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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 52 KB, 536x625, stupid people with tools.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1424912 No.1424912 [Reply] [Original]

>Ctrl-F: Stupid Questions Thead.
Negative results.

This is now a general stupid question thread. I'll start with a stupid question:

How high should a wood working bench be? I only do hand tools- planes, scrapes and chisels.

>> No.1424923

There is a thread for questions, kys.

>> No.1424924

Garbage in garbage out there, genius. You realize there is more than one way to title a qtddtot? Try reading next time instead of just searching, and probably spelling "thead" wrong.

>> No.1424932

Cool, I was searching for the questions thread.

I have a program that runs on my Arduino Uno, but my friend only has an Arduino Nano that he got for his birthday in a big kit that has a lot of cool devices like push buttons and leds. Can she load my program into her Nano or do we have to write different code in the sketch? I'm a noob here and didn't actually write my sketch anyway, so we are hoping that the code will work.


>> No.1424936

>How high should a wood working bench be?

that's not actually a stupid question, as the bench height is one of the most important things about your workshop.

here's an excellent discussion:

"We've used a lot of methods to determine the best height for a bench. But one simple method seems to give the best results. Just measure the distance from the floor to the crease on the inside of your wrist. When I did this, the measurement was 34". So that's the height I used on my bench. "

>> No.1424938

Roughly how much would it cost to get a breaker box with screw in fuses replaced with one with switches?

I'm in Northwest Florida

>> No.1424939

No, it is a stupid question because a Google search will answer it ad nauseum, and better than your reply did. It depends very much on the work you're doing. Stupid question, stupid answer. The absolute state of millennials. Wew lad.

>> No.1424967
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quck one about screw fastener/anchors

so I buy fisher fastener
it has 120x10 on the side
that means I drill with 10mm drill
and that means I buy 10mm screw?
or is the screw suppose to be smaller?

I am looking for general fool proof approach
not some specific case

>> No.1424978


>from the floor to the crease on the inside of your wrist.

I usually do it to the top of my dick

>> No.1424981


If there was no discussion Google could not answer it. And it still doesn't without the discussion.

>> No.1424993

But Anon, that could still vary by up to 6 inches. You are no help at all.

But it has been discussed, and Google can answer it. What year are you living in, Anon?

>> No.1424998

>But it has been discussed, and Google can answer it.

I'd say 90 percent or more of everything ever asked on this board could have been easily googled much quicker. Some people ask here because they are morons, and some ask here for the community, and some are tripshits who should be shunned until they stop being tripshits.

>> No.1425055

There's a huge rust hole inside of my car's trunk; can I use a stick welder to weld in new metal? Heard from some guy that I'd need a MIG welder to do that, but I don't believe him.

>> No.1425078

Give the thread back tyrone.

>> No.1425090

the sketch will work, the nano has the same pins as the uno, just make sure to select nano as the board in the IDE

>> No.1425152
File: 1.20 MB, 750x1334, IMG_0437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There used to be a wood address sign on my grandma's house that fell off or rotted years ago, I'm going to cut a new piece of wood, but how do I attach it to the brick? I dont want to have visible screw heads on the front side..

>> No.1425153
File: 545 KB, 442x786, gram-wall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's whats left now

>> No.1425166

you could either drill pins into the brick and match recesses in the back of the wood - OR - adhesive it on like it was before.

>> No.1425170

thanks. how long can i expect the adhesive to stay?

>> No.1425185

Alternatively you could also buy picture frame hangers to put the nails into as opposed to notching or grooving out the wood. If you want to use adhesive google 3m picture frame strips. If it's under an overhang so you don't have water behind I'd expect them to last over a decade.

>> No.1425299

Are you capable of doing the work without killing yourself? A box is 100-200 depending on size. Breakers are 5-10 each. You'll need another 10 bucks of misc stuff. Now, see if as how you don't know the prices of the materials, we'll assume you need to hire someone. You could get a hic for an additional 100 or a professional for 200-300 above materials.

>> No.1425305

Are you used to welding sheet metal? It's a lot harder to weld than angle iron, and you'll probably just blow a bigger hole in your body work.

>> No.1425318

No, I'm not used to welding sheet metal. However, I'm willing to practice before doing the actual job, and the car is a piece of shit, so it doesn't need to be pretty.

>> No.1425326
File: 20 KB, 246x138, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fucking things can adjust their start/stop angle, right? How the fuck do you do that?
I am sick of the city watering everything except the goddamned grass, so I was just going to fix it for them, but I swear that these had a method of adjustment where you basically push in/pull out tabs. Am I crazy?

>> No.1425354

search for QTDDTOT or QTDNTOT next time

having two threads won't hurt tho

>> No.1425359

No, they are usually a fixed angle and you can rotate the entire shaft and head to face the best direction for th as t angle pattern

I suppose custom ones could exist like you described, but they would be expensive and not much better.

>> No.1425473

Depends on the application. There are wedge, sleeve, drop-in, expanding, etc. so you're best bet is to visit the manufacturer's site and track down the specific literature for that product.

>> No.1425485

Doubt you're gonna learn in any decent amount of time. Anon is right. By the time you got halfways decent you'd have no car left to weld anything to. If it's just to temp patch so stuff won't get waterlogged and rats won't take up residence look at attaching a panel with special adhesive, can't remember product names rn. Basically cut out all the rust, seal around perimeter of to be patched area then apply patch panel and glue down. Something like you would do with glass fabric and two-part resin. Check out a site like eastwood's. Should get you started. Way cheaper than buying a mig setup, too.

>> No.1425486

>1st 2 lines of OP's post

So much irony.

>> No.1425512

OP here. Thats what I was thinking, then I read about hand spands.

Hight should equal 4 times the distance between thumb and pinky. When I did this, the hight equals the wrist crease.
nice tips on that site.

my misteak. My applogies.

I'm tending to think that bench height discussions could transent to phillossifee.

will do.

>> No.1425595

I don't know anything about stick welding but I don't understand why it'd give you a problem welding on a car. It's still metal.

Did he mention what potential problems you'd run into? The way I figure it, if it attaches metal together it'll work. I've seen guys use urethane meant for windshields and some modern cars are completely glued together. If you don't care how it'll look, chop out the rust and glue the patch in. Just make sure you use some strong adhesive

>> No.1425656

>but I don't understand
Exactly. If you had to guess wat the difference was between bar stock and sheet metal, could u? Hint: It ain't the metallurgy.
>make sure you use some strong adhesive
I already mentioned above. Application specific products are made just for this. Check it out, don't take my word.

>> No.1425658
File: 1.31 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20180714_152013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any pliers Bros out there. What'd I get at a yard sale today?

>> No.1425659
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>> No.1425661
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Shouldn't I be able to weld good enough for the metal not to come apart after like half an hour of practise? As I've said, I couldn't care less about if the weld looks good or if it's tidy, I just want it to hold.
He said I'd just burn holes through the sheet metal.
I don't want to mess around with adhesives and all that. The patch will have to hold a decent bit of weight, the hole's right under the LPG tank (pic related)

>> No.1425723
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>> No.1425771

Nah, all I ever weld is on a car. Exhaust, and patch panels. Only ever used mig too

>> No.1425774

Well he's probably right then. If that's the case, you maybe could find someone to burn it in cheap if you do all the prep work
Getting the undercoat off is a bitch but absolutely necessary.
As for strength=not adhesive, I don't think I explained how strong this adhesive is properly. It's totally structural to the vehicles these days. I couldn't tell you exactly how strong compared to welds, but Google can.
You planning to lap weld it? My intuition says the steel will hold vertical weight no problem with a good sized lap.

>> No.1425849
File: 896 KB, 1944x2592, PhotoChooser-d83d283c-b927-4703-8232-303f9360fd41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much is it fucked up?
Thread in aluminium is literally ripped, 'cos screws were too short, and load too high.
Should I replace just longer screws, or I'm better with taping a larger bot size hole?

>> No.1426325

The thing is with sheet metal there's no metal, it's too thin. All that heat just manages to melt everything and the end result is globs everywhere. That's why no problem with bar stock and thicker gauges. Give it a go, just mind that gas situation. You don't need additional issues. If you find it's not working out don't chase it or you'll wind up "blowing a bigger hole in the body work." IMO the need for the structural rigidity + diy is another pro for the panel/adhesive approach.
Whichever way you go, if you're looking for it to last more than a couple years, there's a lot of prep needed. In fact, it's all in the prep.
If, however, you only need a couple years then it might take just a few hours..

>> No.1426327

Tap larger. Or look for heli-coils. Not sure if they work in Al application, but I held both hood hinges of an old Ford pu with a couple for decades.

>> No.1426340

Why do you faggots never bother to check the catalog before making these threads, and always name it something other than 'QTDDTOT'?

>> No.1426349


>> No.1426351

How to straighten my jack?

It’s an expensive cable, like 200usd brand new. I plug it in now and it plays but not properly.

Pls help

>> No.1426353
File: 1.76 MB, 4032x3024, AF75E2C9-F7D2-4224-B7AE-CE60D5426DD4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picture

>> No.1426378
File: 470 KB, 1494x965, 20180715_165627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know nothing about DIY.
I want to install some hardware for a padlock on this door, but the door frame has a big lip on it (about 3/4'') so the lock hardware I looked at would not work properly.
How can I make this work without attaching a crappy looking shim to the door in addition to the lock hardware?

>> No.1426385

I'm trying to diy an electric blanket. I spent a week collecting wire, but after an initial test run, I found the wire couldn't heat the blanket despite being within a cotton layered quilt.
I figured I could strip the wire, but what voltage should I aim for?

btw this is for my newborn daughter

>> No.1426470

Okay, how can I make a tap from a screw? I'm too poor to buy a tap, they are expensive as a fuck, and I need it like only for three holes.
But what about rivets with thread?

>> No.1426563

>without attaching a crappy looking shim
Door already looks like shit plus throwing on a fucking padlock. Why is adding to that an issue?

>> No.1426566

Bad troll. Just stop.

>> No.1426573

Borrow? It's only aluminum, a larger screw can be forced in there but is that gonna give you a lasting fix? Try it out.

>> No.1426575

>how can I make a tap from a screw?
there's an AvE video that shows you how.

>> No.1426579

even if you straighten it. it may have stress fractures and break off in the socket one day. you're better off buying a new plug and repairing the cable. it's certainly not a $200 cable now.

>> No.1426594

I'd rather not
The picture is not flattering, but the rest of the door looks okay. That's the only area where the paint is chipped.

>> No.1426608

Its actually a common deal as well. Google that question and you'll get a lot of sources explaining it.

>> No.1426677

That’s true, it’s definitely has plastic deformation. I was thinking of hovering the jack over the fire to anneal it to reduce the internal stresses but I think that might deform the actual shape.

Or I was going to use a pair of pliers

You did give me an idea, these are my desktop headphones that I stupidly took with me abroad so if I keep it plugged in at home it shouldn’t be a problem.

>> No.1426726

I suppose installing a proper deadbolt is outta the question?
Try two pieces of steel flat bar around 12 AWG/0.1"/3mm x 1" x appropriate length. Drill a hole slightly larger than shackle diameter and 1/2" from the end of each piece. One goes however high above the striker on frame side. Drill four holes to attach with 3.5"/4" screws anchoring into wall stud. You can get cute here and chisel out the one inch width to depth so it sits flush with the jamb like the striker. The other is attached to the door and should be long enough to bend 90deg around inside of door and attach with carriage bolts w/e size is best. Paint it all so not so gauche.

>> No.1426729

What's the best way of making stuff without a 3D printer or laser cutter/cnc?

What material is easiest to work with if you've just got hand/power tools?

Just hand cut acrylic/plywood/aluminium sheets?

Wanting to make shitty robots/etc if that narrows it down so making brackets/etc.

>> No.1426733

>What material is easiest to work with if you've just got hand/power tools?

Save up and buy machine tools just like everyone else.

>> No.1426740

I can afford them now but the price of them in Australia doesn't really make it worth it for the low volume I'd use

>> No.1426763

I work at home depot and they carry adjustable sprinklers for like 10 bucks you twist the little plastic tabs at the bottom.

>> No.1426821

Don't be a dumbass. Cut the garbage plug off and put another one on.

They even make screw terminal 1/8" plugs that look just as big and bloated as the ones you got ripped off for now

>> No.1426896

I've tried to replace jacks but I can never get it to work, and the screw terminals are just too big. I don't want to throw the cable away.

It came with the hd650 that I got for cheap.

>> No.1427814
File: 133 KB, 620x791, how to bag your trash for the bin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have some 'heavy duty' double sided tape, but after using it, i dont think its going to work for what i need it to do. Is there anything i can do to make the stick more secure? like heating it and letting it cool again or something like that?

>> No.1427818

hack off the scammy $200 jack and solder a new one on that will function 100% the same

>> No.1427821

can you apply the lock vertically going in to either the floor or above your head?

>> No.1428135

I don't know what it is, I can never fix the jack on headphones. I solder the terminals but within a day the connection goes to shit.

So I'm somewhat hesitant removing the jack on this one

>> No.1428140

>I solder the terminals but within a day the connection goes to shit.

1. make sure it's a good solder joint.

2. provide strain relief. that means that you can move the cable all over the place and tug on it and there is no movement at the solder joint. Hot glue works well except it's hard to re-work. Otherwise you just tie the cable somehow so that no stress can be transmitted to the solder connections.

>> No.1428143

Ah thank you for these tips. I wish I didn't throw away my other old headphones now, it could have been used as practice Stupid question but you said to apply glue, what exactly do I glue? the solder joint?

>> No.1428144
File: 13 KB, 346x230, porter cable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone knows who makes sandpaper in roll format but with out the adhesive?

>> No.1428148

>Stupid question but you said to apply glue, what exactly do I glue? the solder joint?

It depends. You can cover the entire joint with hot glue out onto the wires so that when you wiggle the wires there is no motion at the solder joint. Or you can glue the cable itself to some part so that the same thing is achieved, no motion at the solder joint.

But as I said, hot glue is a last resort because it's hard to re-work.

My headphone cable used to always fail at the plug end until I managed to secure it so that it didn't get bent back and forth constantly at the plug.

>> No.1428188
File: 1.59 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_1003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a piece of pressure treated wood, to make an address sign. I painted the front and inside edges but not the back because im going to use liquid nails to attach it to the brick.
1.do i need to paint the back too to prevent rotting
2. can LN stick to the paint or only to the bare wood>brick surfaces?

>> No.1428189

where I can learn about making houses? I'm 18 and I want to build my own house, I'll like to buy some acres and just build my house in the middle of it, but I don't know nothing about foundations, just the basic, repair a hole in wall and not much more. Should I buy a book or what?

>> No.1428190

you should paint it and add some special oils, it is going to be outside in the sun and the rain. So buy a expensive paint or oil and do the job in both sides

>> No.1428191

cool thanks man

>> No.1428199

no problem anon, also go to the hardware store and tell him what type of oil, paint or however it is called in your country, you need for the conditions of your area

>> No.1428202


make sure your iron has enough wattage for the job.

make sure to tin both your wires and your connections.

then heat the connection, not the solder. let the solder flow into the connection without the solder being applied directly to the tip.

remove solder, then tip, and let the connection get cold without you moving it as it cools.

>> No.1428204

I already nailed the letters on, I guess I'l have to take them off huh.

>> No.1428215
File: 2.15 MB, 3968x2976, IMG_20180718_155811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find anything in Google about my problem. I bought a pair of vans 4 months ago and they wasn't cheap, a month later, in my bike, I accidentally dig a hole in the front of my left shoe and break the cloth. How can I repair and don't look bad, I want to use them daily

>> No.1428221

Wear black socks

>> No.1428223
File: 73 KB, 750x750, HTB1SSdIj0bJ8KJjy1zjq6yqapXaj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to buy a VFD for a 1.5kW three phase motor, going to run it off single phase 220V (EU). Also going to buy it from china because I want my house to burn down. Should I oversize it and buy a 2.2kW rated VFD? Are there any particular features I should look out for on the low-end models?

>> No.1428226

yes, but I don't know, I want to repair them and keep them nice

>> No.1428243

since they both come in the same chassis. your probably fine
i don't think there are huge differences on these cheap Chinese ones. they do all offer more or less the same.
Some allow the panel to be removed and placed somewhere else (cabinet door) connected by simple serial or patch cable. This allows you to cheap out on external controls and offers the display...
next is,
they use different pwm frequencies, choose one that's inaudible
aside from not trusting them or their safety features, id you put some adjustable overcurrent protecting before the vfd
routing the motor cables through a choke is also a good idea, especially for not shielded cables
And, cabinet venting with dust filters is a must

>> No.1428431


>> No.1430003
File: 1.16 MB, 4096x2304, IMG_20180721_135618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got this monitor and the panel is a little fucked up, the controller driver seems to be well tho. I can't find other lcd of the same model and i'm not used with monitors but can i just swap it with other lcd from other brand? Maybe from a laptop or something that has the same size/resolution, I'm not sure how to know if the flat connectors pin will be right

>> No.1430019

Most likely another random lcd will not work, the connectors to lcds vary a lot. Take apart the screen and search for the actual lcd part number and not just the manufacturer model of the screen. The connector will either fit or it won't.

>> No.1430074

Is it a bad idea to install a wire free surveillance system (battery powered cameras) in my house, even if the house has a (half) finished basement and no attic access?

>> No.1430099

You could try cutting a sheet of white or black rubber, or black canvas like your shoe material, so it'll be shaped like the toe cap thingy that converse shoes have when you place it over the hole. Then you either and sew or stick it over the hole. Sewing it might be hard without some kinda tool to grasp the needle on the inside (especially if you use rubber), but it'll last longer than any adhesive. If you use fabric, make sure you fold the frayed edges underneath before you attach it. You also have to do it for both shoes, and you'll need a shoehorn to hold the shape if you stick it on.

Either way probably ruins any street cred that wearing vans might give you no matter how well you do it, and your bike could eat through something on the the rest of the shoe just as easily.

>> No.1430146

If you want to ensure it won't rot any time soon you need to sand the edges nice and smooth, so the paint can form a smooth seal.

>> No.1430372

Is there anything wrong with using blue termite treated pine (bunnings.com.au/70-x-45mm-mgp10-h2f-termite-treated-blue-pine-timber-framing-1-5m_p8030973) for building a garage workbench? Its substantially cheaper than the regular dressed pine of the same 70x45mm size ($3.76 per metre vs $9.20)

>> No.1430444

I'm sick of it, /diy/.
I'm gonna put all of my things into filing cabinets (I can find some for pretty cheap, it seems), and then get rid of this fucking desk.

How do I make my own desk cheaply enough but know it is sturdy? I primarily need to mount two monitors to it.

>> No.1430445

Weld some square pipes together for the frame, then cover it with whatever you want.

>> No.1430446

Weight is one reason why I dislike the current desk--what thickness can I get away with? Is there a simple way to tell how much weight a desk can hold based on its materials of construction?

>> No.1430453

You can simulate load in something like Autodesk Inventor, otherwise it really depends on the construction. Why does it matter how heavy a static computer desk is though? It's not like you're moving it around daily.

>> No.1430455

Something light when it does need to be moved is nice.

>> No.1430462

Between sturdy, cheap and light, you have to choose 2. That said, something like 2mm wall 30mm square pipe isn't ridiculously heavy; I'd go for that if I was building a desk.

>> No.1430465

Do it in Aluminium then

>> No.1430586

Pretty much sums it up. If you want to see what welding sheet metal is like, buy a 10$ 22awg sheet and do some tack welds. The professional way to weld sheet is with a spot welder, but you would need to hack one apart because they work by having an electrode on either side of the metal.

>> No.1430654

Neighbor started up his grill, a ton of smoke was coming off of it, it entered my house. Its over now but how do I prevent outside smoke from entering my home?

>> No.1430662

close the windows lmao

>> No.1430664

Windows closed, AC on with HEPA filter, air filter on each floor, just the smell crept in the house on the side of the neighbor. So it got in with the house already "sealed". I couldnt tell if it was coming in through the vents or somewhere else, just could smell it on the first floor, particularly in the two rooms facing the neighbors side.

>> No.1430667

double check the windows are both closed and locked. how old are they?

>> No.1430669

Closed and like a little tab on both sides latches em locked. 15+ years. We have an open air crawl space where the HVAC unit resides and the house is brick.

>> No.1430672

That’s just a house not being 100% airtight, as they usually never are.

You can get a company to pressurize your house and use smoke to trace the air leaks and then you seal them.

>> No.1430675

>open air crawl space
Walk around your house with a source of visible gas and the AC on high. See if air goes in anywhere. Air has to come into the system from somewhere.

>> No.1430698

What? Air comes into the AC from the rooms of the house and then back out to those same rooms.

>> No.1430808

Not always, homie boy. The condenser is not always a closed loop.

>> No.1430903

>In the 1990's those shoes were $20

Converse were often on sale for $9.99 ....

Now they are some how cool and are expensive... 40-70 for these piece of shit canvas shoes...

Buy leather shoes.

>> No.1430904


Looks like a tool for blacksmithing.
Maybe for pinching the metal when its hot.

>> No.1431150
File: 193 KB, 570x472, laminate fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can I get my lamintes tight? I'm hand planing and I get some gaps between wood. I'm building a chess set and board, and my black and white squarse look sloppy, and uneven.
Any tips?

>> No.1431708

I've seen guy cut between the gap with a jig saw to help disappear lines. Probably shouldn't listen to me though, I've never even used a circ saw

>> No.1431720

It takes practice to joint well with hand planes, especially if you're not using one with at least a 14" sole. It CAN be done with a regular old bench plane of say 9", but a foreplane or jointer will do it easier if you aren't experienced. That said, you can use clamps to pull it up tighter, but it'll probably pop the glue and spring open at some point. So yeah, use a long straightedge, be careful, go slow, and think about what your doing.

>> No.1432135
File: 1.31 MB, 1280x720, woodporn2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THank you. I just received a #7 plane from ebay. Waiting on some supplies to refurbish it. Should I make a thread on refurb of the 7 plane? ITs over 100 years old.

>> No.1432136

I really need to redoo that webm. To much jpg.

>> No.1432146

Sure, that would be cool. Just make sure you do it close to correctly or you'll catch hell here. Also, watch some Paul Sellers on YouTube if you don't already. He's forgotten more about using a hand plane than I'll ever learn.

>> No.1432205

I'm 18 so it'll be weird to wear leather shoes

>> No.1432209

gotta try it, do you have a video or link? thanks anyways anon

>> No.1432278

My ceiling lights flicker sometimes. I noticed when I first moved in if I turn both ceiling light fixtures on, they eventually flicker at the same time almost in unison.

But if I turn one off, usually I can turn that one off when it flickers and turn on the other one with minimal or no flickering.

What the hell could this be?

>> No.1432288
File: 64 KB, 466x466, 1530423229486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this work with a SRM 252s if I switch polarity https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/12V-12-VOLT-AC-DC-MAINS-POWER-ADAPTOR-SUPPLY-PSU-REGULATED-500MA-/201699027576

>> No.1432290
File: 95 KB, 1200x675, 1838782-stax-srs3100-srl300-srm252s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SRM 252s
For reference

>> No.1432400

You're right boy. Only men wear real shoes.

>> No.1432434

To be honest I have only ever seen it without adhesive

>> No.1432436

Make it sturdy and put wheels under it, problem solved

>> No.1432470

check diameter, i found source saying inner diameter pin is 2.1mm not 2.5mm
4W at 12V is .3r A so current is fine.
this is the best adapter you could find?


>> No.1432507
File: 215 KB, 179x137, C__Data_Users_DefApps_AppData_INTERNETEXPLORER_Temp_Saved Images_1529536874182.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to harvest/clean/spin/store spider webs. There are many large spider webs in my yard and I would like to do things with the silk.

>> No.1432511 [DELETED] 

I found this http://www.buythis.co.uk/product/4927/genie-psu500-in-line-12v-dc-500ma-regulated-linear-power-supply

And this.

Thanks for the advise. I could buy a 2.5mm and solder it to fit the polarity no?

>> No.1432513 [DELETED] 

Oops. https://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/products/6158919/

>> No.1432517

i'm looking at building a non-electrical iron man boot replica out of solid steel, including the opening and closing mechanism.
yay or nay?

>> No.1432520
File: 83 KB, 640x480, stax2170-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will this fit the bill https://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/products/6158880/

>> No.1432532

Regulated and linear https://uk.rs-online.com/web/p/products/6158919/

>> No.1432533

careful, there is a 2.1x5 but no 2.1x5.5
you need to figure out what the exact size of the socket is.

>> No.1432557
File: 55 KB, 735x800, s-l1600 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stax adapter

Inner 2.1 mm
Outer 5 mm
Length is 12mm (dose not go in all the way, only goes in by 6 ~ 7 mm)

>> No.1433382

Is there a reason plywood seems to be used more often for jigs/crosscut sleds, etc than MDF? Plywood seems to warp a lot or even be bowed already from the shop whereas MDF stays true and flat.

>> No.1434246

I drop motor on tiled floor. What product can I use to clean inbetween the tiles? I tried basic household shit but doesn't really work I was considering buying chlorydric acid.

>> No.1434276 [DELETED] 
File: 2.96 MB, 2256x1859, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently came into possession of a Master USA knife. Unfortunately it is missing five screws and two of the threaded pins in the back that hold it together. Does anyone know if I can buy replacements, or would I have to make them myself?

>> No.1434339

if you're not dead-set on doing it all manually, it may be worthwhile to rent a planer machine. It shouldn't cost much for a day, and you'll get the results you want without a problem.
>t. person who was having the same problems and gave up :(

>> No.1434342

you spilled motor oil. right?
get a strong detergent, then dilute with a bit of hot water. pour it over the oil and let it soak a bit, then scrub with a stiff brush. finally, soak up with thick rags.
if that doesn't get it all, try some solvents. something hydrocarbon-based should pull it out. make sure you have good ventilation and that the surface won't be damaged by the solvent.

>> No.1434423

How would a semi attractive awkward as fuck 21 year old male get laid without fucking a man?

>> No.1434446

Obvious answers like tinder and prostitutes aside, the quickest, safest, and easiest way get get a nut off?
Asian massage parlors.
>walk in, pay $60 for an hour massage, near the end of the massage they flip you over, pay them a "tip" of ~$40 and they jerk you off
Some are even full service, but are more expensive and obviously prostitution is illegal and a lot shadier in general.

Every city has the parlors, I lived in a town of 15000 people and had 3 of them.

Google Rubmaps to find them near you, and google for guides to asian massage parlors. There is a song and dance you have to follow or they wont offer you a handy at the end, but its pretty easy and self explanatory. Like when they walk out of the room and they tell you to take off your clothes, you sit there completely naked without a towel on. You keep your underwear on or you cover yourself with a towel is a red flag to them. That sort of stuff

>> No.1434776

Seeing a lot of these go for $50. Can I make one myself of equivalent/superior quality for cheaper?


>> No.1434886

Thank you for all the advice. I figured my problem was that I was using a #4 plane first.
I went with a jointer plane #7, then a number #4 to smooth it. Also, I made a straight edge out of some oak. I check the edge as I go along.

Winding sticks are great too. Made a set of that.

Finaly, I thinik experice is helpme get bette.rt

>> No.1434994

then, which type of leather shoes would you recommend to a 18 man

>> No.1435018
File: 313 KB, 768x1024, Fork20-18-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>. Can I make one myself of equivalent/superior quality for cheaper?

It's pretty powerful, and the interface to the app might not be open source. Apparently you "code" it in javascript, so that might mean that you can reverse engineer the driver for the pixels.

It would be a fun challenge, but in the end what do you have, except something that looks pretty limited.

>> No.1435019
File: 56 KB, 1106x473, Screenshot_2018-07-29_18-44-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here's the specs. Is this in raspberry pi territory?

>> No.1435071
File: 32 KB, 700x452, Tamper_Resistant_Drilled_Spanner_Flat_Head_Sheet_Metal_Screw_18-8_Stainless_Steel_4ef41595-5759-4583-8eb7-84907560da0d_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I retarded, why do my bits keep breaking on these?

>> No.1435080
File: 46 KB, 396x756, ends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im decided to build a pressure furnace, but im in desperate need of knowledge. I want to put the furnace in a tube and slap cone shaped ends on it but im not sure what shape the ends should be. I was thinking the 4. end would have the most favorable stress distribution, but thats just a hunch. Can anyone familiar with stuff like this help me out?

Im gonna do FEA simulations too but a good handbook on designing these would come handy if theres any out there.

>> No.1435222

>>1428190 >>1430146
It's PRESSURE TREATED WOOD you fucking morons!
Does not need paint. The paint will hinder the glue.
That being said, gluing to brick would not be ideal but I've read so many stupid things in this thread, you might as well.

>> No.1437639
File: 55 KB, 736x552, 880edeae9f31aa975b2619a2fd3ee715--beer-fridge-brewing-equipment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do a project that requires a little bit of woodworking, and I need to screw wood together. I don't have a power drill but I have an electric impact wrench that I use for working on my car. Can I use that to do drilling stuff? Is it as simple as getting a drill chuck that fits onto the impact male socket?

>> No.1437681

>Pressure treated wood can't rot

Fuck off retard

>> No.1437700

Very new to this

Replacing some ICs in a reel-to-reel tape machine. A lot of them are some variant of 741 op amps. Are all 741 op amps the same?

For example here are few of them:
LM741CN - RCA919
UA74KP - M749
CA741CG - RCA711
Are these different or is there a basic 741 op amp that will work for all of those?

>> No.1437782

As a general rule: they're interchangeable. It would be bad/scammy business to give your customers the idea that your shit is equivalent to something, when it actually isn't. Your tape machine has so many different 741s because the design just specified "741" instead of some exact type.
That said, the suffix matters a bit. A 741A is slightly different than the basic 741.

>> No.1437844

Hey so how do y'all get the money for this shit? I have 3 jobs and still live pay check to pay check. Like I have some small things in working on but damn everyone is fucking with land and I'm like how did you get there man? I can't even afford my dad's old place much less multiple acres and a bulldozer. Fuck, how did y'all make it?

>> No.1437851

>I have 3 jobs and still live pay check to pay check.

When I read a sob story about so-and-so working two or more jobs and still being poor I just accept that stupid people struggle. But I don't expect that sort of crap on 4chan, even though we have every sort of wacko imaginable.

Pro-tip: before you go out and try to get hired for your 4th, 5th, and 6th jobs, FIND ONE JOB THAT PAYS DECENT. For one thing, your life schedule might improve drastically.

>> No.1437853

I mean that's the problem I have. I keep looking for jobs and I get a lot of part time offers and rent is coming so, I just take what is offered to pay for rent and food. In looking for more jobs but everyone is hiring temp workers or "Work based Commission" which I have been told is the biggest joke on workers. I'm still looking cause I want to quit all this shit so badly.

>> No.1437854


Fair enough. I guess if you are far enough behind you can never catch up, because there's no time for school or training so that you can apply for a "real" job.

Is the military totally out of the question? It can jump-start broken lives better than anything else, provided you come out alive and healthy.

>> No.1437859

Yeah I have been thinking about it a lot lately. I guess I could go back to school cuz I already have a degree but I might as well have just shit on some toilet paper and stable it to my resume for all the good that I've noticed it's done. I felt that is bachelor's meme and whenever I go into interviews literally no one give the fuck. I feel like all it did was start me off with 30,000 in the hole and no way to pay it back.

>> No.1438254

38 to 40 inches. Make sure all your equipment is the same height. You know saw horses, table saw, etc.

>> No.1438302

how old are you? Whats your BA in.

>> No.1438336
File: 301 KB, 1489x769, 1533372262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need english word for the plastic tubes that you use to guide and protect the wiring when run through the walls

translation from my language would be cable protector, but its not coming up on google

>> No.1438346

> need english word

Corrugated Flexible Electrical Conduit

>> No.1438412
File: 7 KB, 400x400, 1170681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best handheld butane torch in your opinion?

>> No.1438414

If I want to open an automotive themed restaurant, can I use synthetic motor oil in my deep fryer with out killing my customers?

>> No.1438591

if you aren't supposed to use your calipers to scribe, what DO you use after you have measured it.

>> No.1438599

Yee this anon is right, the material, the embedment, the type, the usage, the required strength, adhesive vs mechanical, they all make a difference.

Call HILTI or email them for a catalog.

>> No.1438602

How do I just do it anons?

I feel my addiction to vidya essentially drains my willingness to do anything else.

>> No.1438682

Imagine there's a little boy inside you and he wants to do all these shitty things. You know you wouldn't let him play games all day or eat two hamburgers for dinner. Tell him no

>> No.1438684
File: 655 KB, 2000x1333, american_burger_lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>or eat two hamburgers for dinner. Tell him no

your boy will not win the super bowl

>> No.1438697

A Scriber, retard.

>> No.1438713

Can negative pressure suffocate you or make you breathe less oxygen? A portable a/c with one hose and a well insulated room. The air is exhausted and the room is well insulated so barely any air from the outside is coming in.

>> No.1438756

Your house isn't made that well. Just like a PC case, negative air pressure leads to air coming in from everywhere it possibly can.

This is bad because it can be between your floor boards, ceilings and walls. You can be breathing weird dust, asbestos, radon.

... if you had significant negative pressure. Your window ac isn't as strong as you think it is.

>> No.1438772

so you measure to .001 and then hand scribe a rough scratch that is "close" to what you just measured?

>> No.1439008
File: 2.24 MB, 2976x3968, IMG_20180805_135813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with my suede shoes? It only happens in that small zone of leather every time I brush it. I need help

>> No.1439242 [DELETED] 


>> No.1439342


>> No.1439471

My angle grinder has no spindle lock
I've tried putting the disc (it's a fuckhuge grinding disc, so no snapping) in a vice so it doesn't move to try and take the nut off, but im at the point where if I try any harder the desk will snap or my spanner will snap.

What the fug do I do?

>> No.1439473

lefty loosy righty tighty

>> No.1439475

I'm not completely braindead.
The issue is that even applying full retardo gorilla strength, the only give is in the desk holding the vice holding the disc in place.

>> No.1439500
File: 909 KB, 2016x1512, Screw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a tard, what type of screw is this? It's done up seriously tight so I can't just bodgy it with a flat-head to get it out

>> No.1439502



As for the general thread: Is there a float valve that will fill and stop, but NOT automatically re-open when the fluid level goes back down until it's reset?

>> No.1439503

Cheers anon

>> No.1439506


>> No.1439540

ok after literally snapping my desk, I got my angle grinder and cut the other disk out.
I feel like a retard, but as far as I can tell the disc and the nut literally fused.

>> No.1439569

Why can't I mount an angle grinder body (securely) and get a pulley onto its spindle to power a table saw or jointer? Is there something about these motors that I'm missing? It's not going to be run for a long time, probably less abuse than the larger type (230mm+ type, soft start) would get on a jobsite or high production workshop, where they have been known to last years and years.

Round here, they seem to be an affordable alternative to full bodied induction motors, so as long as I set the appropriate reduction ratio for the pulley drive, it seems good to me?

>> No.1439576

I'm not sure you can get it to spin fast enough to power a table saw. Try and do the math and see what you get for the angular speed of the saw.

>> No.1439691

Why might the leaves on my potted sweet potato turn a sickly yellow while the in-ground ones remain a vibrant green without any input from me at all? I don't even water the ones in ground since I'm just growing them as ground cover to keep neighbourhood cats out of my beds but the potted ones I'm growing as a climbing tendril to make the side of my house look nice.

>> No.1439716


I need a 15x8x15mm copper block. Can I layer copper foil, heat it over a normal flame and hammer it into a solid piece, sort of like in the video?

I know it would be easier to just buy a block, but this process looks like a lot of fun to a newbie like me.

>> No.1439733

>Can she load my program into her Nano
Well, you know what to ask her for...

>> No.1439774

I want to make a fairly big corner desk, the outer dimensions being 1.5x1m. Do you think 18mm plywood is enough?

>> No.1439807

I’ve got a 2 way radio I want to use to listen to some stations like the one that reposts weather and some police frequencies to listen ONLY, I know that you can disable transmit by programming that on the computer to that specific frequency. My question is though, i’ve tried to just dial into the frequencies that are listed on the internet for my local PD but I hear nothing, what gives?

>> No.1439814

Peep /homegrowman/ in /out/

>> No.1439947

I haven't been on /diy/ in a long while. When did /homegrowmen/ migrate to /out/?

>> No.1440003


>> No.1440098

I fucked up, /diy/. I fucked up big time.
My cats have recently been sneaking into the garage, knocking shit over and being dicks. At some point in the last week, they must have unplugged the spare freezer. Friday everything seemed fine, but today I came home to the smell of death. Didn't take long to figure out where it was coming from, and I plugged the bastard back in.

I'm hoping refreezing all the stuff in there will buy me some time to figure out what to do. I won't have any free time till the weekend. Anyone have any idea on how to deal with this?
I'd like to salvage the freezer, if at all possible. The current plan is to refreeze everything, and toss it--hopefully it won't reek too bad at that point. Then maybe scrub the insides?

>> No.1440123

You will not salvage the freezer, no matter how hard you try. Leave it plugged in so the stench isn't overpowering, get a couple big boxes of saran wrap and go to town incasing that bad boy as entirely as you can with it. Call whoever you need to in order to get rid of it, my garbage would take it if I called ahead, or if I put it out on garbage night I'm sure those dudes that pick scrap metal would take it. They'd probably bring it back once they figured it out though...

>> No.1440125

>frequencies that are listed on the internet for my local PD but I hear nothing, what gives?

pretty much everyone is switching to encrypted channels to make it easier to install Martial law in the US.

>> No.1440136

only a stupid person would make this picture
do normalfags really need lines and circles for them to understand a joke?

>> No.1440150

Sounds about like what I expected. The freezer was bought in the last year, so it shouldn't be considered hazardous waste, right? This location is nearby and I can drop it off on the weekend: http://hwma.net/disposal-services/solid-waste

>> No.1440309

I'm restoring an old Universal meat grinder I found in the garage. I've read they were originally tin or chrome plated. I have some plating left but also some rust. I'll remove the rust with a vinegar bath the way I do my cast iron.

My question is should I retin /rechrome the grinder myself? The barest minimum of research shows me I can buy them for 15$ so I'm not keen on investing a lot of money to mess around with carcinogenic chemicals. On the other hand I've done electrolysis for rust removal before so I'm not too intimidated by the process.

The alternative to tinning would be to bake on a seasoning like I do with cast iron. I'll probably just use canola oil but I have wild animal fats and other things I can use as well. I've restored two Wagners and seasoned a bunch of pans so it's a process I'm comfortable with.

>> No.1440373

How do I circumvent the encryption? How the hell do you even out an encryption on a frequency?

>> No.1440380

The only issue, besides the toxic assed rotten food, is the cooling system and the refrigerant it contains. Where I am it is supposed to be evacuated, I don't know what's up where you are.

>> No.1440437

They have radios you aren't allowed to buy.

>> No.1440441

Protective wire wrap


Flex tubing

>> No.1440443

Pen, pencil, marker, sharpie, razor blade

come on buddy...

>> No.1440633
File: 1.57 MB, 2380x3035, IMG_20180807_185022~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I flush water comes out of the crack. Is there any way to fix it, some sort of glue or something I guess, or do I have to replace the entire toilet?

>> No.1440697

You could try like flex seal or so.ething but you need to replace it pretty soon. Water will wick through the cracked porcelain and comeout the bottom too

>> No.1440701

Define soon. I need the leak fixed for about a year then I'm out of here and the house will be getting torn down by the owner.

>> No.1440707

Update. Went with seasoning. Happy with outcome. For 10$ shipped on ebay they're a fun toy. Universal grinder size no 1.

>> No.1440727

any of you build your own immersion tank? want to do that but kind of intimidated. I'm taking like 3 baths a day recently because I like the sensation

>> No.1440740


a bath fetish! that's a new one. i suppose it makes more sense than feet and diaper fetishes. and furries, WTF is that all about!?

>> No.1440745

not him, but its about being weightless and disconnected from your body. Immersion tanks can bring on a disassociation "mind out of body" state. also bathing in your own piss.

>> No.1440747

man go look at some photos of people who have gotten hurt from cracked toilets. you'll replace that thing in a heartbeat.

google toilet injury

yeah I don't get how you make a .05 mm accurate mark by hand with a fucking sharpie. Please demonstrate for me.

Also this is literally the stupid questions thread, so get fucked.

>> No.1440753

>man go look at some photos of people who have gotten hurt from cracked toilets.

Not him, but googled it. Only one injury photo looked relevant--but in this case, one was all I needed. Fuuuuuuuck that.

>> No.1440758

Probably fine then. The worst thing is ir may rot the floor but if he is tearing it down fuckit. Unless you see a free toilet on the road or something

>> No.1441455
File: 9 KB, 250x200, pizza_box_support250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know where else to put this.

I wanted to pickle some of my own cucumbers and a problem I'm having is that I can't get them all submerged in the jars. If they stay at the surface, they start going bad. I remember seeing some commercial pickle jars with this plastic insert that looked like a pizza box lid support, which kept stuff under the brine. I'm fairly certain I've seen them sold somewhere, but for the life of me I can't remember where and I don't know what they're called. Any help?

>> No.1441487
File: 48 KB, 500x500, plastic pickle drowning accessory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sounds like you want a plastic pickle drowning accessory.

>> No.1441492

cheap good leather paint? where to buy?

>> No.1441515

damn. anon delivers.

>> No.1441516

I know right? I didn't even realize I needed to be scared of toilets.

>> No.1441526

Alton Brown would not be happy with the singular tasking of this device. Personally, I am delighted to how this name exists.

>> No.1441620

Is plywood absolutely better than particle board in terms of strength? It seems to be largely ignored here in Poland and almost all furniture is made from particle board (or solid wood). There are no comparisons of plywood vs. particle board, it's like plywood isn't even considered for furniture here. A company selling boards (many kinds including particle board and plywood) suggested to get particle board ("it's muh high pressure particle board, I have one and it's good"). But then they might want to sell it because it's actually more expensive overall.

Also >>1439774, how strong is plywood actually?

>> No.1441623

>Is plywood absolutely better than particle board in terms of strength?
Yes. You get alternating directions of long fibers.
Particle board / MDF are *never* used for subfloors or sheathing. Plywood and OSB are all the time.
Your guy at the store saying "I have one and it's good" might just want to sell you particle board. Yeah it "works" technically but it's garbage.

>> No.1441625

>Particle board / MDF are *never* used for subfloors or sheathing.

Sadly, particle board was used in mobile home floors, and might still be. If I have a leak and don't catch it pretty soon, the floor caves in.

>> No.1441627


>> No.1441665
File: 26 KB, 320x240, drowning the peppers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


there's a /diy/ version involving a yogurt container and a hole punch. http://eatingfloyd.blogspot.com/2012/10/preserving-floyd-joes-hot-rounds-hot.html

>> No.1442209

I don't see that working very well. They're different kinds of motion.

>> No.1442677 [DELETED] 

Me again

How do I make sure these aren't borked?

I assume the red and brown holes are test points, but I'm not sure what I sort of values I should be looking for or what settings I should use on my multimeter

>> No.1442678
File: 820 KB, 700x710, Screen Shot 2018-08-09 at 11.58.07 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me again

How do I make sure these aren't fucked?

I assume the red and brown holes are test points, but I'm not sure what I sort of values I should be looking for or what settings I should use on my multimeter

>> No.1442806

The voltages are listed right there. Try attaching the COM lead on the multi-meter to ground, then probe those points with the red lead.

>> No.1442811

dump question. not OP, but can you attach the com lead to anywhere on the metal? what qualifies as ground in this case. Can it be a totally separate obkect?

>> No.1442916

Hey guys I bought this blue poiny set for 300 or so off of the snap in tool truck since it was a repo. I was curious since it's chrome plated if it can still be used as impqct socket set, or should I sell it lose some money on it and buy a actual socket set?

>> No.1442939

don't know if this belong here:

I plan to build a concrete+pumice/perlite rocket stove. does it need to have reinforcement,like a rebar or some screen? or can i just cast it with that mix?

>> No.1442992

This isn't really DIY but could you guys recommend a good vendor in the UK from whom I can buy and then have them lay lino flooring for my kitchen. Just got my first flat as a student and I don't know the first thing about DIY and don't want to fuck it up laying it myself. The only place I can think of trying is B&Q but there must be other places out there?

>> No.1443017

>Can it be a totally separate obkect?
No, has to be ground of the circuit in question to get a useful reading.
In this specific instance, the chassis/heatsink may likely be suitable as ground.
According to the datasheet, the 7818 to-3 transistor case is ground, and that would be a good choice here.

>> No.1443021

What sort of reading should I expect to see if it's busted, and what setting on the multimeter should I use?

>> No.1443050

Set your meter to read voltage... if it's ranged, pick a voltage range that 18 or 15 volts goes in. Then get a real meter with autoranging.
If it's busted you will see something that is not close to 18V on the 18V test point.

>> No.1443068
File: 271 KB, 980x516, Screen Shot 2018-08-10 at 4.20.44 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I've got plenty more stupid questions

Which of these parts are CR7 and CR8, and how do I check the supply voltages

>> No.1443079

>Which of these parts are CR7 and CR8

the parts to the left of the writing saying CR7 and CR8.
note the term ''across'' meaning NOT in reference to ground, but across the diodes.

>and how do I check the supply voltages

this fag already answered you >>1442806

>> No.1443081

Should they be unsoldered or can they be tested in-circuit?

>> No.1443084


if you're measuring voltage, you obviously do it in-circuit, otherwise there is no voltage to measure.

you only pull things out when you're measuring resistance or continuity, and the connected circuitry is messing up the readings.

>> No.1443144

Should the power supply be plugged in and/or turned on when I do this or will this kill me

>> No.1443171
File: 26 KB, 187x480, product-MTBC-RnCln24-hero-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been scrubbing for an hour and can't get some stains out of my toilet bowl. What am I doing wrong? Using this garbage btw.

>> No.1443176


with the power off, all your voltage readings will show 0.0V

> will this kill me

many people reading this are hoping this'll happen so the dumb questions will end.

>> No.1443181

Might need muriatic acid to get the worst of it off.

>> No.1443182

thanks faggot

>> No.1443184

Thanks anon. Just pour it in and let it sit for a few hours or start scrubbing a few mins after pouring?

>> No.1443200

Not him but it should eat that bullshit right off without scrubbing
Make sure you have your window open too

>> No.1443284
File: 36 KB, 253x380, armature-parts_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are the little chips for on the armature stack again, someone told me but i forgot.

>> No.1443294

Mine is a little too high. I like it the perfect height where I can throw the girl up on the bench and get going if we’re in the mood. The counter/bar in my patio is the perfect height, as well as my bathroom sink. I should take measurements.

>> No.1443621

>little chips for on the armature stack

what chips? there arent any chips. maybe you mean laminations (plies of metal plate).

>> No.1443628


I think he means the little notches you find cut into high-speed armatures.

They're just for balancing the rotor after it's been assembled.

>> No.1443654

I set up a raspberry pi and motioneyeos with a "night" vision camera, uses IR lights the problem is it's set up inside pointing outside so the IR reflects off of the window into the lense, I fixed that by having a barrier between them but it's performing terribly in low light, any way to fix this? should I buy a bag of IR leds and hook them up to it or what? the camera becomes useless at night

>> No.1443683

Put an ir spotlight outside.

Maybe just disconnect the.ir lights inside the camera or put a switch on.

Same thing happened to me with an old baby monitor. I could set it up under my eVes, maybe, but it's not weather rated

>> No.1443725

Put the lights outside, not on the camera. Just buy one of those spotlight fixtures and mount to the side of your house.

>> No.1443812

Tested them and it seems like the bottom two aren't working. I've found the 15v one on ebay, but not the 18v. How much wiggle room do I have? Will a 15v work for the bottom left one or do I need exactly 18v?

>> No.1443841


there are maybe 2 people in the entire universe who have played with the regulators in that ancient unit, and can answer your question.

so try it and see. if you had the necessary skills, you could substitute with a NJM7918FA-ND (-18V 1.5A regulator). it's a diff shape, so you'd have to run wires and find a way to screw it to the metal plate while isolating it from the metal. all this is too much for you, tho.

>> No.1443925

thanks mate

>> No.1444302

bump, if I have to sell it I don't mind, I ust don't want to fuck myself over in the long run. BTW I meant electric impact.

>> No.1444666
File: 18 KB, 800x600, Unknown Connector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody know what this connector is called?
I found it on my Corsair rgb controller and I'm planning a little project with it.

>> No.1444692

They're some form of gay proprietary molex connector. Search it up, satan.

>> No.1444697

Molex 70107-0003
Molex 50-57-9404

Plus crimp terminals

>> No.1444700

I know, I hate it when they do this. I guess I could just as easy use some female pin headers or something, but if I can get these I won't have to fear connecting them reversed.
Thanks a lot!

>> No.1444709

I’m building a sleeping platform for the back of my van, and I want to seal it. Should I use polyurethane or shellac or what? It will be in an enclosed space, so I’d like something that won’t let off fumes after it has cured.

>> No.1444715
File: 59 KB, 445x350, 050AFFA7-132A-4C09-9121-AACA6646C03E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like little 1/4” electric impact or big 1/2” impact?

It’s not the chrome plating to be worried about. Impact sockets are made of a softer metal. Regular sockets can shatter on the impact gun, not just chip the chrome.

>> No.1444873

Damn im sorry I meant 3/8 impact head.

>> No.1444952

What can I use to support the broiler element inside my oven? One of the little hooks holding it in place fell off with screw and everything while the other snapped and now the broiler is sagging.

>> No.1444955
File: 101 KB, 663x440, boksi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm making a box like this for carrying trading card stuff around. I was going to stencil a graphic like the picture and then coat it with polyurethane to protect said stencil, but the alkyd paint I'm using seems to be total ass for adherence due to its glossiness. Even when sanded, it doesn't seem to accept a coat of polyurethane.

Any ideas how to achieve the graphic without simply painting it on top of the painted surface? Are my only options some form of engraving? Any other ideas?

>> No.1444957

Any high-heat ceramic will work.

>> No.1444966
File: 93 KB, 1280x600, replace-oven-broil-element.1280x600[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm talking about the element in the top of the oven though.

>> No.1445253


i did this when the replacement element didnt quite match the original: drilled hole on top with #29 bit, tapped it with 6/32 tap, screwed in 3/4-inch 6/32 screw. the screw held up a bit of curved hanger wire to hold the element.

i wasnt worried about screwing into the top plate, coz that's how the original hook was installed.

>> No.1445260
File: 1.13 MB, 1158x1082, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at 12.04.38 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anywhere that sells rubber corrugated hoses that look like this? Looking for 3/4" diameter

or at least what is the proper name for it?

>> No.1445272

they're plastic not rubber

'split loom tubing' for wiring

>> No.1445311

I'm back with another toilet related question. I was the guy that posted >>1440633. I ended up replacing that one after looking up cracked toilet injuries like you guys said. I have another toilet that sounds like it's constantly running and it's pretty loud. The noise only stops for a bit after you flush but after 30s it starts again. Google tells me it's a leaky flapper but I don't see any water actually flowing into the bowl and it never ghost flushes. And sometimes there are bubbles coming out of where the water would flow in from. When you sit to use the toilet the noise changes, sometimes it stops sometimes it's like a pulsing sounds. I'm not sure how to explain it. Should I just replace the flapper anyway? Any tips?

>> No.1445314

flexible conduit around here, depends where you live i guess.
>'split loom tubing'
has a big fucking split down the length of it. fine for tidying up cables behind your tv but if you want to put this in a wall and draw cables through it you are fucked.

>> No.1445363

My ceiling fan has developed a growling and rattling sound, but only while it's on. By that I mean the moment I flip the switch to turn it off, the sound goes away even with momentum keeping the blades spinning. Because of this I don't think it's a balancing problem, but can someone give me a clue as to what I should look at?

>> No.1445386

My poor homeless ass needs a way to get more range on my Wi-Fi phone so I don't have to sit in the grass outside the library all day just to receive a phone call.

I've got a car, inverter, an old wrt54g with ddwrt and a couple raspis. The router seems useless as repeater, since it would need to be reconfigured every time I change locations, but I think it might be possible to set up a pi with a high dbi antenna to auto-connect to open/saved hotspots, then share the connection to another antenna as a private hot-spot for my phone.

Not trying to do anything nefarious, just want to sit in my car and have more range for my phone.

>> No.1445389

could be electrical sound? might be a loose connection
or of course induction motor maybe loose stator coil jiggling around that isn't acting on when power is off.

>> No.1445393

Is there really any way to be a fabricator or do custom designs and make a living? Actually making stuff? Not just construction or installation, like having a shop and all.

>> No.1445395

Honestly not really. Clean the application site. I've used high-percentage isopropyl alcohol to clean off surfaces for a gluing application, I imagine it might help that.

>> No.1445405

can I pump electricity back into an outlet from a portable battery I charged at work? lets leave aside the fact that its pennies worth of electricity. Would my meter slow down or run backwards? is it that simple?

>> No.1445418

it'd be more efficient to run off said battery

>> No.1445421

>a bit of curved hanger wire
Clothes hanger?

>> No.1445450

I know it's plastic, which is why I asked for rubber hoses.

I don't want split tubing, or else I would've asked for split tubing.

>> No.1445588
File: 3.08 MB, 4640x2610, IMG_20180815_134138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my tv is buggered, I think its burnt in or something, so im running this video for 8hours.

Will this work? Or is this guy just baiting for youtube views

>> No.1445630
File: 1.20 MB, 1415x769, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at 11.31.26 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was able to get it running at a somewhat normal speed today. Making progress

This IC on the bottom left doesn't seem to be labeled on the schematic. Am I missing something or does it not say what IC is supposed to go there? I noticed one of the legs is broken and I want to replace it. Someone else put it in there so I don't know if it's even the correct one in the first place.

Also it's a 14 pin IC, the socket just has two legs cut off to get it to fit.

>> No.1445631

It could help if you had some burn in. You seem to have a dead led strip which might not be repaired without destroying the panel.

>> No.1445632
File: 355 KB, 1179x718, Screen Shot 2018-08-14 at 11.41.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Full schematic

>> No.1445633

Seems to be labeled ic5 on the board and schematic

>> No.1445641

I get that, but I'm asking what model of IC is supposed to go there. Currently there's an SN74122N, but that might have been put there by someone as a mod and I don't know if it's the correct one.

>> No.1445647
File: 46 KB, 320x320, CE027A384CC05CA09793017C2CD9CA0D.app1_1500319598740_PZ320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colored wood?
I want to make a mosaic with different colored woods. I know there are exotic woods out there that come in whacky colors like purpleheart. However, there are colors that are too difficult to come by and not worth the effort hunting down.
So my question is; is there stains I can use to color wood with?
No I don't want to paint the wood, that completely defeats the purpose of it having a natural look

>> No.1445649

Rip me, is it diyable? Or do i just bin it

>> No.1445654

It depends. Probably not. The screen has a couple layers of lamination and light guides and rows of leds. Youtube lcd teardown or dissection videos

>> No.1445666

>I fucked up, /diy/. I fucked up big time.
>My cats have recently been sneaking into the garage, knocking shit over and being dicks. At some point in the last week, they must have unplugged the spare freezer. Friday everything seemed fine, but today I came home to the smell of death. Didn't take long to figure out where it was coming from, and I plugged the bastard back in.
>I'm hoping refreezing all the stuff in there will buy me some time to figure out what to do. I won't have any free time till the weekend. Anyone have any idea on how to deal with this?
>I'd like to salvage the freezer, if at all possible. The current plan is to refreeze everything, and toss it--hopefully it won't reek too bad at that point. Then maybe scrub the insides?

You might want to get one of those power cords with the metal ring that allows you to secure the plug with the faceplate"s center screw. That way it can't be removed accidentally again.

>> No.1445680

I just found this video https://youtu.be/H4sro4FMq18

I remember my tv was a lot like the one in the video but now its much worse.

I think ill try this fix if its just the ribbon cables.

Wish me luck lads

>> No.1445694

Yes. Go to a hardware store and get wood stains.

>> No.1445730

Slightly higher than an anvil which is measured as where your tip hangs when standing. With a bench you'd want a couple inches higher to save your back when bending to plane etc.

>> No.1445731

You'd need nichrome resistance wire, and a heatproof shield on either side of the wire. More or less like an electric furnace, but with less refractory bricks.

>> No.1445732

I just knot the body of the cable above the soldered connection before the cable gland. Knot too big to pass through gland/moulded strain relief. Job done.

>> No.1445932
File: 3.57 MB, 3120x4160, 20180815_123805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats a good simple way to fix the paint scratches on these frames?

>> No.1446017

How do you AC stick weld in a pocket, meaning a space enclosed on at least three sides? I can run a bead like a champ, but when I try to fill a pocket it's just a mess, or I burn through one of the sides.

>> No.1446023

So you want to refreeze and keep food that you've already said had gone bad and is stinking...

and apparently you think you need to buy a whole new freezer because it was unplugged?

>> No.1446034

>>a bit of curved hanger wire
>Clothes hanger?

of course, clothes hanger. everyone has some, and they're just the right stiffness.
leave the enamel coating on, coz it adds ''je ne sais quoi'' to the taste of frozen pizzas.

>> No.1446301
File: 13 KB, 250x239, 1420099814802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a brainlet so bear with me here.
Is there a special word for for >3/4in. plywood? I'm looking to make an oddly shaped picture frame out of one solid piece of wood that will probably be cnc cut. It needs to have a WxH of at least 2 ft x 3 ft, but thick enough to not be flimsy

>> No.1446344


You literally could have googled 3/4 plywood, but you at least posted in the stupid questions thread.

>> No.1446356
File: 87 KB, 514x510, IMG_20180816_195051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a particular name for the shape or connection to this. its on a motor and im looking to turn it into something else without having to duct tape a piece of wood on

>> No.1446466

Ask her if I can load my "program" into her "nano".

>> No.1446470

The old adhesive is still on the brick so it would be safe to say long enough. Also use treated wood or do something to keep moisture trapped behind it from rotting it out so fast this time.

>> No.1446488

>doesn't want to mess around with adhesive
> does want to mess around with cutting disc,grinder, welder, weld through primer,
All in the vicinity of a LPG tank
Anon just spray it with rust converter primer and use fucking liquid nails adhesive to glue your panel in.
Why are you being such a fucking hard head? You can't weld, and you have people who can telling you there is no good reason to go through all that. Even if you had a MIG welder you don't know how to use it so what the fuck are you even arguing for. Just run over a coffee can with your car and glue it in there FFS.

>> No.1446491

BTW nice pic. that shows absolutely nothing KYS.

>> No.1446498

The screw you have alrready reaches all the way through the metal and there are zero threads left so longer screw still has zero threads to grab. I doubt you want to use a larger bolt on that fine looking whatever it is, So helicoil is the way to go and will be stronger than original, You are going to need some permanent locktite to fix the helicoil as there is no bottom to your hole to set the coil against, and set the coil even with the bottom of the hole and not flush withe surface.

>> No.1446508

3M makes some badass double sided tape.

>> No.1446522

Glue it to the brick it will be perfect. Don't listen to these faggots that insist on doing things "the right way". I just watched a goy my friend hired Cut 16" off both ends of the 12' fascia boards my friend bought cuz they had small splits in them, every fucking one. Then this cocksucker had the nerve to drill and screw the boards in place. I have never in 50 years seen somebody drill and screw fascia and it gets cover with aluminum anyway. Fucking kids today watch some bleeding cunt do something on TV and they think they invented everything. If I was not crippled I would have thrown that prick off the job and did it myself in 1/4 the time and not wasted 1/4 the material. And then you have this cocksucker talking about the ideal way to hang a fucking address sign. If it falls off use more glue, don't be a pussy.

>> No.1446524

Take a timber framing class.

>> No.1446526

It's treated it will out live you.

>> No.1446530

A very thin steel tube is gonna be pretty strong desu.

>> No.1446534

Pressurize the house with a fan sucking clean air in somewhere.

>> No.1446535

WTF the condenser is outside. There is nothing wrong with the AC. The house leaks you fucking mong.

>> No.1446560
File: 2.47 MB, 5312x2988, 20180816_134245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I have a Seiki Sk870T plotter and i realised that the machine wasnt holding onto the blade at all. I look and I see a fracture in a plastic piece and I put crazy glue on it and I started scraping away excess glue. The piece cant fit entirely but I have no idea if its even supposed to go that far in. Do i keep scraping and use brute force to push it in? Or did I fuck up the entire machine?

>> No.1446561
File: 2.25 MB, 5312x2988, 20180816_134223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is where its supposed to go and to my knowledge hook around the nail.

>> No.1446565

Thinking about it could i also unscrew the screw and then put it back in with the piece in place... I am a fool.

>> No.1446570

Stacey Addams

>> No.1446571

Not using an existing pressure vessel

>> No.1446575

>Is it as simple as getting a drill chuck that fits onto the impact male socket?
Yes it will work fine get the drills that have a hex on the end for exchanging from drill to screw tip and you can drive it with a small 1/4 drive socket.,,,

>> No.1446582

the ">" stands for "greater than". I'm needing something thicker

>> No.1446654


Nail varnish.

>> No.1446790

Then you Google the thickness you want, followed by "plywood."


C'mon, man. I get this is the stupid questions thread, but you're really pushing the stupid. Plywood just being sheets of wood glued together in alternating grain directions, there's also literally nothing stopping you from buying under 3/4 inch and gluing up to the thickness you want.

>> No.1446803

>gluing up to the thickness you want
thanks based reddit spacer

>> No.1446905


>> No.1447146

Question: What are the devices called on which you can set the amount of voltage you want to output?

I've seen them a few times on tutorials, but I cannot find the name for them.

>> No.1447181


variable power supply, or
bench power supply, or
lab power supply

>> No.1447183

I'v heard them called "Scientific power supply" Look for things like adjustable power supply, variable transformer

>> No.1447189

Cheers. Found exactly what I was looking for.

>> No.1448219
File: 105 KB, 1500x1500, 718xkSBJ0oL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New phone cover soon.

I plan to remove the silicone liner, spray paint the hard shell olive drab, slap some kind of scale model decals on it, maybe some classic ww2 nose art, and then seal it with something durable. I'm picking the grey so as the case inevitably wears it shows the grey through, like the metal on an actual bomber.

What is my ideal paint/clear coat? I'm looking for something really really durable since phone cases get beat up and may even rub next to keys often

>> No.1448484

Probably going to ask this again when a new thread is made, I need to stock up on some VERY fine sheathed wire, what I have right now is to thick to be used for my purpose and I just ran out of spare old computer part wire. if possible I would like to get it from amazon, as I have some gift card money left there.

>> No.1448808

Search for wire wrapping wire. Solid core 30g

>> No.1448815

>wire wrapping wire
Little hesitant as I have no real understanding how thin 30 gauge is, beyond its .255 mm bit, and my wire I have is 1.6mm at the sheath and 1mm on the stripped wire, and the wire I need replacement for is 1mm at the sheath and .5 on the wire.

going to pick up this


as I need the colors for repair work I normally do, and doing it 1-2 inch at a time, I may not run out of this wire for a good year. now to source a good thin battery wire/speaker wire that's enameled and I think that will solve all my needs, though this is more something I don't need right away.