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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1522896 No.1522896 [Reply] [Original]

Give me 1 reason why this is a bad idea.
Pro tip: you can't

>> No.1522900

They exist and are better than that, fumoto valve look it up

>> No.1522903

There’s threads about those Fumoto Valves constantly on /o/

Biggest downside is if your drain plug is on the very bottom of the pan, you go over a speed bump and the thing shears off and a minute later your engine seizes.

>> No.1522907


If you have a side mounted oil valve theres really no downside though

>> No.1522908

most vehicles can run at least 15 minutes without oil before they seize up, yes you are still doing a ton of damage in those minutes but still.

I had an old s10 that I am pretty sure I blew a gasket down shifting to get up a hill and over revved the hell out of it. 20 minutes later I had it seize at 85mph.

A radio station in these parts does this every year to a vehicle that has like 250k on the engine and sometimes they last up to an hour.
They also substitute maple syrup for oil sometimes too.

>> No.1522911

Kek, if you catch it a few minutes before you seize it, just wait for some bearings and shit to go out a couple hundred miles later.

It’s mostly rice though. How hard is it to unscrew one bolt every 5k miles? Are you retarded and afraid of cross threading the plug? The only real advantage I could see to the Fumoto valve is if you drive a car with skid plates or other shit directly under the drain plug, that way you can connect a hose straight to the valve and won’t drip oil all over other parts.

>> No.1522915

For consumer vehicles I agree, the real value comes in for fleet vehicles where a number of them may need oil changes at one time. At that point these valves save a considerable amount of time over the vehicles useful life.

>> No.1522916

OP that is an abomination
I can only image that valve coming open when driving in snow, mud or offroad

And are people so lazy they cannot a wrench on a bolt? The added 20 seconds to loosen a bolt ?

>> No.1522917

Needle valve you stupid faggot!
Protip nuh random tree limb or mud ball or rock blew up my rigged ass ball valve.

What an absolute troll or newfaggot. Either way fuck you and sage

>> No.1522924

I think that is awesome, I love your coffee urn.

>> No.1522926

Thats some thicc coffee, urn prolly hasn't been cleaned in a while. Just extra flavor tho tbhq

>> No.1522931

Meh, after the cost of the valves plus the time to install them, I don’t see how you could ever really come out ahead by much. If you’re working on fleet vehicles, I’m sure you have that certain size socket/wrench nearby. Plus diesels have a long ass oil change interval, I think semi trucks are around 30k miles. And now with that valve you have restricted the flow of oil out of those big engines so any time you saved not grabbing a wrench will be negated by waiting for 10gal of used oil to drain.

>> No.1522932
File: 140 KB, 640x480, lube oil and Ffffffffffffff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat pitch black oil.

>> No.1522935

Fresh. Why even change it so soon? That’s a waste!

>> No.1522985

This guy's right. Dieselmechanicfag here. We had a bunch of used import hinos come in from Japan with those fumoto valves on. By the time you clean all the road grime and grit out of the lever part of the valve, enough to get it to turn, you could have walked to your toolbox and grabbed the right tool to pull the plug and had it out already. Then the fumoto don't drain very fast at all so you waste time waiting on that too. I don't think there's any advantage unless you were especially worried about cross threading the plug when you put it in, which no experienced mechanic should do anyway.

>> No.1523001

Yeah bro why would you make your car easier to service and hence more likely to be serviced on time? Like what's the point? Real auto enthusiasts make their car as difficult and complicated to work on as possible. If you're just some casual daily commuter you wouldn't understand. Heh.

>> No.1523012

*drives behind you*
*opens fumoto valve while your back is turned*

Nothing personnel kid

>> No.1523076

Put ball valve on oil pan
still never changes the oil
Thats a stupid fucking idea Larry

>> No.1523141

>Pro tip: you can't
Yes I can.

Best reason of all: IT STICKS OUT. You run over a rock or stick or anything in the road you didn't see or couldn't avoid, it hits it, breaks it off, then either your engine seizes from lack of oil or you're calling a tow truck because you can't stopper your oilpan anymore. Then when you realize the threads are ruined, have fun replacing the whole oil pan.

Utter stupidity. Just use a drain plug like a normalfag and stop over-thinking this.

>> No.1523156


Bottom drain plug here
Drain plug for my truck is $1.79 at NAPA
I usually drop them down the sewer grate at work when I change my oil
Always good to have a couple of extra rolling around

>> No.1523167

How do I know you live in Texas?

>> No.1523168

I like to paint my fence with that oil. Keeps the wood nice and fresh. Any extra I dump directly on the posts to lubricate the dirt they're buried in.

Fuck OP's stupid idea, by the way.

>> No.1523237

My 83 Toyota Celica was burning oil and Wouldent pass DEQ so I drained all of the oil out and ran it through.
Passed and poured my oil back in.

>> No.1523251

I have heard of people in rust belt states who spray their used oil on the undercarriage of their car for rust prevention.

>> No.1523277

You do know black oil means absolutely jack shit right? Ever been around a diesel? Fresh oil changes black literally the instant you start the engine

>> No.1523280

Yes it happens and it’s also fucking stupid. All the shit built up in used oil will actually rust shit worse then the salt. Using a thick hydraulic oil works good tho but it’s gitta be fresh

>> No.1523330

Give ya 3, rocks, road debris, and vibration

>> No.1523334

This isnt true
I live in the rust belt and every car I have seen with a slight oil leak, the chassis and surrounding shit that is covered in dirty oil is rust free while all the dry stuff will be rusty.

>> No.1523338

While you fags argue about used motor oil's rust proofing abilities, I'll point out that coating the underside of your vehicle with oil is a fucking fire hazard.

>> No.1523343

smoke hazard, that's about it

>> No.1523367

That thing is going to open up lol. Eventually shits going to hit it or even just the force from driving will open it. 'Nough said

>> No.1523368

And that is because?

Oh.. because the oil is picking up crap left behind because oil isn't being changed regularly.

>> No.1523374

No it’s mostly just carbon.

>> No.1523420

Oil pan sits at a higher plane than the axles.
The valves come with locking clips.
Not all vehicles are made the same. This is wonderful for my bike. Otherwise I have to take 4 bolts off and a hose before I get to the drain plug properly.
Bro do you even vehicle?

>> No.1523430

This >>1523374

>my bike
This is one of the few instances it makes sense. The other 98% of the time it’s stupid rice.

>> No.1523458

Seems like an easy thing to prevent by welded a guard to protect it. Like a couple rails on either side with a plate that stops just short of you being able to use or remove it.

The oil plug fell out of a vehicle I was driving once. The mechanic who had changed the oil didn't put it back in correctly. I thought I was running out of fuel and pulled over immediately. The motor was completely ruined and the oil trail lead right up to the vehicle. The oil was still pouring out when I got out and looked under. So, I really don't think crossing your fingers with every bump and noise is going to help much if you are in a location where you'd be scraping off shit on the bottom of your vehicle.

>does a 360 and drives away

>> No.1523460

If there's a fire hot enough to light that shit on fire then you have more problems, than the oil coating, you need to worry about.

>> No.1523465

OMFG breaking out a 9/16 or 5/8 wrench is soooo much trouble that I'd rather risk trashing a motor on some nigger valve that was not intended for this use

>> No.1523506

My dad tells me he tried to blow some old Chevy once back in the 80s and they simply couldn't. They drained oil and coolant and let it run. Says it made a lot of noise but after doing their burnouts and donuts and just going full throttle for a minute or so they decided to drive it to the junkyard for scrap.
He claims it made it too. Old people can be so full of shit though

>> No.1523511

>Old people can be so full of shit though
some people have losers for parents

>> No.1523513


the part about the coolant is bullshit, but yeah, old motors can run a long time without oil pressure, as I found out with my ford 300 I6. but the time the radiator hose blew off and I tried to limp another mile or so, you have never heard the spark knocking I heard. No way they did burnouts and shit with no coolant at full throttle and then drove miles to a junkyard.

>> No.1523516

>let's add 1 more moving part to this huge assembly of moving parts because wrenches are so hard to find
I honestly don't even get the advantage so the work to do it alone is why it's stupid

>> No.1523517

I do believe the story goes that they drained the coolant after the burnouts and full throttle in park didn't blow it.

>> No.1523518

It’s a bad idea because it can accidentally open up. Even drain valves designed for that purpose occasionally open up accidentally. It only takes fucking 1 $30,000-$50,000 engine to make taking 2 seconds to get the proper socket look easier

>> No.1523520

Well, what I mean is he also tells a story about how he and his cousin pulled a 460 out of a car in a scrap yard and carried it by hand out and to the truck. I of course poke fun at this bullshit story by exaggerating it further whenever I smell bullshit on his breath

>> No.1523526

>t. angry career mechanic

>> No.1523529

Doubt it. Not that guy but I'm a mechanic. If you blow your motor that keeps my lights on, my house warm, and puts food in my families mouth. Why wouldnt we want you to blow your shit up? Also makes me wonder why people think we're lying about how frequently you should change oil. Doesn't bother me, your paying my bills that way

>> No.1523530

Hmm, I watched my father and his brother do exactly that back in the early 80s. I think that was like 320lbs per person plus the weight of the boards. They were always doing things like that though.

It is always the mechanic's fault your engine blows up when something like this, >>1523458 happens.

>> No.1523536

So? How's that relate to a natural part failure?

>> No.1523627

>Until you catch it on a passing stick

>> No.1523658

bro y u so mad?

>> No.1523664

>welding a guard
I thought those valves were supposed to save you time?

>> No.1523691

>Why wouldnt we want you to blow your shit up?
>makes me wonder why people think we're lying about how frequently you should change oil.

the lack of self-awareness is astonishing

>> No.1523701

We mix 1:9 diesel:used oil and spray on all the farm equipment. Got a bush hog from '85 with the original deck and arm that it has worked fine for.

>> No.1523715

whats the diesel's function in that mix

>> No.1523718

Ain't got a fucking clue brother. Great grandpa did it and so it proliferates.

>> No.1523720

Boomer Tech.

>> No.1523747
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>> No.1523768

clever lad

>> No.1523773


the bolt or the pan will eventually leak or strip. even if you're careful and thread it in gently.

>> No.1523878

Maybe if you change oil every week

I just don't see it

>> No.1523885


>Goes over speed bump
>Let me not get out and check the damage because I have the mind of an American woman

Bepis...I knew you were 'tarded but I didn't know you only had the mental capabilities of an insect.

>> No.1523886

It's a bad idea because it teaches you to be lazy. Also it doesn't have a magnet in it for picking up metal particulates like my oem drain plug does. Also, because it's a smaller diameter that the original opening it doesn't allow all of the oil to drain out.

And that's not even taking into account if your oil pan has a downwards facing drain plug, in which case this is a very bad idea.

>> No.1523887


>advantage unless you were especially worried about cross threading the plug when you put it in, which no experienced mechanic should do anyway.

Which is why only turbo soi's buy it

>> No.1523889

My next door neighbor got a brand new Explorer maybe 6 months ago. The day after she gets it, she’s driving around and some dash lights come on, but she’s a woman so she ignores it. 20min later the car is completely dead in the middle of the road. It had a really bad oil leak somewhere and the cunt kept driving it even after the dash looked like a Christmas tree.

Lucky for her she was covered by some warranty so she probably didn’t learn her lesson.

>> No.1524867
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>film of caked on engine oil and dirt
>fire hazard

>> No.1525260

>Also, because it's a smaller diameter that the original opening it doesn't allow all of the oil to drain out.

>> No.1526166
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>> No.1526554

It's not the be all and end all of gauging oil use, but it is often a good indication of its state along with reduced viscosity and a burnt smell.

So honestly just stop being contrarian for the sake of it. You're not coming across very well.

>> No.1526710

WOW. you must have thought of something that 90 years of educated automobile designers and engineers have had NO CLUE about. you truly are the first

>> No.1526729

I ran my truck low on oil from a loose plug and slow drip. What parts suffered wear and should I bother replacing anything as a preventative measure? This was about 10k miles ago and no problems yet but I would hate to have an unexpected breakdown.

>> No.1526732

i dont need that shit
i drive a tesla

get mad carlets

>> No.1526846

elon please, you are not even in charge of it anymore...

>> No.1526848

Did you ever get a low oil presure light? The stuff that would get worn pretty much requires a full engine rebuild to replace

>> No.1527116

Yes. I immediately shut it off. I was in the middle of no where however and no signal. I restarted it and no low oil light, watched for a drop in pressure. I drove straight to the auto parts store for oil and the light didn't come on during that time. There was only about a quart in there and like I said, slow drip, so I was running it really low for a long time.

>> No.1527118

>ATF, coolant and ac fluid hoses run all over the car and are exposed to the ground, many times through banjo or compression fittings
>most cars don't have skid plates
>the brake lines are the most exposed of them all
>everyone reees autistically because of replacing the shitty plug bolt that leaks because people don't replace the washer for a locking valve
> meanwhile tripfag keeps posting stupid answers to vauge questions.
Or my favorite
> hurr durrr i drive a tesla i don't use oil
>meanwhile fuckwad who snorts elons musk uses brake oil, diff oil, drivetrain and the semis even have a gearbox

Its just /diy nothing to see here.

>> No.1527233

It just needs to be in front of the valve, not directly under it.

Doesn't even matter. Everything, even oil plugs, break or work their way out from time to time. Valves fail too.

>> No.1527239

Meh... I’m barely even a shadetree mechanic, but you probably didn’t destroy anything. Faster wear on stuff from low and dirty oil? Yes. But it’s hard to tell if the extra wear will make your rod bearings fail 1000mi sooner or 100,000mi sooner. If you’re burning oil and down to a quart, you have some parts worn already so if you’re going to address that and do piston rings, do the bearings and whatever lifters-rockers and gaskets while you’re ripping the engine apart. It’s a lot of work but she should run nice at the end.

>> No.1527242

Great answer as always.

>> No.1527268

That’s how we roll.

But bottom end is a clusterfuck and car is out of service for an entire weekend at minimum if it’s done at home and work is done. At least Anon could replace the gaskets up top without an engine hoist.

>> No.1528893

>How hard is it to unscrew one bolt every 5k miles?
. . . I always get oily hands when I unscrew it...

>> No.1529915
File: 65 KB, 750x533, 8700061_b_gr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just use the master race Stahlbus oil drain valve?



>> No.1529993

This one does seem to be a lot better all around.

>> No.1530018
File: 168 KB, 1170x550, FA3258A3-2A96-471A-9B96-043B75747394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wear gloves. Or grow a penis. I normally just let the drain plug fall straight into the drain pan and then pick it out with some pliers if I don’t want to get my hands dirty and let it dry off on a shop rag.

The real Fukumoto valves that people use have some lip on them so you can hook up a hose like in the pic. That is the only real upside I can see to the valve, not the whole removing a bolt vs twisting a valve argument.

>> No.1530030

Sometimes hoses are assholes and don't want to go on or stay on well.

>> No.1530035

Kek, I had this issue last time I was bleeding my brakes. It’s impossible to create a vaccuum without NASA’s help.

>> No.1530097
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>thinks motor oil on the undercarriage is a fire hazard
>doesnt stop to consider the motor oil running through the hot motor

>> No.1530123

there's gas in the fuel lines too, doesn't mean you can spray it all over the car

>> No.1530124

You realize how hot that oil needs to be to ignite, right? If the exterior of your car is reaching 500F, you have other issues.

>> No.1530131

I have oil leaking all over my engine and exhaust, doesn't ignite, been ignoring it for years. Don't give a fuck, not a fire hazard.

>> No.1530139

Smells real good though, right?

>> No.1530202

>pan and plug will leak so might as well just run with no oil at all


>> No.1530207

Not as long as I'm moving.

>> No.1532533

They pay for themselves the first time you avoid a knuckle dragging tech confusing a breaker bar with a torque wrench and splitting the fiberglass oil pan.

>> No.1532609

Fiberglass oil pan? Oi vey!

>> No.1532618

seems pretty handy

>> No.1532898

>I'll point out that coating the underside of your vehicle with oil is a fucking fire hazard.

I'll point out you are obviously shitposting because there's no reason it should ignite as the thin film left by spraying. It's a very old, proven method. Of course if facts don't agree with your theory then you should believe theory because theory is delicious.

>> No.1532979

They'll take more damage than one might think. I had a 4.2 Ford hydrolock two cylinders. The other four got it home and run well enough to move around my yard when I want to use the Tommygate to unload other trucks.
I also saw a 5.0 Ford still run with a snapped crankshaft tho the noise was horrid. Distributor in front still fired the remaining cylinders and the fracture was at an angle permitting power to pass to the flywheel.
Ask other mechanics about their "most fucked yet still ran" stories.

>> No.1532981

Why would a mechanic care? The valve isn't what enables you to change oil. I leave a 15mm box end in my glovebox for convenience.

>> No.1532996

how resistant are these valves to turning under vibration?

>> No.1533059

I have one and it's great. kind of depends on your car though, mine is behind a skid plate with only a tiny hatch for access so it works best for me. There's probably a bunch of dudebros with jacked-up pickup trucks on this board for whom it would not be practical, though

>> No.1533157

I was letting a family friend borrow a car, she got an oil change and they forgot to put the filter in. Too poor to take to court so im out 6k.

>> No.1533194

There's absolutely no way for vibration to open the valve, because there's a spring loaded locking mechanism in it. I dunno. If you saw the part in your hand and played with the valve you'd know what I was talking about.

>> No.1534583

Gas in your gas tank is a pretty big hazard too.

>> No.1534593

hill billies spray their shit with oil for rust proofing. they also spray their fences with oil for rot protection. they both work great. my '71 datsun pickup was blowing oil out of a rear seal. bottom of the car was oiled and in the spots that didn't get loving, yah they rusted.

the only problem is the tremendous mess you have to deal with when working on the car. everything is oily and gunked.

>> No.1536033

thins out the oil so it sprays better