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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1612131 No.1612131 [Reply] [Original]

ok so I live next to some highly autistic cunt who glares at me through the windows every time I go outside, I leave for work he is at the window, I water my plants he's at the window, I wash my car he's at the window. And more recently a lady living down the street came to tell me this faggot is taking pictures of my backyard and showing it to the other neighbors. So I've had it with this nigger but he won't let me confront him (goes back to his house when I try to catch him on the street, drops whatever he is doing in his backyard and rushes inside when I go, doesnt respond to knocking) yet the fucking sperg keeps fucking with me.
I know cops won't do shit about staring through the window and taking pictures of lawns.
More generally I've noticed that it is the fucking problem with these little shits, the fuck with you in a way that any type of retalation like contacting authorities or fucking them up would be disproportionate and you end up being the one at fault. So my last remaining option has come to ruin this faggot's life with petty shit flinging.
Asking for wisdom in the matter from experienced fellows

>> No.1612132

you could just like mind your own business because he isnt doing anything wrong or bothering you.

what is your major malfunction

>> No.1612134

>Asking for wisdom in the matter from experienced fellows

Grow up and stop giving a fuck what he is looking at.
Stop staring back

>> No.1612137

contribute or piss off

>> No.1612139

My neighbors thought I was starting at them. They finally got drunk one night and made a big ordeal out of it. I brought them over and showed that my kitchen sink is by that window. The chick was embarrassed but the dude wanted to fight. Nothing happened. I told him that if he touches me I would stab him to death with a screwdriver and pointed one out specifically that I planned on using. (I got tools all over my kitchen do to remodel)

Moral of the story. Some people are just trash, trying to be nice to them almost gets you sent to jail for murder. Just ignore them.

>> No.1612140

Fuck these guys op, find the cables leading to his house for internet and cut em.

>> No.1612142

There would be lots of crazy things you could do like steal his mail, poison his lawn, have your dogs crap at his house, beep your horn by his window at night, socialise outside, etc

But you dont want to do any of those things. You gain nothing except escalate the situation.

Why is he photographing your yard? Is he shit talking your garden?

>> No.1612145

>And more recently a lady living down the street came to tell me this faggot is taking pictures of my backyard and showing it to the other neighbors.
You might want to contact the police, it sounds stalkerish/obsessive. If they're easily able to see into your backyard from theirs and there's nothing untoward in there (normal backyard, like the lady down the street isn't like "clean up your pornyard" but is like "this guy is taking an unhealthy interest in your normal backyard" type deal), contact the police just to let them know this is going on and install a privacy fence. If you already have a privacy fence they may give the guy a warning.

>> No.1612147

This shitty attitude is why your neighbor hates you.
I hope he retaliates legally and makes your life a living hell the second you try to do something.

>> No.1612149

nigger fuck you, I never interacted with the faggot once. he 's just a mental case fucktard, people told me he did that with the people before and they moved because of him.
I made it clear what I want in this thread yet you still shitpost

>> No.1612153

>I never interacted with the faggot once. he 's just a mental case fucktard,

The only mental case is you, obsessing over an idiot with a staring problem. You seem to be impulsive and cant control yourself.

> people told me he did that with the people before and they moved because of him.

So this guy just stares at everyone, not just you personally. And he has done it for some time
Yet you are taking it personally and feel like you need to retaliate. You just want him to personally hate you I guess.

You are a smart guy anon, truly. I love how you are going to dig yourself into a hole.

>> No.1612155

put your tampon on faggot

>> No.1612162

Maybe you should interact with him. Wave and smile real big when you see him. Take some pics of his place: it's legal as long as you don't go onto his property, it's visible from yours, and you don't try to make money with it. Tell him it's because you think his place looks so awesome, offer him copies. Kill him with kindness until he spergs, like you are on the advice you've gotten here so far. Either he's trolling you and winning (so troll him back, durr), or you're trolling us and winning.

>> No.1612163
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>mom, the man next door is looking at me funny

>> No.1612221

>I told him that if he touches me I would stab him to death with a screwdriver and pointed one out specifically that I planned on using.
And then his wife clapped

>> No.1612222

Stealing his mail could land you in federal prison, Anon.

>> No.1612243

Build an x-ray generator and install it above his bed while he's out. Blast his brain with x-rays while he sleeps.

>> No.1612250

dont reply to them, bet they also are autist that take pics of their neighborns backyards

>> No.1612252
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Noise, constant noise. Look up local regulations, find out if there's a 'quiet time' and whether you can keep something play all night. Then make it the most discordant shit ever and buy yourself a nice pair of noise cancelling headphones.

Then leave a letter in his mailbox after you've played the noise for a week saying you'll turn it back on every fucking time you catch him staring at you or sharing pictures of your lawn

>> No.1612253

take pictures of him sleeping and nail it to his door. if he doesn't stop, take pictures of him outside his house (like at his place of work) and nail it to his bedroom door.

>> No.1612255

>Asking for wisdom in the matter from experienced fellows
Put up the tallest fence you can and just ignore him. Alternatively, you can move.

>> No.1612258

At least we arent samefagging

>> No.1612259

caulk all of his doors and windows shut one night and then start his house on fire

>> No.1612260 [DELETED] 

Clearly the best & most mature way to settle this like full grown adults.

>> No.1612271
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This thread may have been an elaborate fence joke

>> No.1612351

Wear a small strobe light at all times
Put small strobes facing outwards inside your house where he looks
Set up cameras everywhere
Put really offensive signs that only face his property up inside your house

>> No.1612353
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>get BTFO
>get upset
lmao get off this board faggot, you'll do better on /lgbt/

>> No.1612380

Stare for a moment calmly and blankly every time they look at you, with a face with completely relaxed muscles, no smile/frown/etc, make sure to make eye contact. They are probably scared of eye contact due to the social interaction aspect of it, and a completely limp blank face is creepy because it gives no indications of intent. Pretending to take pics with a shit camera and putting up a 10 dollar fake security camera would do a lot to fuck with them.

TL;DR: Stare back and take pics, put up fake security camera

>> No.1612381

Try not being such a insecure faggot over somebody staring at you

>> No.1612484

get checked for schizophrenia

and autism

>> No.1613168

Board up his window(s) in the middle of the night with glue (no fasteners, they make noise). He has no proof you did it.

>> No.1613177

As always, OP is a massive faggot

>> No.1613179

You seem like a faggot, why are you watching him? How do you know that hes always watching you? You are the one thats the sperg op, stop scaring your neighbors by watching thier every move.

>> No.1613181

>just commit crimes bro!

>> No.1613197

Two words: diplomatic immunity.

>> No.1613200

>people looking at me
buy a shipping container and bury it in your yard
get a pickaxe and dig tunnels to places you need to go and only exit at night with your face covered
nobody will ever look at you again

thank me later

>> No.1613205

This, please do this. Be the anhero your neighborhood needs.

>> No.1613207

How about just being a normal human being and going over to his house to tell him how you feel?

I would talk to the guy and make it known you’re gonna pursue some type of legal action. The picture taking has to be some violation of your privacy. Or you could just forge a fake lawyer letter and threaten litigation. That usually gets people to stop stupid bullshit immediately.

>> No.1613209

>taking pictures of a yard is illegal
Umm, no sweetie. We live in a society in the current year.

>> No.1613211

>implying a private residence is a public place

Nigger do you even know what the law is?

>> No.1613212

Is it visable from a public or legally accessible space such as ops neighbors property? Nigger do you even know what the law is?

>> No.1613216

Man honestly it's going to be mental illness, probably dementia or these gangstalking delusions I've been seeing everywhere.

You should try talking to him, maybe his family of you can figure it out. If you sabotage his shit, and it is delusions.. he'll just get worse and confused and stuff. He's probably not a douchebag, but almost certainly needs help

>> No.1613227


>> No.1613228


>> No.1613234


>> No.1613236


>> No.1613238


>> No.1613240

Koi pond

>> No.1613466

Dig holes in the backyard at night and when he calls the cops start transplanting those tomatoes.

>> No.1613636

>petty shit flinging.
get the potato cannon out
start huckin shites thru his letterbox and maybe a trout or 2

>> No.1613638
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I get the feeling there is a reason OP's neighbor keeps looking at him that OP is leaving out.

>> No.1613667
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pic related

>> No.1613723

anyone moralfagging in this thread is a plebbitor

>> No.1613726

>he 's just a mental case fucktard
It's obvious that you're the mental case and your neighbor isn't doing anything wrong.

>> No.1613727

Op, youve been repeatedly blown the fuck out, admit defeat like a good little girl and offer your front hole to your neighbor.

>> No.1613748

>The only mental case is you,
>This shitty attitude is why your neighbor hates you.
>Try not being such a insecure faggot
>It's obvious that you're the mental case

See the pattern here?
You ask for help and when you don't like the answers you show anger management issues, and lash out at people trying to help.
Get some professional help, either talk to a lawyer or a psychiatrist .

>> No.1613749

I'm not op. ur probably a teenager

>> No.1613792

Shut off his water at the stopcock. Every night. Also cops will never do anything, they don’t give to shits about suspicious people or trespassers as long as someone isnt injured. In my experience

>> No.1613799

Say that to my face faggot whilst i fuck your throat in front of your mom.

>> No.1613841

burn a cross in his yard

>> No.1613846

Don't worry, ((highly autistic cunt)) is just interested in your ladder

>> No.1613873

How about you just ignore him, you sound like a giant fag. Why would you give a shit if he has pictures of your yard.

>> No.1613913

A few ideas for you op

Put araldite in his front door lock at night that way when he leaves and locks the door he won't be able to get back in.

Tie a couple of sinkers to a toad and fling it on his roof.

If he leaves his car on the driveway
a few cable ties on his prop shaft.

Expander foam the letterbox

Or next time he's looking at you pull out your benis and start furiously fapping while never breaking eye contact with him.

>> No.1613920

Sort of. You're not allowed to take pictures if you're not naturally able to do so and see in, so no ladders, drones, camera sticks or holding it up in your outstretched arms, and probably no actively taking pictures from your bedroom window at someone else's private space either. I can't imagine that'd go well at court either as most people would immediately think of the child protection implications if you could take pictures over a privacy fence or at the opposite apartment building etc etc

>> No.1613936

Just smile and wave at him. Maybe wink. It will probably annoy him the most.

>> No.1613953

My Dad's neighbor has been fucking with him too, and dad has called the cops on several occasions.
>Neighbor let's dog shit on Dad's lawn
>Dad asks politely to remove shit
>Dude wigs out and threatens dad
>Dad let's it go, and starts using shovel to throw shit back on dudes side.
>Dude throws chemical grass killer all over Dad's lawn at night
>Lawn fucked
>Dad calls cops, but nothing happens
>Dude starts driving nails through back fence that stick 2inches out on Dad's side
>Dad asks him to use shorter nails because he has dogs and my little sister
>Dude says he will, but then drives more and longer nails
>Dad starts hammering them back on dudes side
>Dude sprays dad's lemon tree and an oak tree with more chemicals and trees die
>Dad calls cops but nothing happens again
>Dad sets up trail cameras around front and back yard waiting for dude to do something else
>Dude sets up a camera looking directly towards their bedroom window
>Cops say they can do nothing

The guy is just a general over confrontational cunt. Thinking of retaliating for dad, so he doesn't have to worry about legal trouble.

>> No.1613955

>Wait for them to go out of town
>Buy meth making chemicals and chemistry equipment
>Plant in their garage
>Call cops

>> No.1613958

>Dude throws chemical grass killer all over Dad's lawn at night
>Lawn fucked
Pretty sure that's property damage, no?

>> No.1613966

Yea but there was no way to prove it was him.

>> No.1613967

Your dad's a beta, and so are you.

>> No.1613970
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>> No.1613973

What would you personally do in that situation, wimp?

>> No.1614058

Yes. Intent is important generally speaking.

It's omerta then, but since you seem to want something less insane bury some meat based stock cubes all over the guys garden and watch him deal with his dog suddenly going crazy and digging holes everywhere.

>> No.1614064

There may not be a way to shut off the water from the outside, but you can always shut off his gas meter

>> No.1614068

Especially white neighborhoods. They don't have time to deal with petty white people problems when the blacks and Mexicans are killing raping and selling drugs.

>> No.1614073

Unironically create a reddit account and ask what can be done in advice/legaladvice branches. Post results here if they suggest something good.

>> No.1614092

send two free tickets to a ball game, once they leave
remove electric meter fill bow with sakrete padlock box
shut water off at the meter and install padlock then dump 5 bags of sakrete over meter
pour 1" roofing nails on curb at end of driveway
use expanding foam around all doors and windows
run add on craigs list for garage sale at 6 am sat morning

>> No.1614096

please tell me you arent really that stupid

>> No.1614321

>ok so I live next to some highly autistic cunt who glares at me through the windows every time I go outside,
Plot twist: it's OP's reflection.

>> No.1614329
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>> No.1614332

he didnt say his neighbor was eating boogers

>> No.1614455

Then he’s just gonna have more time for starin’.

>> No.1614492

OP did you just build a ladder?

>> No.1614499

your neighbor silently looks at you.

hot shit man that is a great neighbor. just staple some drapes over his windows who gives a fuck stop looking at him LOL

it could be 100000000 times worse. so many shit neighbors. that throw dog shit over the fence, throw trash over the fence. walk in your yard and fuck with your dog. just do fucking horrible stupid things. dont be an asshole you have it good bro.

>> No.1614500

a poor farmer with SANDALS and wearing a fucking lamp shade beat the american military and took his country back from the CIA.

he didnt even have toilet paper. you lost to a guy who wipes his ass with his hands.

>> No.1614507

Have to agree, I wish all my neighbour did was look at me. I had neighbours who'd leave cigarette butts outside and the wind would blow them into my property. Neighbours that left dogs off leashes that would shit on my lawn. Music played so loud I could easily hear it even in my basement. Neighbours that would shoot guns into traffic.
I'd take a stare-faggot any day over those fucking white niggers. I had a friend's neighbour pissed that I was parking on the street, I just waved at her and smiled with a shit-eating grin while she took my pic.

>> No.1614508

Ignore...put security cameras up. Score by catching him snoop around. Report to police for privacy invasion. Tall fences make good neighbours.

>> No.1614514

don't call me sweetie, you look like a pussy

>> No.1614525

It's called a wall. Build it.

>> No.1614527

Look at the bylaws for fences, see if the fucker is breaking any with the nails then call the municipality on them. They love giving out fines. You don't call the cops for that petty shit, you get other forms of government involved and lawyer his ass.

>> No.1614529

Plant tree all along the side of the yard that abuts his property.

>> No.1614577

quit being a total cunt

>> No.1614892

Either ignore him or confront him like a man. Don't be petty.

>> No.1614909

>kills trees
>cops do nothing

because at that point you get a lawyer and sue him. Cops generally dont care if your neighbor is being a passive aggressive cunt because their main concern is criminal law, those kinds of things tend to be open and shut, no effort required on their part but just because the police 'do nothing', that doesn't mean that the law isnt being broken. If your story is true, then what that guy did was illegal, it's in violation of civil law in most countries.


>> No.1614933

get some extra large photo prints of random penises, frame them, and hang them in the window(s) facing out

and or
>collect dog poop from around the neighborhood
>fill their gutters with poop; preferably at night, while wearing a disguise....in case of cameras
>make sure to clog the downspouts

>> No.1614963

Dig a small tunnel under your house to the bottom of his house. Get right up to some concrete and leave some meat to rot.

Head over to rc general. Buy parts anonymously with cash. Build a quad copter with fpv and ability to carry and drop stuff. Fly your drone from someplave without cameras and drop some rotting meat or nails on his house/driveway.

Call him some hookers, mobile mechanics, pizza delivery, anything else you can think of to bother him.

Sign him up for free magazines and other junk mail.

List free shit on craigslist at his address

>> No.1614972

You could get back at your neighbor by opting to not be mentally ill, have you tried that yet?

>> No.1615041
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2 words


Or more seriously, pic related

>> No.1615278 [DELETED] 


>> No.1615310

Don't be a nigger.

>> No.1615312

>my neighbor is probably a mental case
>I should start fucking with him
That sounds like a good way to be turned into garden fertilizer or a batch of sausage.

>> No.1615315

Trying reading all of a post before responding to it, dumbass.

>> No.1615331
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leave steel and a stick welder in plain sight of your windows. when he's looking at you, do a safety squint and start welding. the sperg won't be able to post on /diy/ after he loses his vision

>> No.1615433


>> No.1615452
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>Neighbours that would shoot guns into traffic.

>> No.1615469

i don't see how anyone can deal with this passive aggressive bullshit
living in hicktown, people doing shit like this get shot
especially trespassing to take pics of property without permission

>> No.1615473

>neighbour buys welding mask
what now, fagit?

>> No.1615481

Not sure but they were probably bikers. I've seen biker-owned company trucks down the road in front of that house, and I've seen bikers pull into the same house, so I'm connecting the dots there.
Oh also the police were in the neighbourhood to seize a cargo trailer full of stolen shit, probably from the same house.

>> No.1615502

i guess you could shine a flashlight at him to trip the mask's sensor. that should make him take it off and then you start welding. repeat

>> No.1615590

dazzle strobes inside your house pointed directly at the places he stares from

>> No.1615650

The attempt to circumvent visible privacy measures proves intent

>> No.1615652

you sounds like you're being kind of a whiny bitch about things

until he actually makes things your problem just laugh at this stupid ass like you're a fat mexican who doesn't care about anything

>> No.1615656

Get creepy neighor on video you fool! Then make a Youtube "best of crazy neighbor" video. He'll be a public laughingstock.

>> No.1615660

If you don't want to be stared at then why don't you go buy some goddamn blinds you ableist shithead. If he's got a mental illness he can't fucking help it.

>> No.1615841

This is 100% best option.
Or build a better fence if you dont like people seeing into your property?

>> No.1616211
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I had a fucked up neighbor weird as shit. Nobody believed me until he was arrested for animal cruelty. Turns out the sick fuck was going around neighborhoods and circumsizing dogs. The found mason jars full of dog foreskins.

>> No.1616214

Dogs don't have foreskins.

>> No.1616216

what the fuck do you think surrounds the red rocket??

>> No.1616218

The sheath? What in the fuck are you on about

>> No.1616219


I kind of want to do this in my studio apartment just to see if it gradually drives my neighbors insane.

> 17 Hz sine waves played at a level described as "near the edge of hearing", produced by an extra-long-stroke subwoofer mounted two-thirds of the way from the end of a seven-meter-long plastic sewer pipe.

> The presence of the tone resulted in a significant number (22%) of respondents reporting feeling uneasy or sorrowful, getting chills down the spine or nervous feelings of revulsion or fear.

>> No.1616250

Go in the middle of the night at 2-5am and lay several screws point up right under his back tires

>> No.1616308

No John, you are the autists

>> No.1616327

Those dogs for sure don't.

>> No.1616339

Damn you're dad is getting btfo

>> No.1616353

Next time you catch him glaring at you through the window, drop your pants, bend over, and give him the full fruit basket.
The sight of another man's hairy chicken eye and saggy ass nuts will haunt him for the rest of his years.

>> No.1616424

I heard that trees can be worth a surprising amount, you could try to sue because of dead trees

>> No.1616431

You stick the nails through a plastic bottle cap so they are able to stand up and once the tyre is pierced the plastic cap will break away and leave no trace. He may think it happened elsewhere. Use building nails that are commonly found around new houses being built.

>> No.1616443

Well 4chan help can sometimes be a problem in it self...

>> No.1616445

No one better shit talk my garden

>> No.1616446

In Europa this wouldn't happen.

>> No.1616448

Because dogs are against sharia law?

>> No.1616451

Basicly the same goes for black shets of paper you told them have an invisible or near invisible colour for human eyes. You are scaring them with youre creepines. No musik needed. Nore is it a good idea.

>> No.1616454

No cause we have a shit ton of laws. Like a modern western continent and no second world shit. Haha me me insult funny.

>> No.1616912

hearty kek. This is next level thinking.

>> No.1616914

also - bonus points, put a 25+ laser really close to the weld point facing the guys window that activates when it senses voltage.

>> No.1617008

That's basically the same thing dumbass.
You could call what we are born with a sheath.
In most greek languages there is only one word for that particular part of male mammalian anatomy.
Your asparagus plants are ugly, UGLY!!

>> No.1617088



>> No.1617114


There was one thread my friend read to me last night, a guy had a group of sorority girls move in next door and they were always fucking loud. He had a two story house they just had one floor, so he would fling shit out of his bathroom window into their chimney and later on, garbage. Comes to light that the chimney was drywalled over and it didn't really go anywhere anymore, well it storms one night and apparently the chimney was clogged so apparently the rain flushed it out and their wall suddenly burst out with years worth of trash and shit, they ended up having to gut the house and an old couple moved in next door instead.

Cut your grass using side discharge, make sure to blow all your clippings onto their driveway as you pass their border.

Put a mirror and fake camera up for "security" (camera to disguise true motives) and focus the mirror it so at sunset or some point in the day on one of their schedules' busy hours the mirror makes the sun point directly into their window or something

Get a massive bird feeder. Position it somewhere away from your gutters/house but close to where perhaps two eaves converge on their house, keep the feeder filled, don't worry about squirrels, birds will come and start building nests in his gutters/bushes if they have a reliable food source nearby, I did this unintentionally to my next door neighbor, there's now like two big ass nests in their gutters by my feeder

Use a shitload of fertilizer on your lawn, but make sure to use a pellet spreader, make sure the pellets make a huge fucking mess everywhere and don't clean it up, do this like all the time not like once a season like once a week so there's just a constant cancer poison mess all over

If he has a spigot on your side of the house or somewhere you can mess with it and not get caught, set up in a way there's no attachments/water will flow freely when on, turn it to a medium drip. Make the handle firm but enough to leak a bit. Flood that faggot out.

>> No.1617115

Also the secret to all of this is to be super friendly the whole time like just wave if he's out or whatever, act totally oblivious, like you had no idea that he might get upset that there's clippings fucking everywhere.

>> No.1617116

Nigger faghot

>> No.1617265

He cute

>> No.1617287
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Imagine being so insecure that you get this triggered over someone looking at you.

>> No.1617291

The dubs demand it, OP

>> No.1617341
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You need to build a high powered laser and calculate at what heights his eyes reach when he's staring at you
Chances are you'll only get one or two shots so be sure you do your research

>> No.1617372

Cheap rotating laser level.

>> No.1617922

Nice, but burying a container takes too much time and people around would laugh at "the buried container guy", thus literally defeating the entire thing.

Not OP here, but similar problem.

I own a small plot having a small non-fenced front area to allow my neighbor access his plot (it was required by local codes; it's still my private property, yet it is in a legal gray zone). That is, I just can't build a fence or even place a gate or anything like that, my neighbor wouldn't be OK with it even if I paid for everything (he knows he could stay locked out of his plot for hours if anything weird happens).

That front area faces the main street, a dead end street only used by locals and customers of a couple shops. Basically most of those fuckers use that front-area for an U-turn instead of the two designated U-turn areas because they're too lazy to do 50 feet reverse gear.

For a short while some random dog used to shit in that area making those brand new SUVs splat dogshit all around while keeping a dogshit souvenir on their tires. Eventually some fucker found the dog owner and the dogshitstorm came to a stop, and in a few weeks that front area (part of my plot) became again everyone's U-turn area. Sometimes people even park their car there. I tell them it's private property and they arrogantly reply "I only need five minutes, dude" (then I start shouting "GTFO now or I'm gonna call the police", and they eventually go away). Not a single one of them ever asked "may I...?", even less saying "sorry" when I told them it's private property.

Just like OP, I need some "technical" (and legally irreprochable) solution to a "human" (arrogance) problem, enough to make it clear to everyone that area is not public property. While the dog shit splatting thing was somewhat effective, I don't want people think "if he dogshits the front area, we will as well". I can't use anything that could be discovered by curious kids, neither anything that could accidentally hurt them

>> No.1617926

>tell dad
>get Japanese Beatle trap refills
>when neighbor isnt around smear the shit all over dudes front door, window and porch.

>> No.1617927

Call a tow truck you retard

>> No.1617955

Empty a can of paint into the car.

>> No.1617956

If he takes pictures of you without your consent you can sue him.

>> No.1617959

I used to live near a street that dead ended into a park with no parking. people would always turn around in the nearest driveway. an old man lived there and lost his mind over it. he put up 2 blaze orange saw horses blocking his drive.

>> No.1618155

Is this supposed to be driveable for you? If not, just line a few large stone along the property area.

>> No.1618162


>> No.1618172

Alright, this is a simple fix.

All you need is about 18 blow up dolls of various decorum. Make yourself a little art project in your backyard, and top it all off with a handwritten sign. The dolls should be depressingly laid out, such that any reasonable person would get really bummed out, scared, or laugh their ass off upon seeing the layout. The sign should say something to highlight the absurdity of staring at someone else's yard (I would write "STATE FARM IS THERE") and make it known that you know they're watching.

>> No.1618174

or stop being poor and buy more land

>> No.1618192

Why not build a gate and give the neighbor a key? Or even just give it a latch without a lock?

>> No.1618200

My mum used to throw oxalis seeds into the neighbour's yard, maybe you could try that with an even more annoying weed.

>> No.1618222

or microwaves

>> No.1618236

That would just make him feel warm. X-rays would give him cancer.

>> No.1618262

Can you coordinate with your neighbor? I assume these people are blocking them as well.

>> No.1618636

baby why don't we go
down to cocomo

>> No.1618793

You could do the same with a magnetron and just Chinese Embassy the guy.

>> No.1618801

Throw a pizza on his roof

>> No.1618803

Throw a pizza on his dog

>> No.1618804

Throw a pizza in his pool

>> No.1618828

Put concrete in his clean out.

>> No.1618866
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>> No.1618994

THIS. He’ll need a crane to get it out.

>> No.1619053

Buy some fart spray. Make sure it's powerful. If he ever cracks his windows, just gas his shit up.

>> No.1619055

Salt his yard

>> No.1619190

Piss on his doorknob every night, stick gum in his car's key hole, same for the mailbox and doors keyhole. Don't chew the gum beforehand, instead just mash it up in water and go to his house in the dead of night, 2-3 AM is best. Stick the water mashed gum in all the key holes you can find, then to finish it off, piss on his doorknob.

>> No.1619209
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Obtain super glue
it must be liquid
use it to seal the front door shut
use Expanding foam-glue if you really want to get that door stuck

>> No.1619214


Well actually if he is posting your yard and talking shit, that can probably fall under the new bully laws. So you can probably do that you autistic shit.

Just fucking bbq outside and and ask him if he wants some. Nobody will ever turn that down. And you can talk to him calmy. Hell you might even suck his dick if you're lucky.

Ive heard way worse neighbor stories than this shit. People suck, get over it.

>> No.1619371

Lol nice try OPs neighbor

>> No.1619375

>plant bamboo in a row on side facing neighbor's yard
>he can no longer see into your yard
>put up security sign or fake security camera
>he feels afraid to walk into the yard and take pics
>put NRA or gadsden flag sticker on car
>he feels afraid to fuck with you

>> No.1619383

Throw his pool on his roof.

>> No.1619404

OP since there are clearly too many faggots on this bread. Let me help.
Remember, you need a goal. That goal should be to make him stop or get so fed up that he leaves or does something really stupid. Act innocent always and never be rude or give any intent of malice especially to other neighbours.
Install security cameras.
Install super sensitive motion detected floodlights pointed in his windows.
Keep compost right beside his fence.
Find out what he treasures most. Study his routines.
Order pizzas and other takeout to his house using fake numbers.
List things for sale on craigslist, tell them to go to his house.
Out out personal ads for big gay bears to show up at his house.
The ads and food delivery need to be at least once a day.
Find out his phone number if you can.
When he isn't home, do subtle things to his backyard. Introduce a new lawn gnome or something.
If you can, sneak a bluetooth speaker in his backyard, one you can turn on remotely or have plugged in at all times. Play weird noises on it at night.
Make him think people are trying to get into his house.
Drive him fucking crazy and watch him unravel

>> No.1619405

I laughed

>> No.1619441

My friends and i get drunk over the weekend. I got like 45 texts. My car was on craigslist for free...

>> No.1619446

This. I gotta say. Even if you cant stand the weird fucker its just like dad said about cops. Its just easier to play nice.

>> No.1619460



>> No.1619465

>Drive him crazy and watch him unravel.
You sound like the one who is crazy. Get a life you fucking kike.

>> No.1619467

Yeah man booby traps even non injury are a big deal.

I'd just start leaving dog food there or pay homeless people 20 bucks to drag shit in

>> No.1619469

To much fertilizer will burn the grass

>> No.1619471

Then some sadsac kills himself and you'll never know if it was your fault the cops might tho

>> No.1619472

What in laid off codemonkey meth is this

>> No.1619474


>> No.1619480

This. Don't cover them light tight. My first apartment didnt have windows.

Yall think molepeople living is the best until it starts fucking with you

>> No.1619484

LOL. My bros first day as a county appraiser got a gun pulled on them and quit.

>> No.1619485

How people manage to be squatting and sharing walls.

Im pissed all i can afford is highway frontage and i can see 2 neighbors

>> No.1619487

2 words.



>> No.1619489

Oh hey crazy just try not being crazy. I went off my meds friday. That didnt work either.

>> No.1619491

Not to mention after working with the cops i can tell you after the 2nd call for bullshit they quit caring.

>> No.1619492

Can't. Something about porn and general public

>> No.1619494


Man. I gotta defend us there. It was a shitshow from day one. Nobody wanted to be there. Everyone was smoking grass while people were coming out of the ground chasing them and they couldn't risk taking a piss for fear of pungee.

>> No.1619501

>be a guy i know
>think beer and spudguns is a good idea
>launch a few out into the lake
>wake up to police at 8pm

They sank a random fucking boat on accident


>> No.1619502

When a bunch of oligarchs make them it's impossible to keep up

>> No.1620552

No fucking way

>> No.1620556

>camera directly towards bedroom window
Ok but seriously that's just fucking funny

Also to the thread
1) Privacy fence
2) Cameras

After that, consider launching stink bombs, and I mean serious stink bombs

The people here enabling the neandrethal clearly dont own a home

>> No.1620562

Shut the fuck up

>> No.1620726

Start digging shallow graves in your yard. Get a bag or two of lye and put them nearby.

Order some books from Amazon on butchering large animals and have them accidentally delivered to his house.

Myself, I might develop a taste for hanging out in my backyard wearing a speedo and the largest strap on I could find.

Combine these for greater effect.

>> No.1620729

This makes babies go insane if you stare longer than like 30 seconds

>> No.1620854

Organize nude sun tan session for kids

Tard is taking pictures

Call cops on him for possession of CP

>> No.1620873

Build a higher fence or get a large hedge

>> No.1620879

That mental image. My fucking sides

>> No.1620881


>> No.1620882

Oh yeah. It was fucked. I called bullshit also. Turns out it was made out of metal pipe and used acetylene...

>> No.1621092

Nigger do you know what a two way consent state is?

>> No.1621294

spud gun or potato cannon? was the boat docked, or was it out on the lake?

>> No.1621302
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>Organize nude sun tan session for kids
>so your neighbor can take pictures of them
They will haul you both off to jail

>> No.1621408

Op said the guy avoids him.

>> No.1621411


>> No.1621413

> 2019
> Still has cables
Wtf do you live in the Bush or something?

>> No.1621414

His neighbor could be jacking it to him and love that display. Are you a handsome gent op?

>> No.1621696

>Using satellite
Are you Amish Anon?

>> No.1621703
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Go to virustotal and scan your home devices.
MAY be a creeper

Do it op.

>> No.1622142

I agree with this. also take photos of him staring. I feel if you are disgustingly nice or just ignore it he will get bored of the back and forth. Time usually wins out. I had a neightbor who mowed their yard every day with the loudest mower possible sometimes even multiple times a day. when I was near my breaking point and was going to give them a push mower or set their yard on fire they ended up stroking out and haven't mowed since.

>> No.1622170

>and than I shagged his wife

>> No.1622224

OP this guy has the only reasonable discourse >>1612252
Sound will drive anyone nuts eventually

>> No.1622240

>figure out his wireless network name by walking around his property while looking at wireless signal strengths
>buy 3 old Cisco Aironet 1142 access points for like $20 each
>setup a Cisco Virtual Wireless LAN Controller
>use Rogue Containment features to jam his wifi

>> No.1622331

collect all sorts of those magazine subscription cards that they stuff into magazines and subscribe in his name.
request information from questionable or embarrassing organizations in his name, but sent to neighbors address. (gay, lbgqt, pedo, radical politics/activist groups that are counter to local norms, other embarrassing nature)
Order delivery of food and other items to his address. Don't use your personal phone, use a "burner phone" for this.
Don't do anything overt that can be traced back to you. You must have plausible denial and a separation between the action taken and you. Think clandestine/covert operations.

>> No.1622351
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Rig up the brightest IR lights you can and rig them up in your windows.

>> No.1622371

Hook up a buzzer to and arduino, set it to go off at random times and pitches. Spare no expense on lithium cells (metal, non-rechargable kind). Sneak into his house and hide a couple of them somewhere good.
Guaranteed to fuck with him good.

>> No.1622462

It was docked but wasnt there before dark and nobody saw it come in. Big ass potato cannon with a 5 foot barrel

>> No.1622761

plant a tree

>> No.1622807
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>When he isn't home, do subtle things to his backyard. Introduce a new lawn gnome or something.
You have reminded me of something.

>> No.1622906

Simple. Go find a cheap speaker cabinet and connect to an AM radio. Find the a foreign language (preferably Vietnamese or other disgusting guttural language) news or talk radio station.

Put the speaker in your yard as close to a window of his or other place he frequents. Turn it up decently loud and leave it on for as long as you desire.

Mainly do it when you leave the house so it doesn’t bother you.

>> No.1622927

oh wow I bet you're the same guy with the pallettes that was trying to form a home owners association he could use to strongarm his neighbors.

>> No.1622928

order things in the mail to his address that would be very disastrous to open.

A box of 1500 ladybugs is only $15. And if he kills any, their death pheromone will only attract more.

>> No.1622931

>taking pictures of my backyard and showing it to the other neighbors.

why? what's in your back yard that's so interesting, is your wife a nude gardener or something?

>> No.1622933

If you want to control what happens in his house on his property, buy his house. Who the fuck are you to control when he's looking out his own window?

>> No.1622934

You know what they say. Tall fences make good neighbors, Tim.

>> No.1622935

>a completely limp blank face is creepy because it gives no indications of intent.
is THAT why people don't like me.

not OP, but thanks for the inadvertent help anon. I'll intentionally try to express more.

>> No.1622942

are they turning around on road or in grass?

if in grass, roofing nails scattered about that area of the yard. just enough to be plausibly left over from construction. rust them up a bit in vinegar+peroxide+salt so they don't look recently added. Kids will be likely fine. Never hurt me or the other kids back then. Car tires, however, will not.

>> No.1622951

naaaah, you gotta go smarter. that's still easily police sound ordinance actionable.

Broadcast 18.98hz 100+ decibel infrasound at him during the night and make him think his house is haunted.

>> No.1623261

they would be f u c k e d for using herbicides like that

>> No.1623310
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Take your own pictures of your backyard. From his property. And mail them to him. Like constantly. Perhaps this will satiate his urges?

>> No.1623312

shit in his mailbox / cum on doorknob

>> No.1623822

My parents..... don't know this about me but.....me and my niece like to kill animal we used my aunts cat as a punching bag and then we stabbed it to death.....u see the joke is that my girlfriend think I'm normal.....but....im not.

>> No.1623834

Maby u should grow a pair and ignore the mentally ill person....it's not like he's hurting you is he???? But if you really want to get fired up about something..........what.....if......i.....killed.......some u really cared about......
Now that's something to get mad about......well acorriding to normal people I guess....

>> No.1623848


>> No.1623860

not in the US

>> No.1624375

Odd thing for a country to leave out, let alone one that's usually all about the private property

>> No.1624426

The best thing you could do, is grow up.

>> No.1624571

best idea ITT

>> No.1624660

Just get really high fences, EZ PZ

>> No.1624685

This story doesn’t make any sense. Why would someone stare as described at an innocent neighbor? Why does harmless staring bother OP so much? How could it possibly make sense to jump from “this guy looks at me funny” to “help me ruin his life”?

At least 2 people in this story are emotionally unstable.

>> No.1625554

Throw a bunch of running bamboo seeds in his yard, especially around your border. When they start growing and start spreading into your property complain to city hall about invasive plants or some shit and make him have to pay to get rid of it.

>> No.1625574

>I told him that if he touches me I would stab him to death with a screwdriver
/diy/ - Experts of deescalation

>> No.1625591

Fact, 9 out of 10 screw drivers are used to kill their owners

>> No.1625752

>live in a town where everyone has neighbors but me because I live on the corner and the building next door is a business with a huge parking lot
The worst it gets is Mexicans playing mariachi music and hanging out after work on Fridays but it's a lot tamer than it used to be apparently. They used to break glass beer bottles, smoke anything they had, and shout and cause a ruckus. Now they just sit on the ground with their backs to the fence and talk louder than speaking level in Spanish but not quite yelling.

>> No.1625964

Unironically what I would do and to that faggot who says it doesn't happen, it does, and I am saying that as an austrian:

>Go visit your dad, bring your backpack
>Take a walk towards an area where no one is watching
>Change clothing towards something black, cheap sunglasses, facemask, everything. Also put on a vest with your backpack already wearing
>Walk to his house. Walk fast so no one calls the cops just from looking at you
>Ring the door, stand closely in front of it
>The instant he opens it kick the fucking door in
>Steel rod
>Smash whatever you can reach, try to get as valuable stuff as possible
>If he tries to put you down give him a few, but try not to injure him
>Never say a single word
>Run off
>Change clothing again, walk back to your Dad's house
>Get cloting and rod back to your house or simply trash it a few miles off if there is any blood on it, your choice
>A day later your dad rings the bell again and when the neighbor carefully opens he just smiles and walks off
>If you are lucky he will freak the fuck out and start a fight and be thrown in jail

>> No.1626356

Buy some walkie talkies, camoflage one of them. hide it in his bushes. Late at night make crazy animal sounds, turn yours off. repeat over and over again.

>> No.1626369

Bad idea, they'd connect it to him quite quickly
Steal something during the chaos (i.e. the most obviously valuable thing) to make it look more like a hit & run than just a beating

>> No.1626899



This place is far more shit

>> No.1626907

This is fucking hilarious

>> No.1628015

>I know cops won't do shit about staring through the window and taking pictures of lawns.
That's not harrassment if he keeps doing it where you're from?

>> No.1628355
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if you want to make him feel bad, break bread.
bake a cake, write a heartfelt note, and leave that shit on his doorstep because
>I live next to some highly autistic cunt
is probably precisely how he feels, and after reading thst lsst paragraph where your bizarre narrative falls apart like a teen idol at 25, I'm wondering if maybe he's the cool one.
Sound like you should bury the hatchet. At rhe very least he sounds lonesome and isolated. Invite him over for a fucking meal, son.

>> No.1628377
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The thing with people like this is that they can sense if something they do bothers you. It's like some 6th sense of theirs. You genuinely need to do a shift in your mind which makes you happy that he's doing it. Maybe you can rationalize it by saying that he's looking out for your property or something.

You could also do something nice for him like >>1628355 said. I have had a couple of very bad neighbors including a guy who was just genuinely fucking crazy and aggressive, and it all comes down to how you handle it. Sometimes they won't (can't) change, but even then, the inevitable run-in with cops will be in your favor, because everyone will testify that you're just a genuinely nice person and "would never do anything bad". That being said, you need to act the part. Love thy neighbor, man. There's enough hate in this world already. These people don't back down, if you start hating them, they will hate you even more and will start to make your life as miserable as possible. Just be genuinely nice to them, it will totally throw them off guard.

>> No.1628411
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>heat wave
>secy milf neighbour out back all the time in bikini
>stare at her from my window for quite a while
>she sees me
>gives me a look like I'm being creepy

>> No.1628430

Dude ripped all the copper wire and lines out of his house. Schizophrenic said uncle sam had bugs in there listening. He got arrested melting them with a torch at 2am.

The next day when he got home i made sure he was doing alright and showed him pocs of a google house that was gutted.

>i pulled of of mine to anon.

Arrested 2 more times for breaking into the other neighbor's and trying to rip the copper out. Never bothered mine. Mever saw him again.

The thing about crazy os it's just that. You'll never know how they react or how to handle them much because their behavior is sensless and erratic most of the time.

Stay calm. Be non confrontational.
>the spys are watching
>yeah, it's a bad deal but they wont stop do i just ignore them. We dont have anything to hide right?

If they do start to get agitated and you can't stop it just leave before it becomes a full on episode. Nope right the fuck out. There is almost nothing you can do then a s it WILL escalate

>> No.1628434

I got stabbed there once, real painful place

>> No.1628878

You seem like you have several mental issues too anon. You're the perfect match for your boyfriend next door. Just start gaslighting the guy back. Play some mindgames on him. I promise it's fun.

>> No.1628896
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>a lady living down the street came to tell me this faggot is taking pictures of my backyard and showing it to the other neighbors
What is he saying to them when he shows them?

>> No.1628903

You sound like someone who has genuine experience with dealing with crazies, because this is pretty solid advice. Except for perhaps encouraging their delusions
>>yeah, it's a bad deal but they wont stop do i just ignore them. We dont have anything to hide right?
Idk if this is the right course, man. They can sense if you lie to them, or if you patronize them.