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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1458421 No.1458421 [Reply] [Original]

Post 'em boys. There was one a few weeks ago and I wanna see another one.

I made progress with my solar dehydrator, it's been hot as fuck and I've been too busy to finish this thing.
But enough about me, post your stuff.

>> No.1458437
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Lithium ion scooter dude here. My Dakota Lithiums came in. They work a treat, so well that I broke my fucking elbow.

>> No.1458515

Fucking ouch.

>> No.1458516

Decided to learn to make clothing. Bought a pattern, thread, and fabric, but I have no idea where to even start

>> No.1458520

>I have no idea where to even start

take the pattern out of the package it came in.

>> No.1458653

Fuck up, try again, fuck up, try again, fuck up, try again

>> No.1458655

maybe buy a scissors, pins, and some needles to help yourself along

>> No.1459473

I want to set up a home network, but my appartment is rent-based. So should I even bother with making RJ45 sockets in the wall or have it run along walls instead?

>> No.1459495

Wireless with bridges not an option? Just have the bridges connect anything not wireless capable. One bridge can do 4 devices without significant slowdown.

>> No.1459505

I can always try that, since I have wireless devices. But primary focus is on wired network(s).

>> No.1459506

In an apartment I wouldn't waste the time routing wires everywhere. Sure as shit wouldn't make nice outlets and then get your deposit pulled for "damaging the walls."

>> No.1459881
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Only picture I have relevant to what I'm currently doing to it. It's a solenoid I just mounted yesterday wired up to be used with an e60 Plow pump. I used plug connectors for the lights setup so if I ever need to remove it again, most of the wires unplug. It's all run through the firewall through an existing rubber grommet right above the gas pedal where it splits again, the light toggle being mounted just at arms length with a custom bracket to an existing hole, while the controller runs under the rug toward the center console which is where I'll run it through existing holes in the carpet where the console mounts and toward the drivers seat. While I was there, I happened to have a 10 disc CD changer from the stone age so I wired that under the rug as well in case I ever was to install it. Next I'll be fabricating a bracket to mount the controller but I'm not sure when, I'm beat today

>> No.1460302
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OP from previous thread.
Posted about my old barn I've been working on.

>> No.1460304
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Still going...

>> No.1460384
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Nothing big. Top fed recirculating bubble buckets for my plants.
Tried hydro a few years ago & failed.
Going to try it again, a little more informed this time.

>> No.1460412

Nice nice.

>> No.1460414

Everything is on hold for me. Still working 7 days a week and trying to get as much done during the 5 hours I have before work.

>> No.1460419

Looking good

>> No.1460485
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I'm >>1459881 and in the last thread I asked if anyone was helping you. I still greatly commend your productivity

As far as my productivity goes, I got my interior put together with my bracket to hold my controller kind of mounted. I'm making it in 2 pieces so I can remove it in the summer, piece that's mounted to the seat is finished. Looks ugly because scrap metal, and I'm not much of a welder. I'll have pictures with my next post.

More info on my build though, it's an 88 bronco and I live in the rust belt outside Philly. Found one in exquisite condition considering that and the fact that these fuckers rust even when they're garage kept
351w and 4wd is on the floor, none of that crossing your fingers and pushing a button bullshit. Perfect Plow vehicle considering its turning radius, traction, and small size I can get anywhere.
However it sat for two years abandoned at a garage and I prepped it for start up by... Wait, no I didn't. Camshaft had some wear and valve guides were fucked as well. Waiting on my brother who's doing the machine work to get pic semi related together
I have the new cam in and timing cover and shit all together. Just no pic of it.

>> No.1460521

Pretty quick progress for DIY

>> No.1460560
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Thanks everybody. The progression has taken a toll, I've got stuff backing up like crazy both at home and work because I've taken quite a few vacation days. My 16 year old son has been right there with me for this, but now he's back in school, so I don't get all day help anymore. I mentioned in the last thread that while I did get everything formed up and ready, I did sub out the concrete work. The roofing I had extra hands with, as I will also with the ceilings, those pieces are pretty long. My electrician buddy did all the hook ups, and told me how to run the wiring. I had a couple friends help in the beginning on the structure work a few days as well. In no way could I have gotten this far solely by myself, and I'm thankful for the help.
>last year pic, ignore the bird

>> No.1460593

Well great. Decided to go ahead and see if I can charge the batteries for 5 hours to get them at maximized capacity.

When I ran them down to 0% (Why the fuck did the BMS let me do that) it turned off the BMS and now they don't accept a charge from my SLA charger cause they're reporting max capacity to the charger :|

When I plug in the scooter and turn the throttle everything works, the batteries just aren't charging.

>> No.1461029

Living in an apartment also. Want a wired network but that's something I have to wait for when I get my own house. The coaxial cables for the bedrooms are retarded in the place. The jack in the main bedroom has is split outside of the wall and a cable is ran under the carpet to the other side of the bedroom. The cable goes through the wall in a hole that is drilled to the second bedroom. It is connected to a face plate that has a female connector in the second bedroom and a cable is ran under the carpet to the other side of the room.

>> No.1461083

:D :D :D :D :D :D Its charging again, I just accidentally undid the circuit somehow.

>> No.1461089
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Preparing for storms...

>> No.1461095

>there is a slight chance bepis will loose internet access for a week

>> No.1461103

Ehh, I was still able to funpost after Irma but it was intermittent and I had to go up on the roof to upload pics.

>> No.1461107

>all those idiot proof gas cans
Ive got two cans, both older than me

>> No.1461109

They fucking suck but you can’t find normal ones anymore. Most of the time I take the fucking spout off and pour it into a funnel, especially when you’re trying to pour 5gal into the generator and two hands aren’t enough to hold the 30lb gas can, aim the spout into the hole, and hold whatever retarded safety valve they have built into them.

>> No.1461110
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I'm surprised tard-boy doesn't have at least one of these, as much time as he spends in the hardware store.

In case you've ever tried to pour gas from a large gas can into something like a lawnmower, you know that it can be hard to control. With this type, you position the spout in the opening, then gently squeeze the trigger and you easily control the flow from wide open to a trickle.

>> No.1461112

Some of them are ok to use, they’re difficult on the 5gal cans though because it’s a lot of weight to hold up and angle with one hand while you fuck around with a stupid valve with the other hand. I’m not even a manlet and it’s annoying.

That’s why I prefer to use a funnel instead. I use the 2gal for lawnmowers and it’s pretty easy, but it takes forever to dump a whole 5gal into the generator so I would rather not mess around with dumb safety spouts.

>> No.1461113


and I can't recall since I bought mine years ago, but if that switch (STORE - POUR) is spring loaded, you of course break the piece of shit out of there and it works a lot easier, if I recall correctly.

>> No.1461182
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Mupdate. She's all put together, shingled and painted for a seal. Hurricane inbound so I'll have to put it under a roof for now. Shit timing, mother nature.

>> No.1461186
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>> No.1461317

That's great stuff, good job anon.

>> No.1461495
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Hopefully I will finish before Christmas, as I have 2 more floors to finish (with help). At the moment I'm waiting for parts to soundproof and isolate the roof.

>> No.1461596

I can post some pictures when I get home, but this sub motivated me to do quite a lot over the last 6 months. I'm in an apartment but started handcarving bowls from green wood, then bought Chris Schwarz' Anarchist Design book and built a tool chest and some staked chairs and a staked dining table with a maple top and ash legs. I've done everything hand-powered so far and it's been challenging as fuck but it's been really rewarding. Just wanted to say thanks to all you fuckers for helping me start a new hobby.

>> No.1461672


>> No.1461864
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Pic of bracket. It mounts on the track under the seat so no matter how far or close I sit it'll follow my hand. Considering it's built out of scrap metal I found in my garage covered in rust with a cut off wheel and welder, I think it doesn't look too bad. That wrinkle along the middle is like a rolled area or whatever it's called to help stiffen flimsy metal. Made with a hammer, chisel, and a vice.

It functionally works fine if just a lot ugly if you ever need to do it.

>> No.1462977

New quiver I'm working on. Have to have it done this weekend for work, but I might be able to make it if I don't get too crazy with the color scheme.

>> No.1462979
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>> No.1463061

Leather shit like that has always looked cool to me as far as I can remember. That's awesome man, even though I have no idea how hard that is

>> No.1463072
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Friend of mine helped put up garage doors. One more to do, plus openers.

>> No.1463318
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Thanks a lot. Leather is difficult, especially if you're doing it all by hand. But if you have an eye for pattern drafting and something to plot or cut it's really easy. That quiver had about 4 hours put into plotting the design but it'll take roughly 45 minutes to cut and engrave now no matter the design on it. I could make maybe half a dozen of them start to finish in a day if they didn't have some crazy color scheme on them. Like this corset. The most annoying and difficult part of what I do is the hand painting and special coloring techniques.

>> No.1463369


>> No.1463370

why are you giving him instructions for my shitshow of a life?

>> No.1463372

Im so fuckin jelly

>> No.1463373

Sucks right? I been working a 50 hour a week job and running a track hoe till 9pm.

Forgot how fucking gay 14 hour days were. Oh well tho. Kinda crippled so i cant work a normal part time job and this pays better.

Trying to pay cash money for a skid loader and do oddball cash jobs. You can do anything with a fucking skidloader. Welding a hydraulic motor and busshog attachment up first fucking thing and mowing with it.

>> No.1463374


>> No.1463377
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Guys... there is ALWAYS hope.

> old style gas can spout

Pic pretty fuckin related and worth every penny. You can even buy the little vent cap thing so you dont have to use a screw and get even more water in your corn juice.

>> No.1463378


>> No.1463969
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Free boat! Yaboi!

>> No.1463970
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>> No.1463971
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>> No.1463974

What name did you end up using from B?

>> No.1464007
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Repaired the bag of my sleeping bag. Had to replace the middle part (yellow thing in the right half of the image) because it was fraying too much. Same for some of the straps.

>> No.1464199

Not that guy but best name I've ever heard of for a boat is one my dad's friend named his. Named it moderation so that no matter how stumbly drunk he got he was still drinking in moderation

>> No.1464295

Ended up just being a tiny ulnar fracture. Just needed to down some pain pills and do some exercises.

This things awesome aside from the five hour charge time. Next project is gonna be fitting hydrogen fuel cells into a moped. Or some other kind of green gas. Maybe biodiesel.

>> No.1464316


>> No.1464320
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Can’t wait til the Amazon man delivers my silicone wire so I can make more multimeter leads!

Who wants a Beppu original set of multimeter leads that may or may not work? There’s probably 3¢ worth of copper in there.

>> No.1464322


>> No.1465414

What does this mean?

>> No.1465449
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I made a work table

Threw a couple of sheets of OSB on it and a top sheet of this pressed cardboard like crap from home depot

>> No.1465778
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I’m making a travel guitar
I spend a couple hours a week on it on my breaks and after hours if I can stay late at the shop where I work
Humbling experience but I’m learning a lot
Pls no bully I know it’s ugly as sin

>> No.1465814
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>using nails instead of screws

>> No.1465820
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Bepis Original Test Leads on the market! May or may not be rated to 600V*

*do not use on live circuits

>> No.1465888

What does it matter? I'm never going to take it apart.
It holds the weight of one human no problem, and probably more humans if I had frens

>> No.1465897

I just had to take apart an old table from a shed and move it to another building so I heed the building with screws advice. A tip for that table if it's going in a garage. Put a board across the middle of the legs nearest the wall and drill lags through it into the wall behind it to hold it steady

>> No.1465917

I plan on making another for a computer desk, and it will have removable legs, but I just can't see moving this one, and I didn't want to buy screws it was already almost $70 in materials.
I will bolt it to a wall when I get it where I want it. It's going in a container. It's still quite sturdy as it is though.

>> No.1465939

Get your mum to sit on it and I'll be really impressed

>> No.1465950

>It holds the weight of one human no problem
no bracing is more concerning.
you might be able to stand on it but without bracing its going to be shoogly.
get some bracing otherwise one day when a pretty young damsel stumbles into your shop looking for someone and somewhere to get her pumped your bench won't fall to bits from all the transverse loads

>> No.1466201

That won't be a problem when I wedge it on all three sides in the aft of a container.
But for good measure, I'll throw a couple of bolts through the back wall.
I think I'd lead said pretty damsel over to the house nearby. Table is already dirty after I transfered my outdrive rebuild in progress onto it.

>> No.1466208
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How is that joined together? They look like holes around the perimeter, does it get laced up? Is it a quiver?

I'm making one of those cliche glass waterfall table things at work atm.

>> No.1466277

As you wobble it the nails will work themselves out.

>> No.1466456
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I used my MOT welder to nigger rig a jigsaw/router table (with optional add-on wheel/belt grinder to save the already sparse space on the workbench).
It feels kinda good.

>> No.1466458
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Yes, it's *that* fucky-based grinder from Mr. Zhang.

>> No.1466460
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She succ.

>> No.1466465
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MOT welder at work. I still suck horribly at it.

>> No.1466551

I screenshotted it so i van go through and write them down since there was an argument. Will have another thread for votes / new ideas and most votes wins i guess. Or just say fuckit and pick one. Yall were cracking me up. Thanks for reminding me before i lose it

>> No.1466554
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Taylor Swift had a lot of boats. Maybe thats a bad idea.

Usuain Boat is pretty good.

S.S. Ting Ting... ?


>> No.1466555

AHAHA! nice

>> No.1466689
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Yeah, we get fucked up on that thing. His motor homes named excess... So a bit more honest.
Another update, got the Plow frame mounted. Came off a donor truck.
The donor truck is a whole different story, lived its whole life as a Plow truck with salt in the back for weight. Caused everything to rot including the frame right at the wheel wells. It's last owner, my uncle, was ready to scrap it so it sat behind my shop for a while.
My shops a place of business however (my dad's) so any work to be done to it had to be done over weekends.
Anyway, talk my dad into having a buddy send up a section of frame for it. He's going away for 3 days for racing so I ask what he'd do if we came into work on Monday and there was a bronco stuck on the lift
>I've got a truck and a chain
>day one clean shop from top to bottom, even behind all our equipment
>day two drop tank and whatever else was in the way, cut frame out, cut new piece to size (all with a cut off wheel) and get it welded back in. Take pictures, send to dad and brothers at the track
>day 3 I mount up the new leaf spring shackles, drop the truck, and push it outside (no gas tank because it needed sending unit), sweep the floor up and get hammered
>Monday morning get to work to hear my dad won the race, but everyone talked about my truck that night. Shops spotless, feel like a God.
Turns out my dad didn't actually think I could do it. Everyone that stopped by wanted to see it.
Thought I'd get a raise for showing skills and work ethic, but dad's a jew. He has treated me completely different since

>> No.1466691

Pic of frame repair why not. Yes, I know the welds on top are ass but remember it still had a cab at the time and it's my first real weld so please no bully

>> No.1466694
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>> No.1467035
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Looks very nice, seems a fair bit above your usual waterfall tables
How are you planning on doing the glass?

>> No.1467087

Replacing tie rods in 2000 chevy s10 tomorrow

>> No.1467141

Don't do wireless in an apartment, too many neighbors with WiFi will make it unreliable.
You will have high latency.

>> No.1467166
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Thanks. Only the top side is flattened using a router on a sled/track. The 'dado' (for lack of a better word) was done almost the same way. Intended to take a 1/2" to thick 20" wide piece of glass that I think will also drop down to the floor a-la waterfall esq. My part is done though, I'm not doing any more work on it.

My boss wanted it finished with linseed oil, shame as it looks like ass imo.

>> No.1467271
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Working on my XL500R. got a broken Kawasaki kle 500 for upgrade parts. Got the stem of the fork clamp machined to fit the bike. Refurbished the forks and now fitting and painting shit. Should be a world of difference going from mechanical drum brakes to hydraulic disc brakes.

>> No.1467677

Looks pretty good compared to most live edge tables, what wood are you using?

>> No.1467682

Went full disk on my 62 c10.

Fucking night and day difference bro

>> No.1467698

accidentally double posted, disregard

>> No.1467777
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You're spot on it's a quiver. It's laced up the side though rivets or hand sewing would work with this design if I redid the sizing on the holes. Still need to finish the strapping harness for the client but it's nearly done.

>> No.1467946

All boards are locked together from different directions of nails.
Unless the nails just slide right back out the wood, it will never happen.

>> No.1467966

In the process of buying a house which is a good price for the size but needs loads doing. Will post pics once I get it. Only problem is it's in a 'conservation area' and this means I require a loicence for virtually anything I want to do. Even trimming trees too short without permission from the local baron or whatever can render me liable to prosecution.

>> No.1469096

See if the neighbors are in compliance to see how anal the board is. Homes aren't worth getting emotional about - they're rarely a good investment. Mine has increased 40% in the past 5 years, but after insulation, 2 bathroom remodels, a workshop, water heater, hvac ... I've lot money on my (((investment))) despite being a diy-er

>> No.1469158
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City wide garage sale. Got me a milk crate full of golf balls and like 15 clubs for $5 to zing off into the lake with my bros. $5 parts xbox360 from 2009 i can hopefully mod the board on or just have for parts. Wife paid $5 each for 5 spools for chairs outside around our big one. A paintball gun. Bunch of other random shit and pic related. Fuckin 2 stroke 250cc and 4 wheeler axle with disk brakes.

>mfw $40 street legal drift trike.


>> No.1469238

>buying a home in your name and paying for it for decades while also paying for upkeep...

I'm not a smart man but i thought asset were supposed to pay you.

Kek, at least you're thhe guy bragging about selling a house in 30 years for tripple your cost. Stupid fucking boomers don't understand inflation.

>> No.1469301

Precisely. It'll only be an 'asset' in 30 years when I forget about all the weekends I worked, all the Home Depot bills, and all insurance and other shit I paid.

>> No.1469332

Personally I work and update on my house because I like nice shit,and the satisfaction that I did it myself. Resale value and investment doesn't really influence me at all.

>> No.1469346

That's a 4 stroke.

>> No.1469378

That statement puts you well above 95% of the population if you are a fellow burger. Not 1 single person will agree with me. Meanwhile i have 3 houses and 6 cars and my friends still get a glassed over look when i try and telled them to not fucking buy an 80 000 raptor they dont need.

Whateves. I tried. When i make it i guess i will just give them a loan i will never get backnor a job..

>> No.1469382

Oh. Well i dont even know who the fucknmade it. I bought it from the rear end and the old man said his buddy gave it to him and knowing him it likely runs. I have other motors. Would honeetly rsther go electric but my big electric motor is going into a dump bed trailer. So rucking tired of shoveling my truck out.

>> No.1469410
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I took 2 small electric skateboards and made a 500w dual front/rear board. I ended up using the vruzend kit to rebuild the dead battery I had. I have spent about 160$, minus the battery kit because I used 7 out of 50 sets and will use most of them on other projects.
Donor 1 70$
Donor 2 60$ 1 dead cell
Longboard 30$ new
Vruzend 40$, 7 out of 50 used, 7s1p 29.4v ~1.8ah

Considering changing to a dual motor esc so I don't have to hold 2 controllers-65$
But at 200+ I can get a Chinese 500w dual hub motor for around the same cost, 230-250

>> No.1469411

Dude have you SEEN the new raptor

>> No.1469446
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Sick of dealing with small gas engines for random equipment. I'm in the process of bolt anything I can to my diesel mower pto. 20hp
Diesel pressure washer ftw. Cheaper operating fuel costs and what could beat a riding pressure washer? Kek

>> No.1469450

Kek. Fuckin kids and their mall crawlers with $80k tied up in it because of aftermarket BS that will never add anything to resale value, but they’re renting a shitty house with 6 other dudes.

Then again, I’m terrible with money. I used to live next to people like that though, it was like 3 younger couples in a 3bed/2ba house and they had their truck nuts parked all up and down the street.

>> No.1469488
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this is my first project with wood, other than shelves. i made a planter box for my balcony out of cedar. i'm just now making a brace to support it against the middle column on the railing so it sits level. i only have a drill and hand saw so overall i would rate the enjoyability of this project a 3/10.

>> No.1469576

3/10 is pretty low, why so low?

>> No.1469580

i live in an apartment and i don't have anywhere to put power tools or even a vise. so sawing and sanding everything was pretty tedious. also being wood and using hand tools, some things didn't quite line up so fucking with them to make it work was frustrating. i finished the brace though so it's all done. i just need to add my polyethylene liner and then a thin gravel layer and soil.

>> No.1469581
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>> No.1469586
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I am a fellow 31 y/o burger with a tiny 1960's ranch that will be paid off in 2 years. This weekend, I spent 2 hours cutting the grass, then 5 hours and 3 trips to Lowe's to install a vanity I built (pic related).
This morning I woke up to water in the basement. Belly crawled under the porch to dig out the window, cleaned the gutters, and swapped out a 2x3 downspout for a 3x4, then only to find out the soffit is rotted.
It's getting to the point I want to sell everything I own and move into a tiny 1 bedroom apt. and laugh when there's an issue that needs repair.

>> No.1469596

That's what friends and family are for

>> No.1469608

250cc 2-stroke? That's 50cc, 90cc max and 4-stroke. Plenty enough to have fun with. Why bullshit?

>> No.1469623

are you me? only i'm not a little bitch who whines when things break, i just fix them.

>> No.1469642

I'm just trying to make the point that homes aren't investments. I spent 18 hours and $200 working on maintaining my home this weekend. Pretty much all I do every weekend. I'm wrapping up a bathroom reno that cost $4k.
Thank God I /diy/, but it's exhausting and doesn't add up.

>> No.1469985
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Damn straight. I'd rather embrace the boom and reject the millennial tag

>> No.1471383

That's dope as hell anon, I've always wanted to make some bootleg instruments to play folk punk on

>> No.1471442
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Basement is starting to not be total shit

>> No.1471555
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Building a side table in my manufacturing tech. class starting tomorrow. Drew my plans on some graph paper just so I could post it on here and have it be visible

>> No.1471556
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That's lame, image flipped. guess I should expect the same from the front view as well. Any critiques/advice you lads got for my design is appreciated

>> No.1471584
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making a holographic screen

>> No.1471817
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Some anon from these threads was interested in seeing what I've done with my boat since finished so here it is.

I motored from Port Townsend to Victori, BC and then adventured around the San Juan Islands. This pic is from a nice little cove in Victoria that I anchored in.

>> No.1471819
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>> No.1471822
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>> No.1471824
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Miscalculated the tide and had to wait two hours to leave this particular island I camped on.

>> No.1471826

>and people still dis on people wearing proper PPE for what ever they are doing

>post your stuff.

I have too many WIPs going on.

Screws are not as ductile as nails and can snap very easily in comparison with the same stresses applied. The proper way to make a table is with joinery and wood glue. 2nd is with nails. 3rd is with screws.

>> No.1471984

How the hell are you going to have it almost paid off already?

>> No.1472120

So, I got my heads back, and put the engine together again. It still backfires. At this point I'm ready to hand it over to another mechanic probably a Ford dealership because I've replaced everything on the ignition side from distributor to plugs and everything mechanical minus main bearings. I'm drunk so I decided to pull wires and start it up, see if the backfire was from one cylinder, 5 seems to be the biggest problem but it runs like shit anyway and I was able to get some puffs of a backfire (out the intake I mean btw) anyway.
What the absolute fuck could cause this? If any of you could give a hint of an idea I'd be in love

Tldr; rebuilt an engine because I was stumped. Found a lot of small issues and valve guides were definitely bad. Backfires the same, runs a bit better if I'm honest though and I was able to hold 1.5 2k rpm for cam break in easy peasy.
It backfires when stabbing the throttle, load doesnt matter.
It runs like shit at idle, almost sounds like a lopy cam but not in a good way.
Ignition has all but been completely replaced. I guess the coil, but I can't imagine why that would cause this shit.
Seriously, wtf. Almost took a sledge to the fucking truck. Fuck

>> No.1472199

Idk about britbongs, but I know somebody who got a real cute 3 bed/ 2 bath house with a finished basement about 100ft from the beach on Lake Michigan for $50k.

Depends when and where you bought and what you were willing to do to it. He bought this house in an old rust belt city where a couple of factories shut down bit it’s not hood or anything. Also he bought in like 2009 right after the crash. The interior is a little dated but not in bad condition and he didn’t have to do any major work really, just painting and decor.

>> No.1472207
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Bought 5 years ago for $155k and took out a $135k loan. At 31, we still pretty much have the quality of living as a college kid. Mortgage is all of $900/mo, but we pay $1,500 or $2k/mo. Was doing $3k, but dialed back to max out our 401k.
We still have a little less than $60k to go. Then sadly we'll get a bigger house and start over.

Combined, we only take home $8.5k/mo, so after $2k to the banks and $3k to Mr. Vanguard, $3.5/mo is just enough for groceries, insurance, gas, and a little bit of savings for a new car.

Pic is pretty much our house, so it's certainly nothing to brag about. If I had known how little money buys these days, I would have actually applied myself in college.

>> No.1472234
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My most recent project. Atleast the latest one that I completed. I still have lots of stuff I haven't finished.
Anyway, it's a simple shelf made from rebar.

>> No.1472257

Dope, I'd love to see it filled with /lit/

>> No.1472268

Can I ask what city? Or at least an area? And how far from the nearest downtown area are you?

>> No.1472288

Paid cash for my place. Bought a two bedroom house with large barn and almost four acres for $27K. The house and property sat abandoned for almost twenty years, everything was grown up and the house was ran down, but had great bones. I added a second story, addition off the rear with basement, and completely renovated it. Took a construction loan to finance it, owed $87K on that which I rolled over in to a conventional loan that should be paid off in ten years. Saved up for about five years and have now started converting the barn in to a garage>>1463072

>> No.1472299

Indiana/Kentucky/Ohio area, we teeter on the top 100 biggest cities. Not a fan of the city, but that's where family is.
It's a 45 minute commute to work (heart of downtown) during rush hour - I'm actually in the developing white area.

It was/is a fixer-upper and I thought we overpaid. Housing has boomed over the past 5 years and others on the block are selling for $190k, but I think that's insane.

>> No.1472305

Question that doesn't deserve it's own thread

>How do I into DIY
Where is the best place to start. I am a useless numale

>> No.1472307

Currently reading sticky

>> No.1472338

>I have too many WIPs going on.

Same here. I'm probably not going to get to any of it anytime soon because I work 7 days a week. I do have this (posted date) saturday and sunday off but I gotta do stuff around the apartment first.

>> No.1472350

1. Find something you want to make, can use, like, etc.
2. Look up how to make it (watch a dozen youtube videos and written instructions)
3. Do some tests and decide if it's possible for you to do.
4. Go back to 1 and pick something easier or finish it.

>> No.1472353

Hey neighbor!
Southeastern Indiana, about-face an hour from downtown Cincinnati. That place has some really shitty areas.

>> No.1472364

It's kicking everyone else's ass though in jobs. The Northern part doesn't seem half bad with Jungle Jims and Ikea. I'd much rather be in Cincy.

>> No.1472461
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Buy lots of tools, ppl will think you’re not a pussy numale. If something breaks, search Youtube and see if there’s a guide to fix it. Grab some toolz, fuck around with it for an afternoon, ask /diy/ what you did wrong because it still won’t work, then call a pro and pay him to fix it.

>> No.1472465

Hey that’s not too bad. Keep it up, wait for the right time and then maybe you can flip it into something real nice for a super low mortgage. Otherwise you could rent the thing out if you’re willing to put the work in and pay the mortgage on a new bigger house with the rent from the small one.

>> No.1472995

looks like trash desu, how long you been doing this?

>> No.1473257
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I made this box

>> No.1473260
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I'm now working on some outdoor furniture for my uncle, using a lathe from my other, dead, uncle.

>> No.1473262
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Put some features on the rails

>> No.1473264
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Used a drill press as a mill to make some deep and narrow mortises, and that's as far as I've gotten

>> No.1473426
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Built this roof for future shed. Next year we are going to build up walls

>> No.1473428
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>> No.1473457

That looks nice anon

>> No.1473528
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Built the first of 3 bookcases that are going to bolt together to make a dividing wall. Got it all patched and sanded now I just need to stain and paint it. Going for a brown stain on the outside and white paint on the shelves but I don't know how much I want to paint. (Left) full white interior, (middle) stained trim, (right) only top/back/bottom painted. What do you guys think?

>> No.1473652
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Today I went redneck milling. This is to say that around a year ago a nice Ash fell by the side of the road and it's been sitting there rotting ever since. The land is owned by some real estate company in the city and it seemed a shame to let it go to waste. Although I'm an arborist and very experienced with saws I've never actually milled any wood before. We didn't have ripping chain but we did have a Huskie 3120 and a few other saws we threw on the truck. Now normally when you mill with a saw you use something called an Alaska mill. The idea behind a chainsaw mill is that you need a way to hold the saw flat. You can make your own with something as simple as two L brackets you attack to your bar and a ladder on top of the tree. Unfortunately our bar was not big enough to get through this tree in one go and and also we're kind of lazy so we just drilled on two boards on the outside that we matched with a level to use as a rough guide

>> No.1473653
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The 3120 pinched and broke the blade so we had to finish with a few smaller saws and also a car jack, a 5 foot iron bar, a cant hook, and also we used a sledgehammer to try to get it off.

>> No.1473655
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Truck for scale. We're planning on going back for the good cuts tomorrow or whenever we get some ripping chain. Probably will do a live edge desk or something with this. Keeping the cuts thick because I'm not keen on waiting two years for this to dry and I want to minimize warping.

>> No.1473660

Good shit anon. That's a sweet little lathe you got there too.

>> No.1473683

Too lazy to take pics but Im making a canoe from here http://flo-mo.weebly.com from 1/8" poplar plywood

>> No.1473709

Rip chain for a chain saw is a crosscut chain with every other tooth ground off...I just buy a new chain, grind it myself...

>> No.1473720

Thats wrong though.
You're describing skip chain. Usually used on large bars in soft woods.
Ripping chain has a differnt cutter geometry to cut more efficiently parallel to the grain.

>> No.1473739


Assuming you're using plywood, what are you using on the edges?

>> No.1473740


I don't care for the angled shelves, but nice job on the rest.

>> No.1473789

That's a really nice box

>> No.1473819

>tfw OP’s mom hears that nightly

>> No.1473835

Find stuff to fix.

>> No.1473846

Literally less than a year. But it's my full time job now so I'm always working on improving and trying new techniques. Not like I've got anything else to do in between shows anyways. If you saw what I was doing last year and still managing to sell this board would've been disgusted. About to make a corset for a girl who ordered one last year, looking forward to comparing the pieces directly.

>> No.1473854

Lwhats up with the osb on the roof tho?

>> No.1473856

Is this the truman show? You just described my pathetic excuse for stealing oxygen.

>> No.1473866

There’s nothing quite like trying to fix something, breaking it even worse, and then bringing it to a real repair shop like “My father in-law thought he could fix this, but I may need a pro’s help”

>> No.1473903

>>1473846 Don't listen to this faggot, >>1472995. Your leatherwork is the dogs balls. I'd like to see anything made by >>1472995 that displays half as much skill.

>> No.1473940

Its all paneled common board

>> No.1473961

not enough fuel?
pump,pressure valve,injectors?

>> No.1473962

throw it off a bridge, onto some wildlife

>> No.1474017

I actually fixed it the next day. It was in fact injectors

>> No.1474326
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Building an addition for a neighbor.

>> No.1474370

thanks anons

>> No.1474372

thank you, rest in peace uncle Hank

>> No.1474406

PCV valve/hoses that are exacerbating a small problem

>> No.1474421

In my quest to break broken stuff more than it already was, I have been screwing around with this cheap lil 12V air pump.

I believe I got it real hot once and it blew a fuse. So I put in a similar fuse but may have lost a spring in the plug. Put a new spring in there but now the plug gets real hot almost immediately, even with no load.

So I ripped apart an old cig lighter USB plug and wired that up (mostly to practice soldering) to see if it would make better contact. But it still gets real hot and will blow the 15A fuse in the car after about 30sec.

For the cig lighter plug, there’s a spring behind the center pin (+?) that keeps it in contact and that gets super hot. So does anybody know if this would be an issue with the plug or if there’s something in the motor that is causing it to pull way more amps than it should? Do I start testing resistance between stuff?

>> No.1474443

Its pulling to much. Either the fins are in a bind or the motor is fucked. Does it spin freely by hand? And use you battery directly. Dont fry cigerette lighter socket. I hear those are handy

>> No.1474444

Kek. It wouldnt be so bad if it wasnt every fucking time.

I find it absolutely fucked that i can build an electric car but i cant tune my own carb to save my life

>> No.1475470

thanks for the tips. I talked to to a local lineman and he said he uses every other tooth off without changing the blade geometry but that you can also buy rip chains. I got a 30$ one off amazon on the way and I'll make a skip chain on the bench grinder later today. I'll report back which works better

>> No.1475502
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Scored a 4 wheeler axle and disk brake at a garage sale for 40 bucks. While we were loading it i noticed someone had widened it about a foot. Fuckin score. Its going to be a jackshaft with gears running chains down to the tires. That way i can mount the motor up high behind me and and drive it around at the lake. Probably going to have to cheat a little or bolt floats to it to help since the motor for is is a sideshaft 2 cylinder perkins diesel and I plan on insulating the hood compartment with a 12v actuator for beer

>> No.1475558

Nice looking, how did you cut finger joints?

>> No.1475569
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Hmm that battery thing is a good idea. I should chop off the plug and put alligator clamps on the ends and see if she bursts into flames since it doesn’t have to go through the fused outlet.

More stuff to play with when I get home...

>> No.1475581

Kek. Atta boy. Use glasses and long leads and hook the motor up AFTER the batteries. I had one blow uo in my face wiggling cables trying to jump a dozer. Then i almost fucking died and permanently dicked my eyesight when wiggling the terminals on a junk piece of shit haul truck battery. They are 12v and like 120 pounds each. Fucking negitive terminal hit me square in the chin and busted a tooth. Almost fell 15 feet onto a scrap metal pile because nobody knows wtf a hand rail is. Spent 2 hours flushing my eyes and picking plastic pieces out.

I dont even jump a motorcycle or lawn mower without putting glasses on.

Mutherfuckers welding with 3 batteries have no idea...

>> No.1475633
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This is why I want a power supply!

I mean theoretically I could use pic related to test lots of car parts or any Li-Ion gadgets, right?

>> No.1475645

Is that not your power probe in >>1475569?
Just use the power probe...

>> No.1475660
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Working on a tiny and quick racing tank. Will have to rework the power transmission as it will very likely overload the motors and esc's. Will be using leftover drone parts for electronics and motors.

>> No.1475666

Yeah but you gotta hold the button down on the probe, right? Would be good for starting it up for a few seconds but not prolonged running.

I still want a power supply.

>> No.1475990
File: 2.38 MB, 4032x3024, D0ADE7CE-3050-4BD8-9EBE-751A1F466C82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it apart again finally. It seems to spin freely so why is it getting so hot at the plug and blowing fuses? It was doing it with the old plug and does the same with my new nigger rigged plug.

I think here is the moment where I can use the Power Probe. Dropped some oil in the piston and any friction areas, time to send power straight to the motor instead of the plug.

>> No.1476000
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Gonna solder some little gator clips on there and see how it works connected straight to the battery. I think the plug(s) was the issue since it runs nice and smooth with the Power Probe straight to the motor. I believe the probe has a 10A breaker on there too and it wasn’t tripping at all.

Since it won’t be fused anymore, is there any potential that I fuck something else up?

>> No.1476012
File: 2.58 MB, 4032x3024, 27BF02FF-352F-4325-B5A0-427AC8C0D680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She works! Powered it up through the probe first to make sure I wouldn’t explode my battery.

Only problem is that cord probably won’t reach the rear tires. Might need more customization.

>> No.1476014


>> No.1476019

Yeah, i imagine.

Personally i would just grab a 10ah gel battery and a harbor freight $6 trickle charger.

Or an old pc power supply. Whichever color is the 12v rail and all the black ones. Tie them all up as 2 big wires for 12v leads. Run a toggle switch between the green wire and the negative side to turn it off an on.

I think anyway. I'd google it sobu dont arson yourself

>> No.1476033
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I actually grabbed this from HF a few months back when it was on sale. It’s a little more powerful than those cheap trickle chargers and works great for my scooter that doesn’t get much use. Even threw it on the car one night when the battery was dying and I didn’t have time to grab a new one until the next day after work and it will top off larger car batteries over the course of some hours.

But yeah after seeing those spot welding videos and thinking of other projects, it would be nice to have an extra battery laying around. Also I want to grab one of those compact booster packs everybody sells now. People mention that they left them sit for a year and on the first try they were able to jump their diesel F-350 with something that will fit in your glovebox. And I think they’re Li-Ion so they should hold up to a bunch of recharges. HF has one with good reviews that goes on sale for about $70. Walmart has them too otherwise I might check out Advance and use one of those 20% off coupons. Lots of those chargers come with USB adapters and shit too.

>> No.1476068
File: 3.33 MB, 4032x1960, 20180920_002426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About 95% done with this readynas pro pioneer upgrade and restore.

Upgraded cpu to quad core
Upgraded ram from 1gig of 667 to 4gig of 800
Install vga breakout cable for bios diag
Repair all 6 hdd cases, the fucking mech design is bullshit.
Liquid cooler for cpu and less noise
New power supply
SilenX fan for power supply
And added a case fan silenX.
6x 2TB 7200rpm in a RAID 5 array yielding just under 10TB usable. With 5x read speeds.
Dual gigabit ports working

I replaced one fried transistor on the board. And still waiting on another from China. To complete the build.

But I've all ready did some testing with it, and it will stream 4k remotely no problem.

>> No.1476079
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Another pic. Here is one of my faves. This is when I first got it to post up after jumping the cmos and blowing out the first transistor.

I also forgot that I have installed a modded bios and OS so it can use netgear readycloud and plex.

>> No.1476199
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wire hangers to run air hoses to all my machines, oh and thicker wiring.

it looks sloppy but it doesn't have to be, you zip tie the wire bundles to the hook if you want, easily the most flexible arrangement in case I want to add more wires or move something.

drooping wire not withstanding, in general it looks ok.

>> No.1476208
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Fukkin sweet, I just removed the pointy tip from the Power Probe so I could store it in a pouch without busting it, and I realized it’s the same banana plugs as multimeters. I can stick one of my custom artesian made multimeter leads in there and it will make it even easier to power shit up with the click of a button or check continuity.