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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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145577 No.145577 [Reply] [Original]

Heya guys. I went "dumpster diving" on the side of a major road. Finds include a box-cutter I am refurbishing, a coke bottle, bungie cords, and screen/netting material. I can't tell you many turtle carcasses I came across. I thought about going back and grabbing the shells, sterilizing and making jewerly. Except I'm worried about the lawww.

>> No.145580

Cool. I would get the shells.

>> No.145592

reported for illegal activities

>> No.145620
File: 337 KB, 500x374, tumblr_ly5p5l7ZUO1qgjz13o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's so illegal?> 145592
I would imagine killing live turtles is illegal. But making jewelry from dead ones>?

>> No.145647

>Refurbishing a $1.00 box cutter.

And I thought I was cheap!

>> No.145652
File: 1006 KB, 2576x1932, 100_4743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol I doubt it's just a dollar. I don;t know much about tools but it's a Stanley. I figured I'd waste some time ya know?

>> No.145662

Fuck the box cutter dude, call the cops say you know where an illegal turtle operation is going on, then watch them raid the place, mega lolz.

>> No.145673

Read OP again...he was "on the side of a major road" and he put dumpster diving in quotes. I may be wrong but I took this to mean he was looking around on the side of the road and not actually in a dumpster.

>> No.145676

Stanley are good tools, but its still a shitty retractable box-cutter and not one of the old fashioned ones which were sturdier than the earth. Also that shit on it looks like dried blood soooo...Yeah I'd throw that away.

>> No.145677
File: 1.32 MB, 2576x1932, 100_4735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correcto, I always find stuff on the side of the road. Once Saw a thong. Bright and purple, lol.
Are you trying to troll? Ever hear of RUST? Wait..I just fed a troll, no?

>> No.145679

weird how all the rust is in the blade-well and not anywhere else on the tool, and it doesnt actually really look like rust in your pic either. But yeah, sure, trolls gonna troll.

>> No.145680

I doubt he was trolling. Some people honestly don't know how easily those blades rust.
I've opened those box cutters in the past to change blades, and found 4 or 5 spares all rusted together in one clump.

>> No.145681

if i used one of those things to cut a prostitute troath and take his body apart, i'd definitevely get rid of it trowing out my car windows. that shit costs like 2 euros new, trow it away

>> No.145682

Not so weird when you consider that the part that's not rusted (the body) is made of aluminum, and the rusty part inside is where the steel (prone to rust) blades are stored.

>> No.145683

If you found, say, an old Stanley Bedrock plane, that would be something to refurbish. But a box cutter? Come on OP.

>> No.145696
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I have two other Stanley box cutters..lol I figured I could put a third one to use. I'm gonna repaint it ; ( Why all the hate lol?

>> No.145705

Because, while it's good to reuse some things, the time and energy that goes into restoring a $2 tool just are not worth it.
If you found dirty underwear at the side of the road, would you clean them and wear them?

>> No.145753
File: 36 KB, 300x300, paieiaadb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i was a broke ass girl with uber religious strict parents girl who wanted to feel sexy...Then yes. I'd clean the fuck out of that thong.

>> No.145756

maybe it is worth it to him.

>> No.145903

>turtle carcasses

where the fuck do you live?

>> No.145910


>Ever heard of rust?
>Posts photo of galvanized steel, a treatment that resists rusting

...I'm confused here.

>> No.145975


I like those Stanley Box Cutters, can see why you'd "waste" your time cleaning it up. If you don't have access to a bead blaster you can probably find some sore of solvent to clean it up.

>> No.145979

I found the box cutter on Amazon and they are like $8 US. So is it worth it? Probably not.

If you get enjoyment out of it then fuck yes it's worth it. Don't listen to these children bicker, do what you want to do.

>> No.146005

>resists rusting

There in lies the crux of the problem with galvanized metals. They end up rusting anyway.

>> No.146019

lube up the bottom of the turtle shells and use them like soccer balls to take out goomb- i mean criminals.

>> No.146028

I doubt it's gal steel, most of the Stanleys I have encountered are made of alloy, meaning at worst you'd see oxidisation, which is generally white or grey. Certainly not brown

That shit is nasty OP, turf it and go buy one FFS. A box of blades would prolly cost you 3-5 dollars, a new Stanley with a few spare blades wouldn't be more than $10 i'd imaging.

>> No.146042

You mean the stuff on the blade in the OP pic? It's typical rust. I've seen it on several blades like that that were left out in the rain.

>> No.146053


Stainless and galvanized steels still rust. It just takes more time/abuse. A lot more in some cases, like stainless marine knives.

>> No.146057

Funny, I got box cutters like that from Harbor Freight website for 7 cents each. Got boxes and boxes of them. I think with shipping they were still under 20 cents.

>> No.146100 [DELETED] 

no, i'm talking about the chassis itself, or i would have said "most of the BLADES.."

There is also the gunk on the sliding black caddy which holds the blade, but that could be made of anything from ABS to steel, too hard to tell in this pic.

Needless to say, the whole thing is nasty, and short of an acid bath, there is no way i'd touch/use that thing.

>> No.146103 [DELETED] 

no, i'm talking about the chassis itself, or i would have said "most of the BLADES I have encountered.."

There is also the gunk on the sliding black caddy which holds the blade, but that could be made of anything from ABS to steel, too hard to tell in this pic.

Needless to say, the whole thing is nasty, and short of an acid bath, there is no way i'd touch/use that thing.

>> No.146105

no, i'm talking about the chassis itself, or i would have said "most of the BLADES.."

There is also the gunk on the sliding black caddy which holds the blade, but that could be made of anything from ABS to steel, too hard to tell in this pic.

Needless to say, the whole thing is nasty, and short of an acid bath, there is no way i'd touch/use that thing.

>> No.146153
File: 36 KB, 717x352, yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have fun

>> No.146163

>a coke bottle
Awesome find, bro.

>> No.146165

The gods must be craaaaaazy!

>> No.146166

This is probably the saddest list of find I've read yet in my limited passing by on this board.

>> No.146168

Are you amazed, OP? There was a time when I would have been, but I've been around this board for a month or two.

>> No.146187

>refurbishing box cutter

Not worth the money you'd put into it.

>> No.146427
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Sandpaper to remove rust/paint. Repaint. Put in new blade. WHAT FUCKING MONEY DO YOU SPEAK OF, GOD.

>> No.146432
File: 498 KB, 2576x1932, 100_4764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work work.

>> No.146436

Nice, now anodize it.

>> No.146440
File: 104 KB, 500x500, 820909532927xl[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, if you throw up a link to a paypal, I'm sure there's plenty of people that would help you out.

If we all chipped in $0.50, maybe $0.75, we could give OP the money he needs to buy a top of the line boxcutter. I think it would speak volumes about the /diy/ community if we could all come together to give OP the help he needs in these obviously hard times he's fallen upon.

pic related, it's just a glimpse of the whole new world we'll be opening up for OP

>> No.146446

That's funny, but I don't think OP is so poor he can't afford a new knife.
I get the feeling he just likes to spend his time tinkering with things and this project gives him something to do.
We never know, he may be retired or unemployed, and this is a way to pass the time. He may be young and just getting into DIY and as his confidence and skills improve, his projects will get larger.

Oh well, my $0.02

>> No.146450

ITT: butthurt buyfags get /diy/ed in the wool old man covered in turtle shell jewelry to refurbish an old carpet knife out of sheer spite.

>> No.146457

OP, if you come back and want some supplies for cleaning this up give me a name and zip code (if in the states) or send the same to this email.

I was going to offer to get you a new boxcutter but now I just want to get you the proper supplies to do a full refurbish on this thing. (ie muriatic acid and acrylic enamel paint)

>> No.146460

Fuck the box knife. I want to see that coke bottle restored to it's former glory.

>> No.146462


If he gets the muriatic acid, he can use it on that too.

>> No.146505

>buy new tools all the time instead of fixing them up; toss old and broken tools int he trash
>spend $0.000000002 on each tool because you buy in bulk
>"lol I'm better than you at saving money, /diy/fags!"
>can't even fathom the massive amount of global pollution you are causing

/typical buyfag

>> No.146526
File: 115 KB, 600x460, 27962_417374102525_572497525_5501576_6311613_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op here I'm poor so that's why I refurbish things My papal Is Indian5000@live.com I would love a new box cutter.

>> No.146536

>caring about pollution

get the fuck out liberal kid

>> No.146540

moreover, it's why companies think they can make shitty products.
This is quite literally why we can't have nice things.

>> No.146548

Dude, you need to bead blast it and then paint it red with flames.

>> No.146550


You're trolling, but here goes anyway:

You have to take into account what you're using to refurbish the item. Unless he's using sticks to sand it and berries to re-paint it he isn't saving much money-wise or pollution-wise by refurbishing it.

It absolutely makes sense to re-furbish an engine or air compressor or put new brushes in a cordless drill or something similar rather than buying a new one. But refurbishing a utility knife is far from the same thing, Even keeping stuff around for spare parts makes sense in pretty much every case. Will he really benefit from fixing this one up and having one more knife compared to the 3 he already has? Probably not, but it can't hurt to keep the casing around until he has a use for it.

And you can throw things out and still minimize the impact that you would have. When I no longer need things that might be usable by others with either more time or relevant skill I craigslist them, I haven't had to throw such an item out yet. And everything metal I take to the scrap yard myself. (I don't do city recycling because, while I could have the service, no one else in my neighborhood does so there would be a giant truck driving a couple of miles out of its way twice a week to pick up a couple of aluminum cans vs. me driving to the scrap yard as needed)

>> No.146553

how has the seat and handle not melted on that yet?

I figured it was tough to withstand being in the sun constantly when ppl leave them in the lot, but sheesh...

>> No.146554
File: 458 KB, 2576x1932, 100_4744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is not OP. I am OP. I do not want your monies.

>> No.146556
File: 1.32 MB, 2576x1932, 100_4828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP Again. Checked out more sides of roads. Dirt Road+old as fuck houses and garbage.

>> No.146560
File: 1.33 MB, 2576x1932, 100_4767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP AGAIN AGAIN. On terms of pollution.

>> No.146562


You only get shitty products if you go cheap or don't do good research before buying. You can still get god-tier durability even in this day and age at a reasonable price, you just have to watch out for all the crap floating around. And I'm not talking about "buy the most expensive thing" because a lot of things which are expensive are also complete crap. I'm just saying don't buy the set or wrenches that are 1/10th the price of all the others and expect them to last you a lifetime. Likewise don't buy the most expensive one there is and expect it to be god-tier just because it's expensive.


It's not the casing that has rusted. The blade holder and the blades rusted and stained the casing; it's the same as when metal bolts holding plastic together rust and get rust stains on the plastic. The plastic itself didn't rust.


Yes, but galvanized steel will always rust through eventually; the zinc just acts as an anode to the steel. With stainless it will have surface rust but it will never rust all the way through.

>> No.146565
File: 529 KB, 2576x1932, 100_4762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work Work. Be back later

>> No.146566

I used to think /diy/ would be an awesome board, but the more I hang around here the more I realize it's mostly total shit.

>> No.146570


If you're not going to accept help, at least go get yourself some muriatic/hydrochloric acid. You won't have to use the whole thing to fix the casing and it will probably be cheaper than steel wool or whatever you're using to clean this thing. It will also do a more thorough job and if you do this sort of thing often it will also save you time/money in the future.


>> No.146648
