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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1474650 No.1474650 [Reply] [Original]

Post all the Urban survival tactics and home made tools for surving in an urban setting. Fuck the forest, fuck trees. I live in a concrete jungle. Im going to comb over all the posts and put together a urban diys survival guide.

>> No.1474657

You can make a torque wrench and a bump key out of windshield wiper blades, and use them to get in to locked apartment's you know in case you lost your key

>> No.1474659
File: 562 KB, 500x290, ca6XyYC.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bend one blade in several spots at small 45% angles so it has roughly the same profile as the key in the diagram and then a torque wrench is just a hook to place inside the key whole with the bump key so you can pull and turn and create tension on the lock, as you run the blade in to the lock in and out it bumps the pins up and if you are able to hook it and apply pressure the pins will catch and one by one they will be lifted and locked in place, then you will be able to open your lock

>> No.1474662


>> No.1474688
File: 2.89 MB, 4032x2601, 795439CC-DCBC-45D1-890B-A048C0D26013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does you’re BOB look like Opie?

>> No.1474722

Quite a lot wrong with that picture.

>> No.1474739

>not buying a kneepad instead

>> No.1474770

DIY flashbangs are very good. Working on 2 right now

>> No.1475492

Kek. Anything u can use as a weapon, reinforcement, or escape to the fucked off trees where you can be somewhat sage

>> No.1475494

I meant safe. Here your bump citicuck

>> No.1475495

Fuck trees fuck me!

>> No.1475498

Please make a thread of your "party noise making flashers" when you do!

>> No.1475503

Nah, its to easy for a new thread.
Just gets some KClO4 and Mg or Al000.
Add some magnesium flakes intje right ratio ( -60% o2). Take a paper tube and make it waterproof with 24h epoxy. Ignition over waterproof fuse or Electric. Only DIY Worth Mode is a Ring pull systhem. Take every 3 ignitors for 1 bang and you have a flashbang for real SHTF

>> No.1475514

fuckn joke there susan

>> No.1475551

Last time it was your zombie survival bag and I asked if you were going to fuck zombies with the condoms. Fucking bepis u lil nig

>> No.1475565

First and last time coming to this board, jeez.

>> No.1475829
File: 117 KB, 720x720, 1456594006751-pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Add floss and a tounge scraper to your BOB. People forget how important dental health is in a shtf situation. Flossing is more inportant than bushing. Also febreeze to wash your clothes instead of the tide, much lighter. You might need a hand crank generator to run those extensions, just keep it right under 3600rpm and you should be fine.

t. survival course instructor of 23years

>> No.1475860

>American lock design

>> No.1476089


>> No.1476192

kek good job anon

>> No.1476380

I am bothered by this image.

>> No.1477029

>Janitor acceptance emails will be sent out over the coming weeks Make sure to check your spam box!

>> No.1477034
