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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 941 KB, 1125x1460, 5CE25A72-84A7-4291-B9DE-039A070BB9BF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1640729 No.1640729 [Reply] [Original]

Dear Dremel,
What kind of retarded, mouthbreathing engineer did you employ who put the fucking HEAT EXHAUST directly under the hand grip? I am literally clamping my hand over this vent, which, by the way, prevents it from even being a fucking vent at all. I know that you could put it elsewhere because my older, cheaper tool had the vent at the end away from my now-scalded hand. I literally cannot use your tool aside from 10 second bursts with cooldown periods.
Are you trying to get sued?
0/10, fuck you, I’m gonna go get a knock off with better torque anyway.

>> No.1640731

So you don't overheat the motor. It is soviet or nazi level of engineering.
Not a bug, won't fix

>> No.1640736

Carving softwood at middle-range rpm. And, again, for ten goddamn seconds.

>> No.1640744

What kinda retard carves wood without putting on his oven mits first?

>> No.1640750
File: 23 KB, 300x300, FBA1637D-7330-4C10-AA92-EE920FED0E0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mittens? It’s 2019 bro

>> No.1640757

Fucking shit, joking aside that might actually work pretty well.

>> No.1640759

They’re fukken dope when making baked ziti too

>> No.1641014

>owning a dremel

>> No.1641481

Nigger if I had time to chisel and chip carve this shit I’d be retired.

>> No.1641778

>not owning a dremel
Best 80€ I've ever spent in my life.

>> No.1641787

Oven gloves and condoms will prevent 94% of workshop injuries.

>> No.1641788

You could have bought a superior Proxxon IBS for less

>> No.1643403

I will consider it should my dremel die on me, but I've had it and abused it for more than 10 years now and it didn't fail me yet

>> No.1643413

The Wen blue knock-off is incredibly good provided you mind the duty cycle.

t. Metal worker with 3 of them.

>> No.1643416

You're holding it wrong dumb shit. You hold it like a pen. If you're unable to do so, then you have the hands of a child and need to find a child size rotary tool.

>> No.1643514

I had a Dremel in the 80s when I was a lass. Now I'm middle aged and have real motorized hand tools that take similar sized tooling, that cost like 20 times more- and also have a Proxonn that's for all intents and purposes a Dremel from lederhosenland (sourced from China of course) that was about the same literal price as my 80s Dremel and is 57x better. Get a better tool. Doesn't burgerland have Proxonn now?

>> No.1643521

There's your problem.

>> No.1643566

Or you could get a die grinder and enjoy not just proper ventilation but far more power.

>> No.1643570
File: 304 KB, 640x1054, 837C2187-EF21-4B48-AE81-BBE9A8E3B0FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like pic related? That’s goofy. What other attachments hook up to the transformer? Anything worthwhile?

>> No.1643582
File: 154 KB, 640x366, 94F42FC6-D287-48AE-9CE8-A5C935A20923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t understand the need for the big transformer. Well, I kind of do, but the tool is still bulky with the motor in there so why not do the flexi shaft instead?

>> No.1643583
File: 75 KB, 1360x1360, serveimage..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the one for extra fine work.
You probably want an IBS instead.

>> No.1643585

I don't know what else hooks up but the hand motor is well worth, many times over, the price. I have one I bought like 13 years ago that has seen daily use and is still going strong as hell. I use it professionally. I have other pro level tools, that are better, but still use that Proxonn for various tasks literally daily as do several of my colleages and it won't die.

>> No.1643603

Of course this retarded thread comes from burgerland, again

>> No.1643609

130F is lukewarm don't be a bitch about it

>> No.1643612

A proxxon ibs is $150, a Dremel is under a hundred!!?!!!,

>> No.1643615
File: 70 KB, 1000x1000, 74E44C17-1864-4D2A-A961-544CB5642A69.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, I don’t see much of a purpose, at least for US anons with other options. There are tons of cheap options for people who will only use it occasionally, otherwise most weekend warriors can do fine with one of the many Dremel options or a cordless model from their 12V or 18V tool line of choice, or if this >>1643612 is correct and you want a pro model for pro work or heavy duty hobby work, spend a little more for pic related.

Dremel and other brands offer a flexishaft, the M12 Milwaukee looks decent, and there is a Ryobi One+ that could take a 9.0Ah battery if one wanted.

>> No.1643655

>2000+17+number of Hitler's nipples
>Not using a die grinder

>> No.1643674
File: 39 KB, 791x505, Dental drill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question: how can I run pic related?
Chink ones are pretty cheap, and way better than dremel.

>> No.1643686

>not calling rotary tools "baby's first die grinder"
I shiggy my diggy.

>> No.1643709

Only the version with a ton of accessories, half of them you never ever use.
It's 70€ without that.