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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 6 KB, 250x106, Current s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1503895 No.1503895 [Reply] [Original]

What are you working on? Are you making a bad ass knife? Breathing life back in to an old bronco? Fingerboxes? Post it here, show off your work!

>> No.1503900
File: 1.79 MB, 2560x1440, JD de vhc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll post some progress from my shenanigans this summer. I converted a 50+ year old FFA barn in to a garage.
Pic taken after metal was removed, and started jacking up and replacement of main posts

>> No.1503903
File: 1.71 MB, 2560x1440, Sdtghnmjfc54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brought back to grade, overheads framed up and getting ready for concrete

>> No.1503906
File: 1.69 MB, 2560x1440, Knvfd18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concrete poured, carport framed up, walls studded

>> No.1503908
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More framing, all this hard work is about to get covered up

>> No.1503909
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Roof on, ready to start wrapping and finish metal

>> No.1503911
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Metal installed, insulation and wall boards in progress

>> No.1503916
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And current state. Started hanging metal ceilings yesterday. Was quite time consuming cutting-edge around garage door openers and wiring up flush mount lighting as I went. Pic from carport

>> No.1503918
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And the inside. I've got another full day of lids, a lot of paint, and I still have to lay up a chimney. I'm getting very close.
Your turn /diy/, let's see what you guys have cooking!

>> No.1503975

Fixing an old water damaged IBM model m
Seems a path somewhere is cracked
Jesus they should have kept using model f PCB circuits

>> No.1504048

Looks comfy and well done anon. Actually I'm not doing much besides uni work but I hope to fix my car during Christmas break.

>> No.1504061
File: 27 KB, 500x500, stora-loft-bed-frame-black__0379847_PE554889_S4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm trying to design a loft bed so I can compact the shit in my room to make space for a power cage while fighting depression. I'm unsure if I should make the corners with 4x4 or two 2x6 at an angle. I've got basic tools, like a table saw, skill saw, router, etc etc but I don't want it fancy. I just want it solid. If I used 4x4 I could cut out..uh..notches at various points along the corner posts so that some support boards would fit into and make it all look flush and neat, but a lot of my tools I mentioned earlier really struggle to make straight cuts and I don't know how to fix them. Also kind of poor at the moment, and while I can expense the cost of some lumber, I really don't want to throw a lot of money at fixing the tools just yet.

I'm a 6'2" 230 lb dude. I'm on a cut again and dropping the weight, but I'm worried that the boards might not hold me. I really don't want to drop and destroy my computer. I have a tendency to overenforce things, and my friends call me a dwarf because of it. Fuck em, I love the feel of a solid ass piece of furniture.

>> No.1504064

Wtf dude just chuck the bed on the power cage and bolt that fucker on.

>> No.1504065


At first I laughed, but now you've got me thinking anon

>> No.1504218

4 day vacation from work. Today is the last day. Didn't do much besides for work on my work room. I live in an apartment so i cant do much to how I want to set it up. Got my shelves up and filled and tables set. Still got to set up my soldering equipment and a computer in there.

>> No.1504220

So fuckin jelly.

>> No.1504221

Dont do it inside! Waste of money and echos bad

>> No.1504387
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I think a waste of money would be trying to heat an open loft. A few years back I hung metal in a friend's shop, and he's set up like me with insulated walls with OSB and metal ceilings. The echo is not an issue with his, but I do have more area. Either way I'll deal with it considering I've got over half of it installed already.

>> No.1504454

Oh. Well shit.i think insulation and wood would have saved you some effort but you're in it now.

Been in 2 shops and a shop style resturaunt we built where we had to sprayfoam it after because of the noise.

>> No.1504587
File: 19 KB, 600x270, 004-009-8651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to start work on a pipe(like, tobacco pipe)
I have a 2x4 of some hard wood but I'm not sure what to make the stem and mouthpiece out of, any suggestions? I'm debating between making the pipe and stem all one piece, or doing it in two seperate pieces.
And i was wondering what kind of finish would be good for it? I don't want it to be bare wood.

>> No.1504612

Use a plastic ink pen for the stem? Heat it up and shape it? I clear bick would look sweet if you crammed an led in the pipe

>> No.1504641
File: 531 KB, 4160x3120, 20181119_131700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making staked chairs to match my staked dining table. Steam bending the chair back (hard to tell from the pic but it's a curve that hugs your back) was a masssssive pain at first but after making 4 of these dudes I think I've gotten the hang of it.

>> No.1504642

god dammit

>> No.1504769
File: 65 KB, 1080x608, 1543286303458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is one i did the other day. Now I am building a real sybian.

>> No.1504950

LOL! nice work bro. They are so fucking expensive i considered building my wife one.

When you get it nailed down post a tutorial if u want

>> No.1504995


>> No.1505129

Cool idea, pass on the LED but I like the idea of shaping my own mouthpiece from a bic pen.

Does anyone know if there's any issue with using a simple hardwood instead of briar?

>> No.1505745

i bought a model m a few years ago for $100. Came really dirty and some jackass told me you can clean it out easy in the dishwasher. Never worked right after that

>> No.1505840

Not sure if this counts as a project but I'm teaching myself how to braze aluminum with an oxyacetylene torch.
I'm also rebuilding an X-Y table I got off an old ultrasonic mill for use with a drill press. Both projects have been in limbo for a couple days due to time constraints/injury

>> No.1506095

I have the same problems (except I'm not 6'2" but 5'9"). It would be nice to buy a pre-made solid structure (I'd happily go for a metallic one, if existed) and then work to add the bed and fittings.

>> No.1506133

Did you microwave your iPhone to charge it as well?

>> No.1506148
File: 2.48 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20181125_233658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on a potato cannon that makes 5 ignition Sparks at the same time.

So far I just need to glue the fuel injection port and it'll be functional, but I haven't figured out how to attach the trigger to make it ergonomic.

>> No.1506605

There is no easy or good looking way imo. I just used a roll of electrical tape and a 15 dollar universal propane grill ignitor from lowes

Good luck tho and post results!

>> No.1506606

It may crack?

>> No.1506777

Anyone know what the electronics in ecigs are called? The chip with a display part.

>> No.1506789

nevermind, found one


>> No.1507168

That works for charging the newer models, but if the thing got wet, you need to drop it in a bowl of rice and then microwave it.

Bonus part is you end up with a dry, charged phone AND some rice krispies.

>> No.1507171
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>> No.1507175

You never did spoonfeed it to me

I forgot what I even asked, but people just bitched and moaned rather than posting something informative and useful.

>Here comes the train!
>Chooo!!! Choooo!!!!!

>> No.1507699
File: 460 KB, 3378x711, 0F6AC291-ACAE-4A8F-B660-940DF70FA4DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my latest knife

aluminum/copper/burned maple/superglue

steel is some stupid hard waferizer knive out of a sawmill

>> No.1507851
File: 2.73 MB, 4032x3024, 1A5A05D4-445C-40E9-A3DD-75065C41D695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, good job anon.

I would go 4x4 just so you have more ‘meat’ to anchor your horizontals into. It’ll resist twisting more than 2x’s tacked together.

Hella /diy/. Post pics of the XY table.

That profile is sexy AF.

I just finished this little quad for my kid. It was some ugly pink/purple Barbie thing. I dropped in a fat new 24V batter and put in a motor that’s 4x the power of the original. My 3 year old can barely hang on lol.

>> No.1508108
File: 127 KB, 1500x1069, 71si-ppTOZL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna go to the hardware store and build pic related soon for gayming

People actually paid $200 for some shit this due literally has laid out to recreate. Guess people who play sims have more money than sense

>> No.1508798
File: 1.41 MB, 2592x1936, 71E9DBA1-9B95-48B6-8B93-DEFA5999C750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grabbed a Dewalt air compressor out of a job site dumpster. Manifold was cracked, regulstor shot and the gauges didn't work. Fifty bucks in, I have a good, working air compressor.

>> No.1508947
File: 430 KB, 1060x723, 20181204_162941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm working on my loft bed right now. I have acces to my school tools workshop(currently in last year of HS). I used 70x70mm posts for tye legs on my bed. You could probably use reinforced mortice joints like pic related if you don't have access to tools or machinery.
Also ensure you have proper clearance, they're called "loft" beds for a reason.

>> No.1508978
File: 1.48 MB, 1280x960, 6c12d2f8-aa68-46b0-8f74-73afba8c42e6-1280x960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old Highschool project I have yet to finish, will hold a hand gun someday. Would love a red back with some leds displaying contents.

>> No.1508990
File: 32 KB, 1184x720, received_375128349897693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this sideboard as my first real project ever. Has some flaws but overall turned out absolutely great!

>> No.1509501

I'm about to make a desk for my computer. Just got the wood earlier, will post pics tomorrow night when done.

>> No.1509511

Depends on the wood, might affect the taste. Cherry and maple are ok though

>> No.1509627



Well I was going to but people started freaking out about it. never visited this section so didn't know that was frowned upon here, who reads the damn sticky crap on this site. Anyways I build stuff all the time but this was the first "sex toy" but she loves the hell out of it. Ok I'll post a vid later. Mods if you object just take it down and I meant no offense but it seems tame to me. Innovation of any type should be encouraged as long as im not showing my balls or some stupid shit.

>> No.1509705

You can always post a video on /gif/ and crosslink it here

>who reads the damn sticky crap on this side
The FAQ has instructions how to crossboard link by the way.

>> No.1509755

You sound like a fun dad

>> No.1509804
File: 29 KB, 1080x649, IMG_20181202_125507_110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My last wood decoration project

>> No.1509928
File: 161 KB, 1080x554, Screenshot_20181205-195440__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turned this ugly 1970s furnace into gravel, fucking thing was built like the Führerbunker, some 4 metric tons of shit including reinforced concrete

>> No.1509930
File: 2.48 MB, 4608x2592, IMG-20181205-WA0032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here after some days of sledgehammering and jackhammering. Sadly the floor beams are rotten through so I'll have to replace the floor entirely. Probably insulate it and pour concrete, nice chance to install floor heating.

That weird piece of wall cannot be removed as it is supporting. It was once a whole supporting wall but it was removed at some point in time and replaced by an I-beam resting on its remains.

>> No.1509988
File: 2.78 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20181206_014510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this and I'm damn proud of myself

>> No.1510006
File: 1.43 MB, 2457x1721, 20181205_105941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DIY solder station kit

>> No.1510008
File: 1.11 MB, 2541x1545, 20181205_173454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and here is the completed soldering station.

>> No.1510050
File: 3.33 MB, 4160x2336, 15440559297721352281461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished welding everything together for my Home made plate bender (press brake?).

Last part is picking up the 1/2 in drill bit to put mounting holes on the bench. I'm pretty happy since almost all the material came from the scrap bin at work so materials were free.

Got the idea from Colin Furze on YouTube to make my own. Felt good planning, drawing, itemizing, prioritizing, and finally putting together this beast. Cant wait to use it with schematics that requiring bent plates.

>> No.1510056
File: 3.51 MB, 4160x2336, 1544056203341283776279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoping I can bend another of these flat plates you see in picture one, into something like this.

Its .135in steel. This one was bent with vice clamps and a sledge mostly. With some sort of harness system I want to fool around with making a ballistic plate.

The primary purpose of the press brake will be 16gauge steel though.

>> No.1510061
File: 3.22 MB, 4160x2336, 1544056555496384597358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredibly modest set up but I finally have a house so I built the work bench from scrap lumber at work and bought the drill press for 50$ apparently new.

The cross slide vice was my grandpas and was refurbished since it was rusted shut.

>> No.1510069
File: 3.88 MB, 4160x2336, 1107181842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the cross slide vice before I started refurbishing it. Nothing moved or opened due to rust.

Vinegar soak, ratcheted off the turny bits, smacked free the slidey bits and sanded with a DA pad. Oiled and put back together functioning.

>> No.1510190
File: 1.23 MB, 2592x1456, shed1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Setting up shed at new house.
finally a concrete floor.

>> No.1510265

Nice. Very unusual fixture. Do you have it on a dimmer? Some color-change LED lamps would be cool too.

>> No.1510277

Awesome workshop. All it needs is a fridge full of adult beverages and a large wall mount tv! Is that a Toughbook I see?

>> No.1510286

>wall mount TV
At least once a week I debate picking up an extra cable box for my garage, but I won’t do it because I will end up sleeping in there. I’ll stream stuff on my phone or Kindle, but I need some motivation to make it to my bed or couch at 2am.

>> No.1510311
File: 1005 KB, 2072x1548, deck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today I'm going to finish building a deck on these pallets on top of my shitty old overgrown patio. I've already leveled the pallets using some crushed gravel and pavers, now I just need to add the 2x4 skeleton and cover with the boards.

>> No.1510316

Thanks. No they're not on dimmer but yeah remote controlled leds would be great.

>> No.1510326

You designed the PCBs from scratch and everything?

One day I want to be just like anon... except still able to get pussy.

>> No.1510440

Currently trying to tie a noose from 2 show strings amd some bed sheets. If i fuck up i drop into the gulf of mexico and die slow.

What do

>> No.1510441

Living the dream bepcuck

>> No.1510443

Why don't you start withblearning to get pussy and we'll move to making pcb after you get inside of a vag or 2 huh?

>> No.1510516

Why even learn the first part? Not like ai need to learn to find something when it shows up on my doorstep.

Now how do I PCB?

>> No.1510525

No, it is a kit that I bought from banggood.com.

>> No.1510645
File: 1.22 MB, 2560x1440, Ljfssgvcxg2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ceilings are finished

>> No.1510646
File: 1.24 MB, 2560x1440, Ohdssfvnfxgv5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I need to borrow a temp heat source so I can finish painting

>> No.1510696

When it smells like you have a gas leak don't worry. I always paint with blue flame heaters mounted up. Smells like a gas leak for a week. I even bought a gas sniffer. Fumes act funny while it cures

>> No.1510697

And ot looks damned good btw. So fucking jelly

>> No.1510698

Lol. Not exactly sure but youtube is full of etching guides amd you can get them custom made cheap these days

>> No.1511065

The fuck is it and what it does?

>> No.1511068

Oh god. Don't just don't.

>> No.1511121

Looks like a stand for a steering wheel&pedals combination.

>> No.1511362
File: 1.81 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20181207_223221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished my mini SDVX/KSM controller build

>> No.1511363
File: 1.81 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20181207_223253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1511371

i started brewing my own vodka, first batch was pure and 71%! could show a pic but it would look like a bottle of water XD

>> No.1511374

sweet, i want one that fire french jeus des boules balls XD

>> No.1511375

I dont belive you, show picture.

>> No.1511376

nice, try using colour remote control LED bulbs. i'd like to see that in for example 3x green 2x red bulbs

>> No.1511377
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>> No.1511378

Well thats just water.

>> No.1511382

no that is ethanol, infused with water so it is healthy...

>> No.1511383
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would water do this to cannabis?

>> No.1511384
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Creating very cheap make shift masks, this one is my second

>> No.1511385

what material are you using?

>> No.1511387

Cardboard, a pocket knife (optional), sciccors, glue

>> No.1511388

cool, i would start looking into flat wood maybe. cardboard generally looks cheap but you seem to pull it of...

>> No.1511390
File: 1.17 MB, 2448x2244, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The lighting helps, plus cardboard was all that was available at the moment. Wood would be better to use, there are more complex shapes you can make. (Pic attached is a rubber mask I made out of a cpr kit)

>> No.1511392

cool, you have skill dude

>> No.1511395

Thanks, I just started making my own masks but I figured it couldn't be to hard if I used skills from pervious projects

>> No.1511465

burn your house to the ground with that inside.
and you inside too.

>> No.1511466

found this on Hackaday https://youtu.be/_1c_5yf9vLY and instantly fell in love: totally going to build it.
sadly it doesn't show the brand of that cat litter.

>> No.1512012

It's crushed walnut shells.

>> No.1512014

>he didnt use EL braid bundles for his wife

You h.g.h and one job

>> No.1513312

Well, going have to rearrange my workroom in my apartment. Got a desk for free from a coworker at work. Took the whole then apart to clean it and reassembled it. Glued the drawers back together, added some small L brackets where needed, and put a little bit of glue on the hardware the holds the pieces together so they wont get loose over time.

>> No.1513553

You can buy mesquite BBQ wood, it adds a nice taste to the smoke

>> No.1513562
File: 3.42 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20181125_005720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been busy with classes, but here's my fuel injection port, hopefully it should make fueling in the field less fumbly than unscrewing an end cap

>> No.1513564
File: 1.22 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_20181121_230656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my ball catch so that golf balls don't roll into the chamber, it's made out of a few tiny pieces of the sdr 21 I cut

>> No.1513573

just finished remodelling my mom's kitchen a couple days ago, she's happy

>> No.1513747
File: 1.91 MB, 4301x2419, IMAG2670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been putting together this portable apartment air compressor for a while, based on a fridge compressor. now it has an automatic pressure switch, unloader valve, water filter, and dessicant on the input. pretty much everything a compressor needs to have, and it's ultra quiet.

>> No.1513752

Wow, any idea how much air it moves?

>> No.1513756

not too much. it takes about a minute and a half to pump that tank up from 85 to 120 psi. this is a small compressor from a mini fridge or water cooler, a full size fridge compressor might move more air but not much more. it's the price you pay for quiet. I won't be doing any sandblasting with it for sure.

>> No.1516140

just need to learn to use something like kikad or eagle. kikad is free, and eagle is free to an extent (limit on board size and a few features). after that, you can either get them made and shipped in china for cheap, or just print the schematic on transfer paper, iron it on to the copper clad pcb (cheap online), then etch

>> No.1516141

u mean sugar wash + distilling?

>> No.1516165
File: 232 KB, 1382x778, tric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finger box brand finger box

>> No.1516175

Is that a hippo and what material is that

>> No.1516179

some yellow shit from woodcraft dot com
spalted tamarind yellow

it's a triceratops it's just very, very small. 3/4 square might not have been the best size for such an intricate project.

>> No.1516282
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Here's some fiji camo.

Needs polished, but otherwise neat material.

>> No.1516536
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Took down a chimney on my only day off, and received a wood stove for my efforts. I'd love to get a chimney laid up soon, but it may have to wait until spring because of weather and work.

>> No.1516924
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Oi vey she works! Lucky for me being incapable of building any wood structures square hasn’t hindered the performance of the lights.

I kinda want to find a couple small hinges and a latch to make a door on the front. With the door, I could jam the 120V AC cord and the 12V DC charger cord inside the box and open it up to grab whichever one is needed at the time.

>> No.1516960


Fuck a chimney. Set a pipe and call it a day

>> No.1516961

Kek. Should lay pit the steps. Or send a guide.

I wanna make some tater juice also

>> No.1516965


Everyone i fucking know and everyone i see with an air compressor is a fucking idiot.

Or i am?

Why in right FUCK would you not trench a line? Put that piece of shit 200 feet away outside. Run a breaker for it, a line to drain water, and an air line to the shop.

It's like those idiots that always mount the generator on the camper or put it 4 feet away and scream all day. ROLL OUT A FUCKING CORD AMD THROW PLYWOOD BETWEEN IT AND US SO I AINT GOTTA FUCKING SCREAM OVER IT!

>> No.1516966

Id rather you just got the clap from your moms bull and died cuck

>> No.1517047

heh my grandpa's old compressor is a fridge compressor

>> No.1517136

I annoyed my SIL by inexplicably managing to ignore her instructions on how to crochet and somehow taught myself to knit using a single crochet hook, so I'm now "knitting" a blanket.
I already crochet, but I've never used a hook (I crochet with tweezers, which she thinks is weird and wrong), so she tried to teach me 'the right way.'

>> No.1517140


My old man vuild one in the early 89s i still use. Sump pump and an AC compressor out of a dodge.

>> No.1517147

Today you are the idiot. I live in an apartment and I move around a lot so I can't have any kind of permanent installation, so I did this.

>> No.1517250


Well that makes sense. And u said it was quiet. Fridges are quiet. Ive been collecting them for outside storage under a lean-to. Maybe I'll coble a dozen of them together then.

Thabks anon

>> No.1517721

are you dwight?

>> No.1517741
File: 237 KB, 1537x863, You_Doodle_2018-03-14T21_55_14Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I design microcontrollers as a hobby. Any Computer Engineering tips?

I'm trying to get into IC layout

>> No.1517758
File: 15 KB, 236x236, god made you special.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did it, champ!

>> No.1517766
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>> No.1517839

Don't just limit yourself to timber, anon.


>> No.1517845

Can you post the internals?

>> No.1517862

See kids, this is what happens when you blow money on tools but never actually use them.
Call KipKay, weve got a new subscriber over here!

>> No.1517928

I will talk to anyone I want.

>> No.1517936
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Thx bby.

Excuse me good sir, I was just using my Knipex(tm) to fix and replace some sprinkler heads.

I’m gonna get me a 12” pair soon. I believe the girl got me the 10” Pliers Wrench for Xmas.

>> No.1517940

Neat. I feel pretty hardcore programming those things in C, let alone actually designing one.

No idea on IC layouts, I assume that's beyond most DIYers resources though

>> No.1517941

how long did it take you to set up that photo? just curious because i notice you make sure those newports are in all your pics for some reason

>> No.1517951
File: 2.91 MB, 4032x3024, 63EE85CD-A40F-4717-8FFA-F344FDE24A06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About two seconds to get the aesthetic framing

>> No.1517956

Be sure that 2x4 is treated! Wouldnt want your pipe to rot! Also GREAT idea about using the pen!

I swear sometimes everyone on this site is 10 years old.

>> No.1517962

Digging footings in wet soil, having an issue with water filling into the holes. Could I precast my concrete in sonotubes to put in the holes to displace the water? Or just I just remove the water as much as I can and place the sand compact and pour concrete?

>> No.1518096

>Maybe I'll coble a dozen of them together
just remember one important thing: drain out the oil, and replace it with something else. Mineral oil or regular 30-weight oil. They come with compressor oil that's designed to mix with the refrigerant and be circulated. If you don't replace it, eventually it'll all come out (and nasty up your air) and the compressors will die.
I'm running mineral oil in mine, the air comes out nice and clean and it runs reasonably cool.

>> No.1518327

Of course he does. He needs everyone to know who he is. He got beaten down over the trip but his ego is so fragile that he literally cannot post without identifying himself so we can all see how his wide variety of tools leads to nothing but shitbox MDF boxes that would get marked an F in middle school woodshop. No better than a ponyfag using avatars IMO.

>> No.1518461

Precast works just fine. Make sure you use dry sand to flatten the bottom of the hole before you throw your casting in.

>> No.1518480

Middle shop wouldclass would probably have a table saw I could use.

Took photo class senior year of high school. Discovered snuff around the same time, that powdered tobacco you can do lines of. Spent half the class in the dark room doing bumps of tobacco with kids. Good times.

>> No.1518598
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Just finished a balancing robot.
> frame layout
> "tacking" tin on to mark out the gussets

>> No.1518599
File: 1.24 MB, 1856x2748, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> trimming the gussets
> tinning the gussets and frame
> filing back and cleanup

>> No.1518601
File: 2.29 MB, 1904x3004, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> trimming sheet steel from an old server lid
> cutting it to size
> drilling out the holes
Disassembled the stepper to use its end plate as a template, as you'll see in a later shot.

>> No.1518603
File: 1.67 MB, 1616x2976, 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Onto the circuit board frame
> tape template down to 2mm Bakelite sheet
> cut out with rotary tool, apply silicone as a "glue" with a syringe for dat fine flow control
> "glue" board to frame, allow to cure

>> No.1518604
File: 1.22 MB, 1888x2464, 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Setting up the screw points for the motor plates
> drill holes through frame bigger than the screw diameter to allow some play for positional adjustment, use stepper end caps to align up perfectly
> "tack" solder nuts down so they retain their place while I remove the motor plate
> replace screws, mask off areas where I don't want solder, apply solder tsunami to affix nuts in place

>> No.1518606
File: 2.05 MB, 3248x2240, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shits no good if it can't bring me a beer.
> template up a nice ovoid, cut out of bakelite with rotary tool
> use some brass tube as edging (mainly so when it falls it has something solid to land on, but also for cosmetics), cut slit along length so bakelite plate can slot in
> place on chassis and prepare to solder
Can't do it yet, want to make it one of the last things I attach.

>> No.1518610
File: 2.26 MB, 1768x3904, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time for some hectic rims. /o/ would be proud. Need to add a screw to them so they will engage on the flat sided stepper shaft.
> Buy some wheels that come with plastic hex inserts
> cut some t-nuts down so they are the same size as a surface on the hex insert
shave a few mills of one side of the hex insert so there is room for the flange of the nut to fit in
> drill through everything to allow the screw to do right through
> test fit
> gorilla glue tsunami tsunami
I did need to redrill the hole out through the middle of the wheel and run a tap through the t-nut to clean out the thread, but it came up a treat. A discreet hole in the tyre allows a screwdriver to go right through the tyre/rim to the screw for attachment/removal. I thought the stress of screwing down would pull it all apart but so far, so good. Also, FUCK. THESE. SLOW. REFRESH. CAPTCHAS.

>> No.1518611
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Most of the chassis complete, time to attach the beer deck. Masking tape keeps the edges of the solder nice and clean.

>> No.1518612
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Assembly of the brain meats, kit and setup at http://www.brokking.net/yabr_main.html (no, that's not my website, I shill for no one)

>> No.1518613
File: 1.41 MB, 2144x1552, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Done! About two weeks of work total, the observant might notice the bakelite frame around the PCB looks different, I actually made and broke two before going and buying some sheet that had fiber in it, much more stable. Only problem now is it keeps falling over, code/uC seems to be running at 1/4 speed (a 1 second led flasher code flashes the led every 4 seconds, and I can't work out how to change the clokc speed on this thing). I am good with machines, I'm fucking useless with code dev. I'll need to go ask the tarduino thread for help I think.

>> No.1518621

And i should note, not a single ounce of flux was used on any of this. If you can't solder without it, you need to get some rosin core solder and learn how to use it. /ohm/, I'm looking at you.

>> No.1518640
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Just chipping away on my boat.

>> No.1518641

Doesn't removing the end fuck steppers up?
I never tried, did it work out for you?

>> No.1518696

Noice what's your technique?

>> No.1518724

Cover my balls in sand and rub them on the wood.

>> No.1518788

Nah, there are bearings around the shaft, these slip right out of the plates. There are often wave washers either end to take shocks to the shaft/bearings, make sure you don't loose it if/when you disassemble.

>> No.1518945
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I specialize in wood composite work so my technique after my the work day is drinking a gin and tonic then sanding away to dance music.

>> No.1519027

So are you doing like stitch and glue method? How do you prevent water from getting in?

>> No.1519046

>Only problem now is it keeps falling over, code/uC seems to be running at 1/4 speed (a 1 second led flasher code flashes the led every 4 seconds, and I can't work out how to change the clokc speed on this thing).
Which oscillator is it running off? IIRC you have to add a declaration near the beginning of the code to make sure it's using the crystal instead of the chip's internal oscillator.

>> No.1519149
File: 1.88 MB, 1871x3021, IMG_20180615_163143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plywood on frame. The boat has been fiberglassed and epoxy coated so technically it's completely waterproof.

>> No.1519173

Fixing up and painting an old rocking chair for my mom for Christmas.

>> No.1519177


nice nice

>> No.1519298
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Pretty specific so I wonder if you mean me since I posted in the last thread. It's up and running now, there's still work to be done but mostly what I'm up to is little stuff that won't put it outa service since I plow with it. Last thing I did was add some airbags to the front coil springs because I don't have time or money for a leveling kit atm but I added that weight with the plow.
They were a bitch to get in, I had to lift it and I took a Porta power between a coil to spread it open and it still took my dad's old man strength to push em in there but between that and the larger tires I got about an inch and a half more ground clearance and I personally think it rides nicer this way.
Next summer I'll be getting back into the bigger projects. Needs some body work, that leveling kit, and I got an aod in storage to swap out the c6 for overdrive.

>> No.1519466

my headphone amp has the same enclosure, wonder w2c bare ones

>> No.1519491


>> No.1519698
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Making a Befunge machine. It will eventually allow you to edit and run befunge programs and maybe even save them to an sd card.
It will be powerd by an atmega328.

Got the keyboard done so far, next will be screen , "motherboard" and then the logic.

Why? Hell if I know.

>> No.1519749
File: 287 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20181219-111042_Messages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Building a PC and failing at life... i spent 2 fucking days trying to figure out wtf the fastest single core processor was that i could use with pic related. Found it. Bought it for $12. Then found out with 8.1 World of Warcraft finally pulled their head out of their ass and now supports up to 6 cores.

Then i bought a quad core processor that can't be overclocked and is an m4. My fucking board is an m3. It won't fucking work.

Gonna trade it all for a nice sturdy rope and take a stroll to the woods...

>> No.1519752



>> No.1519755


A pass is only $20 and beyond fucking worth it

>> No.1519759

Never even thought of that. Tha ks for saving me a shitty day and 12 compressors man.

>> No.1519761

Concrete will set under water. It just takes for ever

>> No.1519763


>> No.1519819
File: 1.70 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20181219_160353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrapping up this fucking christmas tree topper while waiting on my PID controller to arrive for the filament dessicator build.

>> No.1519826

I see, best as I can tell there is no such declaration at the beginning of the code. It should be running at 16MHz but if the flash rate is anything to go by it's running at 4, I'll explore this avenue when I get home.


Except they only take memecoin. Fuck that noise.

>> No.1519852
File: 15 KB, 400x245, RC-aircraft-modelling-400x245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, I'm new to diy. I'm looking to build a 1/18 scale airplane for my partner for Christmas. How should I go about doing that? Kits are pretty expensive, so if there's any way to cut costs that would be best.

I know I don't want it to be an RC plane if that helps any!

>> No.1519863

>there is no such declaration at the beginning of the code
That's just it, you gotta tell what oscillator it's gonna run from, what frequency it is. Otherwise it's like telling your "I'm gonna go do the laundry in 1 hour, however an "hour" might mean 1 second or 50 years in real time, and I'm not gonna tell you which".
This is always an issue when it comes to real time vs. the program's time. And your mom's gonna be mad you didn't do the laundry within 2 hours.

>> No.1519877

well no matter what you try and make, it's not getting done by Christmas

>> No.1519893

That's fine. I could just call it a Christmas present.

>> No.1519896

Sure, give it as a kit, with assembly supplies.

>> No.1519955
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One part left, it's still printing. Hotsnotted all the joints up until this point. Should be done in a couple of hours.

>> No.1519957
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... And in the meantime, I got babby's first vacuum chamber assembled and depapered. Still missing some parts for the aspirator pump, but they just shipped today.

>> No.1520258


>> No.1520265
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Being making use of the laser table at my tech college.

>> No.1520373

to prevent burning, if you want the negative space. start the cut away from the edge and then have it follow the path, same with a positive cut, you will only get one of the 2 rather than both but its better to have 1 good one than 2 meh ones

>> No.1520392

The RV generator, it isn't that difficult to buy a 2$ ruducer and a free junkyard muffler from a car and attach it to the generator. My geny is about as loud as a sewing machine with an old truck muffler in it.

>> No.1520409

Nice job anon

>> No.1520412


>> No.1520538

https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:120558 looking to weld together this set of tables for my garage shop. Only improvement I think I will do is add casters maybe. Anyone else use a similar design before?

>> No.1520932
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, 48408847_323597068483635_8142134060404178944_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

building a road bike with the cheapest/free parts i can find on the internet

>> No.1521120

Frame make and model?

>> No.1521135

So fucking tacky. But would would one expect from a moron that has that shitty crown molding and medallions

>> No.1521146

Very cool. Do you have a parts list? What do you do to connect fittings to the end of the copper on the motor?

>> No.1521230
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It's finished functionally, have it a cool grip made from a T fitting, and a foregrip too. So far it's had enough power to punch a golf ball through 1/4" thick aluminum easily.

>> No.1521234

That seat dosent look very comfortable

>> No.1522118


Cytek, some no name Australian importer. The frame is Chinese aluminum and the forks are carbon so the quality is still there.

Hoping to build a bike for as little as possible scoring ebay parts

>> No.1522211

waiting for it, as well as the schematics

>> No.1522934

Kys kuck. You dont know. Maybe its a hunting cabin.

Go fucking make aomething or hang yourself but at the very least don't come here shitting the place up. This isnt /b you fucking faggot.

Merry Christmas...

>> No.1522936

I am okay with this. Actually for shits and gigs im going to hot glue a log chain between my 300 blackout ars tonight and taking pics. Lol. Thanks for the idea

>> No.1524464
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Not a monumental task, but I did assemble and fire off my xmas gift.
Enough to bump the thread I guess.

>> No.1524592

Please be trolling... you have exposed wires at the top and you used, zip ties? Is this your idea of craftsmanship? The concept is ok but the execution is terrible. Cover up those wires and secure it with something other than zip ties. Nails maybe? or tie smaller decorative strings? wew lad please tell me you're not finished yet...

>> No.1524665

>Nails maybe? or tie smaller decorative strings?
I'm not that guy and you're ideas might be okay but I think you should stop making declarative sentences with question marks at the end

>> No.1524667
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I assembled this today

>> No.1524701

That shit is laying sideways tho man

>> No.1524702

N-NO U! ???

>> No.1524703

Gg tragger clone.

Rsting /10?

>> No.1524843

It's a gift, so I aint bitching.

>> No.1524849 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1524868

I will talk to anyone I want.

>> No.1524871
File: 2.70 MB, 4032x3024, 20181224_132215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Building firework mortar racks for 4th of July
Pic related has 9 mortars with the center angled straight up and then each to the right/left is angled 5 degrees away from the previous one. I have a few more, but they aren't as exciting as this one. I plan on building a rack with 13 mortars with a similar design but going out to 30 degrees on each side rather than just 20.

>> No.1524879

Fucking tight anon. Be sure and buy a shit ton of canon fuze or use a hot glue gun to tie them all together. Bonus points for model rocket launch ignition. I have seen more than one skio the blast off stage and detonate in the tube.

In fact i had an artillery shell do that and blow up in my fucking hand. Slight burns. I got lucky. No permanent damage. I couldnt use my hand for a month and had an entire purple bruised palm for 2 weeks.

I stay the fuck back now

>> No.1524880

Right on anon. I just asked because they are balls expensive and im planing on /diy my wood smoker into one with an arduino

>> No.1524890
File: 3.95 MB, 4032x3024, 20180905_162019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I plan on ordering another 50 mortars and a couple hundred feet of fuse. Luckily no mishaps yet. I bought a bunch of Excalibur shells and want to use the tubes they came with, but the sleeve is damn near impossible to get off. I've been using a torch to get it to expand, and then prying them up enough to be able to pound them off with a hammer, but it takes way too long. I might try using a sawzall to cut them off.
Pic related is two of my other racks.

>> No.1524916

What size mortars are you using?

I have a guy who can get me the big 6” shells and it’s so tempting, but it’s hard to piss away $1000 on like 10min of fun.

>> No.1524918

The mortars are HDPE DR11 cut to 12" long with an outside diameter of 2.4" and an inside diameter of 1.91".
I would love to get some 1.3G stuff, but I don't know anyone who will sell/give me them so I'm stuck with consumer grade until I'm old enough to get a Type 54 license.

>> No.1524930

Ok so that’s just standard consumer firework stuff, right? The last time I had to make my own mortar tubes, I was at a buddy’s house whose backyard was up against a park, so we opened up the gate and ran into the middle of a baseball diamond with shovels and 4” and 6” dia PVC pipe and buried those fuckers a foot or two down. One of the plastic “BANG!” mortars ended up exploding right out of the tube and set off every car alarm within a two block radius so we got shut down by the cops pretty quick.

And yeah my connect for those is strange, it’s a dude who sells BBQ on the corner in the hood and he takes orders from people for the 4th and New Years, but I was talking to him about it and it’s like $20+ per shell for the big boys, less if I start spending some real money. That’s a lot of $$$ to pay to lose an arm.

And if you start asking around, it’s not too hard to find people with the licenses. Somebody’s friend’s uncle always has one and stocks people up around the holidays. But be ready to spend some money.

>> No.1524940

Yeah, 1.4G is consumer grade, most shells are loaded with 60g or less of explosive. Sometimes you get lucky and some will be overpacked, but the if the ATF finds out they have them pulled off the shelves. They typically are 1.75" in diameter and between 4" and 5" tall, with some smaller ones usually being spherical. You can get 3" ones in a NOAB (Nine On a Board) that occasionally have unique effects not found in most shells, but these are also only 60g loads.
I spend about $1000 for the 4th. I spent $420 to get 144 Excalibur shells and 48 Smoke and Mirror shells, but I'd definitely pay extra for the big stuff to use as a finale.
By the way, don't use PVC as a mortar. If a shell explodes in the tube, you'll have plastic shrapnel shooting off in every direction. HDPE and fiberglass are much safer.

>> No.1524962

>don’t use PVC
In all fairness, we were all fucking hammered when somebody showed up with a trunk full of big ass shells. I’m amazed nobody went to the hospital that night.

>> No.1524972

Well that makes sense then, but if you do fireworks often, it might not be a bad investment to buy a couple mortars and use them.
Also, it's not finding someone who has a license that's difficult, it's shooting them off. In my state, I think the Department of Agriculture allows/disallows you to shoot the 1.3G stuff, so I'd have to deal with them. At the same time, license owners are subject to random ATF inspections and they have to keep record of everything they buy, so I'd have to find someone who is willing to potentially face scrutiny from the ATF even if they don't get permission from the DoA.

>> No.1525005
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>> No.1525007

Can confirm. Some childhood bros used to make "homemade fireworks" by capping off PVC. They did this for several years until my budy got a toothpick sized pvc splinter about 3 inches into his fucking neck.

By random coinsidence some years later i got a job at a pvc fittings factory. There was a guy there with a giant metal clambshell dome. He would use special quick conect fittings and plumb in up to 24" schedual 80 fittings. Then he would pressure test the parts. Since we recycled any broken or damaged fittings with factory defects our boss let him save time and be more productive by just turning the fucker up and grenading them. Looking through a thick piece of bulletproof glass 5 feet away from a scheduale 80 24" T fitting as it explodes is enough to make your neck hair stand up.


>> No.1525010

Very nice!

Pics of what you mean you need to take off?

Maybe we can help?

>> No.1525037
File: 2.95 MB, 4032x3024, 20181228_161810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the tubes that come with Excalibur shells. Just above the square base, you can see there is a large cylinder and then a skinnier one. That large cylinder is basically a sleeve that fits around the skinny one and is supposed to help incase a shell goes off inside the tube. However, I want to take it off so I can use the skinny tubes in a mortar rack.
I've watch YouTube videos where people grip them and slam them down to get them off, but I've had no luck. My largest vice doesn't open far enough to grip it either. I think my best bet might be running a sawzall down both sides.
If you need a better picture, or one of just the sleeve I'm trying to pull off, let me know.

>> No.1525124

I had ones similar to that before, definitely one of the best mortars without going through somebody with the license. The cardboard tubes are sketchy, I have had the little plastic base blow off before and the mortar ends up exploding a few feet off the ground.

Don’t forget to clean out the tubes after a few shells because that soot builds up quick. One time I was using the same tube for multiple boxes of mortars and by the third box the shells were getting a little too snug for my liking.

>> No.1525130

I think I might make my own wooden plugs for the bottom of them. My plan is to pull the sleeve off, cut the base off, cut out the plastic inside the tube, and put a cylinder of wood inside.
You can buy any mortar you want without any license, I got my HDPE ones from pyroboom. It's the shells (and a lot of other cool stuff) you need a license for.

>> No.1525143
File: 31 KB, 350x282, 4685EAC2-4F04-4569-85E9-BCB741FE8BBE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant the shells when I said mortar... the actual fireworks. Anybody can buy some PVC from Home Depot.

Whatever you do for the bottom plug, maybe it’s a good idea to design it so the bottom plug will fail before the tube itself. That way if the tube gets obstructed or the shell explodes in the tube for whatever reason, the bottom will give and the blast will be directed into the air and at the ground, rather than the chance it blows out the side and directs it straight towards a crowd of people.

I need to get more of pic related one day. Those are fuckin fun.

>> No.1525150

Oh, yeah, Excalibur are very good shells.
These mortars seem like they're also HDPE, so if a shell were to go off in them, they blow out but don't shatter. The mortar will look like it was stretched and ripped rather than a pile of plastic shards like PVC would.
Since I'm putting them in racks, the force of the shell lifting should go through the plug, the rack, and the ground, so I'm not too concerned with anything bad happening in regard with that. However, I do light everything myself with a torch, and setting off a whole string of shells at once definitely increases the chance of being injured in the event that a shell blows up too close to the ground.
I'm not familiar with those, are they like firecrackers?

>> No.1525152

They’re called cracker bombs. They look like a tortilla chip wrapped in packing paper. They’re loud as fuck. But I think they go along with real M80s and stuff where you need that special licence to get them.

>> No.1525173
File: 729 KB, 1920x1040, butt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are working on a desk for the wife. She finished the rough sketches a while back and now we have just finalized the design in SolidWorks, had a quick look at them in VR too and all looks well

Now it's onto cutting up all the wood from our scrap pile, by the looks of things we won't need to buy any extra planks/sheets too :D

>> No.1525181

Steam bending, wew nice

Is this thing for some sort of rhythm game?

When you say IC layout do you mean at the semiconductor level or just at the PCB level?

>> No.1525192
File: 53 KB, 864x1440, dddddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made this to be worna s a necklace, i already drilled a hole in the top to attache the ring where the band will go through.
made it from horn, shaped and polished it

>> No.1525194

I looked them up, and yeah, they seem like a lot of fun. But unfortunately I can't find any websites of US stores selling them, they seem to be everywhere else though. I found some people saying they have the same amount of flash powder as an M80, if that's the case, then they're probably illegal.

>> No.1525208

Yeah like I mentioned, they’re not that regular consumer grade bullshit. The only time I see them is through the same people with the 4”+ shells. Ever since they banned M-80’s, all of the consumer grade firecrackers suck.

Those cracker bombs though, grab a bunch if you ever get the chance. They’re a fucking blast, especially when you give them to other people who have never seen them since the looks are deceiving.

>> No.1525274
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Porcelain Tile, 1x4

Floor was mess, floating it would just be putting a band aid on a flesh wound. The GC said he wanted it “absolutely perfect”, so I decided to mud set it.
Power grout is a bitch. My helper added water to the power grout after the initial mix, then spread it. Shit dried up faster than a old woman’s cooter.

>> No.1525487
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Took a break while planing some boards for a face frame.

>> No.1525495

I've gotten them in PA. Been a while since I agreed with bepis, those things are fun. Especially when fuckin with passed out buddies.

>> No.1525657

Can I ask where at? I'd definitely prefer some of those over shitty firecrackers.

>> No.1525666
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>> No.1526586

looks good

>> No.1526657
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Building new bed. In the final leg of it now. Need to remove all the waste in the half laps I just cut then I can assemble the 4 waffle braces. Best word I have for them. I wanted to get fancy with mounting options under the rails, but settled on a bunch of threaded inserts instead. Those should arrive soon. Once the bed is done and out of the way I can get back to setting up the shop.

>> No.1526662
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A buddy of mine. At the time I got them, anything bigger than sparklers was still illegal in the state so I can't name anyone or anything like that unfortunately. I will say he was able to get them through his brother who's got special licenses that I don't understand.
I can say he also provided us with these things called cobra crackers which were similar in boom. Cylinder in shape though and they've since changed their name or something but I get the same thing now, just called something different.
Then there's these even bigger things called crazy robots that I'd avoid using near people at all as they send stones flying and stuff but they're also cool to toss around
Just did this yesterday. Had to replace the radius arm bushings on the bronco and all data called the job a 3.5 hour ordeal or something like that but the old man told me about this shortcut. I just had to take the nut retaining the old bushings off, use a come along on the I beam and hook it to my plow frame (anywhere strong enough up front will work, plow frame was just most convenient) and yank the thing out of there. Also, unbolting the sway bar from the frame was necessary as it bound up while yanking. Going back in I took a Ratchet strap around both radius arms to pull them back together so it would line back up ish and a big hammer to get the rest of the movement getting it back it.
Pick related is at the end. Not enough threads were exposed to start the nut back on so I flipped the come along toward the rear to squeeze the bushings enough to start the nut up.
Including learning the parts he didn't mention and trying to locate poly sway bar bushings (my old rubber are wiped still) it took me about 2 hours total to get these guys in. Felt good, only problem is it didn't fix the noise I hoped it would but oh well, they needed done anyway.

>> No.1526669

After that ordeal I went about trying to install a set of clutch packs for the limited slip rear. It seemed it wasn't working at all, easily able to spin a tire while everything else remained stationary. Got the diff cover off and oh shit, someone switched it to an open rear at some point. No worries, I've got an 8.8 out back with a limited slip carrier I'll just swap the hole deal. Nope, cross pin bolt decided to shear so I can't get it out.
I figured it's okay though, come summer I'm thinking about shortening the gears anyway so I'll worry about it then, it still pushes snow. So I used the time to polish the the truck that needs a paint job and body work anyway to hide from the woman. Looks pretty good now that I'm done though.

>> No.1526789


I love the beefy joinery, but the collective max weights of the 2 heaviest people on earth is only 2745 lbs.

>> No.1526799

Nice solid bed dude, elephants could breed on it or it could double as a lathe stand.
I made my own bedframe very very skeletal. Just three parallel "ribs" that run lengthwise head-to-toe like this and horizontal slats width-wise on top to form a horizontal surface.
pictures maybe tomorrow because I'm in bed right now and don't feel like moving mattresses etc

>> No.1526862

Ah, ok, that makes sense. PA just made the cooler stuff (aerial shells, rockets, pretty anything that wasn't strictly fountains, sparklers, or ground fireworks) legal last year. So there isn't as big of a fireworks culture as, say, Missouri, which means I'm stuck driving hours to a store to find anything specific.
If you're still in contact with that friend, would you mind asking if it's an ATF Type 54 license that allows him to get that stuff? I want to apply for one when I turn 21, mostly for bigger shells, but better firecrackers would be awesome.

>> No.1526922

Lets just say I'm tired of breaking shitty IKEA beds. I'm going all in with this one.

>> No.1527596
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I visited my parents over Christmas and had a chance to get my old forge running again. I used to be able to keep it in an abandoned lab when I was at university, but have since graduated and am /noland/ again. I left it in my parents' barn for safekeeping, but had to leave the anvil stand, forge stand, and blower behind when I moved all my shit.
Picture 1 of 6

>> No.1527597
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Wooden frame for the forge stand. My parents had a huge oak tree fall during the hurricane so I was able to use that for the anvil.
Picture 2 of 6

>> No.1527598
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Was too cheap to use steel for the entire stand, so just used it for the part that would be in contact with the forge.
Picture 3 of 6

>> No.1527600
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Forge mounted on stand
Picture 4 of 6

>> No.1527601
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Forge hooked up with the new blower. When I had my forge at the university I used compressed air as my air source because I had access to building compressed air. Obviously not a practical solution for this setup though.
Picture 5 of 6

>> No.1527602
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Forge in operation. I had a fly up because there was rain the forecast that night - which it did end up doing.
Picture 6 of 6

>> No.1527672

get the hardest wood you can, at least red oak.
use a brass tube or a store bought stem

>> No.1527688

I actually find him entertaining.

Excellent looking boat and did you make the shelter? It is awesome

>> No.1528050
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Finished these two pieces up for Christmas gifts this year. I thought they came out pretty good for a canabalised bed frame and a few extra 2x4s.

>> No.1528197
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I have this nice bit of timber that I would like to turn into a coffee table.

Would it look shit if I didn't use the exact same type of wood to make the legs? I could always chop some of the ends off to make the legs but then it would shorten it considerably.

>> No.1528247
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how do you guys make time for all these projects? i just moved out so i could finally have space for my hobbies but i cant even get started on things i've been waiting 3 months to a year to start doing

what's your secret, /diy/?

>> No.1528250

Eschew relationships and leisure time. Nothing sucks up time more than a social life.
Seriously the only way I was ever able to get shit done was by being selfish, doing my own thing as soon as I got home from work, and doing them all day on weekends. No more vidya or browsing the webs either.

>> No.1528254

yeah, i've noticed how much time i waste in front of the computer but i can't find other ways to relieve stress. i've thought about switching jobs since my 12 hour factory job is too draining. looking at my work days makes it even weirder how i can't do anything since i work only 16 days a month but i feel like i can't even put one hour towards anything even on my days off

>> No.1528259

yes that is a beloved Toughbook.
fridge coming.
so is full sized metal lathe.

>> No.1528262

interesting mounting.

>> No.1528301

Average about 4hrs of sleep a night. The main time I get into projects is Sat night between midnight and 6am when the girl is asleep.

>> No.1528371

>only almost 1.5 tons.


>> No.1528374

Damn anon. That looks good

>> No.1528376

Should get an old propane tank. We got something similar the blaster uses to "fire-in-the-hole."

>> No.1528406
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What do you mean? Big 20gal grill tank? Or like the propane torch tanks to go around the base of the mortar tube?

>> No.1528443

I use a butane torch. It has a tip that goes over a can of butane and when you click it (like a lighter), it ignites. You can also change the intensity of the flame using dials. I would like to get something like what >>1528406 has pictured, but they seem expensive.
I also need someting for small stuff like bottle rockets and firecrackers because even at the lowest setting, the flame on my torch is too big to be safe with stuff you light in your hand.

>> No.1528496
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The nozzle for those propane torches are $10-$30 depending on which style you go with. And the blue tanks are only $3-$4, so they’re not that expensive at all.

I got the basic one so I ignite it with a Bic and it works just fine. Those tanks give you a pretty good burn time too on low-medium heat. Only thing was I didn’t realize they will flame out if you tilt the can much past 45deg so I went back shortly after and bought the extension hose and now I can position the flame any way I want. It comes with a little hook so you could even hang the tank off your belt while using it.

>> No.1528641


I don't get it.. If you were going to put a concrete foundation in it, lay bedding, add new posts, why not start over entirely? Why keep the existing structure when you could have just built on top of new?

>> No.1528652

Airsoft faggot here. I regularly play big games with my team, so I'd like to make some use of my skills for it. Not yet a current project but I've created a KiCad project so that counts right?

I'd like to make a set of devices with NRF modules (up to 1100m) + GPS + Compass in them, connected in a grid. These are to be attached on the piccatini rail. And the team leader will have one with bluetooth in it, so he would be able to connect it to cheap ass android tablet to track and coordinate the whole team.

Would that work? It not like there's a need for it, I am just bored and need a project.

>> No.1528779
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I went over the cost of reno vs new construction, I could have built a new pole barn for what I've got in the old one. That would have been a base 60X40, with one slider and no insulation. I wanted a finished garage with eaves and a large carport that matched the house instead.
I'm also the type of person that would rather restore instead of demo, as long as it makes sense.

>> No.1528957
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I'm a bit of a novice at /diy/ and have limited tools, but I've just started the task of restoring this bad boy wagon back to a more presentable state.
>Taken all functional bolts off
Why is my SK ratchet so fucking satisfying to use?
>Need cold chisel for two hard to reach, rusted nuts
>Started stripping paint and rust with 3M wheel and wire cup drill attachments
>Have rust protection primer for worst parts
>Will get some gloss red and black Hammerite paint for body and wheel mounts respectively
>Have replacement bolts and washers to put over rusted holes
Should I use fillers and fix a washer in place as well to reinforce it or will they be fine just fitted onto the bolts? They're much bigger than the rusted area.
Is there an inexpensive and easy way to flatten the metal out a bit? The walls of the trolley are bent out of shape. I don't mind buying a few tools, because that's part of why I'm doing this (to learn what tools I'll need for each job), but I don't have a limitless budget.

>> No.1528998
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Hammers and dollies for the dents?

>> No.1529015

They're not so much dents as it's that the whole side panel is caved inwards on each side (there are plenty of dents that I'm not worried about). I've looked into those but it's a bit too specialised a tool for me to justify at the moment. Thanks anyway.

>> No.1529021
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There are the suction cup things too but those are normally for larger dents on cars where you can’t get to the back of the panel. And shops will use these little pegs they weld on and pull out with a slide hammer. But since you can get to the front and back of the dents, hammer and dolly is probably better.

Either way body work is kinda an art so don’t expect the first couple projects to be anywhere near perfect.

>> No.1529025

Couldn't you just get a vice with 2 bits of wood either side?

>> No.1529050

That went through my head too, but I don’t think that will ever flatten it 100% because metal normally has that ductile spring effect where it will still pop back out a little bit once you take the pressure off. It should help though.

>> No.1529895
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Cubby head board.
I over reinforced the frame with 2x4s instead of 1x1s, but there is no wiggle and will hold any amount of weight I through at it. All joints done with pocket holes.
Currently cutting birch plywood for facings and sleeves. Will be staining the plywood with an espresso stain.
There will be 3 electrical outlets with 3.6amp USB ports evenly spaced.
After my vacation I will be building matching nightstands with internal long gun storage, and hanging light plus a floating drawer.

>> No.1529976

Those are also pretty sweet for scaling skyscraper windows. Just strap em to your hands and knees.

>> No.1530685


>> No.1530689


>> No.1531299

I’m looking to do the same. I’m going with metal legs. Google hairpin legs
Also there are some other styles out there, fairly cheap.

>> No.1531849
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Just a proof of concept for the mini miter sled there, but it came out ok.

>> No.1531886

Looks nice

>> No.1531894


Out of sheer curiosity, how are you even going to move that to your bedroom?

>> No.1531980

Nothing's permanently attached you just lift the pieces off like Lincoln Logs

>> No.1531992

No idea. But i have a few in the works and i gotta say the Harbor frieght pneumatic 10" tires is cool as shit. Theyvare also shit quality but the whole qheel and tire is the same price as buying tube or besring to fix them. I have like 6 colored sets atm and a box of just tire and wheel parts

>> No.1532004

If you want small tires and lights and goofy stuff like that, see if you have a Northern Tool near you. They have a great selection of casters and all sorts of stuff made for trailers and towing and yard equipment.

That’s a fun store, it’s like a Harbor Freight with some Milwaukee and Bondhaus mixed in.

>> No.1532047
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update, finished insulation, floor heating and concrete steel yesterday myself with help of my father and father in law. Concrete was poured this afternoon

>> No.1532048
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>> No.1532052
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I didn't pour the concrete myself btw, it'll be finished with a compacted layer with pigment and impregnation. I love diy but this was a bridge too far for me

>> No.1532097

Besides. FUCK pouring concrete anyway. It's absokute aids

>> No.1532098


>that heated floor.

Was all that piping expensive? Is it just pex?

>> No.1532099

I went to one a long time ago. Got to go to harbor frieght for the first time last week. Was stoked even tho we only got like 20 minutes in there.

I have both stores. 1.5 hours away tho

>> No.1532115

How do you survive?

I have a Northern Tool right next to my work, and then two HF’s within 15min of my house and probably another 3 within half an hour driving. Plus at least 3 or 4 Home Depots within 20min. And lately I have been at Advance Auto a whole lot ever since I discovered their selection of tools and random parts plus the 20%-25% off coupon codes that are good on everything.

Another gem from Northern Tool is their house brand tools. Ironton is their cheap Chinesium brand that is just like cheap HF crap (except it is often cheaper at NT) and then Klutch is their better lifetime warranty brand and a lot of that is real nice for the money. They have a good selection of jacks and stands too.

>> No.1532129
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>How do you survive?
For me:
Detroit to Muskegon: 3.5 hours
Lake Express Ferry to Milwaukee (Seasonal): 2.5 hours +$201 round trip ticket
From Ferry to West Allis: 30 minutes.

6:30 hours to my nearest Northern Tool. One way plus $250 including gas (est.)

Life is suffering.

>> No.1532132

Fuck, Milwaukee was the closest? And I think I actually did a search for my friend in Chicago and that West Allis, WI was the nearest store for him too but he goes up to WI and MN a bit for work and drives past em.

>> No.1532135

Yeah, aside from WI and MN, they have avoided the Great Lakes. They have 7 fucking stores in St. Paul alone, but can't be assed to put one in Michigan? I'd fucking go to fucking Ferndale if they put a store there.

>> No.1532149

seven fiddy eurobux for the entire system (distribution pump, temperature switch,, thermostate, couplings, hoses, binders and the matting to attach them to), it was just delivered on a pallet and I installed it myself. Got to say that after 1000 binders the fun was a bit gone but the end result is to my satisfaction. Even got a compliment from the concrete folk, they said they'd seen professionals do it worse so I had a bit of a diyrection kek

>> No.1532185

They must be from MN then. Which confuses me that there’s zero in the whole Chicago area, but there are 3 in South Florida.

Every other work pickup you see around here has a Northern Tool toolbox in the bed. And half of the mobile work trucks with an air compressor on board have a compressor from NT.

I wish they had more homeowner tier compressors there but it’s all Ingersoll Rand and North Star and even the small mobile <20gal compressors they sell are all like $500+

>> No.1532196

>They must be from MN then.
Yeah, their HQ is in Burnsville, MN. I fucking hate Minnesotans (I'm from the Western U.P. had to deal with them every time I had to go to Duluth for Big City Stuff), so it's a conundrum for me if I should buy there or not.

>> No.1532220
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>> No.1532231

Is there a big difference between a $40 palm sander and a $90 one like that? I need to get one and the prices are all over the place like $15 up to $100. It’s corded and will sit on my workbench so I’ll probably end up with a Porter Cable or Ryobi one, maybe even the $25 B&D.

>> No.1532336

Looks nice, but I have a question- is there any worry about the floor pressing against the walls as it expands with heat?

>> No.1532532

Yes, that's where the blue foam at the edges is for. It also has foil which is attached to a foil layer over the insulation forming a moisture-tight barrier

>> No.1532617

Lol! Good work man. I always wondered if it would be worth a shit. But all us poorfaggots can barely afford a 150k red iron shop as it is.

Fuck that. I'm building a shitty polebarn with a wood stove so big it doesnt need insulation. For now at least

>> No.1532620

Fuckin shaft. Buy a kayak man.

>> No.1532621


Well, being able to shoot an ar-15 while drinking a beer and pissing in my front yard kind of evens it out.

It does suck tho. Thank fuck al gore invented the internet...

>> No.1532622

House was 137k eurobux, it's a small 1922 detached house in my home town. Needs a lot more work but we're off to a good start

>> No.1532658

Ahh, yes I forgot about being able to piss anywhere I want to. That might be the #1 thing about being in the boonies. My father taught me that important lesson at a young age.

If I live old enough to retire, I’m def going to get the fuck away from people. By then the Amazon drones will be able to drop off all my Knipex pliers within 2 hours of ordering them so it won’t even matter.

>> No.1532755
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End result (although it hasn't fully dried yet)

>> No.1532887

I live in suburbs and still drink beer and piss wherever I want. The trick is to either not have shame (my tactic) or drink enough you lose the ability to have shame (also my tactic)

>> No.1533608
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Drying nicely

>> No.1535022


Collaboration of /diy anons comming together to make fuck machines.

Anon came uo with a name for the llc my attorney is forning for it.

Mechanical Action LLC