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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 686 KB, 3000x2000, IMG_6244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1521740 No.1521740 [Reply] [Original]

old thread >>1505495

Building a robot is super fucking time consuming edition.
Atleast version 2 looks more promising then the first one.

Attaching lots of LEDs
Writing simple code for setting leg length etc. (Arduino for simplicity)

What are you working on?

>> No.1521752
File: 150 KB, 3000x2000, IMG_6248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS: My robot glows in the dark

>> No.1521764

>version 2 looks more promising then the first one.

was version 1 the one that stood up and moved a bit? link to old posts if there are any, so we can properly evaluate your progress or lack of thereof

>> No.1521766
File: 731 KB, 2664x1274, new2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go:

inb4 i get banned for posting links

>> No.1521767

PS: Maybe the first version was perfectly fine and I am just avoiding the fact that I need to read up a lot more about inverse kinematics lol.
PPS: It has metal instead of plastic servos now, too. This alone should make it better by a lot

>> No.1521768


the last few pics look familiar.

nice work. keep us posted.

>> No.1521877
File: 1.86 MB, 480x260, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to make remote start for all of my cars?

>> No.1522232

uh-oh just leave them running?

>> No.1522234

Wire an RF receiver into your car. Use the RF receiver outputs to trigger a relay which drives the start solenoid. Buy a cheap single-channel RF transmitter. Pair the transmitter to the receiver.

>> No.1522272
File: 550 KB, 653x435, 2016-04-19T01_35_24.770Z-AZB7_Asy (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suppose I want to make a board with an Attiny861

There's an Arduino core for it, but would I have to program it via ICSP always, since it doesn't seem to have a built in serial interface?

>> No.1522275

>but would I have to program it via ICSP always, since it doesn't seem to have a built in serial interface?

yes, but that's a perfectly good way to program an AVR, and it frees up all the flash since there's no need for a bootloader.

>> No.1522276

usbasp programmers work pretty good for atmel AVRs. The only problem i ever had with them was that you can't correct fuse fuckups, but that's fine.

>> No.1522279

>The only problem i ever had with them was that you can't correct fuse fuckups, but that's fine.

explain what you mean. the fuses are re-programmable as many times as you like, even if you lock the chip so it can't be read you can still do a chip erase.

>> No.1522283

>explain what you mean. the fuses are re-programmable as many times as you like, even if you lock the chip so it can't be read you can still do a chip erase.
If you program the wrong fuses the chip might not respond anymore and you have to reset them with high voltage programming, which is not possible with the usbasp.
Of course, if they are in a perfectly fine configuration they can be reprogrammed as often as you like

>> No.1522284
File: 91 KB, 940x473, Screenshot_2018-12-23_12-29-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have to reset them with high voltage programming,

the only high voltage programming I'm aware of is putting 12 v on reset to parallel program. serial programming uses normal 5 volt signals, and can do everything parallel can do. at least that's how I read the spec. can you show in any avr spec where you need high voltage to write the fuse bits?

pic related is an example of typical serial programming commands.

>> No.1522288

yeah 12v is """high""".
this is what i meant:

it just works

>> No.1522292
File: 15 KB, 766x127, Screenshot_2018-12-23_12-46-26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ah yes. the weird little shits (like his attiny861) where reset is shared with other pins. good call, sir.

>> No.1522331
File: 19 KB, 529x249, 40e89af7-4b8a-4706-a078-4a6bf124c091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, once I accidentally configured my atmega for external oscillator, which it didn't have, so I ended up soldering the XTAL pin from the programmer back to the chip to tick it in order to re-fuse the piece of crap.

Holy shit AVR is retarded, STM32 is the future.

>> No.1522333

>Holy shit AVR is retarded,

derp, sounds like YOU killed it with your mistake.

but I agree, AVR is too advanced for you.

>> No.1522338

lol no. I won't touch them ever again. Fuck that seriously retarded coding style. Who would ever come up with such mixed shit?

>> No.1522422

Yes anther STM dude, I like it but I REFUSE to use the hal library

>> No.1522457

Imagine being so insecure that the coding style on some shitty library scares you off from advanced technology.
Sky's the limit man. Same goes for arduino, if you hate it, you can use raw atmegas instead.

>> No.1522459

>raw atmegas

ahem. AVRs.

>> No.1522463

okay my fuckup, never had any experience with ATTinys, that shit is too hardcore

>> No.1522477

>ATTinys, that shit is too hardcore
All (8-bit) AVRs are the same fucking shit. Literally no difference, except pin count and hardware functionality. THat's why they are so beautiful.

>> No.1522482
File: 1.01 MB, 772x817, general_stockholm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All (8-bit) AVRs are the same fucking shit.

well sorta. if you're doing assembly AS YOU SHOULD BE the code has to be specific.

>> No.1522484
File: 2.47 MB, 800x450, console.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly arduinos (STM32F103). Made a pair of network-connected (NRF24L01) consoled with one pre-installed game (had to write it too). Even went as far as converted a music song into midi and then made a simple-ass one-channel midi-player for main menu.

No sound cuz diy, it makes twice the fun with the sound.

>> No.1522490

Well devil in details, because pin count sometimes is critical. And hardware's too, like timer count. Not even mentioning the SRAM size. Shit gets extreme with stuff like ATtiny85. So yeah, thanks, but no thanks.

>> No.1522494

Get a digispark, it's easy shit. Then get a handful of DIP ATtiny85s and one of those 8-pin USB programmers.

>> No.1522518

neat. Where is the nrf module? Underneath the display? Did you make the pcb yourself? If so: How do you DIY double sided PCBs? I need to improve my process

>> No.1522551

neato stuff
>dem first babby steps clip
a cute

>> No.1522630

Speaking of which I've noticed PICs get no love on this board... Granted I have a 32bit one that I still haven't touched...

>> No.1522633

>if you're doing assembly AS YOU SHOULD BE

Ewww no thanks gramps

>> No.1522634

How exactly do you use the NRF24L? Do you have any guides on how to implement them ?

>> No.1522706

Unironically using assembly in the year of our lord and savior + 2018.
How can you justify programming 3x longer at a minimum for a non-commercial product to eek out a few minor percentage increase in efficiency (if you're even good enough to do so)?

>> No.1522712
File: 790 KB, 790x690, nrf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where is the nrf module? Underneath the display?
Yeah. It was huge pain in the ass to achieve it that way, giving the deadline till new year.
>Did you make the pcb yourself?
No, just found a local pcb manufacturer that was happy to make them for $10 each for 3 days. Of course if you're talking about the actual manufacturing process. If you mean how did I design them, well with shit like KiCad it's not too hard.
Here's my source https://github.com/desertkun/NRF24L01 I don't care. If you'd like to have the whole game source as an example, I don't care either, just ask.

>> No.1522752

I don't really understand how this is taking you that long, you're using an arduino right? Which part of the process is taking a long time, the programming?

Here's what I see:
>1 afternoon for ordering non-custom parts
>1 afternoon for designing models to be printed, print over night
>1 afternoon assembly

Then if you don't know how to program I could see it taking a while.

>> No.1522760


If you already have a huge library of code (like I do) that was begun before Arduino was a thing, is one reason. Another is the rare project where you need to use all the timers for specific tasks, which I don't think is possible under Arduino since they use one for millis().

But yeah, in general programming in C++ is 1000x faster and easier to debug.

>> No.1522762

If you actually had any experience with programming/designing you wouldn't be a faggot from imaginationland. Shit takes time.

Here's some steps that I can remember that kept me from achieving the goal:

- NRF24L01 just wouldn't do bidirect communication. Just-fuck-off-wouldn't. Took fucking weeks to debug the thing reading the datasheet and trying please it here and there. Try it, faggot, there is no information on the internet on how to do it.
- The non-fucking-custom part SSD1309 ordered just didn't work. Took me weeks to fucking lurk the entire internet about this shit. It was a miracle I found a guy bitching on same symptoms. Turned up to be chinese clone with SH1106 inside, the driver was different just enough to drive you crazy.
- The PCB/schematic design took few weeks including my zero knowledge on actual electronics. Managed to fuck up shit few times, so I had to reoder them.
- 3d printing takes time just fuck you what's why. Not everyone has 3d printer.

The actual game development took me fair week or so, good thing I had an artist friend that agreed to help me with monochrome pictures.

>> No.1522771 [DELETED] 

>Here's what I see:
>>1 afternoon for ordering non-custom parts
>>1 afternoon for designing models to be printed, print over night
>>1 afternoon assembly

post link to your 10 hour project that is remotely as complex as his. we'll be waiting...

>> No.1522774

>Here's what I see:
>1 afternoon for ordering non-custom parts
>1 afternoon for designing models to be printed, print over night
>1 afternoon assembly

post link to your 10 hour project that is remotely as complex as his. we'll be waiting...

>> No.1522780
File: 1.34 MB, 865x798, ww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Expect this thing to break.

>> No.1522836

>If you'd like to have the whole game source as an example, I don't care either, just ask.

Yes please

>> No.1522838

Oh then I can see that, that is actually pretty cool

>> No.1523000


>> No.1523066


even includes pdfs for the chips. nice.

>> No.1523102

How much torque can they put out?
You can check velocity Vs torque curves and make sure it doesn't exceed it's slip-range and code the servos to accelerate up to the speed you want, makes it smoother and stronger

>> No.1523198

Much appreciated based anon

>> No.1523216

Just ordered Ender 3. 100% brainlet. Only pc skillz are half assed HTML and Gimp.

What program should i start with or does it have proprietary software?

>> No.1523231

I have an Ender 3, use Cura because once set up you basically just hit go.

Set the printer close to your PC for convenience too. Putting it together will take a little while. The sheet metal for the cover over the power supply was a litle too long on mine so I chamfered the edge of one of the 80/20 aluminum supports to work.

Keep a file handy and don't use it unless you know what you're doing.

>> No.1523233


I also have a have a ender 3, I just soldered xt60 cables to a buck converter so I can power my pi with the psu of the printer.

If you have the money throw rpi to give it wireless printing capabilities. I also have cam on mine too.

>> No.1523310
File: 1.87 MB, 1280x720, pushup.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woah, this took way longer than i though it would.
Finally fixed it again and now it can lift itself really fucking easy. Damn, this was a tough journey. Now let's get to the fun part.

Ender 3 here too. Had an anet a8 before which really fucking frustrated me for a long time. It did good prints, but not constantly. I always had to recalibrate it. the ender 3 feels so fucking good now. Was a good choice

>> No.1523485

Will do bro. I'm not a rocket surgeon but i think i can tweak anything thst is a problem or buy a replacement part

>> No.1523568

I could but i dont really need wireless. I have a small 10x10 room where ikeep all of my stuff stacked and organized and cleared out a spot for the new printer. Pretty damned excited. Ive wanted one since they came out. Sonething else just always bumps it down the list

>> No.1523570

Good work anon!

Makes me feel good there is so much positivity around the ender 4

>> No.1523616

I know that feel, anon, I've been waiting years to buy one just because I didnt make enough money to afford one, once I bought my roommates old car (huge upgrade from old car) I managed a manufacturing job making 15.00 a hour (USD) in a state that minimum wage is half of that, so im living comfortably, and I am saving up to pay off debt now.

>> No.1523667

Are those MG995s? How could it be too heavy for those, they can lift like 11kg.

>> No.1523751

I posted this question in ham/amateur radio but I figured cross posting it here would help get an answer. >>1523750

>> No.1523758

Same pretty much. Good luck tho bro!

>> No.1523863

Are the arduino ro mini clones from ebay 3$ china any good, or should i buy genuine?

>> No.1523864
File: 702 KB, 1233x714, Screenshot_2018-12-25_12-02-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've seen some sloppy soldering on cheap clones, but they all worked so far. sometimes the headers are not aligned perfectly which could make shields not fit. five nanos for 21 bucks is a good deal even if three are crap, compared to the arduino store at 22 bucks for one.

so, for me, the cheapos are fine. if money is no object, get the real thing.

>> No.1523931

Can't you just lock the fuse bits or something so the end user won't brick the fucking mcu?

That's exactly what high voltage programming means, you're not running 380v through the chip (which is funny btw)

>> No.1523932

The AVR ICSP needs to be able to reset the mcu in order to program it. If you disable the reset pin (i.e: use it as IO), then you can't program it with an ICSP ever again.

>> No.1523933
File: 266 KB, 1600x1600, testador programador arduino pro mini pogopin (2 of 2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're excellent, in my experience only like 6 out of 800 ever had any problem, and it's usually missing, tombstoned or upside down components. If you go to the Open Smart store on Aliexpress, they have a really cool pogo pin adapter for Pro Mini boards (pic related). If you're using the Pro Mini for actual "pro usage" (not unheard of), it's a god send.

>> No.1524283
File: 67 KB, 500x481, 61N5uHxQJGL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a family member bought me one of those chinese arduino kits for christmas
can I do anything interesting with these parts (listed in far left column)
the manual only goes as far as moving the servo motor
I don't know much about arduinos

>> No.1524291

Have a look at these:
Plus this from the /ohm OP:
>Project ideas:

>> No.1524479

Made the cases for those
Just in time

>> No.1524491

Dude. Thanks!

>> No.1524494
File: 3.10 MB, 4032x3024, 20181227_082906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have pic related. I wish to manually trigger a mouse click (conect 2 wires) and hold for a various amount of time from .25 to one second and then release. And i would like said mouse click to happen 4 to 288 times per minute at random for about 5 minutes and then stop for 10 or so.

The idea is to simulate my clicking on something on the pc to buy several thousand of 1 single item without clicking for 3 months. I will leave this run at home during work.

The numbers i pulled out of my ass. The only thing i know for sure is that it has to be very random and each click needs to be around 1 second long.

I can't code at all. Where the hell would i find a code like this or a guide? Could i just pay someone else to write it?

>> No.1524497

>I can't code at all. Where the hell would i find a code like this or a guide? Could i just pay someone else to write it?

unironically, reddit r/arduino is very patient with beginners and retards, so you could try to do it yourself, or offer to pay and they tend to do that as well

>> No.1524502

Buy a commercial product from a reliable company and have it professionally installed.

>> No.1524515

Shit. Well thanks anon. Maybe i can study some more and modify someone's code. I'm not above paying for it. It'll save me lrobably hundreds of hours a year

>> No.1524517


Actually I've been considering running block heaters. May as well just have a toggle wired to the car for ignition and a push button to start. Then i should be able to just turn the key on and unplug it?

>> No.1524586

Basically, copy the code here:
Then copy the delay code (and the rest of the syntax) from the "Blink" example, then get the random number generation from here:
and you're done. Put the random number generation and clicking in the loop so it continues to happen. Learning to code is for chumps.

>> No.1524709

Ok guys, so I started using this library here to make a small webserver on my esp8266.

From what I have googled it seems you can update the arduino sketch via web browser on the esp8266.

Is this true? I found this code in the readme about "firmware update" does that mean an actual firmware like nodemcu or is can it be .ino sketches?

server.on("/update", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){
request->send(200, "text/html", "<form method='POST' action='/update' enctype='multipart/form-data'><input type='file' name='update'><input type='submit' value='Update'></form>");
server.on("/update", HTTP_POST, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){
shouldReboot = !Update.hasError();
AsyncWebServerResponse *response = request->beginResponse(200, "text/plain", shouldReboot?"OK":"FAIL");
response->addHeader("Connection", "close");
},[](AsyncWebServerRequest *request, String filename, size_t index, uint8_t *data, size_t len, bool final){
Serial.printf("Update Start: %s\n", filename.c_str());
if(!Update.begin((ESP.getFreeSketchSpace() - 0x1000) & 0xFFFFF000)){
if(Update.write(data, len) != len){
Serial.printf("Update Success: %uB\n", index+len);
} else {

>> No.1524711

oh for fuck sakes I thought I was on /g/


>> No.1524718
File: 14 KB, 480x360, hm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got one of these kits and the one I got is pretty gud. I've already done some stupid shit with it like controlling a stepper with a joystick. And for your question just use a search engine for answers

>> No.1524719
File: 76 KB, 1280x720, scared.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mr. CIA man don't arrest me

>> No.1524737

You can delete posts, anon.

>> No.1524798

>you cannot delete a post this old.

Damn it. I was really just mad about the code tags not working.

>> No.1524961
File: 229 KB, 1057x418, 18-12-28_vivaldi_14-33-03_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it a bad idea to buy this
I want rechargeable battery functionality for cheap and this is as cheap as I could find, but it seems too cheap, as if it's not actually what I'm looking for

>> No.1524969


I can't answer your question, but if they can sell that for 30 cents, why can't they make a decent car for about 1000 bucks.

>> No.1524991

It's good, I think with an step-up you can then make an UPS

>> No.1525002
File: 276 KB, 444x435, 18-12-28_vivaldi_15-01-59_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wasn't sure about that one so I bough this piece by same manufacturer that was 15 cents more and had Boost Converter in the title
I'm trying to make a handheld console for as cheap as possible
I also bought 2 $0.50 8ohm .5v speakers, $1 audio amplifier, and a $4 2.4" screen
I already have the pi zero and the battery I'll take from an old phone, the casing I'll print myself

>> No.1525011

Too much safety bullshit and manufactuing is high

>> No.1525012

THANK U ANON! I will do this asap!

>> No.1525013

I dod the math. It's roughly 300,000 mouse clicks to 5,000,000 a month depending on what i am buying and selling. Fml

>> No.1525019

This is pretty good man. Im affraid it may be detectable tho. If i ran this exact signal to a servo and a microsqitch i could make it a physical click and inpossible to prove i was "cheating"

>> No.1525021

>It's roughly 300,000 mouse clicks to 5,000,000 a month depending on what i am buying and selling.

what kind of game believe that a person clicked 5 million times on something? what sort of real-world dollars would this bring you if it works perfectly?

>> No.1525032
File: 16 KB, 400x400, dummy-solenoid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd use a solenoid/linear actuator instead of a motor, that way you only need to turn it on for a hundred ms, the spring-return will pull it back once you turn it off again. But I don't think the mouse click code would be detectable as anything other than a connected USB mouse, if you're worried you can buy an old USB mouse, take it apart, and replace the left-click button with a correctly oriented transistor/relay that you power with the arduino.

>> No.1525036

Anticheating system often does check driver name if the sort of cheating they might encounter is some guy rigging up a rapid clicker.

>> No.1525039

In that case dissecting a broken/old mouse is the way to go.

>> No.1525064
File: 68 KB, 640x524, 1500671057455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-what's wrong with the HAL libraries, anon?
>t.someone who is about to attempt some I2C stuff using the HAL and probably wants to end up using DMA and interrupts but naively expects the libraries to work

>> No.1525067

The PICAxe was my way into doing microcontroller diy before I moved on to cheap Chinese Arduino and STM32 board clones for the same price or cheaper. I do like that you can get a microcontroller in the same form factor as a 555 timer though.

>> No.1525072


PIC >> Arduino everyone knows this

>> No.1525076

not the guy you replied, but this is true, all arduino is just making it easier to program the pic.

Hell even on uno you can remove the atmega32p chip after you uploaded the sketch and use it.

>> No.1525077

I've used dozens of these over the course of the last year, and they work great.

Be aware that they are only chargers, and not full BMS protection, but as far as charging goes they are great.

>> No.1525500

Hello! I'm making a MIDI controller using arduino that is going to have all the components (knobs, buttons) connected to a PCB on the front panel. The arduino is on the bottom panel. What's the best way to connect all these components to pins on the arduino? I would ideally love to have a single clicky cable that just snaps in the arduino. Can you reccomend an arduino shield or a different way to do this?

>> No.1525507

Is there anywhere I can buy sets of assorted mechanical parts, i.e. gears, racks, struts, to experiment with? I can't find anything except sets to make specific things or huge and expensive robotics competition lots.

>> No.1525547
File: 67 KB, 419x252, Screenshot_2018-12-29_11-43-45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


depends on the arduino. since you want a "clicky cable" I assume you have something like a UNO with female headers. you can buy a pack of male-male jumper wires and cut them in half, or you can buy a spool of 22 AWG wire and it will fit the headers.

actually making one cable with multiple wires can be done but if you are not plugging it repeatedly it's not worth the effort.

>> No.1525554

i already have a lot of those header cables that I got for testing it but I'm worried that if I leave them in they will fall out but I guess it's good enough

>> No.1525612

If you think that'll be a problem, go to walmart and buy a one dollar hot glue gun, then just glue the wires in place. If you want to change them around later the glue is easy enough to get rid off.

I know, >hot glue, but this is actually the sort of thing it's good for.

>> No.1525824


look into robotstreamer.com
you could setup your robot with a webcam and have people control it over the internet

>> No.1526593

>actually enjoy these threads
>can't go on arduino irc or forums to ask a question
>they instantly think you're doing something malicious or mock you for brainstorming.

Jesus christ I hate the forums/irc channel so much.

>> No.1526610

What kind of questions do you ask? I've never seen anything like that on the IRC.

>> No.1526611

Is it against the rules to put one of those RC tanks with airsoft guns on one of those streams? Should be easy enough to control one with arduino, and I happen to have an old Heng Long in the garage.

>> No.1526643

How are you asking the questions, can you be specific?
That happens at least every other day here on /diy/, not just with tarduino stuff.
I mean some OP asking something fishy or is real cagey and has bizarre requirements. And it's like talking to the fucking riddler to get straight answers out of them. So often it's either a) illegal or b) retarded/impossible
Like the other day someone was asking how to empty a container of water at the bottom of the ocean to make it buoyant, and stressed efficiency over and over. After 20 posts we realized they were trying to make a perpetual motion machine.

>> No.1526647


Its been a couple of years but here is some

>hey guys I noticed alot of wiring from guides have capacitors on + and - wire, whats the reason for that?
They would mock me and then make their own question in a mocking fashion
"hey guys why does negative on arduino go to negative on on battery, and positive goes to positive?"

Another was similar to the question above, I asked
>why is there a resistor bridging from + to - on a button, wont that cause a short?

This one was older question on the forums, and my thread got locked with a reason "malicious intent"

>hey guys I bought this magstripe reader, can I use it to write to cards?
This one I can see being a little malicious intent, but I never specified debit/credit cards so *shrugs*

I just google my shit now like I should've been.

>> No.1527345

>Is it against the rules
The site literally has no rules.
>except egregious shit, you know, like cheese pizza
anything goes (nudity, porn, swearing, etc.), so since you're on 4chan, you should understand

>RC tanks with airsoft guns
there's one streamer that did something similar to that already, so it's definitely doable and encouraged

check out the site owner's robot, by the way
he announces on the discord when he goes into the city to let the robot roam free and talk to people

>> No.1527427

>Bomberman clone

Thats cool as fuck anon. Please post source.

I am working on writing an asteroids like game to be played on an oscilloscope. I have a few primitive shapes that move, now I need to figure out what the fuck I'm gunna do about rotation. Without any fancy trig math all I can think of is having sprites that I cycle through.

New to programming and shit...

>> No.1527537

>Please post source.
>what the fuck I'm gunna do about rotation
You could implement your shapes in "polar coordinate system", meaning a shape is defined by set of lines across the middle, and each line is defined by two pairs of numbers, (angle, length) - (angle, length) from the middle.

To draw those is easy as

for line in linesOfShape do
YourLibrary.DrawLine(cos(line.first.angle + rotation) * line.first.length + offsetX, sin(line.first.angle + rotation) * line.first.length + offsetY, cos(line.second.angle + rotation) * line.second.length + offsetX, sin(line.second.angle + rotation) * line.second.length + offsetY)

Then you can easily manipulate the shape by adjusting the rotation variable (to rotate the shape) or the offsetX/offsetY (to move the shape)

oscilloscope will like that

>> No.1527547

> long arms

>> No.1527577

You don't need to do this with hardware, there are functions in the windows API that will send mouse clicks. I did this once to cheat in a mouse clicking "game"

>> No.1527589

How do you guys store all your components?
Just curious.

I have a small tackle box that was once used for fishing equipment but now it just holds transistors and other parts.

>> No.1527590

The IRC forums are full of unironic autists who have shitty people skills and are assholes to anyone who hasn't been there for a long time, don't sweat it.

>> No.1527651

I have two drawers just filled with items. All of which are needed but the complete chaos makes it look like trash

>> No.1527692
File: 57 KB, 800x801, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my garage I have a bookshelf full of assortment drawers like pic.

>> No.1527697

>How do you guys store all your components?

resistors are the hardest thing for me. I finally settled on about 8 values that do almost everything, and have individual drawers for each.

all the rest are in a huge ziplock bag, with baggies for Red, Brown, Black, etc., meaning the multiplier color.

another tuperware tray has all the power resistors, and I have drawers for the usual pots, 1k, 10k, 100k, etc.

>> No.1527698

I literally have that same organizer missing a quarter of the drawers, I got it for 25 cents from a reStore store. Im going to harbor freight, and picking up two of their organizers.

>> No.1527924
File: 800 KB, 3000x2000, qt314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup guys, I am back.
Right after christmas i was mad and deleted all my progress including literally everything i have worked on.
The good thing was: I had it already printed out.
Now i redesigned it, solved a few issues and I am back in the game. Went way quicker than expected.
Gotta setup a repository for that shit to prevent myself from deleting it again kek.

>> No.1527925

I bookmarked it. Since I wont use a raspberry for this one I guess (the wiring would get even harder to solve) i cant attach a webcam, but I could still make in controlable over the internet I guess.

>> No.1528023

my robot body is ready

>> No.1528232

robotics is a mechanical engineering discipline
can't prove me wrong

>> No.1528285

>i was mad and deleted all my progress

cool. you're mentally unstable like anyone who belongs here.

>> No.1528497

>How exactly do you use the NRF24L?
If on Arduino, take the nRF24l library, print it out, then take a shit on it and mail it to the autist who made that fucking abomination of an undocumented piece of shit.

Then get the datasheet and do your own thing. Good luck.

>> No.1528499

>If on Arduino, use https://tmrh20.github.io/RF24/

it's a pretty good library

>> No.1528557

That's exactly the piece of shit I'm referring to, unless they fucking fixed their documentation by now.
When I was using it, you needed to infer how the library works indirectly from the examples. And the examples had wildly different styles, making it even more confusing.

>> No.1528562

What's bad about this reference?

Looks pretty standard to me.

>> No.1528587
File: 2.37 MB, 1280x720, alive.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's alive!
Yes, the position of the leg on the front left is wrong. I'll fix that. But looks good for now

>> No.1528604


nice. will it ever do anything besides squats?

>> No.1528605

looks great! i expected it to move more sluggish.
do you use a library for the walking or are you doing everything from scratch? (that sounds super hard)

>> No.1528611

Tachikomas become real

>> No.1528648
File: 2.33 MB, 1280x720, leg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, lifting its leg lol. webm related
No I don't use any library. Right now I don't even have a real strategy how to get it walking. Gotta figure out the (inverse) kinematic. I just have to organize all the legs into a coordinate system and then do this I guess: https://makezine.com/2016/11/22/robot-quadruped-arduino-program/
Atleast that's the plan.
thanks :3
PS: good double number

>> No.1528726

holy shit

>> No.1528807


Often better to code in C with occasional asm() calls.

>> No.1528992

>What's bad about this reference?
It's been years since I used the library. I only remember how bad it was back then, not what the precise issues were.

>> No.1529007

>Often better to code in C with occasional asm() calls.

Are you referring to Arduino C++ with asm? I hate that because it's so different from AVR assembler which I am familiar with. Here's some Arduino C++ asm:

asm volatile(
"headC:" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[hi]" "\n\t"
"mov %[n2] , %[lo]" "\n\t"
"out %[port] , %[n1]" "\n\t"
"rjmp .+0" "\n\t"
"sbrc %[byte] , 6" "\n\t"

And now some ordinary AVR assembly:


rcall read_timer_1
andi r26,0x01

breq ret_197

rcall green_led_on
rcall yellow_led_off
rcall green_led_off
rcall yellow_led_on

Converting the relatively clean AVR code to that C++ crap is a major pain to me. So, when you refer to "occasional asm() calls" is it like that mess I just posted, or is it more similar to the AVR code I posted? I'd love to do more of what you suggested if it weren't so tedious and unreadable.

>> No.1529014

avr-gcc produces buggy dogshit with certain optimization flags enabled. I *wish* people like those guys understood avr assembly.
>How can you justify programming 3x longer at a minimum for a non-commercial product
The question answers itself, if it's a hobby (non commercial) then it's his business how he spends his time. No one needs to justify to some anon who pretends to care on the internet that someone else writes assembly.
Sometimes you really do need to concern yourself with cycle and instruction timing accuracy. Maybe you need to embed assembly for specific instructions where no library has been written for cut&paste stackoverflow code monkeys. Also tarduino and avr libraries tend to suck.
Most often you hear, these days, that compilers are "good enough." They really aren't. avrgcc is dog shit.

>> No.1529019

Just don't write assembler at all (if you are not on some very rare edge-case). Gcc is good enough nowadays, fren.
Writing asm because you only think it is better is retarded as fuck

>> No.1529076

I am trying to make a system that is pretty much a small scale under a mat, something reads in the weight, and when it is over a set amount it plays a sound through a speaker. My question is I want to hook up like 4 with as few parts and cost as possible. My friend told me to use 4 raspberry pis but I think I could do it with arduinos or even less. Would an Arduino be able to handle this and possibly controlling 4 at the same time or should I take one of the other routes?

>> No.1529081
File: 211 KB, 871x789, Screenshot_2019-01-03_09-31-15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sure, and arduino can do it. why do you need 4, do you have 4 mats? even so, one arduino can handle four mats if you want to simplify things.

>> No.1529083

Yeah we have one and want to hook up more and I don't want to have to get like 4 of the controller if I don't have to. If the scale I have is USB instead of the fsb, and the speaker runs off a normal 3.5 mm audio, I should clarify, could it run 4 speakers simultaneously, or would I need 4 microcontroller setups one for each speaker?

>> No.1529084


One arduino can read several analog signals and can easily create 4 tones. However, reading one or four USB devices is out of my league, arduino speaking, and would seem easier with raspberry pi. But as I said, ardunino/USB is not my forte, so let me bow out here and we'll wait for someone else.

>> No.1529120

You can literally just use a USB hub with arduino.

>> No.1529124
File: 74 KB, 745x473, Screenshot_2019-01-03_11-14-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can literally just use a USB hub with arduino.

any arduino, or just certain ones?

>> No.1529397
File: 2.35 MB, 1280x720, today.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one tiny step at a time.
Today i did a bit code generalization so that i can control all four legs with the same values (some servos just have a 180° turn). It's still a bit buggy, but most of it works.

>> No.1529404

Just got some stuff delivered. Basically making annoying noise

>cr2032 coin battery
>coin battery holder (desu I could've just soldered wires on the battery and saved 2 bucks, inb4 jew)
>new soldering iron, I was running low.

>> No.1529416

Writing a usb device stack for 8bit is absolutely tedious and a nightmare to debug without a logic analyser at least. (actually sealy clones are real cheap and great fun with e.g. Sigrok but wont like fast or full speed mode probably)
Never written a host for otg but give yourself a few weeks to understand the protocol its endlessly complicated.
If you have to ask stick with an rpi, one will do, if you want 4 usb devices and speakers via 3.5? Line out or headphones? How do the scales enumerate? HID? Serial port? I'm all for microcontrollers and keeping things minimal but rpi seems well suited to this based on how you are doing it.

>> No.1529482
File: 108 KB, 846x756, 74ls166.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't there a 74HC166 input module? You can chain as many of them together and read them faster than the Arduino can run

>> No.1529583

Ok so I created annoying buzzer to prank my co workers, and I added a 10 minute delay in setup(), but it seems to ignore it, is it because attiny85 is choosing to or is this intentional?

I added the 10 minute delay then im having it stay in a while loop and delays work fine in there..

Now that I think about it, I could've added the delay in my
function, and be stuck in the while loop there...

Here is the code, nothing special.

>> No.1529655

I'd say you have to examine the delay method. Not a arduinotard, but I assume delay might take argument in nanoseconds.

>> No.1529690

1000*60*10 = 600,000 = over 16 bits
Does delay possibly take a 16 bit int?

>> No.1529715
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I've been using them for a month now without any problems.
Very important to remember that the default charging rate is 1A unless you swap out one of the SMD resistors. Then it can charge at any rate you like.

>> No.1529721

Standard delay is in milliseconds.

If this is the case, then the maximum delay is 65535 / 1000 = 65 seconds, if my maths is correct. Better to do this if you want to do something else while waiting for the timeout:

>> No.1529727
File: 51 KB, 883x653, Screenshot_2019-01-04_07-44-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If this is the case, then the maximum delay is 65535 / 1000 = 65 second

ahem. there is documentation online AND IT'S FREE

>> No.1529753
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>> No.1529759

Multiple posts and an allusion to robotics being a mechanical engineering discipline. You wanna speculate on the shear strength of that plastic and the possible load that bot will place on it? I bet you its at least an order of magnitude.

>> No.1529760

>Multiple posts and an allusion to robotics being a mechanical engineering discipline.

I agree with everything else you posted, but what the fuck does this sentence mean?

>> No.1529762

There have been multiple posts in response to the ongoing updates complaining about the geometry in the same way.

>> No.1529764

it just looks retarded

>> No.1529767
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It's unlikely OP designed the frame himself. He probably got the design from thingiverse.com and printed it.

I agree with you though, it's a massive weak point in the design.

>> No.1530107


Not the guy youre responding to, im this fag here. >>1529583

Im still new with using arduino, but I didn't think about looking at the documentation on long, I thought I kept going over max on delay, and was focused on that.

I changed the code, a bit and have it be able to store 600,000 value using unsigned long.. So hopefully it will fix that.

>> No.1530125 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 600x598, tachikoma_copy_colored_by_brageca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no u

>> No.1530899
File: 147 KB, 1000x669, dsc0554qg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I built this many years ago but it was more of an art project and CAD/CAM exercise.

I couldn't afford anything beyond the $3 China servos so it doesn't have enough torque to walk. Hexapods get expensive fast.

>> No.1530913

What materials? I'm guessing acrylic, but some parts look more like aluminium.

>> No.1530917

Its a mix of acrylic and aluminum. The pieces are slotted to hold servo arms so that I didn't need to reverse engineer the servo spline.

>> No.1530966

>I couldn't afford anything beyond the $3 China servos
>uses CNC aluminium

>> No.1530972

Aluminium is cheap if you buy in bulk. He might just be grabbing leftovers from his work or something.

>> No.1530976

I was thinking more having a CNC machine in the first place, though I guess it could be one he can access at a maker space or his uni.

>> No.1531045

Costs get out of hand very quickly when you need 24 servos. A benchtop CNC is useful enough to justify its cost, whereas hexapods tend to be expensive showpieces.

>> No.1531050

A benchtop CNC can't mill aluminium.

>> No.1531110

They can, just not particularly well. If you want to make one yourself it actually isn't that hard, you need a 3D printer and a dremel. Design some stuff to replace the extruder parts with a dremel mount, and cut your aluminium 0.3mm at a time. It'll wobble, take ages, and your parts will look like shit, but trial and error to get the calibration right and five minutes of filing each part into shape and you'll be able to make parts like that hexbot. Get yourself a decent belt sander and you can even give them a nice surface finish.

>> No.1531118

>maker space
Is it just me or are these kind of scammy? Don't get me wrong, I like the idea, but the membership fees for the one in my city are so high that for three months of membership I could simply buy myself a 3D printer and any tools I need. If I wanted some metal cut it would be cheaper to just pay those Chinese companies to fabricate for me.

>> No.1531121

my local library has a "maker space" for free. Which is nice, they have a small sound studio I guess is whats it called, a little area for 3d printers, uhh and sewing, too.

>> No.1531131

Depends where you are, who's subsidising/fundraising, etc.

>> No.1531141

I've always thought about building one from an old warehouse or something and just having a $30 a month type deal. Probably have them sign a contract in case any of the users break equipment. I'd probably have it open 24/7 too

>> No.1531145


>> No.1531560

Even those little benchtop engraving machines can mill aluminium, it's a matter of reinforcing the frame by mounting it on MDF and sticking a bigger spindle motor on there.

>> No.1531567

Anyone ever used Unojoy here?
I'm going crazy trying to figure out why https://pastebin.com/9Dqi8UJZ doesn't work correctly but https://pastebin.com/gpWRmmNs does
As far as I can tell they should be identical, pin assignments aside, but no matter what I do with the first one the l1, l2, r1, r2 and select buttons don't work.
They're both default examples from the Unojoy source, with the SOCD cleaning added, except the first one didn't include the buttons that don't work and were added manually. The second one included them in the example, and works but I can't see why the first one doesn't and it's driving me mad. The controller works since switching to the second one, but I hate not knowing why. It's probably something simple I'm just too blind to notice.

unojoy.h for reference if it helps

>> No.1531650
File: 132 KB, 744x744, Untitled-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1531666

>not having an army of hexapods with dremel hands to cnc as a coordinated team

>> No.1531678
File: 247 KB, 1712x852, Untitled-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1531682

First one looks better.

>> No.1531702
File: 158 KB, 852x852, Untitled-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I refined it a bit. Do you prefer the previous or this one?

>> No.1531896

I can finally post again, fuck shitposting.
What's wrong with this? Sure, it is possible not as stable, but that printout is super rigid, even printed at 20% infill.
Anything else wrong except that it flexes too much? I might redesign it then.
PS: Yes, I designed everything of that myself, but sure, I looked how other people did it.
The only thought behind this construction was that it might save a bit of filament plus a tiny bit of weight

>> No.1531929

Make an U-channel for a sewage o-ring. This is a robot wheel, right?

>> No.1531979

Yes, that's the plan. I'll start printing once the o-rings arrive, I'm not 100% sure how stretchy they are and don't want to waste my aluminium filament.

>> No.1532006
File: 1.61 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20180524_142514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're very stretchy, like you can use a 25mm o-ring on a 40mm wheel

>> No.1532007

Oh. Fuck, I ordered 58mm o-rings for 60mm wheels, does this mean they're just going to fall off each time I turn?

>> No.1532013
File: 507 KB, 594x685, Screenshot_2019-01-07_09-56-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


did you print this part? it looks very high quality, particularly the thru holes look perfect.

if you did print this, what printer and material type? If I had that printer and material what else would I need, such as software and design tools. I kinda want a 3d printer but the 3d general seems to be full of fail and discouragement instead of successes like this.

>> No.1532016

Not him, but it's easy to get high quality prints even with cheap Chinese printers these days. It's all in the filament. Buy a medium price PLA, print it at 200C and between 50 and 60mm/s on a bed heated to 60 degrees and coated in blue painter's tape.
The basic softwares you need are a CAD and a CAM, same as any other prototyping. CAD is something like Solidworks of Fusion360 (this one is free for home and educational use), CAM can also be these softwares, but better ones are available for printing. Printer CAMs are called "slicers", and I prefer Cura, which is very simple to learn and has loads of good features. Cura has a feature called "ironing" that makes your surfaces look beautiful.

>> No.1532018

>I kinda want a 3d printer but the 3d general seems to be full of fail and discouragement instead of successes like this.
Because people don't post about their fifty good prints, they post about that one really tricky one. They also tend to use fancier and more difficult plastics. Stick to PLA and you'll have an easy time.

>> No.1532020


thanks for the info. I already have a small lathe and love working with electronics and motors, so a 3d printer could lead to some cool projects.

>> No.1532360

You know those cheap Towerpro MG995 servos? They're good enough for what I want to do, but only when powered by 6V. Can I drive the servo on a 6V power source but supply the signal from a 5V arduino?

>> No.1532369

To be honest that print is like a 4/10 quality wise.

>> No.1532593


In what ways is is horrible? Could you post a similarly complex part that is 10/10?

>> No.1532597

>complex part
That's not a complex part. It's flat, and has neither overhangs nor bridging. That round thing inside one of the boxes is a better example of a difficult print, but even that is quite simple.
For example of a difficult print, google search "3d printer torture test", you'll get stuff like https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2829553/makes these eggs, with examples of people barely churning them out, and people making really good ones.

>> No.1532601


If you read my post again you won't find any reference to complexity or difficulty, and I stand by my observation re the thru holes.

I agree those egg things look amazing.

>> No.1532605

If you look closely you can see little "gaps" between the lines that make up the surface, the borders and the intersections between the through-holes and the other surface. This shows that the plastic here didn't fuse properly, which makes this part weaker than it could be. It'll still be strong though, it's simply an imperfection. I reckon he needs to add maybe 5% flow overall, and possibly the nozzle temperature a few degrees.

>> No.1532881
File: 2.57 MB, 1280x720, happening.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit bois, it is happening.

I repeat: Inverse kinematic is literally happening right now.
Not the generic numeric version, but that's fine.

>> No.1532885
File: 923 KB, 1280x720, happening.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was even too excited to doublecheck the webm before upload lol.

>> No.1532899

When I programmed mine I just skipped kinematics because I thought they were too difficult. Mine uses offsets, IIRC it was -200 and +200 for raising a leg, +200 and -150 for lowering it, there's an entire cyclic function for each leg triggered by a bool, and it just sort of works. Robot can walk forward, walk backwards, turn on the spot, and tip over because I was a idiot and put the battery on top.

>> No.1532903

That was my first approach and I posted here a few webms of my robot even standing up. So basically nothing has changed.
BUT i just have to fix a few offsets now and then i should be able to make a statemachine of this: https://makezine.com/2016/11/22/robot-quadruped-arduino-program/ and it should walk just like that.
That's the theory. Will try that now/tomorrow.
I even have the master thesis from a friend here which solves the kinematic for arbitrary robots. But that's still a bit over my head.

>> No.1532907

>solves the kinematic for arbitrary robots
So you could for example make TARS from Interstellar with that?
Pretty cool stuff.

>> No.1532909

I don't know. It still has to be physically possible obviously. And since this is a non-trivial thing there might be a whole lot other constraints, but in theory you could (atleast i think that's how it was lol)

>> No.1532911

lmao just use a machine learning algorithm and have it learn to walk the most efficient way possible all by itself.

>> No.1532913

That's how you end up with a robot that doesn't even try to walk unless placed on a linoleum floor with a carpet three feet away.

>> No.1532915

fun fact:
there was a team at the 35c3 which had the same idea as I have now (as in building a cheap, rather big robot - atleast I think this will be my project when i get a small one walking), but they chose machine/deep learning as their approach.

PS: It's in german. There should be a translation though

>> No.1533000
File: 1.76 MB, 1280x720, math.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

webm related.

wtf, i love math now

>> No.1533025

It's terrifying, I love it
Put a couple weak red leds on the front and record it walking towards the camera down a hallway

>> No.1533026
File: 317 KB, 2000x1333, DSC00888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original white print lacks crispness and the top surface is lumpy - you can see where the extruder has traveled.

The attached print is very good from a cosmetic standpoint. It is 50x80mm sliced at 0.2mm. A flaw is that the corners have pulled in asymmetrically (most obvious on 4 narrow bridges). This could be a cooling, rigidity, or acceleration problem.

>> No.1533028
File: 357 KB, 2000x1333, DSC00890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are both sides of a print with internal features. These have some obvious flaws but still look better than the white prints. The metallic shimmer on this filament is extremely unforgiving.

>> No.1533031
File: 77 KB, 1024x576, gOukJ77bmQh4Mx-RTw___22Du0ba68PRiRDa-zOIhBg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those flaws wouldn't even be visible if the print had been made with ironing, like Cura supports.

>> No.1533034
File: 10 KB, 96x84, WL_ani_241.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1533405
File: 103 KB, 376x341, 1540518700779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh, is this from wasteland?

>> No.1533424

the wiggling leg of the robot reminded me of the wasteland ghoul

>> No.1533661

The good thing about ironing is that it closes the gaps between the walls and the top layers

Those look pretty fucking good

>> No.1533663

Thanks, yes, I did print that for a customer. I made one for myself too but I haven't finished it. It's a self balancing robot.

Homemade printer, local brand PLA.

I won't shill for chinese printers but yes they're pretty damn good nowadays. It took me months to get the prints looking half good, then a friend bought one from Creality and it his prints are perfect out of the box.

Fusion 360 is great, like that other guy said >>1532016
. It's what I use.

They might not be so tight

>> No.1533955
File: 1.88 MB, 1280x720, cool.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


PS: Yes, the image of the mouth is wrong. Seems like rows and cols got messed up. Just too lazy how to fix that rn

>> No.1534021
File: 3.85 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20181210_233309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does diy think of my arduino blink?

>> No.1534048

resistor too small/10
fucking waste of energy. kys.

>> No.1534070
File: 341 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20190110_175520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that, Werther's rules

>> No.1534083

Eating several in a row is dangerous, though.

>> No.1534092

It is? I'm halfway through a bag rn

>> No.1534095

>through a bag m
anon you ok? I told you bro!

>> No.1534098

I eat WO a lot and I've never had any issues

>> No.1534100

There's some emulsifier or binder or whatever the fuck that is commonly used in hard candies, gum, etc that coats my tongue if I eat a few in a row. Shit feels fucking nasty.

>> No.1534102

Do you eat the sugarfree ones?

>> No.1534103

No, artificial sweeteners don't do that. It's macroscopic chemical properties.

>> No.1534340
File: 569 KB, 3000x2000, IMG_6308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this kills the arduino. pic related

Got my new buck converters today but the robot wont work properly with it.
When I attach a usb cable to the arduino so it gets a perfectly fine external 5V it works, but with battery and buck converter only it doesn't and wants to kill the servos.

How 2 fix this issue? Tried caps, but they dont change anything

Will try an esp8266 now if this works. Maybe they are more resilent or something

>> No.1534342
File: 477 KB, 3000x2000, IMG_6310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

single capture

>> No.1534347
File: 43 KB, 800x480, f100_no_lights_on2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


if you have a flash drive you can get actual screen captures

>> No.1534348

oh nice.
Just got that scope lent from a friend a few days ago and this was literally the first time using it kek

>> No.1534442

whats a better project enclosure?
metal or plastic?

>> No.1534460

That depends. Do you want something super attractive? Brushed aluminium or lacquered wood. Do you want something simple to make and modify, light and tough? Plastic. Do you want something ultra light? Carbon. Do you want something ultra tough? Steel.

>> No.1534967
File: 7 KB, 230x178, gw-instek-gos-630-fc-250x250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best and most straight forward Osciloscope I can build with a Rasperry Pi 1 and an Arduino UNO

>> No.1534982

Just curious, what are you going to use your diy oscilloscope for?

>> No.1534994


mostly DC to 100 hz

>> No.1534996
File: 1.87 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20190111_144015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make audio equipment like this high pass filter.
I want to visually see the effects instead of relying on "this sounds good"

>> No.1534999

Just get a $20 DSO138 from ali

>> No.1535002

not me

>> No.1535024

You know you can record audio right?

>> No.1535034

Basically this. Use an attenuator dial, feed it into your computer's microphone port (with a large cap in series to prevent from back-feeding the phantom power), and look at the waveform in Audacity. You can also FFT in Audacity, which is pretty handy.

>> No.1535037

How about when I make 10 low pass and 10 high pass filters and I want to treat them all out without connecting speakers and recording them each and every time?

>> No.1535040

In not gonna feed a several 100w signal into my computer even if it's after an attenuator.
Those resistors are not for show I really want to analyse my audio frequencies before and after to see at what kHz I cut

>> No.1535072

In that case I'd use an ADC (or an arduino I guess), feed its serial output through a few optocouplers and from there to a (USB) serial interface. If your computer has a serial port that makes things easier. Using a parallel ADC and feeding that data back via your parallel port is also a potential option I guess, and a fairly simple one.

But a "100W signal" doesn't mean you're pumping 100W into your computer/ADC, amplifiers are voltage sources so a simple potentiometer or voltage divider will easily be able to split this voltage into 1/100th or 1/1000th of what it originally was. Use a digital potentiometer even, could get some nice autoranging.

>> No.1536177
File: 2.41 MB, 1280x720, ledsandleds.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys can't even imagine how fucking frustrating it is to build a robot (maybe some of you can). Murphy right into your fucking face.
Everything breaks. Everything cracks. Nothing works. You want to throw that piece of garbage away every fucking day. Though, it is worth it. Every minute of it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxGRhd_iWuE [Embed]

Still a bit unstable but looking a lot better. Simple inverse kinematics moves seem to work fine (turning by X degree without moving legs). Gotta fix my shitty hacker code and make something proper out of it.

>> No.1536211

kek, I totally lost it when it started the twerking/tail-wagging thing

>> No.1536230

why is the walking so dogshit? is it the inherit design of how you built the legs or is it your programming?

>> No.1536249
File: 2.42 MB, 1280x720, moarleds.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I made the easiest possible walking routine

Plus I didn't really calculate the coordinates that I need. I just tried them out via trial n error error/estimation.
Cleanup will be first before introducing a new walk. Also moar leds

>> No.1536399

Oh so its like dance robot? Cute. But you've failed by choosing 4 legs instead of 6.

>> No.1536414

>You guys can't even imagine how fucking frustrating it is to build a robot (maybe some of you can).
>I didn't really calculate the coordinates that I need

you dig your own grave anon. godspeed.

you are homosexual too? the robot is for bumming you? gay sex robot?

>> No.1536430
File: 268 KB, 1008x756, 20181116_141928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a bunch of servos and a spare Arduino. I think I'll try this.
Anybody got any recommendations for body/frame parts?
i don't have a 3d printer so i need a source of parts and pieces and can scarp together a custom walking bot

>> No.1536510

Just cut them out from a sheet of acrylic with a coping saw and some files.

>> No.1536595

Is this an OK Scope for a beginner?


>> No.1536614

Not for that price, get a hackable Rigol (I think it's the 1054z).

>> No.1536620

In my country these are practically the same price. Is there anything else (cheaper) I can get? It's mostly to look into pwm/digital signals

>> No.1536622

Same here. The point is for what you're getting, the Rigol is a far better deal. I'd get that UNI-T for maybe $200, no more. There's really no point in buying anything cheaper, either go for 2nd hand or a $25 single channel garbage scope if you can't afford the Rigol. Doing otherwise will be an unsound investment you'll need to replace eventually anyhow.

>> No.1536838

Good double, but four legs are superior, because more difficult
>>I didn't really calculate the coordinates that I need
>you dig your own grave anon. godspeed.
I'll definitley fix that. I just have no fucking clue about robots and wanted to get it walking. Now that I know I got the math correct, i will let it calculate all maxima/minima
>you are homosexual too? the robot is for bumming you? gay sex robot?
No, I am not homosexual. Was the first one i found on how quadruped robots walk. Literally. I mean there are a few more, but not that many.
I mean, you find more about the math like this (which i want to implement sometime. Not sure if it will be on this robot though):
But there are not that many papers about the actual walking stuff and makezine was the easiest. Pretty happy that it just walks (tm)

>> No.1536863
File: 2.43 MB, 1280x720, moves.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I am impressed by myself. The kinematics seem to work really fucking good. It can just do the moves i tell it to do

>> No.1536880

>Fuck, I am impressed by myself.

I suppose you didn't fail entirely, but it looks like a spaz in every vid so far. Will it always be herky-jerky or can you refine that?

>> No.1536884

I haven't looked into that, because i dont really care about it. I suppose you could fix that quite easy though, because I calculate the servo positions and then just hack them in instantly instead of incrementally going to their values (slowly).

>> No.1536896

is it viable to control motors with just an SN75411 or am I gonna need to buy a motor driver
searching how to do it just leads me to links to motor drivers and tutorials on using motor drivers, I don't have any motor drivers and if I order one it would take a month to arrive
I know this is a brainlet question I'm not good with electronics

>> No.1536917

Even if you move the servos slowly those particular servos will always be jittery jerk around. They're the cheapest of the cheapest servos available.

>> No.1536976
File: 15 KB, 402x358, 41G5vdszD5L._AC_SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I going to start a fire if I use one of these eurostyle connectors between a relay module and a power cable?

>> No.1537387

Why would you? It's just a normal screw terminal.

>> No.1537399


If you have to ask that sort of question you really shouldn't be messing with anything electrical. If you are really young or somehow grew up without learning the first concepts then perhaps there is hope for you, but this is like asking if it's ok to just pour motor oil on your engine and yet planning to learn auto mechanics.

>> No.1538525

>Why would you? It's just a normal screw terminal.
>this is like asking if it's ok to just pour motor oil on your engine and yet planning to learn auto mechanics.
>don't ask questions if safety's potentially involved
>don't learn anything
wow ur so smart how can i be like u

>> No.1538536

>bootyblasted two days later

>> No.1538567

I have a hercus PC300, which is classed as a bechtop CNC. and it's more then capable of machining even steel.

>> No.1538575
File: 417 KB, 320x180, Tachi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When your own creation literally starts Flexing on you
that little bots got an attitude, i can tell already

>> No.1538681

If you want to be super safe about it then check the datasheet to make sure it can handle the current, and then terminate your wires correctly. Crimped fork terminals if you are fancy, or bare copper if you are poor. Do not solder any wire that will be going into a screw terminal because the joint will creep and eventually burn.

>> No.1538683

>the joint will creep and eventually burn.
what did he mean by this?

>> No.1539084
File: 104 KB, 1008x756, 1547841261882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I've received all the items for the project and ready to start prototyping.

STM32F103 chip, a GPS module, a bluetooth module, a dc-dc, a 10-axis module (GY-91), and star of the project, the NRF24L01.

Going to make 6 devices like this into a mesh, each one should report geo position / rotation, and one of them will have bluetooth to pull the info.

>> No.1539087

>this robot builder gonna finna binna get yabba-dabba-doo-diddely dabbed on

>> No.1539091

>Going to make 6 devices like this into a mesh, each one should report geo position / rotation, and one of them will have bluetooth to pull the info.
Noice. What are you going to attach them to?

>> No.1539092

looks like something my sister uses when my dad is out of town

>> No.1539096

Going to mount them on airsoft """guns""". So the team would get a recording of what happened after the game, and also, the team leader would be able to accurately know where each fucker is.

I am also going to try to make a system when everyone would be able to mark points on the map by pointing the """gun""" on some target, then pressing a button. The idea being the device will transmit a location from which the point was seen, including angle to it. Once two marks that cross are received, the point of interest is placed using triangulation.

>> No.1539265
File: 53 KB, 800x800, 12324234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know what signal these canon IR remote shutters send out?

>> No.1539322

idk but im sure there a way to measure it

>> No.1539624

>send out

See if you can look on google for a fcc ID, if you can find one, and you can look up the specs on fccid.io

>> No.1539625
File: 958 KB, 3000x2245, IMG_6357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cleaned up my robot a little and switched back to esp8266.
Wiring is a fucking hell. Trying to finish that sweet robot for now and put it aside. Gotta make some nice controls though

I've seen that somewhere else, but this was the first one I could find:
I do think that I have seen arduino ones who do it with IR.
BUT you can always do that with those 2.5mm headphone jacks. It is a lot easier and cheaper

>> No.1539768

Hook up a scope to the ir diode and report back.

>> No.1539885

I don't own a scope. It's also that shitty design where the top is a big sticker.
I'll figure something out with an arduino, ir receiver and interups.

>> No.1539935

Then buy one. You can't do this without a scope.

>> No.1539994

Antitheft might prevent start so you may need to copy your keys transponder and hide in steering column somewhere.

>> No.1540025

Has anyone made a drone out of an arduino yet?
My wife got me an arduino for Christmas. I want to make a drone. A big one, one that can lift 200lbs so I can fly to work instead of walking a mile each way. I really don't care if I crash.

>> No.1540027

>$50 product on Amazon
>You should pay someone $200+ to snap it into place in half an hour.
Out. Just get out.

>> No.1540047

Yes, people have done done arduino drones.
Yes, people have made ones that people can fly in.
No, it's not a good idea for you to try this.

>> No.1541245


Solder will deform (creep) over time so if you try to make a mechanical connection it may slowly loosen to the point where it starts to heat and then thermal cycling will degrade the connection until it catches fire.

>> No.1541247

>uptown funk starts playing

>> No.1541263

It matches the tempo. What.

>> No.1541528

Could I strip a cat5 cable and use the individual wires as jumper wires?

>> No.1541560

Sure. They're usually solid wires too so you don't need to put a connector on them.

>> No.1541573

I've got some Cat 6 wires and they're stranded, not solid core, so conceivably they're not all solid core.

>> No.1541676

Is there a way to make a tone that lasts for less than a millisecond or at least make it last for something like 1.5ms instead of 2?
-t. Actual literal retard building a suicide device that needs preciseish timing

>> No.1541679
File: 1.30 MB, 1720x1077, 1527596832777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without writing my own function I mean

>> No.1541680

Yes and that would be possible with a microcontroller such as the major subject of this thread
Why do you need precise timing to kill yourself?
Also any tone you generate will necessarily have a minimum frequency. A 10khz tone that lasts 1ms will only have 10 cycles in the waveform.

>> No.1541684

>Why do you need precise timing to kill yourself?
Because I'm making a digital speedometer that doubles as a top speed limiter remover and I guarantee I'm going to die testing it. I know the speed input to the ECU is 4 pulses for every rotation of the front diff, and I want to send exactly 4 pulses to the ECU from an arduino so it doesn't freak out and throw error codes, and so the normal speedometer and odometer still works below a certain speed.

>> No.1541686

Actually I take that back. I know there's 4 pulses sent to the ECU, but I don't know if it's 4 pulses every time the diff makes a complete rotation or if it's 4 pulses per rotation.

>> No.1541703

What kind of cuck car are you driving?

>> No.1541712

Subaru Outback

>> No.1541723

>quadruped spider

>> No.1541763

Makes sense. Sure that's possible but you're going to have to write some code for that.
It's not terribly difficult... below a certain input pulse frequency, passthru the input pulses... past a certain pulse frequency (just below the speed limiter), generate your own pulse train.
But the part you'll have to concern yourself with is the transition period between passthru and generated pulse train, where it can be glitchy and you'll have to clean that up in software.
Maybe test with the car lifted, not on the highway.

>> No.1543642
File: 46 KB, 308x445, 17407478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the worst library and why is it Mouse.h?
Mouse.move(int x, int y, int wheel)
Except x and y are signed chars so only -128 to 127
>Okay I'll tell it to move 100
>moves 50 pixels

>> No.1543870

i also have this exact same drawer

>> No.1544444

Do you really need 3 servos per leg for a walking robot? I'm designing one and I think I can do it with 2 (one to move the leg forwards and backwards and the other for raising and lowering)

>> No.1544527
File: 26 KB, 480x360, hqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid Arduino question -
I've seen keypad tutorials, but I want a 'real' keypad - a nice metal one that has LEDs and/or illumination.
eBay used keypads seem reasonably priced - anything I should look for, especially with one that has LEDs? Most seem to have an 8 pin input, but is that what I'm going to need?

>> No.1544577

How do I add a RS232 port that skips the USBtoSERIAL chip in an Arduino Uno? It doesn't work, and it's pretty much a glorified 5V power supply for now

>> No.1544582

An arduino can decode any output if you can code for it well enough.

throw it in the trash and buy a new arduino for $2.50
that or reflow the solder on the current one and replace it, but I doubt you'll be able to pull that off

>> No.1544601


>> No.1544927
File: 191 KB, 2560x1400, Clipboard01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there some kind of PIC programming for idiots guide? I've never programmed anything before let alone microcontrollers and have no idea how to do anything in MPLAB X. I don't even know where to start. Like is there a syntax reference with all the commands I can use to do stuff?

I have a board with a PIC16F1619 connected right I think and a PICkit3 debugger as well.

>> No.1544962

>Like is there a syntax reference with all the commands I can use to do stuff?
for asm the commands you can use and what registers to write to and how to use them all depend on the specific microcontroller you are using.
read the datasheet for that specific pic.

>> No.1544964

Do I want to be using asm commands or is there something else? I don't even know what those are. Nor do I really know the difference between header, linker, source, libraries, and loadablesm and makefiles. Like I don't even know what folder to make program code in.

I also wasn't sure whether to use the mpasm complier or XC8. I picked mpasm but I don't really understand the difference.

There's a lot of reference material online but nearly all of it assumes some familiarity with programming and or microcontrollers. Nothing is written for people completely green to programming.

>> No.1545304


> nearly all of it assumes some familiarity with programming and or microcontrollers. Nothing is written for people completely green to programming.

Find a blinky sketch (or whatever gay name PIC uses) and make it work. Then add a tiny change and make that work.

mpasm is for assembly, which is fine for microcontrollers. XC8 is a C compiler and it's fine too, especially if you are gay. The sad truth is that you have to learn something to use a microcontroller, and it takes time. It's rewarding if you do it long enough to gain some proficiency.

new thread >>1521740
new thread >>1521740
new thread >>1521740

>> No.1545305


speaking of gaining proficiency, lets try that again.

really new thread >>1545302
really new thread >>1545302
really new thread >>1545302

>> No.1545307

>Find a blinky sketch (or whatever gay name PIC uses) and make it work

and here it is:


>> No.1545901
File: 55 KB, 600x600, esp8226_wi-fi_module_-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I bought one of these and noticed that when it runs in client node, it is not displayed on the 'connected devices' list on my router, even though it succesfully got an IP lease and issued some TCP requests. What the hell, I could have a dozen of them at home patched in some random chinese products, and never know they are connecting and sending packets over my network? This is some pure /x/ shit.

>> No.1546165

Such is the horror of IOT.