable farm and settlement that came to be Open Source Ecology, the holy grail of DIY.

The bottom line is the desire for freedom. Minimizing reliance on the landfill economy with all the inconveniences that entails; reducing your tax contributions to the government of endless war and corporate welfare; survivalism or DIY maker passion; the enlightened poverty of agrarian lifestyle; hippie environmentalism or many other motivations. They all synergize remarkably well, and the key is being serious enough about it to put in the work.

>> No.168511


Much like making a video game or anything else, at some point you have to stop talking and start doing for yourself without waiting for someone else to do it, or even help you. If you want it enough you will do every bit of it yourself. Only by finding others who are willing to do it for themselves will the help and collaboration actually materialize. That is what DIY is all about, and it holds true with a project like this. No one is going to bake the bread for you and then ask you to help eat it. This takes work and dedication in finding land, buying it, and then conquering it. It's practically a full time job.

These projects are perennial and will continue to crop up and die until someone makes it a reality. It's time to end the cycle and create the tools and frameworks that will have the power to transform people's lives in tangible ways. It's time for someone to succeed.

>> No.168528

Quit posting this spam you fucking idiot!

>> No.168533

Care to explain

>> No.168534
File: 8 KB, 226x223, 5Gb5H95M13F53I23N3bcpfb559ed1617d1cdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this guy wants to do is scam people out of their money.

He bans anyone from his little chat that calls him on it. The only reason he posts these threads are to try to lure suckers into his chat so he can try to grift on them.

He uses several aliases to bump these threads.

Don't buy anything this jerk posts.

Sage goes in all fields.

>> No.168535

Still ponying on your thread I see.

How many hours a day do you lurk here?

>> No.168537
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Sustainable farm projects are from the soul of DIY, which is why every other thread is about alternative housing.

Deal with it.

>> No.168539


>> No.168543


You don't have any intention of ever doing anything other than separating people from their money.

If you were on the level you wouldn't ban people form your chat that ask you the obvious questions.

You can't control this forum so I am going to out you every time you start one of these bullshit posts.

Deal with it.

>> No.168545



>> No.168549

Then report him, you dumb faggot. Making a big fuss in his thread just makes you look like one of the many anally aggrieved shitheads who'll say or do anything to drag a thread down.

>> No.168551


Looks like OP got some pee pee in his diaper.

>> No.168552


"Fuck Off" "Dumb Faggot" This is exactly how this guy talks in his chat. No respect for anyone.

Not only is he running a scam but he is mentally unstable as well.

>> No.168554
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>Implying that's not exactly what they are.

For the record, we will be incorporating and using standard accountability procedure to ensure the integrity of trust in the project.

>> No.168556


For the record you are going to pocket all the money.

You can play ban master in your chat but you have no control here you piece of dog shit.

>> No.168565

>not understanding that acting like a shithead and spamming a thread makes you appear mentally unstable and makes the accused seem more reasonable
>not just contacting moderators
>acting like someone who got banned from a chat and is really really really sore about it
Seriously, contact the mods if you want him gone. He's pretty clearly violating global rule 11. Like I said, making a big fuss makes you look like a big fuckin' asshole, even more than Mr Hurr Durr Government Bad up there. If you can't act reasonable, people will just dismiss you as a troll or a 13-year-old jackass rather than someone trying to help them. Accusing people who call you on your jackassery just makes you seem the be the intolerant asshole you want them to believe OP to be, so, you know, good job with that hypocrisy.

TL;DR, you're both assholes, but you're the bigger one.

>> No.168568 [DELETED] 

So if hilscher gets banned for this, I could care less, and let's say I want to talk about it. Am I gonna get shit for it? My plan is similar, but no money. I want to run it as a business, and not a cult.

>> No.168569


Its been proven here the mods really don't give a shit.

Also you can't throw vinegar and expect honey in return.

This guys threads are nothing but a pissing contest now including your post.

Just more juvenile name calling and you want to walk away like your shit don't stink.

>> No.168570


Contributing to his thread makes it appear legit which it is not.

By contributing to his threads you help him sucker people into his scam.

If this interests you then by all means start another thread.

>> No.168571
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>mods don't give a shit
>mfw I've seen several people banned and threads deleted after sending emails to moot/admins
You're right about the pissing match, tho'. It really is a pissing match when you just accuse someone of something and your evidence is "HE BANNED ME FOR ASKING QUESTIONS"

>> No.168572


Well you posted it on the internet so it must be true.

I guess all is well here. Everyone throw wads of cash at OP.

>> No.168573
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Dunno how much more business like you can get than incorporating and selling shares, or how 'no money' and 'like a business' compute together, but this method could really help you find some affordable land for your project.


I recommend livestock, because agriculture will require an expensive tractor, lots of fuel, and lots of labor costs. Good luck!


Rule 11 refers to advertising, which this is not 'clearly' in violation of. At best this is gray, and not even really that since we're not selling anything, we're cooperating towards a common goal. The only fuzzy bit is that money is involved as any real life collaborative effort would have money involved.

If you don't like the thread, you can get 4chan Plus for Chrome or 4chan X for Firefox, and block the thread.

>> No.168574

Thanks, I will.
Are there any solely /diy/ mods?

>> No.168576

>not in violation of rule 11
>using a thread to drum up interest in a project and attract people to a chat
>pretending you aren't advertising the chat and you're project
You're as dumb as your troll.

>> No.168581

why don't you take this to the Reducing Your Tax Contributions To The Government Of Endless War And Corporate Welfare; Survivalism Or DIY Maker Passion; The Enlightened Poverty Of Agrarian Lifestyle; Hippie Environmentalism Or Many Other Motivations Message Board?

srsly OP what do you expect from 4chan?

>> No.168593

OP is a scammer

>> No.168602

>Original Project Agartha/New Eden Board is unavailable to anyone not logged in

>> No.168603

I've been hanging out in the chat and it's very clear that people aren't just giving money to anyone. They're actually quite paranoid, and are going for form an LLC or something with plenty of safeguards, including the threat of criminal prosecution of embezzlement, if someone runs off with the money. No one is going to risk that over 10k

>> No.168604
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That's the board I'm on. It's called /diy/ - Do-It-Yourself.

>> No.168606

Agartha (sometimes Agartta, Agharti, Agarta or Agarttha) is a legendary city that is said to reside in the earth's core. It is related to the belief in a hollow earth and is a popular subject in esotericism.


oh god it is a cult

>> No.168626

forming LLC, inc. etc. wont save you from draining the accounts into offshore bank, BUT there are ways to prevent that. LIKE to authorize the withdrawal etc. many members have to be present, everyone has real time access to view the account, view not manipulate.

>> No.168627
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I guess sometimes its good to be paranoid.

>> No.168647


Yeah, that's what I meant, they're going to be building safeguards like you mentioned into the rules of the LLC.

>> No.168653


and after everyone's money has been spent setting up his land, he kicks everyone off and puts up no trespassing signs

>> No.168658 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 343x400, EvilJew01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're so desperate. The best part is that it shows. :)

>> No.168660

OP is going to end up spending all of the donated money on legal fees

do it without money or don't do it at all

>> No.168663
File: 89 KB, 343x400, ElSerpentino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, and then these cultist embezzlers will make you give them your virgin daughters and have polygamist marriages. Oy vey, goyim, do not try to collaberate on freeing yourselves from the high price of living. It's too risky with embezzlers like these around. They probably don't even support Israel or bombing Iran. It's safest to just keep your head down and maintain the status quo. Heh heh heh.

>> No.168679

Actually you can split the ownership of the land up into pieces. Not physical pieces, but the deeds is divided so that you own fractions. Some places around here are owned by 12-20 people. They can sell their shares to anyone, but the land will always be used for the majority. Someone can buy everyone out if everyone wants to sell. Or someone can buy all but one if one person holds out or any range between.

>> No.168688

No one's getting jewed here. The naysayers are just jelly they're too beta to actually do something with their lives and create something worthwhile/set a good precedent for future eco-communities and enjoy the fruits of their own labor.

>> No.168747
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>> No.168754

I think in the last thread someone suggested one person buy a large chunk of land (or several persons buy largish chunks of land near/next to each other) and the buyers of the larger plots of land sell parts of the land off to people interested in this. This seems like the way which would involve the least risk for everyone. The person/people that bought the first chunk of land would have more risk, but they would also have greater control over the project and the land (but less so as more people bought land from them) And if the initial buyers had the mindset put forth in the OP:

>I know for myself that I will do this with or without help,

then they wouldn't be fazed if they bought the land and no one else jumped on board; then they could just proceed to establish their permaculture by themselves.

If this is the method that is employed for purchasing of land, then I would probably buy a plot (assuming it was close to NE Oklahoma) and while I wouldn't live there (at least not in the next couple of years) I would definitely build stuff and help out with larger projects.

>> No.168758

Not much has changed here.

Every single post made supporting this 'project' is this same guy Hilscher.

He drops the handle as it suits him.

There is no way to verify any of these claims because he won't allow non-suckers into his chat.

You are either someone dumb enough to throw money at an obvious scam artist or you can't even view the chat let alone participate.

This is not at all a DIY thread. This is just a con man looking for a free site to spam his scam.

This thread needs a perma ban as does anyone that keeps pushing it.

>> No.168799


You sure seem anally devastated, there, bro. Thanks for bumping my 'scam,' all day though.

>> No.168800 [DELETED] 

that was me, I suggested for someone to buy 10 or 20 acres and then sell it for 1k an acre, or whatever is a fair price. County would have to be on board with this at first. This way, there could be avoidance of needing a stupid subdivision permit and all the hassles associated with it. Also the land should be in an area, best would be adjacent to a rental grazing land. So, the investment would be few grand, and then rent at around 30 bucks an acre grazing land for goats (easy to raise) make money of it, then buy up more land. This way the project could grow and would be able to accommodate more people.

BTW. since in some places, not deserts, the counties are so broke, we could literally dictate our own terms, that is if we promised some business that would bring in money for them. Just us moving there with some money, buying land and paying taxes on it would be beneficial for them.

>> No.168809


What makes you think this is a scam?

>> No.168861
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>Expecting evidence from a troll.

Oh, you.

FYI, If we're incorporating it can't possibly be a scam as the weight of the entire criminal justice system is behind legal contracts such as the articles of association for founding a corporation.

The troll's strategy here is 'make them deny it,' you can see he's throwing everything but the kitchen sink at us to try to reduce the number of people who will come to the IRC.

>> No.168906

This isn't a malicious scam as far as I can tell, but Hilscher is very difficult to deal with and seems to want no part of any group aspect of the project. I am frankly baffled as to why he even wants to work with other people. He also seems to not be very experienced with this, but it's hard to tell because he alternates between saying he has no trade skills at all and claiming he has built whole houses. He is generally hostile to any ideas but his own and takes any criticism of designs which he likes as a personal attack.

As for the project as a whole, they have a May 1st start date but no definite site or plan established. There appears to be a complete lack of either leadership or consensus among the group and, when Hilscher is involved, a lack of civility. The project may get underway eventually, and may end up succeeding but it does not seem likely to happen in the near future. There are significant issues that need addressing and, as far as I can tell from my limited time spent in the chat, little being done to address them.

>> No.168909
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I accept your apology. <3

>> No.168913


As a result of the truly massive amount of complaints we've received about him, we now have a HILSCHER-FREE CHATROOM.


You're welcome.

>> No.168930

>believing in this
>not just stealing the plans and making a place for yourself

Also, fuck you. Saw your viral shit on 789chan too.

>> No.168931

This personality type is a big no-no for planned communities. You'll have literally nothing but god tier drama bullshit the entire time.

>> No.168935 [DELETED] 

Alright, here is an idea for anon easymode animal raising.
So here are some numbers that I have researched.
10 goats per acre
1 goat produces around 2.7l per day with 12 hour strict schedule. The milk production depends on breed also.
The ratio cheese:milk is 1:8.35 or 1 pound per one gallon of milk. so on 6 acres you could have 60 goats, but since you have to account for kids you will only have 50 goats. It would be also a good buffer in case the vegetation is not up to par. Good quality milk is dependent directly on the quality of the grass. One acre is 189ft by 189ft.
A goat lactates for 305 days, so there is a pause between milking, which should be accounted for. The goats are an easy sell in this economy. The kids sell for easy $300, even more with papers. HOWEVER, the initial cost is a bit high. It is 15k for 50 goats, which if bought in bulk could be cheaper. Goat milk sells for a pretty good penny, retail is around $3 for half a gallon. Goat cheese is 4oz for 5 and that is chevre (it's like cream cheese) Then the other more sophisticated cheeses go up to $30/lb. 50 goats will produce up to 16 pounds of cheese a day. In the very least, we could sell cheese for $5/lb whole sale to nearest whole foods or alike. Of course, online would be lots better, because we could sell it for lot more. Other expenses are a designated sanitary room with (cheap used) stainless steel appliance etc. for the cheese production. Other expense is the milking system, which would be necessary at this amount of goats. With that being said. I believe that even by pessimistic calculations the return would be in about one year.
to be continued

>> No.168936


Yeah dictate your own terms to a rural county board.

Have some asswipe like Hilscher go in their and talk to people that have lived there for decades like he talks to people here.

Just call everyone on the board a faggot and tell them you aren't going to show them any sort of legal paperwork for your plan.

Then march out in a butthurt huff.

>> No.168938 [DELETED] 

Here is the rest

Initial costs:
15k for goats
1k for delivery gas/trailer rental/etc.
3k milking equipment/udder care/holding tank
1k cooling equipment
8k for a structure to process cheese which has DEPRECIATION as in write off
So the rough cost is around 30k with some unexpected costs, fencing, etc.

280 days times 16lbs/day= roughly 4400 of cheese
Kids (baby goats) at least 30 a year which some would be sold, some kept. Our heard would get bigger so the production would get exponentially bigger.

Guesstimate is around 5K from Kids
The cheese is at least $5/lb which translates to roughly 22k, but if the cheese sells for $10/lb, then the revenue would be $44k.
So total from 27 to 49k+
Imagine having a heard of 100 goats or more, or diversifying by having meat goats, which they go for slaughter in one year and land an easy $150 for the whole carcass, or lots lots more if sold by different cuts.

I will do similar for cows and pigs, chickens are really only good for eggs, unless anon wants to deal with the smell, which is AWFUL.

>> No.168942

OK, I was just giving ideas. I would never let this hilscher joke of a person near an official business if it was up to me.

>> No.168947


That's totally dead. They also won't answer questions.

It is designed to link back to the main site. If you have already been banned by their head scamers then you still can't get any feedback.

Just more smoke and mirrors like any con artist uses.

>> No.168949


That's why I have come to the conclusion that it is either a major scam being run by this guy that goes by Hilscher or that these other people are so monumentally stupid to associate with someone like this the project is doomed for failure.

I am not just trying to be trollish in saying the members of this are stupid as I just don't know of a better way of saying it.

If they allow a driving force of their project to be a narcissistic, caustic, whiny bitch what chance would they ever have. If they don't have the ability to know not to associate with someone this truly repugnant then they obviously have no life skills whatsoever.

>> No.168950

naming the project after 4chan is even worse than giving it a creepy cult like name in my opinion...

>> No.168953


That's absolutely ridiculous to throw out assumed numbers for a profit at a venture which none of the members have any experience whatsoever.

From what I have seen the members of this group lack even basic life skills such as how to hold an intelligent discourse. And not just on this board with the way they hurl insults at anyone and everyone but in their chat they literally talk in the retard 4 Chan speak.

Can you imagine someone buying food for their family from a bunch of 4 Chaners talking in their derp herp speak IRL?


>> No.168954 [DELETED] 

>If they allow a driving force of their project to be a narcissistic, caustic, whiny bitch what chance would they ever have.

almost every company is headed by some one like that...
and wait... is this the same Hilscher? if I remember right all he ever used to do is complain about other people's taste in music and avatarfag, fucking obnoxious troll

>> No.168959


What business school did you go to? I can't remember one class in which we were instructed to address people as faggot or tell them to fuck off.

It never ceases to amaze me how this group continues to make excuses for this bizarre behavior.

>> No.168960

>If they allow a driving force of their project to be a narcissistic, caustic, whiny bitch what chance would they ever have.

almost every company is headed by some one like that...
and wait... is this the same Hilscher from /mu/? if I remember right all he ever used to do is complain about other people's taste in music and avatarfag, fucking obnoxious troll

>> No.168963


Guy deleted his post. Its like one guy with multiple personality disorder is pushing this whole thread.

>> No.168964


This is why we created the new chatroom. I was originally afraid to do so because I thought Hilscher might try to attack it or cause some large schism in the group.

And I have no idea why anyone would think this is a scam. We're not asking people to send in money. Even if some random person actually wanted to give money to the project, no one's in a position to take it.

>> No.168965


So why did you immediately delete your post? You realize it makes it obvious it is just you pushing this whole scam along?

>> No.168966

It was probably because he double posted.

>> No.168969


My only contact with this has been an hour or two in chat recently and some time on the forums months ago so I could be mistaken, but:

I really don't think this is a scam. There appears to be some unrealistic expectations and disorganization but I don't think it's anything malicious.

That being said, until there is something set up which limits risk for investors through some legal means I don't think anyone should, or is going to, put any money into it. I haven't been asked to pony up for anything yet and I definitely wouldn't if my money was just going into some general fund. What would really help these guys is someone willing to sell off their property acres at a time to multiple buyers, or one member to buy up land and sell it off to new recruits.

>> No.168971

yes, I deleted it, but only because I somehow left off half a sentance...
it's right here >>168960
the guy just took a half joking tongue in cheek statement the wrong way

>> No.168973

I can't recall ever seeing anyone pony on a thread in DIY this much.

I went to work, went shopping for a bit, went to a buddies house and came back to see the OP still here waiting to respond within seconds to anyone questioning his project.

>> No.168983
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>> No.168984
File: 519 KB, 1280x960, Animal_LookAtMyPenis_Look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh by the way, I've made a half assed website and forum. Haters welcome.


>> No.168988


Your only defeating yourself. It is up to the proponents of a project to make a good case for it. It isn't up to the audience to prove anything.

And all you have done in your thread was to prove what a complete and total asshole you are. I don't know is that your point? You just enjoy being an asshole?

Well whatever floats your boat. Can't see you making much money at it though.

>> No.168993
File: 12 KB, 137x149, 55f5bb8a7a5acfc7e7c15aa57cde4240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Again that is only designed to direct traffic back to a site controlled by the major asshole Hilscher.

That is all it does.

Even his avatar suggests that he is going to fuck people over.

Pic related.

>> No.168996
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Here's the full sized one. I don't want you to go without, Serp.

>> No.169003


i want to hear the chicken / cows part.

even if his numbers are arbitrary he's at least considering aspects.

>> No.169007

>only thread on the entire board

our IRC name, Where you live, Your age, do you expect to be able to save $2k by May 1
Madison, WI
Got it ready and then some.

k, I'm finally agreeing with the scam theory now

>> No.169010


I wouldn't mind hearing about chickens and cows either. I already sent some emails but the more information that is processed the better.

>> No.169013
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Yessss, yes, I'll draw you into my clever web with all my charm, and drain you for every cent.

>> No.169016

why do you insist on being such a cunt? I don't get it, wtf are you trying to prove?

>> No.169018
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I just don't give a fuck, really. I'm going to do this with or without anyone else.

I'm trying to get rid of all the people who don't want it enough. Serpentino is doing me a favor by spamming my thread, really. Not only is he bumping, but he's getting rid of all the weak stomached little faggots that can't handle drama.

How stressful do you think setting up a fucking farm is compared to sitting comfortably in your house?

Also, I want to steal all your money and run to Switzerland to live as a king for several days.

>> No.169022


These are the postings of someone with a verifiable mental disorder.

On face value if this is the major driving force of this group then they all must be a bit off to have anything to do with someone so obviously suffering from mental affliction.

>> No.169023


I'm going with the theory that you are just a dickhead that says things on the internet because you don't have any balls in the real world.

You definitely don't have any temperament suitable for farming. I can't actually think of one thing you would be good at.

>> No.169029
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Whoa whoa, doctor, how much do I owe you for that psychoanalysis? These suckers haven't paid me yet.

>> No.169034


This is just Hilscher's plan for the project. It's nothing official, since Hilscher's not in charge. In fact, he never was.

Honestly, if you're afraid of getting scammed, help us form a new plan of action that's different and safer than Hilscher's.

>> No.169039
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>Anyone but me
>Doing work

Oh you, Stexxy.

>> No.169046 [DELETED] 

Alright, let me explain first. The stated numbers are very real, they are from my research for a business that I would like to pursue one day. I personally enjoy
calculating everything. They are definitely not a fairy tale numbers, which you think they are.

Chickens are now from top of my head, the cows will be posted tomorrow, with probably more accurate numbers for chickens.

First off
Chicken for meat are worth only for personal use, since the start up cost is a bit high, and the smell is seriously unbearable for many people.

The egg industry is very profitable. Hens do anywhere between 3 to 7 eggs a week. It of course depends on breed, stress level, and weather which correlates with stress level.
With that said, feeding chickens very good quality feed is not necessarily hard. Hens cost around 5 to 20 bucks depending on location and breed. These are ready to lay hens, chick go around buck or buck and a half. My favorite breed is called STAR. They can withstand the heat and the freezing winters. Best part? They lay eggs, nice big and brown (more money) and could be eaten. They carry nice weight. From my research, the eggs could be sold for anywhere between 2.50 a dozen up to 7 dollars. HOWEVER, to reach 7 bucks depends severly on demographics, and would have to be USDA Organic certified.
to be continued

>> No.169048 [DELETED] 

here is the rest
Simple math
Initial cost
$2500 for laying hens which produce 12 500 eggs per week
$4000 for structure aka coop
less than $500 for feed per month

50,000 eggs/month
around 4160 dozens of eggs
4160*2.5=10,400 a month or more
These figures would require extensive study of surrounding towns/markets/acceptable prices etc. Though, even if the dozen of eggs were to be sold for $1 it is still a nice $4160/month obviously there needs to be at least 4 people involved to pick up eggs and tend to chickens, at this number it would be a full time job. However, few contracts with restaurants/hotels/whole foods local independent grocery stores and the demand would take care of the supply. In 12 months the investment would certainly pay off at worts case scenario.

>> No.169055

$2k? Ive got that, what would I receive for my investment? Where is the land?

>> No.169066


2k is what we decided the price of a share on the farm would be to raise the money to buy the land. So far we have $12,400 'pledged,' but until we incorporate (which requires some number of us meeting in person with a lawyer), there will be no corporate account to pool funds in. After we do the incorporation part, we will be able to raise the funds to figure out how much we *really* have (as opposed to what people on the internet say they have), talk to a banker about a 5 or 10 year loan, and then we can make offers on some land.

It's pretty straightforward, if not exactly easy.

>> No.169070


My plan? Well my plan would be to totally disavow yourself from this douche Hirschler. Until you do you won't get any better responses than he hands out.

Faggot, fuck you, dickhead. Dripping sarcasm, narcissism and whiny butthurt.

This has been pointed out to you ad infinitum. Every single sign points to this being nothing but a scam perpetrated by this one guy.

He uses the moniker then drops in here like no one has ever heard of same fagging.

You are the ones spamming this shit here. It isn't up to the audience to prove anything. It is up to you guys to prove you aren't just people looking to ruin the board.

And you know what every time this asshole posts my mind is pretty well made up I want this thread out of what used to be a pretty good board.

>> No.169074


Plus you can fuck the chickens.

>> No.169080


See there he goes again.

Yeah sure I'll dump a couple thousand into a project whose spokesperson says bizarre shit like that.

>> No.169081
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>> No.169093 [DELETED] 

Did you post that?

>> No.169100
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>> No.169105


>> No.169107



And now I'm going to bed. Sleep tight, impotent haters.

>> No.169200


Like you have never fucked a chicken you fucking hater.

>> No.169218


Oh my God! Now this thread has descended into open discussion of chicken fucking!

This board is done if we allow threads like this.

>> No.169270

So does anyone dedicated to this project actually have experience farming? Not backyard gardening, but turning acres of unused land into crops?

>> No.169283

Why don't you guys get a gold claim

>> No.169417


Oh, wow, really? Really?

Up until now, I actually thought that you had a good point. And even if it turned out you were wrong, at least you were being sincere about it and not intentionally trying to cause drama. But it's clear now though that you're an even worse troll than Hilscher.


Mineral rights are notoriously difficult to obtain.


Many people in previous threads have spoken of their experience in agriculture. We're probably going to focus on raising cattle more than raising crops, though.

>> No.169439

>Mineral rights are notoriously difficult to obtain.

This is true in places where there's shale oil/gas. you need a lawyer to get it for you. Otherwise, the companies that own it won't even speak to you at all. It has to be a good lawyer and you need lots of cash to do it.

It's fucking shitty.

>> No.169443

Next to impossible to get mineral rights nowadays.
Either buy it with land, which is the easy way, or buy it from someone who wons the mineral rights on your property. Usually a big company, who will not care about you at all. They might sell the mineral rights if they feel that there is nothing there.

Screw crops, too much money for initial investment. Tilling, seeding, harvesting, cheapest pull behind still come up to 40k for all 3 and a tractor. Good side business would be hay, which would be needed depending on the location of the said property anyway. Hay production would need some cheapo tractor sub 7k and bailing pull behind machine, which go for another 6k, they make nice square bales. The big round ones run upwards of 20k used. The square bales could be used to build houses and even edible shelter for animals in winter which is pretty cool. Since, Texas is facing another 8 years of drought, hay would be an easy sell. I have seen way too many trucks hauling hay from up North to Texas.

>> No.169454


to be fair, i mean, i think that is the board we are on...

>> No.169460

jesus fuck, why is this thread still going? also what is this guy's deal? is he just trolling or does he really think that acting like a complete dick would "weed people out"? if the later how retarded can you be? it doesn't work that way, you fucking weed people out by starting the project and seeing who leaves, OP is a moron and tool, and probably trying to scam people out of 2k

>> No.169464


If you have followed these threads at all this Hilscher guy frequently says bizarre and unacceptable shit.

Everyone keeps talking about trolls but this thread is one big troll devised by this Hilscher guy in his twisted brain.

He is delusional and mentally ill. The things he says and posts make sense only to him.

>> No.169583

There's a difference between hay and straw.

>> No.169590

Feel like an idiot now. Alright edible building from hay possible but not house.

>> No.169600

It's ok. I had to learn the hard way... feeding straw to animals leaves them kinda hungry.

You want to be careful to dry the hay bales as much as possible, too. If the bales are too wet after being stacked and stored, they could catch fire as the plant material heats by decomposing.

>> No.169648

Straw for bedding
Hay for eating
Yes that's tru about decomposing, it would very unfortunate if that happened.

>> No.169666

I hope you are not coming from watching Gold Rush Alaska!
That show is fake, you need shit ton of certs and permits to even break ground.

>> No.169684

Funny enough, I was just involved in a similar project, or at least the very beginnings of it. Me and a couple of friends went to see a mortgage broker and even though we've got 75k between us, they were basically just like "fuck off, we don't do threesomes!" and that was that.

Now, we're not incorporated into an LLC, but basically that makes it even worse from the bank's position because when they come after you because you 4chan flakes can't pay your mortgages they're fighting a much more complicated legal battle. I doubt very strongly you'd get a loan.

Anyway, don't let me dissuade you, just be aware that there are fundamental difficulties in getting a bunch of strangers together to pool their money for stuff, especially in the current credit climate of the United States. I doubt that in the end if you can hammer out an acceptable legal deal between all the parties in your LLC you'll have any money left to put in on a downpayment.

Also, why not just be on-grid? You're basically limiting yourselves to a life of poverty and marginalization unless you really strike it rich with micro-hydro so some such.

>> No.169700
File: 31 KB, 526x300, Reaction_PoeWTFAmIReading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be letter from my cattle raising aunt

Well during the winter the cows are still out in the fields. We feed them round bales of hay which was our main crop that we raise. Last year and this year we are planting more acres of corn due to the high price it is bringing. We had 12 acres of corn which is where the fodder comes from, 50 acres of hay and 80 acres of pasture that we do not rotate.

It all can be labor at times getting them in tagging for pink eye, keeping up fences around the pasture etc. I would say that calving is the most risky part of it especially if you have a multiple birth. We only call the vet for their vaccinations and for medical emergencies that we feel we can't do ourselves.

We buy a bull that does all of our breeding for us. We raise the calves that the cow have in the spring until there about 600 lbs and sell at Bloomington Livestock Exchange not far from here. The cost of beef is good right now. We have talked about fattening them out to 1000-1200 lbs. that would be an idea weight to butcher them at. The longer you keep them the more feed you go through and that would be corn and hay. It would be listening or watching the ag markets to see what the price is at.
I hope I have answered your questions. We start calving around the 29 of this month.

>> No.169721


You can save money buy doing a lot of vaccinations yourself (not all of them can be easily kept on hand, though)

Also, regarding fence maintenance: what I have seen some people do that ends up causing problems for them is keeping their winter feed right outside of the pasture their cows are in (which works and is convenient) but then not having the area the feed is in be fenced off as well. This means that when their cows break down the fence to get at the feed (which they will do sometimes even if they have a perfectly good bale in the field) they end up wasting time chasing their cows and towing them home. It isn't hard to do usually but sometimes they can injure themselves or get in the way of cars (which you are then liable for) or just plain be hard to find.

Also for fence maintenance what I have done for people that seems to reduce breakage is, in areas where the cows are prone to breaking fences, adding concrete filled posts and stringing steel cable (I use stainless steel cable, but you don't have to) between them. I also use a cable link that is rated for slightly less than the cable, that way if a cow does break the fence (they can break any fence that isn't a reinforced concrete wall) it's the link that breaks and the cable and posts are not harmed (making it easier to repair.) It isn't economical to do everywhere, but if you keep cows for a while you will learn where they are prone to breaking fences, and reinforcing those areas as such will save you a lot of headache and lost time.

>> No.169725

>You can save money buy doing a lot of vaccinations yourself
>money buy

wow, what a faggot.

>> No.169730


Good enough troll to get you to fall for it for all this time, faggot. And you'll fall for it again later because I'm anonymous.

>> No.169731
File: 121 KB, 650x373, custom-metal-pipe-fence-working-with-top-caps[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they can break any fence that isn't a reinforced concrete wall

Do you know anything at all about keeping cattle?? Or are you just talking out of your ass. I've been a cattle rancher for 20 years and I've never had a single fence broken. only retards have their fences broken and its cause they use shitty barbed wire. If you want to put up a real fence you wont' ever have any issue. Pic related it's the type of fence I use

>> No.169741

That aint a fence! Thats a friggin cage match!

>> No.169744


Fences like the one in your pic are indeed difficult for cattle to break, but I have have seen them (infrequently) broken. They (and other continuous-fence types) are a good buy for horses, breeding pens and tagging pens or really any small area where you will need to keep your animals very controlled but they are just really too expensive to be used for pastures. If you are feeding your cattle and not putting them out to pasture (like I assume you are) then they work great. But they just don't make sense for fencing large areas.

>> No.169750
File: 30 KB, 374x250, 1309833787206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Scroton talking out of his ass some more.

What else is new? Lol.

>> No.169751

I used to make farm fences (Waratah) for a living in Australia. Barb wire or electric. Only fences I ever had to repair were electric whose power supply had failed, or when flooding caused the ground to become so soft the end assemblies were pulled out from the strain of the wires. What inspired your animals to bust through barbs?

>> No.169752


nope, I put my cattle out to pasture, and I have 5 80 acres tracts that are fully fenced with welded pipe fence.

see the trick is to not be poor as shit, and then you don't have to waste time with shitty fences, and then your cattle don't get out. Unless you've already got the money you aren't going to make money cattle farming. Stick to the city, kid. At least then when you fail at life theres welfare to keep your dumb ass from starving.

>> No.169754

My neighbor has that type of fencing. It's overkill strong. someone ran off the road and down the hill with their truck and the fence barely budged, but the truck is totaled.

They aren't as good in flood zones though. You need to put them up on a rip-rap dike for that sort of thing.

>> No.169762


Not my animals, but I do a lot of work for people that have ranches, and have for many years.

The reasons I've seen for fence breakage are a bull wanting to get to the other side of a fence where a cow is, or wanting to get to winter feed, or another rancher having winter feed out and the cows from the next pasture over breaking the fence to get to it. Usually it's bulls that do the breaking, regardless of reason.

It may be different there because around me the ranches usually aren't larger than 200 acres, so their fences butt right up against another's property at some points. A lot of the problems stem from that.


I wasn't talking out of my ass. You're welcome to use my advice, or not.

>> No.169766

he meant by instead of buy
you are the faggot for not realizing what anon meant by buy.
so sad

>> No.169769


I agree with these people


You're just talking out your ass. I have a 600 acre farm that netted $4million profit last year. Come back and talk when you can do that, faggot.

>> No.169785

Can I ask, I really hope you are not a troll, what kind of business you do? Cattle? Hay?

>> No.169792
File: 22 KB, 1028x625, fencing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The going rate for pipe fencing (cheaper than welded pipe fencing) is about $20 /ft. A square acre measures ~208 ft a side. If you had your 80 acre pastures laid out in a manner that would require the least amount of fencing (pic related) you would still have 27,990 feet of fencing, which would cost you >$559,800. To fence 400 acres. You can get 400 acres for less than that in most places.

Welded pipe makes sense for feed lots and breeding pens and horses, but does not make sense for pastures.

>> No.169796

Stallions and bulls regularly break fences. I've not seen a fence yet, even a pipe fence that can effectively keep them in. they always get out some way if there's hormones in the air.

>> No.169800


I grow cattle. I make money at it by not being fucking retarded like these kids. If you don't already know how to do it you're beyond help and you might as well not waste your time. Go back to the city, kid.


Wow, someone failed basic maths. All 5 of my pastures were fenced for less than $15,000 total. you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.169803 [DELETED] 


Agreed. scrotum has no idea what he's talking about.

>> No.169805

No you don't. You more than likely still live with your parents. You don't need to lie to make friends. This is rather obvious from how much you don't know about real farming.

>> No.169811 [DELETED] 


Hey scrotum stop samefagging its pathetic

>> No.169828 [DELETED] 


yeah, he samefags pretty much every thread he's in.

for instance:


is all him. pretty much every tripfag on the board is a major douche like that except hilscher

>> No.169841
File: 69 KB, 600x742, 1309836458626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Except Hilscher

I... what? No, I am a douche. Seriously. Ask anybody. Although I only tripfag this thread, I'm anon everywhere else. I don't like tripfaggotry.

>> No.169843 [DELETED] 


Speaking of kids, I like to fuck kids. A lot. :)

>> No.169846

confirmed for troll

>> No.169849

If you are going post under scroton's trip, at least do it right faggot.
You need to go back to /b/ lrn2troll

>> No.169853 [DELETED] 


not me


I do samefag a lot. I thought everyone knew that?

>> No.169857


>confirmed for not knowing a fucking thign about growing cattle.

the only person here that seems to know a damn thing is >>168509

>> No.169864

calls Anon kid

>> No.169890

Everything about this thread is driving any potential suckers away from this retarded project.

Just... what a shitpile.

Absolutely nothing productive is being discussed. The attitude is negative. There are no details. There's no framework for agreements or consensus or how anything is supposed to run. You could find more prospects in literally any existing intentional community, including the fucking whacko religious ones that suck ass and are built on rape and cultlike behaviour.

Did anyone expect anything different from 4chan, especially on a second-rate offshoot slow board like /diy/? I SERIOUSLY HOPE YOU GUYS DON'T DO THIS.

I'm not even trying to be changuy pessimist here. I was genuinely interested since the first thread and I realize the shit floats to the top and the stupidest have the loudest voices. The internet truly isn't the place for these kinds of projects, I guess. Love to be proved wrong but I know I never will be.

Good day.

>> No.169919 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 500x375, its-time-to-stop-posting[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scrotum if you don't want to be involved with the project thats fine but just leave then. Following us around and trying to convince people this is a scam is just stupid, and all your samefagging just looks pathetic. I know you're mad about getting kicked out of the group but this is really starting to get retarded. do us all a favor and fuck off okay?

>> No.169923


This is exactly what I'm talking about. I'm >>169890 but I'm not whoever you think I am. If you can't address the content of my post and instead rely on some bizarre fantasy ad-hominem attack, you're never going to get to the part of farming where you dig in the dirt, that's for sure.

>> No.169925

Since I noticed this thread, I've been popping my head in from time to time out of mild interest. All I've seen lately has been chronic bitching and tail chasing so now I only check back to see if anyone else is going to pop their lid in an entertaining manner.

The one good thing I've gotten from this thread is some inspiration to look into buying some cheap land locally for myself and doing a little part time mini farm for fun and profit. If everyone here did half as much work as they did bitching you might actually have gotten somewhere with this.

This dude is not alone in his feelings about the matter >>169923

>> No.169928
File: 48 KB, 320x240, 1314673567351.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Spoilers, no one wants a prima donna who can't handle a little bitching; especially if they're also too stupid to see that it's manufactured bitching by a babby tier troll. As I've said, Serp does me a favor by keeping watery boweled faggots like you clear of the project. So please, fuck off. :)

>> No.169930


Cool. Enjoy your marginalization and eventual solitude when everyone realizes that you're in this for nothing more than tripfaggotry ego-stroking. Are you really supposed to be in charge of this project which purports be a real thing with actual money and land involved? I forsee nothing but a world of pain for anyone dumb enough to get involved with you.

Trolling is not a tactic/strategy of success in the real world of people and things.

>> No.169931
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>this guy

>> No.169933



>> No.169935

Not to mention you're going about this in entirely the wrong way. Once you've gotten an idea like this out there you need to get it off of a general purpose forum like this and onto its own website where you can post details and regular updates, have memberships, maps, realestate postings, ads for local meetups, etc.

By having the 'home' of the project be a thread on a DIY board with a weak IRC channel is not getting you anywhere. Not to mention what it says about the orginization of this project. If you could muster the technical and financial ability to put together a half decent website then maybe we could give you the benefit of the doubt on the whole feasability issue.

>> No.169936


Holy shit I just saw these, lol

>> No.169942

this is the best post so far

>> No.169945 [DELETED] 


wow you need to stop samefagging scrotum. At first I thought it was kinda funny but the fact that you've been doing this for half the day is really sad. you must really have no life. I feel sorry for you

>> No.169947

Hey I ain't scrotum. Trollfag

>> No.169949


First two were me, last one wasn't. Not sure why you keep talking about your scrotum though.

>> No.169951

The last one was me

>> No.169953 [DELETED] 
File: 74 KB, 500x480, samefag-no-one-could-be-more-obvious-500x480[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you've been calling everyone that points out your bullshit a troll. It's not fooling anyone, we all know you're samefagging like there's no tommorow

>> No.169956

i am back

>> No.169958

brah I ain't samefagging
have no idea how to prove it to you, but I just ain't samefagging

>> No.169959 [DELETED] 


Scroton/Serp its obvious to everyone reading this that youre just the same person posting over and over again attacking this idea. It's not doing anything but shitting up the board and wasting the time of productive people wanting to do something with their lives. I know you're anally devastated that we kicked you out of the group for talking about molesting children in the woods but this is just childish. GTFO this thread, and hopefully this board, faggot.

>> No.169960


Let's see if we can both post at the same time. Ok, on the count of three...

>> No.169961

I am not scroton!!!

>> No.169962


>> No.169963


Shit, that was fast

>> No.169964 [DELETED] 


>posts all one minute apart
>expects us to think he isn't samefagging

I agree with >>169959
just GTFO

>> No.169965

That's not me
That's me

>> No.169967

let's just reach thread limit on this bitch and never post in this agartha bullshit again

>> No.169968


This is me, not scroton or whatever though but there are other people on the internet tonight you know.

>> No.169970


Oops, meant to say those are me lols


>> No.169979 [DELETED] 


>implying you can't post every 30 seconds, less if you're a proxying samefagging faggot.

Also just so everyone knows what a fucking pedophile you are, here is the chat logs from last night:

19:51 stexem I just checked the /diy/ thread
19:52 scroton I love fucking 7 year olds in the asshole
19:52 DeltaRomeo Oh, and you have me, ill pledge 1k. I'm the guy from earlier
19:52 stexem People /despise/ Hilscher
19:52 Octav errybody gettin mad
19:52 Hilscher "People."
19:52 Hilscher Not "Just serp."
19:52 scroton If we get a spot that's really deep in the woods I want to take little children in there and bugger their assholes with my cock
19:52 scroton and then snap their necks and fuck their mouths till I come in their assholes again
19:52 Hilscher The only other legitimate naysayer was the guy who saged.
19:53 *** Guest8148 quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
19:53 stexem I'm afraid others are buying his bad press
19:53 stexem Or seem to
19:53 Hilscher Seem to be.
19:53 Hilscher No big deal.
19:53 Hilscher I'm going to repost later.
19:53 Hilscher After serp goes to bed.
19:53 DeltaRomeo So I know you guys want to raise cattle. Any other type of livestock?
19:53 Hilscher So that the first posts aren't about what a bunch of embezzlers we are.
19:54 Kanta I've heard everything from goats to gerbils.
19:54 Hilscher Goats are good on scrubland like this.
19:54 scroton I want to fuck children HARD IN THE ASS like a like an anal pro

>> No.169980 [DELETED] 


19:54 Hilscher But there's a much smaller market for goats.
19:54 Hilscher So they don't sell very well, pound for pound.
19:55 Hilscher I'm cool with goat sthough.
19:55 scroton I love fucking goats
19:55 Hilscher Chickens for eggs as well.
19:55 scroton YES
19:55 Hilscher Rabbits for meat.
19:55 Octav How much income do we really need?
19:55 DeltaRomeo Mexicans buy goats all the time, I'd say that goats and cattle are ideal. Both can produce milk. We can even make goat cheese.
19:55 scroton I would love to fuck the shit out of goat cheese
19:55 scroton smeared all over my cock like smegma
19:55 scroton then I'd make children lick it off before I fuck their assholes
19:55 Kanta I thought goats, llamas, chickens, and rabbits were basically the good non-cow livestock suggestions.
19:55 scroton goatfuck should be our main export
19:56 DeltaRomeo scroton is ridiculous
19:56 DeltaRomeo could someone ban him please
19:55 scroton but I want to fuck children like an anal pro
19:56 Hilscher Is he still here? I couldn't tell
19:56 Hilscher I muted him when he started talking about an animal brothel a while ago
19:56 Hilscher Ban incoming
***scroton was banned

>> No.169986

You really are weirdly paranoid, aren't you? I might just hang out here longer to see how far over the edge we can push you haha.

>> No.169988 [DELETED] 


Why'd you guys have to go and ban him? All he wanted to do was fuck children HARD IN THE ASS like a like an anal pro. Is that really too much to ask?

>> No.169991 [DELETED] 


The only weird person here is you, you fucking pedophile. Go fuck goats in the ass on your own time. Leave us alone, we have big-boy stuff to do.

>> No.169992

Once again I am not scroton,
sad you spend so much time proving it.

>> No.169995 [DELETED] 


I don't need to prove anything. We already know you're a pedophile hellbent on ruining this thread and fucking children in the ass.

From the beginning you've been trying to say that THIS IS A SCAM and that IF YOU GIVE ANY OF YOUR MONEY TO THESE PEOPLE YOU WILL NEVER SEE THAT MONEY AGAIN. But nobody is buying it, so you have to resort to fucking kids in the asshole to prove your point. Spare us the bullshit.

>> No.169996

>anal pro

You know what the problem is around here? Not enough calling people kids, kid.

>> No.170002

can you people take your fucking bickering somewhere else please?

no one cares.

>> No.170004

No that's not me, I am the one talking about hay, goats, chickens. Which reminds me that I forgot to post about cows, oh well.

>> No.170005
File: 82 KB, 464x464, Kid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, stop fussing!

I'm right here.

>> No.170006 [DELETED] 


pedophile detected

Have fun reaming children's tight assholes with your throbbing erection and using their shit as lube and fucking them until their assholes start bleeding and you cum in their eye, you fucking pedophile

>> No.170007


Go and create some fakebook groups so you can sling mud at each other, with full confidence of who is who.

>> No.170009 [DELETED] 


must be hard to remember all those different trips and names, huh faggot?

>> No.170012

those are all mine and few more later on

>> No.170013 [DELETED] 


about as hard as his 2" penis gets when he thinks about fucking children, I bet.

>> No.170016 [DELETED] 


so you admit to samefagging, then?

nice to finally see some honesty around here, even if it's from a pedophile

>> No.170021

how am I a pedophile? I have not posted anything regarding fucking anything.
Well, nice trolling kid, seems like /b/ was beneficial for you.

>> No.170031 [DELETED] 

Oh my god, stop bullshitting.

Okay, for anyone reading this here's what happened. After Hilscher posted this thread some faggot named "serp" came in the chat and started talking about killing people for soap and making rape cabins in the woods. He got banned, so he started posting here saying this this project was a scam. Then when he got bored doing that he came up with a new name "scroton" and went in the chat and posted more bizzare stuff (like the chat log I posted) about fucking children in the woods, so then he got anally devasted and came here and posted >>168906 and continued to samefag all day and continues to do so. Don't believe a word he says as he makes shit up and uses all different kinds of names and generally talks out of his ass.

>> No.170034

still not me, ban scrotons IP, I am fine with that.

>> No.170036

forgot my trip

>> No.170037

The original scroton is the guy that gave out free tools to people on /diy/.

>> No.170041

was that the Santa thing during Christmas? Home Depot stuff?

>> No.170049

Yes, I do believe so. There's also someone posing as scroton using a similar but not the same trip. It's a common troll trick.

>> No.170050

That was very cool and nice of him. He did something not too long ago, again with Home Depot.

>> No.170055 [DELETED] 


Yeah, I gave out "tools" to kids, so long as they "came" in my garage

>> No.170058 [DELETED] 


never fucking happened. scroton's just making shit up again. he does that a lot

Also for those of you that are retarded, those two people appearing to have a conversation are really just serp/scroton having a conversation with himself

>> No.170061 [DELETED] 


see? he's a pedophile, proof positive.

>> No.170063

get a mod to pull IPs faggot, I am tired of your shit. Let me guess you are either fag Scroton or Serp? It would be even more hilarious if you were Hilscher

>> No.170067

>It would be even more hilarious if you were Hilscher

actually that doesn't seem all that unlikely

and this is my first post in the thread; ib4 someone says I'm samefagging

>> No.170069

Just wait for it, prof. Anonmbo will sho up sooner or later.

>> No.170070

Yeah, his trip code is, [scroton !SW7uh6H3p], fyi.

>> No.170073

Great so the scroton in here is indeed a fake.
Good to know Anon

>> No.170091


On MY /diy/??

It's more likely than I thought.

>> No.170104

I can't imagine the amount of fail if these douchebags actually succeeded in creating their 4 Chan troll cult.

Unfed starving livestock, a basement full of lolis and chickens that can't walk straight.

>> No.170107
File: 7 KB, 201x199, 1284157967346.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what's going on anymore.

>> No.170107,1 [INTERNAL] 

it's worth noting
at this point, just in case there was any doubt.