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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 147 KB, 2308x1075, mousetrap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1561778 No.1561778 [Reply] [Original]

how hard would it be to make this

>> No.1561787

Meh, I bet you could get that done in more than a 12-pack but less than an 18-pack of beer.

>> No.1561808

Out of all the crazy ideas I've seen on /diy/, this is probably the most feasible. Fuck OP do it in style and inflate the balloons after the mouse gets trapped automatically.

>> No.1561819


Put a hamster wheel inside. Make it so that when the mouse runs on the wheel it will open the valve to inflate one large balloon! Gearing may be involved to get the torque required for the mouse to open it.

>> No.1561825

Why are you trying to catch mice outside?

>> No.1561831

Well the problem is it only works once. Ideally you put the balloons on the rodents to float them out, thus a reusable trap

>> No.1561853

This OP. You need to make your trap a 2 stage deal. You're thinking too big, you can make this much for efficient with a small sensor and a tiny motor. Hear me out.

Take your concept in the OP image and have the roof of the box be a hinged light hatch. Inside the box is a sheet of one sided sticky paper fortified on the bottom to not rip when it is rising. Fastened to each corner of the sticky paper is a filled helium balloon. When the mouse enters the trap and enters the sticky paper, a laser tripwire will activate the motor which opens the rooftop hatch, releasing the balloons into their natural habitat - the sky, taking the paper and mouse along with them.

This concept has the advantage over yours that the sticky paper is much lighter than the whole trap having to fly off. Additionally, you can reuse the trap box several times for the low cost of 4 balloons, a new sheet of paper and a mouse. Don't forget me when you've made it big in the extermination business OP.

>> No.1561893

>party balloon snares

Pretty evil. Like something you'd see in a horror movie. The person just floats off into the sky without hope of rescue.

>> No.1561948
File: 243 KB, 372x497, 1538893476071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do NOT bully the mice

>> No.1561958 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 429x696, cute_Mouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1562127
File: 24 KB, 466x353, rato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like to think this thing lands gently after the balloons slowly deflate. Means the trapped mouse is no longer bothering you, but can start a new life somewhere else. If you can make it do that I'll buy it.

>> No.1562163

Only a sociopath would make this.

If you have to kill an animal, you do it quickly and as painless as possible.

A mouse being fearful and dehydrated is in no way acceptable. Uncivilized.

>> No.1562176

>having empathy for a mouse

>> No.1562182

The problem is it's trapped in a trap. You can drop a mouse from almost any height and it'll land just fine, OP should do the one mouse one balloon deal.

>> No.1562615

Just take a regular live trap and attach the release mechanism to the door mechanism.
Also, make sure that it can't be trace back to you. If the balloons pop and the thing drops on someone's head, you'll be in trouble.

>> No.1563803

fuck no, the balloons stretch more and more as the trap ascends until one pops, and the whole thing starts falling until it reaches a terminal velocity of perhaps 50m/s, which will probably kill the mouse.

More than likely the mouse will die from hypoxia or exposure, in either case it will be unconscious for the death.

>> No.1565103 [DELETED] 

>fuck no, the balloons stretch more and more as the trap ascends until one pops,

use a bag balloon like that guy who set the parachute altitude test.

>> No.1565118

This is /diy/'s BilimpTrain.

>> No.1565130

You've clearly never had a mouse infestation. OPs trap is a million times more humane than what the little bastards deserve.

Do it, OP, and add a webcam to document Squeal Armstrong and Fuzz Aldrin's journey into the upper atmosphere. Either that, or add an explosive that is triggered by low atmosphere.

>> No.1565132

It's a thin plastic container that may still have one or more inflated balloons attached as it descends. It's not going to cause much damage.

>> No.1565142

In fact, that could make for an hilarious science experiment.

>buy nice hamster cage setup complete with tunnels, separate modular areas for food, water, exercise, bedding etc.
>make fully airtight
>incorporate photosynthesising green plants the mice can't access as an oxygen recycler
>electric heating powered by solar cells
>Plenty of food and water dispensed by a mechanical timer
>rigged with cameras to document life onboard
>fill with captured mice
>launch into atmosphere using bag balloons which expand until mass/buoyancy equilibrium is achieved
>The experiment begins

>> No.1565486

This would be doable with mushrooms if you didn't want the hassle of having animals in your experiment, as they breathe in oxygen just like humans.