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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 2.58 MB, 2048x938, 1521154584213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1425100 No.1425100 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone remember that hot wings guy? Where was his property again? I'm driving through Virginia this weekend and I want to drive by. Will takes pics and upload if I find it.

>> No.1425102

it's in that place where that guy got buttfucked to death by a dueling banjo in that movie i saw once while drinking moonshine.

>> No.1425174
File: 94 KB, 700x525, hotwigns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like that guy, I wonder how it went for him. He was in Central Virginia as far as I remember. I hope you guys meet.

>> No.1425190

The Chatooga river is in NC not Virginia

>> No.1426831

>actually believing a larping faggot on /diy/
am I being baited here or...?

>> No.1426842


Nah, he's one of the most popular /diy/ celebs, next to bunkerbro, Bepis, and six-axis dildo robot guy.

Hot wings has some land and he bought a truck, so we're kinda stoked for him.

>> No.1426845
File: 195 KB, 684x314, Goodbyevent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Fucking no. He hasn't done anything but post here.

Youre such a newfag you forgot rave bike, /diy/ dental guy. Ball warmers guy. The autistic geodome guy. The "three legged table" guy.

>> No.1426854

>Ball warmers guy
I miss this nigga right here

>> No.1426855

>Youre such a newfag you forgot rave bike, /diy/ dental guy. Ball warmers guy. The autistic geodome guy. The "three legged table" guy.

I didn't forget them; they haven't been active much lately, like hot wings who had a thread recently, and Bepis who contributes daily.

There will always be disagreements about which celebs are at the top, I understand that.

>> No.1426955

Mr. Hot Wings we need an update with lots of photos of your land and your pickup!

>> No.1427001

There are no celebs here, it's supposed to be anonymous. There are a few guys that had cool projects, that we got to know and gave nicknames to, but they ran along one they were done. If you want to worship a named poster that contributes daily you need to go to a diy forum, or Reddit. That's not what we are here.

>> No.1427005

Your standards are pretty low if "celeb" to you just means "some namefag who posts daily."

>> No.1427009

>likes bepis
>diy "celebs"


>> No.1427089

Paging Hot Wings guy. Paging Hot Wings guy. We'd like an update on the land you bought. Pictures of dirt would be nice.

>> No.1427126
File: 57 KB, 232x217, 1527557956315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hot wings faggot has literally done nothing but posted a few pics of some felled trees and some shitty chicken wings. The others have at least earned their names.

>> No.1427135

>the hot wings faggot has literally done nothing

fuck off. he posted lots of pics of the land he bought

and he's doing other stuff. like when he bought a truck

>> No.1427138

>he bought a truck

Thats why I like him.

>> No.1427141
File: 41 KB, 600x450, 1430085202839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he posted lots o pics of the land he bought
>land he bought
>he bought a truck
>he bought
Are you seriously this retarded? How are any of these things /diy/-related? If you want to give attention-whores what they want go to plebbit. Until he either builds things in his plot of land or does something with the truck it is not /diy/ related. fuck off faggot and stop shilling.

>> No.1427142


We're talking about the same HotWings, aren't we?

>> No.1427143

Yes I saw the thread. I was not impressed. He just seemed to me like the typical /k/ and /pol/ attention fag. He will probably never build anything in that shitty land because it didn't even have decent road access, and it had no utilities. He also didn't seem to have a lot of money to invest and solve those major problems.

>> No.1427144
File: 2.96 MB, 1496x907, newmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey boys!

You guys are deserving of an update, and a lot has changed for my situation. First off, let me say I've stopped all work on the land. Why? Well, it's simple. I'm buying the land next door too.

I'll explain. So I called the guy I bought the land from, the logger. I needed to get a quote for the initial bulldozer work, which he quoted me at somewhere between $6k and $8k, which was okay. Then, towards the end of our conversation on the land, he mentions he's buying the wooded lot next door, which is 9 acres, and he will be cutting that and selling it too. So I made a rash decision, and told him to not do any work on my land, and that I would be buying the 9 acres next door as soon as he cuts it down. I told him "Don't even put up a 'for sale' sign" The deal should close in 2-4 weeks. He hasn't closed on the deal yet, but it should be closed this week, he said it'll take about a week for him to cut it down, then probably another week or two for me to close on it. It's pretty nice too. It's got 2 campers on it, a well with septic, and I'll be sitting on a cool 20.5 acres.

So like I said, everything has changed. I don't know what the 9 acres looks like at all topographically speaking, and I haven't poked around on it as I've had plenty of my own land to poke around on, but I'll have a real good idea once it's all cut down.

As always, picture very related.

>> No.1427145


thank god you are ok

>> No.1427146
File: 12 KB, 375x165, 1429841768339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>larping this hard

>> No.1427148


I know, it's great isn't it.

I hope his truck is ok

>> No.1427150
File: 358 KB, 1152x864, possiblepolebarn24x32studioonrightside24x12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I haven't killed myself yet.

Sorry I haven't kept you guys updated

Trucks okay. The left blinker fuse pops if you hook a trailer up to it while it's running, but that's the only issue I've had with it. My old '78 is completely fucked. Coolant is leaking from ~somewhere~ but currently I just don't have the motivation to go out there and see where it's coming from. I'm just driving the new shit.

Originally (which I had not shared) was to build a pole barn like pic related, with a 400 sq ft studio in the back to crash in while I was building the cabin, but like I stated earlier the property has 2 campers by the road will well, septic, and electrical. I've worked it out with the logger so he'll leave all that shit there, which is essentially worthless in a real estate value, and load his trucks up on my land, so everything stays at it is. I plan on using the campers, well, septic, and electric as much as I can while I'm building the cabin.The land will actually cost about the same as it would to build a decent pole barn like pic related.

>> No.1427152

>land he bought
>he bought a truck
>buy shit, become celeb
I must be missing something.

>> No.1427153


omg it's actually you.

>> No.1427154
File: 48 KB, 600x600, 1453820776710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I'll bite. What is your total operating budget for all the building?
What terms will you sign the paperwork for with the current owner? (interest rates? payment plan?)
Have your plans further evolved from your initial ones?

>> No.1427155
File: 228 KB, 960x1280, spacestation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fame is actually one of my biggest fears. Thank God for anonymous chinese bootleg milk manufacturing websites though, right?

I don't have many new pictures, as it's mostly just dirt, like someone stated earlier, but I did take this little gem. It was taken at my uncle's a couple nights ago, who lives just down the road. Apparently in the summer you can see the space station go across the sky for a couple hours a night. I'm still really excited, but all my plans will need to be changed. I've coping with the fact that these things do take quite a bit of time.

>> No.1427156


ur insane

>> No.1427182
File: 508 KB, 1047x648, cabin1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, my budget for the building was about $20k, but I'm just going to use that money on the extra land instead. After that I've got about $100k to get pic related up. I've already bought the D-logs for the cabin, the blue prints etc, so it's definitely do-able.

>> No.1427185
File: 283 KB, 960x1280, noplacelikehome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, paying cash for everything. No loans for this dog. Only stipulation I have is the land is re-seeded (which is the law) by the logger. I'm going to have him run his dozers and shit for everything before he leaves the land after cutting everything down on lot #2

>> No.1427187


kickass wings

>> No.1427193

you're telling us you have somewhere around $20k-$100k in cash?
Can't help but feel skeptical about someone claiming to do major real estate purchasing and building completely in cash.
However, if this is all true- congratulations. I shouldn't be giving you this much shit. I hope it all works out anon.

>> No.1427194
File: 181 KB, 800x533, coveredfirepit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I'm here, I'll continue. I'm planning on building a covered fire pit down by the creek too, as soon as logger-bro cuts a road down to it, so I can have a comfy place to drink myself to death. I'd also like to build a legit outdoor sauna, too. If anyone has any tips or ideas for that, I am *all* ears.

>> No.1427196

ball warmers guy is also the guy who remade the clockwork orange penis sculpture.

>> No.1427198
File: 372 KB, 1280x960, Galax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I have more than that. I've been lucky in life. The only way I've been able to swing this is because the land was so cheap, and the logs for the cabin were also cheap. Otherwise I'd be fucked if I had to play what people normally pay for these kinds of things.

Truth be told, I've been thinking long and hard about it, and once this compound is finished I might have to sell it (with a profit of course) and start over, just to stay afloat.

>> No.1427200

is he also the guy who casts tiny dicks?

>> No.1427201

>I might have to sell it (with a profit of course)

looking good wings!

>> No.1427202

yeah. Last time he was here he said he was going to create something that would embody his love for "boipussy". that fag is so based.

>> No.1427207

Where did you get the money for this if 8 can inquire? Either way keep at it dude!!!

>> No.1427209 [DELETED] 
File: 1.07 MB, 2048x1536, 12houselocationfacingeasttowardsroad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A combination of crypto gains from this past winter, and inheritance. Virtually all of my family is dead, so I got what shit they had left.

>> No.1427263

Shit dude, I'm sorry

>> No.1427268

Anyone know where in Virginia this guy is? If its close, I'm gonna drive by and take a shit on his logs.

>> No.1427269

All I remember was that it was central virginia. Probably somewhere inbetween Roanoke and Lynchburg.

>> No.1427271

Anonormale. He has a website.

>> No.1427433

bump for more Hot Wings updates

>> No.1427716


He posted in this thread last night. I hope he shows again tonight with updates and details about his plans.

>> No.1428079

Don't let this thread die! We need a Hot Wings update!

>> No.1428109


while we wait, we can rank the popular guys (don't call them celebs or you'll trigger the old farts!)

top to bottom:

Hot Wings
Wayne Lambright (he needs to check in more often)

... (big gap here)

three leg table weirdo
six axis dildo man
ball sack guy

>> No.1428112

Is this your idea of trolling?

>> No.1428244
File: 1.64 MB, 680x499, d65.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your autism is showing anon. No one cares about these fags. This is /diy/ if you want to sperg out over e-celebs go to /b/ or something.

>> No.1428405
File: 25 KB, 500x375, 1513867719255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cuckis is now considered a /diy/ celeb
Sure thing. So you can post without your trip after all, you turbonigger.

>> No.1428418

What about frogbro, who lived alone in a shack in a swamp like fucking Shrek?

>> No.1428477


I'm too new to know frogbro but he sounds cool.

Bepis haters are so funny.


>> No.1428481

xD based and redpilled

>> No.1428485


thx brah.

i am so fucking stoked for a hot wings update

>> No.1428611

just stop posting without your trip, we all know its you faggot. stop shilling your own shit

>> No.1428645

I ride in Galax all the time, maybe I'll come by some day

>> No.1428731
File: 300 KB, 747x864, 1939luger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The autism in here is hilarious.

Anyway, like I said earlier, I really have nothing else to update. I've halted all the work on the land until I get this second tract. Then the planning phase starts all over again.

It really is beautiful country out there. I was visiting the other day for a great-aunt's funeral. I'll miss going out there.

>> No.1428887

this is...strange to say the very least. I expected no less and I am not let down

>> No.1428902

>/diy/ dental guy
lel, I need to come here more often

>> No.1428919

Dude was cool. Had access to 3d mapping at work, used it to make his own set of Invisalign braces. Pretty sure it was working too. About half the threads would be guys telling him not to do it. A dentist finally showed up and gave him the real lowdown about what could go wrong, how and why. Root resorption I think? Come to think of it, he hasn't posted since then... Hmm.

>> No.1428961

Dickfarmer didn't make the list. :(

Time to up my game

>> No.1428964


I just got 4.5 acres. It's not much i know. But we managed to keep our home off the loan so i can sell it or bulldoze it and i fucking HATE living in town. My work commute will be under 3 miles and if i can get the permission of 2 landowners my bosses may let me pay for fuel and do some work with a 938G Cat Loader. Supposed to close the 31st. I get rock at 60% price and my dad works for a company with a dumptruck, so free delivery. Gonna have me a nice rock pad to throw all of my shit on and an immaculate circle drive with a big pad for bros to line up vehicles when they stop by and it not be a parking clusterfuck.

Pretty fucking excited myself.

You got big plans for the 20 acres?

>> No.1428966

How is that a larp. Kinda how i got my place.

>> No.1428969

Well, it takes 18 months to grow sod. Level that shit and throw seed now.

Trying to diy robot lawnmowers already myself.

>tfw 80 acre front lawn

>> No.1428970

Take em back. Cabin upkeep is a cock

>> No.1428971

That guy is my idol

>> No.1428974

Nah that's me. I am going to buy some foam cores to make concrete molds or cast bronze tho. Need so time to get shit sorted around here and need to make a friend who will ship it to burgerland.

Haven't given up. Last few months and the rest of summer gonna be pretty busy. Wife doesnt like the idea of lead casting in the house (and i don't blame her.)

Moving in a few weeks and will be able to set up shop finaly and crankout some dicks.

>> No.1428975

Nuh uh. Got nothing against yall. Idgaf what adults do behind closed doors.

But there is nothing gay about Dickfarming

>> No.1428976

>tfw 80 acre front lawn
t. 70 year old Ultra Giga boomer
I'm just kidding. If I had 80 acres I'd be building a robot lawnmower and snow clearer too.

>> No.1429040

bump for more celebs to show.

we should have a celeb general, in case six axis guy or whoever is browsing but doesn't want to start a thread, but wants to connect with his fanbase.

>> No.1429047
File: 66 KB, 573x621, panic diy dentistry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>/diy/ dental guy

>> No.1429048


Who should be listed in the general?


ball warmer

Hot wings

six axis

tiny dick maker



wayne lambright

three leg table guy

did I overlook any famous posters that have a decent following?

>> No.1429049


>> No.1429052



this is the future /diy/ chose. I am but an errand boy.

>> No.1429182

what happened to african warlord anon?

>> No.1429223

Bro the dental bro actually unfucked his own teeth... He posted before and afters and his workings.

Yeah rave bike guy.
Imitation crab meat.
The guy who started the underground shipping containers meme YEARS ago.
Dental bro.
The geodome autismo.
Plenty of guys from /ohm/

>> No.1429235

I designed a wood-pallet one a few years ago with a wood/coal burning stove, I can send you the design or post it here.

>> No.1429236
File: 162 KB, 860x488, 1526605636135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats on your purchase HotWings. Can you post the topographic map with the elevation lines for the whole of your new plot of land like you did last time? (pic-related)

I'll come up with a new scheme for the land just for the hell of it.

t. architect fella

>> No.1429247

The most likely answer is through a will. My father is about to pass so the will of my grandfather passes to me and my siblings, which is likely to allow me to buy somewhere around 100acres. I have a few other friends that may be able to throw in 20-30k each, so I'm going to look for 200 acre lots, ideally with some buildings on site.

>> No.1429252
File: 635 KB, 1496x907, isengard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can confirm HotWing Man is Saruman and is already moving forward with the aggressive deforestation.

>> No.1429442

We started the process to get a loan for 82 acres recently. A week before close we backed out for a 4.5 acre lot. But the lot has a house on it and a small pond. Wife doesn't want to live in a modular or doublewide for some fucking reason so i get to fix up another 100 year old shithole. It's highway frontage tho and my 1,000 year old neighbors may sell me some land or die soon. If not we will move in 10 years and land price here has beat inflation the last 30 years so idgaf.

Closest i got so far is a remote controlled mower. Trying to get a descent robo vacumn and hack it to run a mower. We bought a little Black and Decker robovac. Was $275 but well worth it.

>> No.1429443

Heh. I like it.

>> No.1429444
File: 940 KB, 3000x2250, f3db48b382b2ee3fa3b64ab178d4ebe9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1429652
File: 36 KB, 258x239, centi8s7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you try to troll the ever loving fuck out of /diy/ and the celebs and their fans don't get it, and actually get off on your shitposting.

>> No.1429661

>Bro the dental bro actually unfucked his own teeth

I know...that's him in the macro.

>> No.1429883

Bump to connect with my fanbase

>> No.1430118
File: 2.40 MB, 3008x2000, DSC_0391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont play to my ego like that, my head will get too big. i like it more when people call me a degenerate faggot

>> No.1430127

any progress?

>> No.1430228
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>> No.1430229
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>> No.1430449

Two days and no input from Hot Wings. I hope he is ok. Maybe he's buying more land or some other cool thing.

>> No.1430795

My dad passed from cancer yesterday not two weeks after my grandfather did. Also in VA Hot Wings, looking for some land like yours, somewhere between DC and VA beach. Need to travel to Turkey to sell my grandfathers land before the lira depreciates any further, and will be looking for 10-200acre lots for less than 150k cash (~500-2k per acre) so I have money left over. Any leads would be appreciated, but no hurry.

>> No.1431256

Drive up to MD and suck my cock. I may give you a lead for cheap land in Virginia.

>> No.1431399

>Need to travel to Turkey to sell my grandfathers land before the lira depreciates any further
Good luck with that. It's dropped so much that at this point I don't know what I'd do in your shoes. On one hand it's clear that things are leading to a flash-point before they turn up again (and the lira will keep going down until then), on the other you have no idea what happens once you reach that point.

If I were you, I'd use your land as collateral for a cash-loan (in Turkey) to build either something on them or set-up some kind of export business - in either case something that doesn't require a lot of money and that takes advantage of the cheap labour costs and cheap product costs due to the low lira. Run the business until you've paid off the loan (since you're not in a hurry) then sell both that and the business.

>> No.1431430


>> No.1431545

Unfortunately the land is a mix of olive farmlands, and undeveloped land in the middle of a city, which I will be contracting condos on then selling. They aren't loaning money in Turkey to people anymore really. As for export business, my father tried to do that for many years, and I'm a businessman myself, I wouldn't want to do any business in Turkey at the moment. I live in the US, and can profit far more off of the value of the land at the moment in cash than I would be able to in Turkey. I wish it were feasible to live off the land in Turkey, but living costs are too low to make it economically viable to sell produce there.

>> No.1431721
File: 2.01 MB, 3008x2000, robot_diaphram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing to write home about i suppose

>> No.1431726

Shit anon that sucks.


>> No.1431727


F x 2 i mean

>> No.1431735

anyone remember the "kid" guy? I kind of miss him

>> No.1431756

Would it be worth keeping the olive-groves to export olive-oil from them to the US?

>> No.1431758

>missing tiring board shitters
I bet you miss Mr. X (or was it T), too.

>> No.1431763

Americans prefer purchasing italian and greek olive oils over turkish to avoid supporting the regime, plus the government taxes the hell out of all businesses, my family has been doing olive and olive oil for over 40 years, it's been on a long term decline with the wages of the workers increasing disproportionately with respect to the price of processing the olives into olive oil plus sale. Not saying that the workers don't deserve that pay raise, but it's no longer economically viable with the tax burden, completely unprofitable. The only thing I'd see worth investing in for Turkey would be metalworking manufacturing for sophisticated production(making compressors, hydraulics, pneumatics, robots).

>> No.1431803 [DELETED] 

Most retarded thread on this board. No actual diy, only a dude with a lot of talk and no deeds. Y'all posting in a larp thread. OP is 15yo

>> No.1432223
File: 588 KB, 1280x960, 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bud, I actually used your original scheme quite a bit, modified it, changed it back, thanks for that. I'll get the topographic map up when I get the land. I'll be posting my own thread once I get the new land. The logger should own it by now, and should start work on it any day now. Once he's done, then I'll get it from him. So it should be a few more weeks.

That was the plan all along.



Call up loggers in the specific area you want, and ask them if they have any land for sale. You will not find a deal online.

I'll be posting my own thread in the upcoming weeks. Unfortunately a lot of this takes time.

This project is going to take me at least a year lads. I haven't posted any new threads or new pictures because I have nothing of significance to report. Let these threads die until I make a new thread in the upcoming weeks.

Anyway, love you guys

>> No.1432263


>> No.1432369

Battlemechdood, Honda hornet slayer.

>> No.1432370

Kek. Was that the dude that parked his mower on a hornet nest?

>> No.1432970

what about sex robot guy

>> No.1432982


is he the same as the six-axis dildo guy?

>> No.1433056

What? Six axis? Please explain

>> No.1433067


the homogay that i refer to as six-axis has an industrial robot in his garage that moves his dildo up and down. I assumed that he was also referred to as sex robot guy, but given the overall level of perversion around here, there could be lots of guys spending time and money on mechanical pals.

>> No.1433093

I think the no sex toy rule needs to be alter to allow high quality toys but ban /b/ tier fefe and other garbage home made pocket pussies

>> No.1433538

no just up and down, it has 6 axis of motion, making it the most sophisticated sex machine around. im not gay you mother fucker

>> No.1435805
File: 42 KB, 640x480, med_1472200961_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just making sure this doesn't die yet.

>> No.1435862

What about the bug bathtub guy from way back in the day

>> No.1435878

mothman... dude was fucked up.

>> No.1435884

that dude that made his own submarine out of propane tanks

>> No.1436401

what was the name of the guy with the taxidermied squirrels that were dressed up in nazi uniforms

>> No.1436489

>six-axis dildo robot guy

True American hero right there

>> No.1436730

Gives me an idea. DIY sybian for my wife instead of expensive bullshit. Any anons have one or know people that do? Sybian porn vids all look like they really wnjoy it but i guess that kind of the point anyway

>> No.1436732

Kek. Aint nothing gay about sitting around all day making dicks and dick accessories. At least we are just shitposting. We could be out having naked dildoblight saber battles in open public like all of those cocksucker commies in California

>> No.1436733

Ahhhhh shit that was funny. Squillanon

>> No.1437212

bump for hot wings. It's ok if you post in this thread or the other one, so long as we get some good info from you!

the other thread for our main man: >>1436853

>> No.1437227
File: 1.09 MB, 2048x1536, 12houselocationfacingeasttowardsroad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been on /diy/ since the beginning and never heard of, "hot wings guy," until this thread. I have seen the photos and remember the original thread. He's just not an e-celeb or even all that DIY-related it seems. I'm pretty sure all the threads about him are made by him.

>> No.1437497

>I'm pretty sure all the threads about him are made by him.

so many /diy/ clowns are clairvoyant. and full of shit at the same time.

>> No.1437741

Is diy dental guy the flexible bones anon?

>> No.1437742

it already is that way
Just don't get your panties in a twist and we won't have problems capische?
This isn't rulesfag paradise. Rules on this website are about curbing shitposting, not enforcing some faggot's arbitrary will upon your anus.

>> No.1437834

bump for hotwings update please

>> No.1438255

Try using bismuth instead of lead. A little bit more expensive, but much more colorful, dense and one of the safest elements.

>> No.1438403

thanks for taking the resident attention whore off our hands.
t. /out/

>> No.1438425

take him back

>> No.1438450

He is not popular, everyone hates him.

Dont forget HVAC/control faggot who posted here fo a couple weeks and woul always brag about how smart he is and how much he gets paid and get everything fucking wrong.

>> No.1438967

>He is not popular, everyone hates him.

who, wings? He's probably the most popular poster on this board at the moment.

>> No.1439257

newfags don't remember imitation crab guy