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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1659634 No.1659634 [Reply] [Original]

construction site general thread

ahhh nothin better then building a big building wit the lads every day
what was the best yarn you heard in the smoko shed this week, anon?

>> No.1659660


these stock photos always make me laugh

>> No.1659665

>hey intern, go buy the cheapest tools you can find
>hey black guy put the bag in front of your nutsack so when you walk you keep getting tagged.

Do yellow hard hats mean laborer/new guy/dumb ass in all of your areas too?

>> No.1659776

work shout, on the piss with the lads, some tiler or something gives a labourer kid a free tab of lsd

>> No.1659876

Their trigger discipline is terrible

>> No.1659967

They are filled with Eastern Europeans.

t. Norwegian.

>> No.1660169

Why did they all cosplay as Naruto dattebayo?

>> No.1660175
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>> No.1660217

Look at how clean they are and how they had a woman and a person of color for just the right touch of diversity

>> No.1660303

"Dark enough to score diversity points, but so dark it scares away that heartland racist dollar"

>> No.1660334

you just know.

>> No.1660392

Ja vist det kompis, vi bygger Norge kurwa!

>> No.1661133

Where are you?
In the UK it's different for every site.
The company I worked for had new people and visitors wear blue hats.
White was normal.
Black were supervisors.
Orange were signallers or banksmen.
Smartest and most experienced people wore white hats and had dirty PPE.

>> No.1661188

You ever worked construction? It fucking sucks

>> No.1661189

>new gear
>new hats
>new matching clothes
>that fucking tape measure

Construction workers of the corn.

>> No.1661202

>He frames for you too, Malachi!

>> No.1661228

colorado, usa
white are sparkies
green is hvac
red is sprinkler fitters
blue is plumbers
purple is pipe fitters
brown is iron workers
yellow is laborers and new guys

then typically all the other random trades pick white too.

full brim hard hats usually indicate foreman or leadmen, normal hard hats meant average worker

this isnt everywhere here but pretty typical of what you find.

>> No.1661233

>tfw arizona
>haven't seen someone in a hard hat in years

>> No.1661244

I'm confused, nobody in that picture appears to have a drug/alcohol problem.

>> No.1661247

Davis Bacon rules.
I hated my time spent in Colorado. The rudest place I've been in my life. Ruder than Detroit even.
The government is so far up a residents ass, you cannot fart there with out a permit. They hire contractors from out of state, because the locals are useless fucks. All the while bitching about out of state contractors taking from the economy. If you dumb fucks knew what you were doing...they wouldn't have called us in to fix your problems.I made so much money on the base's. I never put a dime back in their economy either.

>> No.1661282
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>> No.1661325

you expected people to give a fuck on a military base... what were you thinking?

wait your from detroit? are you a nigger?

>> No.1661335
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>tfw west texas
>only wear hardhats when the clients/architects/engineers come through
>dont even put them on for the electrical inspector

>> No.1661435

>Working on a hospital expansion as a Sparky
>Famous site Superintendent phrase is "We are not building a Walmart here."
>Building a Walmart requires all the same skills/knowledge any contractor should have.

>> No.1661439

If I wanted to get into construction work where should I go/what should I do?

Would love to go into a trade but can't really go to college again.

>> No.1661452

>matching gear
>nobody is dirty
>backwards tool belt just to show off tools
>shiny hard hats
>smiles that make you want to punch people
>nobody chain smoking
Nothing like a real day at work.

>> No.1661540

Walk onto jobsite, ask who needs help. It's that simple.

>> No.1661548
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>straight to uni after highschool
>dicked around, got shittered every night
>dropped out and started working construction out in very rural lands
>14-16 hour days with lads 30-40 years older than me
>come back to our shitty little cabin every night, no cell service, not even a tv, drink a handle of rum til sleep and do it all again
>miss pussy
>go back to uni
>become an engineer
>cant stand 99% of people i interacted with
>just graduated and now i just want to go back to construction

>> No.1661649

Oh man, I love HGTV.

>> No.1661715

This is such a life fucking thing.

>> No.1661845

Pretty much this..might not be on the first site. But it will happen. Better ro show up at 7am. Bring a tape measure (how how to read it!) Hammer, and a utility knife.
That shows your serious. You will eat shit, that's the trade bud! But if you stick it out, you will gain respect. Learn your job, you will make money. Try to save at least one 40 hr paycheck each month.
You be fine.

>> No.1661882


You will literally see none of these demographics on a job site. It's 90% Latino men.

>> No.1661885

You must be a low end guy. I hardly see anybody but whites in the 7 figure homes

>> No.1661886


>you won't see white males on a job site

the fuck are you on about

>> No.1661916

Maybe in the Southwest aka Mexico 2

>> No.1661926


in NC where I work, Chapel Hill, Durham, Raleigh area, almost all the framers, roofers, painters, and drywall guys are hispanic. Something like electrician work is still mostly white and the occasional rare black. Basically, if it does not require more than one guy on the crew to be able to speak and read english, it's way cheaper to hire them because no matter what anyone says, they don't pay taxes, don't have insurance, don't pay shit, and are willing to work god-awful hours and live in a jam-packed house or trailer, and drive hours to and from the job site, so lazy assed whites can't compete.

It's like so many people say, if they are willing to travel a thousand miles to be a slave and take your job, you are a failure and need to stop whining.

>> No.1661968

Never said I was from Detroit. I said it was ruder than people in Detroit. Those guys were a lot nicer than Colorado people, it was most of them couldn't get the clearance they needed.

>> No.1661973
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>smiles that make you want to punch people

>> No.1662010

So I guess you aren't keen on unions or organized labor or whatever.

>> No.1662020

Thanks. I'm getting a bit up there in the years but my original career isn't valid anymore and I love working with my hands. I only know from doing around the house and what I learned as a child from family but I'm handy.

>> No.1662022


>> No.1662117

>It's like so many people say, if they are willing to travel a thousand miles to be a slave and take your job, you are a failure and need to stop whining

This is also how wages in construction got driven down. When you figure for inflation most trades make less than what they were making in the 80s. Thank you cheap slave labor for accepting dirt pay and not paying taxes, while you hurt anyone who is trying to make a living the honest way.

>> No.1662119

919 up in this bitch!

>> No.1662599

>working on expensive custom home in gated community as super
>all the white guys working inside have to panic and find a hispanic landscaper every time they see a snake

>> No.1662613

Sounds like a bunch of pansies.

>> No.1662655

>Woman's belt is basically empty
>Black dude stole like 4 pairs of linesmans
Looks correct to me

>> No.1662668

>fire alarm guy
>New construction job, new apartments
>3 guys from my company did the rough in, 2 of them quit and 1 was fired before the drywall was ready for us to put our shit up
>Me and the company VP got sent in to fix anticipated fuxkups
>Unlabeled feed/returns
>Wire in the panel that isnt labeled and, to this day, we don't know where the fuxk it runs to
>Damaged wires because they were run shitty
>Print changes, entire rooms worth, because of course
>To top it off, the drywallers were particularly shitty with burying our boxes on this job, and not all the boxes were in the same spot on every floor because the rough in guys were all shit. Had to cut a shoulder size hole in the ceiling and look around for a smoke detector box that was 20 feet away from where it should've been
>Figured out after drywall was finished that half of the 5th floor smoke loop wasn't even fed. Ended up having to run MC down multiple floors in a server closet and tap it off a smoke on a different floor, then cut the box in half inside the drywall and try to get a glow rod from that closet to our smoke, then put a new box in
>Thankfully every other company on that job was also behind schedule, so we didn't look too shitty by comparison
>Final inspection rolls around
>Do our last minute testing and fixing of shit
>Sweating bullets
>we pass
>Every other company fails
>We ended up being the ONLY company to pass final inspection
>Holy fucking shit

Still riding that high a month later

>> No.1662806

Niggerrig for the win yo.

>> No.1662813

Going out with friends on the weekend and having to listen to someone bitch about how the AC was broken in their office for 3 days in the middle of July, while you were working 12 hour shifts outside on a building rooftop installing solar panels

>> No.1663301

labourer yellow
apprentice blue
operative white
black foreman
orange banksman

>> No.1663303

it's not ready for you just because the drywall is done dickhead

>> No.1663402
File: 44 KB, 1024x683, ThinkstockPhotos-178062396-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow! Tell me more oh wise one!

>> No.1664293

lmao. Why is this a worldwide spread problem with construction workers?
The guys I work with either smoke all day, stink of booze, or are evangelicals.

>> No.1664329


construction has a low barrier for entry, generally speaking, drug addicts and the like usually don't have a ton of options

>> No.1664333

Nice drills and tape measures.
That blue drill looks like one of those $20 tv special ones the other a black and decker that's probably not much better

>> No.1664352


>> No.1664355

No gloves
No glasses
Flammible clothing
Short sleeves
No name tags
Hard hats not suitable for work
>they wouldn't make it past the gate

>> No.1664916

your implications makes a sensible checklist