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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 27 KB, 623x414, cutting disk on drill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1459951 No.1459951 [Reply] [Original]

Dad insists this is perfectly safe as long as you wear protection goggles. What does /diy/ think?

>> No.1459963

in the sense a drill can't spin it fast enough to do anything useful or destructive both, sure.

>> No.1459965

Yup, but you also probably need telling to keep your hands away from the rotating disc

>> No.1459971


HVAC tech here. that's how I cut ductwork; hold the duct with one hand and the drill in the other.

at least that's how I did it before I went on disability.

>> No.1459979


>> No.1460047

yep it's safe
I do this all the time and it works well.
sometimes skip the goggles if I can cut away from my face

>> No.1460049

Yeah that's actually pretty safe. Drills are slow. Put on your goggles and trust your dad.

>> No.1460054

face shield and gloves unless you want cool scars

>> No.1460059

>trust your dad.
If you knew him you wouldn't say that

>> No.1460060

Im not sure if its safe or not, but its shit and will barely work for its intended purpose

>> No.1460066

Yea, but a face shield and gloves will be a lot better. It won't spin fast enough to cause the massive killing damages an angle grinder can do.

>> No.1460080

Google the rpms of the drill and disc/grinder if you can’t find them on hand. If you’re slow you won’t do much if you’re fast you’ll shoot hot bits of disc everywhere

>> No.1460134

Yeah it's totally safe because that drill isn't spinning anywhere near as fast as an angle grinder.
same reason why it won't fucking work.

>> No.1460158

Thats why i always put it in reverse.

>> No.1460203

wouldn't that loosen off the screw holding it all together?
at least that's what happens with mine

>> No.1460217

In other words... buy an angle grinder.

>> No.1460224

I'm always leery about wearing gloves with rotating power tools. Especially since op would probably use bulky garden gloves or some shit.

>> No.1460294
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>> No.1460316
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>> No.1460321


>> No.1460376
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>> No.1460391
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>7" grinder
>no guard

>> No.1460395

i'm actually surprised at the levels of safety compliance in this thread. 7/10 would not shutdown your jobsite.

>> No.1460396

Imagining this makes my stomach churn worse than any average troll post, good job

>> No.1460442
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To be honest, the 12Ga wire is a fuse. ^_^
And yes, that's straight off the pole to an outlet protected by electrical tape.

>> No.1460445
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>> No.1460568

Jesus fucking christ. So many questions. How did you get the secondary down without getting shocked first of all?

>> No.1460588

I aint no fool, I wore rubber-soled sandals and dishwashing gloves.

>> No.1460680
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That was the easy part.
A big fucking tree fell on it.
But it's just 120/240. As long as you are just working one leg and not grounded it's no big deal. Not like 16kv.

>> No.1460685

radial load on those drill bearings ain't gonna be good long-term, nor for the drill chuck

>> No.1460694

I had to cut that shit with some bolt cutters one time and it was live. I was in rubber boots, had welders gloves and full face shield. The shower of sparks was pretty awesome, even if it knocked a 1/4" hole in the bolt cutter edges where it cut the wire. It danced a jig until I caught the wires and separated them to get some insulators on them.

>> No.1460700

You're doing God's work.

>> No.1460709

I went to lineman school and some dude came in saying he lost both of his arms because he grazed a secondary line. He had prosthetics and was abnormally happy. Never became a lineman mostly because of that kek. Godspeed anon

>> No.1460736

Generally, it's a good idea to wear gloves with handheld power tools (drill, grinder, impact wrench, etc.) and a bad idea to wear gloves with stationary power tools (lathe, mill, drill press, etc.). Gloves dampen vibrations, and most hand tools are designed that a proper grip will keep your hands well away from the spinning parts. With grinders in particular, torque is low, and there are two-thousand-degree sparks flying around. In contrast, stationary equipment is more likely to have dangerous amounts of torque, a power switch that doesn't require you to hold it on, and access to the spinning parts when in use. There are a few exceptions, like bench grinders with enclosures, where heat and sparks are a bigger concern than catching a glove.

>> No.1460748

I definitely recall Louis Sauzedde using one of those in his work skiff videos.

>> No.1460928

That doesn't sound right. But the term Primary changes depending on what transmission line you are talking about.
The big heavy bastards carry primaries at 69-500 KV
Under that is MGN (multi-ground neutral)
Next down are Secondary lines are 5-30 KV
That can be the primary on residential poles.
Under that is the secondary service drop (the lines you see in that pic) for 120-240. 120 on each coated wire and neutral on the bare wire, which is also used as the strength member to hold up the other two.

Burgerland names and voltages. overseas stuff changes but the overall (higher is hotter) still applies.

>> No.1460930

You need a guard. In the very least, no long sleeves, neckties, gloves, or necklaces...nothing that can get tangled. A choker is ok to wear though.

>> No.1460962

a choker?
what are you a 14 year old girl?

>> No.1460976

well he was set for life with a cushy light duty job earning full pay. his job was just to tell people he burnt off his arms and never had to climb a pole again.

>> No.1461007

Safe and stupid are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.1461131
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Could be a Martian sleeper agent.

>> No.1461340

>how I did it before I went on disability
Is that you, Lefty?

>> No.1461342

Drill is slower. Abrasive disk won't chop off body parts (it'll skin you pretty well).

>> No.1461409

If you use it 5 minutes every month, sure, do it
If you use it everyday, you want the dedicated equipment

>> No.1461627

As safe as using angle grinders to cut shit so not safe at all

>> No.1461763

You should check google image search for grinding disk accidents... They have a wonderous way of digging into human flesh up to the hub in a flash. Might not be so violent hooked up to much slower rotating drill but its still going to make a mess. Also opt for a full face mask instead of just goggles, tiny bits of steel can get embedded into your skin and cause nasty zits and infection.

>> No.1461770

Wrong. Simple google search will give horrific examples of grinding discs gone wrong.

>> No.1461781

Using a hand drill, Anon? I'm only finding examples using a grinder, I don't see any using a hand drill. My Google-fu may suck today though.

>> No.1461878

As i stated in >>1461763 drill mounted grinder disks are probably lot less brutal as they have fraction of the cutting speed compared to a grinder. Still it can bind up in clothes and then rip in to flesh all in a nice explosive yoink. The one millimeter discs used for cutting are especially worrying. As long OP avoids awkward working positions and has a solid two-hand grip on the drill he will probably be fine.

>> No.1462109

>fraction of the cutting speed
A typical 4.5" grinder spins at 11,000 RPM. A typical hand drill spins at 1,500 RPM. One seventh the speed. One fiftieth the kinetic energy. One fiftieth the stress on the disk. Normal angle grinders and drills are very different risk regimes, and ignoring that doesn't benefit anyone. On a grinder, a cutting wheel can cut through a leather glove and the fingers inside it before a person can react to it, and explode to produce shrapnel capable of embedding deep into a face shield or bone. On a drill, it would give a bare hand a scrape that might need a band-aid, and if a disk breaks, the thrown pieces wouldn't even do that. Keep in mind that OP is specifically asking about a drill, anon.

>> No.1462172 [DELETED] 

Reported for samefaggjng

Take your LARPing elsewhere

>> No.1462628
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end me plz

>> No.1462635
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nicknamed Skippy

>> No.1462638

does he have all of his extremities attached still?
if so then ur probably safe

>> No.1462655

Nice. Old B&D tools were built to last. Looks like a 7in/9in sander/buffer. I wouldn't use grinding wheels in it unless you can find or fabricate a guard though.

>> No.1462673

18v cordless with a super thin cut-off should do.

>> No.1465194
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>> No.1465250
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It's not inherently dangerous, but the bearings in the drill are designed for axial load.
You'll fuck them up pretty fast if you apply radial load.
Don't be a nigger, use the right tool for the job.

>> No.1465253

Whoever invented that wheel attachment should be shot

>> No.1465274

cursed image

>> No.1465315

he should be forced to use it every day

>> No.1465355

Start using it. Does it feel dangerous? That's a good way to figure it out.

>> No.1465482

I've NEVER used power tools in my life before this story. I'm a super beginner /ohm/ fag. Two weeks ago, for a college extension project, I somehow decided it would be okay to take responsibility over a sizable chunk of money and construct an experiment ready for our public science outreach week (I study geophysics). Since I'm in the seismology stand, I decided to do anti-seismic structures. One of the guys got his truck and we went to the lumber store. I already had tools I got from my father's shack. However, my dad had no circular saw and with all the cuts in such short time I had to do, a hand saw was out of the question.

However, pappa had an angle grinder. I grabbed it without asking.

So, while at the lumber store, because the guys didn't want me to ruin my dad's nice disk, we bought one. They had disks for wood, but they were far too expensive. So we bought one of the cheap disposable abraissive ones, "if it says it's for metal it'll cut through wood like butter". It was a huge-ass one two, like the one in the pic, almost as big as the angle grinder itself, had to take the guard off. Because I hadn't grabbed the tool necessary for undoing the nut that holds the disk in, ended up using two wooden fucking dowels to swap them out. I turned the grinder on, it didn't immediately fly off, so I guessed it was all good. The angle grinder also had a funny tendency to slowly draw circles in the air when I held it in one hand, so I needed a friend to hold down all the 2x4s for me. I also had to sand down the cut ends because they were jet black burnt.

5 days of using that suicide apparatus later, and the project is a success, and somehow I was still alive. I went back home. However, when dad said me take that angle grinder out of my backpack, he very nearly beat the ever loving shit out of me. That's when he explained why what I was doing was so incredibly fucking retarded I should be dead according to statistics.

Use the right tool for the right job, OP.

>> No.1465486

Sorry for all the typos, typed that up while on the toilet and autocorrect is a bitch.

>> No.1465538

Why wouldn't you ask the hardware store to cut your lumber for you?

>> No.1465544

They charge for that and I was also making it up as I go.

>> No.1465648
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These things are deathmachines.

>> No.1465713

I actually put a1/4" thick 9" grinding disk on a 4.5" grinder once because that was all I had.
It was impossible to hold in the hand. So stupid and dangerous.

>> No.1467582

yeah he's a dangerous cunt doesnt even have eye pro on

>> No.1468923

Just go get a harbor freight angle grinder bro

>> No.1469593

That is very dangerus, I have seen another picture on /b/ gore where a guy in a hospital the same tool stuck in his belly.

>> No.1469602

Why would any sane person use this??

>> No.1469604


>> No.1469616
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>> No.1469765


>> No.1470156

Underrated post

>> No.1471795

I use something similar EVERY SINGLE DAY. Undercut saw for cutting the bottom off door jambs. Most of the time there isn't enough clearance to lay new tile underneath them and they need to be trimmed up without taking them off.

>> No.1472156

You joke. I literally watched my boss show me a "quicker" way to finish brass plaques that using a sander. He grabs the plaque in his left hand and the grinder in his right, stands it up on the table and goes to town on the edge. Old wheel, no PPE, and the hand holding the plaque had a compression bandage and brace on it, because he was still recovering from an extractor incident which shattered his arm bones, removed (surprisingly only) one finger, and nearly degloved his arm. He finished, paused thoughtfully, and then said that I was never allowed to do what he just did.

>> No.1472177

Most sane people use a handsaw.

>> No.1472209

I value my fingers more than 100 dollar tile jobs

>> No.1472210

There is a right way to do things the wrong way. I've put an angle grinder in a vise with the guard facing me and held the vise down with my feet while running metal across the grinder countless times.

>> No.1472216

The most dangerous part of that isn't using the wheel without a guard, it's the wood itself. Woods contains many volatile organic compounds and they can fuck you up if you breathe them in. I put a flap disk on a grinder once and went to sand some oak, it didn't get hot enough to burn the oak which would have also probably denatured the VOC's, but just hot enough to release them as vapours. One whiff of the vapours and the effect was an immediate burning sensation in my lungs; I was sick for the next three weeks with symptoms similar to influenza.

>> No.1472219

This makes the job harder and you have less control when things go bad. Please buy/use a proper grinder. I use them for jobs unintended for, but I still have full control.

>> No.1472222

Very dangerous. Use other tools.

>> No.1472496

No doubt you're your father's son.

>> No.1472825

Spoken like a real pussy. Stick to the knitting, Stefan

>> No.1473058


who's stefan you faggot

>> No.1473069
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>> No.1474215
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>I went on disability

what happend?

>> No.1474422
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Thats not fucking good

>> No.1474431

God forbid that blade catches on the wood/kicks back/fights back/gives the operator sudden and violent trouble in any way.

>> No.1476307

Where do you read such misinformation?
There are very few woods like lignum vitae that will cause poison ivy like symptoms when sanded.
There are no toxic “volatile organic compounds” in common wood nor will it hurt you in any way.
You made that up or are very frail.

>> No.1476313

Wood dust is literally a carcinogen.

>> No.1476812

What kind of California pussy are you?

Woood dust aka (saw dust) has been around for thousands of years.
If it was toxic, Home Depot wouldn't sell it, like they don't sell radium isotopes.
Is this a millennial, onions-boy thing, where everything is so frighting?
There's another thread where some pansy faggot is afraid of a moldy shower curtain.

I hear tight leg hipster jeans cut off circulation to your balls. Be Afraid! Be Very Afraid!

>> No.1476813

>Home Depot doesn't sell carcinogens
Wew lad. Take a walk down the automotive, painting, fucking any isle. Just because it's harmful doesn't mean it can't be sold. And just because it's been around for thousands of years doesn't mean I'm not going to spend five seconds throwing a dust mask on when I go to do some sanding.

>> No.1476866

>anti seismic structures
/pol/ needs to leave

>> No.1477021


They literally stabilize wood with arsenic when they make pressure treated lumber. Before modern chemistry became a thing they used to extract 'wood alcohol' from trees, a very toxic and flammable brew of carcinogenic VOC's. Have you never heard of a wood gassifier stove? In a fire people succumb to smoke inhalation long before the flames get to them because of VOC's and other compounds rich in free radicals that love to turn your lung tissue into mush.

I should ask what part of commiefornia you guys live in that you don't know such basic facts of life.

>> No.1477026

>They literally stabilize wood with arsenic when they make pressure treated lumber.
Is that the green stuff that comes out of the wood when you roll over it? Or am I thinking of something diffrent?

>> No.1477071

>They literally stabilize wood with arsenic when they make pressure treated lumber.
Not anymore
>Is that the green stuff that comes out of the wood when you roll over it? Or am I thinking of something diffrent?
Copper salts, the modern alternative.

>> No.1477084
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The real problem is how easy these fucking things break.
Every fucking time I pull my battery grinder from my boot it's got a broken wheel.
Most of the time I just use it anyway, all it does is wobble a bit.
I've even cut a chain with 2/3 of the wheel missing. Just gotta go reeeeeeeal slow.

>> No.1477144
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anon no

>> No.1477154

wear good safty glasses and youre doing all right.

>> No.1477173
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>Suwan Ladee, 54, was doing DIY work on the property in Samut Prakan province, Thailand, on February 28 when disaster struck.

>The father-of-one was standing on scaffolding and reaching above him as he changed wooden beams infested with termites, witnesses said.

>But as he did, Suwan tragically slipped, dropping the power tool – which did not have a protective cover around the blade – directly onto his neck.

>The circular saw sliced through his throat, cutting down to his chest and spraying blood everywhere.

>> No.1477201

Kek at the EMS chick.
She's all like "I still can't wrap my head around how dumb this nigga was."

>> No.1477376
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Why isn’t that safe? I don’t know anything about tools.

>> No.1477447

>Undercut saw for cutting the bottom off door jambs.

oscillating tools are way safer and easier :^)

>> No.1477453

Take the wheel off before you put it in the boot.

>> No.1477456

Get an old DVD-RW spindle, store the cut offs in there, fucking arrive at job site 20 seconds early to install it on the grinder. JFC.

>> No.1477458
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>on a job
>forgot my grinder
>ask other guy on the job if he has one
>"sure let me get it"
>he comes back with a 4.5" grinder with a 7" disc on it
of course he says its perfectly safe, hes used it plenty of times.

>> No.1477464
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>On a job
>New guy asks for a grinder 'cause he forgot his
>Using the 4 inch to do some work in a cramped space so I give him my 9 inch B&D Wildcat with a wire cup on it
>The grinder is literally older than he is
>About 40 pounds of aluminum and steel
>15 minutes haven't gone by before he drops the damn thing on his foot and breaks 4 toes

Welp, that is the last time I lent him any of my tools.

>> No.1477465
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>he very nearly beat the ever loving shit out of me

Is your dad retarded?
>Hurr durr, durr hurr, let me nearly beat my son to death because he made it out alive over a situation I failed to teach him any better

>> No.1477583

Well he clearly DIDN'T beat him to death, you fat, dribbling spastic because he's STILL HERE.

And any anon who does what he outlined is the kind of anon that can ONLY be fucking beaten through life. You will never educate a person like him. Trying will make you so irrationally angry that you kill him with a brick.
His father is actually smart enough to have realised that early on and preserved his spastic cuntspawn's life by switching wasted breath for beatings.
That anon is an animal, treating it like a human being that can learn will get it killed.
Then you'll be the asshole.

>> No.1477626

>'wood alcohol'
Just say methanol. It's not even that toxic by itself but rather fucks you up with its metabolites so you have plenty of time to drink vodka (an easily accessible antidote) and seek help.

>used to extract 'wood alcohol' from trees
Only happens in the absence of oxygen, in which case you're fucked anyways; it just burns right away otherwise.

>In a fire people succumb to smoke inhalation
from burning plastics modern buildings are filled with.

>> No.1477681

>from burning plastics modern buildings are filled with.

Not really, almost all of the victims die from CO poisoning, which is a byproduct of imperfect combustion of just about anything flammable.

>> No.1477689

I mean he was extremely pissed, not that he was actually going to try and beat me, that was an over exaggeration on my part.

Lolwut. My dad tells me how proud he is of me constantly, I'm currently on track to be the most successful person out of my extended family. He laid hands on me 1 (one) time for acting like a massive cunt to him in my edgy teenage years. Every other time I did something wrong he'd just hang around me and I'd instinctively know it was time for a talk, and we talked.

I had never used power tools before, I wouldn't do it again knowing that now. That being said I knew my dad would take off the guard sometimes so I thought it would be fine as long as I worked with extreme caution (which K did), the big no no was the disc which the guy at the hardware store sold me anyways when I brought the angle grinder into the store with me and literal tried putting that oversized disk on the and he didn't mention anything; I literally asked "it'll work, right?", and they said "yes". They did pause for a second before saying so, maybe it's my fault for not having been wary of that. Note to self, don't buy from that guy again.

>> No.1477764

>Well he clearly DIDN'T beat him to death

Your reading comprehension is a little off today retard