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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1585892 No.1585892 [Reply] [Original]

If I melt down soda cans assuming that made of aluminum and in a relatively clean graphite Crucible create a casting for a large water container such as this in photo. Is there any toxins that could arise from drinking from it for a prolonged period of time.

In stores these containers are like 20 bucks so I'm looking to make a couple to save on money.

>> No.1585894

Yes. stop what you're doing now.

>> No.1585898

Yes. Aluminum cans are lined with BPA to give you cancer and to protect you from Alzheimer's from the aluminum

>> No.1585899

You do not need to pay for these stupid fucking water bottles. Just go to your local library, university, college, hotel, or public transit authority and tell them you lost your silver bottle. If they say 'when' just say a while back. Be super polite and when they bring out the silver bottle say it's yours. Works with phone and laptop chargers too.

>> No.1585919

Aluminum cans of fine though there shouldn't be any issue i think

>> No.1585929

Aluminum toxicity is overblown
unless you boil vinegar in it you are perfectly safe

>> No.1585930

Some places will give them away for free advertising.
Don't melt cans for terrible bottles.
Glass water bottles are a much better choice to buy and reuse.

>t. melted down cans and drinks from a homemade bottle

>> No.1585936


jamal, who taught you how to do that? i want a name, now boy.

>> No.1585939

Seems like a ridiculous amount of effort to go to. I have cast a lot of aluminium parts and can tell you that what you want to do is extremely difficult. Those bottles are not cast anyway, they're stamped plate, stretched over progressively smaller dies to get that shape. You will never get a good reproduction of them. Just buy them.

>> No.1585961

If you're really insistent on making them though, forget about casting or "forging" as you put it, get some thin aluminium plate, roll it into a cylinder and tig or mig weld it and go from there.

>> No.1585966

You are as cancer as they come. Back to your buyfag thread you fucking piece of shit. I hate you

>> No.1585968

I also made the post below that one, you pleb. I probably home make more stuff than you could ever dream of.

>> No.1585970

Look bro I don't fucking care how many dudes you've fucked in your home made house. It's disgusting and I want you people put in camps.

>> No.1585972

Y u mad bro

>> No.1586088

I'm not black. obviously this doesn't work if you're black

>> No.1586164

You just piss out aluminum.

>> No.1586171
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just buy one.

>> No.1586172
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or just buy water in a glass bottle and reuse the bottle.

>> No.1586185

That's just a thermos flask with lots of bullshit marketing.

>> No.1586279

I don't think the vast majority of the people on this thread realize the size of that water container is nearly two liters.

Thats why its 20$ in store and why its being casted.

>> No.1586283

This seems like the attitude someone who is new to doing DIY would have

I thought the same way. Then eventually I realized that all the time I was putting in to melting down old beer cans to make possibly toxic water bottles just wasn't a good investment of what little time I had which could instead be put into making knives, canoes, etc.

The only reason to make these bottles yourself would be if you generally just want to rage against the big bottle industry.

Sometimes buying things just makes sense.

>> No.1586294

You're a fucking idiot. Have you ever used an actual cheap aluminum water bottle that has no insulation? They're fucking terrible. The aluminum is too good of a conductor. If you put cold water in it; it sweats like crazy and doesn't stay cold. If you put something hot in it; it will fucking burn you.

Just buy one.

>> No.1586296

because aluminum cans are coated with a thin layer so the drink isn't exposed to metal.

>> No.1586363

Frankly if you could make a bottle like this, you'd require at least $100K in tooling. It'd be magnificent.

>> No.1586367

I still use the bottle I got from my campus lost and found

>> No.1586368

Does it still taste like piss?

Voss water bottles are pretty cool, plus the logos come off fairly easily.

>> No.1586460

>water bottles just wasn't a good investment of what little time I had which could instead be put into making knives, canoes, etc.

Well with that attitude why would you waste your time making knives when you could just buy knives. Why waste your time making canoes when you can just buy canoes. Are you fighting against the big knife and canoe corporations?

See what that type of attitude gives?
It doesn't actually take that much time to cast something and the money it cost to buy multiple containers 4X20$=80$ is far greater than the time put into to make it in 2hrs to 3hrs max.

Not everyone makes 80$ an hr. Mathematical its better to make it. If you don't like making things then begone of /diy/

>> No.1586812

These bottles are not fucking cast, they're stamped and pressed. To cast a hollow vessel is very difficult.

>> No.1586823

>Aluminum toxicity is overblown
It depends on that contents placed in the bottle, how long they are in there, and what alloy the container is made from.
Any liquid with enough acid content will leech aluminum into solution. And putting milk into such a container adds a higher rate of absorption of the aluminum in your GI tract.

However the risk factor of that kind of tiny intake of aluminum content is based on how good your renal function is. Unless your kidneys aren't working the risk is pretty tiny.

That said, I would expect a retarded OP to contaminate the aluminum with plenty or more dangerous impurities in the process of trying to make his container. And those will be far more alarming or dangerous than the aluminum itself.

>> No.1586844

Nigga how the FUCK are you going to cast something with a few mm's of wall thickness?

>> No.1586963

I understand your concern trying to fit a solid object into a gap that's only a few millimeters thick is pretty hard. But you see when Op heats up the solid it turns into a liquid. Then it is liquid state you pour the object into the gap. Then it will solidify. Pretty advanced stuff I know.

>> No.1586983

>Then it is liquid state you pour the object into the gap. Then it will solidify. Pretty advanced stuff I know.
Lose the sarcastic snark dumbass. Casting something like the bottle in OP's pic is very difficult, especially with a neck, especially with thin walls. The mold media itself cools down the molten metal quickly, especially so for thin-walled parts. Even building that mold and keeping it intact is hard.
It's a dumb idea and you're a dumb person to implicitly defend such retardation.

>> No.1586994

I hope he does some form of lost-wax casting and is left trying to figure out how to get all the sand out of the container.
He'll make it thick and then grind off the excess thickness with a grinding wheel that will quickly clog up.

>> No.1587007

you do know that you can heat up a mold to A lower but similar temperature of the metal so the solidification process takes a longer period of time.

listen some people are too dumb to use their imagination oh, you are one of those people.

>> No.1587062

do that but put a thin layer of glass to separate the drink and aluminum

>> No.1587069

You will spend more than $20 in fuel just getting the cans hot enough to do this, and end up with a shitty bottle you'll have to plug with a cork like an animal.

Doing this kind of shit for fun is one thing, but doing this trying to save money is retarded. Are you so fucking poor that $20 on something that will last you the rest of your life is a financial burden? Go to a Goodwill or something.

>> No.1587081

try it nigger and report back

>> No.1587120

Do it. it will be amazing. there is tons of free aluminum out there. use a stamp or a mold to make it unique and sell them

>> No.1587267

>imagine all that Alzheimers dust

>> No.1587552

Actually you can run a propane tank at a reasonable pressure for about an hour and a half for weeks on end and it only takes 5 minutes for The Crucible to heat up to melt aluminum. 15 min MAX. Refills 20$ very cheap

Why are you on/diy/

>> No.1587635

On the upside, Alzheimer dust is a meme and it would take a whole fucking lot of boiling acidic liquids and drinking them to give yourself brain damage with your /diy/container.
On the downside, you'll likely end up with contaminated shit and the contaminants will give you brain damage, and the subpar-at-best container will not be worth the time and effort at all.

>> No.1587876
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>hand wash only

>> No.1587966
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Oh neat, it's pretty hard to find a like minded individual. Not gonna lie though, making everything from scratch is tough. LCD screens took me a while to figure out and it's hardly practical to move literal tons of raw ore on my self made vehicle of choice, namely a bicycle since I don't have time to refine my own gas. It's been great though, I've never had to pay for anything in my life.

>> No.1587973

>In stores these containers are like 20 bucks so I'm looking to make a couple to save on money.
imagine being this poor

>> No.1587976

>my time is worth less than money to me
poor people shouldn't spend their time on the internet. they should better themselves so they stop being poor

>> No.1589503


It's extruded, not cast. Stop being so insufferably smug

>> No.1590101
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This dumbass
Here's your (you)

>> No.1590103

>It's extruded, not cast
Things like bottles are usually turned or formed with dies. Starting with a stamped disk in either case.

>> No.1590200
File: 32 KB, 488x488, GUEST_e0960f6b-95ac-49df-b936-013959fa1ed5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit ain't even hold 24ozs. I've gotten tons of these 16 oz or whatever pieces of silver trash, and I can drain the thing in two boy sized sips? How am I supposed to properly hydrate myself after giving your mom a good dicking when it doesn't even hold enough water to.boil ramen?

I'm not gonna be able to drop my dino turds and block up the company pipes with the shitfit little drips these things contain.

This, this right here is a man's water bottle. When I'm properly thirsty I can drain half the bottle in one good suck.
Cheap, too. With as heavy a weight as one of your pig girlfriends farts, a full one of these bad boys will hit terminal velocity in less than a foot and knock out the apprentice when you drop it from the ladder. If it shatters, you're only out $1.39

>> No.1591409

Arguing harder because you dont know what you're talking about is foolish.

>> No.1591414

Without dual walls it won't be worth a shit anyhow. Also, I thought the steel bottles were a crock of shit until I got one given to me. It keeps ice a much longer time than some garbage plastic or glass nonsense. The vacuum between the steel layers is a great insulator. They might even be better than styrofoam, which is significant if you don't enjoy piss-warm drinks.

So yeah, just buy one, the cheap ones work fine as long as they have the vacuum too.

>> No.1591442

Spun. Turning is cutting with a lathe. I've always wanted to try spinning up a bowl or something.

>> No.1592828
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don't forget to ad alkaline batteries as cheap flux
and use lead and epoxy filler to hide defects


>> No.1592927

>not drinking from a non-reactive vessel
if it isn't gold plated, basically you're fucking retarded