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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1423881 No.1423881 [Reply] [Original]

Lately I've been having squirell and birds trying to get at my potted tomatoes and peppers. I went to Lowes and bought a few metal 5 foot stakes and some one inch chicken wire for a makeshift cage to go around them. It looks ugly af and every time I want to pick my vegetables I gotta undo the whole thing and it's a general pain in the ass. Has anyone had any experience with this? Any other ways I can better protect my plants? I stopped putting out bird feed too.

>> No.1423884

DIY Greenhouse.

>> No.1424032
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>a super soaker
>a sacrificial alter where you lay out snacks to the squirrel gods so they stay away from your garden
>a greenhouse

You could maybe try spraying peppermint and chili oil all over your plants.

>> No.1424125

See: >>>/out/1312881

>> No.1424175


Chili oil wouldn't affect birds in the slightest. Chili's are "spicy" to prevent mammals from eating them and allow birds to eat them.

>> No.1424260


Or possibly the harbor frieght kit. I saw a guy in florida by the coast pimp his out.

Just put a few bracing rods down. Anchor it to a slab or ancher treated 4x4s for a frame on the bottome. And then screw the piece of shit to the boards. About waist high there is an aluminum bar around the hole thing. Stick 1 rubber washered roofing screw into the middle of each panel.

Dude has had hella wind and says it works great.

>> No.1424261

Well fuck. Even parakeets are more of a man then my no pepper eating ass.

Fucking shoot me

>> No.1424297

Hey. Parakeets can't make fire. I remember this every time I get cucked by a bird, which is often

>> No.1424805

you sure about that anon?

>> No.1425501

If you could somehow own a hawk or have them live near your property I guarantee you no rodents or other birds would ever be seen near your property again. They are the sigil of my house here in Austria, they are majestic birds really.

>> No.1425678

I had a squirrel or bird rip one of my cucumber plants up today, I'm so mad
just gonna put out poisonous bird seed and kill them all, no reason to be humane if they aren't going to be nice to my plants.

>> No.1425722

Yes of course.
It's very annoying. A complete solution woulbe to hang old blank CDs to some branches of the plant so the birds are scared off.

>> No.1425911

I put the stuff on my high deck and no animals bother it. My yard is full of other things they can eat tho. Maybe if you had a feeder somewhere away from the area where you planted to draw them away? or you could use bird netting

>> No.1425912

meh, I have wild hawks, they aren't there constantly tho. but I definitely still have lots of small animals even with the hawks around

>> No.1425923
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>squirell and birds
.22 birdshot. Problem solved
>but i'm a yuropoor and we can't have guns
rope and a ladder

>> No.1425925

that was a big find actually. I'm shocked chirstcuks still deny evolution after seeing shit like that.

>> No.1425932
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I agree with the theory of evolution but come on, the least you can do is post some real peer-reviewed scientific paper and not some sensationalist pop-science magazine. The magazine provides shaky evidence for these claims at best.

>> No.1425938

it from an actual paper. I didn't post that link and don't have a link, but just google it.

>> No.1426068

Throw netting over them. It allows you to water, allows sun to get to the plants, and keeps birds off. Also, the reason the birds want to get to your tomatoes is because they're trying to drink something. If you put a watering dish somewhere in your yard, maybe close to the garden and just keep it stocked with fresh water, birds will land there and drink, causing them to lose interest in your tomatoes.

As for the squirrels, I've never had an issue with them because I have two crab apple trees in my back yard that they're more interested in than my vegetables, but I'm sure they wouldn't be fans of the netting.

>> No.1426099

>.22 birdshot

That stuff is pretty worthless. You are better off with .22 shorts, .22 air rifle, or a slingshot than .22 birdshot. If you have to use birdshot make sure to get Federal since it goes further and will be tighter closer in, but you can't use it in an semi since it won't cycle. You also cant' really use it further than 5 yards and it will do pretty much nothing to a squirrel but piss it off. At 5 yards the pattern is bigger than a dinner plate. So, yeah, anything else is a lot better than .22 birdshot.

>> No.1426618

Build an electrified cage around your garden powered by a modified cattle fence charger.

>> No.1426623
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>birds can make fire
>abos cant

>> No.1426642

Build a less shitty cage, then. 10 ft pressure treated 2x4s buried 2 ft, cross member 1x4s at 4 and 8 ft. Roll chicken wire over top and sides. Staple in place. Build door on end.

>> No.1426696

I did not post it as an argument towards evolution, it is not, only thing it proves is that birds are smarter than people thought and people are not as smart as they thought.

If the birds developed fireproof butts as a result of such a tactic, that would be a tic mark in the evolution column.

>> No.1426701
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>spreading fire
>making fire

>> No.1426705

The absence of proof is not proof as the saying goes. We do not know that humans are the only animal that can create fire, many like to assume that to be the case because they have not seen it. A very unscientific method that is more in line with faith then science.

The ability to use fire is more useful then the ability to create fire and learning to use fire is the first step in learning to create fire. It is unlikely that cavemen figured out how to make fire before they used it, most likely they exploited naturally occurring fire and learned its usefulness then figured out how to make it.

>> No.1427845
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Pic related. Only answer. Hang them up by the tail. They'll get the memo loud and clear.

>> No.1428400

Put a co2 powered bb gun near it. Rig bird feeder to pull trigger. Bird suicides itself.

>> No.1428410

Dog hair helps repel some pests,
hungry dogs do too.