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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1495083 No.1495083[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Your country.

Things that are illegal to DIY.

>> No.1495084


>> No.1495085

Technically, we can't own recreational nukes here.
Fucking government.

>> No.1495089

>Your country.

>> No.1495092

>Implying anything is legal

>> No.1495093


>> No.1495095

lol, you are probably on a government list just for using 4chan

>> No.1495100

I'm not sure if electrics, plumbing and bathrooms are literally illegal to DIY but at least the insurance companies will refuse to pay if you set it up yourself and something happens.

Maybe the most peculiar thing his hooking up washing machine. If you don't have a professional plumber to hook it up insurance might not cover mishaps.

>> No.1495102

>unpasteurized milk
>cheese made with unpasteurized milk

>> No.1495103

Interesting, anyone have more info on this?
I'm in the US too. Can you explain?

>> No.1495106


>> No.1495109

Wow, and what is their reasoning?

>> No.1495127
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>> No.1495129

In america is a reasonable assumption that milk is safe for human consumption. It's fraudulent to sell milk that isn't pasteurized.

>> No.1495133

>unpasteurized milk is inherently unsafe


>> No.1495139

>I'm not sure if electrics, plumbing and bathrooms are literally illegal to DIY but at least the insurance companies will refuse to pay if you set it up yourself and something happens.
Retard, move to a first world country

>> No.1495144

It can cause miscarriage

>> No.1495148
File: 20 KB, 500x333, FinnishCoffeeCheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a Juustö smuggler. Juustö is made with raw milk and not aged 90 days, so it is illegal in the United States. I smuggle it across state lines to buyers in several states, making it a federal case. I have seen a nice old Finnish couple get raided by SWAT on their farm for making this cheese.

But God be Damned if I don't have juustö to dunk in my morning coffee. (It squeaks when you warm it up and bite it.)

>> No.1495155

Oi, you got a permit from the council for that opinion?

>> No.1495168

I thought taco Bell meat was haggis

>> No.1495170

Psst retard. If you isolate the good bacteria (dilute raw milk an absurd amount and spread it thin into discrete containers. Test each container with a agar and incubator and examine until you find a container without coxiella burnetii.)
and just use ordinary htst pasteurized milk, you get the exact same product.

There you go. I saved your larping lying ass a felony charge and gave you an opportunity to corner the market on shitty meme dairy products.

>> No.1495173

Not him but I don't understand half of what you said.

>> No.1495181

Not the shitty little Estes ones, but the ones where you pour your own motors.

>> No.1495184

oh just to make it super easy for you: ecoli and salmonella are also bad. Low temperature bacteria is also found in unpasteurized milk.

So here is what you're going to want to do:
1. get raw milk
2. get a bioreactor (conveniently you can feed the system with pasteurized milk)
3. get agar plates
4. get a microscope
5. get slide plates and covers
6. get dyes
7. get water
8. get gloves
9. get methanol
10. get some steel pressure cookers (you can sterilize them easily and allow for easy dilution.) (also makes for a good and cheap autoclave for sterilizing your tools)
11. Buy a cooler or Styrofoam cryo-shipping container.
12. buy a peltier plate, thermocouple, and potentiostat.
13. get an incubator
14. take a sample from your bioreactor and dilute it.
15. partition that dilution into glass vials.
16. populate the agar plates with your diluted samples taking care not to cross-contaminate.
17. use dye time and visual identification to identify and catalog what bacteria you have isolated.
18. repeat this process until you have isolated every bacteria, or at least have verified you have samples that lack any harmful bacteria.
19. take the bacteria you you believe to be desirable and get samples of them. Check to see which ones can survive at or below 45F. Destroy those or set them aside.
20. (optional) identify coliforms and destroy or set them aside.
21. Breed your isolated milk bacteria and make money selling them for botique food production.
22. make a mixture of all the non-shit bacteria
23. sterilize your bioreactor a few times and then add the mix from step 22.
24. set a sample of this aside for security reasons (don't keep all your golden geese together)
25. use this food safe raw milk substitute to make your shitty meme dairy products
26. Spike pasteurized milk with this meme milk and sell it to retards who want active milk cultures.
27. File a trademark because step 21 and 26 are why this hasn't been done commercially before.

>> No.1495185

You can DIY those all you want. You just can't sell it. And it varies by state. "Raw" milk is a big thing in some parts of the country - along with salmonella.

>> No.1495200
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I'll pass that on to the Blessed Are the Cheesemakers. I am but a humble smuggler. I know of no one who has ever been ill, the cheese is baked and it's sold in stores in Finland without killing off the Spurdö population.

Fun fact: It's one of pic related's favorite foods.

>> No.1495214

oi mate, put that opinion down or in the shariah law I will have to arrest you!!

>> No.1495233
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>> No.1495235

Pretty good idea tbqh. Reactivated milk

I wonder if this is how yakult started

>> No.1495241

she looks too fake

>> No.1495249

I disagree. To me, she looks just fake enough.

>> No.1495251
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you take that back

>> No.1495265
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To disparage The Korpi is punishable by Crucifixion.

>> No.1495274

Printed with mind to bear to the Blessed are the Cheesemakers, but again, I know of no Finn or Yooper who has fallen ill to fucking juustö in thousands of years. We're not Abe Lincoln's mom's sad excuse for gut flora.

>> No.1495277

It’s actually legal if it’s kept under a “CSA” (aka “community supported agriculture”) title. I help my father run the gristmill at the Warren County A&L fair in Tennessee. We sell the cornmeal grits an the feed, it’s in the second week of September. It’s cool shit

>> No.1495360

>Canada (Ontario specifically)
>Electric bikes
They need a "label from the manufacturer" stating basically that they are, in fact, an electric bike, and have to be so piss weak I'd be surprised if they could push someone up a slight hill.

>> No.1495366

Canada (Vancouver).
Electric assist bicycles are legal without a license but one without peddles requires a motorcycle license. People who don't use the peddles remove them then get ticketed for riding a motorcycle without a license.

>> No.1495424

High powered lasers. But the diodes aren't and my dad is an engineer so eat a dick

>> No.1495426

its illegal in all countries at least in the 1st world

>> No.1495428

insurance companies always refuses to pay for almost everything

>> No.1495431

>Your country

>> No.1495438

alcohol distillation / making your own moonshine
country: Spain

>> No.1495486
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Attempting to improve your life in any meaningful way

>> No.1495495

Nothing (unless it's illegal, you don't have the right permit, and you have to get caught).

>> No.1495516

In the u.s. you can make your own gun. Doesn't even need a serial number unless you plan on selling it.

>> No.1495535

>current year
>not getting your licence-licence from the town hall so you can apply for your DIY license

>> No.1495762

Well she looks really cute in that pic.
>nothing is illegal unless it is
I guess that's probably the joke though.

>> No.1495776


>> No.1495778

Being a migrant rapist is fine

>> No.1495779

Kek. I been redflagged since birth. Idgaf

>> No.1495781
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>> No.1495782

>more info

Live in middle of BurgerLand. No zoning or code laws of any kind. I do whatever the fux i wants

>> No.1495787

Absolutely haram.

Fucking lost anon

>> No.1495788

Kek. I dont understand a fucking bit of it

>> No.1495789

Mutherfucker i can't make sugar rockets?

>> No.1495794

Oi! You got a LOICENSE for that shitpost?

>> No.1495809

What are you a french cuck?
It's the exact same product. If you insist that the 0.01% impact of bacterial competition is significant, then you can always introduce food-safe bacteria that have the same growth and temperature profiles as the unsafe bacteria.

>> No.1495819
File: 122 KB, 400x600, 1987Called.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Korpi is Love, the Korpi is life.

I just found out it is illegal to have more than two twenty pound tanks of propane in your garage in my city.

Fucking fascists.

>> No.1495832

She has too much makeup there.

>> No.1495834
File: 1.50 MB, 1503x2003, 15386439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before you bitch about the coffee stains, she's a Finn and they drink more coffee per capita than the next two nations combined.

>> No.1495835

She she looks nice here. Less makeup.

>> No.1495842

I got to meet her one time. Very pretty in person (surprisingly deep voice), friendly (especially for a Finn) and smelled like pine.

Would sauna with.

>> No.1495862

Is there anything that's illegal to /diy/ for personal use. Obviously there's a good amount of stuff that's legal to make but not sell so that's low hanging fruit. Off the top of my head you probably can't legally /diy/ explosives and bombs and I'm guessing it'd be illegal to /diy/ chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons assuming you had the materials and the skill. I'm not counting guns since that isn't universally illegal. Anything else besides the obvious though?

>> No.1495940

Why do you need to ask permission to get a haircut?

>> No.1495989


Like the man said, in the 1st world.

>> No.1496011

Netherlands, installing a minisplit is illegal ... or rather it has to be activated by someone with a license.

>> No.1496014

A couple order of magnitudes less yah. Doesn't matter how good the farmer, a cows udders will always be close to its asshole.

>> No.1496020

just to give. it's typical marxist licensing.

>> No.1496023

>Off the top of my head you probably can't legally /diy/ explosives
Yes you can you nigger.

It depends on the legal definition of your country and whether they have thought thought crime laws (deliberate repetition). You can mostly bypass this by keeping your bombs incomplete but readily assembleable.

> I'm guessing it'd be illegal to /diy/ chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons assuming you had the materials and the skill.
Nope. Just property right violations. Fortunately people who have nigger inclinations don't have the intelligence/means to endanger others' property via those methods.

>Anything else besides the obvious though?
Precrime is not normal. Stop acting as though it is.

>> No.1496031
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its technically illegal but the law is an optional thing to care about here

>> No.1496042

I hear ya. Germany reporting in. Here it's illegal to mess with plumbing (technically you're not even allowed to swap out a faucet) or electrical fixtures (light switches, power outlets). You need to hire a loicensed professional to do it. Technically, that is. In practice no homeowner gives a flying fuck.

We've got that, too. To be fair, it is a bit of an explosion hazard if a tank ever springs a slow leak big enough for a nice, juicy fuel-air mixture to form. Better not to stash that stuff in enclosed rooms at all.

>> No.1496045

France vetoed the UN going to war against Iraq, so the USA banned smelly French cheese, replaced French fries by freedom fries in the parliament's cafeteria's menu, and went to war by themselves.

Except we're talking about a combination of many bacteria, some air-borne that won't do well in a Petri dish for example. It is very tricky to find this good bacteria, that's why cheese from pasteurised milk is often inferior. (There are some exceptions.)
Of course industrial cheese maker will say they found the exact perfect bacterial mix and that their product is the best, that's called advertisement.

(I'm not the guy you answered to, just another baguette.)
>It's the exact same product.
It's not, you not only removed the bad bacteria but some of the good ones too, so it can't be the same.
You reasoning is why Murican food is internationally known as shit. You guys can't grow a tomato that tastes of tomato, the only other example of people being this bad at farming is some country in Africa where they somehow forgot the let plants grow before munching on shoots.
Your 0.01% has accumulated over the years and "improvements" since the 40's, now there is only blandness left that has to be smothered in ketchup and hotsauce to have any flavour.
Don't default to the shitty option, you're better than that Anon.

>> No.1496072

>It's not, you not only removed the bad bacteria but some of the good ones too, so it can't be the same.
see: >>1495184

>You reasoning is why Murican food is internationally known as shit.
American (non-desert) food is: meat (especially beef), grain, corn, potato, tomato, and dairy characterized by simple/efficient/easy construction/production and keeping ingredients distinct and/or uniform. Meaning American food rejects/excludes spic food (dump everything together), most asiatic foods (kek just make it a soup/gruel), most euraisian/african food (goop with pieces of human shit), and non-german/non-anglo food (complexity for the sake of ponce at the cost of taste, efficiency, and not being a part of daily life)

Also your reasoning is severely flawed and your objection is based on your own inability to reason. Sorry you dislike good food.

>It is very tricky to find this good bacteria, that's why cheese from pasteurised milk is often inferior.
And that's why you isolate it by the exclusion of bad bacteria.
>some air-borne that won't do well in a Petri dish for example
Airborne bacteria in milk are a contaminant and are irrelevant to this discussion. If any airborne bacteria is essential, then the milk was simply a growth medium and only competition is relevant, making it also irrelevant to this discussion.

>You guys can't grow a tomato that tastes of tomato
We literally grow more varieties of tomato than any other country in the world... America is the agricultural capital of the world. (the only exceptions being tropical meme fruits and meme river-horseradish). We're one of the only countries with little enough communism that food is cheap enough to grow all the varieties instead of just what the commissar dictates.
But feel free to be smug about paying 40% of your after tax income on a handful of varieties instead of <5% of your after tax income on all the varieties. Also enjoy your substantially lower after tax income.

>> No.1496075

So you allege that our tomatoes are bad, and then go on to complain that too many people enjoy our tomato products???

>> No.1496083

hello, my name is officer Apu
pleased to arrest you!
criminally underrated

>> No.1496089

>Germans not givin' fuck about ze regulations
now I have seen everything! the world is truly ending!!! all head for the hills!!!
srsly though - wht kind of demented idiot would regulate if you can or can not fix your own plumbing in the house? I could (kind of) understand if that shitregulation applies only to apartment houses... nah, no, can't understand even that...

>> No.1496102

I live in the middle of Wales.

My police force consists of a single helicopter which flies over less than once every two weeks.

>> No.1496103

>nah, no, can't understand even that...
That one would actually be marginally sensible. Apartments are typically rented rather than leased, so a law prohibiting tenets from doing their own repairs (without owner permission) is sensible.
But I also didn't read the chain and you're probably referring to licensing.

>> No.1496105

this. I completely get the owners permission. that is just plain old common sense when you live in a rented apartment

>> No.1496185

>wht kind of demented idiot would regulate if you can or can not fix your own plumbing in the house?

Anything that's connected to the public water mains needs to be Connected Properly so there's no chance to contaminate the mains water (as if it wouldn't have way too much pressure for anything to go upstream, ever...). There's a whole bunch of regulations on things such as the minimum height of faucets and the like.

As for electricity: the state is scared about people being retarded and creating fire hazards.

> I could (kind of) understand if that shitregulation applies only to apartment houses... nah, no, can't understand even that...

Nope. It very much applies to "property".

>> No.1496258


>> No.1496346

>Confection with small plastic gifts inside

>> No.1496348

Nope. No true I can get them at WalMart when picking up .308 ammo for deer season..

>> No.1496349

What's the one towards the middle, in the coffee can, anon?

>> No.1496350

>insurance companies will try not to pay
no shit, that's why I always pay more for accidental damage cover

>> No.1496352

>In america is a reasonable assumption that milk is safe for human consumption
This explains a lot

>> No.1496354

>unpasteurized milk is safe for human consumption
what is Salmonella, E. coli, Listeria, Campylobacter?

>> No.1496359

>what is Salmonella, E. coli, Listeria, Campylobacter?
A tasty fish, a wierd breath mint from Switzerland and a YouTube Celebrity, duh.

If we're going to play this game, what is "vakosametti"?

>> No.1496361

>you're better than that Anon.
Are you sure?

>> No.1496363

>21% tomato in Heinz Tomato Ketchup
That's fucking pathetic

>> No.1496364

What about all those camouflaged speed traps?

>> No.1496368
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Kinder Surprise or Kinder Joy? There is a definite difference.

>> No.1496370

Irrelevant to this discussion?

>> No.1496371
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Technically it is illegal, but nobody bothers to check a pedelec

>> No.1496377

I was wondering if I was the only one thinking ketchup tastes more of vinegar and spices than tomato.

>> No.1496401
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>officer Apu

>> No.1496445
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>mfw I give myself a buzzcut without a license

>> No.1496462

I think it tastes mostly of sugar, which is why I don't get down with the stuff anymore.

>> No.1496469

You are a serious queer. Baked fucking juustö made with raw milk has never fucking killed a Finn. If Big Brother EU still allows it, it means they can't find a single incident of someone dying from it or it would be banned.

Remove balls from purse.

>> No.1496533
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Blowback SMGs are one of the easiest repeating firearms you can make yourself, and just so happen to be illegal almost everywhere except for some uncontrollable parts of Africa and the poles. Very popular with Australian bikers and Brazilian kids ive heard.

>> No.1496538
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...How about we simplify things and just list things that are legal to /diy/?

>> No.1496540
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>bank wants me to have home insurance
>they offered cheapest on market, we cover anything even if you fuck it up no questions asked insurance
There are provisions for 'competent person' to do most electrical, plumbing etc jobs as a tradie
Only big jobs like replacing whole fuseboard need reg compliant BS paperwork
In your own home its legal to do most things, some insurance claims might be invalidated
Now for things that are illegal
Moonshine - needs a licence even if if you make alcohol for fuel

>> No.1496553
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>fuck Richard Brunstrom.avi

>> No.1496554
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contrary to the "oi you got a license for that?" meme you can actually DIY almost anything you like in your own home in bongistan.
some stuff such as bathroom electrics, consumer unit changes and rewires you technically need to notify the council (part P). there is a very common myth that it is illegal to do the work but no such law exists. you just have to notify them that you are doing the work and show that it meets whatever standard is applicable.
the only thing that I have found is actually illegal to do yourself is to tamper with water mains that might be under your property - there are specific laws for this.

>> No.1496627


Loli hentai (funny since 15yrs ago you could technically legally fuck animals here)
Distilling Alcohol

Plumbing and electricity has to be done by people who are license if you want to insure your house.

Explosives is a gray area.

>> No.1496645

reread that post.

>> No.1496647

Technically, in America all metal, rubber, polymer, clay, cordage, and wood are illegal.
Isn't the combination of thought crime and pre-crime wonderful?

>> No.1496723

Here's a fun and tragic story of DIY and the Finnish parlament: They were interrupted by a burnt lightbulb, which led to an absolute joke of a discussion. Some would have just got up and changed it, but two of the most prominent parties were horrified of the idea and opposed it as reckless and dangerous. Apparently they always called a professional electrician to change light bulbs even at their home, and would never have even thought about doing it themselves.
>TL;DR: How many Finnish parlamentarians it takes to change a light bulb? More than two hundred, apparently.

As for things that are illegal to DIY, there's too many to count. For example any part of a car body, anything functioning on mains current, and most notably cleaning your own chimney. Why is that notable? Because there are a set number of chimneysweeps in the nation and working on set territories, meaning they don't have to compete with anyone as they can't intrude into each others territories and it is mandated by law for anyone with a chimney to pay for their services whether they're needed or not.

>> No.1496730

Why is it illegal to have seats in the back of an extended cab pickup truck in Finland?

>> No.1496734
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Imagine how hard you would nope stumbling upon this while doing urbex or some shit at evening/night.

>> No.1496738

its technically illegal to do work that doesnt meet standard, unless its unfished
my landlord particularly likes that last part

funnily enough they are suggesting a "landlord license" around these parts to combat shitty landlords like mine

>> No.1496907

Fuck off with your Finn shit, I hadn't even mentioned juustö. Just go get drunk somewhere.

>> No.1496934


>> No.1497139
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>its technically illegal to do work that doesnt meet standard, unless its unfished

he should have notified the council before starting any notifiable work, otherwise he is breaking the law. doesn't matter if it's finished or not.

if it's not notifiable work then there is no crime regardless of whether it is finished or not.

HMOs are different, if you are in a shared house then he needs inspection reports every 3 years

either way there is no serious attempt at enforcement of any of this shit by most councils so he will never be caught even if he is breaking a law

>> No.1498042

That's ironic considering milk is not safe for human consumption regardless of processing.

>> No.1498066

PETA go home, you're drunk

>> No.1498083
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How does this make you feel?

>> No.1498085

>That's ironic considering milk is not safe for human consumption regardless of processing.
it is if you're white. Clearly you're not.