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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 206 KB, 496x328, shiitake-mushrooms1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11718 No.11718 [Reply] [Original]

Mycology/mushroom cultivation as a hobby. Let's start a discussion [and try keep it to legal mushrooms]. Are you interested, have you grown before, what do you like about it. I can also answer a lot of questions if they're asked.

This is my guide:

You can get started growing shiitakes for under $50 if you have some of the materials already. It's nice and rewarding to watch your mushrooms grow. It's like gardening but fungi are way cooler than plants, so it's clearly better.

>> No.11733

black morel is superior

>> No.11734

>try to keep it to legal mushrooms.

my buddy cultivated the non legal kind once. took him some time in the dark of his room next to his ferret, but they worked pretty well when the time came.

>> No.11738

I've done basic stuff, like spawning grain to straw. Grown some tasty oysters that way.

>> No.11745

Anybody know what different mushrooms taste like and can explain this? I've heard of some really weird mushrooms tasting fracking awesome.

>> No.11778

Different mushrooms have wildly different flavors and textures. Most people have only eaten Agaricus bisporus, the white button mushroom. It's what you find in cans of mushrooms, at the store sold as fresh mushrooms, on your pizza, and also sold at maturity as portabella mushrooms.

Trying different mushrooms makes you realize how different they can be. Many species in the Laetiporus genus taste like chicken. Other mushrooms can have a smoothe, creamy, buttery taste and consistency. It's really a whole world of variety that most people never even know about or consider.

>> No.11824

Didn't even notice this comment before. Black morels are fairly difficult to cultivate and I would not recommend them for someone just getting into mycology.

>> No.12058

ive thought about doing it before but never did

>> No.14115

is there any difference in cultivating the ethnogenic ("magic") varieties? I came across plenty of videos on Demonoid years ago and was curious.

Also, does anyone know what light wavelengths are used to increase levels of vitamin D in mushrooms or what varieties offer the most?

>> No.14133

I've been interested in starting this for legal mushrooms forever. Question, do they stink? Does growing them indoors smell up the house?

>> No.14148

I love me some chantarelles.

>> No.14336

There is a difference from shiitake, yes. I'm not sure on the details but from what I've heard it's even easier, faster, less prone to contamination, and simpler. It's like those things want to be eaten.

In my multiple small-scale grows I have not noticed any smell. That could change if you were to scale it up. If you had a few huge logs of colonized hay hanging in your basement to grow oysters on I suspect you'd get a pretty earthy smell going on.

>> No.14348

I forgot to answer the second part of your question. The normal compact fluorescent bulbs you buy at the store are what you use. You want bulbs with a fairly high color temperature compared to incandescent bulbs. The "cool white" and "bright white" work fine, but I've heard to avoid the "daylight" type.

>> No.14558

I live at high altitude which means very dry weather. I also live in California which means I have never seen a basement in my life. Would this make growing any more difficult?

>> No.14864

Only if you wanted to do large-scale grows in open air. There are plenty of simple, self-contained methods like in my guide for small-scale grows. That would work anywhere that you could keep the temperature down to the low 70s.

>> No.15298

i tried to grow mushrooms once from a kit online but it all contaminated

>> No.15309
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Mushroom jedi here,
You do need buckets of patients, a free room, 50 quid disposable income per month max.
All I will say is two words.

The Shroomery.

>> No.15316

lol cute, you use cakes.

>> No.15318
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what do you guys think about wood cultivated mushrooms? I've been thinking about buying a kit and inoculating a few logs. We have 12 acres of land that is naturally swampy year round. It's all forested and consists of mainly oaks, maples and other hard woods which would be great for mushrooms.

>> No.15322

You won't be able to do it outdoors if it's too warm. Most desirable edible woodlovers prefer a cool climate. If you live in a cooler climate, go ahead and order some shiitake spawn and bore out some hardwood logs.

>> No.15337

>buckets of patients
dat mental pic.

>> No.15342

I live in Connecticut. It's zone 6a. (-10°F to -5°F)

Also I just found out that Shii- means oak and -take means mushroom. You can guess which mushrooms I plan to be growing.

>> No.15345
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Not just cakes my friend :)

>> No.15356

what type?

>> No.15359
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>> No.15367

Which type of mushrooms would you consider delicious as fuck?

>> No.15378
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golden teacher

but in reality dude more like a half breed with treasure coast in there.
When the veils break they do change color slightly and environment means you have variants too, like for example liberty caps vari from place to place in slightness, inb4 can I grow liberty caps [ the uk magics] in short no. Many seasoned folk have tried Ive heard of two successful cases but even then they were deformed and unhappy.

pic relate my first ever mushroom :)

>> No.15385
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I have a Bachelors in Biology and know surprisingly little about Mycology, because Bio studies in Florida are limited mostly to marine or micro disciplines. Mycology was literally covered in a half-chapter in 101 and a lecture or two in Botany.

Sadly, it's more interesting than Botany. Honestly, it never occurred to me that people grow these things as a hobby (as opposed to agriculture, recreational drug use, and research) like plants.

>> No.15395

I've been wanting to do this for years. I'm glad I found the OP's thread. 90% of the threads on mushrooms online are dedicated to the hallucinogenic kind but I've always wanted to try grow purely for edibles.

>> No.15407
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talking of diy here's my cheap ass approach to mushrooms using a 29p lemonade bottle the whole thing prob cost me a £5'er [ spores already had]
This one had very little care and did well..

>> No.15414

Come on, guys. :/
"Let's start a discussion [and try keep it to legal mushrooms]."

I honestly don't particularly like to eat shiitake, I just like growing them. I like eating oysters that aren't king oyster [too chewy], black morels, and a variety of chantrelles the best.

>> No.15425

Do you ever try to sell mushrooms you've grown? Do people ever use them in good recipes? Also do you think you grow enough of them to have an impactful effect on how much money you spend on groceries and shit? Are they even all that nutritious?

>> No.15430

OP I'm not a big mushroom person, maily because the market caries vary little of them in my area.

Do different mushrooms have different flavors? Or is it just a texture kinda thing?

Also is it expensive to do this?

>> No.15438
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>>15414 jedi here
From a cultivation point of view it makes bugger all difference if they legal or not, they grow the same in general, mushrooms don't grow differently in accordance to the law :)

For arguments sake lets say they are legal,
Next your beginners preferred method would be growing them in cakes this being the mycelium, this part of your mushroom grow is sterile, air born nasty s will kill your mushies easily.

pic related: different stages of mycelium growth, they are still sterlie and in danger at this point...
It's not until the surface area is 100% covered can they be allowed in open air.

>> No.15439
File: 9 KB, 225x225, shock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Us Organic Dried Shiitake Mushrooms ( 8x1 OZ)
>$46.10 + $6.59 SHIPPING

$50 FOR 8 MUSHROOMS!?!? I'm going to start a business right this very second!

>> No.15443

I've never sold them, but some people do at farmers markets and such. I never grow them in a large enough quantity to warrant selling them. I just cook with them. They really don't have any effect on my grocery costs, I grow them only as a hobby, but with the bonus of being able to use them in stir fries and sauteed on the side of steak and in chicken marsala and such.

>> No.15448

Except every website ever about growing mushrooms is nearly entirely dedicated to the illegal variety. Also some of us that live in states like California couldn't grow the illegal variety even if we wanted to because they have laws about shipping illegal spores to these areas. Not that I would want to I messed with hallucinatory stuff when I was younger and wouldn't recommend it to anyone. I've never really been the same since. I can't even smoke a joint anymore without feeling borderline retarded.

>> No.15459

Different mushrooms can taste very different. You can start up for as cheap as $50, but if you're really serious about the hobby you can blow thousands on sterile lab equipment and greenhouses, and misters, all kinds of stuff.

I think that's for 8 ounces, but even so it's a ripoff.

I just don't want the thread to be shut down for discussing illegal activities, I don't care if people grow them or not.

>> No.15462


Meh, not all of us have bad experiences with drugs. I'd grow mushrooms for the curiosity, but I can't guarantee I wouldn't grow shrooms either.

The legality of shrooms discussed shouldn't really affect the discussion therein.

>> No.15474
File: 17 KB, 196x437, large shroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well they are VERY large. They look big enough to use as a hamburger bun.

>> No.15479


Of course they have different flavours. Picture related is the most sought after mushroom in Sweden, my mother picks them up in the mountains during mushroom season and they can be used to make some amazing sauces.

>> No.15482

very interested in this, any infographics on how to get started or any advice to give?

what kind of moisture and temperature is required to grow them is my main question

>> No.15485
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forgot pic, shit

>> No.15488


What makes you think you're exempt from these prices?

>> No.15490
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>>15448 jedi
dude im a britfag, I longer cultivate, due to living arrangements, But here its just as illegal you face 7 years for cultivation of class A's the risks are just the same as yours, What I will say is that the illegal sites are tbh just as useful to legal grower you can browse them as leisure if your only growing legal shrooms, regardless of the site they cannot bang you up when you doing nothing wrong, use the sites mentioned above they have cultivators who grow legal mushrooms too. After all its not the methods that are illegal its the chemical content of the mushroom.

Everything excluding spores/prints [ which in your case would be legal] is available in your local diy store and aquarium shops. It's the beauty of it all the kits everyday items :)

>> No.15491
File: 163 KB, 500x500, 1300860750387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait... I can grow my own Pfiffelinge (German chanterelles) right here in the fucking USA?

>> No.15495

>>15491 >here

Holy shit, that's the shroom I mean! If heaven had a food-form, those motherfuckers are it!

>> No.15497


Not for long, with Codex the FDA/Feds 'll be on your ass faster than you can say 'Nazi Germany'

>> No.15499

It's Pfifferling. You forgot the "r".
And fuck these are my favorite mushrooms. My mother and her parents used to collect them in the woods. They stopped doing that after Chernobyl, though. Just when I was born. A shame, really.

>> No.15500

In theory, I just need the spores though, right? adult caps make their own, no?

>> No.15505

Is that because they're illegal or is it them trying to prevent outside plants/animals/whatever from being imported and grown in the US?

>> No.15510
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Yeah, I meant to type Pfifferlinge, it was a typo.

BUT HOLY FUCK YES. Those are magical on a Wiener Schnitzel I didn't get to eat any the last time I went to Germany, because it was winter.

>> No.15512

There is no required moisture content in your environment to grow mushrooms in a fruiting chamber, but temperatures should be 70 or below for most species, but that's pretty easy to attain in a house with AC.

>> No.15519

Yes, the only thing you need to order online for simple mushroom cultivation is the spores. Once you complete your first grow you can take a spore print (from most, but not all species) and start your next grow from that.

>> No.15522


It's basically because the biggest agri businesses want you to pay for carcinogenic food, while trying to prevent competition (non-insider business) to flourish. Regular citizen become the victim of this, due to the "shotgun approach" these special interests use to destroy competition. And oh yeah, laws pertaining to the most basic of things in the US are being written by the respective corporations. Even corrections.

>> No.15525

I never thought I could grow my own favorite exotic mushroom in Tupperware.


>> No.15529
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perlite ftw

pic related: air contamination

>> No.15531


Ah yes, Chernobyl, the bane of mushroom foragers and nuclear power politics.
It started getting popular to pick mushroom again only about 10 years ago, now that the mushroom stopped being toxic from the clouds of radiation that swept over the north of Sweden.

>> No.15536

They just grow wild in Germany during the Summer iirc. Fuck Chernobyl, lol.

>> No.15541
File: 55 KB, 483x591, 24164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to keep humidity just right use a spray shown the pic to create a fine mist, and measure with a hygrometer from reptile stores. Perlite soaked and drained has a excellent surface area and lets off moisture into the air at a ideal rate.

shown in the floor in the pic

>> No.15543

I thought that contamination is apparently while they're still in the jar and by the time you're ready to pull them out of the jar they're immune to airborne contaminates.

>> No.15544


Have my favorite recipe:
Clean the Pfifferlinge and cut the large ones in smaller parts. Gently roast in oil for ~3 minutes. Chop some onion and sweat it with the shrooms. Season with Salt, Pepper and a little limejuice. add 100ml broth and 100ml sour cream. Let it simmer until liquid is almost completely reduced. Chop & add your favorite herbs (I use chives).

>> No.15554

Who ever thought it'd be a mushroom that makes me hate the USA.

>> No.15555

They're not immune to contamination after they colonize, but they are much more resistant. There are also bacteria and other fungi that will feed on the fungus instead of competing with it.

That sounds so delicious.

>> No.15560
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We get them from late july/august up until the first frost, which usually happens sometime during october. Not a big window, really.

The freedom to roam laws sure are neat, here's some more gold. If someone finds your secret spot with plenty of berries, you may have to kill them and dump their bodies in the surrounding marshes.

>> No.15565

enriching the land with nutrients to further improve your spot.

>> No.15576
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Your 100% right, in the photo you commented on the cake got damaged when the fruiting chamber slid and scuffed the cake like a flesh wound the air con-tams got in. This a rare occurrence, however even if you have mushies growing off that cake you have to bin it because the mycelium is a network and you could potentially be quite ill from the fruiting bodies[ shrooms]

>> No.15603

hrm 4chan is being stubborn about recognizing my posts. Does an infected cake carry a chance of infecting other non-connected cakes? Also is it possible to grow a single cake onto a larger foodsource? I mean like take a fruiting cake and expand its food source and have it grow without repeating the process from scratch.

>> No.15619
File: 13 KB, 674x425, magic mushrooms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No on the basis that the con-tams are in the air naturally all around you as you breath, our bodies can kill them easy. They are generally in a spore form. Now a infected cake is only the spores from the air colinising a cake, providing they don't touch and theres a protective skin on the others its only as at risk as it is from the airbornes

>> No.15649

generally no however

All you guy buying spores are wasting your money unless you're growing a variety you don't have access to fresh. From liquid culture that I've made I grow puffballs, buttons, shitakes, portos, and several variety of oysters. All you need is a mason jar some water some silicone and some corn syrup

>> No.15667

where's a good place to buy some basic components for a beginner cultivation setup?

>> No.15672

So I watched some guy walk over to the tree in my front yard the other day and rip all the mushrooms off. They're the flat layered kind. Why the hell did he take those?

>> No.15688

How does creating a liquid culture work?

>> No.15694

us citizen living in a dorm here. i'm really interested in growing some simple mushrooms, preferably edible (and tasty). what do you guys think? Once i'm done with setup, how's the maintenance req.?

>> No.15743

You don't necessarily need to buy anything.
Wash out any old jar...get spores from fresh mushrooms.

Polypores (the flat mushrooms without stalks, that grow sideways out of wood like shelves, or sometimes vertically/whatever)....can be edible, sometimes delicious, from species to species.

What area do ya live in?

>> No.15750

what's this cake thing everyone is talking about?
is it a food source for them or something?

>> No.15753

I live in Maine.
Thanks for the info btw.

>> No.15763
File: 26 KB, 480x560, 1182463156067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in florida
>any shroom that doesnt grow on animal shit is straight up poisonous
>the hallucegenic shrooms grow on cow shit
Guess how they taste.

>> No.15766

When you poor the shit out of the jar they look like little cakes that the mushrooms grow out of.

>> No.15780


>> No.15783

Were they orangeish?

>> No.15816
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>> No.15822

You have 3 days to live.

>> No.15827
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i wish delicious, edible shit grew on my trees

>> No.15829

I didn't eat it D:

>> No.15832

You handled it. You're gonna die.

>> No.15834

well shit.

>> No.15849

show the top dude....or just tuck in. Despite the other replies, there is no such thing as a poisonous polypore, worst case it tastes like cardboard.

>> No.15862
File: 50 KB, 640x480, 111024-134252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks. i'll do some reading and maybe try it out.

>> No.15890

Not exactly distinctive.
Fuck knows what it is, but seriously ya could just take a bite out of it right now, if it tastes good, dinner.

Do google it rather than just taking 4ch adv to make cool crystals ofc, but the only way it could be poisonous is if someone's injected poison into it.

>> No.15908

And just thought. If some guy went harvesting, presumably he'd identified them as tasty.

>> No.15911

lol alright. thanks again. I've been reading about it and it seems okay.
That's what I was thinking too.

>> No.15914


dude you shouldn't let some guy just rip mushrooms off your trees. That's just trespassing like all hell.

>> No.15919

Obviously, he didn't realize the value of his tree shrooms.

>> No.15924

I rent in an apartment house. He was at the store next door and just got out of his car, walked over, and took most of them. Whatever I probably wouldn't eat them all even if they are good. At least they're being used.
They grow everywhere here.

>> No.15925

I can't tell what they are from the pics, but he could have taken a fair cash value in nice shrooms.

>> No.15926

Still a dick move. Who the fuck does that?

>> No.15951

For just plain edible shrooms? Not a hallucinogen? I didn't know people even sold those.

>> No.15966

world mushroom trading is ~US$50Billion. That's not magics either, which aren't traded internationally due to varying legallity and mass local availability pretty much everywhere they're popular.

>> No.15971
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>>15862 jedi here..

Looks like some birch polypore

>> No.16002

would that happen to grow on a ...birch tree?

>> No.16022

I'm thinking oyster.
~30US$ per Kg (up to even 100 for dead fancy types in a posh shop)

>> No.16038

Not read whole thread, and i know you want to keep it legal, but does anyone have any idea safe/easy way to get psilocybin spores in the UK?

>> No.16055

From the fresh shrooms. They grow everywhere, but lrn 2 identify.

>> No.16077


There was some blog where a guy ate all kinds of crap, one thing being those mushrooms that grow on trees. He said they were delicious if you harvested them at just the right time.
He also drank his wife's breastmilk mixed with coco, which he said tasted like fucking Yoo-Hoo.

>> No.16085

because yoo-hoo is breastmilk.
do you have the link to said blog?
you have my interest.

>> No.16087


He might just use the mushrooms to kill unsuspecting dinner guest.

>> No.16096

They're not poisonous type.

>> No.16107


I simply googled "blog my wife's breast milk yoo-hoo" and found it. God.

Just scroll down

>> No.16125

I will put this mushroom growing guide to good use. Thank you OP. Very much.

>> No.16130

haha thanks. I probably should have looked for it.

>> No.16141

>The hunks got more intensely orange as they >cooked down and soon it was go time. As I >promised my wife, the plan was to chew it and spit it >out. BUT IT WAS SO GODDAMN DELICIOUS IT >HAD TO BE SWALLOWED. IT WAS THE BEST >MUSHROOM I'VE EVER HAD.

>I had read over and over that these Sulfur Shelf >mushrooms (sometimes called "Chicken of the >Woods") were supposed taste like chicken or even >lemony chicken. But it didn't just "kind of" taste like >lemony chicken. It was as if Willy Wonka branched >out from chocolate to work on a lemony chicken >mushroom and when he let you try it you'd be like, >"Holy shit, this REALLY tastes like lemony chicken, >Bill!" (Although it wouldn't kill you to treat Mr. Wonka >with a little more respect.)

>> No.17089

Lowes, Home Depot, any sort of gardening/hardware store and department store combination should have everything you need.

Liquid cultures are a growth medium of sterile water and some sort of sugar for nutrients. Karo, malt extract, and honey are commonly used. You inject either spores of a small portion of mycelium into the liquid and it will grow. You then use this to inoculate your substrate, the liquid culture is not used to grow mushrooms.

The other post gave bad advice. The only two common psilocybin mushrooms occurring naturally in the UK are Pan. sub.s and liberty caps. Neither of these can be easily or efficiently cultivated indoors. Your best bet would be to have a friend order them for you out of the country then send the spore print in a letter/card.

Glad you liked it.

>> No.18293

When you're ready to increase production what are the best methods?

>> No.18579

Making sure you have enough space available is the main problem. It's really easy and not expensive to generate large amounts of spawn.

>> No.19776

what are some good recipes with mushrooms

>> No.20041

I haven't been able to find anything definitive. Anybody have luck using spent grain from homebrewing as a growing medium?

>> No.20092

Fuck yeah, CTfag!

>> No.21966


Are you allowed to bump in /diy/? I hope so.

>> No.21976

I have this thread on my threadwatcher and was planning on doing the same. No way I'm gonna let this one just disappear I plan on actually doing this in a few days.

>> No.22070

im astounded, i always worry about cross contamination and ferrets are disgusting.

>> No.23367

lol, ferrets -are- disgusting

>> No.24498


>>23247 someone made a post about growing psilocybin mushrooms here, so everyone who was discussing that should migrate over there

Please leave this thread for edibles, growing as a hobby, and other inquiries.

>> No.24838

Well technically, he didn't state psilocybin. Just "mushrooms".

>> No.25286

lol he had a pic of Ps. cubensis growing in his OP

>> No.26002

what can you grow in warm weather?

>> No.26760

Thank you to whoever added my guide to stumbleupon. :]

>> No.27274
File: 289 KB, 1486x1115, Pleurotus djamour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, so I think I'm going to start a pink oyster grow soon. Should I let this thread die and start a new one when I start the grow? There seems to be waning interest.

>> No.27330

probably as good idea to show an actual instructional thread. Also could you show how to create a liquid culture in it? That's seriously the only thing that I still have no idea how to do. Do you create it with the spore syringe or do you get it out of the actual mushrooms? It seems like extremely easy to fuck it up.

>> No.27355

Yeah, keep us posted. It'll do the board good to have things that're actually happening being posted about, rather than this becoming /adv for non-sociall stuff.

>> No.27364

I live in oregon and there are chanterells growing behind my house in my yard. I want to try to expand the amount of them, cultivate them right where they sit. How would I encourage more of them to come back next year?

they're fucking delicious by the way.

>> No.27392

saute then glaze with red wine. great topping for burgers. if you're out in the midwest you can probably get ground bison cheaper than i can on the east coast. venison would probably go great too. with either you might want to work a bit of ground pork into your patties just to give it a hair more fat content. bison and venison both tend to be very lean.

>> No.27430

Liquid cultures are simple, but I can understand the confusion. There are a lot of ways to propagate mushrooms via a liquid culture.

To start from scratch, you can:
-inject spores from a spore syringe into the culture, and they will germinate and form a dikaryotic mycelium network with new genetics [like parents having a baby, it will have new traits, possibly better, possibly worse]

If you have a good or interesting culture that you are interested in making an isolate of, you can either:

-Clone a fruit by taking a sterile tissue sample and putting it your LC. This is most easily done by wiping the exterior of the fruit in question and taking a 'plug' of flesh by pushing a small gauge hypodermic needle through it. You should wind up with a "core sample" of mushroom. Simply inject the plug into the LC like you would spores through the inoculation port and it will start growing.
-Make a grain liquid culture (GLC) by using a large capacity syringe and injecting ~200 ml of sterilized water into a fully colonized grain jar. Swirl the water around to knock the mycelium off the grain and into the free moving water, then aspirate as much as possible back into your syringe. This syringe is now your liquid culture.

>> No.27452

Chanterelles unfortunately can't be cultivated by the average hobbyist because they only grow in a symbiotic relationship with plants and trees. The best you could hope to do is take some spore prints of those that you find before you eat them, scrape them into a spray bottle, fill it with water, shake it, and spray the spore solution at the base of trees all around your backyard. Try to keep the areas out of direct sunlight where they're currently growing.

>> No.27458

I guess I will continue to answer questions as long as there is still interest, but I won't be bumping this thread anymore. Thanks for the interest, guys, it's been a pleasure.

>> No.27477

I tried growing some mushrooms once. I ended up with a pretty serious fly infestation. Any suggestions on how to get rid of them? I couldn't get the critters under control and it ended up eating the substrate.

>> No.27494

Sick, did you seriously eat your substrate? It was probably full of larvae. :/

Fungus gnats shouldn't get too bad if you don't have indoor plants or other similar food sources after you get rid of your mushrooms. Flypaper and bowls of vinegar seem to be the common remedies, but I don't know of anything that'll just get rid of them outright.

>> No.27507


I said "it ended up eating the substrate." Meaning the flies... Try reading the post again

>> No.27513

Hahaha, my bad, just read "it" as "i." I assumed he meant he was growing psilocybin mushrooms and was desperate enough for a trip to eat his substrate. [psilocybin mushroom mycelium does in fact contain psilocybin]

>> No.27527


They were portobello
I might try growing some chicken of the woods or honey mushrooms at some point. They could be found in the local park where I'm at. We have a poisonous mushroom called Destroying Angel around here. IIRC, on occasion they could be mistaken for honey mushrooms but don't grow in the same season.

>> No.27529
File: 38 KB, 346x274, 1315871010296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.27546
File: 67 KB, 304x546, DestroyingAngel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Destroying angels at maturity are my favorite looking mushroom. Pic related.

>> No.27561

I shall try it. I just want to encourage the patch that is already there to flourish.

>> No.27579

Can anyone refresh my memory of the name of those penis shaped mushrooms? Would want to grow some....

>> No.27595
File: 78 KB, 800x600, APE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you talking about Ps. cubensis var. penis envy? Pic related...

If not, can you give any more details?

>> No.27599

Interesting thread. Though I'm not that interested in growing them, I think it's funnier and more relaxing to go out in nature and pick/find them myself.
Especially these >>15485 my freezer is full of them.

>> No.27602

A freezer full of golden chanterelles? I am seriously jealous.

>> No.27617
File: 96 KB, 456x343, cantharellus_tubaeformis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ye, and the glorious thing about them, especially pick related, when you find a few you find shitloads. It wasn't even fun last time I picked them.

>drove to forest
>walked around looking for 5 minutes
>find some
>realize it's 50 sqm of them, fucking endless amount
>squat for 2 hours and do nothing but picking them up
>tired of this shit, didn't even have to look for them
>go home

Atleast it was productive, probably got around 7 liters.

>> No.27622

I've never picked chanterelles but I thought they were supposed to be solid colored and the gills should be the same color as the step and cap. Have you eaten those yet? Did they taste fine?

I just scrolled through google images and didn't see any chanterelles that looked like yours. Be careful with those things if you haven't eaten them yet.

>> No.27632


I pick both normal ones and the other kind (picture)
I don't know which ones I like best though.

>> No.27644

Okay, good. I'm not very good at identification, I just didn't want anyone getting mushroom poisoning.

>> No.27647

Or rather, eating poisonous mushrooms. What an awkward phrasing that was.

>> No.27653


Funny you should mention that, my favourite mushroom happens to be deadly before you remove the poison. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gyromitra_esculenta

There is nothing better than a creamsauce made on these.

>> No.27656


Yeah, I've read about false morels. I wouldn't want to prepare them myself due to them looking like someone left ground beef out in the sun. I wouldn't be averse to trying them if someone else cooked them for me, however.

>> No.27929

Are there any good mushrooms to grow for an aesthetic standpoint? Non-life threatening/Hallucinogenic preferably?

>> No.27954

depends what you're looking for.
Google up some images. Remember they're saturated photos of the most impressive looking specimens...pick something. Most aren't poisonous.

>> No.27955
File: 127 KB, 510x380, ganoderma-lucidum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. Reishi are pretty cool looking in my opinion. A lot of the oyster species are really beautiful as well as being edible delicacies. Golden oyster immediately comes to mind.

Pic related, reishi.

>> No.27966

>Most aren't poisonous.

Could have phrased that better. EVERYTHING is a poison in a large enough dose (water poisoning is a thing, people die from it after drinking too much water)....but in a 'accidentally eating a decoration' scenario, you don't need to worry. And although there are many that'll make you very very ill if you eat more than a few, in a nation with good western medicine there's little chance of dying from anything but
-death cap
-fools mushroom
-destroying angels,
none of which you're gonna grow.

>> No.28103

This 'chicken' mushroom seems pretty awesome and large

Is there a way to cultivate these at all, or must I be forced only to search them out in the woods?

>> No.28151


You should be able to inoculate a log with it. They can potentially be large



Should probably have him do a spore print.

>> No.28915

This whole thread makes me hungry and I have a nice humid basement and a spare large plastic container with a lid.

But what on earth is perilite?

>> No.28955
File: 51 KB, 448x336, chanterelle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Growing mushrooms certainly is an interesting subject. I've tried to kindle interest on it in /ck/, but that was like trying to have a conversation with a horny serial killer.

I loves me some chanterelles, yes I do. Although on their part, I never had to consider cultivation, thanks to the woods being full of them every autumn. I've a freezerfull of them by now, and hopefully it'll last me until next summer.

A note on wild chanterelles - the most reliable locations of finding them year after year have been overgrown dirt road bottoms, for me. My summer cabin was built in old, abandoned farmland, and after the forest retook the area, there's plenty of such left. Which means tons of chanterelles.

>> No.28982

PERILITE -- A mineral expanded by heating to form very lightweight, porous white granules useful in container soil mixes to enhance moisture and air retention.

If you would like to learn more on the subject of Perilite, use your goddamed google-fu.

>> No.29174

Alright, back from class.

If you can find them in the woods you are lucky. There are multiple mushrooms known as 'chickens' or 'hens,'
but the standard "chicken of the woods" is Laetiporus sulphureus. They can be cultivated similar to shiitake on logs inoculated with spawn plugs. This would be the easiest and most efficient. I don't recommend wild spores unless you want to do agar work and create an isolate, then make your own spawn plugs. Supposedly they can be fruited indoors off of colonized sawdust blocks but I don't think you would get very good yields.

Like the post above me said, it's just a mineral that retains water well that we use to keep up the humidity in your fruiting chamber.

>> No.29182

I should have mentioned that you can just buy spawn plugs online and have them shipped to you. It's definitely the easier way to go if you're interested in cultivating. It's not even expensive.

>> No.29237

>but that was like trying to have a conversation with a horny serial killer.

>> No.29648
File: 70 KB, 400x300, mushroom-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are those pre-made mushroom boxes worth it, or should I try to go for a less pre-made method?

I have no experience growing mushrooms (only a very small mount of experience keeping indoor plants alive) but I'm interested in trying it out.

>> No.29764

Those are not worth it at all. They gather the easy to find materials you need and charge a huge premium for it. You could save yourself probably 50% and start a more efficient and higher yield grow. Put a little work into it and it's well worth it.

>> No.31491

does anyone know where to find a field guide (preferably for North America) to tell which wild 'shrooms are (safely) edible?

also bumping

>> No.31511


I've seen this recommended on multiple forums but I've never used it or any other field guide.

In addition, I'm gonna be using a tripcode for the duration of this thread, but only in this thread, so people will know it's me replying. [OP here in case that wasn't obvious]

>> No.33564

my sad face when I see no one in the thread mentions even once how to actually grow the fun-guys instead of posting another URL.

>> No.33736

perhaps it's easier to find ebooks or videos than to explain it here?

>> No.34930

If anyone wants to know anything I'll be glad to explain. I'm going to start a pink oyster grow in hopefully about a week, and I'll be making and maintaining a thread about that and how to do it step by step.

>> No.34966

I provided a detailed guide that I wrote myself, with pictures included that goes through the process step by step of growing shiitakes. If someone starts the process and has questions I would be glad to answer them.

I'm starting a pink oyster grow hopefully next week and I'll be doing a step by step grow log on here when that happens.

>> No.34971

The first post didn't show up for me for 20 minutes so I make another post, then the first one shows up. Figures.