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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1508020 No.1508020 [Reply] [Original]

>Neighbor spends hours raking and bagging leaves, takes him three weekends to get it all cleaned up

>Be me

>Crank on leaf blower and spray all my leaves into the street in 10 minutes where they get blown onto his lawn eventually by the wind

>> No.1508028

>be a loser

>> No.1508032

I'm an intellectual sir

>> No.1508040

lawn-care was a mistake
ridiculous way for humans to spend their time and energy
this is why the aliens don't come down and introduce themselves

>> No.1508049

you friggin dandelion gardeners ruin things for the rest of us, take care of the shit you own

>> No.1508057

Composting leaves are insulation until snow comes. In a sane society we would mulch them and leave them be.

>> No.1508063
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>finally get around to bagging leaves
>find 10 big logs of dog shit hidden away in the leaf pile
Fuck boomers and fuck nigs

>> No.1508085

>Use lawn mower with bagger
Ta-fucking da. No stupid attachments or accessories or bullshit toys

>> No.1508087

It’s what you do when you can’t stand your wife.

>> No.1508139

Neighbor piles leaves 5’ high into the street. Local no goodnick butthole drives through-Assburger face.
Plot implemented. Drag out 40 year old thruster bike and cover with pile.
Oh no, what happened to your foxbody bruh?
Ear rape him when I take off in the pocket rocket.

>> No.1508153

Put cinder blocks in pile

>> No.1508571

>don't have leaves to get rid of bc no treas

>> No.1508575


It's why nature created Sheep, they're grass powered lawnmowers.

>> No.1508596

lmao in the end you are just slowly donating your lawns biomaterial to your neighbour.

>> No.1508677

>leave them be.
you know we can all see what you did there.

>> No.1508679

heheh, this makes perfect sense actually

>> No.1508688
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>tfw covered all my grass with cardboard so it died
>lawn is now a field of naturally appearing herbs and flowers
Fuck grass lawns.... and FUCK boomers

>> No.1508700
File: 1.03 MB, 772x817, delaney_tarr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the natural herbs and flowers are nice, but why kill the grass first?


>> No.1508703

It will suffocate everything else, exept very high level plants. I want an equal chanse for all

>> No.1508729

Asshole neighbor throws his crap in my yard.

Cops show up later to arrest him for narcotics.

Judge adds extra 6 months for frog posting.


>> No.1508736

Who is this OP? It seems like he might be new to this board. I keep seeing threads posted with this same picture and some greentext vaguely pertaining to /diy/.

Here he is using "boomer" which as I understand it is one of the terms /pol/ is trying to push to get people to self and argue

Here he is again

There's something going on in here, and I don't like it

>> No.1508752

/Diy/ is one of the easier boards to troll: it's full of older guys that didn't necessarily come here from /b/, and we actually try to help people here. We're too trusting. If I were to guess, I'd go with at least half the threads here are bullshit.

>> No.1508769

>Neighbor spends hours mowing lawn and bagging leaves all summer and fall
>spends tons of money on fertilizer etc
>my lawn is local wildflowers and what not
>mow it twice a summer
>everyone hates me

>> No.1508792

just mow them up.. tons easier

>> No.1508819

I feel like this is more of a probing operation. Like they're finding out what we respond to. There's another frogposter that keeps making threads about building a house. I don't want to write him off so soon, but used to be rare to see pepe on /diy/

>> No.1508843

>It’s what you do when you can’t stand your wife.
if this is my future, please just kill me now.

>> No.1508845

>"boomer" which as I understand it is one of the terms /pol/ is trying to push to get peopl

boomer hate is an old thing. It's just trending post trump election ( because we know you fuckers voted for him ) + 24-7 ragging on millennials. Boomers are their natural enemy. Also boomers are going from peak power to "old person in nursing home".

As a gen-x, I promise to help mulch all the boomers when the time comes.

>> No.1508847

The boomer meme is different. They talk about 20 year old boomers.

>> No.1508910

Thank you based gen xer

>> No.1508918


>first post on /diy/ wanted to see if this is a shithole

he is talking about inconsiderate baby boomers who let animals shit in other people's yards and don't pick up for themselves because their whole life they've had other people do shit for them. the level of irony that he's saying it at... who fuckin knows

desu it's just a reality of internet life. just remember the golden rule and this board will survive: don't feed the trolls. the only way to kill a troll is to starve them with being logical and unamusing. if you get emotional and start crying about it they'll realize there are keks here.

>> No.1508921


there is no such thing, those are millenials. he could possibly be retarde

>> No.1508934

I believe that is what the kids are calling a zoomer these days.

>> No.1508941

Yeah, that is part of the evolution of it. I don't know anymore though. I think I lost a bit of my brain when the phrase DankMemes became used unironically. That was the last little bit of soul I had, and it got vaped away at that moment.

np. guilty enough that we played our part, have known shit is fucked up, but too scared / doing web IPOs / heroin to do anything about mommy and daddy. We're like the older brother who had a drug problem, and didn't do anything about alcoholic dad beating you all the time. so. sorry bout that!

>> No.1509090


>> No.1509813

Now I understand why my grandpa is always mowing the lawn.

>> No.1509816
File: 817 KB, 800x800, pepe (15).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lawn was taken over by ground ivy 5 years ago
>don't have to mow it since it doesn't get tall
>only mow it when neighbor is having a party outside since I know he is allergic to it

>> No.1509884

I'm a millenial but hot damn everyone here should be pushed off a cliff

>> No.1510116

>everyone hates you
Basically cause youre being a nigger and driving property values down.

>> No.1510132

>Here he is using "boomer" which as I understand it is one of the terms /pol/ is trying to push to get people to self and argue
iirc /pol/ hates the 30 year old boomer meme

>> No.1510269

I wholeheartedly agree. I bought my house a little over a year ago and there are two boomers on a few houses down that don’t pick up their dogs shit.

At first when I’d cut the grass I’d be on the lookout for land mines. Always pissed me off to no end. Especially when I have my own dogs shit to pick up (a lab, so some of his dumps are massive).

Boomers hate on millennials constantly for being lazy and all this bullshit, yet these two fuckers feel it’s okay to have me pick up their dogs shit. Downright disrespectful.

This has all stopped after me and my wife would go out and find a load of dogshit on our property and kindly bag it up, along with a massive load from our lab, and slap the shit down in their driveway. Aside from a few one off instances here and there we’ve been shit free.

>> No.1510450

>39 replies



>> No.1510451

Should be mandatory garden or let others garden.

>> No.1510452

>no stupid attachments

You fucking faggots. I'd salt my yard and rock it if my wife wouldnt cut my dick off.

Still considering it.

>> No.1510455

Not trespassing with a cooler and a john deer mower 1.5 miles through the woods over a sketchy /diy bridge to a /diy stair crossing over barbed wire fence to bros shop to avoid nagging.

...do you even married bruh

>> No.1510456

>have to ask homeowners association if you can mow or plant a flower.

No cucking thanks

>> No.1510457

>he doesn't bprrow goats.

They even trim the trees you faggots. And i dont have to take care of them after!

Bonus points for fainting goats borrowed

>> No.1510458



L2 garden

>> No.1510460

Oh more than that. And 0 fucking mods. This troll cuck op has over 40 replies.


Hurrrrrrr how do i get a screw out

What is this pipe

Ima dig a tunnel. And no tunnel appears.

General fucking faggotry abounds here. Im fucking out. Bye faggots

>> No.1510463


If we have to suffer then so do you. Get pussy while you can and don't even pretend you are interested in getting married. Even to your girlfriend of 23 years. Fuck getting married

>> No.1510464


If you wanna help dont buy better nicer mower. Buy headge trimmers and help plant the fuckers. Get some fruit trees he can take care of. Etc...

>> No.1510465


I was thinking hot wire but gg