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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 230 KB, 1800x1350, hose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1464894 No.1464894 [Reply] [Original]

Half an idiot here.

I was about to change the oil and filter but this hose was flopping around in the way, one end unconnected, no idea when it came loose. What is it and where does it terminate? 2006 Jeep Liberty 3.7 btw

Also there's a very very slow leak of yellow fluid under the vehicle. It feels and looks just like coolant, not oily, but it isn't sweet at all, it's extremely bitter.

>> No.1464895
File: 51 KB, 1000x750, leak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's an out of focus horrible photato of the fluid leak. This is after ~1 week without driving, usually its smaller.

>> No.1464896


>> No.1464897

Just came from there, this belongs here I guess.

>> No.1464898

Not this post either, filthy troll

>> No.1464899

See that nice oil covered dark spot above the filter and everything next to it is clean. I would start looking north of that oil covered spot.

>> No.1464902

That looks like coolant. Nowadays coolant isn't sweet, they've mafe it taste bitter because animals would drink it off the road from leaking cars and die.
Can you get another angle of the hose you're talking about? It looks like it would go to the water pump, but if that a WP hose was disconnected you would know, not to mention that seems a bit small of a hose.

>> No.1464903

Also you have a power steering leak. (I forgot to add that to my other comment.)

>> No.1464916
File: 281 KB, 1500x1125, term.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get very good pictures with how little room there is so idk how much help this is.

Here's where the bottom end of the hose appears to terminate. This is looking up at the driver's side. I think this is the front differential? The owner never uses 4wd which may explain why nothing's been damaged.

>> No.1464919
File: 253 KB, 1500x1125, cavity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is where the hose was flopping around when I found it. Still looking up at the driver's side under the left side of the motor, that's the steering column going up into the cab.

It was dangerously close to touching the serpentine belt.

>> No.1464922
File: 69 KB, 1000x750, hose-top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTW that's the loose hose in the far left of the previous image: >>1464919

And this is the top end of the hose. I don't even seen an opening where this connector would allow fluid to pass. It almost looks like a greasing tube or something meant to inject grease into the front differential from a more convenient spot? But I don't know why it would be loose, and I can't find any sort of mount or connector which would mate to this.

>> No.1464928

It doesnt look like there is an outlet to the hose. Is that just a senor thats supposed to clip to something?

>> No.1464930

It’s a breather vent for the differential. It connects to a small round hard plastic end that is attached to a stud on the inner fender below the battery. I'd attach (ziptie) it to something to keep it as high as possible and out of the way of anything moving.

>> No.1464931
File: 2.07 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same engine as my Grand Cherokee, it looks like it goes to a small trans cooler on the front of the radiator

>> No.1464936
File: 2.19 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, different connection. I’m retarded and can’t tell if your pics are coming from above or below.

Is it this hose?

>> No.1464944
File: 175 KB, 1500x1125, snappy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's either of those, it's coming off the front-left side of the front differential at an upwards angle, it's immediately below the oil filter.

I think this is a bingo! The connector has no holes so a breather seems right. Also the connector clicked onto the exposed threads of one of the strut bolts like it was meant to be.

I routed it out of danger, away from the other hoses, and snapped it in here.

Thanks dudes! I'll check the fluid levels now to see what's leaking.

>> No.1464993


probably dog piss

also thats a breather/vent just pull it out and forget about it

unless you can figure out how to use google and find where it belongs

>> No.1465294

What's with the crack right above the circle? Looks like the tranny is split wide open.

>> No.1465301


>> No.1465311

valve cover leaks and drips down. gets whipped about by the fan, dirt sticks and everything gets coated.
Paper towels and clean off as much of the hoses and engine block you can get to.
Or spray it clean, but be careful not to push water into electrics.
The other spot is front and rear main seals. You can usually spot the oil drop on one of the pan bolts.
Too clean to be oil. could be as other anon says, coolant.
Check your power steering reservoir.
Also check that sensor directly above the oil filter in your pic. That's the oil pressure sender and they are notorious for leaking. Tho usually right out the plug port.
I'd still be cleaning all that up to make sure it's not a leak in your power steering.

>> No.1465312

Oh.. and if there is a filter boss (connects filter to engine block) look around that. Depends on the engine but those have a seal and a O-ring bolt that can let loose and drip.
That and if you didn't take off the old oil filter gasket and have two there. But usually that makes one big effing mess

>> No.1465364

Thanks, I'll clean what I can and pass that on to the owner. I checked all the fluid levels and they're all at max, so idk. Too much effort for me, I was just conscripted to do an oil change!

>> No.1465904

>also thats a breather/vent just pull it out and forget about it
Until you drive through standing water and your diff fills up with mud.

>> No.1466265

That's the breather hose for the front differential, secure it somewhere with a ziptie, or find the stud it was shoved onto.

>> No.1466269

looks like a metal ID tag to me

>> No.1466281

Way to come in and copy what I said... two days later... .

>> No.1466364


pressure inside diff > pressure of some other shit hes driving through

itll be fine