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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1693933 No.1693933 [Reply] [Original]

>takes out angle grinder
>nothin personel kid

>> No.1693938

This OP has gotten into the stupid cookies.

>> No.1693944
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>> No.1693997
File: 260 KB, 819x819, HTB1Vd6_JVXXXXXiXFXXq6xXFXXXY (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babies first gabion?

>> No.1694001

Gabions are the most stupid easy money right now... been making 4k a week building and installing these things for rich assholes in dallas and 95% of the work is done by mexicans

>> No.1694002
File: 48 KB, 600x429, 1568861534049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wakes up in the middle of the night hearing a Screaming Sating cutting into rebar on my property
>Takes out my pistol
>Take you out if your cutting disk hasn't already when you went 5 degrees out of your cut line when it exploded
>Nothing personal, kid
>Cleans your brains off the stones with my power washer after the cops clear my actions as justified


>> No.1694005

Race traitor.

>> No.1694006
File: 99 KB, 960x720, nomnomnom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1694016

>He thinks there's white people of working age in dallas

sorry mate, it's all pakis to the north, niggers to the south, mexicans to the east and west, and rich old white assholes in the middle

>> No.1694045

>cut stones for masonry
>nah just put them in an ugly cage instead

>> No.1694064

you're making- or your boss is making?

>> No.1694256

>petrolbombs your house in the night
>nothing personel kid

>> No.1694258

Why is this a trend? It'll look much better if you'd do the same, just connect them with some cement and remove the fucking metall. Is everyone to lazy to even fix their own garden these days?

>> No.1694260


>> No.1694362

Nice gabions you got there, kid.

>> No.1694374

Wait, people are actually doing this at their houses? No wonder god doesn’t talk to us anymore.

>> No.1694378

gabions, horizontal fences, cedar everywhere

new style for rich assholes and super easy money

>> No.1694388
File: 8 KB, 250x250, image 135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to start making wine for personal use, but I have no idea where to begin. Anyone experienced in that art of wine making who can tell me a list of needed materials?

>> No.1694455


>> No.1694470 [DELETED] 
File: 3.81 MB, 400x190, ffs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Makes a stone wall
>Something permanent, good looking, and will care mostly for itself
>Then coat entire thing in ugly ass wire mesh that will rust out in 2 years, permanently become ugly, and will weep rust onto the beautiful stone so that you'll have a nice rusty mesh imprint all over your stone wall once you pay some schmuck to remove it all.

Who does this? Why would you do this? For what purpose would you intentionally ruin stonework for? It literally makes zero sense to me.

>> No.1694485

You ever consider the fact that maybe they aren't done yet?

>> No.1694540

Goddamn I thought this was a construction process or something. They leave those fences? Ugly as SJP.

>> No.1694542


Get good, anon.

>> No.1694546

T-that's power steering fluid, r-right fellas?

>> No.1694549

Wrong thread, or?
Not much besides grapes and containers if you don't mind going old school. Which I would actually recommend for your first time, even if you don't drink it or make vinegar.
It will make you appreciate the improvements and nuances of a proper fermentation
And any mistakes you make won't be as detrimental.
Or R E A L L Y will be, if you decide to drink it, which will further enforce the lesson.

>> No.1694591

>power steering fluid
u wot?

>> No.1694617

Ask >>1677251

>> No.1694673

A lot of cars use ATF as PS fluid

>> No.1694824


>> No.1694849

They are done mate, the netting helps hold the wall because it isnt build properly.

>> No.1694999

That looks ugly as shit, surely they're not finished.

>> No.1695002

That's your friend the angle grinder, until he isn't your friend

Its kind of impressive that somehow over the last 6000 years that we've somehow managed to forget how to put rocks on top of one another to the point they don't fall over by themselves.

>> No.1695085

>we've somehow managed to forget how to put rocks on top of one another
It never cost this much in the old days.

>> No.1695112


>Hey mobuna, if top rock fall off bottom rock, I kill you

>> No.1695115 [DELETED] 
File: 1.31 MB, 1001x1100, 1541089274177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What more could you possibly do to make it look any worse? Now that I take a closer look I see that it's not actually a whole wall of rocks but the rocks are separated into cubes of mesh. Like what the fuck is this supposed to accomplish? Why would I pay to make my house look like minecraft?

>> No.1695120
File: 225 KB, 449x277, Project-R-The-Rubble-House.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks bullet proof.

>> No.1695147

Since I saw Gabions for the first time I thought they look like fucking HESCOs.
And they are ugly as sin. Even more when the rocks are layered - like a row of black ones followed by white or even translucent ones

>> No.1695207

>power steering fluid
>not red

change your fluid, it should be red, not black

>> No.1695220

Looks like it’s still under construction.

Trips confirms, that has to be the case. Especially when they stack them so nicely with flat rocks, wtf? How much more could it cost to do it properly with some mortar? That doesn’t look like a cheap shithole house either.

Are there any structural engineer types here? Is there something we’re missing like building code or earthquake code or some shit?

>> No.1695422
File: 26 KB, 447x447, 1570057777714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10,000 this. I can't even. I mean WTF.

>> No.1695470
File: 81 KB, 399x600, 18e393d482d48952d3c518e8f1b741af291e7fba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it.