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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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152035 No.152035 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /diy/ I made a trench knife today in under 1 hour. Just wanted to say hello from /k/ I am just visiting. Oh and If you are wondering will my trench knife be used to "harm humans" no. No it will not. At least I hope not! I like to make homemade weapons /diy/ it is a bit of a hobby. 100% legal as well. Next I am going to work on a flammenwerfer. It is silly you can't have DIY weapons threads. So long as they are not banned I do not see the harm in knowing how to make weaponry.

My knife is not finished as you can see, it is made out of low carbon steel, I have not edged it yet and that is one of the reasons I am here. Any of you know how to sharpen knives? Oh and what kind of wood should I use for the grips?

>> No.152037

They're banned because it will devolved into solving talk or some idiot asking how to make explosives. Understandably, moot is a bit paranoid about such things.

>> No.152038

Apparently "zipgun" -> "solving". gg, phone.

>> No.152039


Thats stupid.

>> No.152040


Zip guns yeah those are a no, no.

>> No.152044

looks bad man - poor welds, wrong material and the design...

No point in sharpening it or ever using it, that steel is very soft and wont hold an edge. Best way is forging it out of tool steel, machining, heat treating & tempering, and finally - grinding.

You need to go for blacksmithing instead of welding if you want to make weapons.

>> No.152048


I made this for fun. Not to be of any practical use.

>> No.152049

toss it and at least weld a better one, dont bother sharpening it, makes it much more dangerous - as you said, not for practical use.

>> No.152052
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I was bashing it against the ground and the welds seem to have held up. I know its not that great. I think I might toss it then.

Most trench knives were made from whatever could be found though.

>> No.152055

so... how do you make explosives?

>> No.152058


I dont intend to bash, its good to practice. Next time use thicker material for the shank/blade. If you really want to try sharpening, then you should cut / grind an edge on the blade before you weld it to the hand guard.

If you can perfect your welds and get even some 4140 steel for the blade - you could have something very decent!

>> No.152063

difference between trench knives made in wartime and your piece of shit is that they had to make knives they would trust their lives to, not some shitty pathetic piece of metal with a handle on it you called a trench knife, kid.

>> No.152076

wouldn't be very long before that sad,sad blade popped off that handle and fucked you good, the handle and blade need to be of one solid piece or you risk that sorry weld failing after what i would thin to be not very long

>> No.152154


>2: Do not post instructions for how to make weapons or any device that might bring harm to a person. Think "Instructables" and "Make Magazine" not "Anarchist's Cookbook."

>Do not post instructions for how to make weapons

Yet, you have read this and you STILL post this sort of shit? Come one man. You start letting shit like this through and the flood gates will open and all we'll have is idiots wanting to make swords, boot knives, and other shit non-stop.

Saged and reported for breaking the rules and being a stepping stone for shit not wanted on this board.

>> No.152284


Well I am going to put it through some tests we will see if it breaks. I should have used oxy acetylene welding and not arc for such low grade carbon steel. Oh and this was all that was available.


Thank you for the tips. I will be sure to use a thicker material next time. Oh and I do make some good welds I was in a hurry to do this because I had other projects that had priority over this. I am sure if I would have taken my time this would have been fine.


Maybe, like I said I plan to test it more. I did some more tests today and it still held up also no cracks in the weld around the blade when I grounded it down with my dremel. I fused that baby to a thicker plate.


Bawwwwwwww! People have longbow threads on here. I plan to make one as well.

>> No.152286
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>> No.152289
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>> No.152291
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>> No.152295

>find mild steel
>do some horrible welds
>call it trench knife
>stab something to test it
>disintegration at a molecular level, except the piece that chops into your hand

but seriously, don't ToS him on weapons for this. this is...not a knife.

>> No.152296


Fight the power. I know guys in russia who have made those.

>> No.152299
File: 9 KB, 586x337, jap-emp-thats-a-knife..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is a knife.

>> No.152301

"Now there's a knife"

>> No.152321
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I see you've played knifey spoony before..

>> No.152322



Nicely played.

>> No.152324

Update: No surprise the blade broke. It was too flimsy like you guys said. I beat the ever living shit out of it though. I am goign to try a thicker steel for the blade. I am also going to use oxy acetylene welding next time.

>> No.152333


Eh, aren't most knives cast rather than welded together? I realize recommending casting is retarded given your probable circumstances but shit man, cut down on the welds involved.

>> No.152336


The knuckle piece held up to some serious abuse though.

>> No.152338

>a knife

enjoy failing every single time kid

>> No.152340


Try finding a more complete knuckle piece and then welding it at two spots along the base of the blade rather than at 5 places.

>> No.152341


I am not a kid. I am 21. I don't have a forge. I have welding gear though.

>> No.152344

>use oxy welding
>dont need a forge

you have the skill and knowledge of a kid regarding this subject kid. at least google shit before you make retarded shit.

>> No.152346


Thanks for the constructive feed back. I am looking at some cheep knuckles online right now. I noticed the knuckle guard is huge compared to old trench knives.

>> No.152348


Not OP, but let's see your work, hot shot.

>> No.152349

not even going to bother, im giving op advice on how to not make stupid shit and your here being a little brat, kid.

>> No.152352


i.e. I have nothing besides the theory inside of my head. Figures.

>> No.152353


I know this is not the conventional way to make knives. I am just using what I have available.

>> No.152356

Just a passerby, but you don't have to be a five-star chef to know that shit on a bun will taste like shit on a bun.

The whole "OH YEAH YOU DO BETTER" argument should died back in third grade, unless, of course, you are still in third grade.

>> No.152359

OP, your knife would probably be a lot stronger if you don't weld on it. That's going to create a stress riser when you apply bending forces to the blade. Make the front of the guard slide over or clamp over the blade and then just weld it to the blade at the back end.

>> No.152365


Can you post an example? Thank you.

>> No.152370

stop putting words in my mouth. its not just theories, do some research for yourself before oyu try and sound like a tough guy, kid.

>ITT op decides to make something before doing research and makes something shitty.

>> No.152378


With that material, you probably could make a damn nice trench spike, but that metal won't hold an edge, and those welds WILL eventually crack under stress.

>> No.152381

1. Get a steel that can hold an edge. Old files or coil springs from cars work fine (the spring probably needs to be forged to fit your needs).
2. Make as little welds as possible. If you can, reheat the welds and give them a good pounding with a hammer.
3. Learn something about heat treating, get your blade soft (heat to ~800° celsius, cool down slowly (the slower the better)
4. Grind the blade to desired form. Don't use a Dremel, if the steel is not hardened a metal file works faster and better.
5. Harden the Blade. Heat it to a cherry red (again ~800 celsius, depends on the steel you use) and quench it in Oil (Water works too, but there is a much greater risk that the blade will crack and become unusuable).
6. Clean the Blade and remove the black stuff so it is nice and shiny.
7. Put it in an oven at ~200° Celsius for 1-2 hours. The color of the metal should be slightly yellow.
8.Sharpen your blade

>> No.152391


Great information thank you.

I was looking at some fixed blades and saw how they put them together. Thank you.

Any links to homemade forges and the like?

>> No.152397

BTW you can get a better hardness by quenching in a solution of brine and dish soap. Trufax.

>> No.152401


Interesting. Thank you!

>> No.152410

you don't necessarily want the hardest blade possible. A sharp cooling will likely produce cracks in the blade, hence i recommended using oil. For most uses the hardness reached with oil hardening is enough for most uses. Most of the time the blade will still be harder than most commercially bought knifes. And don't forget that annealing will also reduce the hardness, but it is necessary, or else the blade will break like glass.

>> No.152429

Look carefully at the knife you posted here:

The blade probably has a shoulder on it where the guard starts, forming a tang. The guard and handle slide onto the tang up to the shoulder and the tang is peened over on the end to keep the guard and handle from sliding back off.

>> No.152430

ugh, okay. aiding and abetting. Go buy a kitchen/steak knife with a full tang blade. drill out the rivets on the handle so you have just the blade. get a couple of small sheets of thicker steel...I dunno what measurements, just not sheet metal. draw the knuckle duster in sharpie...clamp both togethers, set your oxy up to cut, cut both out at the same time. Drill for the rivet holes. make a sandwich out of old handle/dusterhalf/blade/duster half/old handle. Bolt it all together with heavy duty carriage bolts. Done.

>> No.152495


Thank you all. This is just for collecting and fun purposes no harming or hurting anyone. Great ideas and great information. I think I got it now.

>> No.152507

>1. Get a steel that can hold an edge. Old files or coil springs from cars work fine (the spring probably needs to be forged to fit your needs).
i think you mean leaf springs, coil springs would be worthless for a knife as its basically a coiled rod...
also to op, if you plan on ever using this knife like i said, your gonna get fuced with a two piece set up, the guard can be welded on but the handle and blade NEED to be of one solid piece

>> No.152855

No, i meant, coil spring. Thats why i added you might need to hammer it into the right form. The important part is that the steel is good enough for most uses as a knife, and it is easy to get. If you have leaf springs, they would need less reshaping, but leaf springs are also slightly bent, so they need to be straightened with heat and a hammer.

>> No.152937

This looks bad and you should feel bad.

5/10, troll again.

>> No.152938

>I am not a kid. I am 21. I don't have a forge. I have welding gear though.
>I am not a kid.
>I am 21.

This is my favorite troll thread. I like you Captainslav, you're retarded in the most amusing ways.

>> No.152940


Leaf springs are better. Easier to work with. Why would you send someone after coil springs when you can work with something that's already got a good shape for your purposes? Both need reworking, but one takes much less effort than the other, shaving hours off of your work time and lowering the chances of fucking up.

>> No.152961

You are right, but i have only managed to get old coil springs and i so i simply forgot about leaf springs.
Also if you don't heat and hammer the steel repeatedly (forge it), there is a risk that it retains some tension if you don't know your heat treating resulting in a warped blade after hardening. The forging normally erases all former tensions in the steel.
The fucking up will most likely happen in the heat treating process.

>> No.154486

You really spent an hour, made some thing that damn shitty?

I rather take a lawn mower blade, craft that into a knife, least it will do better, actually look a lot more decent.