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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 21 KB, 300x214, framing osb rot apartments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1603742 No.1603742 [Reply] [Original]

what is the biggest housepill you took?

>> No.1603743

Lathe and Plaster

>> No.1603745 [DELETED] 

I was doing meth one time and I tried to swallow a brick.

>> No.1603763

houses should be carved out of the mountains

>> No.1603765

That's actually a suppository.

>> No.1603767
File: 256 KB, 640x480, muttbuild1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nearly all of the money you pay for an american home is for the land and the jew who pockets the rest after he sells you the house. Mutt houses are cheap cuck shacks thinly veiled to appear more than they really are which is really nothing more than osb, staples disguised as nails, and cheap ass spruce wood studs imported from canada.

>> No.1603772 [DELETED] 


I hope you're trolling, because where I live, in NC, you can drive anywhere, from rich to poor neighborhoods, and you don't see houses of any age falling apart unless it's the old country house that was abandoned and the roof developed leaks. Maybe where you live, brand new houses fall apart, but I don't see it around here. The only stupidity around here is the McMansion thing where every house has to have 8 or 10 rooms minimum and nobody builds "starter" homes anymore.

>> No.1603782
File: 76 KB, 824x550, osb rot1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and I almost forgot about the asphalt shingled roof and CancerFoam Insulation® with the giant Tyvek Condom® covering the whole house made to ensure the house doesn't last long and the owners start getting health problems. Let's not forget about the McSlab™ foundation so the house starts to fall apart as soon as it begins to settle and lets water in so the osb begins to melt and rot.

>> No.1603784
File: 1.47 MB, 2448x3264, 2d22df40b92a8782d2a3285a98a21d82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stone foundations and pointed arches.

>> No.1603802
File: 16 KB, 448x325, rotting-soffit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what they all think
>lmfao wtf is this guy talking about my house looks perfectly fine

Only to find the big ass termite infestation behind their siding and in their walls alongside with some mold and rot beginning to appear on the roof and lower walls from all of the moisture being trapped. Coupled that with the cheap ass roofing materials that aren't worth a shit and develop leaks. And the gutters and air conditioning systems which are nearly ALWAYS fucking installed wrong, all for the sake of saving a few bucks. Not even fucking realizing or caring about the shit show of problems that will later come. But hey it looks good right?

>> No.1603965

Old European houses are best. My first and current house was built in 1922 (so not even that old) and it's the best. Everything is built like a rock.

>> No.1603971

In which country do you live? City or rural?
Austrian cities houses from this period seem to have pretty shitty walls. I sometimes do charity repair/installation work in Vienna and found it problematic to mount anything to these walls. You could scoop out holes there with a spoon.

>> No.1603974

Netherlands. I know what you mean though, you can see it everywhere in the former Austrian empire on houses pre-ww1. I think it's a very thick plaster layer which doesn't fare well with moisture as I mainly saw it on lower stories. The only solution seems to be to just chisel (spoon?) it all off and put on an entirely new layer from the brick up. At least that's what I saw some construction workers do in Prague when I stayed in an apartment there.

Concerning my house, I too got everything off the walls to the bare bricks but I didn't plaster over as I installed insulated inner walls and plastered over that. Which you could of course do to Austrian walls too if you use long enough anchors to reach the actual stone. Would be a bitch to get level/straight though

>> No.1604013
File: 757 KB, 1600x1600, 1552595562319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brick and stone is superior
Majority of new homes look like copy pasted modern art (shit)
People who render over brick should be shot
No garden = No soul
Anything less than 5 acres is an apartment
Only meth addicts and niggers don't mow their lawn
Electric stove tops are shit

>> No.1604071

>Just be a millionaire fucking amerimutts lmfao
Yeah I agree that new houses are all shitboxes built to be destroyed, but don't act like we can all afford brick and mortar and acreage dude. Do you have any idea how much it costs to build any structure in this country with brick?

>> No.1604082

Houses in Ausland aren't cheap either.
You have to pick the right area. In one state, a 3 bedroom house with a fuck all backyard that's an hour from the city and in a suburb of muslims and niggers is half a million. In another, 4 bedrooms 3 acres, 20 minutes from the city, in a small town within walking distance to school and shops, right next to a beautiful river and farmlands - $300,000.
Your children don't deserve to be poisoned in a toxic and artificial commiunity with no breathing space. Sacrifices have to be made to attain our needs and desires.

Git gud

>> No.1604085

5 acres of unimproved land on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere is like 60 grand where I live, my dude. That's not feasible considering a really nice home here is around 130k.

>> No.1604086
File: 64 KB, 800x420, laughs in concrete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took the ICF pill

>> No.1604089

How much do you earn a year that 130k is a lot for a house???

>> No.1604101

i see English it not your first language.

he means that spending 60K on an empty lot is not a wise choice when you can spend 130K and get a lot with a house.

>> No.1604109

im convinced HOA fees are a cult practise.

build and design around the bathroom(s).
none of the developers or homebuilders know how to draft a bathroom.

>> No.1604111

I am really interested in ICF but I have never seen anyone around here doing it, how does the framing work and electrical work?

>> No.1604113
File: 12 KB, 227x318, 2mg3xqg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brick and stone is superior
a 6.0 earthquake disagrees.

>> No.1604117

all this cement and concrete shills on here are contibuting to the destruction of our river beds.

cob is king

>> No.1604146

>what is the biggest housepill you took?
Firmness, commodity and delight are really all you need.

>> No.1604172

America is a big place

>> No.1604182


>> No.1604191

There is no framing? electrical is cut into the insulation

>> No.1604223

>sacrifices have to be made

>endless bitching about the amerishart home Jew

>yet he turns around and says you should be an indentured servant wagecuck to the dollar Jew for your home Jew

you are the cancer jew

>> No.1604226

Electrical is just cut into the insulation, as for framing or attaching stuff to the wall, there are "hardpoints" every 8 inches or so (different systems might have them spaced differently) that you can screw into, and they have the same weight capacity as regular lumber.

>> No.1604236

>spouts /pol/shit
>calls others cancer

>> No.1604388


>This is actually considered adequate somewhere

It is pretty thin, even for a short dry pack decorative wall.

>> No.1604390


Why did they block off the large entrances on the ground floor?

Also why are you using an abandoned house as your example?

>> No.1604392


Why is that good when 60k gets you 5 acres and 160k gets you a 2500 sq ft house on a 3250 sq ft lot?

>> No.1604399
File: 11 KB, 236x147, f481436d937681d642f958d4c4f8e95c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for inventing the Dutch colonial house; the epitome of retarded ass house design.

Lets make the walls part of the roof and trap all the hot air at the transition point with no way of venting it.

Can't even tell you how many rotten roofs I've seen because of that.

Can't blame America for your stupidity.

>> No.1604423


Because it still looks pure kino even when in ruins

>> No.1604444

That I moved into a 60 year old house made of "cheap ass spruce wood studs" and "staples disguised as nails," in a part of the country with so much rain that 2 sump pumps is still barely adequate for a 1000sqft house, yet it's still standing, in excellent condition, with very little replaced since its construction.

>> No.1604445

>no way of venting it
>what arw windows

Ffs my housw has the same roof sttle and it's in perfect condition after 97 years. You Americans just don't know how to build. What are you making the roof out of? OSB?

>> No.1604520

>retard Croat has autism so bad he can only think """"OSB=BAD""" regardless of house type.

You could be pouring a Soviet bunker block and he'd still be spitting his horseshit

Dutch's make A frames because they love the smell of their farts. Patented design traps the farts at the top, so they can go to sleep in a warm gassy heaven. Where do you think Dutch's oven came from?

>> No.1604538

I'm not the Croat, I'm Dutch. I have used OSB though, but only in selected applications.

And you're a retard

>> No.1605050

What did he mean by this

>> No.1605062

That a good building is well constructed, useful and beautiful.

>> No.1605163

I think that's soil that's fallen in on the sides, not soil that you can see through the gravel because it's spread so thin.

>> No.1605171

>Nearly all of the money you pay for an american home is for the land
This is not true pretty much anywhere in the country. 80% of the value of a "home" is the building.

>> No.1605174
File: 592 KB, 868x524, brook lot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's take as an example this empty lot in Bushwick, Brooklyn, which is a rapidly gentrifying shithole. A 1700 sq. feet lot is $500,000.

>> No.1605177

An ancient 3 story townhouse in the neighborhood will go $2 mil. easy.

>> No.1605190

im building a https://bonestructure.ca/en/
go redpill yourself

>> No.1605199

>Nearly all of the money you pay for an american home is for the land
This is what people from countries with cheap labor actually believe.

>> No.1605224

>what is the biggest housepill you took?

My dream house would be entirely welded from 1 inch thick stainless steel plates.

>Honey that wall looks ugly
*breaks out angle grinder and buffing disc*

>Honey let's hang a picture over the couch
*breaks out magnetic drill with vaccum base*

>Honey there is a leak in the bathroom, the floor is wet
*fix leak, don't even think about any moisture damage*

Shit would be based af.

>> No.1605233

>new houses are shit
>anything built after 1980 is built like shit
>anything built after 1950 looks like shit
>bought a house built in 1917

>> No.1605361


what about insulation you numb digger? steel plate house would be ice cold in winter and frying hot in summer

>> No.1605430
File: 620 KB, 2400x1656, house alpine style chalet swiss new build burnt wood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's what they all think
>Oh and I almost forgot about the asphalt shingled roof and CancerFoam Insulation® with the giant Tyvek Condom® covering the whole house made to ensure the house doesn't last long and the owners start getting health problems. Let's not forget about the McSlab™ foundation

Im proud of my students!

>People who render over brick should be shot

I see so few raw brick builds over here, such a shame. majority are plaster over brick that now require expesnive new facades

...and btw old Victorian houses like the one you posted are also shit, they look so creepy since they tried to integrate big castle design on a smaller scale, it was bourgaisse decadance of its time, but most people arent aware of it.

>ICF pill

external insulation with RC beams® and red aerated terracota brick® are a superior design

>a 6.0 earthquake disagrees.

RC beams® and red aerated terracota brick® FTW

>My dream house would be entirely welded from 1 inch thick stainless steel plates.

what is insulation.

>> No.1605721
File: 1.61 MB, 2576x1932, 20190504_112248(0).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are building these in Temple City California. Shity particle board and PEX water lines run all over it. They'll probably sell them for better than $500,000 to Chinese.

>> No.1605723

Metal is the best building material compared to the other options, but
>entirely welded from 1 inch thick stainless steel plates
holy shit, not only is that excessive thickness, but stainless is ridiculously expensive, and is not used in metal structures for a reason. Also, you will need room to place insulation, a building without it won't provide too much shelter from the elements.

>> No.1605731

guys, just find a cave and live in it like I do. Try to find the one with a Bear in it and take his space.

>> No.1605754

It's only two to three times more expensive than regular steel. 3-4k a ton or thereabouts I think. Nothing compared to your other costs when building a house. But if Shlomo saves a few k on every job his people do the money starts to add up to a nice sports car. That's the reason.

>> No.1606053


Gardens and paths. Not decorative gardens primarily, food, herbs and other useful plants, arranged in a decorative manner. A lawn is space wasted on grass where useful shit could be.
Mowing the lawn when one should be digging it up to improve the land is degenerate.

>> No.1606056

Arcasia and Chan Marino are no better

>> No.1606062

Gentlemen, start your coping

>b-but who needs a house more than 40 years anyway?
>leaving a home to your children, what kind of unamerican hippie Jewish Nazi bullcrap is that?
>tornadoes are rarer than you think in my state, so I'll probably be OK!
>Rot? Huh, that's what carcinogenic chemicals are for. I for one enjoy living in a papier mache shack that's been saturated with Zyklon B.
>so what if termites are found across the United States and so what if my house is made out of their food. You europoors are jealous you don't need, are, can't afford, fumigation.
>square footage is king! Who cares if I'm encasing myself, my family, and all our worldly belongings in a shoddily crafted mock-up of what a house used to look like
>the real value is in the lot, not the house. This will be of great comfort to me when my expensive looking third world favela lean-to collapses
>m-muh guns, muh freedom!

>> No.1606077
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>> No.1606080


Holy fucking redpill batman. I feel you.

>he doesn't have a good old fashioned sausage aizzle on his gas stovetop while it's snowing outside.

Electrocucks will never learn

>> No.1606083

A fucking bunch. Just build a house and fake brick it. All these eurofaggots reeing about 30,000 year old standing homes.

I don't give 4 quarters of a fuck. I aint got kids. My old ass house is used to sleep and eat in. Maybe tickle the old lady once i a while. That's it. I don't need a fucking bulletproof taj mahal. Thats what insurance and cellers is for.

All i need is a shop with a beer fridge

>> No.1606085

Simple m8. Go further.

My 3 bdr and 4 acres was 41k.

>> No.1606086

That stuff worth a shit?

I want a fucking castle

>> No.1606087

Cob is king.

Mutherfucker if i wanted to live in a falling down dirt shack I'd move back in with your mother.

Kek, jk. Really tho anyone tried this shit?

>> No.1606088
File: 31 KB, 640x454, no_u_for_knowyourmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1606090

Kek. Like, just put in some passive air vents bro

>> No.1606093


Actually yeah, because we dont lead sheet roofs you cancerous cuck. And we dont frame like faggotards so it's fine.

>> No.1606095

Can confirm. My lamd was about 1/3 of cost. I really hope my neighbor sells me some

>> No.1606098

Anon. You'd better insulate the fuck out of your wiring.

Also insulate the sweat lodge.

I'm hoarding aluminum and pouring foot thick all around it

>> No.1606107

Says you mutherfucker i got rocks so bad i give up.

Hauling cow shit and hay in until its 2 feet think on 3 acres.

THEN maybe I'll live in a corn field

>> No.1606111

>No lead sheeting
Wtf do you want your glorified doghouse to rot away or what?

>> No.1606115


Oof, rocks are shit to dig, but on the upside, a supply of rocks for walling/terracing of parts of the garden.

>> No.1606150
File: 194 KB, 538x538, Alita you 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you a (You) for effort, Anon.

>> No.1606173

Looks like a major fire hazard

>> No.1606183

It's worth it, holy fuck this stuff is great. My house is super quiet and efficient and I have comfy THICC walls. On average for a footing to rafters build it might be 10-15% more expensive depending on your system and contractor.

Literally the opposite.

>> No.1606200

Fire retardants don't make the foam incombustible, they just stop it from torching the whole house within seconds from a single spark. It still contributes in a big enough fire and also releases highly toxic fumes when heated. Retardants can also degrade over time.

>> No.1606203

Jesus Eurotards are dense.

You don't vent your walls with windows man.

Mansard roofs ALL have this problem no matter where you live.

It is such a problem, that the Canadian government commissioned a study on preventative construction methods and they determined you really can't do anything about.

Go retarded ass dutch architecture.

>> No.1606216

Survived two cat 4s and countless cat 1s. The old methods aren't better; they're just heavier and not designed with modern air conditioners in mind. Of course the brick work is a facade. Bricks are a pain in the ass to work with and offer no structural benefit.

>> No.1606220

You're not going to put a $300,000 house on top of one of the top 3 most expensive land areas on the country.

>> No.1606238

How do you build in the middle of nowhere without sewer, water, and power connections?

>> No.1606242

That's why buildings always as a rule tend to make up 70-80% of the property price. In high value areas people build up and more densely. Of course there's no law that forces you to, but it's retardation to say that land is the most valuable part of a home when it never is, outside of maybe extremely large properties.

>> No.1606280

Septic and a well? Power can make it most places that a road can make it. If you're talking about a backcountry secret base memeshack, then who knows. Build your own thorium reactor or something.

>> No.1606405

Mormon detected
But youre right, they should

>> No.1606439

Quads of truth cannot into lie

>> No.1606443

>Honey where'd they say that sale on R1000 ceramifoamglass was?
Better invest in some quality earplugs to Cletus.

>> No.1606641
File: 122 KB, 400x400, thinkingpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i thought that stone and mortar was a relatively cheap commodity. I can buy a shitty run-down stone farmhouse for a few grand. how much does it take to actually build a house (3000 sq ft interior cube; let's not include the roof) out of stone and mortar?

>> No.1606655

Discussing construction materials with no context is pointless. OPs pic would last a lifetime in a dry and arid climate like California or Nevada but would not be suitable for Florida

>> No.1606657

HVAC systems aren’t a luxury appliance and positive pressure is your fren

>> No.1606661

When people say “land” they typically are including the zoning, easements (roads), and utility connections. All of which easily add up to a value that exceeds the cost of the physical structure. You don’t know shit about real estate my dude.

>> No.1606664

You are confusing the material value of the structure with the market value increase generated by the financibility of having a structure on the land.

>> No.1606674
File: 83 KB, 478x352, 1336626771161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a Mormon is right

>> No.1606698

>isnt american
>has never been to america
>has never had a meaningful relationship with an american

u dont know anything about america, but you are correct entirely.

>> No.1606699

i wish i could answer your question. Some other anon should answer

>> No.1607120

>dude, don´t go outside maybe a car can kill you, don´t eat, maybe you shock with your food, don´t fuck, maybe yo got AIDS.
>dont build your home with bricks and stone, a 6.0 earthquake can kill you.
so that same earthquake can take down your popsicle stick home and kill you anyways.

>> No.1607145

>drops toaster on floor
>electrocute everyone in house

>> No.1607162

I wish you were shot

>> No.1607272

>amerimutt education

>> No.1607280
File: 3.07 MB, 414x382, 1475722112223.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I learned from the thread is basically never build anything, because it might fall apart in 60 years.

>> No.1607294

One inch? Dat is thick.
1 mm would be enough. With proper stamping, even 0.35 would do.

>> No.1607296

>it might fall apart in 60 years
Only if you're a retard that can't make shit right

>> No.1607307

This has been my dream for awhile. If I won a fuck huge lottery I absolutely would do this except I'd do it in half inch plate because 1" is ridiculous.
I'd insulate the outside of the house with a thick layer of spray urethane foam, or similar, and protect it from the elements with a thin layer of stainless.
>but muh building codes and inspectors
Not a concern, I already own land where permits aren't required.

>> No.1607309

Hope you like ghosts.

>> No.1607368

>What do you mean you can dent it with a finger? Just don't poke it, it's that simple ya goof

>> No.1607479

location matters more than anything else if you're looking for an investment.

>> No.1607790


Land is going up in value, as it has since the dawn of civilization. The structure of the house itself needs constant upkeep just to maintain its value.

>> No.1607793

>When people say “land” they typically are including the zoning, easements (roads), and utility connections
Why not go a little farther and say "land" includes the building on it and all the movable property inside? It'll be just as retarded.
No, "land" is a pretty straightfoward term.

>> No.1608044
File: 214 KB, 1024x768, house alpine style chalet swiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish you were shot

Dont shoot the messenger bro

>> No.1608046

SAVE the fucking house plans
deathshowers are better than a gas powered heater
Wood can be "eternal" but you have to tke care of it, kids should be taught to not be lazy

>> No.1608275
File: 751 KB, 2145x1381, mid-century-modern-house-plans-lovely-i-love-this-style-of-split-level-lovely-homes-pinterest-of-mid-century-modern-house-plans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are new stone foundations even legal in the US? I've been trying to find a home builder in the US that will build a house with a stone foundation and stone,brick, or Roman concrete structure. The best I've found is the typical plywood structure with brick as a facade. I want my own wizard tower.
The only modern art style architecture I like is art nouveau, art deco but that is hit or miss, and one very specific type of mid century modern house like pic related or the Parr's house in the first The Incredibles. I've pretty much given up on the stone foundation wizard tower but I can't even find someone to build the MCM one like pic related.
When I bought these 16 acres there was no house on it so I bought a used double wide and have been living in that while I design my future house, I have the money but can't find anyone to build it and don't even know if its legal.

>> No.1608276
File: 125 KB, 800x560, swiss alpine house overhang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice house, how long will these Swiss houses last? They aren't made of plywood like in the US are they? Saved pic related from you a while ago I think.

>> No.1608289
File: 14 KB, 400x364, 2455679i5634253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>critiquing disposable vacation homes built for yuppies on another continent

They make me rich. :D
They make you: ...?

>> No.1608324

>trying to find a home builder
There's your problem. You need a mason. Most home builders, even fairly high-end ones, still just build homes out of wood. At best you might get someone that knows blocks or concrete. But ask yourself, when was the last time you saw a home under construction that had an actual brick fireplace? You need someone that does structural masonry. What is your budget? Basically, look up how much it would cost to build your home out of wood and add a zero or two if you want it out of stone.

Plywood can last forever in a home as long as the envelope isn't broken. The problem isn't that it is plywood, it is that your envelope fails and you let water get to places it shouldn't be. This about kitchen cabinets? What always goes to shit first? The floor of the cabinet under the sink. Doesn't matter what wood its made out of either. Even solid oak will rot to shit in a decade or two if it gets wet and doesn't drain over and over. Meanwhile, the shed my grandfather threw up in the back forty of our ranch just after WWII made out of the cheapest shit heartwood pine he could acquire is still rock solid. The roof blew off in the 1970s and it hasn't seen a coat of paint since it was built but the wood still lasts. While it might get wet, there's no envelope to hold in the moisture, so it dries quickly and doesn't rot.

>> No.1608410

Be an offgrider.

>> No.1608443
File: 138 KB, 1200x860, house alpine style chalet swiss 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how long will these Swiss houses last?

Many of them are 400 year old already and their value increases by the day. Shows how great material wood is when you know what you are doing.

>modern art style architecture I like is art nouveau, art deco but that is hit or miss, and one very specific type of mid century modern house like pic related or the Parr's house in the first The Incredibles. I've pretty much given up on the stone foun

>Are new stone foundations even legal in the US
>There's your problem. You need a mason

this. Try contacting Noah Bradley from Handmade houses.



>> No.1608564

Move you fag. I bought 5 heavily wooded acres in Texas inside a town that’s 50 mins drive from Dallas and 10 mins from another decent sized town with a good job market. It’s right near the interstate and has a stream flowing through it. Cost 25k.

>> No.1608659
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>> No.1608851
File: 176 KB, 1300x1300, 27297472-handsome-casual-caucasian-man-holding-grocery-bag-at-vintage-paris-home-smiling-cap-and-french-bague.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll be dead in 60 years

>> No.1608942

That plaster is the insulation. Ardex 950 + B12 for the europoors' walls should do it.

>> No.1608944

Buy bricks second hand, but only dry ones and not ones that have been recently removed.

>> No.1609182
File: 408 KB, 803x1100, ©_The_Estate_of_R._Buckminster_Fuller__via_myipamm.net.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out the dymaxion house. It's all aluminum with the whole house hung with tension wire from a central pole. Creaky as hell and liable to fly away in a strong gust of wind but it's riveted metal

>> No.1609348

As much as I'd like to live in God's Country, I'm 1/4 negroid and don't want to end up a rug.
I'm pushing it as is lol.

>> No.1609357

Some people die much more ignoble deaths. If you end up a rug, you'll be walked on yes, but you'll also be a central part of the design of whatever room you're in and will be appreciated for decades.

>> No.1609368
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God wouldn't permit their existence.

>> No.1610179
File: 538 KB, 1381x1080, 1521671973726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literrally live in a brick house that has survived a 6.0 earthquake

>> No.1610203

The Richter scale is based on the total energy of an earthquake, not how much shaking there is at any particular spot. A 6.0 earthquake shakes the entire planet, and occurs every couple days on average.

>> No.1610313

annecdotal evidence. N=1
Your experience means shit if there's not more to back it up.
Which there isn't.

>> No.1610343

tfw you find a great fixer-upper for a good price but it has fucking electric stove fixtures
it sucks ass but i don't want to pay for gas conversion

>> No.1610364

I agree, have had electric stoves at every place I've been for the past 5 years and they're complete trash.
Only jews like electric stoves.

>> No.1610559 [DELETED] 


>> No.1611103

I'm buying a house in West Virginia, and replacing the split rail fence which is falling apart with an aluminum one.

My main concern is: will meth heads take hacksaws to the fence and steal it for scrap?

>> No.1611604

I did rough in for about 20 houses and one apartment building. Two of my x-wifes got houses from me but I never got to eat one.

>> No.1612986

the houses in my parents decade old development are shit and mexicans are still throwing them up. even the goddamn asphalt and concrete is already crumbling.

>> No.1613539
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>> No.1613553

It's not really the mexicans fault.

>get payed jackshit
>Builder/Contractor tells you to use this material, and install it for this cost
>Builders have no incentive to build houses that last for any amount of time, or to use good methods or materials.

Immigrants are literally just scapegoats for corporations.

>> No.1613556

fucking Mexicans stealing the jobs of honest American scapegoats

>> No.1613558

Darwin's theory at work.

>> No.1613588

redpilled and based

>> No.1613657

Tile. Fuck tile. Loud as fuck, goes out of style quickly, expensive, a pain in the ass to clean, a nightmare to repair. Use alternatives whenever possible.

>> No.1613681

Tile is wonderful.

>> No.1613779
File: 1.70 MB, 2576x1932, 20190512_173756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just finishing up tiling my kitchen thanks to /diy.

>> No.1614324
File: 423 KB, 480x480, tfw in a car.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW grew up in a 19th century 4 bed 4 bath American craftsman and watched my whitecollar bluepill Boomers let it fall apart
Why are you /diy/ /diy/?

>> No.1614325

Why did you put floor units on the wall, Anon?

>> No.1614340

Wait until you see me mount the stove up there.

>> No.1615281

>American craftsman and watched my whitecollar bluepill Boomers let it fall apart

they moved into some high tech McMansion havent they?

>> No.1615318


If a stone house is built correctly, then you won't have to worry about earthquakes. There are plenty of stone houses in earthquake areas.

Plus, all you have to do is put up some supports against the stone wall to protect it.

Fuck brick though. I can't stand the look of brick. Shit is weak and will crumble in a small earthquake.

>> No.1615339
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Biggest redpill?

Stone houses. They are superior to every other form of dwelling.

They retain heat in the winter.
They keep cool in the summer, and slowly release the heat during the night (cozy status 100)
They don't rot like shit wood
They dont look poor like brick

Try and convince me that stone isn't superior.

>> No.1615350
File: 92 KB, 968x681, stone brick houses britain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They retain heat in the winter.

is this really true, I can testify about literally no need for AC in worst summer in them, but Im not so sure about winter.

Isnt the trick with them to do a big basement so you play with termal mass and higher temperature of lower earth levels compared to freezing surface in winter?

>> No.1615353


It depends on a lot of factors, but overall, stone is a natural insulator. No home is gonna stay warm if you don't heat it during winter.

I also don't fuck around with basements. Unless you have excellent foundation drainage, you're gonna be dealing with leaks and all sorts of nasty shit.

>> No.1615356
File: 99 KB, 1024x683, stone wood alpine house0298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stone is a natural insulator.

stone isnt a good isolator, but has a big thermal mass that is why when warmed that house stays warm for long but there are some tricks with that Im not that familiar. Wood is far more straighforward in terms of temperature since high isolation.

>> No.1615430 [DELETED] 
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If you we're going to build a house, what state would you choose?

I'm trying to factor in such things as building codes, cost of land, property taxes ect.

Montanta looks pretty sweet as far as prices go. I hears they don't give a fuck about building codes if you build somewhere rural, which is pretty much the entire damn state!

So let's here it, lads. Where would you choose?

Here's a link to the pic: https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/Tbd-Pishkun-Ln-Augusta-MT-59410/2085575525_zpid/

$8,200 for 5.25 acres ain't too bad.

>> No.1615672
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Stone foundations. That and joinery.

>> No.1615691

>art deco but that is hit or miss
I guess they never miss, huh?

>> No.1615696

>I wish you were shot
I wish your synagogue would get shot up, OSB-selling kike.

>> No.1615780
File: 623 KB, 960x1280, Wiertnica_do_pali.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deep foundation all the way to bedrock
>Capillary break
>Wooden frame with extreme ventilation everywhere. You should be able to stand in the crawlspace below the roof, and comfortably fit in the crawlspace under the floor.

>> No.1615998
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>stand in the crawlspace
Wouldn't it then be called a standspace?

>> No.1616015
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if the bear is a female can i have sex with it

>> No.1616079

Lost interest right there. Fuckminster Buller was a crazy ass loon who came up with the most dogshit ideas. The domes were kinda neat, but fuck everything else he did. His house designs were shitty, most notably the UFO-shaped ones, and the car he came up with was an absolute death trap.

>> No.1616237

You forgot the 2 inch thick bullet-proof polymer windows that open & close on bulkhead-door-tier frames, for riding out the odd twister in patrician tranquility. No matter what your drapes are made of, your investment is safe.

>> No.1616623

Or just do like i do. Live on top of a hill with insurance. Fuck it. Blow away. I'll have cash down on another one. It is funny watching all my friends get flooded in while i shitpost

>> No.1616624


>> No.1616625

I lived in a sandrock house and insulation of it was absolute fucking aides

>> No.1617063

Ok vitruvius

>> No.1617101

CAN CONFIRM. I'm building my nex house with 1 cement wall on a hillside. If i cant fucking walk up and patch a water line I'll bulldoze the piece of shit i swear to fuck

>> No.1617157

>He doesnt buy an alaska mk4 and use walnut.

Fuckoff eurocuck shill. I can build a litteral castle from insulated concrete forms for the price of your faggot ass cold and dreary rock bullshit. I've lived in a rock house. It was absolute fucking aids so kill yourself

>> No.1617192


You talking about slip form stone masonry? Slip form is a much superior way of building, compared to straight rock or stone.

>> No.1617193


I'd buy that hole in the ground and flip it in 3-4 years for double what I paid for it.

>> No.1617210


I doubt the housing market is going to stay this strong in 3-4 years.

>> No.1617214

>When people say “land” they typically are including the zoning, easements (roads), and utility connections.
Zoning sure. Water/power/sewer at the lot line will contribute to price too. Roads aren't easements unless they go through private property, otherwise they are state/crown/municipal/whatever land. An easement is the allowance of someone ELSE to use the land. If you buy land with an easement on it, that makes it *less* valuable to you, not more.
>All of which easily add up to a value that exceeds the cost of the physical structure. You don’t know shit about real estate my dude.
A plain retarded blanket statement to make. There is lots of land that is worth far less than the structure, and lots of land worth far more, and it all depends on what kinds of houses people build, the location, proximity to utilities, desirability, commercial or agricultural value, soil, geography, water features (lakefront, creek, river) etc.
In my 100k pop town the vast majority of land is about 1/3 the value of the houses on it, but there are dozens of lake lots that are worth 0.5-2million more than the house built on top.

And by now you're probably thinking:
>but your podunk hick town doesn't count, *real* cities are different.

>> No.1617329
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>Implying pic related is actually worth a shit to begin with
>Defending jewish swindles
>Muh countryside
Neck yourself mutt

>> No.1617335
File: 89 KB, 500x480, OSB ROT STUCCO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


seriosuly guys, we must stop this stupidity, Im seeing similar movement towards plastic crap in my cute 2nd world country as well.

>> No.1617509

Kill yourself eurotrash faggot, you're not part of this discussion.

>> No.1617628
File: 16 KB, 474x248, alexjones1558857779225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kill yourself eurotrash faggot, you're not part of this discussion.

let me flex on this mcconstruction mutt

>> No.1619092

>when an old house is described as "having character", it means it hasn't been kept up to date and everything you want to fix or replace will be a custom job

>> No.1620049
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Anyone know what this is? Is it laminate? Wanted to try wood finish on it but more sure if it's a good idea

>> No.1620062



"Luxury" Vinyl Tile

Its plastic, if you dont like the finish tear it up and replace it with a different color, takes a day and like $1 per sq ft. or some shit

>> No.1620097

The gnomes do not permit a monopoly so no god

>> No.1620099


his ideas would work great on the moon, though.

>> No.1620520


Not that anon but stop being such autists. He's talking about a hilarious ideal situation. Obviously he would lay down big insulated rugs everywhere to keep feet warm. Obviously he has Ultra Industrial HVAC setup to keep the air perfect. Obviously has sound proofing fabric hanging everywhere. Steel plate anon is based.

>> No.1620584

You sound like you think shooting a propane tank makes it explode like a bomb

>> No.1620617
File: 1.88 MB, 355x200, 40M5L2w.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red Pill me on PEX. my house has copper pipes running on the outside after the previous owner had to have some work done. I know that rats love PEX, but I hate my pipes on the outside looking in.

>> No.1620628

Any plastic tubing (except silicone maybe) leaches a ton of unknown chemicals into your water. PEX is just a jewish scheme like OSB and asphalt shingles.

>> No.1621225

I think I should post this here

>> No.1621266

When you buy bottled water it has an expiration date.
The date isn't for the water, it's for the bottle decomposing into the water poisoning it.
Think about that.

>> No.1621287

Yes! Fuck asphalt shingles. They are so fucking stupid. Nobody else gets it.

>> No.1621458



>> No.1621475

Every contractor will try to talk you into PEX or CPVC because they are cheaper and (most importantly) much easier for a mediocrely trained plumber to install. I had to ask my plumber three separate times to quote me in copper and every time he tried to talk me out of it until I got irritated and started asking for more details about why. He basically said that he only had one guy on his crew that had installed copper in the last 5 years and that he'd trust with it, and his only argument other than his own scheduling concerns was that "PEX is fine, everyone uses it". That and this >>1621266 should tell you all you need to know.

>> No.1621512

Anyone who installs runs of flex duct that are longer than 8' needs to be shot.

>> No.1621519


and that's a load of shit. PEX is fine and is better than copper, which is why more and more plumbers don't know how to install copper. Why don't you ask him for lead pipes while you're begging for obsolete tech?

>> No.1621520


If it is supported properly it is fine. Where did you get the magical 8' limit from, your ass?

>> No.1621526

>asphalt shingled roof and CancerFoam Insulation® with the giant Tyvek Condom®
What do you recommend instead?

>> No.1621586

>all that OSB

>> No.1622022
File: 313 KB, 1200x630, 1548256019187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone who uses OSB is a scammer

>> No.1622023

the fireplace is the heart of the house. Non of that modern gay looking shit. Brick fireplace is the only way to go.

>> No.1622024

Kill yourself and go back to r*ddit

>> No.1622042

so 99.99999% of home builders

>> No.1622047

This is only a problem in shitty suburban neighborhood mcmansions

>> No.1622548

Man. Lead water pipes make wayer really fucking good though. It sucks it will make you retarded or whatever

>> No.1622583

Because it is fucking beautiful anon.

>honey they sink blew up.

Walk over and turn that line off. Still can use sink cold water. Still can use everything else. Fuck it. I'll fix it sunday

>> No.1622587

Fucking meme bullshit.

>reeee wood isnt an insulator.
>what is a log cabin...

Besides. All of that shit don't matter. You lose temp through all the fucking glass. Need tripple pane dual low e coated vinyl clad aluminum krypton filled window.

And even still you dont need some sort of fake wall stud faggotry

>> No.1622590

It do when you use tracers bruh

>> No.1622593

but anon, muh natural lighting... dont you like it when the house gets to 100+ degrees when its only 80 outside because of the incessant amount of shitty windows?

>> No.1622600

You can buy land for $100 an acre in wyoming. A guy i was working with bought 30,000 fucking acres with a normal job.

>> No.1622603

Correct. It'll be near 2008 levels by mid 2020. Good thing i live off the beaten path. Real estate adjusts with inflation but other than that is straight fucking sideways.

>> No.1622606

Curtains retard.

>> No.1622626
File: 2.89 MB, 4032x3024, house stone sweden 11th century.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Amerifats. Meme that keeps on giving.

>so 99.99999% of home builders

yep, continuously or unconsciously.

>Kill yourself and go back to r*ddit

how about I stay here and housepill amerifats ?

>>reeee wood isnt an insulator.

yeah, Risinger is a special case. Just think about the ammount of toxins in the house he shills as "tech"

>Curtains retard.

no ammount of curtains can help if a house is built as a nylon bag full of piss

>> No.1622628
File: 219 KB, 480x361, insulation cavity wall rot fungi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asphalt shingled roof and CancerFoam Insulation® with the giant Tyvek Condom®
>What do you recommend instead?

if you want to go best of the best its
1.slate roof
2.terracota tiles
3.steel roof

all 3 are a solid bet

for insulation its:
1. thich brick or wood monowall
2.cavity wall (only if its unfilled to allow drying)
3.external rock wool insulation

only 3 acceptable

>> No.1622654

americans dont use curtains, retard

>> No.1622694

Wish this Croat gypsy would fuck off

>> No.1623213
File: 11 KB, 259x194, download (25).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon - I've been looking for you!
It gets better
>Buy my dowels with spray foam
>Build on 24" centers!

>> No.1623216

Damn it! Got beat to the punch. Risinger is a dirty kike.

>> No.1623372

No copper roofing?

>> No.1623393
File: 237 KB, 1300x889, house alpine swiss wood chalet slate roof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>copper roofing

that is also good, but I assume pricier than steel I should have named the 3.) metal roofs

>dat green solutions logo

I guess he is an environmental supremacists so he pushes technology that kills humans to save le mother earth.
I know Im repeating myself, but how can people avoid basic bricks so much?

>> No.1623400

>retarded americans don't use curtains (or apostrophes)

>> No.1623460

Buy anything built before the 1940s/50s where everything was built solid. Sure it'll need maintenance but it'll be cheap. Just bought a 108m^2 2 bedroom house with front and rear garden for 82k. Only needs a rewire and a few other minor things. Oh and get a good surveyor in.

>> No.1623659

I did this a while ago for total volume/weight for a modest foundation. For a foundation of these dimensions: 4 walls 10 meters long, 2 meters tall, and 45cm thick it totals about 34 cubed meters of stone and mortar. Accounting for just the stone and a very modest amount of small stones and footings to go on top of them it would probably be around 95 tonnes of granite for the foundation. Which is a lot a transportation money. Also you need to account for the cost of cutting the rock and the skilled labour required to design and construct it. Plus excavation costs. I couldn't find it in me to ask the company for a quote on that much stone, but it will get very expensive if you aren't within 10 km of a quarry

>> No.1623688

I bought a house built in 1951. Here is what I learned:
Check for lead (paint, pipes, flashing, etc.).
Check for asbestos (flooring, wallboard, ceilings, ductwork, pipe, and wire insulation, etc).
Rewire the whole god damn place including the original panel, which is probably some low amp service.
See if it has any insulation in the walls.
Hell, see if there is any kind of weatherproofing between the sheathing and the studs before you add any insulation.
Check the pipes. Iron/galvanized pipes might be end of life depending on the type of water you have.
Check the ductwork if it has any. 70 year old ductwork often leaks.
Septic? Get it checked. Could be a brick-lined pit with no lining at the bottom and plugged leach lines.
Well? Get it checked and have any squirrel skeletons pulled out of it.
Run data line to every room. Every. Room. If you are thinking of doing a smart house, don't.

>> No.1624051

Rammed earth or earthbags with a stucco exterior, depending on where you live, are excellent materials and practically free assuming you do the labor yourself

>> No.1624055

Also, you can waterproof stucco using soap. It's a Moroccan technique called tadelakt. Makes for really fancy interior decoration (it was common in palaces), or if you live in a humid climate, helps combat erosion

>> No.1624340

I seen particle board scabbed over defunct windows . Seem fine after 20 years.. Don't think the glue is as good as it use to be

>> No.1624600

Brick is stupid bad for insulating. The dude that made the Tstud is based out of Minnesota, which commonly sees winter temperatures in the -30C range and summer temperatures in the mid 30s. Not going to say brick isn't good for the Upper Midwest (I've seen plenty of old brick structures still standing) but there is additional energy costs compared to your terracotta hovels in Croatia. Even the Swiss cabins you refer to don't see the sorts of climate swings that the Midwest does. As such, structures need to resist climate swings over the course of a year, and be livable inside.

>> No.1624689

What about stick outer frame for insulation with internal stone/brick/etc. walls for thermal mass?

>> No.1624758

I was born in the wrong century...my salary today buys a cardboard mcmansion...my salary in 1900 would buy an actual mansion made of brick and stone...I would be livin' dat Victorian life

>> No.1624761

>grew up in 1925 brick Dutch colonial
>boomer dad built houses and was an autist
>boomer mom supported his reno plans
>turned formerly shoddy house into a goddamn showplace over 10 years of DIY
>all permitted, all to code
>decide to retire there and keep house in the family

I will change states and jobs to move back when they leave it to me


>> No.1624764

imagine living in that stone house
fucking hell.

>> No.1624792

100% stone masonry, slate roof, & stained glass

>living in a shithole
>thinks it is cool


>> No.1624878
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>Sent from iPad

>> No.1626151
File: 31 KB, 600x450, Failed-Cast-Iron-Sewer-Pipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes and no.

On one hand, while it is built more solidly, it often ISN'T cheaper to to maintain (assuming you do it the correct way).

Bought a house built in 1912 a few years ago. It is built like a rock, all the walls are plaster and lathe. The woodwork is really nice. Lucky that previous owners have kept everything more or less the same. All original windows, doors and floors. Electrical was all knob and tube but was replaced by a previous owner.

A year back a cast iron pipe in the bathroom wall disintegrated. Had to tear a huge hole in the walls and floor to get access to everything. I'm now worried that the rest of the pipes are going to have something similar happen. On the other hand, there's only one pipe that runs to the 2nd floor, so there's not a whole lot to keep an eye on.

There's lead in all of the paint.

There's 107 years of various "fixes" previous owners have done.

The house was built to function without AC. Even in the hottest summer, as long as you're opening and closing the windows at the correct times, the house stays cool. I hear the neighbors running their AC even when it's 75 out. Our energy bill is really low.

Haven't replaced the gravity furnace yet. Heats the house well, but isn't efficient. Total cost to replace that is going to come in at 15k. Abatement necessary as the whole thing is wrapped in asbestos. Gas bill is high in winter, negligible the rest of the year.

I've learned a lot already, and will probably learn a lot more in years to come.

>> No.1626706

what about concrete?
Seems like stone but cheaper to me.

>> No.1626746

Pain in the fucking ass to repair, specially the bigger houses, even more so on soil that is moved/moves/compresses unevenly causing the whole thing to crack from several places.

If you want proper house that last, then make floating foundation, or find bed rock to fully anchor your house so it wont move anywhere.

Build proper crawl space that is ventilated and keeps the house off from the ground. Build proper Finnish log frame and put on high quality roof suitable to your climate. Molded steel roof panels have lasted long time around 30-40 year. Standing seam panels even longer if properly designed for ice and snow loads.
If not properly built/maintained you might end up replacing some logs after 50 years, but usually its maintenance or building fuck up and if interior is kept on natural log, its simple as lifting the frame and replacing that log or part of it.
>living in 1900 built log house only problem being windows that need some restoration.
No mold, no too much heat, no interior air quality problems, no huge heating bills..works on cold north at least where temp can run from -40c to +40c
High crawl space does mean stares so thats a bit minus, but easy enough to get around.

>> No.1626763
File: 54 KB, 1016x560, WB_Porotherm_Thermo_1920x1280_v1-format1016x560cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic rel

>> No.1626794

>50cm thick

do you live in a house like that? how is it during summer?

>> No.1626801

these are a little overkill

they work great as insulation, when the holes are empty and not stuffed with rock wool.

>> No.1627154

I never got why people use these blocks when you could just use Ytong instead.

Seriously though, use real bricks if you can afford it, or just use Ytong and build it yourself if you are cheap.

If its supposed to look good build with wood.

Just remember to build like an European, and not like an American.

>> No.1627277
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1528388035972s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1627473

my house was made from the 75 cm version that has no wool in it

Pretty good, temps go above 35 outside in summer and they're cold from the inside. House also has a white coating from the outside to repell sunlight.

>> No.1627608

Then don't. Crawl under the fucker and put gas to it. You got gas heat right? Lowes sells a $40 gas sniffer if a spraybottle and soap cant be trusted

>> No.1627609

I bought my house and threw it outside first thing. Moved a gas stove in and had indoor campfire while unpacking

>> No.1627610

Lol. Probably. Might use wood

>> No.1627635

Well they surely dont like gas...

>> No.1627637

Damn bro. Youd think a prenup would be a good idea after the first one?
That's rough

>> No.1627639

Oh anon why. That tater/corn juice aint nothing to be fucking with.

Anyone know if they lost the house?

>> No.1627642

It only has to last 365 days. Then the contractor aint liable for shit.

I had a full time job replacing leaky windows and siding and shit for a contractor. 366th day cons around. Ignore pho e calls from anon. Their "warrenty" is up.

Crooked fuckers

>> No.1627643

It really is a spectacle isn't it?

>> No.1627646

Unless it's a rental then find a way to fuck near tile the ceiling. I love tile. You gotta replace the carpets every single tenant and inevitably youll be refinishing wood floors every time as well or fuck near

>> No.1627647

I lived in one also. Convince me you aint retarded. I'll wait as i cook my ass off in my pile of rocks.

>> No.1627648

Basements are the cucks of house rooms. Even half baths and outdoor shower rooms.

>> No.1627651
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>> No.1627652





>> No.1627656

I cant think of a better place to shitpost and watch the next tornado roll by.

Had my first earthquake a while back tho. Yall mutherfuckers is nuts. Wind blowing is one thing but whe the ground shakes i am the fuck noped right on out.

>> No.1627663

I got new blinds you just grope the fuckers and move the. Without strings.

Pretty good. Got a yellow lab. Hair.fml

>> No.1627665

Nasty green shit.

>> No.1627670

Miner here. Can confirm. So much to the fact that i made sure i bought a limestone ledge and partially made the decision to buy based on location to quarry.

And i had a dumptruck.

Rock doesn't shoukd expensive at around $10 a ton. But then you figure an average 10 wheeler dumptruck charges $250 a load in my affordable area and next thing you know that 7 loads of rock adds up. About $2,000 with tax just to lay standard pad and then you start building with it? That's one hell of a rock bill.

Given, it would probably last forevor. The fact is tho wood is cheap and plentiful and most of us burgers dont have the foresight to plan retirement much less if the house will fall down by then.

I want off this ride

>> No.1627672

Lol. Why no smart house man

>> No.1627674

You can call me a lot of names but i draw the line at ifaggot

>> No.1627713

>Anything less than 5 acres is an apartment

>> No.1627821

so you built straight onto the limestone below topsoil and clay? Does that make for a wet basement? Also that means no footings? What tools do you use to quarry on a homestead scale?

>> No.1627926

Good question, I don't know. I asked my doorbell too, but the NSA didn't know either.

>> No.1627993

>what is hagia sophia

Brick and mortar structure that has survived 1000 years with many major earthquakes

>> No.1628886

>stone is a natural insulator
Do you not know what the word "insulator" means? Stone is the exact opposite of an insulator. Touch a rock that's been sitting next to a campfire, then tell me about how great of an insulator stone is.

>> No.1628906

Concrete is actually a pretty shit insulator (unless it's those concrete blocks with air in between them).

>> No.1628934

In 1984 gman could see the cut and karot of a womans diamond ring from fucking space.

The future will be ran by corporations openly instead of with shadow governments eventually.

Just glad i got to live some before the inevitable global communistic rule and then not long after the fucking raptire

>> No.1628938

Haven't done shit yet. Took a year to track down my mineral rights. In Kansas if you don't use them in 20 years the landowner (me) can file a notice in any town paper in the county of the owner and then file paperwork at the courthouse. If nobody objects then I'm granted mineral rights. Alternatively i could just go ask but i dont know the person and I'd rather not have a pumpjack in my garden that isn't mine.

>> No.1628945

Since i have one of the few remaining water wells in the county and it passed all lab tests with no filtration of any kind I'm assuming its in a hole in the rock and naturally filtered. I don't want to fuck it up by blasting and shit. I was going to build a tunnel boring machine but with all the rock i don't need any reinforcements other than watching for loose rock and big cracks where one could fall. Ive decided to instead build an electric boring maching out of an old rubber tracked hoe and some outriggers to hold it against the wall. I'll make a water cooled boring bit and put a bucket attachment on the how with the front half arm removed and a bit on it. Then i have a 2 axis machine and can just casually bore a square hole or tunnel anywhere i want.

Still kind of working on dust control, fire suppression, rock removal from the digging, and a few other small things so i don't dig my own coffin. But the hard part is figured out and i think it will work well. I'll have a solar setup and charge all day while i work then dig a few hours a night when i feel like it and intermittently on weekends.

I've got some investments in the works and going by my current figures i should be able to "retire" in about 5 years. It will pay my wife and i's normal wages with a small raise for inflation every year and a little extra to reinvest and grow for the future. I'm hoping sometime in a few years to be able to hire someone to dig while i am at my day job but I'm not to worried. A tiny 10x10 bunker to start will satiate my lifelong bunker fantasy for a bit at least.

>> No.1628970

Why both /ck/ and /diy/ so good at bullying burgerfriends?

>> No.1628986

That is an immensely beautiful house.

>> No.1629028
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>> No.1629115

that is a detatched garage, but if it were a domicile how would you insulate it? currently living in a 70s era block home.

>> No.1629128
File: 3.15 MB, 4160x2080, 20190611_124545_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, however I'm in the middle of building an ICF House (pic related). The styrofoam concrete forms are the insulation. They're roughly equivalent to a stud wall with r40 fiberglass once the house is finished, there's only r20 of insulation but the thermal mass of the concrete helps regulate temps.

For a block home (which I have no experience with) I'd look at filling all of the air columns with some sort of insulation, whether that's spray foam or something else, and then doing rigid foam board inside and out. I'm sure plenty of contractors in your area would have experience with what can and should be done for better insulating a block house.

>> No.1629136

im not even sure its worth it. mine is only 1k sq/ft single floor rectangle and all outer walls in all rooms are covered in windows or doors with no more than 3 feet spaces horizontally. even my bathroom has a shower with window on an exterior wall. i've looked into that blown in wall insulation and even ripping down the drywall and expanding the walls inward with new insulation.

basement has no insulation and stays in the 60s yr round. not sure if i should insulate at leas the ceiling since I have wood floors but I heard it wouldn't make a huge difference.

then therhe is the attic which has 40 yr old blown in which I haven't investigated too much too scared to crawl in that shit for no reason. ive thought about getting that shit removed air sealed and re filled.

>> No.1629143

Wow! That's cool. Moar?

>> No.1629146
File: 3.75 MB, 4160x2080, 20190604_160324_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's from the back. Pretty simple layout desu.

>> No.1629153

I would build my next house the same way. That garage is in northeast Ohio and has no heat. I insulated the roof with foil foam in each rafter space and the ICF walls are r30 at least. I use it all year round and it has never gone below 30F inside. Of course I avoid opening the overhead door when it's below zero outside.

>> No.1629157

Pittsburgh? Garage in basement is a tell.

>> No.1629164

also nice downspout extensions

>> No.1629165
File: 689 KB, 1440x2880, street is on the right side.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nova Scotia, about 30 minutes south of Halifax. Just doing what makes sense for me and my land.

>> No.1629206

>roofs leak
Wow almost like all materials installed by amateurs leak. Every single one will leak. I prefer slate myself but a fine duration shingle can and will when installed correctly last approximately 50 years. New houses won’t have these shingles and usually go for the cheap 3 tab shingles that start to shrink after 5 years. That’s usually up to the builders choice to use it though.

>> No.1629251

Why do retards insist on doing this, I found a PVC to cast iron P Trap tie in and the ape just slathered it in silicone

>> No.1629252

So fuck pink panther fiberglass?

>> No.1629266

Doesn't building with this pretty much mean you can never redesign?

>> No.1629268

Nice. You a smart man.

>> No.1629269

There's needs to be a much bigger commitment to blueprints, and more time needs to be spent fleshing every detail out in advance, but it's not a big deal, well worth the trade off.

>> No.1629274

They make some ceramic tile printed in wood grain.

>> No.1629282


There aren't amateurs that are doing this. These are "professional" amerimutt homebuilders that do this shit for a living. As if it wasn't bad enough, they nearly all have a greedy jew overseeing the whole build.

>> No.1629284


>> No.1629565
File: 486 KB, 1000x500, insulation icecream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So fuck pink panther fiberglass?

that blown candy looking stuff? You dont want to get that stuff in lungs and want to keep it stable, itf its not stable its shit. Rock wool is much more predictable and less damaging to other materials

>ICF House

niice anon! but how will I outbanter amerifatts if you all start making those quality ICf houses?
What are the prices for ICF builds, are the becoming more popular?

>> No.1629567
File: 135 KB, 400x391, insulation rock wool 56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looks like a major fire hazard
>Literally the opposite.

actually I would like to hear more on this, rock wool is predictable at fires and its usually external so you are safe(r), but styro doesnt do well in fires...I know that theyll say "we used a special compount in out styro yadda yadda yadda" but what do you guys think?

>> No.1629578
File: 60 KB, 642x315, conardsblocks004002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to do something similar with concrete blocks and foam on the inside.

>> No.1629580

A tiny lot in Jew York doesn't represent the 99.9999999999 of the country.

>> No.1629585
File: 92 KB, 1280x781, insulation_fungi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>concrete blocks and foam on the inside
>foam on the inside

havent you learned nothing amerifriend? do not use CancerFoamInsulation2000® on a house ever, its only acceptalbe in spaceships or wherever when you have short use for it not to become a total hazzard. Use styrofoam if you are using internal insulation which is much more stable (not entirely health proof but nothing is but still a few categories better than CancerFoamInsulation2000®).

>> No.1629589

A bunch of houses in my parents suburb have had major leaks and had to get all their plumbing replaced. The neighborhood was built in 1999 and they used shit PEX and apparently it was left in the sun too long so it’s all ending up leaking. I fucking hate cookie cutter suburb shithouses

>> No.1629590

I am an insurance agent in an area that regularly get hits with high winds, hail and occasionally a tornado. I've had clients that had to have roofs replaced twice in a year. Part of it was because of the wolf-life roofing companies and the other part was how common-place shingles are here. Not of my customers with metal roofs required replacement, in fact some of them didn't even dents whatsoever after golf ball sized hail.

>> No.1629592
File: 589 KB, 1600x1076, america in one picture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've had clients that had to have roofs replaced twice in a year.

Surreal, at least its keeping people employed...Murca!

>> No.1629595

I think it is EPS. Is that CancerFoamInsultaion2000? The foam comes attached to the blocks...is it spray foam.

>> No.1629597

NOT Spray foam

>> No.1629598

Believe it or not, I think its town by-law that has prevented people from putting metal roofs on, because people normally get the cheapest option available and it looks like shit.

>> No.1629610

>I think its town by-law that has prevented people from putting metal roofs on, because people normally get the cheapest option available and it looks like shit.

metal roofs look pretty slick I havent seen a bad looking one, even asphalt doesnt look bad when its new

>The foam comes attached to the blocks

so its something like ICF? Can you post a picture?

>> No.1629641
File: 98 KB, 960x720, 54413299_2138780899544986_8254430417059315712_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The metal shingle roofs look great and the metal standing seam ones also look great. Unfortunately, what people do is they place the metal roof directly over a layer or two of asphalt shingles so it looks like a mess.

>> No.1629643
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>> No.1629659
File: 24 KB, 412x600, venice-building-foundations-stone-wood-artwork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unfortunately, what people do is they place the metal roof directly over a layer or two of asphalt shingles so it looks like a mess.

they place a metal roof over shingle...what in the...who told them to do that...surreal...doing that will affect the metal roof since shingle shits will warp below and metal roofs dont work well with mcmansion roof design or it just a way harder job.

are these 2 pics from this >>1629595 poster? Ive never seen this kind of blocks, are they reinforced? Can you post the bigger pic of insulation? From here it looks like rock wool, but it seems very thin, please a closeup

>> No.1629668
File: 83 KB, 960x540, 11947665_904912666265155_8804255598500733679_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that is me. I'm kinda a newfag so bare with me. They do it because it is easier than having to remove the singles and possibly have to repair any rotted boards underneath. When it warps, it makes it easier for the wind to pick-up and defeats the purpose of having a metal roof.

The blocks are originally a design by "complete block" out of Nebraska I think. I think it is 7 inches of concrete and 4 inches of foam. They are held together by some type of construction adhesive and then rebar is put through the block vertically and I think mortar is pumped in the remaining space. I am trying to find a good picture of the foam but I hope this will do for now.

>> No.1629670
File: 111 KB, 665x469, blockfoam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here we go

>> No.1629675
File: 1.49 MB, 3024x4032, maxcompact isolation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, now I see it, that is definetly some kind of foam, from this picture>>1629641, I tought that the outer yellow was foam and white was just some weird shade of concrete, like I said I never saw a system like that.

What kind of foam is it? I dont think that there is a good version of CancerFoamInsulation2000®, even rock wool isnt 100% safe. Do they cover the foam with drywall after?
I think its best to avoid this if you have a choice since its internal, if it were external, you would be good. With internal foam its not good for health since it will turn to dust eventually and its a fire hazzard even more since internal.

here is a random pic of external rock wool instalation.

PS-Im not an expert on RC, but for those thickness blocks there seems to be too few rebar reinforcement

>> No.1629685
File: 54 KB, 462x375, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its EPS foam. THe blocks have metal strips every foot that is secured into the concrete, in which the drywall is screwed into.

I've never heard of rock wool, but it looks pretty interesting. What goes over it?

Attached is a picture of a skidsteer on the blocks. Here is a FEMA simulation of an F5 tornado impact.


>> No.1629697
File: 1.57 MB, 3024x4032, 20181017_101249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Attached is a picture of a skidsteer on the blocks.

what they dont tell you its that that picture means jack shit after one winter when water touches concrete and it cracks like a sand castle (it doesnt seem to have any "protective" facade) and it all turns into ice and concrete is VERY water permeable. Concrete is very strong shortterm on impact but very weak longterm when you account in water damage, that is why drystone masonry and wood houses can last so long - they are "weak" and easily destroyed by hands but highly resistant to water damage.

>Here is a FEMA simulation of an F5 tornado impact.

tornado wont damage concrete, but big problem is how do you keep RC healthy from water damage.

>I've never heard of rock wool, but it looks pretty interesting. What goes over it?

this picture is external insulation with rock wool>>1629567, they wither cover it with a facade or as in this picture>>1629675, maxcompact panels which is like a drywall for external use and its becoming more popular due to faster instalation but I cant stand the look of it.

also another pic of making external rock wool insulation on the right building (maxcompact goes over it) to make a so called ventilated facade, behind rock wool the entire building is poured RC

>> No.1629708
File: 1.80 MB, 4032x3024, 20181112_110719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've never heard of rock wool, but it looks pretty interesting. What goes over it?

pic rel is another apartment complex being built, what you see is raw RC building before rock wool installation, sadly the RedAeratedBrickTM is loosing its popularity for non loading walls and being replaces by RC monowall+rockwool insulation.
On the pic you can see some RedAeratedBrickTM on inside non loading walls.

>> No.1631322

>>1620062 Is right
Its actually not bad flooring, I work at a liquor store that uses this but It had to be replaced
under warranty after 4 years because the glue was failing, but the finish was still nice even with commercial traffic. The new stuff is nice too, interlocking tiles so its a floating floor, but its more damage prone i.e. if I drop a wine bottle on it it will dent the floor. Both versions have enough cushioning that dropped glass doesn't break on it a majority of the time even though there's only concrete underneath.

>> No.1631372

jesus i didnt think americans really built their houses out of particle boards. that shit wouldnt fly here in a million years

>> No.1631379

but when it gets hot internally doesnt it act like an oven?

>> No.1631410

that never happened in 20 years

>> No.1631579

Judges routinely throw out prenups on a whim. And feminism can destroy even a seemingly virtuous wife.

>> No.1631581

Lol shut up dumb fuck. Your cherry picked images of spalling concrete on fucking freeway overpasses are in no way indicative of concretes performance in a single family dwelling. You know nothing of concrete chemistry and are straight talking out of your ass.

>> No.1631648

Redpill me on Composite Slate ?

>> No.1631685

The time to recoup any investment in solar power is about 8 years. The average period of house ownership is 6.5 years. So to make money on solar power you should take the solar panels with you to your new home.

>> No.1631688

slate bits mixed with plastic. they are cheaper than real slate. they are stronger too so they can be made bigger, so its cheaper to cover roofs. Shit for environment cos plastic.

>> No.1631692

Concrete is reeeaaalllly bad for the environment as it releases carbon dioxide during curing.

>> No.1631785

>globalism has to be communist
Fucking Americans

>> No.1631959

Roman concrete? sure
modern "high tech" concrete formulated by "skilled engineers"? No

>> No.1632025
File: 162 KB, 1280x960, tassell_dome_stoned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no mention of monlithic dome homes.
What the fuck, it's like none of y'all even try. Stone homes are shit and take too much time. Monolithic Domes are far superior in every facet and take hardly any time to build. They're essentially everything proof and very energy efficient.

>> No.1632071
File: 51 KB, 400x323, 1559429055707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would insurance even cover for a replacement for destroying your house out of this level of sheer stupidity?

>> No.1632097
File: 38 KB, 750x740, 1559893023521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what would this house on average cost to build? I'm not familiar with it at all.

>> No.1632131

About 10-15% more than if the house were just done with regular wood framing. Those costs get recovered through efficiency gains over the years.

>> No.1632132

>He didn't take the carbon concrete pill

>> No.1632184


There's a concrete dome house not far from where I live. Sure looks odd, but it's unique enough that it doesn't look ugly, at least to me.

And those big-ass "professional" concrete dome houses can have a dome huge enough to really give you lots of space and multiple interior stories.

I always wondered why the hell they weren't a lot more popular in tornado alley, all things considered...

>> No.1632189


Oh they figured that out, by the way. Turns out the secret ingredient is volcanic ash mixed with seawater: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/roman-concrete-mystery-solved-scientists-a7824011.html

The Romans didn't do anything clever, they just used the materiel at hand and happened to luck out.

>> No.1632221

How good are these at keeping the heat inside the house during winter tho? Also are they good noise isolators?

>> No.1632226
File: 90 KB, 900x492, AD-Sustainable-Architecture-03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would a system like this work?

>> No.1632327
File: 123 KB, 900x675, concrete mcrebar explosion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You know nothing of concrete chemistry and are straight talking out of your ass.

pic rel ameridumb

what is that system? That is an aerated brick Ive seen before, but that right picture with tile looking bricks, is it for hot weather? Your picis a thinner latin american aerated brick so dont expect that much insulation

>> No.1632329

According to the guys who are selling it, the extra layer is to protect the walls from exposure of heat as well as noise

So if the walls inside the brick would be thicker it would act as an insulator better?

>> No.1632564

and they isolate both ways, I can shout as much as I want inside with my family and no one hears a thing outside

>> No.1632618
File: 68 KB, 650x433, brick red types.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the extra layer is to protect the walls from exposure of heat as well as noise

it should act that way based on the angle - the angle creates shade and it should control the heat as well as prevent outside noise by dispersing the sound wave. That looks like a very interesting system, can you post more pictures?

>> No.1633114

The wall gets the same average amount of heat energy either way. They're basically trying to save on material by making thickness uneven and redistributing sun heating to thicker spots. Will this work or will it be cheaper is not clear at all. You got less material, but fancy shapes like that are unlikely to cost the same as plain rectangular brick. The wall also ends up having larger surface area which means better heat transfer from hot outside air into the wall. Ridges can also disrupt wind/air convection so the stagnant air near the wall gets even hotter. Finishing the wall is also going to be a major pain in the ass (unless you leave it just raw brick).
Oh and first of all, it only works as pictured when the sun is really high up in the sky, and it's no better than a plain regular wall for the rest of the day

>> No.1633117

>when the sun is really high up in the sky
...and hits the wall at a really sharp angle, I must add, and most heat comes into the house through the roof anyways

>> No.1633187
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