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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 51 KB, 600x900, harold diy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1682882 No.1682882 [Reply] [Original]

Just interested to see what trades people work in? as this is the only board where the anons actually have jobs.

Mine is; assembly technician and health and safety overseer. I work in a workshop building machines for the electronics industry, involving machining and lots of hand tool work.

>> No.1682887

IT project manager. The wage cage drives me mental and I need DIY to maintain my sanity. I fucking hate IT and wage cages

>> No.1682909

welder in foundry

>> No.1682910

Scaffold leadman, or as I like to say, temporary platform engineer.

>> No.1682920


Head Nigger In Charge

>> No.1682924
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>temporary platform engineer.

>> No.1682927

Marriott goes out of their way to not refer to us as maintenance, although they changed it to "Guest Services Technician" recently, my boss refuses to use that title since it's the weenie hut jr equivalent of "Engineer"

>> No.1682928


I worked in IT for about 10 years. As a Jr SysAdmin, SysAdmin, IT Director and finally as a Field Engineer. Like a lot of people I started in IT because I loved computers but by the time I left, I hated computers and hated the whole bugman tech industry culture, fuck all of it.

I left and got a job as a maintenance tech at a hospital, doing light HVAC work, electrical, plumbing, painting, etc. The actual work was really fun but the work environment sucked hard and I knew I'd never adjust to it so I quit.

Right now I'm working for a company that send me all over the country building and installing retail stuff, like the platforms where stores display mannequins, installing shelving and checkout counters at grocery stores, crap like that. It's not great but it actually pays really good although all the travelling is hard on me.

>> No.1682935

" forensic accountant "

>> No.1682936

"Production Manager"

Building and managing others who build our products and...

Inventory control


Tech support

Customer Support/service



Small company that needs to hire more skilled employees and ax the rest

>> No.1682942

Started as an hvac tech to hvac foreman and now im the operations manager of a shopping centre

>> No.1682944

"Painter", for a property management company. Part of the maintenance team and functionally anything drywall or painting related. More patching than hanging, more depends what goes wrong.

>> No.1682945

Commercial/industrial HVAC technician turned field supervisor. I started life as an electrician but switched to HVAC because my master electrician father didn't want me to be an electrician. Already had enough electricians in the family, needed some other trades.

>> No.1682949

Maybe I should say, large metro and the PM company owns a large amount of buildings in a university neighborhood. My workzone is a portfolio of buildings like... 1500 units? Maybe more maybe less? Maintenance Techs get smaller pockets of buildings, maybe 150-300 units apiece, wider variety of responsibilities I guess.

>> No.1682956


Job titles aren't what they used to be. Many years ago I worked in a textile mill, back when america still had factories, and I was the "breakdown man", because I worked on looms that were too fucked up for the normal mechanic, who was literally called the "loom fixer". Once in a while a shuttle would fuck up and break about a thousand threads, so you went and wrote it up on the "smash board" so that the "smash hand" would come straighten it out.

>> No.1682969

"workforce management specialist"
It's resource management, I look at how much shit we are doing, how fast we can do it, and predict how much shit we'll have to do in the future. Then I set hiring targets and productivity goals.

I work at a med size (~1200 people) fintech startup valued at 3 to 5 billion.
It's fun, I get to work with loads of people in different parts of the business like marketing, product teams, etc.

I do /diy/ in my spare time

>> No.1682976
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that's amazing i love it.
>I work at a med size
>startup valued at 3 to 5 billion
>med size
>3 to 5 billion
holy fucking jesus what the fuck. what's your salary?

>> No.1682977

Project Controls Manager, cost and schedule oversight and controls for aviation and industrial construction projects

>> No.1682979

Med size as in the size of the workforce
We're not public so the valuation is speculation on the part of our investors
I make around 70k & we are only a team of 4

>> No.1682980

Ibew 1st year apprentice.

>> No.1682993

stonemason and sculptor.
basically i beat stones into shapes.

>> No.1682995

Laboratory engineer. Short as that. It is exactly what it sounds like.

>> No.1682996

Period 2 electrical apprentice doing industrial low voltage electrical and instrumentation installation and maintenance.
I quit this summer though to go to uni for CS

>> No.1683026

'director of operations'
At a dental lab, although I'm really a self trained digital dental technician

>> No.1683037

Archivist for a goverment agency. So sadly nothing to do with my DIY interests.

Its a comfy position though so not really complaining.

>> No.1683043

Completions Consultant in the Oil and Gas industry. I specialize in Frac and Coil, but can do Workover as well.

The hardest part is Wellview and all of the paper invoice signing. Stamp, look up AFE, Job code, mAke sure the vendor isn't trying to pull a "billing mistake", then sign.

>> No.1683095

Aviation Electrician in US Navy. It's sort of repetitive and I hate the struggle between being told.do maintenance properly and do it as quickly as possible as well as the other military bs. I barely knew how to do anything b4 joining but now I'm glad to say that its actually.gave me some confidence in doing shit like oil changes and basic wire repair.

>> No.1683100


>> No.1683137

Steel Detailer
I take structural drawings and create drawings and files usable by fabrications shops and erectors.

>> No.1683141

Sysadmin / dba / software dev for a small company, don't get paid enough, but don't really want to keep working this career that much any more either.

>> No.1683155

Meteorological technologist. I fix weather stations.

>> No.1683156

Web dev.
All the data entry gravitated my way which is automated.
Turned a 35/hr week job into 10hr/week and don't deal with anyone.
Still hate it though. Can't raise a family on $60k and can't find side gigs.

>> No.1683202

Dentist, I deal with the dirtiest place in your body.

>> No.1683208
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In the past I've worked as a general handyman, chimney sweep and electronic engineer.

>the dirtiest place in your body
pic related.

>> No.1683210
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>Can't raise a family on $60k
wtf. that's fucked.

>> No.1683216

Senior Engineer at a 30 man fabrication shop with a couple of product lines. All that means is I've been there longer than the other guy whos an engineer. It also means I pretty much decide what needs improved / redesigned and just work on it unless there are a lot of custom orders coming in, then I'm forced to work on that. Making owners manuals sucks.
How fast can you paint a whole room, walls ceiling and trim?
>Small company that needs to hire more skilled employees and ax the rest
Same here man.

>> No.1683221

You'd think, just an astounding example of rising Cost of Living through the years.
$60K for a family of 5 per month:
$1,250 for health insurance
>25% taxes
$900 rent (wishful thinking)
Electric ($100) Water ($50) and internet ($50)
Family phone plan ($100)
Let's say 1 kid is driving, so $400 in car insurance
You're supposed to be saving 15% for retirement
Food -that's a lot of mouths to feed. $400?
Seven hundred bucks leftover at the end of the month for car gas, entertainment, misc accessories, and to save for car repairs, college, heaven only knows. Daycare can be $800/month.
Stay in school and get a good job. I'm blessed in that my wife makes just as much as I do. I wish she didn't have to work.

>> No.1683229

Maintenance helper. I do maintenance work for less pay. They won't give me maintenance because I haven't done my time yet. Company is a joke I'm interviewing for a machining apprenticeship at a medium sized shop

>> No.1683235

Tfw sent 40 applications for retail and rejected by all without interview

>> No.1683244

I'm a Computer Operator in Domestic Settings most of the time and I have a side job in Videogame Controlling and Genital Wrangling.

The pay is shit but I have a lot of free time.

>> No.1683250

I can do a 1-bedroom-unit turnover in a day if it's in relatively good condition, assuming there isn't a lot of necessary prep, no wallpaper-removal, not too much furniture to move etc. Working on my own timeclock (not "how much is there needs doing today/this week/etc." for the company) I'd trust myself to do at least a medium-bedroom-and-small-bathroom in "a day" with a not-unreasonable amount of preparation, or something like that.

>> No.1683265

Brake press operator. Shit sucks don't ever go down this route.

>> No.1683276

I hear that's normal now. good luck in your future job getting activities.

>> No.1683279

"The Suit"

>> No.1683281

Field service engineer, copier/printer.

>> No.1683282


>> No.1683283
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>apply for a job at burger king
>realize I look like a convict in my resume's pic
>realize every pic I take looks like that

>> No.1683284

You sound like my production manager.... he needs to go

>> No.1683285

A-are you a convict?

>> No.1683288
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No, I'm a 25 year old neet that can't even get a fucking mcjob.

>> No.1683289

The Maintenance Man
>rental property
single dwellings and apartments
fifty two addresses
e v e r y t h i n g - drywall, paint, plumbing, electrical, tile, appliance repair, HVAC repair and replacement - almost everything, carpet and vinyl are done by a local company

>> No.1683293

Electrical Foreman - Commercial jobs

>> No.1683296

You are too old for BK, go get a real job.

>> No.1683299

Inside Wireman. It doesn't pay much, at least in my area.

>> No.1683300
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Quality Inspector for Wago Ltd
Mostly making sure our assembly departments
make everything correctly to CAD designs and production specifications. A lot of looking at stuff closely and electrical testing. I love it

>> No.1683320

Become either a roofer or a floor installer

>> No.1683321

I'm not in america, our jobs got taken by mohammed.

>> No.1683322

If anyone asks I say I do home renovation.
In reality I am a NEET that renovated my mothers house (which I live in).
Technically correct I suppose.

>> No.1683323

"fire&security systems technician"
I do burglary systems (motion detectors, door sensors, etc), card swipe door systems, CCTV, etc. Mostly do doors and cameras in fresh apartment buildings.
Because I work for a small company I have to be a jack if all trades and do fire alarms occasionally depending what needs done.

Fucking hate fire. Love cameras. Doors and burg aren't terrible

>> No.1683342
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Manufacturing Engineer for a large, aerospace forge company. Big factory, big presses, big forgings. Currently I'm the only manufacturing engineer so I've got my hands in everything: open and closed die forging, tooling inspection and repair (using a 3D scanner), CNC programming, and metrics (the Excel guy).

Previously worked as the do-everything engineer at a firetruck factory.

>> No.1683343

Trash truck driver.

>> No.1683352

can you recommend me some gabagool?

>> No.1683358

>resume Pic
What the fuck is this shit lol. I've gotten several jobs without a fucking picture of myself

>> No.1683359

"Principal Member of Technical Staff"

>> No.1683360

It's cultural, you won't get a job in my country without a pic of your face on your resume.

>> No.1683380

Are you in South America?

>> No.1683385


>> No.1683393

Pretty sure in the US it's discouraged due to there being a possibility of preferential treatment. Wouldn't want pretty people to get all the jobs, or ugly people to never get a job.

>> No.1683408

>it’s whats for dinner
No mafia anymore, just Wall Street.

>> No.1683421
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>Genital Wrangling
wait, what?

>> No.1683429
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give us some more info, that sounds dank (pun intended)

>> No.1683444

NEET who plays vidya and jerks off.

>> No.1683466

how many years of neet life?

>> No.1683474

Man you fucks have the easiest job in the world. Won’t show up until 7:30, hard deadline of 1:30 to take the panel off test. Alarm companies are one of the worst rackets in the trades, we have to pay you $500 per shutdown in Boston.
>t. sprinklerfitter and company co-owner

>> No.1683479

Helper for Sprinkler Pipe Fitters

>> No.1683514

t. Low skill employee

>> No.1683518

Facilities Engineer

>> No.1683520

Data Scientist ie Senior Analyst

>> No.1683527

Chief Operating Officer, soon to be Co Owner. Feels good man. Was working my ass off as a delivery driver when I got scalped by a guy looking for someone to help run the business. Was a weird guy at first, didn't want to reveal his intentions while he was probing what kind of person I was. 10/10 Working Relationship and I've never looked forward to life as much as I do nowadays.

>> No.1683541

Business owner I guess
>Cattle and sheep farmer
>Pest controller
>Electrical Engineer

I've largely left the engineering behind as consultation work takes me away from the family for too long, still run around shooting people's pest and feral animals fairly regularly. Though if I wanted it, the title of International Semen Salesman title is up for grabs

>> No.1683558

Yeah commercial fire is straight up government-sponsored extortion, and my coworkers who do exclusively fire are the laziest fucks around.

>Hour long paid lunch breaks that the boss doesn't know about
>Sit in the car for an hour or more each morning cuz they need beauty sleep or something
>Some of them don't even care about craftsmanship
>Boss tried once having them run wires in prep for me to come in for devicing. Bad Ethernet crimps, shit not labeled, I wasn't told locations of switches, shit was all around fucked
>"Aww fuck, we got camera and access wire boxes on the job pile, I hate this shit"

And for fire systems, each install costs thousands, and I have never once seen a system actually save a human life. When you think about it their only purpose is to notify ems when it detects a fire, and make loud noises for the people inside. I have seen countless false alarms with dispatch (most fire co's charge the customer after the 3rd false alarm), service calls for stupid shit like a tenant removing a smoke head (costs the customer hundreds for the simplest quickest shit ever), it just annoys me so much how our industry would not exist if not for fines and regulations. That one NYC factory fire in 1911 made the govt cuck out big-time for hundreds of years to come

>> No.1683563

where in the fuck is that yellow job list?

>water plant operator, rotating shifts

>> No.1683585

Waterproofing Technician

>> No.1683625

This sounds really comfy. I can't believe how unhealthy I've become at my slave desk all day. Humans aren't supposed to be bound to a desk

>> No.1683626

Military son. I did my 6 years.

Also change country, come to Australia in a suit or if you're from Australia, go to the UK or America and larp your history. Learn project management and shit on YouTube.

>> No.1683631
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Service Tech II
solar stuff
See pic

>> No.1683649

Delivery Driver (Class A)

ME dropout

>> No.1683650

>pays really good
How? Do you work for one retail company or one of those companies that gets contracted out by the big guys?

Out reset people do ok, but not great. They don’t really build stuff though, just light assembly.

>> No.1683657

>I hate the struggle between being told.do maintenance properly and do it as quickly as possible
That’s not just military. That is every company, especially big ones. They want you to do it as good as the books but as fast as the guys who completely half ass it. I have had those struggles with my bosses multiple times, telling them that I’m not going to totally fuck stuff up just to say it’s done.

>> No.1683665

systems engineer. guess what i do

>> No.1683677

"Android Software Technician"

I applied for a Senior Android Developer position and that's what I'm doing, they just "had to change the title since you don't have a degree" which is fine by me since it means I start at the same pay level but have more spots to move forward.

Before this I worked developing an Android app for a canadian startup, and I hated it, place was shit and they were fucking over their employees.

And before that I had my dream job, I was running my own startup, I developed a cryptocurrency (not fucking ERC20 garbo, complete from scratch) and tried shilling it. Got a couple big investors in the beginning but the crypto slump in 2018 really hit us hard and we had to close up shop august of that year, if we had been a bit more sleezy and shitty like a bunch of the others out there we may've made it, but we chose to not be assholes and try and do things the right (and legal) way, which in the end I guess fucked over our investors more than being sleezy and shitty, but oh well, c'est la vie. I still run the relays for that crypto and still develop it as a passion project, just hoping one day it will to the moon and I can get back to being my own boss.

>> No.1683680

Power Engineer, aka boiler operator. Basically running all the utilities for an industrial plant including steam, water, compressed air, etc. Licensed job here in trudeauland so it pays fairly well

>> No.1683684

Paramedic - I fucking hate humans

>> No.1683742

Wago here, yikes indeed!
Can you tell me more?
These are rated for signage and illuminations, just curious what the application was.

>> No.1683746


operator bros here.
i am an operator in chemical manufacturing at a large pharmaceutical company
shit is cash, and pays cash for the work that i do. 5 shifts so have alot of free time aswell

>> No.1683747

They tried sticking fat PV wire in them even though it's a tight fit and it was loose. Stuck to the box.

>> No.1683750

Ya see, we try to make our products idiot proof and the world comes along and makes a better idiot.

>> No.1683758


Multiskilled operative.

>> No.1683768

Title is 'Assistant Repair Technician' which means I mostly fix hospital beds, apheresis machines, etc.
DIY wise I'm a 'custom furniture carpenter' which means I make St. Andrew's Crosses for CEOs so they can get punched in the balls or whatever.

>> No.1683812
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OH. fuck. i'm such an autist.
yep. you can do it fast, or you can do it right.
the award for vaguest job title goes to (you)! i'm genuinely curious, what do you do? what does that entail?
>which means I make St. Andrew's Crosses for CEOs so they can get punched in the balls or whatever.
hahahahaha you are a legend.

>> No.1683851

Site Support Admin I

Not really diy but the pay is good and the work is chill.

>> No.1683914

Visiting scholar

>> No.1684170
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Manufacturing engineer - cnc programming first and then trying to fix all the other problems second, like why dont we have any tools in stock or why doesnt this machine work and make the replacement parts.

>> No.1684179

package handler

>> No.1684185

man that sounds fucking amazing. That's the job for me

I'm an "audio visual installation technician". Most people think that means live events setup/teardown shit, but I do only permanent installs for corporate offices or schools mostly. It's a lot of running cat6 cables, mounting/rigging large projectors/displays/motorized screens onto i-beams or concrete/drywall, or building racks. It's pretty damn easy desu, but I'm non union and only get 19/hr after 2 years in

>> No.1684190

My dad employs me as a paper waist basket

>> No.1684212

Software Developer. I like the contrast.>>1683283
A picture on your resume will only deter no matter how good it is. Trust me just ditch it.

>> No.1684215

>tfw work for a railroad
>tfw I piss off young college STEM kids when I say "Yeah, I work with a whole lot of engineers."

>> No.1684222

Engineering Technician
I work at a university looking after labs and equipment as well as some consulting and commercial work. Pays is not as good as I could get with my degree, but I'm doing my PhD at the same time and the job itself is fun

>> No.1684370

>integrated engineer
I build heat exchanges and all the pipework to go with them
i build the power plant
i install the skid
i lag the pipework
i do the grounds works
i do the pressure testing
i do the book keeping
i make the coffee
i make shit money

in my free time i like to do odd landscaping jobs and whittle wood

>> No.1684371

Heavy equipment operator. Former supertrucker.

It's exponentially more dumb playing with tanka toys as an adult.

>> No.1684373

Odd. You welding on cast shit or something?

Why would a foundry need welders?

>> No.1684374

Like the 2 months i worked at walmart. We were all "associates" like, fuck u man. I gotta let people know when i take a piss. If that aint wagecucking i dont know what is

>> No.1684375

A job threading thousands of needles. I would jump off a bridge

>> No.1684376

>Gman intruder alert.


>> No.1684377

Workover. Like pulling wells? I grew up doing that

>> No.1684379
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Mine is really fucked up.

>> No.1684383

I walked into an interview to be a "custodian"

>oh, sorry about that. They forgot the part in the ad saying you need 2 years experience. Not qualified mop up piss.

Can't make this shit up.

Was building houses in 2008 for the biggest piece of shit builder on earth. Glad i moved back home. Wichita is the fucking worst.

>> No.1684385

I am a medical doctor.

Dr. Martin J. Deleatus.

>> No.1684387

It only gets worse if you dont get out there and make connections.

We may as well not even try to apply for jobs without knowing people there.

Do what you can and follow all the boomer tier advice until you can find a job that you can tolerate until the sweet release of death

>> No.1684388

Kek. Carpets easy as shit but going it alone sucks

>> No.1684389

Odd. Of all people I'd think you folks would like the human race

>> No.1684390

It still cracks me the fuck up you grt paid to build shit and share it with us. Never stop anon

>> No.1684391

I make under 19 and get paid better than most in my neck of the woods. Been loading trucks here 6 years.

>> No.1684392

Man. I used to drive the van around delivering you guys for less than mininum wage. You might be an exception but I'm 42 now and in my entire life I've never met such a group of whiny entitled fucks.

Maybe it was just BNSF i dont know

>> No.1684501

yeah where i'm from that's really high too. I'm in chicago now where minimum wage is 12. DESU I almost die often enough to be getting at least 25

>> No.1684604

I'm a contractor. I do not have any red seals but my dad is an electrician, worked for a plumber for 4 years and have been doing carpentry work for about 10 years. If I need anything structural done unusually hire a framing crew and if I need to do a lot of rewiring a bring my dad in to help me. I also know a really good flooring crew so I usually hire them to do that shit unless work is slow and I want to keep myself busy/keep some more money to myself while jobs come down the pipe. I also have a roofing crew I hire because seriously fuck that shit

>> No.1684607

Bro I was in an oldschool foundry one time and it was literally like hell on earth.

>> No.1684613
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When I was a student I worked in a factory. It was just production pretty well on the whole floor with the exception of a few skilled trades guys who were there to maintain the machines or mill/machine certain parts. People all had different titles based on the specific product they were making, even though you're just putting material in the machine, pressing the button, and taking the part out.
>mfw people would get butt hurt whenever I referred to it as "production" work
>ayyy, woah, hey anon. We're not production; we're supertrak (tm) technicians!
It was some really insecure shit. Same with secretaries that call themselves "executive assistant".

>> No.1684614

I heard this shit takes extreme amounts of patience

>> No.1684615

Anon, I think I have early stages of gingavitus (sp?). Sometimes if I floss for the first time in a while it smells bad. What can I do? Internet seems to say using oil of oregano works well for that. What's your thoughts?

>> No.1684619

What does it pay? Why not be a contractor instead?

>> No.1684622

It's like that in a lot of things. Anyone has a problem with how much shit costs, I tell them to take it up with the government because 75% of the cost is going to them in the form of taxes, permits, inspections, government insurance, etc.

>> No.1684639

>Hour long paid lunch breaks that the boss doesn't know about
Most people in the UK get hour long paid lunch breaks that the boss does know about as part of their contract. Is it true that most Americans don't get paid annual leave?

>> No.1684641

>Why not be a contractor instead?
I'm retired. I don't want to work.
I spend a few hours each day keeping up.
Today, I pruned some dead wood from a decorative tree.
Tomorrow I plan of filling some nail/screw holes in a recently vacated apartment and putting out the "APARTMENT FOR RENT' sign.
Sometimes I have to actually work.
Last Friday I had to change out a condenser unit for one of the apartments.
The compressor died in the old one.

>> No.1684643

Ok fair enough. You just want to do your shit and not have to find the jobs,/deal with the stress, sort of thing? I've heard this a lot from older former contractors. But they work for like half the money they made when they were contractors.

>> No.1684652

Information security analyst.

>> No.1684657

Are your pictures all in blackface?

>> No.1684666

Logistics Planner.

get trucks from point A to C and deal with dummy dispatchers all day

>> No.1684675
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I'd assume so, since I can lay a stone wall about twice as fast as the 'professional' masons i've seen working around town and it looks just as good.
why can't you guys provide tracking or any info on the location of the shit for that matter until 5 days after it gets damaged and is left on a dock in Wichita? UPS Freight is gonna put you out of business if you don't get with the times.
Also to answer OP, I'm a 'historical building preserver' in the US which means literal plaster plasterer.

>> No.1684678
File: 2.52 MB, 4032x3024, 45BE1A1C-80D5-4FEA-B635-989C187A922E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lead tool assembler
Die preparation department for a forging company on the Midwest.

I want to get into a trade but can’t until my wife graduates so I’m stuck here wanting to die.

>> No.1684707

Power electronics engineer

>> No.1684735

always thought 'power electronics' was an oxymoron, just like 'electronical'

>> No.1684738
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Receiving Associate, worked as a Freight Associate for several years and switched to receiving because it's M-F and no more overnights. Currently going to school for welding, though.

>> No.1684743

Yep I'm 31 and this is the first year I will break 100k gross and I feel like I work more and can afford less than 10 yrs ago making less than half the money.
And you forgot to add car note into that list of cost a 25k car will cost you about 400$ a month

>> No.1684759

Please elaborate
I'm signed up to start a 5 month EMT course soon.

>> No.1684771

Journeyman Plumber with mostly commercial experience

>> No.1684852

Floss more and mouthwash you fucking troglodyte

>> No.1684866

Senior furniture maker. I make furniture... and I've been doing it a while.

>> No.1684867

Who they get to deal with:
- Criminals who got roughed up when they were caught stealing
- Filthy stinking homeless people
- Junkies in ghettos where Bright Upstanding African-Americans With Promising Futures (or the equivalent in their area) will give you shit for daring to help one of them not die from an overdose
- Generic normie scumbags who beat each other up on friday and saturday night (and wing night!) for no reason except that they are drunk muscleheads
- It's often at night and people are standing around drunk and talking shit all the time
- The patient is also drug-addled and talks shit to you, and tries to fight you

>> No.1684870

It's all of them. I manage a yard and the crews are whiny spoiled shit heads that will complain and work twice as hard to get out of work than just doing their job... that they get paid $45-$50 an hour to perform.

>> No.1684874

It's funny, but at 17 y/o, I was making minimum wage on the weekends.
I had more expendable cash and a better financial freedom than I do today.
Sure, dad and mom were putting a roof over my head and feeding me, and were probably feeling how I feel now, but it's pretty messed up. Life gets expensive.

>> No.1684880

I never felt poorer than when I owned a house with a girlfriend. Cost of living has gotten insane in my city and the gf wanted to put down roots here going further in debt for a shitty job. Fuck that.

>> No.1684933

whatever the planners fucking want, my qual is plumbing, my company does social housing and wants everyone doing anything, so plumbing, ground works, carpentry, upvc doors and windows, roofing, plastering.

>> No.1685046

The tax man knows me as a domestic goddess. I also moonlight as the bearded lady.

>> No.1685061

Floor Cleaning Specialist

>> No.1685067

Electro-Mechanical Assembler

>> No.1685097

Eastern US, I'm guessing...

>> No.1685713

A way to cut costs would be to get rid of a kid or three. Are your neighbors buying?

>> No.1685766

Medical doctor

>> No.1685794

Fucking NE oklahoma. Fucking kill me

>> No.1685796

Product Development Lead

>> No.1685799

Yeah man. I only got the job so i could buddy up to those guys and get into conductor school or whatever. After 4 months i got so fed up with myshitty company in those whinebag fucks that i quit. One crew in particular was a real cunt. Fortunately i have a good bro right off the interstate. One day when a fucking tornado warning was in effect we stopped at a truck stop to grab snacks and shit before the storm. Bought and put on a full blown over priced rain suit and put it on. Told those guys it was in case we got a flat. About 20 miles down the road it was storming its ass off. I told those guys what pieces of shit they were and they could all fucfuck themselves. Then i pulled over on the exit ramp my buddy was waiting on, rolled down the windows, and threw the keys into the fucking river while they all freaked out trying to get the windows up. Laughed my ass off and played xbox with my buddy and a bunch of friends while taking phone calls on speakerphone. I told my shitty company that the drivers told me to get the fuck out and i refused. I took the keys so they couldn't steal my van. And then i tripped and fell on a flooded street and dropped the keys. WUPS.... they got all pissy and threatened to call the law and sue. My brother is a shithead ambulance chasing lawyer. He lives to dick with people. I let them know that I'd be suing them for working overtime and being paid under minimum wage for it. Lied and said a coworker i hate threatened to kill me. Made up some other funny shit.

Had my bro show up with a goofy order not legal paper that basically said they owe me for the numbers i figured up. Polaroids of a book i logged my hours in. And that they are immediately ordered to stop contact and drop any and all charges or we would sue for 10 million dollars. He brought my work phone back and gave it to them in a suit. Top fucking kek. Word got up the company chain. 3 of my coworkers and bosses were fired and company sued.

>> No.1685802

This is actually true tho. When nixon took us off the gold standard in 71 he doomed the entirety of america to ruin. Look at ANY civilization since written history. They all go to ruin when its not backed by anything. Add that to the fact for every $1 you have in the bank they are allowed to loan out $20. We are FUCKED. The government as a whole is compounding it.

It's hard and sad to admit. But america will never be great again. It will continually get shittier as time goes on until the american dollar is useless trash blowing in the wind. Then we'll have a new currency and banks will reopen to trade 1 reall dollar for 50 shitty old dollars and get the economy and/or post war cleanup done and we'll rise from the fucking ashes just to do it all again.

And thats only if we dont get gangraped on every other nation on earth.

>> No.1685837

it's mostly just social parasites living in repulsive filth calling 911 for whatever particular repercussion of their suicidally unhealthy lifestyle is currently troubling them.
Ah yes, you weigh 400 pounds, you've been chain smoking since you were 12, you're on O2 and a shoebox full of medications for blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid problems, liver disease, COPD, insomnia, chronic fatigue, and the flu, you haven't gotten up from that couch in 2 weeks and you called 911 because you "felt dizzy." hmm let's get to the bottom of this.
I WISH we had more fights and overdoses, those are interesting calls

>> No.1685839
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Aerospace engineer

>> No.1685849

Tile setter here

>> No.1685865

I don't believe any of this happened

>> No.1685990


>> No.1686229

I have no idea. At work I

>shop supervisor (person other employees go see if they fuck something uphave a problem)
>production manager
>manual lathe/mill machinist
>CNC setup machinist
>EDM techpriest (it's fucking dark magic shit I don't even what the fuck)
>general machine maintenance
>quality control/metrologist

'the fuck do I do with this as a title?

>> No.1686261
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>> No.1686425

Motor Winder. I get paid to be frustrated.

>> No.1686448

>>EDM techpriest (it's fucking dark magic shit I don't even what the fuck)
Okay sweet I thought this was just my shop. We only have one EDM guy but he's mysterious as fuck and only wears dark robes to work

>> No.1686451

Front office financial analyst.

>nb4 "hurr durr not DIY"

Yes, I know. But hey, laughing at you from my pile of money.

>> No.1686453

I'm never interacting with customers, usually I'll be grumbling at other employees when they break something or telling them what to do after they're done breaking some other thing, or staring at code, or staring at clusterfucks of toolpaths in CAM, or squatting behind machines hissing at sunlight. Lately I have been chanting at the EDM to calm its spirits. Any incenses to recommend?

The whole job title thing is starting to annoy me, been starting to look at the housing market and trying to explain to mortgage guy what I do at work.

>> No.1686471

Application developer. I do /diy/ because I was raised on the countryside and there you just have to know how to use tools and fix everything around the house. I work in IT because I like it and the money is really good these days.

>> No.1686472

am a carpenter and civil engineer, currently working at an engineering firm mostly giving maintainence advice, doing cost estimates and general construction supervision, don't really have a job title that I know of

>> No.1686473

Jr. Project engineer

>> No.1686480

Don't put your picture on your resume, anon.

>> No.1686483

based basicshit poster

>> No.1686489

electronics specialist
I fix electronics, mostly Apple laptop motherboards on daily basis

>> No.1686490

Thats why i like being an oiler. If i wanna jump in and play tonka toys the foreman will love me. If i wanna throw down and help the mechanics, they fucking love me. If I don't want to do anything I just drive around the jobsite and park at rando pieces of equipment for a 10 min powernap. It's a cake job. My real job is commercial fishing tho. But also I do generao contracting and whatever else. Got a lot of sidegigs. Dont know how you guys can stand clocking in for a 9-5 doing the same dumb shit every day for years on end.

>> No.1686502

"welder/metal fabricator" I build farm and manure equipment. Most of my day is fabricating from scratch and fitting

>> No.1686505
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Audio engineer
Pay is good, great work environment, didn't have to go to school or get any qualifications. Have overtime almost every day.

>> No.1686538
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>currently working at an engineering firm
>don't really have a job title that I know of
>have never seen my contract
>am unaware of what day payday is
>not certain what my salary is
>can't find my actual workplace anymore
>surrounded by trees
>subsisting on berries and squirrels
>built a hut out of wood using my carpentry skills
>founded small town and began infrastructure construction four moons ago.
>I fend off the wolves with spears made from rowan saplings for their straightness
>good promotion and advancement opportunities!

>> No.1686553

Just say machinist. Don't know if it will be as clear for people outside of manufacturing, but we use it to refer to certain gifted employees.
>A machinist can operate multiple machines, can identify (and sometimes correct) problem G-Code, can be given a drawing, and can prioritize tasks to accomplish a goal
>A machine operator loads the machine and pushes some buttons

>> No.1686558

Structural engineer

>> No.1686562

The problem is that I'm also a shop supervisor and the CAD and CAM programmer. And the quality control/metrologist. And the EDM guy.

>> No.1686634

Then say supervisor, that will definitely sound better to someone considering you for a mortgage, but in reality they're only looking at your income.

>> No.1686769
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Literally just "Beekeeper" no fancy shit.

>> No.1686774

Design engineer for an automotive OEM i.e. glorified project manager.

DIY is my only creative outlet.

>> No.1686780
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Will they ever make beautiful cars again, anon?

>> No.1686788

This actually makes my penis kind of hard

>> No.1686897

Just moved to Wichita for engineering gig, can confirm, trash city.

>> No.1686899
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Heres some more fun stuff

>> No.1686901
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Cant imagine why there would be a ground fault here

>> No.1686902

Verification Engineer at aviation company

Pays well, but is in shit city. Got degrees in EE & CE. Leaving soon either way, would prefer an actual design role after all my schooling.

>> No.1686904

Seems to me you gents have a problem with the waterproofing on your boxes.

>> No.1686905

Aerospace Tool Builder

>> No.1686909

Fucking retards crank them with the drill. Also shit pipe runs fall apart and there was no drain. It isnt like this anymore just picking up the pieces

>> No.1686913

Rapid Prototyping Specialist
which translates to:
Perpetually Exhausted Almost-Engineer

>> No.1686987
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Electrical Helper
I'm an apprentice on my timecard though

>> No.1686996

“Local Parks Manager”

I am the boss of the people who you see at the gates of camp grounds, the people who maintain parks and the people who write tickets for wrongful hunting

>> No.1687105
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"Senior Software Engineer"
I work remote for a midsize tech company. Working remote allowed me to buy several acres of land in the mountains and that's when I got into /diy/ by necessity.
I put in the time at a few tech companies in Seattle, which you usually need to do to be credible enough to work remote.

>> No.1687121

Appliance repair technician. 10 years doing it.

>> No.1687133

Anon, no-one is laughing at you. Grow some confidence, seriously.

>> No.1687210

Profesional shotposter, getting paid with them (you)s.

>> No.1687311
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sheet metal fabricator

>> No.1687328

Senior Instrumentation and Controls Engineer.
Funny, because I don’t have a degree.

>> No.1687372

I throw lumber into trucks by hand.

They call me a lumber loader.
seems pretty spot on and non-frilly

>> No.1687375
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I work at the wineyard bitches

>> No.1687380

Heavy equipment

>> No.1687480

I'm a chemical tanker owner-operator. Most of my life I was in sales.

>> No.1687597

I'm a trainee lighting installation technician, I change fluorescent lights to LED, it's okay work but shit pay and no room for any really meaningful advances.

>> No.1687684

Helicopter/ Tiltrotor mechanic with the USAF. Not a bad gig.

>> No.1687737

Tig welder, mostly do fairly thick aluminum, copper, and brass parts.

>> No.1687804

Not him but chasing money is honestly the worst fucking thing in the world. It will keep you up at night and ruin your personal and business relationships.
One day you’ll be dead broke with your credit card maxed out and your mortgage a month behind, but then tomorrow you have $70,000 in the bank. You never know. I know a guy that had to quit because he had two heart attacks in as many years, just over money.

It’s all about finding the right GCs and owners to work with, because speaking as a contractor we are some of the most unreliable people on earth in general. Calling GC’s and having them say that they haven’t gotten paid yet is one of the most enraging things in life.

>> No.1687892

EMS division chief at a fire department. Basically just hang out and bullshit with the crews on duty and fuck around on my computer. Occasionally go do "field audits" on runs that sound like they might be cool.

>> No.1687894

This is 100% fact. Doing that job for any length of time will destroy your soul. I'm so glad I'm in administration now and not doing that 24 hour bullshit nonsense anymore. I only go out if it's something that sounds like it could be good. Plus my department just brought me a brand new 2019 Silverado as a chief's vehicle.

>> No.1687895


jockey CATIA/Siemens PLM, Generate endless paperwork into a black hole of apathy and piss off design teams.

>> No.1687900

Lead Operations and Maintenance Technician - I supervise two other technicians on my shift in a power plant. Day to day operation of the plant combined with writing procedures as well as performing maintenance tasks. I do mechanical, instrumentation, controls, and electrical work as needed.

>> No.1688427

Manufacturing Engineer

My job is create Standard Works for a Customer in Decatur IL,
Welding Inspector Lv2
Software development
3D Design
Safety Procediera
Welding Instructions
Working for a Metal/Mechanic company.

>> No.1688616

Lumber Associate at home depot

I'm at the dead end boys, no hope.

>> No.1688645

I'm a Field Service Engineer. Basically when a factory breaks their press brake, I drive or fly out and repair it. Usually takes a full day per repair because I also clean it and do some PM, sometimes a few days if the thing is really fucked and I have to call HQ for parts.

>> No.1688660

Why's the ground wire connected to a brown wire? Where are you at???

>> No.1688682

MECP advanced autotech
I install remote starts for middle aged women and amplifiers for melanin enriched individuals

>> No.1688720

>Granite/Marble/Solid surface fabricator
I make Fire surrounds, kitchen worktops, headstones etc from rocks.

>> No.1688723

Laborer on the Boiler field team of a piping contractor.
Just hired, still in the 90 day kid gloves period, so most of what I've done is watch other people weld or climb into confined spaces.
I think half the time I've worked is spent sitting in the truck while the foreman smokes because it's just me and him.

>> No.1689799

Shoutout from another aerospace anon, work in reg affairs

>> No.1689804

Mine is NEET

>> No.1689809

Professional shadetree mechanic.
>inb4 fly by night hack
Been doing this for about 4 years, took a couple courses at the local votech, and was working with an older guy who died from complications from a diesel injection injury.
I haven't got the cash or credit to get my own place, and the only place hiring near me is the fucking Walmart, so I've been working out of my uncle's place out in the sticks.

I miss having a real lift. Those scissor lift things you roll under the car just aren't the same.

>> No.1689866

Sheet Metal Mechanic 3rd Class

>> No.1689960

cant you work anywhere though as a a web dev? why not somewhere cheaper?

>> No.1689961

RT/UT Welder Fitter
Just working on nuclear stuff

>> No.1689962

Fuck yah! I worked there for years D25
You can escape easy; everywhere pays better. lol

>> No.1690050
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Colorist - Custom color matching and pigment dispersion. I also do some QC work.

>> No.1690091

Electrician, specifically industrial.


I used to be this guy until I got the fuck out. All the would be firefighters and emts out there should think hard about their decisions.

>> No.1690104

Railroads Polisher

>> No.1690131
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Don't really have a title (small company) but I fabricate big outdoor timber frame stuff

It's pretty dull desu but we have some cool tools like handheld bandsaws, beamsaws and this fucking beast of a chainsaw

>> No.1690218

HVAC Install foreman, I mostly do commercial and custom residential. Fuck retrofit and cookie-cutter new construction.

>> No.1690229

HR just bypasses this by stalking linkedin's instead. I've read so many threads and blogposts from HR workers in tech industries with them literally admitting to this.

>> No.1690233

incels should just stick to trades where there are less females involved
t. incel in trade

>> No.1690240

Even though it's a rarity, when you do encounter females in the trades it's always a horrible experience. They're usually aggressive dykes that have way too big of a chip on their shoulder that end up alienating all their coworkers; even the more liberal ones. That, or they're tashy hypersexual tomboys that try to get dick from every guy in the company, creating drama and destroying all chemistry among the crews. Not to mention almost all females struggle to the work, even at the level of a lesser male.

>> No.1690247

there is nothing worse in life than female bosses, god help any man who has to experience that suffering

>> No.1690488

Software engineer, 50k. I love all systems, current home project I'm doing is a total gas furnace replacement (you can buy Goodman's off amazon)

>> No.1690524

>Not to mention almost all females struggle to the work, even at the level of a lesser male.
I used to work in a machine shop and we had a few "normal" older women in their 50's and up, and I've had the same experience. One of them worked on my machine during day shift and i usually had to spend an hour or more unfucking the machine every single fucking day when I came in for evening shift.

On one occasion 2 of them worked on the machine during day shift and none of them realized the thread insert was chipped in a "W" pattern, so the threads where doubled. Out of the 150pces produced only 25 where good. I pointed it out to the foremen at the beginning of my shift and he wanted me to rework them all with a die in between pieces, fucking prick always covered for them even when most people in the shop agreed they where incompetent and shouldn't be doing setups on the machines.

>> No.1690547

Incel bucking 80 pound concrete bags. Suck me

>> No.1690561

"Credit Analyst". Baseically I just process applications for credit cards and look at documents like SSN cards and Drivers licenses. Pay is $22/hr so not bad, though I'm thinking of going into a plumbers apprenticeship since I'm getting real sick of having to listen to Indians and sassy black women complain about their credit lines. Any advice from plumbers?

>> No.1690655

B2 Technician, Avionic.
If it did not pay as well as it does, I would never even consider it.

>> No.1690658

The job title states that I am a Game Tester, but I haven't touched a controller in months since I have to train the new guys, explain and correct all the fuckups, create the documentation for them and generate the reports at the end of the day.

>> No.1690660

Edm machinist

>> No.1690757

do you take heavy-metal and machine-it into into electronic dance music?

>> No.1690781

Level 1-2 help desk technician. I want to look for a level 2-3 position somewhere else but my work place is so positive and everyone is just so god damn friendly I’m scared everywhere else will seem like shit by comparison.

>> No.1690811

Facility Manager

Basically the handyman at a K-8 school. I end up taking on kids who are struggling in class & teaching them basic maintenance, woodworking, etc.

It's a nice job.

>> No.1691115
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Energy rater

>> No.1691123

Every cotton field needs niggers.

>> No.1691253

Xray tech, Las Vegas. Managed urgent care x2.. seen some shit. Bought out by major Corp. Exp. means nothing.. stuck at Medical Assistant wage. Can't go elsewhere, impending CRT cert, no xray school. #urgentcare

>> No.1691260

>HR just bypasses this by stalking linkedin's instead

Fucking linkedin doesn;t help this. every fucking time I log in now

>You don't have a profile pic!
>People with profile pics get more views!
>Do you want to add a profile pic?
>Why won't you add a profile pic?

That's not even a joke. that's almost verbatim what it says.

>> No.1691278

heavy equipment technician but i work on literally all things

small trucks, big trucks, winch tractors, john deere tractors, hagglunds, hydr-ax mulchers, bunchers, excavators, rock trucks, dozers, scrapers, graders, packers, chipspreaders, live bottom trailers, belly dumps, side dumps, box trucks, runway brooms, oil distributors, loaders, forklifts, cranes, compressors, a/c, pressure washers

>> No.1691349

Gas Fitter 1
1 year away from completing 313A - Commercial AC and refrigeration mechanic.
Mostly worked custom homes and light commercial.

>> No.1691351

What company sends you all over installing retail? I install and service CNC machinery. Job used to be tits but recently changed hands and now we work on used machines. Going home with grease, coolant and chips in my hair every night gets old. I'd love to travel and do light carpentry.

>> No.1691354

Could you tell me why my house is at 70% humidity year round. It's on a slab and is about 800sq feet. I had a guy over said it was because the soffits were clogged. He wanted $500 so I did it myself didn't make a difference. I put two box fans on each end of the house at the table vents and that didn't help. I'm sick of the humidity what can I do besides get a dehumidifier?

>> No.1691356

You're 100% right. In fact, being a shitty amateur photographer I shot my wife's LinkedIn pic myself. I was just talking about an actual resume is all. Amazing what humans will do for a perceived advantage sometimes.

>> No.1691362

Back when it started up it wasn't a bad website for keeping in touch with people I'd worked with, both as fellow employees and customers for business. But now its sort of degenerated into some kind of shit social media where you end up getting invites from some third world cunt asking 'you gib job?' along with random HR cocksuckers I don't want anything to do with.

I do look like a scarred, axe murderer so maybe I should put up a profile pic so random people will fuck off

>> No.1692010

How old is the house? If it's very small and very tightly constructed it may need mechanical ventilation. Try running your bath fan 24 hours in the spare bath and see if that helps. If it does upgrade the fan to one that uses low wattage and is very quiet.

>> No.1692011

Also if your HVAC system is in the attic or the majority of duct work is in the attic, all those penetrations through the ceiling may allow humidity to equalize into the building. Sealing all penetrations through the ceiling plane will resolve this. Finally, leaky return side ductwork in the attic may be introducing humidity into the house when the system is running.

>> No.1692043
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>Even though it's a rarity, when you do encounter females in the trades it's always a horrible experience. They're usually aggressive dykes that have way too big of a chip on their shoulder that end up alienating all their coworkers; even the more liberal ones.
OP here, Have you been at my workshop over the last few days? hahaha

>> No.1692044

>I do look like a scarred, axe murderer
pics or it is lies.

>> No.1692614

psssst, go into industrial maintenance. Easiest fucking job I ever had until I made a mistake and got fired

>> No.1692620

>this is the only board where the anons actually have jobs.
I feel special. 9 years NEET here.

>> No.1692743

>Kill kill supervisor
>formerly kill floor operator

>> No.1692816

Retired due to medical disability at 37

>> No.1693078

Avionics Technician

I'm awful at it as well.

t. military

>> No.1693096

Are you still an engineer or have you moved on to something else?

>> No.1693099

NEET, I have no degree and based in London so jobs are hard to get due to overpopulation here

>> No.1693172

Neets are getting weird with their masturbation euphemisms

>> No.1693189

Rail is usually hiring pays good money and don't need a degree. Just go out to your local tube station at midnight you'll see them in orange jumpsuits, ask them how to apply.

>> No.1693323

Cyber Security Defense Coordinator
Independent contractor

I charge my clients 150 an hour for penetration testing and i charge the military 250 an hour to deal with their b.s.

>> No.1693364

I'm in my last year of college and I do basic bitch tutoring and shit. Nothing fancy but it keeps me fed

>> No.1693392

Failing owner of a startup formwork supply company

>> No.1693412

better to have tried and failed than to always wonder.. if your losing money now it wasnt meant to be.

For my side of construction we are throwing huge over priced numbers at jobs just because we arent sure if we can actually man all of it and somehow still get the jobs. Literally in the 40% profits range on some of these.

>> No.1693429

What do you do if they ask for a cost breakdown?

>> No.1693432

good on you man, here's someone contributing to our future.

>> No.1693435

>What do you do if they ask for a cost breakdown?

>> No.1693445

Nursing Home Administrator in the Bay Area

>> No.1693574

Production Support Engineer.
Aka that guy that works on everything no one else can fix.

>> No.1693584

Same as South America then.

>> No.1693585

Dude, how is than even possible?
Did you not make it into the job market straight out of school?

>> No.1693586

what the fuck is happening with the concertina guard?

>> No.1693589

Mechanical Fitter (think Millwright)
I do aerospace tooling work fairly often and dear god I feel bad for you. The endless fucking polishing and super strict tolerance requirements are absolutely cunted and make me want to die

>> No.1693644

...you spelled useless faggot wrong.

Why the fuck do you faggots leech off of others?

>> No.1693645

>rock trucks.

Haul trucks newfriend ;)

>> No.1693647

Dude was fucking one of them

>> No.1693654
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Glass Crafting Artist

>> No.1693662


>> No.1693666

Book faggots btfo

>> No.1693771
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Yeah those boxes aren't the most user friendly thing, I think we use fibox now. Also check out the size of this bad boy.

>> No.1693776

I agree. I'm raising 3 kids and a non working wife on under 40k

>> No.1693986

Productowner , work at a governmental org. I have a team of architects, dev engineers, service manager and security specialist. We’re building a private cloud platform, as the gov has applications, it doesn’t want to put in the public cloud... It is a cool project, potential ‘customers’ can’t wait to land their stuff....

>> No.1694048

Towboat captain

>> No.1694176

Water plant process operator

>> No.1694203

Electrician in Norway
Mainly doing smaller jobs in residential buildings and cabins

>> No.1694205

Printing press machine operator

>> No.1694219

Day to day includes press brake operation, cnc laser operation, rolling sheet metal, and other general sheet metal work.

My title is just "Sheet Metal Mechanic"

>> No.1694225

My rank is Lance corporal. I work as a office clerk in the army. In my job I have been in Afghanistan, Serbia and Kuwait.

>> No.1694276
File: 145 KB, 1024x532, 1568815277524m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1694436
File: 1.04 MB, 320x240, lumberjack golf.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a good christian minecraft imageboard.
all is as it should be.

>> No.1694482

I've got a good friend who's REALLY into christianity. Constantly tells how he's not scared to die, committed into Jesus. How do I politely tell him that I'm not into that shit?

>> No.1694594
File: 1.60 MB, 350x197, castle reaction.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's probably best to avoid it forever or find a new friend, the likelihood is that he's very emotionally attached to the religion and relies on it as an emotional/psychological crutch. do you want to take that crutch away and see what happens when he falls down? because some people just can't handle the fact that other people aren't crippled in the way that they are.
so i dunno, if he's reasonable (which from the sounds of it, he's probably not) then you could probably agree to disagree, but i can hear it now;
>"god doesn't require your belief in him, because he believes in you regardless! accept jesus into your heart and be saved"
The important thing to realize is that people don't believe because they think it's the most rational answer or because they are looking for the truth, they believe because they want to, for some other reason, so don't even start a logical or scientific argument with the guy. It won't go anywhere good.

>> No.1694615

Ask him what Jesus told his followers in regards to publicly expressing their religious fervor.

>> No.1694624 [DELETED] 

R&D Manager at a small electronics company. We integrate microcontrollers and SoC's doing LoRa and other wireless stuff, such as wifi, long distance, LTE, 5G, and bluetooth.

>> No.1694631

>Sometimes if I floss for the first time in a while it smells bad.
for it to work you have to floss once a day, before bed. you can't just floss occasionally and expect your gums to be healthy, think of it as being the same as wiping your butt occasionally, and you wouldn't do that, would you?

>> No.1694632

man, i hope you can save up and get a better job some time. i heard sometimes you guys will find someone literally fused to the couch

>> No.1694634

night manager at a hotel. 3 12 hour shifts a week 8pm-am. 14 an hour in AZ

>> No.1694761

Anyone in the trade with half a brain knows that the only thing waterproof boxes are good at is keeping water IN.

>> No.1694880

>lucky bastard

>> No.1695076

Home Theater Integrator

>> No.1695171

What did you study and what was your career path to get there? Sounds pretty interesting - I studied Physics but only recently realised I'd like something hands-on and technical.

>> No.1695674

My major was Mechanical Engineering Technology. Had a few different internships in college one of them got me my first full time job right out of school. I worked there for 3 years then wanted to move, my friend told me about an opening and I applied for it.