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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1479444 No.1479444 [Reply] [Original]

For the last year or so, my (((Zoeller))) sump pump float intermittently fails to engage the switch to the pump. Float rises, but it just doesn’t click it on. Sometimes all it takes to get it to engage is by simply taking off the cover to the sump and *click* it goes back to work. Is there any way to service the switch? Or is it too big a pain in the ass? Could it be the float itself? Are they replaceable?

>> No.1479465

Is it physically actuated or magnetic? I get the same issues on dishwashers when there's crap stopping the float from reaching the point where it actually switches. It looks like it's working but upon inspection its slightly open still.

In your case it's more likely a bad switch with arc damaged contacts because that shit looks like it was built in the 20s.

>> No.1479467

I googled it, it's physically actuated and replaceable.

>> No.1479483

The switches are the weak points. They don't 'really' fail often, but have to be jimmied to work because the contacts get worn. Since you have to take it out to repair the switch anyways, put in an external sewage float switch (The floating ball type) and wire it into the cord, then take the float off the pump and just leave the lever on. If you get a good float switch you won't have to touch it for 10 years, the switch on those pumps is the only weak spot.

>> No.1479557

Boom, thanks!

Yeah, I don’t know. The only pumps I know that use the floating ball are Liberty’s. I always get weary of them because the float doesn’t sit in a fixed position which leaves the possibility of it getting hung up on something. Solid advice though.

>> No.1479563

stop pissing in it you drunkard

>> No.1479564

Replace the float switch/switches.

>> No.1479565

You're thinking of something else. Something like this, mounted away from the pump.

>> No.1480206

Zoeller makes switch repair kits
A model 53 is 150$ don’t be a cheapskate. Just replace it every 5 yrs and you won’t have problems
Signed-the plumber you should have called the first time

>> No.1480207

Better get 2 pumps in that pit
Or a good set of boots and a mop
10 yrs-my ARSE
The plumber you should have called in the first place

>> No.1480345


samefag the fuck harder

>> No.1480446

Replying twice to a thread is not samefagging you retard. Not to mention he clearly indicated he was the same poster.

Then again, you are a tripfag attention whore, spewing mental diahrrea and screenshotting (you)s. Tripcodes are for identifying op in one thread only. Posting under an identity goes against the core purpose of 4chan, you Reddit tier faggot.

>> No.1480449

On the last 5 pumps that you replaced, what was it that failed? You didn't even look did you.

>> No.1480454

>Tripcodes are for identifying op in one thread only.

NO. That's what a lot of people want the rule to be, but it's not a rule and never has been.

Bepis pretty much changed the /diy/ climate for tripcodes anyway, since he's treated like a normal poster most of the time.

>> No.1480558

It's the norm here, just like we don't post "xD" and narwhal bacon or what ever the fuck. Actual rules mean very little anyways.

>> No.1480600

He's treated like a normal poster by OPs that are desperate for any help they can get, and by newfags and redditors. Everyone else ignores him (on phone) or blocks him (on pc and tablet). The core regulars here don't care for him at all.

>> No.1481422

Pump failures are usually the switch. But I don’t wait more then 5 yrs to find out for a 150$ pump.
Don’t set a bottom sucking pump into mud or it will die also. Cut the side out of a 5 gallon bucket 2” from the top all the way to the bottom. Tape the discharge pipe to the side of the bucket so it can’t shift around. Don’t let the switch hang up. Use a glue check valve. They have longer sockets and hold pump in place. A little silicone on the O ring of the glue style check valve and it will never leak
You can do it