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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1604675 No.1604675 [Reply] [Original]

Where can I find a circuit diagram (schematic) of a particular laptop? Have you got any experience in fixing (not replacing!) motherboards? I'm looking for Toshiba Chromebooks 2 cb35. I have two in front of me, I was thinking of choosing random points and comparing voltages but it seems very time consuming. Any better ideas?

>> No.1604714

no manufacturer is going to make the schematics for their product available. what's wrong with the laptop specifically?

>> No.1604719

I dropped it in my sink. It was full of oily dishwater

>> No.1604772

Printed circuit boards and water do not play nicely together, it's likely toast. Also, you didn't answer Anon's question, he wasn't asking what you did to it he was asking for the symptoms of the fault.

>> No.1604818


I told you. I dropped it in the sink. If you can't help, stay out of the thread.

>> No.1604829
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>> No.1604834


Look, Ozzy, accidents happen, and I want to fix this laptop. Go bite the head off a bat or something.

>> No.1604836
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your rage only makes my dick harder.

>> No.1604841
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>your rage only makes my dick harder.

what is it with you broken sexual losers who get excited over the wrong stuff. do actual girls appeal to you too?

>> No.1604848
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first mistake: you came to /DIY/ ask how to do something see, DIY means Do It Yourself. it's an Acronym.

Second: you didn't google it.

Third: you raged against the first legitimate response.

Fourth: you are raging against different people and think they are the same.

>> No.1604854
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seriously son, more than one other person shitposts here.

>> No.1604857

now this idiot thinks
this post is from op?

>> No.1604868
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4d trolling

>> No.1604872


title. kek

>> No.1604873

Soak it in as pure alcohol as poss and dry it slowly over a few days somewhere warm and dry, like where you keep your bath towels. It's might be a paperweight, so maybe buy another laptop.

>> No.1604948

Unless it's a business laptop with a cult following or an apple product it's going to be hard to find a complete schematic online. The only reason that most schematics of laptops, especially apple's are online is because someone leaked them. A lot of places that have these schematics also expect you to pay for the pdf even though they themselves stole it. If your laptop is somewhat common you may get lucky by googling the part number and find it on some 3rd world tech forum.

>> No.1605041

Wtf that's not OP xD

>> No.1605042


>> No.1605046

>Where can I find a circuit diagram (schematic) of a particular laptop
Search for
>laptop brandname + cхeмa (4chan fucks up russian runes, so use translate)
>laptop brandname + योजनाबद्ध
>laptop brandname + แผนผัง
>laptop brandname + 电子原理图
>laptop brandname + schematics
In case russian site asks you for some weird captcha, I can solve it for ya.
Or google for datasheets for chip you suspect.

>Toshiba Chromebooks 2 cb35
well, chromebooks aren't popular in thirdworld, so no schematics for you.
Wrong. You can find schematics for any laptop. Acers, etc.
You may use schematic from other laptop too, since they all use more less the same components.

>> No.1605047

Okay, that is interesting. I didn't notice keyboard.
Hy чтo cкaзaть, твoи хpoмoбyки нaхyй никoмy нe cдaлиcь, и cхeмy cкopee нe нaйдeшь.
Haйди кaкoй-нибyдь пoхoжий нoyт oт тoшибы, мoжeт тaм чтo-нибyдь дa пoдoйдeт

>> No.1605048

And yes, look for product ID on mobo, since same laptops can have absolutely different mobos.

>> No.1605127

>The only reason that most schematics of laptops, especially apple's are online is because someone leaked them.
People who repair them reverse engineer them. It's not that hard most of the time.

>> No.1605133

What a retard. Can't even comprehend the question

>> No.1605263

Look for corrosion then.

>> No.1605321

no one would waste the time to reverse engineer an entire motherboard

>> No.1605341

Here, I found schematic for my Acer laptop, which is basic laptop, nothing business or anything.
Also, there are a lot of sites that sell those schematics. I never tried those, but I see no reason to scam there. Some random polish site sells those for $3, which is not much, but I would pay only if I can't find it for free somewhere else.
So, it is possible to find schematic for generic laptop, after all.

But in case of OPs chromebooks I can't find a fuck. Searching for DA0BU9MBAF0 doesn't give anything useful.
You don't have to reverse engineer entire 8 layer board. CPU and GPU usually survive, and other shit (which fails usually) can be lay down easily on 2 layers.

>> No.1605422

thinks it's not hard to reverse engineer a multi layer circuit board.

>> No.1605440

As long as you have datasheets, it is doable.
Keep in mind, that only CPU connected stuff uses all 8 layers. Some USB controller will have only couple links to CPU, and power stuff will be on top of the board

>> No.1605466


>ITT: OP drops shitbook laptop in toilet then goes on to a chinese egg coloring forum asking for advice.


>> No.1605483

>Atom/Celeron tier laptops
Just give up and replace them with $80 thinkpads for the same performance.

>> No.1605484 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1605642

no SANE human does that.