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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1659726 No.1659726 [Reply] [Original]

What are some essential DIY books everyone should have in their collection?

>> No.1659731

Uglys Manual

Navy Builder Rate Manuals

Fundamentals of Internal Combustion Engines by Pulkabrek (it all reduces to HS algrebra, don’t have a panic attack)

Machinists Handbook

Farmers Almanac

>> No.1659733

Now this is what I'm talking about! Cheers!

>> No.1659740

The Art of Electronics
Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Sourcebook

>> No.1660728


>> No.1660809

"The way things work", all four volumes. Published in the 70s.

>> No.1660864
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The way things work is based. Not advanced, but all the more reason to make sure you understand this shit. I only ever saw it in one big volume though

>> No.1660866

This book is okay, illustrations are fun for kids. I'm talking about these books though


>> No.1660905

McMaster-Carr catalog

>> No.1660918

Can't contribute, but hoping to be able to one day from what I learn here. Bump for high value thread.

>> No.1660920

I received this for my tenth birthday. Four silver-coloured hardcover books; best gift ever.

>> No.1660921


Wikipedia is as good as some of those books where they gloss over details so they can explain a helicopter in one paragraph.

>> No.1660925
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Snappy catalog to fap to

>> No.1661010


I don't know if they're must haves, but heres some intro stuff that I've always liked. It's just what comes to mind. I'll look at my shelves later.

The Anarchist's Toolchest (Christopher Schwarz)
Make: Electronics (Charles Platt)
How to Run a Lathe (South Bend)

I mean, it all depends on where you want to go with diy. The guy who is just trying to fix his stuff needs different books from someone making new things. The material you are working in matters, because plastic, wood, and metal have a lot of overlap but also very different trades associated with them. Then there's hand tools vs machines vs CNC. Each has its place and its strengths and weaknesses.

To me, there are beginner books that teach you the basics. Then there are books that teach you specialized or advanced techniques (Tom Lipton's book is good for that). Then you have reference works like Bill Hyltons book Illustrated Cabinetmaking, and compendiums like Machinery's Handbook.

The beginner books are only must-haves if you're actually a beginner.

>> No.1661067

"the backstage handbook: an illustrated almanac of technical information". dont fuck around, most comprehensive guide to building shit that is still technical while also watered down enough that even retards can learn from it. highly recommend.

>> No.1661186

anyone got good books for building log houses? more specifically the Scandinavian ones with flat walls

>> No.1661259


Not him but I'd love a good book about designing and building a timber frame house.

>> No.1661273

Foxfire series. Here's 1 through 6. https://mega.nz/#F!hiQgDIQJ!Lw8pArLtO7ehSzVhEfZKIg There are more, but I don't have them.

>> No.1661380

I know you asked for a book, but this 1988 video of some Finns building a log house is one of my favourites.


>> No.1661387

The complete bladesmith

>> No.1661390

The Pocket Ref

Little black book.

>> No.1661426

based thanks

>> No.1661525
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Glad to share the wealth.

>> No.1662004

Underrated thread.

>> No.1662024
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>> No.1662029
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>> No.1662037

Are there any good DIY audiobooks?

>> No.1662111

>The Anarchist's Toolchest (Christopher Schwarz)
The Anarchist's Toolchest is a good book with lots of good information, but it is far from an essential DIY book, it is a book about handtools in with abit of application and toolbox theory, it is only essential to those who primarily are interested in hand tools. Tage Frid Teaches Woodworking would be the book for the average library, gives you everything you need to know to build furniture with hand and or power tools.

As an aside, the one thing I disagree with in the Anarchist's Toolkit is having a jack plane as your only bench plane, a good smoother like a no.4 is far more versatile, it will mean jointing will be slower, but surfacing and smoothing will be much faster and less tiring, an over all savings in time and effort. In his proto list of tools that was in WoodWorking Magazine he went with the smooth, not sure why he changed, he made a better argument for the smooth in that article than he makes for a jack in the book.

>> No.1662114

I have no idea who you are, but thAnk you.

>> No.1662154

My mum got me this for Christmas, it’s very comfy; https://www.bookdepository.com/Learn-to-Timber-Frame-Will-Beemer/9781612126685?redirected=true&utm_medium=Google&utm_campaign=Base1&utm_source=NO&utm_content=Learn-to-Timber-Frame&selectCurrency=NOK&w=AF7LAU96SM4LKUA80T5U&pdg=pla-309526196374:kwd-309526196374:cmp-806205809:adg-47317121648:crv-191439981255:pid-9781612126685:dev-m&gclid=Cj0KCQjwkK_qBRD8ARIsAOteukD2XXvre7WHJ6MshHQaBel_zYK_cp__A7aPQz_aMh9HkX29eYMouTwaAqIUEALw_wcB

>> No.1662157

>the one thing I disagree with in the Anarchist's Toolkit is having a jack plane as your only bench plane, a good smoother like a no.4 is far more versatile, it will mean jointing will be slower, but surfacing and smoothing will be much faster and less tiring, an over all savings in time and effort.

Totally agree

>> No.1662209
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Glad to share the wealth.

>> No.1662219

Build Your Own Metalworking Shop from Scrap by David Gingery

>> No.1662533
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https://mega.nz/#!QmBHUahb!lXu04tz1bf8bqgrgEM0tUKn6ogg4ZCm2MsHaEn55tqM bumpan a good thread.

>> No.1662543

Where the fuck is the Librarian? He's got all kinds of goodies.

>> No.1662563
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>> No.1662572
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>> No.1662573
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Glad to share the wealth.

>> No.1662772
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Bump with mold killer recipe (because it's useful in a /diy/ kind of way)

>> No.1662834
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>> No.1662836
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C'mon, anons. Help me out here, I shouldn't have to carry this thread by myself. Get to contributing.

>> No.1662838

That's seven books I've uploaded for you faggots. You'll get nothing more from me unless (a) someone out there uploads something useful, or (b) I get bored and change my mind.

>> No.1663040
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>> No.1663051

That’s a dope ass name for real

>> No.1663078
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>> No.1663086

You are an absolute champion.

>> No.1663132

Nah, I'm not shit. There's someanon with a vast collection of ebooks/articles/infos/videos who comes around occasionally, either here or on /out/, calls himself the Librarian. I wish he was here to drop links, most of my books are paper. I just want to share knowledge; that's what it's for. Knowledge unshared fades into the past.

>> No.1663135

I’m sure it would be easy to find an /out/ archive with his shit. There’s always an infographic thread full of his posts.

>> No.1664098
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>> No.1664104
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>> No.1665273
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i think i found him


>> No.1665281

>>What are some essential DIY books everyone should have in their collection?
>boy's book of science from 1842
This really doesn't belong in an essentials thread.
Maxwell's equations weren't even published by then, neither was Mendeleev's period table. Relativity nor quantum mechanics were even on the radar.

>> No.1665299

Thanks anon. I've been looking for something like this forever!

>> No.1665878

Good looking out, anon. I like the cut of your jib.
Right, but I've found that older books most often have more useful information than their newer counterparts. You'll notice that I also uploaded the 1911 version of the Boy Scout Handbook. Read it, then read the most recent edition, then get back with me on which one is more useful. Besides, I'm not saying the books I've uploaded are the be-all and end-all of reading material -- quite the opposite, in fact. See
>I just want to share knowledge; that's what it's for. Knowledge unshared fades into the past.

>> No.1665881

The most correct reply

>> No.1666404
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haha early '90s nostalgia long before the internet. I had the big volume too as a kid. I turned out to be an engineer. Great book. I remember the mammoth ended up being a robot...

>> No.1666590
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The Anarchist's Tool Chest by Christopher Schwarz
(Or anything by Lost Art Press for that matter)

>> No.1666592
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Audel's Carpenters and Builders Guide 1-4
These are incredible and the artwork is beautiful also

>> No.1668063

I had been trying to remember what these books were called forever. Thanks.

>> No.1668606

I have a cherry-picked collection of dozens of great /diy/ books at home but as I'm currently several thousand miles away from there I have to recommend off the cuff. If this thread is still around in a few months I'll respond more fully.

Rodale Garden Book
Rodale Whole Foods Cookbook
The Complete Joy of Home Brewing
Sacred and Healing Herbal Beers
The Home Brewer's garden
Permaculture: A Deisgner's Manual
Design and Figure Carving (E. J. Tangerman)
Whittling and Wood Carving " "

I would also like to /r/ any titles on pond/lake construction and hügelkultur.

>> No.1670657

That video is so comfy.

>> No.1671683


I'll see you and raise with this gargantuan stash that occasionally shows up on /ck/. Most of it is cooking related but there's a fair amount of survival/DIY/etc. stuff as well as some /pol/ material and a lot of random books.


>> No.1671719

im a different anon but thank you for this

>> No.1671758

Why are you trying to kill people, anon?
This isn't /b/.

>> No.1671761

Are you b8ing?
You dont need higher mathematics in your garage.

>> No.1671807

>higher mathematics
If it uses numbers, it's not higher mathematics.

>> No.1671968
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get this catalog for great stuff for dyi

>> No.1671978

very nice, and some things i didnt expect

>> No.1672301

My parents bought me that book for my 17th birthday years ago. It changed my life. I have never been disappointed with a book from Lost Art or any group it affiliates itself with (Rude Mechanicals, Mortise & Tenon, etc.).

>> No.1673378
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>> No.1673769

Bump for great thread

>> No.1674025


>> No.1674035

Why are you being retarded, anon? That's what the pros use to kill mold; the recipe is reverse engineered from the active ingredients.
>kill people
Not a crystal recipe, faggot. Yeah, sure, TSP is toxic. So is Drano, just don't drink it. What's your point? For that matter, where's your contribution? On second thought, do the world a favor: go ahead and drink Drano.

This one's not an "essential DIY book" but it does have relevance here on the chan if you wanna fag the place up.

>> No.1674038

Thanks. I have a couple.

>> No.1674101


So it looks like you anons all have read The Anarchist's Toolchest. For a guy who fucking hates politics, especially edgy far left (or far right for that matter) politics, is there enough political philosophy in the book to turn a person like me off?

I've seen The Anarchist Toolchest get a lot of really good reviews but a few of the negative reviews seem to be about the politics in the book. I don't want to spend the cash on the book if its just gonna make me want to throw the book at the wall every other page.

>> No.1674306


I looked into it.

The author is a hipster. The kind of guy who says to use a wood handled hammer rather than a modern shock absorbing composite hammer because the wood handles hammer is more authentic. But I guess that's the difference between a working carpenter and a hipster "craftsman."

>> No.1674312

You're a nigger and everyone should just use libgen

>> No.1674958



I'm surprised so many people don't know about it. It's great for Haynes/Chilton repair manuals.

I just use the Barnes & Noble to find books i might like.


Also, use Calibre to organize them and edit metadata.


>> No.1674990

Do you mix this with water or just put the three ingredients together and sprinkle around?

>> No.1675115

Mein Kampf, book about some guys adventures and struggles while trying to start his own mining operation.

>> No.1676645

>displaying images correctly

pick one

>> No.1676660

That blows. Those are projects for people who are ALREADY machinists and rather bored. Buy used machine tools so you can actually make chips instead of fap to very, very, very stupid dreams.

BTW shipping containers make nice small machine shops which is why commercial outfits use them. I have two welded together as a shop.

>> No.1676662

Old Audel guides are amazing.