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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1491939 No.1491939 [Reply] [Original]

OK, I am tearing my hair out on this. My toilet leaks out of the bottom. I've changed out the ring three times, it's good for a few days and then it leaks again. We have towels sitting at the base to adsorb the water that are changed out regularly.I've changed the flange as well.

I can't figure it out. Last time I changed the ring, I looked at the bottom of the pot and didn't see anything obvious that would cause leaking.

Do I need a new toilet?

>> No.1491944

Dude, I had a toilet that did that. Do you have fat people using it? They may stress bracket more.
Mine was only fixed after my house flooded and the guy ended up changing a whole bunch of shit out.

>> No.1491945

double up on the wax and/or make sure that shit is bolted solid so you aren't breaking the seal when your fat behemoth boyfriend sits down on it.

>> No.1491946

don't break the porcelain though kek

>> No.1491947

all americans need to throw out fucking rank shite hole in the bottom toilets with fucking wax! wax fucking rings? jesus christ.
get a toilet with a hole at the back, plastic pipes with rubber seals. not fucking wax ffs.

your toilet is probably leaking because the pipe is blocked, there is no other good reason for that bit to be full of water. take the toilet off pour water down the hole, see if it drains.

fucking piss towels jesus fuck man.

>> No.1491948

That bitch is solid. Fat Bastard couldn't move it.

The newest seal I put on is a thick rubber ring. Gotta get the strongest drain cleaner, eh?

>> No.1491949

Have you considered that the subfloor the drain is attached to might be fucked from who knows how many years of leaks.

>> No.1491950

The subfloor is solid.

>> No.1491954

the pipe could be backed up. are you on a sewer system? septic tank? is the shitter in the basement where it requires a sewage pump to get it out of the house?

>> No.1491956

I've considered that it's backed up, it makes sense. But I've run a few chemicals down there with little result. I have been looking at tracking down the drain cleaner with sulfuric acid in it. I have to drive an hour to get to a store that sells it. My local wal-mart and home depot don't carry it.

>> No.1491958

better to remove the toilet and pour water down the pipe. i know it's a pain in the ass but that will tell you if the issue is the pipe or the toilet. those drain cleaner chemicals are also pretty fucking nasty. oh and you didn't answer a single one of my questions, hard to help without the proper info

>> No.1491964

city sewer, its on the ground floor. piping is in the basement

>> No.1491967

flush that shit first man

>> No.1491968

>Brown, Flush it down
>Yellow, let it mellow.

>> No.1491969

are all the other drains in the house working fine? if so it's likely something with the toilet or the pipe the toilet uses. if there's other drains having issues it could be a main line either in the house or the sewer itself. you don't use those stupid fucking "flushable" wipes do you?

>> No.1491970

no, we flush our TP though. No problems with other pipes.

>> No.1491976

do you know if the tub/shower is connected to the same pipe? does the toilet flush normal and completely?

it could be the toilet isn't seated properly. you said earlier that it's pretty solid but is it actually sitting fairly level? if the floor or pipe has shifted that could cause issues. you might need to replace the flange or add an extension if the existing flange is sitting too low. the flange itself should be about even with the floor around it

>> No.1491984

make sure the leak isnt between the tank and the stool...

>> No.1491988

my flange is above the floor.

The shower is connected to the same pipe at first. they go parallel then converge with the basement basin sink.

>> No.1491989
File: 14 KB, 450x450, Sani Seal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

~$12 at Home Depot
throw the bolts away - they're brass plated steel
use only full brass flange bolts
used a bunch of these, haven't had one fail yet

t. property maintenance 30 years

>> No.1491991

>my flange is above the floor.
it's squeezing all the wax out

>> No.1491992

>my flange is above the floor
that could be an issue too depending how high it's sitting. is there already an extension on it? is there any wiggle in the toilet at all? even the slightest bit of wiggle will cause it to leak especially if the flange is too high and holding most of the weight. also like >>1491984 said, make absolutely sure it's not the tank leaking

i assume the shower drain works fine? if so it's likely not a drain issue then

>> No.1491997

No, they bolted the flange to the floor ontop of the linoleum.

>> No.1492000

>No, they bolted the flange to the floor on top of the linoleum.
This foam seal will work then. >>1491989

>> No.1492001

that may be the problem then depending how much allowance the toilet has. is this a recent install or something? you did clean out all the old wax from both the flange, floor and toilet right? also when installing a new seal either wax or rubber you have the place the toilet straight on it. if you fuck up the placement at all the wax will smear out and the rubber might not sit right.

not really much more i can say without pictures of the flange, seal and toilet but whatever you do get it fixed asap before the water starts rotting the floor and you end up with a far bigger problem.

>> No.1492002

when did it start?

>> No.1492003

It has an allowance of 20$ every Saturday

>> No.1492015

It could be cracked literally anywhere. this leads water to enter the porcelain and it drains out the bottom.

>> No.1492019

As a plumber from time to time I’ve experienced casting holes becoming unplugged. I suggest a lot of blue tidy bowl style tank cleaner. This will show underneath the bowl if there is a small crack or casting hole problem. I’ve sealed these holes with silicone.
To reseat the plumber way, one wax ring without the horn on the flange, one with the horn on top of that. New bolts, clear silicone the toilet to the floor and the toilet nuts to the bolts so they don’t work loose over time. Hope it helps

>> No.1492020

This! Check the tank to bowl bolts. Flush the bowl and touch the bolts-see if water comes off on your fingers.

>> No.1492027

>I've run a few chemicals down there with little result
I haven't read the thread all the way through yet but it sounds like you have a bigger problem than drain cleaner will fix. You have a full clog in the pipe somewhere causing the backup. You need to snake/auger it. If it's old, you probably have a tree root that has grown into the pipe or if the house has went periods of vacancy you could have a chunk of soap scum that collected at a trap or something like that.

>> No.1492042
File: 35 KB, 1000x1000, fluidmaster-seals-gaskets-wax-rings-7514-64_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remove old wax. Buy extra thick wax ring. Use old nuts to bolt nuts to flange. Dry fit toilet where it should go. Draw line with marker around. Remove toilet. Set down ring. Set toilet down. Sit down and ride a bit to settle it, if somebody fatter around use them. Tighten bolts. Once again ride that sucker and go through the motions, check bolts and tighten as needed. Had an issue like that when I got new tile, the guy didn't redo the flange and was too much of a dip to use a thick wax ring. Kept leaking until I bough the thick ring. Replaced the toilet last year, stuck with the thick ring, all good, turds are going out to sea.

>> No.1492083

>clear silicone the toilet to the floor
you're a fucking Idiot, seal leaks floor rots kill yourself faggot

>> No.1492084

my guess is the bowl is leaking where it seals to the shitter. If not double up wax rings and shim the wobbly shitter so it dont rock If that dont work silicone the toilet seat on top of a 5 gal bucket and use that like the rest of these retards in here

>> No.1492112

You are definitely under 20. It’s almost impossible to silicone the back. Guys piss on the floor and it gets under the toilet where you can’t ever clean it. Silicone is sanitary. Think before you speak child

>> No.1492133

Remove whatever flange repair you've done. Its most likely the culprit. May also be clogged. Flush with tp 5-10 times and see if it clogs up.

>> No.1492143

Use 2-3 wax rings.

They do this in old hotels when they don’t want to actually fix the problem.

You probably need to replace the floor and bracket under the toilet especially since it’s been leaking constant

>> No.1492145

Thinking it’s “solid” and it actually being solid are usually 2 different things. Especially for /diy/ers

>> No.1492147

>flange is above the floor
>subfloor is solid

You fucking idiot

>> No.1492204

>Insert funnel Into shower drain
>shit into funnel
>let hot shower water turn solid poop to watery goodness

>> No.1492229

where do you live so I can come choke a retard

>> No.1492231

OP here this was it!
Water was leaking between the two a few twists of the bolts problem solved.
This guy is a Genius thanks brother!

>> No.1492232

so you piss all over the floor eh....sounds like you're the underage faggot I'll guess 6 or 7 yrs old since you piss all over your floor...go fuck yourself pissy pants

>> No.1492237
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no, rename it the poo poo pee pee chamber

>> No.1492238

Oh my God, OP

>> No.1492258

Op here I've been getting rid of the old rings by shoving them down the pipe should I not be doing that???

>> No.1492283

A thread died for this, you fucking faggot.

Id just like to take this as a learning aid for accurate reporting of symptoms. "I see water at the bottom" is accurate. "Water is leaking from the bottom" is inaccurate and caused the thread to discuss the wrong fucking topic for 2 fucking days.

>> No.1492300


YO, SHUT THE FUCK UP. not everyone on here is a fucking expert. thats why OP came here to get help and eventually the correct solution was discovered. you 2 fucking faggots are definitely not plumbing experts, you are 2 dumb trolls. "a thread died for this" you act as if this board moves very fast where someone would miss your "what do I do with this arduino" piece of shit thread.

>> No.1492332

>A thread died for this
Oh the humanity

>> No.1492365

Well I can't move it even if I rock back and forth on it.

I changed the flange out entirely since the old flange was broken. Even then, the flange sat on top of the floor.

It clogs up once a day. I am going to go after work and get some drain opener...and a snake.

>> No.1492376

You are not a licensed plumber. I am.

>> No.1492377

>You are not a licensed plumber. I am.

awesome. my shitter is backed up. can you come over now?

>> No.1492437
File: 80 KB, 571x570, 1239291346519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are not a licensed plumber. I am.

>> No.1492443

135/hr give me your cc number and I’ll get on the way

>> No.1492444

The closet shoe is lower than average. Use 2 wax rings. The first one with a flange and the second one one top should be flange less. This will make up for the distance between the closet shoe and the toilet. The distance is most likely caused by people putting layers of floor on top of each other instead of ripping up the old floor.

>> No.1492445
File: 88 KB, 720x960, 8428CA4C-4BE0-4AC1-8359-0405B7F3FF46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I replaced a toilet flange most of a rotten floor and two rotted ass elbows today. Tell me about your plumbing experience.

>> No.1492446

Use flange spacer rings from Home Depot double nutted sealed to the original flange with silicone and add as many rings as necessary until you get 1/4” above the floor instead

>> No.1492463


anon, dump a fucking bottle of drain cleaner called "liquid fire" down in it. Don't breathe the fumes. Don't get it on skin or clothes. Thank me later

>> No.1492466

>Thank me later
Hey thats my line Jahmal

>> No.1492481


I snaked your mom last night. shes flowing nicely now

>> No.1492490

Isn't liquid fire straight Sulfuric Acid? I have PVC pipes and we are talking about a porcelain toilet.

>> No.1492518

>PVC pipes and we are talking about a porcelain toilet.
PVC pipes are okay if you don't let it sit too long.
If you put it in the toilet, it will crack the bowl from the heat.
>exothermic reaction with water in the bowl

>> No.1492532

yeah that's a good way to turn a simple job into a cluster fuck. my aunt did that with her kitchen sink and of course the shit didn't work (it never does) so it sat in the pipe slowly eating through it for about a week. it thinned out about 6ft of PVC plus multiple holes so basically everything from the sink to half way across her house had to be replaced. cost her nearly $1000 all because she tried to take the easy way out and dumb toxic shit down the drain

>> No.1492832


your aunt is fucking stupid.

>> No.1492884

So close the water valve into the toilet, flush to empty the bowl and tank, fill the tank back up, put some drain opener in the bowel, and flush a few times to ensure it goes all the way through the tank

>> No.1492950

What's wrong?

>> No.1493063

Wtf you give plumbers a bad name guy

>> No.1493075

This thread is fucking hilarious xx

>> No.1493155

How many traps do you think you need guy?

>> No.1493212 [DELETED] 
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In my defense-I’m actually the only licensed plumber here. Pic related

>> No.1493252

someone explain this double trapped monstrosity to me?
did someone just add a tub/etc to make a reservoir for the washer to drain into, then SLOWLY drain through the clogged original drain?

>> No.1493258

There may be too much distance between the toilet and the flange. Instead of using cheap wax ring, invest in the expensive as shit rubber "problem solver" seal. It really works.

>> No.1493260


>> No.1493263

Depending on how long its been leaking there may be other rusty/broken parts. So yes.

Not just fat people, the leaking/rotting happened on my kitchen toilet. We have major holidays and some birthdays at our house, so its been abused. Also an elderly family member would throw himself instead of sitting due to a prosthetic leg hindering his mobility.

>> No.1493264

Also if theres leaking, that means the toilet is pulling more water. So it is costing in the meantime.

>> No.1493336



Modern detergent and modern washers, Anon. The amount of suds created is insane in some areas (depends on water hardness) and will throw soap all over your floor as the pipe overflows with bubbles from the insane drain speed that modern washers can pump out. I have a drain tub, although mine isn't in the air because I'm a sane human being.

My washer is a Speedqueen analog and discharges water at ludicrous speeds.

>> No.1493374

Literally why?
Water is cheap as fuck.
You not flushing isn't stopping the almond farms or golf courses using billions of litres.
Flush your toilet, degenerate.

>> No.1493433

Because I pay by the gallon and my toilet uses 5 gallons per flush

>> No.1493454

You’re 100% sure the tank isn’t leaking. Add red food coloring to the back of the tank and green to the bowl. See what color leaks out.

>> No.1493456

Except when your toilet is leaking... flush everything, every time.

>> No.1493483

What shithole country do you live in that water is so expensive you just deal with a lingering piss scent all day?

I pay $1.66 per M^3
That's 1000 litres.
That's 2000 dasani bottles.
Cheap as chips.

It's your service, distribution and sewer charges that get you, not your actual usage.

>> No.1493488

How do you empty the bowl in order to fix whatever is under it? It's not like you can suck everything out with a straw

>> No.1493491

Wet vac or buckets. Or a siphon.

>> No.1493493

But don't you have to suck on the siphon before?

>> No.1493500

No, you can fill the siphon with water and then drop the head

>> No.1493502

Here in California you get penalized after crossing certain usage plateaus, (Plus they harass you by sending someone to your door to tell you that you use too much water...).

>> No.1493516

Close the valve and empty the tank by flushing. I like to use a plunger to push most of the remaining water into the sewer line, then sop the rest of it up with an old towel.

>> No.1493556

From my experience, the usual cause of slow leak at floor that doesn't seem to change while flushing and isn't in tank or tank-to-bowl gasket, and noone has noticed tank refilling itself, is when the ballcock isn't shutting off all the way.
The water keeps flowing into the overflow/fill tube at a slow steady trickle. The bowl likewise just overflows into the trapway as a tiny stream. When it gets down to where the water leaves the toilet, the area outside the rim at the exit isn't glazed and made waterproof. Even if the wax ring is 100% water tight to the toilet and flange, the water can wick or seep through the pores in the porcelain itself, bypassing the wax ring. And it will cling as it does, just like how rain can run down the roof, cling and drip under the eaves.That and once water starts to make it past the wax ring, it will erode just a bit to make it easier to keep seeping.

So make sure your ballcock isn't stuck open or is having to turn on occasionally cause water is leaking down to the bowl, either from bad flapper or crack in flush valve/fill tube

>> No.1493618

>kitchen toilet

>> No.1493910

Speaking of toilet bolt problems, I have one of my own.
>Install new toilet
>works just fine
>realize there's a big gap between the tank and the wall
I saw something called "Secure-A-Tank" but I couldn't find it at a store, and wondered if there was anything I could just do myself.

>> No.1493912

This reminds me of taking on an easy "just a wax ring" job. They screwed the toilet to the floor, which was rotted by now, multiple times. Flange was lead and gone, thank god for repair flanges

>> No.1493917

>realize there's a big gap between the tank and the wall
and it wasn't there before?
why is this a problem?

>> No.1493961

New toilets are smaller than the old ones, so the tanks don't reach the wall.
This is a problem because if someone leans on the tank when sitting, they put strain on the tank bolts and could cause a leak.

>> No.1493965

Which is why I posted this:

>> No.1494032
File: 182 KB, 1200x1200, Something+for+your+reaction+folders+for+when+people+defend+overpriced_c96006_6808268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This I never thought of. I tried the drain opener stuff, which did clear something out of the pipes. I dunno what. I still have a leak.

I adjusted the ballcock, the tank fills lower. I got down on the floor to wipe off the water, and noticed that water was running from one of the bolts holding the tank to the bowl. Flushed, and it dripped harder.

I bet the problem has been this all a long.

>> No.1494130

Add some brick or large objects in the reservoir, which will mean less water per flush.

Hry cuntbag, you live in a shithole country. the US sucks on so many levels, but primarily it's egocentric fucks like you. You can make a difference by using less water, fuel, and having a smart diet. It's not about the dollar price, but about resources being used.

>> No.1494199

I thought the same thing was happening to my toilet. Turns out I was pissing out through the small gap between the seat and the bowl when I would sit down and it would trickle to the floor.

>> No.1495254

I put a small container behind the toilet to catch the water, and the floor has been totally dry ever since. Tomorrow I am running to the Home Depot to get a gasket.

>> No.1495263

>A thread died for this, you fucking faggot.
I've seen this cried in at least 3 separate threads now. If this thread is so trash, according to your standards, I'd hate to see the one it replaced.

>> No.1495264

>A thread died for this
As if it could NEVER be reposted. MY GOD.

>> No.1495285

>It's not about the dollar price

Except that is it.
Because OP said so.

>You can make a difference by using less

Do you honestly think not flushing your toilet has any significant impact?

The issue isn't the 85 gallons per person per day in California,
It's the outrageous agricultural and environmental water usage.

>Your problems are literally almonds and golf greens.

>> No.1495286


>> No.1495700
File: 44 KB, 220x220, tenor[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kitchen toilet
you know what, don't even put me in the screencap

>> No.1495703

Agriculture needs to use a shit ton of water to ensure crops grow.

It is largely sticker price, OP is poor and trying to save money. 4 out of 5 times, I piss in the toilet without shitting. If I used the 5 gallons of water every time I pissed, my water bill would be through the roof. I live on $300 a week here.

It's expensive to be poor and cheap to be rich.

>> No.1495815

Toilet leaks at base when shower runs.

Backstory: moved into new place. Shower was draining very slowly after about 5 minutes of running. Plumber came out and snaked my shower drain (found good-sized hair clump) then snaked toilet drain and found nothing. Shower was fixed but I'm still seeing the leak at toilet base when shower runs. What's going on here?

>> No.1495816


>> No.1496432

well, I fixed the problem. The gasket crumbled as I took it off from under the tank. No drips. But eventually I would have had to replace the wax ring and closet flange anyway, so eh. Plus those items aren't too expensive. Replaced the internals of the tank with a dual flush system I got at the Home Depot for like $30. So I guess no more if it's yellow it's mellow.

>> No.1496524

Wait, you mean seperate buttons for short-flush and long-flush? Every toilet comes with that here.

>> No.1496549

this is an older toilet, I retrofitted it with a dual flush system.

>> No.1497132

Check your vent stack, your drain is slugging