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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 103 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_61112-_1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1675656 No.1675656 [Reply] [Original]

I can't find the other one - I search for sqtddtot, and it shows me 3, I can find 1 and 3, but not the second one. I'll delete this if another one exists.

So in last weeks exciting episode, my water heater caught on fire. I had it replaced, the smell was gone... today I'm in there and it smells like cooking plastic again. Turn off the breakers, air it out, and no more smell. I'm afraid to turn the power back on.

Could my 240v line be delivering fucked up power that is now frying my new water heater? I got ~120 on each rail ( I think I'll need to double check ) , but that seemed normal. The contractor didn't know which of the two live wires connected to which of the two coming out of the water heater - but it seems like it doesn't matter for a water heater.

I assume I call an electrician in to figure out what is going on, but really curious if there is some obvious shit I'm missing here, like maybe the wires were burned further up into the walls, and they start to smell when they get heated or whatever.

Someone suggested looking at the fuse box with a thermal imager, which I don't have, to see if that line is hotter than the others. I could probably do that with some sort of thermometer.

>> No.1675660

Order a thermal camera from Amazon; you can get ones that plug into the phone. That and an volt-meter will help you locate the issue.

>> No.1675663

>I'll delete this if another one exists.
Don't bother, there is too much stupid on this board to contain in one thread anyways. At least you properly titled it, unlike the other two.

>> No.1675717

>The contractor didn't know which of the two live wires connected to which of the two coming out of the water heater - but it seems like it doesn't matter
Right. In the US, our 240 comes from the two different hot bars in the breaker box, and there is no orientation or polarity to worry about.

>> No.1675907
File: 1.90 MB, 2880x2160, panty blanket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been collecting panties for quite some time now, have a few more bags in closet. Currently I'm using these as a pillow to recline in bed.
My dream for years has been to have a blanket entirely made out of panties and [thing that in the darkness binds them]. How2blanket? I don't mean like a boring ass quilt or some grandma ass hack where I stitch them to a blanket. It has to be pantietastic. Like a mountain of panties that just stay together to keep warm and block daylight when trying to sleep. In case I have more than enough what else would be super cool to have made out of panties?

A few ideas I had
>stitching together ends to make two layers, then have outer surface with lots of panties only stitched on crotch or side seam so it's floppy, make it a couple layers thick
>get elastic cord and just tie a bunch together semi loosely in bundles of three or more
>keep collecting until it would be easier to make a bedframe like a ballpit and burrow in the pantie pit bed to sleep
>getting laid

Obviously that last one is the worst idea of the bunch, but other three don't quite seem right. I don't know how to go forward here with the project. Also have a shitload of gowns, babydolls, slips, chemises, and bras that accumulate from the weirder lots. Will probably just resell them since some stuff like Olga gowns go for $50+ and I have no idea how much I've spent on this. More creative ideas always welcomed. Maybe sew them to make underground bunker to grow weed sextoys with no tools /diy/bingo in.

>> No.1675920

>I've been collecting panties for quite some time now


>> No.1675992

How specifically? Turn power back on and look for hotspots? Will I be damaging my new water heater?

>> No.1675996

You’ve negged the obvious ideas. Isn’t it important to maintain the original smell? Or can they be washed? Does it have to be a blanket or can it be more like a multi tiered shade structure?

>> No.1676159

it's just panties, not body parts

No washing, I don't even wash my regular blanket because autism and I don't like change. But original smell not so important either, majority of my acquisitions were from clean clothes so it's a different kind of perviness we're dealing with here. Fades too quick anyway so I focus on the feel. A princess bed canopy sounds interesting, I might just have to use that idea.

>> No.1676195
File: 353 KB, 1657x1082, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking at houses to rent and came across this "finished" basement. What is this brick structure? There is no chimney on the outside of the house in that location. The house was built in 1987 so it's unlikely there was a chimney that was later removed. If it was a fireplace at one time, what's with the odd bricks in front? If I were to rent this house (the ground level is normal), how should I make use of or decorate around this weirdness?

>> No.1676261

I read that the polarity can matter with certain equipment, like multiphase motors or some crap.

>> No.1676278

sacrifical altar

>> No.1676307
File: 419 KB, 1447x1920, image:1736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I need help. Ive done some searching but im still not entirely sure what to do. I have a pedestal sink. The top part or the "bowl," I suppose, has detached itself from the wall. The screws came out of the wall along with the adhesive as pic related shows. What is a good long lasting solution to this? Do I just need to get thicker screws and then apply some type of adhesive to the back surface of the sink? The screws aren't very thick, their diameter is about 1/4 of that of a penny's. Is their a certain type of screw I should use? Hanger bolt? Anchor screw? (I don't know anything). Would silicon adhesive do the trick?

>> No.1676318

>That pile of panties
>Those fucking dolls
>A copy of a missal
How old were you when you were first molested?

>> No.1676321

looks like they built a hearth or almost... it looks like shit. in many states fire code demands you have a thermal barrier between a woodstove and the wall. then again that doesnt look like fire brick.

>> No.1676323

What is the wall made out of?

>> No.1676328


>> No.1676329
File: 136 KB, 500x500, CB-toggleBolt__21706.1536080783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id throw some winged anchors in the wall and seal it up with some osi. Call it a day

>> No.1676349


>So in last weeks exciting episode, my water heater caught on fire. I had it replaced, the smell was gone... today I'm in there and it smells like cooking plastic again. Turn off the breakers, air it out, and no more smell. I'm afraid to turn the power back on.

Call the company you bought it from and ask them to send a service electrician. You have a warantee for a reason. Having different / more service people in allows the water heater company to blame others for their fuck up.

>Could my 240v line be delivering fucked up power that is now frying my new water heater? I got ~120 on each rail ( I think I'll need to double check ) , but that seemed normal.

Just a reminder you are on an anonymous message board dedicated to sexualized cartoons that guys masturbate so....

Shouldn’t. The breakers are there to protect the wiring. This is the question your water heater electrician should be looking at. I would not offer that as a possibility. Something is getting hot that shouldn’t be. My expectation is a crap connection at the water heater, considering your next statement...

>The contractor didn't know which of the two live wires connected to which of the two coming out of the water heater - but it seems like it doesn't matter for a water heater.

Jesus Christ......

Ask for a service electrican from the company who you purchased your water heater from. Tell them you currently have the water heater powered off.

Your electrical panel worked for this long without issues. I would be looking at the quality of the install / the hot water tank before the electrical panel.

>> No.1676394

>[thing in the darkness that binds them]
based occult anon

>> No.1676404

Ok so I call Rheems and ask them to send someone out? Do we tell them my last water heater caught on fire?

>crap connection to water heater
I watching him do it. Just twisting two wires together with a cap went rocket science. Plus ground.

Opened up panels on water heater no smell t all. I’m thinking that when the line arced / shorted the first t8me it must have burnt the wires. SO now when there Is electricity or heat the smell comes off it.

>Your electrical panel worked for this long without issues

Well it could have been the reason the first water heater caught on fire.

>> No.1676416
File: 3.48 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20190903_221704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go downstairs to have a shower
>this has happened at some point during the day
What the hell is going on? The tiles were fine this morning and I thought this might have been due to a bath I had last night, but there was no water leakage onto the tiles and no water in between the tiles and ground when I took some off

>> No.1676417
File: 3.51 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20190903_221738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pictures uploading sideways

>> No.1676430

If I bolt a pull up bar into the brick above my doorframe with plugs will it hold? not a diy guy

>> No.1676431

bolts are 3inch by 10mm

>> No.1676441


Whoever laid the tile didn't put a gap between them and the wall. Floors need space to expand and contact with temperature fluctuations. When they don't have space, the floor proceeds to kill itself as shown

>> No.1676524

Ok, creep

>> No.1676525
File: 126 KB, 640x800, 410135a58d42d4eb367283660ad3f986--wood-stove-hearth-brick-hearth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A wood or coal stove used to be there anon.

>> No.1676543

>into the brick
Make sure you use the proper anchors. And depending how it is built, use your brain and make sure you aren’t stressing old brittle mortar in some strange way it wasn’t meant to be moved.

>> No.1676555
File: 3.77 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20190528_205652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should i just ask my dad and stepmom to borrow their little greenhouse instead of fucking around trying to put plastic around this shitty balcony?
just need a few more degrees so my tomatoes and peppers mature before it gets below 10c this month

>> No.1676559

Just bring them in at night.

>> No.1676560

i dont have any fucking space in my 1 room apartment

>> No.1676561

plus it's too fucking cold during the days aswell sometimes

>> No.1676564

They will be fine without being outside every day, it is just like a cloudy day to them, and you can manage the temporary loss of space.

>> No.1676568

what part of "NO SPACE INSIDE" dont you understand?

>> No.1676572

You have space, you've just convinced yourself that you don't.

>> No.1676574

no, you convinced yourself, fuck off if you're not going to answer the actual question.

>> No.1676582
File: 108 KB, 1047x595, 1514703254230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, here's your fucking answer. No, you should not disappoint your father any more than you already do, by begging to use something he bought for himself to use for his own plants. Get the plastic sheeting and put it up around your "balcony". Make sure the edges are sealed and add a heat source because the internal and external temps will equalise in a couple of hours without it. Physics is a bitch. As you would know if you weren't such a faget. Happy now?

>> No.1676589

>assuming shit out of your ass
alright sweety here's the deal. i work for my dad, he's quite proud of me, he doesnt use the fucking greenhouse, my stepmom barely uses it for two half dead plants and a grape vine and it has plenty of space left, the question wasnt how to encase my balcony, as you would know if you could read. kys, fucking useless niggers all of you.

>> No.1676590

>alright sweety
Stopped reading there. Faget.

>> No.1676591

as expected from a retard that dont know how to read.

>> No.1676594
File: 390 KB, 260x317, hakase laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont know how to read.
>dont know
At least I know how to write.

>> No.1676599
File: 1.63 MB, 360x270, deathkek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks a tiny grammatical error is worse than not being able to read

>> No.1676604

>Ok so I call Rheems and ask them to send someone out?
call whoever you bought if from - not the manufacturer

I'm a redneck and we have a saying,"He's prolly just snakebit."
It means you were bitten recently (by the fire) so you're overly sensitive to snakes now.
You may be smelling the 'new wearing off'
new water heater, fresh paint, recently molded plastic parts...
Anything that smells 'different' makes you think it's about to catch fire again.

Turn it back on and pay attention to where any smell is actually coming from.
Get a $10 laser thermometer and point it to different areas to see which spots are hot and if they're hotter than normal.

>> No.1676607

>misses the fact that I read his """grammatical error"""" just fine
Cope harder, faget.

>> No.1676608

gratz, you're only 95% retarded.
project harder, retard.

>> No.1676620

You're probably correct but it seems like a weird choice for a daylight basement built in the late 80s. We're retro wood stoves a passing fad during that period?
If I end up renting it, might use it as a platform for a video pinball machine.

>> No.1676676
File: 23 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one of these beauties and am looking to throw a mikuni style carb on it.
How do I know what size is best?

>> No.1676697

Idk its just a regular wall.

Okay thank you so much ill try it

>> No.1676706

Yeah I can see the whole snakebit thing. Hope that's all it is. I turned it on about an hour ago, have checked a few times, and no smell, so that seems good.

good call on the laser thermometer... I can spot check the fuse box and look if those wires are hotter, yeah?

If I do smell it again, we are just shutting it down and calling an electrician.

>> No.1676807

Whatever is the opposite of what the faggot says.

>> No.1677082

Less of a question and more in need of a place to vent:

Why the fuck is every electronics discussion place on the internet so god damn retarded?
Whenever the topic of deliberate shocks comes up everyones autism spikes and they freak the fuck out, even when discussion toys for children because "an electric shock is never safe". Fuck off, nothing is ever safe, if I safety was my only concern I'd not leave the house, what goddamn standart is that?

I get not wanting to discuss home made tazers or similar retarded shit but a harmless shock is just that, harmless. By stopping people from discussing the topic they don't stop people from building this shit, they only stop sensible people from talking about it resulting in those shitty youtube videos where people who have no idea what they are doing modify animal collars or worse. I'm so fucking done with everyone, if I want to build retarded shit they won't stop me, all they are doing is stopping me from doing my due dilligence beforehand.

>> No.1677184
File: 176 KB, 450x393, der neger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the best brand for glow in the dark spray paint ?

>> No.1677226

the problem starts at 'the nanny state'

>> No.1677239

they're retarded autists that dont know shit. back in college we got to play with a static charge generator that went to like 20k volts and shock ourselves. also back in grade school we had a cow pen with electric fence that we used to make a chain of kids with and one touched it so it went thru everyone else. last kid got the worst shock lol. fun stuff.

those fuckers you talk about never got a proper education on the subject and dont know what's actually safe and what's not.

>> No.1677245

You are right, I was just really fucking angry at it when I wrote the post, similarly to you we used to touch electric animal fences etc, didn't these people have a childhood? All this archieves is stop normal people from doing due dilligence while dumb people have less info to not kill themselves.

>> No.1677248

where the fuck is the homebrew thread?

>> No.1677249

make one.

>> No.1677391
File: 161 KB, 1162x1500, 81RdkBrAibL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would /diy/ suggest for a first multimeter?
A Fluke would be a nice investment, but I would rather get a cheap-but-quality meter to familiarize myself with electronics first, then buy a 87V later on when I am knowledgeable enough. The 117 doesn't have mA.

I'm leaning towards the EEVblog Brymen BM235 Multimeter. It seems adequate enough for a beginner like me. Are there any alternatives?

>> No.1677414

try out the UNI T multimeter

they are kinda good, kinda crap, but good

Like it more than the budget POS fluke that rossman suggested the b81 or something like that

LOVE my BK precision (the 100$ blue white one)

>> No.1677415

I need to make my own insulated cables, I have no clue where to start, how do I even purchase insulation to make the wires?

>> No.1677425

>how do I even purchase insulation to make the wires?
Fucking why. If you have to ask this you're probably totally unaware of a much better off-the-shelf solution than making your own insulated cables.
Heat shrink tubing is your best bet for /diy/ cable insulation IMO

>> No.1677426

dont want heat shrink, want to make something professional

there is something off the shelf that is better but there never is any stock avail. I want to make my work custom cables to sell

>> No.1677428

my *own custom cables to sell

>> No.1677434

well you'd start by searching for raw plastic suppliers, like pvc if you were doing pvc-clad cable. but there are other options, like silicone. you can also do a plastic-impregnated braid, lots of gimmick audio cables do this.
you need a cable extrusion machine and also a braiding machine if you're going that route

>> No.1677437

I live in a duplex and water came out of my sink drain and it was black and had shit like rice in it. I'm pretty sure my neighbor clogged his sink and it somehow fucked up ours. They eventually did something on their side that unclogged ours too and so we just dropped some draino down just to be safe but water came back up again now. Anything I can do for this sink clog situation? It was back to normal like an hour ago but it's clogged again, I used draino when it was unclogged and I tried to plunger to see if it'd fix it but it didn't. I think the situation is entirely dependent on my neighbor and not me, really hating my neighbors and the builders for building the house in a way that something like this can happen

>> No.1677510
File: 44 KB, 191x360, shitsonfireyo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>home made
>without knowledge
well im never buying jack shit from you cus i dont want to burn alive in my own home

>> No.1677749

>make my work custom cables
like highend audio cables?

>> No.1677764
File: 3.26 MB, 4032x3024, A2EE2BFB-964A-466F-9A51-A1BF8E4ADDAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don’t go super cheap where you want to upgrade in a month because it doesn’t have all the features you need. Also don’t go with complete chink shit because you want to have faith in the meter when probing at expensive electronics.

Don’t buy a Fluke for your first one. See what is important before spending $400 on a Fluke you will fry being stupid or even $150 for a Fluke that can’t do shit a $35 meter from Amazon can do.

My first real one was the Klein MM600, they’re like $70 from Home Depot. A few other people around here have them and like them. Sometimes I wish I spent another $20-$30 on the next higher up for a couple extra features I don’t need.

I have the Southwire because I wanted a DC clamp meter, but I heard good things about the $50 Uni-T if you want a clamp for lower DC current readings.

And the Hyper Tough is my favorite because I found it on clearance for $7 and it works great (after some modification to the body) and I don’t have to worry about fucking it up. My only regret with that is not buying the 2nd one left there for $7.

>> No.1677768
File: 241 KB, 1467x654, 2D9B53A1-FB12-42E7-89B6-839DE92B31F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw that list has so many brands I have never heard of
Are some of those chink brands? Or it’s different because those are EE meters while the Kleins and stuff are more like Home Depot contractor meters?

I kinda want an Amprobe or Extech next, a big guy that will live on my bench with every feature and then I will spill coffee all over it.

>> No.1677832

serious answer incoming; your best bet is to do a weave or loom.
Get some wood and make a frame that is as large as the blanket/cover you want. Take some tall nails and make "pegs" along the entire frame, with each peg having a matching peg across from it. All you would need to do at this point is attach each panty to one another on their sides, making a long line (like bunting) of the panties that you will use like twin. start from one peg and make several vertical lines. Then weave under and over laterally. Do this until you achieve desired thickness. Then all you have to do is secure the side either with stitching or tying.

>> No.1677941

Are there any places to buy driver boards for old Kindle displays? I can find articles about home made ones, but none for sale. I have a 3rd gen that died, but the display is perfect, and I'd much rather not just trash the whole thing. Looks pretty easy to use the keyboard and speakers in protects, and the battery is a no brainier.

I could easily afford a new eink display (a 7" of comparable resolution is well under $50), but this one works, so my inner penny pincher wants to use it.

>> No.1677967

Get a $20 one. You can play around and learn the basics. Expensive ones don't really give that much more accurate readings, they simply detect voltage and currents etc. on their own while cheap you have to have a rough idea first of what the voltage/current is so you can set it right and get the best accurate reading.

>> No.1678116
File: 128 KB, 1200x1200, 63759_W3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your best value is getting the Harbor Freight flyer, and getting the free digital multimeter. Assuming you're in close enough driving distance for this to be a good plan.

The difference between contemporary consumer expensive and cheap meters is mostly in QC and materials.

>> No.1678169
File: 195 KB, 800x800, dfsdfsd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you install those binding posts properly? What is the function of the parts pointed by blue arrows in picrel?

>> No.1678182

put the one on the left on the post, then through the hole in the case (hole should be between the two sizes you can see) then the plastic part n the right then the metal parts.

serves 2.5 purpose:
1: covers the hole in the case makes it look nice on the outside and spreads the load a bit like a washer.
2: most importantly if you use a metal case it keeps the metal parts insulated from each other!
if your post has a voltage rating this is one of the things it will relate to, the breakdown voltage of those plastic parts.

>> No.1678229
File: 43 KB, 640x640, propanes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can i buy one of these adapters for 3$?
osh used to have them for $3 but they shut down
amazon has them for like $10 shipped
homedepot carries them for about $20 geeze

>> No.1678231

>The difference between contemporary consumer expensive and cheap meters is mostly in QC and materials
mine worked for a while, the the wires fell out of the probes so i super glued them back on and it kept working. worth the $3.99

>> No.1678263


>> No.1678269


You probably shouldn't be dealing with any kind of electrical device.

>> No.1678329

every day's a school day, you have to learn sometime. pretty easy to overlook until you try it. even using it on a plastic box isolation might just not cross your mind.

>> No.1678335
File: 221 KB, 640x884, CC2DBDE8-D928-4997-89AF-476F729BF2B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You paid money for that thing?

That’s another one of those items like the free blue lights. If you take them apart, a new one, a 6 month old one, a year old one, a 3 year old meter, you will see how they leave more parts out on each generation to save half a penny hear or there.

The last one I took apart, there was a couple tiny screws in the case and then literally every part flies everywhere if you open it up. On the older ones I believe the screen was held in by something more than the case.

Those $25 Innova ones on Amazon are great starter meters.

Anon got me looking at more meters. I want one with a bar graph that will show quick spikes, and one with LoZ just in case I need it.

Pic related looks sweet. Extech EX363 looks ok too, but I think it’s kinda small, it’s marketed as an HVAC meter. I wouldn’t mind a larger one with a real visible screen to see the bars.

There is an $80 meter/scope on Amazon that will show waveforms.

>> No.1678341
File: 275 KB, 1200x894, E51CD96E-E32E-4A6A-9DF0-D9126DB81271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For $90, I might consider that big one. Can’t have too many meters!

>> No.1678617
File: 7 KB, 771x266, Folding Plastic Wall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am trying to figure out how to do something/what material to use. So I want to be able to mold a thin piece of a strong flexible plastic so that I can fold it up, but when needed, undo a basic clasp or band holding it together and have it return to its original shape, so like a bundle that when undone now unfolds and becomes a slat. Any idea on how to do this?

>> No.1678631
File: 25 KB, 540x308, sasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an ammeter showing the current delivered to the device, which I'd like to be able to switch without interrupting the device operation. I was thinking about picrel, but I'm sure the whole current wouldn't bypass the ammeter through the switch. Any ideas on how to do that?

>> No.1678680

I was going to screw some isolators into fence posts for a cow and calf enclosure but the fucking chuck on the Metabo the farmer gave me doesn't open, so I can't insert the adapter. They had a Ryobi I've used instead, which only has one battery, and a Hitachi with two batteries but only 12V (so no good).
TL;DR: chuck fucked, or am I too stupid to unlock it? Is there a Masonic handshake for Metabo?

>> No.1678684

A bench multimeter. Fuck the handhelds. They're shit. I quite like the Fluke 8840A. It's 5.5 digit and you can typically find it for relatively cheap though it's often lacking the AC measurements option (Error 30 when you select AC or current or voltage measurement). Finding the optional add-on standalone is difficult if not impossible. Also it's sometimes missing the GPIB port inexplicably though that won't be too important to most hobbyists.

>> No.1678749

you need to find out what load resistance the meter presents to the circuit and then you can work it out vs the resistance of the switch as a voltage divider.
the current through the meter will be minimal, why is it important to you that its 0?

find a double throw make before break switch and use that to switch the meter in and out.

>> No.1678795
File: 63 KB, 700x700, sku_916506336_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The compact auto ranging ones were really popular a few years back, and more than good enough for most hobby and home use. I really liked mine, but it died when shit fell on it during a move.

>> No.1678810
File: 2.67 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it simply really tight? It could be fucked, or seized? You might be able to replace the chuck if the rest of the drill is still good.

Are there any bench meters that won’t break the bank?

Hmmm I don’t need another meter but I wanna spend money. I love my mobile meter though, a bit large but I’ll take it considering it cost me as much as a pack of Newports.

>> No.1678811

>Are there any bench meters that won’t break the bank?

You don't buy them new. You grab one on ebay. And yes you can find them as low as $50 sometimes less if you're willing to do a repair. Up to $200 or so for a schmick one that's working.

>> No.1678910
File: 1.80 MB, 2880x2160, 20190907_183544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive decided to recap my crt monitor because of some image issues it was having. on the neck board there are some of these caps without polarizing stripes on them, which is odd because there are some other obviously polarized caps that are the exact same value(1uf100v, pic related). am i good to replace both of these caps with polarized caps of the same value? or do i need to know what kind of cap the black one is and get that type?

>> No.1678956

u tho? be careful don't kill yourself ok?

>> No.1678974
File: 99 KB, 800x800, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know the name of pic related cable tray things?

>> No.1679052

>Cable carriers, also known as drag chains, energy chains, or cable chains depending on the manufacturer,
thanks wiki!

>> No.1679095

Are handymen a meme? How do you become one?

>> No.1679101

For reasons I won't get into I want to heat a material until it reaches a pressure of 10 bar and only then allow it to expand.

My best bet right now is as follows:

Have a metal sphere out of two halves that I put the material in, put that sphere on a stand in a pressure chamber that can handle the 10 bars. pressurize the air around the sphere to 10 bar and heat the ball by using induction heating from outside the pressure chamber. Once the 10bar internally are reached, depressurize the chamber rapidly, allowing the material in the sphere to expand.

Here's the question:
How do I know when the internal pressure of 10 bar is reached?
I know when it's over 10 bar, obviously, but at that point the experiment is a failure already. I can't really know when it is almost exactly at 10 bar from outside.

If I don't come put with an idea to solve this I'll have to try to eyeball it or something and that seems unreliable at best.

Thanks for ideas

>> No.1679107

>Are handymen a meme? How do you become one?
Start calling yourself one. Congratulations, you're now a handyman. Nowhere I am aware of regulates or licenses the use of the title Handyman. Some jurisdictions do however regulate the services that a handyman typically would offer.

>> No.1679108
File: 8 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a question but a video of the creation of a 500 lbs gingerbread house was just released.

>> No.1679186

excited for her, I liked the couch video, made it seem really easy.

>> No.1679205

looks dank can't wait to dig in

>> No.1679263

With the delicate work on some of the frosting, I wonder how the hell she is going to be able to move it all the way across the state without it falling apart of at least needing repair.

>> No.1679395
File: 103 KB, 1184x663, Annotation 2019-09-08 200119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a huge project so I hope some anons can help me since I'm tired of looking and my options are pic related now and that shit is expensive.

I live in an apartment and I love having my window blinds open, problem is I have people regularly passing by since I'm on ground level.

I can't install frosted tint to my windows so I was thinking about getting just the tint and applying it to a large thin plastic sheet and putting it behind the blinders so I still get that privacy/sunlight but without messing with the windows.

Anyone know if this is a viable way to do things if so where can I get a large clear plastic sheet to do this?

Pic somewhat related, they want this much for a measly size. Too much.

>> No.1679507
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I'm planning to buy a kit to do some jobs, anything else i should have in mind or is this complete enough?
Also since this comes with solder with "flux core" this means i don't have to buy liquid flux right?
And since this comes with wick i don't need to use the silly pump thing right?

I will buy leaded solder wire later, for now i just need to fix something simple (Failing case USB port and a ITE I/O Chip with water damage from rat piss).

>> No.1679509
File: 175 KB, 1052x1208, 71e+Mv+rBKL._SL1208_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this kind of generic iron uses the Chink hakko clone tips right?
And once the sponge goes bad can i replace it with a normal kitchen sponge or is it worth it to spend more in this?

>> No.1679512

Get flux anyway. It will be a pain in the ass without it.

And the sucker and wick are both good to have for different situations.

>> No.1679520
File: 35 KB, 1500x175, 61AiNJBSpdL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any recommendations when it comes to flux? i wanted to buy some Amtech flux because it had good reviews but its hard to get the original one in Mexico.
Pic related, what i can find locally and through amazon for cheap.

>> No.1679634
File: 2.73 MB, 4032x3024, CC8D2C72-52DD-4590-8EAB-5FBB623BB44C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just do whatever rosin flux. Most of it comes in a little round plastic tin, not a syringe. Clean off the excess with high % isopropyl alcohol.

Pic related is the one the guy at the electronic repair store sold me.

>> No.1679638

I think that one in your pic is a good company though. From my limited fuckery with the soldering iron, the flux is for the heat transfer, not for oxidation as much.

>> No.1679658

>Any recommendations when it comes to flux?
Any flux is better than no flux.
Don't get too expensive flux for home applications, because you want to use it relatively liberally. If you have the money get good flux obv. but before you use less because you want to save money I'd rather go with worse options.
The more important part is good solder, which should already include some flux in the material itself. I think EEV blog had a long video explaining good solder, just remember he's pretty elitist about the topic.
Also I wouldn't go with the shittiest solder wick because I had bad experiences with those.

>> No.1679704

So cheap solid flux it is then.

>> No.1679932

where can i buy dolly/handtruck wheels in person?
>i believe the axle dimension is .5in by 1.5in
and i looked up wheels online and found out its the same dimension as shopping cart wheels, but then when i got the shopping cart wheel, it did not fit.

>> No.1679953

In previous dwellings, I would typically leave out a pan of frying oil on the range to use on a near daily basis to cook various things. Now that I'm back in a dwelling situation where I can do that again, I've been confronted with a preexisting bug problem likely stemming from adjacent units. Does frying oil attract bugs and roaches? I'd rather not have to continually set up, fill, use, drain, store the oil out of and clean a frying pan or electric fryer seeing as even just oil left out in an open pan is good for nearly a month of light use as long as you don't cook fish or something.

>> No.1680002

Does anyone know of a book similar to the mechanisms and mechanical devices sourcebook, but dedicated to electronic components?

>> No.1680050


>> No.1680051

Absolutely disgusting

>> No.1680054

Which part, using oil for a week or living in a poorfag apartment with shit neighbors

>> No.1680167

Some kind of spring loaded hinge with a more rigid material for the surface area, I imagine

>> No.1680200

Do you have a Northern Tool near you? They sell lots of crap like that.

>> No.1680203
File: 334 KB, 640x1101, A8E05A4C-1741-4211-A8D3-FDA5A23E4B0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1680444

no northern tool. its a solid hard rubber wheel, i need to go re-measure the OD of the wheel

>> No.1680447

>Do you have a Northern Tool near you?

im in the SF bay area , no northern tool here. its a solid hard rubber wheel, i need to go re-measure the OD of the wheel

>> No.1680764

Ok, long story short, I am going to get a sprayer for my toilet, I would get a bedite, but it's either 20$ for a piece of shit, or 300$ for something that is minimally functional, where as a sprayer is functional at under 50$

my question is are toilets all standardised or do I need to fuck around with sizing pipes and shit?

>> No.1680767

Get a soldering station, one of the hakko clone ones, its FAR better then all in ones like the one you have there

get leaded solder right away, future you will thank you.

ket a tip kit so you have a variety of tips to use, some jobs need mass and a knife edge, some need a bit more precision.

solder wicks suck, but they do get the job done, the suck ones are more for through holes as those eat wicks like a motherfucker.

and yes, you will want to get flux.
I recommend you get some flux paste, something that is no clean works good, but as I didnt give a fuck I just needed flux, I went with a semi hard paste, I then shoved it into a syringe, nad have been using that since. as long as its non conductive its good.

as for the hakko solder shit, get brass or copper cleaning sponges and use those, you don't need a base station for it, but if you want tone it's not bad.

soldering station should cost you 20-30$
tip kit should cost 7
solder wick should cost 3-7
solder should cost under 10
copper/brass sponges should cost under 4$

personally solder stations are far less bullshit to deal with then stand along solder irons, so its worth the cost if you are going to solder more then once a year.

>> No.1680821
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second'd, tho i prefer the suckers. an old used weber is also great.

>> No.1681015

Will home depot or lowes shorten wooden desk legs for me? my desks sit a bit too high.

>> No.1681064

Probably not. If you buy lumber or plywood from Home Depot, they will make 2 cuts for free. Unless you get chummy with the manager or the guy in the lumber department, I doubt it.

>> No.1681146

do I need a credit card to rent argon cylinders?

>> No.1681241

Why would they want that? They might want a couple hundred deposit so a credit card makes more sense, but you should be able to get it if you have the cash.

>> No.1681280

Thank you

>> No.1681283
File: 465 KB, 488x658, kiminonawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I bought pic related and I want to frame it. How would I go about replicating its effects while framed?

>> No.1681304
File: 153 KB, 1500x1500, 71715b7f-30f3-4ee9-8cc9-e78b798e9625_1.511ae8817247ea0f68f91a5e6c31b529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, russian
>move/travel to another shithole
>go to walmart
>see "oven cleaner"
>go buy it
>spray on fucked up stainless steel cookware
>15 minutes later
>fucking_magic.exe, I thought only elbow grease will give such result

So, the question is, what the fuck it over cleaner? Also, gas escaped from a can (too aggressive shit, and I didn't care enough to wash the can after using), can I use it without gas?
It says on sticker "contains lye"... So I can do the same shit with lye (which is way cheaper), if I be careful to wear gloves?

>> No.1681307

>So, the question is, what the fuck it over cleaner?
What the fuck is this oven cleaner? Composition.

>> No.1681311

Here, let me google that for you.


>> No.1681321

>Why would they want that?
airgas are a bunch of jews

>> No.1681334

Tried ~5% lye, hurts hand the same way as oven cleaner. So it must be the same shit.
This is why slavs die young.

>> No.1681350

bruh, that's too big.

>> No.1681420

there is a lot of good shit you can get used, but the problem is finding the deal on the used thing. hakko clones are pumped out in such abundance that its relatively easy to find new ones.

I should mention that you never leave this shit plugged in as it uses a significant amount of power, and I would never trust china stuff to just be plugged in. personally I have my solder shit on a kill switch, along with most of my higher power electronics that I dont keep an eye on and don't need to be on.

>> No.1681434

The rental price is less than the cost of the cylinder. It's like renting other things. They want some assurance that you won't disappear with their stuff.

>> No.1681437
File: 54 KB, 402x344, 1564746194202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EGR bypass for coolant. How to do it? Make a bridge pipe and stuck both hoses to it or a new hose?

>> No.1681461

That’s why I’m saying you could probably get it without a credit card if you’re willing to leave a cash deposit.

>> No.1681794

If it chooches it's right

>> No.1682473

are there any executive chairs/desk chairs that have a mechanism that is capable of being disassembled to some extent?

Im honestly sick of trying to grease/lube the metal so it doesn't squeak and not being able to do it properly so it constantly needs re application with a fingers crossed it seeps in deep enough to matter this time.

>> No.1682731

What's the minimum diameter and thickness for a steel tube to make a structure that can handle 160 kg easily and accept threading?
I want to do a loft bed from pipes, and I want to assemble it to flanges via threaded sections. I weight less than 160 kg, but I want to have that margin for peace of mind.

>> No.1682781

When removing an old toilet in a house i moved into(it was gross af) i had to break the ceramic around the bolts to get the fucking thing out. all went well, until i removed the toilet and started cleaning up the broken bits left over. i knocked 2 medium sized pieces into the drain and they have disappeared into the abyss. we have a septic tank, am i just....good? or do i need to get under a gross house and start pulling apart some pipes?? i can't see the pieces as they followed the curve but i'm almost certain they were small enough to not get stuck unless there's a significant pipe size decrease for some reason.
and advice would be appreciated.

>> No.1682790

Put the new toilet in and start using it.
If it clogs up, you know what to look for.

>> No.1682798

fair enough thanks

>> No.1683022
File: 95 KB, 1200x1200, 6-Mount.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking to run a few outlets in a garage from one flush mounted outlet.
Nothing will require high voltage, namely small batteries and a sprinkler system.
1. How do I extend the box?
2. Do I need conduit or can I run metal clad?
Please and thank you.

>> No.1683049
File: 15 KB, 285x285, FH04MAY_ELECCO_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Handyman says to pull the existing box, drywall over it, and then screw a box in front of it.
That doesn't seem very handy

>> No.1683056

Seriously though, just get some yarn or some shit and tie them all together chainmail style. If you make 2-3 blankets and put them on top of one another, you should get good coverage.

>> No.1683081

That's stupid. There should be extension boxes you can buy that you screw on top of the original box. Naturally you take out the guts/outlets of the existing box, so you can put them on the extension, then you knock out a hole and shove your conduit pipe in.

>> No.1683085

I have an air compressor with a ge 240vac 5hp motor. Every once in a while when it starts after like a second after it starts rotating there's a tiny spark I can see around the back (non shaft side) of the rotor. It only lasts a fraction of a second and it's not a super bright and intense high current spark. Im pretty sure it has a centrifugal start doodad so it has to be related to it, but is it normal for it to spark like that?

>> No.1683110
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Thanks - found an article about raceway aka wiremold.
I don't care for the look, but my FIL likes it and I'm returning a favor.
Only odd thing is it says to use 14 THHN instead of Romex.

>> No.1683112
File: 1.10 MB, 2520x1080, IMG_CINEMA_CLIP_002_20190915142749156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My phone's case has turned a slight reddish brown only on the corners and sides, and I don't understand why. It spends most of it's time on my bed or in my pocket.
How do I clean it?

>> No.1683113
File: 901 KB, 2003x1686, IMG_20190915_142842__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess the Romex would be hard to fish or too big.

>> No.1683117

Your pants are dirty, and it probably rubs with each step. Try soap and water then rubbing alcohol.

>> No.1683143
File: 481 KB, 1920x1080, DSC_0129-1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened here? How should I make it flush? Im thinking the old trim was thicker and they didn't account for that. Ive never installed or messed with electrical box so don't know what to expect.

>> No.1683158

>is it normal for it to spark like that?
Yes, it's the contacts opening.

>> No.1683162

You tell us what happened here.
Your house? New house?

>> No.1683166

That didn't do anything.
Actually, I found that the case is ABS covered in a layer of white silicone rubber, and I noticed that the phone is mostly screen-side up on the bed.
The browning was typical discoloration caused by UV in the sun, and this explains the pattern of the corners being more sharply browned than the rest.
As far as I can tell, there's no retr0bright technique for silicone rubber so I just have to deal with it. Maybe buy a case that isn't white.

>> No.1683181

My house. House is from the 30s. Picture is from attic renovation done maybe 15yrs ago. Not sure. Other rooms in attic have different trim that is flush. That's why I think that when they installed this they didnt accoubt for thickness and said "ah well".

>> No.1683196

>14 THHN instead of Romex
Shouldn't matter as long as the gauge is correct for what it's attaching to. I guess Romex has extra sheathing that's not really needed if it's in conduit, but the ground wire isn't insulated.
You could use what you have available but go with their suggestion if you're having to buy wire anyway.

Have you decided how the sprinkler system is going to be attached?

Turn off power at the fuse box for that room, mark off the interfering trim, get a sharp chisel and a hammer, then chisel away the trim. Light taps, hold the chisel as vertical as possible. Alternatively, you can take off the trim pieces around it and cut them somewhere else, they look relatively short.
Then find out the electrical box is as far back as it will go because the retards nailed it in like that. You might have to get an 'old work' box to replace it so it stays flush with the wall.

>> No.1683198
File: 990 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20190915-163442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If true, any remodeler should get his ass handed to him for that.
In your pic, the plate cover is screwed into the outlet which doesn't look like it's screwed into anything.
Throw the breaker if you're a pussy, then look if there is a box behind it.
Likely you'll need either an extender box or a new box, then cut the baseboard out.
If you have kids like the no-fun plugs suggest, keep them out of that room.

>> No.1683201
File: 470 KB, 1259x834, 20772344589_a9dc8aab8a_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided about the sprinkler system
It's a premounted system, they just had an extension cord that ran 20 feet and are fed up with looking at that.
>Pic boarder line related

>> No.1683203

>14 THHN instead of Romex.
Romex is bulkier and stiffer than THNN.
The tray doesn't allow a lot of room and the corners are 90 degrees instead of rounded bends.
If you have Romex and want to use it, strip off the sheath and paper filler.
You really should use an insulated ground wire if you do.

>> No.1683211
File: 180 KB, 1091x508, c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a great idea if I don't want to buy THHN, but he's paying and seems to be the type that likes to pay top dollar and somehow that translates into being a better solution.
Green seems to be an expansion box.
Red is where you should cut. If you have an oscillating saw, you'd be done in 2 minutes.
It looks like a one hour job that may be a headache and take half a day.
The main question is if there is a box back there.
If there is, you gotta adjust the depth of the expansion box. IIRC, you can adjust the depth by screwing the expansion box into the other box.
If there isn't a box, go get on old work box and you're done (minus the large drywall cutout which the plate isn't going to cover.
Post more pics, it shouldn't be that big of an issue. Pay attention to how tight the wires are connected. If someone was dumb enough to do this, they're dumb enough to not tighten the wires.

>> No.1683212

Thought you might have to worry about some indoor to outdoor transition fuckery. Probably best not to give the guy any more ideas if the line to the sprinklers looks janky.

>> No.1683218

>Throw the breaker if you're a pussy
There's no need to be a cunt just because you're on 4channel.

>> No.1683241

Around here, residential sparkies don't bother throwing the breaker for small things like this. It's 110v. Just don't touch both of the terminals.

>> No.1683260
File: 8 KB, 226x166, Coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Want to make an aquarium with a water fall. Pump will be directly under the "mountain" that will then flow into a fall. I'm getting mixed information on the pump and how powerful it should be. I have a 20 gallon tank, and want to have a decent flow, but not much current as the waterfall will flow to the opposite end of the aquarium to promote circulation.

Will a 120 gph pump be ok? Will this come shooting out of the top of the "mountain" or will it have a steady be reasonable trickle?

>> No.1683287

120gph is 2 gallons per minute, or 2oz per second. How fast it shoots out will depend on the output nozzle size.

>> No.1683294

So a 1/2" open ended tube will probably have a bit of an arch to the outflow, huh? 2oz per seconds seems quick.

>> No.1683297
File: 60 KB, 493x352, legsadov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it difficult to lay and install snap-in/lock-in wood flooring by yourself if you've never done it before? My house flooded and the flooring is one of the only things that got ruined; I'm considering laying down wood-type flooring instead of carpet in my bedroom.

>> No.1683301

>2 gallons per minute, or 2oz per second.

128 oz x 2 = 256 oz per minute
256/60=4.67 oz per second

>> No.1683303

some people couldn't do it even with practice
some people do a great job the first time
who can say what it will be for you...

>> No.1683307

What's a preferable alternative? I really dont want to go back to carpet, and I'd assume that tile would be even easier to expensively fuck up

>> No.1683314

Tile is not a 'first time' job.
Buy the wood and see how you do.
If you can't do it, get some help.
If you do it yourself and do a good job, pat yourself on the back.

>> No.1683399
File: 180 KB, 485x635, 16085724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you get casting resin in Australia?

>> No.1683549
File: 30 KB, 480x317, skiff_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calling all boatbuilders, I have a couple questions. this is the plan I'm trying to follow:

I have the lumber and tools, but lacking in the knowledge. does the boat have to be completely sealed on the outside? as in roll on resin on the entire surface? or will paint do?
also, polyester or epoxy resin?

>> No.1684521

is there a way to make an android phone function as a pc monitor
i know about the usb apps but those dont work in bios
is there a way to make an hdmi to usb adapter and somehow make that work?

>> No.1684747

Rate this design.
Do you believe it would stand a load of at least 150 kg?
Plan to use bolts in all the unions.

>> No.1684749
File: 72 KB, 1012x825, shit that will implode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the pic:

>> No.1684808

Standard 120/240 split isn't polyphase.

>> No.1684840

just cover it man

>> No.1684848

Seal her up completely. Paint will not do.

>> No.1684850

Also, epoxy is a bit better and easier to work with, but more expensive. I only use epoxy because I like my boats to be perfect.

>> No.1684875

If those are 2"x4", that should support 1000kg

>> No.1684885
File: 104 KB, 1012x825, 1568778030747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need (or want) the cross members.
They don't provide any support and weaken the long rail due to the notches.

>> No.1684917

Yep those are 2x4, but I also thought of using 2x5s or even resaw 2x10s
Guess the slats over the structure does the job, right? Thanks for your suggestion.
Also, I don't know If i should treat this as a construction project or furniture project. Should I dry my 2x4s or can I get away and ensamble it after buying the lumber?

>> No.1684934
File: 41 KB, 440x293, pepperoni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where can i buy dolly wheels in person?
osh is out of buisness
home depot has very limited selection
there is no nothern tool near me
I am in the SF bay area

>> No.1684949
File: 2.91 MB, 2592x4608, IMG_20190918_092056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to go about fixing this? Looks like the screws are stripped, tightening then doesn't do anything.
Is there some sort of material I can fill the holes with and then put screws into? Having to replace the entire door would blow.
Right the door still opens and closes but when you go to shut it it takes a bit of force since the door isn't completely aligned anymore.

>> No.1684951

chisel down some wood into points bash the points into the old holes, and snap off what remains, rescrew.

>> No.1684953

If you had ordered them online like we told you last time, they'd've been there by now

>> No.1684963

>If you had ordered them online like we told you last time, they'd've been there by now
okay, ill order them online and pray i pick the right size. if i get the wrong size ill be annoyed with all of us.

>> No.1684990

>buy dolly wheels in person?
Northern Tools or Harbor Freight

>> No.1684993

>Should I dry my 2x4s
Dimensional lumber sold at lumber yards or big box stores is kiln dried.
One exception is treated lumber. I'm pretty sure you aren't using treated lumber.

>> No.1685021

Nope, I will use kiln dried and jointed wood.
However, I'm reading that in woodworking you usually want to use wood that has 6% to 10% of humidity, and the manufacturer specs of my wood says it has 15% of humidity. So I was asking if I should treat this like a piece of furniture and dry the wood or just treat it as a carpentry job and start assembling right away. That's it.

>> No.1685109
File: 3.55 MB, 3872x2100, badplasma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 10yo plasma TV is showing green shadows across the entire display. Given that it looks to be a form of horizontal line bleed, I'm guessing it's the Y-sustain board that needs replacement. Am I right?

>> No.1685218


I only have to use fiberglass tape on the seams, and normal epoxy resin on the outside of the hull? how will I paint it if it has been epoxied?

>> No.1685508


What this anon said:

I've used big match sticks, chopsticks, and popsicle sticks. Just make sure to pack them in very tight. Did it on my solid core front door and still holding after 6 years. Slivers of cork from bottles also worked, but I used that on lighter stuff, not a door.

>> No.1686506

Deep cleaning my house, putting poison and traps down, sealing up gaps and holes in the walls, and clearing clutter. These roaches are going to be fucking gone. But just as an added precaution; what are some houseplants that will repel these pests? Marigolds? Chrysanthemums? I know lavender works well with bed bugs but does it really work with roaches?

>> No.1686740

Plumbanons, can you tell me what kind of problem I have here, and more importantly what's the name of the replacement part(s)? I suspect it's a long-dead rubber washer, as you really have to crank down on it to prevent it from dripping. I suspect that's how the handle got cracked, but that's a seperate and minor issue. As you may be able to see, the circlip/e-clip/etc. isn't really doing anything any more, it rotates freely and isn't acting as any kind of end-stop. I have access to two pairs of pliers and a set of screwdrivers, but I suspect I'll need to use a wrench to get the main body of this assembly off to replace anything. With any luck the washer is all that's damaged, but who can say.

Link to video is here:
Because I spent more than an hour trying to convert it into a webm that was under the time and size limit and completely failed.

>> No.1686756

>I only have to use fiberglass tape on the seams, and normal epoxy resin on the outside of the hull?
>how will I paint it if it has been epoxied?
You can paint over epoxy, but you have to use the correct paint and sand it a bit first.

Why cover up the beauty of the timber though?

>> No.1686837

with the water to the faucet shut off - not the faucet, the supply to the faucet:
remove the large nut just behind the circlip
the stem assembly will come out
look inside and see what's wrong

>> No.1686842
File: 79 KB, 500x500, 6970622932116-000-500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the type of knob on this potentiometer called and where can I buy just the knobs themselves?

>> No.1686856
File: 941 KB, 1264x683, Screenshot_2019-09-22 slide potentiometer cap replacement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a cap
>where can I buy just the knobs themselves?

>> No.1687111

Accidentally touched my homes 127v ac mains with my multimeter probes in continuity setting.

Do I need a new multimeter? Its jumping about 1v when actually measuring the mains voltage.

>> No.1687115


thank you friend, I will try to remember to take pictures and make a thread here when I am done

>> No.1687116

>Do I need a new multimeter?
Yes, and get a cheap one.

>> No.1687127

Probably, but you might have just blown up a fuse or other replaceable part. At least take it apart to see what the cause is, chances are there's a skid-mark somewhere. More expensive multimeters can come specifically designed to take that kind of abuse and live.

>> No.1687169

Oh fug.

I took it apart, the only fuse in it is intact. No skid-marks, no burnt odor. It seems to be working fine, I compared readings with another multimeter and it gives slightly different readings, perhaps it's my ocd. I'll replace it soon anyway.

>> No.1687273

You should be good. If you had the red plug in the current slot and touched the mains, then you would be looking at a fuse.

>> No.1687276

>Accidentally touched my homes 127v ac mains with my multimeter probes in continuity setting.

Why would that damage the multimeter, when touching in AC mode wouldn't?

>> No.1687298

Because continuity mode, unlike voltage mode, injects its own small current into the circuit in order to measure the voltage across it and tell if there's an appreciable amount of resistance. Firstly, the voltage it's looking for will be 10mV-1V maximum anyhow, so the voltage range will be automatically set to pretty low, but this alone is usually something DMMs can handle since it's somewhat common when they're in normal voltage mode. Rather, it's the current-providing circuit you'd have to worry about more, as it wouldn't necessarily have input protection against high voltages. Just chucking a diode in there would likely interfere with the accuracy of the resistance measurement, as I'm pretty sure it's in the same mode as for a resistance measurement. The same concerns apply if you're trying to measure mains voltage when in resistance mode anyhow. In any case, I bet you one of those shitty free harbor freight DMMs won't like being in resistance mode across mains, specially not across 240VAC. They're too cheap to have a continuity mode.

>> No.1687299

Continuity testing doesn't work like "AC mode," I assume you mean AC voltage measurement.

>> No.1687319
File: 1.31 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have a wrench on me atm, but I'm going to see if it's loose enough for my pliers to grab. Anyhow, a problem I see is the only valve coming off the hot side of the water tank is one which has both hot and cold water as inputs, I think it's a "mains pressure tempering valve", going by this catalog:
https://tropex.co.nz/sites/default/files/product_pdfs/Nefa Reference May2011.pdf
It looks identical to the part in question, and has the correct brand name on it. I fear that trying to shut off the water via this valve will result in me having to re-calibrate the temperature. I'm not even sure if it can be used to shut off the water at all.

>> No.1687469

How do I get into board level repair meme?
What tools do I need? Hot air, soldering iron, multimeter, lab power supply, fax paper and alcohol? Where do I gain experience without wasting tons of money on junk, and without working on someone?
I have been watching videos, and it doesn't seem like something complicated, unless shit is really fucked up

>> No.1687477

Those arent retro.. those are in a majority of house around here. Those with a box fan and you have a toasty house.

>> No.1687493

Get a microscope too, one of the cheapy digital USB ones should be fine for most cases. Parallel cermaic tweezers would be a nice addition, or perhaps vacuum pickup tweezers. A vacuum solder pump (the ones with the hollow hot end) could be handy for reworking THT parts of a board more efficiently. Also they make soldering stations with a built-in nitrogen pump to blow inert air over your work to prevent oxidation, probably useless but they sound fun.

Also don't underestimate the importance of good workholding, you want some method of holding any piece of work rigidly. Less important with board repair, but I'd still get a vice and/or helping hand rig that can more easily facilitate holding parts or wires that you're cleaning up or soldering onto.

Oh and don't forget the flux!

>> No.1687524

>Parallel cermaic tweezers would be a nice addition,
I'm more a fan of medical tweezers. Nice inox, double as shorting tool. Cheap. Sometimes you can get used for free.
>A vacuum solder pump
Through holes are rare nowadays.
Simple sucker would do for many pins. Capacitors and other two leg shit can be removed with simple iron.
>lso they make soldering stations with a built-in nitrogen pump to blow inert air over your work to prevent oxidatio
Nigga, I repaired fridge without nitrogen, and you want me to use it in electronics?
>Oh and don't forget the flux!
Rosin in alcohol with some Vaseline or buy expensive shit?

>> No.1687533
File: 9 KB, 400x400, marble_slab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make a simple marble shelf for my shower and I was considering buying a marble slab from the local equivalent of craiglist. This slab was probably part of some piece of furniture.
My question is: is it ok to use whatever marble I find or will I have trouble with moisture and stuff? Because I read that marble can get stained or that the iron inside may rust and so on
..still, a lot of people use marble in their bathrooms. What information am I missing here?

>> No.1687540

Help my dudes , android app to draw electrical diagrams , only things can find is tutorials , which just show examples explained

>> No.1687541

>actually purchased and displays a kek statue
I can't help you, Anon. No one can.

>> No.1687542

This was a great read. Thank you guys.

>> No.1687548

im pretty sure you have to seal it with some sort of stone sealer. Or all that bad shit will happen.

>> No.1687698

can I solder galvanized steel using normal leaded solder?

>> No.1687699

And I wanna not destroy the galvanized coating.

>> No.1687700


jesus christ no. what are you trying to do

>> No.1687738
File: 186 KB, 704x681, soldering galvanized sheet metal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1687752

>Rosin in alcohol with some Vaseline or buy expensive shit?
I'd go for the no-clean stuff, like what rossman uses. Covering a board with rosin for SMD reflow could be a right pain to clean afterwards.

>> No.1687817
File: 1.19 MB, 1672x1672, 1566521159935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the FUCK sells single sheets of 20GA spring steel? 1mm would do as well

>> No.1687823

Why clean?
Rosin is like danger mark for next repairman. He will see this shit, and be careful around that spot.
I'm not a fan of those fluxes, they make toxic fumes, and leave residue.

So, I would need
- Lab bench supply
- Soddering iron, quality one like Hakko T12
- Hot air
- Tweezers
- Simple sucker
- Multimeter
- Booze
- Microscopeins

>> No.1687826


How big? Spring steel shim stock might work for you. That's what I used to make some new reed valves for an air compressor.

>> No.1687827

Every range hood I've used this far below 900 CFMs has not been able to sufficiently get smoke out of the kitchen.
>what 900+CFM range hood do you recommend under 600USD, 30" wide, that would either last 20+ years, is easy to maintain, or has a decent warranty?
>do I need a make-up air system?

>> No.1687830

Doesnt need to be big, an average 12x12 or 6x24 sheet would do. Enough to cut four 12x72mm strips from it and have some extra for later

>> No.1687833

Just found some 0.035" spring shim stock on McMaster Carr, thank bud

>> No.1687835

*thus far
*CFM has
*easy to maintain and fix
I'm tempted to hit up some industrial range hood suppliers.

>> No.1687916

Make a fishing trap out of hardware cloth

>> No.1687944

I want to make my own bird cage for parrot, because commercial ones are kinda shit.
What material should I use (Inox or aluminum) if I don't have welder, nor angle grinder? Wood doesn't work, I tried.
How do I braze aluminum? Is butane torch sufficient for this (2x2 cm tube, or 5x2 cm...). Is brazing rod food safe?

>> No.1687963
File: 75 KB, 1022x697, 61jO7fLYnqL._AC_SL1022_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there cookware and stuff like cups/mugs made from stone or rock? Why are they not popular, are they bad for health?
There are some relatively large rocks lying around where I live, I could probably make a mug and maybe a pot out of some of them using modern tools

>> No.1688048
File: 130 KB, 1020x1320, measure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i use this to measure belts, is the right side for the two pencils?

>> No.1688122

I have a bunch of these sheets of sticker paper that I want to print on, but it is covered in some sort of glossy costing so the ink from my printer will not stick to it and it will just smear as soon as it is touched. Is there any way I could print on it with my current printer?

>> No.1688171

It should be printed at 100% so the scale in the lower-left measures properly against a ruler.
I suppose this scale is for measuring wheel diameter.
The heavy bar on the left side is probably for width of tires and belts.
There doesn't seem to be a '0' point for the first pencil.
I think the first pencil should go on the edge of the paper at the top.
With the belt around the two pencils whichever circle it stretches to is the circumference.
I'm not sure about the duplicate of each digit unless it's 3, 3½, 4, 4½, etc.

>> No.1688604

This is why I come here

>> No.1688655

I always wondered what kind of person uses a trackball mouse.

>> No.1688696

I don't suppose you are in florida - if so, I know of an auction going on tomorrow with lots of gear.

>> No.1688801

Finally got my new fence up, going to stain it. Do I need to do any prep to it? Or can I go ahead and stain it as is? Typical white pine wood.

>> No.1688827

Where in Florida and what are they unloading?

>> No.1688836

>Finally got my new fence up, going to stain it.
As long as the wood is clean and dry, typically you just stain it. If the wood is really new and still sorta damp-ish, you might want to let it weather for a while until it definitely feels dry to the touch. However, this might allow rain to splash dirt on it, which you should remove with a stiff brush, or if it's not too bad just stain right over it.

t. professional fence stainer

>> No.1688861
File: 47 KB, 1000x1000, stainless-steel-lg-electronics-single-oven-gas-ranges-lrg3061st-64_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an LG GAS oven/range very similar to the pic related. A few months ago it began to display erroneous temperatures / failing to heat to the selected temperature. I replaced the metal erection thermostat thing and the problem went away for several weeks. It is doing it again however. I did replace it with a generic instead of the ludicrously priced LG genuine temp sensor. Could the generic have worn out so quickly? Should I bite the bullet and buy the LG genuine part? Could it be another issue altogether?

>> No.1688879
File: 178 KB, 1000x472, IMG_20190926_110250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips on removing this style of wheel, I've removed a pin and loosened the nut, there's some rust on the hexagon so I sprayed it with WD-40, haven't removed this type of wheel before, and I don't like forcing things that I don't know 100% can take force.

>> No.1688897

nevermind, I gave it a hard smack and it broke the sieze

>> No.1688954
File: 272 KB, 800x600, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on rewiring a relay box for my car. So far as I can tell the original harness used Metri-pack 630 terminals attached to 30A Bosch relays. Those are somewhat expensive and more importantly a tool to crimp 10ga versions is expensive as hell. Can I use normal 6.3mm female spade connectors and a standard barrel crimper instead, or are Metri-packs set up to connect slightly offset in a housing just to ensure only their connectors are used?

>> No.1688966

Orlando and a bunch of SMT gear. reflow set ups, microscopes, and some Agilent gear that I want bad enough to kill anyone who bids against me.

>> No.1688997
File: 976 KB, 1242x1630, 4B987D06-A62D-4022-A250-BF29EA66B357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are $39 shipped on amazon and they work great. I beefed up the bottom of mine but you don’t have to. Just read the reviews for some good ideas including zip tying the shelves down. Currently growing 2 fig trees, a peach tree, 4 dewberry vines, and a bunch of different palm trees. You can put a little space heater in there when it gets cold in the winter. Always nice to step in and smell the fresh oxygen

>> No.1689042

Damn, I shoulda taken a long weekend and made the drive up there so I can run up the price on the shit you want. I could send the girl to Disney while I waste money on shit I don’t know how to use.

>> No.1689058
File: 13 KB, 402x400, 411Oyyk358L._AC_SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to relocate the dryer vent and need everything tells me to get a 4 1/4th hole saw to do it. Every hole saw kit ive seen on Amazon, home sepot, lowes etc.. Dont have this size. They go from 4" and jump to 5". Where the hell do I buy one of these or can I get away with a 4" one?

>> No.1689078

DEWALT Hole Saw, 4-1/4-Inch (D180068) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00005LEZT/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_M8lJDbGAMCC0B

>> No.1689080

Im in Canada which makes the price not any better. $40 for a single piece ill use for 5 seconds. Oh ya and no Chuck either included. Just hard to justify. Think ill just scribe the hole, make a bunch of pilot holes and carve it out.

>> No.1689083

So fuck me for answering your question? You asked where to find one, including Amazon. If you had been searching you'd already know about what they cost. Why the fuck ask a question and then argue with people giving the answer?

>> No.1689122

redpill me on welding
good, noble and useful trade or meme? enough to but ham and eggs on my plate or I'm better off learning something else?

>> No.1689168

Kek. Anon could’ve added the whole “I found the correct tool but I’m cheap as fuck so what is the best way to half ass it?”

>> No.1689173

A contractor is putting in a new front porch door for me.
He just emailed me and asked what kind do I want.
What should I say?
I have no idea.

>> No.1689174

>A contractor is putting in a new front porch door for me.
>He just emailed me and asked what kind do I want.

how the fuck do you screw up like this? If you haven't already covered this "minor" detail then you deserve whatever you get.

>> No.1689175

What are my options?

>> No.1689176

ask him what your options are

>> No.1689178

I been looking at them online, I think I'll tell him fiberglass with a window.
Other than that I don't know what to say.

>> No.1689221
File: 9 KB, 310x310, channel-lock-end-cutter-long-reach-pliers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're probably chosen for the large contact area (the flat contact) and accepting large wire.
If you don't have a proper crimper:
put the wire in place and fold the wire tabs over with needle-nose pliers
!do not fold the insulation tabs yet
solder the bare wire and folded tabs
after the terminal has cooled, fold the insulation tabs down with needle-nose pliers
If you're careful with the angle and position of the pliers on the ends of the tabs you can make a fold-over almost as good a crimpers
I have a small pair of pliers similar to pic related which also help

>> No.1689222

I use a 4-1/8" Dewalt hole saw for a better fit.

>> No.1689236

How difficult is it to repair small paint rips? I'm a fucking idiot and trusted command strips to actually remove properly rather than just be worse than blutack and rip off a larger amount paint. There's three marks, all about the size of a postage stamp. You can see brown drywall (?) through one and some white paper through the others.

>> No.1689241

That only answers half my questions.

>> No.1689250

I'm so sorry.
If I wasn't such a wuss I'd kill myself.
you're welcome anyway, asshole

>> No.1689251

>you're welcome anyway, asshole
I should rephrase that:
You're half welcome, asshole.

>> No.1689254
File: 40 KB, 1858x863, untitled-21-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because of the distance between the doorbell and the second chime and possible signal loss, can I daisy chain doorbell transformers together like this or am I and idiot?

Is there a better way to do this, given the distance between button and ringer?

Wireless doorbells aren't an option, unfortunately.

>> No.1689331

>can I daisy chain doorbell transformers together like this or am I and idiot?
let the wire going through the wall operate a relay coil with the relay contacts operating the second bell/transformer circuit.

>> No.1689335
File: 55 KB, 1858x863, 1569530725295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll need to use an ac compatible relay or a diode+capacitor to make dc for a dc relay.
a 12v relay should do fine - it's intermittent use anyway

>what kind of doorbell needs a 10amp transformer...

>> No.1689336
File: 571 KB, 1920x1080, IMAG1441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a broken component? It's a capacitor, right? If it's broken, what information do I need to replace it? How can I test it?

>> No.1689342
File: 1.72 MB, 4032x3024, 9478A4D6-BDEB-4577-BD7F-C00B93EF1F91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soldering iron w/ solder + flux and multimeter. You have to desolder it first and remove it from the board to test it with a regular multimeter (I think)

Is it bulged at the top? That’s also a sign they went bad.

>> No.1689345

If it's the goop you're wondering about it could be just some glue to prevent the cap from moving during transport

>> No.1689352
File: 738 KB, 1920x1080, IMAG1444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took it off.

Cap reads 25v 2200uF

multimeter reads 2.09 mF

>> No.1689353

So, that's off by 100 µF. Is that too much?

>> No.1689354

100 microfads leaked out of it

>> No.1689355

my pcb is covered in farad goo

>> No.1689374
File: 75 KB, 635x582, IMAG1446~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I don't think I'm testing these things right. They don't read too far off, but one of these has fucking chunks out of it and still reads the right capacitance.

I guess there's a test you can do that will read open line if you do it right, but I haven't been able to duplicate that.

basically how do I actually test this shit?

>> No.1689378

anons...im slowly embracing the landlord pill but my house cant endure too much electric power.
what do? i dont know about Amp or voltage but i know that my 30 year old circuit control power knife switches? must be replaced.
im aiming for 2 families per floor each with a fridge, microwave, iron, tv, electric kitchen, computer, water heater and 3 floors.
bticino is the best supplier around here.

>> No.1689382

It's a good skill to have, but a shitty job choice unless you like traveling a lot and working in the shittiest, awful conditions, and have all the certifications to go with it.

>> No.1689384

what about self employment? and what do you mean by "and have all the certifications to go with it"?

>> No.1689422

These caps were fine, turned out to be a broken trace.

>> No.1689426

Become a metal sculpture artist, then you can weld in a studio and charge 100x what you spent in materials

>> No.1689431
File: 89 KB, 580x580, m_5672255c2599fe91ec00666d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to clean up modern plastics like say the housing of 30 year old consumer electronics that have writing or decals you wouldn't want to buff off like a walkman or tamagotchi?

I don't know much about solvents and don't want to melt anything.

>> No.1689440

I'm a obese fucker and I want to sleep in a hammock to replace my bed.
I only have a wall of drywall and 2x4 and a brick and mortar wall. If I do the fixtures correctly, could a heavy-weight rated hammock support a 880 lbs/400 kg weight on it?
I'm not actually that fat. In fact, I'm dieting and losing weight, but I want that margin for peace of mind.

>> No.1689505

All the specialty welding certs, stainless food grade, pressurized pipe, so on. Specialist welders are the ones who make 6 figures, Joe Blow working at the muffler shop doesn't make shit.

>> No.1689508

What's the most discrete way to stick fairy lights to a wall?

>> No.1689511

Clear Decorating Clips

>> No.1689736
File: 2.88 MB, 3006x5344, IMG_20190927_174738205_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what this is?

>> No.1689761
File: 13 KB, 300x300, s-l300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heavy duty battery terminal swaging tool

>> No.1689782

Nice chinglish

>> No.1689864

really, really dumb question - how do I attach the legs to a table top for a workbench?

>> No.1689880
File: 32 KB, 616x462, 72380E4D-F172-413D-B4E3-273B71BFCC52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any halfway decent furniture I have owned is attached something like pic related.

>> No.1689882

Instead of "swage" I think you meant "crimp".

>> No.1689896
File: 272 KB, 1175x1087, 1545549998606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell kind of bolt is this and how do i undo it

>> No.1689915

These and cross braces.

>> No.1689924

What is that on? Looks like two individual hex nuts, but you need to spin them in opposite directions because they’re tightened against eachother to hold that shaft in place.

>> No.1689925

Yeh, 2 bits of ceramic buried under a mound of shit

>> No.1689926

Grease from your hands, degreaser

>> No.1689927

Wooden flooring is a meme, cold,noisy, drop stuff your fucked. Carpet or cushion vinyl.

>> No.1689928

washing machine. I'm pretty sure its all 1 bolt, the bottom hex is 37 or 38 mm

Will probably need to buy an impact wrench to get it off, fml was hoping for a cheap fix

>> No.1689929

Been thinking about your problem Anon. I think you need to go with lace mounting and a washing line affect. Grab the width of lace you need for blanket then stitch panties to it like they were pegged on a line, 3 points,either end and middle.

Make shit loads of these then layer them up. Maybe use stretched panties on other side to attach to for support and either twisted panties roped together or some more lace for strength on outside edges

>> No.1689995
File: 569 KB, 619x881, Screenshot 2019-09-27 at 22.40.44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to convert air condenser/evaporator to a watercooled one without removing them from the unit?
Aluminum fins could be removed mechanically or dissolved with sodium hydroxide.
But building an outer shell still looks pretty tricky. It wont be pressurized but it should be a two part piece to seal around existing copper pipes.
What kind of material could be used here? Some sort of thick weldable plastic like polypropylene?

>> No.1690019

Bit of a long shot, but I'm having a hard time finding a decent answer.

I really like to use whiteboards and the like for my work, hobbies and so on. Problem is, I'll leave the writing on my existing ones for sometimes months on end, making it absolutely impossible to clean (and I've tried everything, so this isn't the issue I'm looking to solve).

I'm actually looking for a material that the pen will clean off of easily, light enough so that I can mount to about a 2m x 5m size wall. So far the only 2 things I've found that clean flawlessly after having the ink left on for months are mirrors and glass, which are absolutely impractical to mount in the sizes I'm interested in, and expensive to boot.

I'm looking at a roll of poly carbonate at the moment. I can get a 1m x 5m roll for $140AUD. I scribbled on some with marker at my local hardware store and hid it, hoping to come back and see how it cleans after a few weeks. But maybe someone can give me a better answer here.

>> No.1690029

You're such a family sympathy hire. You're the one who someone has pointed out needs help joining the "real world" so your daddy rolls his eyes and overlooks your multitude of mistakes. Want proof? Your reactions to others in this thread. They're prime evidence you need to be kept out of trouble.

>> No.1690042
File: 57 KB, 1264x683, Screenshot_2019-09-28 Definition of swaging Dictionary com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Instead of "swage" I think you meant "crimp".
Yeah, swage is definitely the wrong word.
I'm just stupid.

>> No.1690045
File: 665 KB, 1261x664, heavy duty battery terminal swaging tool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heavy duty battery terminal swaging tool

>> No.1690110

how 2 become boilermaker

>> No.1690149
File: 3.01 MB, 4032x3024, DAADA830-F8D2-48D3-8E82-D922F4F69147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a corded impact wrench then. I keep shilling the Porter Cable. It’s a great buy for $80, it will save you a bunch of time whenever you need to take the wheels off a car and will take care of jobs like yours that are giant headaches with hand tools.

Otherwise if you have cordless tools, get the impact from that brand. Bring that bitch on road trips in case you get a flat.

>> No.1690340
File: 179 KB, 1200x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for track lighting, similar to pic. Maybe it's called something else, I don't know.
I want:
>accepts standard lightbulbs
>has a cord with integrated switch that I can plug into an outlet

I've searched through Amazon and Home Depot and couldn't find anything like what I want. Where the fuck are they? I know they exist, or at least they did 12 years ago, because my dad put two fixtures in my bedroom that are exactly what I'm describing.

>> No.1690342

It's always crimp in the context of electrical connections. Those pictures are put up by dumb mech e's

>> No.1690513
File: 96 KB, 685x768, blocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are these used?

>> No.1690526
File: 550 KB, 1264x683, Screenshot_2019-09-28 track light with cord and plug at DuckDuckGo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've searched through Amazon and Home Depot and couldn't find anything like what I want.
Maybe you should start with a search engine.
pic related - some assembly required

>> No.1690668
File: 99 KB, 561x324, vesa-monitor-grip-gcx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get something like pic related. I have a very small laptop and I want to carry it around the house with a monitor I can plug it in.
So I need a monitor with some sort of handles. The thing is they seem to be oddly hard to find. How would you got about creating one from parts? I can get a VESA mounting plate and attach the handles to that somehow, but I need you to help me out as to how.
Sorry if it's a noob question; I don't have much /diy/ cred outside electronics.

I've also found this, but it's nearly 100 bucks for a piece of metal and a handle.

>> No.1690670
File: 14 KB, 473x473, drop-down-handle-layers-blue-screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic of the link. I guess it could be mounted upwards instead. If I'm not mistaken, VESA is symmetrical on the horizontal axis.

>> No.1690692
File: 104 KB, 1370x780, styrofoam-wood-tricked-out-and-handles-to-lower-me-smooth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything I find is for very specific industries (medical, cinema) and therefore expensive.

Could I get away with doing it myself? Please, let me know if you find any problem with my plan.

1. Get something like this. https://www.amazon.com/Reliable-Hardware-Company-RH-0532F-Surface/dp/B00JQYVJVK/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=handle+grip+metal&qid=1569766739&sr=8-5
2. Drill VESA holes into a steel plate.
3. Drill more holes in the steel plate to match the handle mount.
4. Screw the handle, steel plate and VESA adapter together.
5. Screw "4" to the monitor.

>> No.1690827
File: 959 KB, 3312x2264, xProductCompareChart_022619.png.pagespeed.ic.rtckA6CKMa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to buy a Dremel, but I don't know which version to get: 3000, 4000, 4200, or 4300.

The 4300 is tool-less and collet-less, I don't know how this might affect performance or possibility of the tool flying into my face. On their site the 4300 needs an adapter to use some of the older tool sets apparently(?)

And what's this with people on Amazon saying their Dremel burns out and dies? Somebody said it's because they hold it wrong and cover the air vents, is this relevant?
Where I am, there is only Dremel. I want a Dremel specifically as I can return it if it busts or anything.

>> No.1691074

get the cheapest one

>> No.1691318

>On their site the 4300 needs an adapter to use some of the older tool sets apparently(?)
Looks like it's talking about things like the flex shaft that screws directly onto the shaft where the collet would be. https://youtu.be/mKlEN2qGgKE

>> No.1691375

Is there an electronic/electrical connector infographic? I need to buy a replacement for a 4 pin connector I've never seen before, to rewire some old electronics. At a loss as to what it's called, and the PCB it attaches to tell me the use of the pins, but not the connector itself.

>> No.1691569
File: 154 KB, 960x720, why house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone build a house like this? Why not extend the garage few more feet?

>> No.1691948

Anyone? Is there any problem with my plan?

>> No.1691989
File: 626 KB, 850x439, APC UPS XS1000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was going to ask this in /g/sqt but since its more electricity related and not software related i thought about asking here instead.

How important is Sinewave when it comes to UPS? i have been looking to get one for 2 workstations(About 750w in total for both) i have to run them 24/7 for some months for reasons and a powerloss will fuck everything up, based in what i have researched myself i know that i should avoid "Square" Sinewave like pic related that cheap APC and Cyberpower units have(pic related).
Is modified sine wave something i should avoid too or im just being paranoid?

>> No.1692078
File: 58 KB, 490x741, 91-LCoCUE6L._SY741_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had this 1k piece Mona Lisa puzzle for years now and never really bothered with it, but I always thought it'd look cool framed.

What is the process to framing it, as painless as possible? Do I get a big sheet of plywood or wax paper to assemble it on top of?

>> No.1692122

How thin is too thin for acrylic sheets? I've got 3/32", but with my project, I think I might want to sand/file/cut/etc part of it to be maybe 3/64 or 1/16. I'm not super worried about durability, but I'd rather it not snap or flex if I stare at it wrong.

>> No.1692179

Clear epoxy with a long cure time, pour and brush until it's all soaked in and the ridges don't show, then hit it with a heat gun to get rid of the bubbles