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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1562998 No.1562998 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of people would I be working with as an Electrician? My teacher said a lot of alcoholics in this trade, but is that the worst of it?

>> No.1563003

Better than painting.

And it all depends why you do. If you get a good union gig with a reputable company at important accounts, there will be far less alcoholics than if you’re working side by side with Jerome and and Juan out of Jerome’s cousin Deshawnn’s rusted out 1994 Econoline.

>> No.1563004


>> No.1563009

>My teacher said a lot of alcoholics in this trade
Your teacher is a moron.

>> No.1563013

My teacher is a master electrician. But ya, a little bit.

>> No.1563016

Been a journeyman for 13 years now and never seen an alcoholic electrician. Sure some may drink like fish off site but never on site during work hours.

>My teacher is a master electrician
Under what authority?

>> No.1563020

>Been a journeyman for 13 years now and never seen an alcoholic electrician. Sure some may drink like fish off site but never on site during work hours.

pretty much this, I dont drink at all anymore. There are a few apprenticsuars' that will never even have the balls to test out that are alcoholics, but we only let them do basic stuff like stub 90's for data runs and prefab simple stuff.

>> No.1563040

Do companies and Journeymen really not want you to do too well(as an apprentice)? I understand some apprentices are jackoffs, but is a good apprentice still treated like shit?

>> No.1563045

companies want to see everyone do well because they make more money that way,
some of the lesser journeymen might not want to see you do well.
Your average jman wants you to do well.. unless you are a jackoff.
Your foreman just wants you to be productive and get shit done, if you prove yourself to be worth a shit then they may take you under their wing.. otherwise they leave the teaching to one of the jman who may be able to spend more hands on time with the apprentices.

>> No.1563107

I would say there are less alcoholic electricians than almost any other trade.

The people are diverse like any other job. Some guys are bros. Some guys are total cunts.

Worst case scenario is that you get put with a total retard who might kill you due to their stupidity. They tend not to last long.

See above. As long as your are competent and hard working you will do fine. There are always guys out there that will try to keep you down and sabotage you. They generally suck at their job or are super insecure and want you to always be below them.
If you land a union job, you will always be below them on the seniority list which takes a lot of that jealousy out of the equation because they will always be "better" than you in some way.

>> No.1563118


Absolutely best electrician I ever met in my life, the guy would leave panels and junction boxes like small works of art... was a bigamist with a whole other wife/family he abandoned in another State, and a girlfriend he had a kid with in a third State that he skipped out on.

Only found out when he didn't show up one day because he'd been arrested and the Sheriff's came around asking questions.

Heard he took a plea deal but will still have like $500K in back child support to pay.

So, you never know when you might be working next to a complete scumbag.

Roofers and painters are the ones you really need to watch out for.

>> No.1563125
File: 61 KB, 540x511, 00AC94DB-73B4-4DB5-9574-701B79E3B33A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TFW turned down offer from roofing company years ago
w-what kind of coworkers did I narrowly avoid anon?

>> No.1563129

>w-what kind of coworkers did I narrowly avoid anon?

Mostly meth heads and wetback illegals.
both of which would steal your shit if you weren't watching.

Of course depending on the company, it's possible they're have the few good guy roofers.
Though even the good guy roofers are usually tatted up to the extreme, have some serious criminal history in their past and drink like fish, but are mostly OK now.

Roofers scare me, when I see guys on 12/12 pitch roofs without any harness's or fall protection just walking around.
That's just all of my NOPE.

>> No.1563241 [DELETED] 

>I see guys on 12/12 pitch roofs without any harness's or fall protection just walking around.

no you don't.


>> No.1563665
File: 65 KB, 594x648, 1550139640914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that image
What the FUCK is going on here

>> No.1563670

Window Washers should also go on the shortlist. Alcoholics and depressives all of them.

>> No.1563673

It's a three way switch, you goofy ass nigga.

>> No.1563679

Not the guy your responding to, but I’ve seen many residential roofers not wearing fall protection, same with carpenters. Typically mexicans

>> No.1563681 [DELETED] 
File: 2.42 MB, 2700x2700, cool_america_shit_lol_fake_tho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not walking around on 12/12. I've seen them on 12/12 with no protection, hanging on to the edge or the gutter.

You can't walk 12/12. This is a fact that you know if you've been on one.

>> No.1563682
File: 18 KB, 223x218, 1546050692970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the ground the same color as the hot you nigga ass goof

>> No.1563684 [DELETED] 


are we talking about purl vs knit?

I always get that wrong

>> No.1563687
File: 657 KB, 900x660, 1376067073575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont know what 3rd world country you live in but in the area of the US I work in the ground wire isnt supposed to be the same color as your hot or your switch legs

Someone please correct me if i'm wrong

>> No.1563689 [DELETED] 
File: 2.12 MB, 608x1080, even_the_black_guys_think_its_funny.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


are we posting doges now

>> No.1563690
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>> No.1563691 [DELETED] 
File: 2.00 MB, 720x404, dodge_ball.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol wrong vid

>> No.1563704



>> No.1563705

you can with 2x4 nailed on every so may ft you dumb ass

>> No.1563717

If only doge was eligible for football team.

>> No.1563776

in my area most people will subcontract the roofing/painting/drywalling portion of a bigger job to roofers. They have the tools and they can just do it faster and cheaper than anyone else can.

what you're actually paying for is an A-team made of felons and drunks who are looking to get paid in between smoke breaks or illegals who will work so hard you'll wonder how they managed to fuck everything up along the way.

Also, weirdly common thing you'll notice here: Sex offenders. Its easier for a lot of these guys to just start their own small time company than to actually try finding employment. It's not like you have to disclose to customers that you got caught with kiddie porn.

>> No.1563790 [DELETED] 

12 12 is way too steep original commenter might have meant 8 but a 12 is ridiculous
- another guy with roof exp

>> No.1563879

>Why is the ground the same color as the hot you nigga ass goof
>Someone please correct me if i'm wrong
The ground is the bare copper without insulation going to the wire nut in the upper right, and the green ground screw on the bottom left of the switch.

>> No.1563919

>and the green ground screw on the bottom left of the switch.
The conductor going to that is wrapped in black insulation.

>> No.1563920

Nah the alcoholics are mostly painters, electricians just smoke crack instead

>> No.1563921


Why do you have a bare ground wire but the wire going to the ground on the switch looks like the hot wire?

>> No.1563928

Just the way I pushed the wires in. The wire attached to the switch ground is directly behind the switch.

>> No.1563933

> My teacher said a lot of alcoholics in this trade
True, but I'm from Russia, so that is not a big deal. The worst thing is the fact that you might die at work (especiallyif you are workig with 6-10kV electrical installation). Anyway it's a good job, give it a try.

>> No.1563955

Weed is better than alcohol. Can't wait till Florida legalizes next year

>> No.1563964

Pussies can't drink properly.

>> No.1563965

No you're the pussy. Stop trying to influence other people's thoughts dumbass.

>> No.1563966

You're right, this is wired not up to code in the US/Canada. It might work still, no idea what fucking wizardry is going on at the nearest JB

>> No.1563977


>> No.1563996

There are a lot of alcoholics in all the trades, bub. Drug addiction is the norm when you work blue collar. I'd get a head start if I was you and start using heroin or mety. The higher ups will be impressed that you are a self starter.

>> No.1564000

I can't just go to work and go home? I have to drugs and alchohol? This sounds terrible.

>> No.1564007

You dont have to. I'm just saying a lot of people use some sort of substance. They random piss test where I work, so we have a saying that goes "If you can't do the illegal, do the legal".

>> No.1564012

What country/state do you live in?

>> No.1564026

USA east coast.

>> No.1564281

On all the jobs I’ve been on sparkies are probably the least likely to show up hungover. Definitely a ton of stoners indulging during coffee though.
I’m a sprinkler fitter and everyone is an alcoholic or in recovery. The same goes for pipe fitters. Gone are the days where guys would slam 6+ beers at lunch though, that used to be the norm from what I’ve been told

>> No.1564299

Same thing in home construction. It used to be pretty common to find beer cans from lunch break hidden in the house. Wall cavities, attics, crawl spaces, etc. When I was in college I rented a place that had about a dozen old pull tab steel beer cans in the insulation of the attic.

Same thing in assembly line work. When the union was on the outs with management they used to put beer cans or bottles from their lunches into voids in the cars they were assembling. Inside doors and shit. They would rattle around when the car was driven and then the customers would complain to the dealers. The dealers would have to spend time and money finding these little presents and removing them and they would pitch a fit to the home office. In some places it got so bad they would inspect workers as they came back from lunch and make sure they didn't have empty bottles in their pockets.

>> No.1564306

The problem is many of them are good electricians but not good teachers at all. If you get one that won't get fucking pissed when you ruin his progress consider yourself lucky

>> No.1564334

Meth users

>> No.1564574
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Your conductors are still WROOOOOONG!

>> No.1564594

>illegals who will work so hard you'll wonder how they managed to fuck everything up along the way
Fucking wetbacks work hard but are mind-bogglingly retarded and will make insane mistakes that will cost thousands to fix.

>> No.1564624

Indians, superpower 2020 btw

>> No.1565474

my dad and brother are electricians, and my mom's dad is a retired electrician. also so is my cousin. through them I know a lot of electricians because they will often bid on a project too big for themselves and contract other local electricians to help.

literally none of them are alcoholics, they all make decent money, not rich, but live comfortably and afford vacations to places.

one of my high school math teachers died of alcoholism tho.

>> No.1567089

alcoholic lazy ballbusters that shit on every one else and claim there the best while simultaneously doing as little as possible

the same as every other trade

>> No.1567091

if thats photo quality work for you, dont bother. youll never fucking make it

>> No.1567138
File: 3.47 MB, 4128x3096, 20181227_073147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking thank you, now two (2) people itt get it.
>pic related, "photo quality" work

>> No.1567214

What is wrong with your eyes? the hot and neutral are always supposed to be tied together on the ground terminal so no one can get hurt. It is a safety lug!

>> No.1567234
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>> No.1567249

>colour-coded legs
my fucking brother

>> No.1567267

Mostly I want to know why he knocked out almost everything. Does it make the electrons go faster?

>> No.1567295

>not Black Red Blue hots
>wasting 1 tape color when the wires are already black

>> No.1567296

>not making your company buy you more tape so you have fun colours for /diy/ projects

>> No.1567451

Are you really this stupid?

>> No.1567477

You are so fucking dumb

>> No.1567480

Roofing is a bit different in Canada. We don’t have a wetback problem but we do have the alcohol and drug issue. Seen more alcoholics and druggies than sober roofers.