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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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141720 No.141720 [Reply] [Original]

I want to eat for under $3 a day. As long as I don't die of starvation/lack of essential nutrients, I'll eat anything. How do I do this?

>> No.141721

Potatoes, eggs

>> No.141724

mcdonalds dollar menu.

>> No.141728

peanut butter and jelly samwhiches are a good source of life you should be able to buy all 3 ingredients at a dollar store

>> No.141730

potatoes, noodles, eggs, several spices
start making your own bread, shit´s easy

>> No.141733

Ramen, Cool Aid, and some vegetables to spice up the Ramen.

Buy the Ramen in bulk and you can get it for 30 Cents each.

Cool aid or any sort of juice in a packet is dirt cheap, one or two packet are sure to last you a week, use sugar.

Buy vegetables that are on sale, visit your local farm market and if its a chain store they usually have a website that shows the weekly deals, carrots, potatoes, lettuce and all that shit is cheap as hell and have lots of nutrients.

With the leftover cash (trust me there will be) but fruit, there you are done, also remember that if you are in Farm market and the product you want looks bad, ask for one of the stock guys to get you some, most of the stuff is kept under the tables or on the cooler, and they really dont bother (i worked in one of those for a while, and we really do nothing most of the time, you just help us pretend we are busy), dont forget to high five em.

>> No.141734

Gardening and animal husbandry!!! Or, you can go with what the anons in this thread recommend, but that's pretty bland if you ask me.

>> No.141742



Goddamn, son.

>> No.141743

>open thread expecting lgit answers
>not a single beans and rice post

ok kids, your all retarded. go to a bulk store and buy a big bag of rice, and go buy a big bag of beans. you can live off them for months, with supplimented meat every now and then for essential fats.

you can live off rice and beans with the occasional piece of meat for less than $3 a day. but i wouldnt expect you kid hipster scum to know that.

>> No.141749

also dont listen to these kids. ramen is good occasionally but it contains so much sodium that after a while of just eating it you will be feeling it. dont eat just ramen.

but i wouldnt expect you hipster kids to know that, seeing as your all retarded.

>> No.141757
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Time to wrap it up man.
If you buy the bread from an oriental store it will be way cheaper. I buy 1,5 kg of bread for 5,50 € and it lasts atleast a week.

All you need to survive you can find in:

Salad( ok salad is only to stop the appetite)
Dressing (pref yogurt based not cream)

And don't forget the salt!

>> No.141758


>rice and beans
>you kid hipster scum

see those 2 go together well, my guide was way more detailed than yours, and honeslty more proficient.


Where the hell are your vitamins, sugars and dairies. that diet you described can only cause trouble.

>> No.141761

Wait, this isn't /ck/. It's /diy/! Fuck you OP for tricking me into answering you!!!

>> No.141764

shut the fuck up kid, your guide is stupid as hell.
>well MY guide was more detailed then yours

your acting pathetic now kid, a hallmark of a kid.

grow the fuck up hispter scum

>> No.141765


OP is not asking how to cook it, he is asking how he can sustain himself with a 3 dollar a day diet, its /diy/ not /ck/, besides /ck/ fags would just lash out at him for being "poorfag", because everyone knows that /ck/ is full of pretentious gourmets douches.

>> No.141766

>More proficient than rice and beans

Oh wow, another child's opinion.

Fun Fact: rice and beans is the staple diet for many third world countries. It is the most efficient answer in this thread.

>> No.141771


lol, you are getting so worked up about it, you probably never did you whole hippie rice and beans ordeal.

I performed my diet and to fairly honest it worked for the time i needed it to, it was during the same time i was working at the Farms Market so i also had a store discount wich was great.

And drop the whole kid thing man, you are just being a douchebag, you just keep throwing the word hipster around without even knowing what it means and without knowing who you are even talking to.

>> No.141772

Buy seeds, and plant them. Tomato plants will make so many tomatoes you will have no clue what to do with them all.

>> No.141776

dont eat ramen, unless you're really super dedicated to this and want 30 cent meals. the white flour will make you tired as fuck and hurt your health with too much. try to obtain wheat ramen.

>> No.141778

>your getting worked up about it
>well MY guide was more detailed then yours

hyocrite scum

>you probably never did you whole hippie rice and beans ordeal.

I performed my diet and to fairly honest it worked for the time i needed it to, it was during the same time i was
i never claimed i did, but for your info i have, 3 years, kid. i know what im talking about, while you dont. i shot whatever meat i could eat as well, something you probably couldnt do because your some pussy hipster scum.

>I performed my diet and to fairly honest it worked for the time i needed it to, it was during the same time i was working at the Farms Market so i also had a store discount wich was great.
>I want to eat for under $3 a day
can you read or what, kid?

>And drop the whole kid thing man, you are just being a douchebag, you just keep throwing the word hipster around without even knowing what it means and without knowing who you are even talking to.
>farmers market
>not a hipster
>acts like a kid
>but im not a kid!

shut the fuck up hipster scum kid.

>> No.141781


>Oh look, i blog articles about third world countries, so I can say cool facts to make me look cool

No shit buddy, Im from Brazil, and even though we currently have a booming economy we are still a third world country, and rice and beans are very common here, but they are cooked in a way that would make you throw up, and most of the time poor people mix in flour into the whole thing because even the poorest cannot stand rice and beans forever.

Not long ago there were even people eating miced bricks, not even shiting you look it up.

>> No.141782

>Oh look, i blog articles about third world countries, so I can say cool facts to make me look cool

I'm from chile, you think being a BR faggot means anything? Stop acting like a faggot, what i said was from experience, not blogs kid.

>but they are cooked in a way that would make you throw up
Typical BR, can't even cook right.

>> No.141786


Sure buddy sure, everybody is a hipster except you.

>Curses in every sentence
>Everybody also is kid

>Farm Market
>l0l wut is job u fagget hipster

>> No.141788

>miced bricks

Not the guy you're talking to but I'm actually curious about this, yet nothing comes up in google.

Canadian here. I eat squirrels and mourning doves. Not because I'm poor or anything, but because they're pests in my area and need to be killed anyway. They're actually quite tasty. Especially the doves. I'll eat them over chicken any day.

>> No.141789

>Sure buddy sure, everybody is a hipster except you.

nice strawman hipster, fact is you blurted out you worked at a farmers market. you are a hipster faggot liberal kid.

you can deny it all you want but the proof is in your posts, kid.

now go be upset i proved you wrong in another thread.

>booming economy


>> No.141791

Ha ha, fellow Brazilian here, eating rice and beans with flour right now (and potatoes and beef). Shit is awesome, dude.

>> No.141793

Peanut butter
Cheap Greens
Vitamin supplements

Meats if you want to indulge yourself on the weekends.

>> No.141794


Chile, lol, gtfo you poorfag, go wrestle the other shitty south america countries for a slice of bread, while Brasil deals with the other big countries ok son?

>> No.141795

I did this for about a month last year while money was tight: Drink nothing but water, eat rice and pumpkin, you'd be surprised by how satisfying this diet is. Also, try substituting lentils for rice, stealing/foraging herbs and fruit and get into dumpster diving. You'll be living like a king.

>> No.141797
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>> No.141800

Yes buddy, i worked, it was a farmers market owned by Koreans, not your fancy organics market, there i met some very nice people family people, sorry if you cant understand that concept

Oh and BRIC, G20 and Mercosul sends their regards from Brazil, also we are only the 7th economy based on GDP in the world

>> No.141801

OP here. Thanks for all the legitimate answers so far, I've saved this entire thread. And for the people arguing over the inconsequential details of an anonymous person's diet, thank you too?

>> No.141802

>eating pre packaged shitty rice
>not bought in bulk in huge bags at immigrant store/bulk food stores

typical underaged kid

>> No.141805

Dumpster diving thread?

In all seriousness in previous threads a few anon showed off their food finds at local places which were practically 100%.

>> No.141806

>defending himself on the internet
>trying to claim he isnt a hipster faggot


>> No.141809

>practically 100%.
>pictured of partially rotten food
>mold covered bread
>out of date food not worthy of hobos
>retarded hipster kids eat this shit

>> No.141813


Ok, bye honey, see you later

>> No.141814
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So mad.

>Thinking any brands rice is different from bagged rice.

Don't trust everything thats on the media dude.

>> No.141818

>stealing/foraging herbs and fruit

Care to elaborate? More about the foraging than the stealing.

>> No.141819

>pay $3 for some tiny 200g bag of shitty rice
>pay the same amount for 40 pound bag

yea they are SO the same kid

fuck off back to /b/ kid.

>get proven wrong
>run away

typical of a hipster kid, beta to, doesnt want any confrontation.

>> No.141823
File: 46 KB, 776x602, a132556980952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy Uncle Ben single serving $4 rice
>buy giant bag that will last you longer then a month for less

>> No.141826


Im still right here honey, fact is you are just going to keep on your argument until you die of rice and beans, and since you havent honestly countered any of my arguments and only resorts to calling me a hipster, kid or faggot, i won, so bye bye, kisses.

>> No.141830

Ok, bye honey, see you later
Im still right here

not only are you a hipster kid, your also a hypocrite and a liar. and you expect people to take your hipster kid opinion seriously? HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH
you won nothing kid, but you did get proven wrong by me and others

you run along now, you run away like the beta you are when proven wrong then claim victory.
thanks for making me look good and you retarded, kid.

>> No.141835


>Death by rice and beans

>> No.141838
File: 95 KB, 586x450, neueste-uncle-bens-werbung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Thinking product prices set the products quality/type.
>Not using memes to make raging mods look like a fool in front of any imageboard.

>> No.141839

>cant read how i supplemented my diet with meat that i killed myself

typical hipster kid, still pathetically trying arent you? the more you post the more retarded you look and the better i look.

wernt you leaving? i swear you said you were going. i guess your to retarded to remember what you typed, typical liberal hipster kid.

>> No.141841

>Death by rice and beans

>> No.141842
File: 73 KB, 744x1340, 1326755336711.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even trying now kid, try again and put more effort into it if you want to troll, because right now you just look like a retard

>> No.141844

>spamming shit like a kid because he cant win an argument


>> No.141845

>walk to mcdonalds
>2 mcdoubles
>free water cup

Yep thats how i do things around in this part of the woods

>> No.141846

>Death by rice and beans

>> No.141847

Hahaha americans don't know about Baguette !

>> No.141848
File: 43 KB, 350x300, 1303012904133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP. Canned goods.
Specifically soup.

1 can of condensed soup = .50 - $1 usd.
1 can of condensed soup = 1 meal
3 meals a day = $1.50 - $3

You don't even need a fridge.

>> No.141849

>Death by rice and beans.

>> No.141852

Canned goods contain way to much sodium, more so than ramen. Good for about a month but your health will be suffering greatly.

What are you even doing? Your acting childish because someone proved you wrong. You do realize people are reported every post you make as spam right?

>> No.141854

>ohh no my opinion got proved wrong
>i know ill spam death by rice and beans in a shitty attempt to discredit the other guys opinion but in reality im making myself look like a huge fool and whatever shred of argument i had left just flew out the window


>> No.141855
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proved me wrong, called me a hipster fifteen times and screamed i was wrong, didnt give a single argument as to why i was wrong, are you serious?

He is just a troll, isnt it fucking obvious

<-- Death by

>> No.141856
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>> No.141857

OP needs to pick up gardening.

>> No.141861

Ill just leave this here


>> No.141865
File: 35 KB, 333x258, dmz335_dismissastroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rice and beans + supplimented meat is the best and cheapest option if you want to remain healthy

your not helping yourself there hipster kid, you keep spewing your shit, and acting like a child and claiming troll when you lose. makes you look real mature kid. do you even know what a troll is?

>inb4 you google it, i know you will kid.

>Ok, bye honey, see you later
>so bye bye, kisses.

so beta, at least leave when you say you will kid.

>> No.141868

So just use some of the left over money to buy a head of cabbage, some tomatoes and a pound of lunchmeat to even things out. I'm not going to write him a whole grocery list.

The truth is you can't live healthily on any one kind of item. There's many combinations of things that can sustain your life for a great long time but a healthy diet needs a lot of variety.

But this the question that should be asked here. Is your life worth more than $3 a day?

>> No.141869

>all dont eat meat
>complain they they dont feel healthy


>> No.141871

>Even things out

You cant even out sodium consumption by eating vegetables.

>> No.141873
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>ITT: Mods dismissing a stroll GENERAL. . .kid.

>> No.141875

ramen noodles bro

>> No.141876
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Well I guess I'm fucked then cause I've been eating soup and canned veggies since I was a kid.

>> No.141877

Hunt small game.

>> No.141881

Normally, I'd try to do this, but it might be hard to do because I live in suburban New York and wildlife isn't exactly plenty here.

>> No.141884
File: 12 KB, 350x350, niggapleasepope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>go on /diy/
>ctrl+f kid

Every night

>> No.141898

Same here, but not every day. You eat it every day for your whole life?

Got a car? Drive out. Or hunt rats.

>> No.141905

Close enough to it and I'm still breathing.

>> No.141907

So no, you didn't. big difference between eating it occasionally and eating it every day.

>> No.141913

Gigantic super fat pigeons everywhere. There is no difference in quality of diet, taste and nutritional value between them and a Dove you would pay $25 a plate for at a high end restaurant.

>> No.141914

Eating canned goods 5 or 6 days a week is not occasional.

OP just get canned goods. It's cheap and effective.

>> No.141918

For breakfast lunch and dinner? I don't think so. There is a reason canned goods are not recommended, besides you of course.

>> No.141919

>Doves are described as food in the Holy Scriptures and were eaten by the Hebrews. Texts about methods of raising pigeons for their meat date as far back as AD 60 in Spain.

Good enough for Jesus, good enough for me. I'm still worried about diseases they might be carrying, though.

>> No.141926

Not recommended by who?

It seems like you're trying to make a point with all this but never actually get to it. Reference something or drop it.

>> No.141935

Doctors and nutritionists. You don't want to take in the amount of salt daily that are in canned foods.


>> No.141947

Well that proves there's salt in canned foods but I'm not seeing anything saying not to eat canned foods. Only stuff about how much salt is typically in various canned foods and what sort of things you can do if you want to reduce your sodium intake. Useful information but nothing there from a doctor saying, "Don't eat canned foods."

>> No.141962

Didn't read the thread but this is the one of the few possible options:


+ some sort of mineral and vitamin supplements.

>> No.141975
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Dumpster dive, freegan
BASE KITCHEN: rice, canned tuna, beans, frozen vegetables, frozen fruit, salt, assorted seasonings, eggs, potatoes
SALE ITEMS: sale meat, multi- vitamin
Google frugal recopies, depression recopies, etc

>> No.141991

I didn't know you were retarded, i wouldn't have even started this conversation then.

>High levels of sodium in canned food.
>Sodium in high levels is bad for you
>Well that proves there's salt in canned foods but I'm not seeing anything saying not to eat canned foods

Want to try again?

>> No.142028

Dried pulses and rice, onion, flavourings, tomato puree, booooom, curry.

>> No.142032

Cook them, problem solved.

>> No.142045

>I didn't know you were retarded
No what's retarded is this obvious troll thread and how you've only been shooting down everyone's suggestions. Where's your answer to this one? Or are you just here to act like a typical pain in the ass 13 year old?

>i wouldn't have even started this conversation then.
I'd love to see proof of that.

We've both already said we've been eating canned foods our entire lives and we're still in fighting form. So how poisonous is it? Every argument you can make is flawed from the start because you've been following more or less the same diet your whole life and you're well enough to spend your days fighting with strangers over pointless crap like this. You're just doing the best you can to have a problem with everything here. Well canned foods have been around for fucking ever and you can choose to have a problem with them if you want but you're the only one you're convincing. No else is buying it.

Try making a suggestion of your own.

>> No.142381

Bump to see if the Aussies have anything to add.

>> No.142386

Unless you already suffer from hypertension there's no link between sodium and elevated blood pressure.

The myth was busted not too long ago.

>> No.142401


>> No.142407

>No what's retarded is this obvious troll thread and how you've only been shooting down everyone's suggestions
Only shut down you.

>I'd love to see proof of that.
Asking a retarded question, confirmed for retarded.

>So how poisonous is it?
Never said it was poisonis, i said it was bad for you

>Every argument you can make is flawed from the start because you've been following more or less the same diet your whole life and you're well enough to spend your days fighting with strangers over pointless crap like this
Says the kid who has to make stuff up so you can feel important on the internet.

>Well canned foods have been around for fucking ever and you can choose to have a problem with them if you want but you're the only one you're convincing. No else is buying it.
Dont get upset im informing people not to take your retarded advice about eating canned foods every day.

>Try making a suggestion of your own.
Already have, learn to read.

Come back when you grow up and stop acting childish.

>> No.142411

Farm, hunt and jew out.

>> No.142415 [DELETED] 

Salt isn't a problem if you drink, sweat and piss alot.
Also thank Thor for commas.

>> No.142417
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Salt isn't a problem if you drink, sweat and piss alot.
Also thank Thor for commas.

>> No.142420

90 dollars a month?

I EISH I had that budget.
Flour, Ramon, Rice, Beans supplement with occasional can tomatoes and buy dollar store sugar and tea, and lemon concentrate.

Peanut butter.

>> No.142421

dont look at a daily budget. look at a weekly budget. $25 a week is possible, though I find $35 a week to be actually comfortable.

don't buy ramen. it's cheap but it also has no nutritional value. don't buy white bread. buy whole grains only.

bulk barn 12 grain cereals, fill a bag with that. cooks up great in a rice cooker. i'm too lazy though so i just buy bread. i look for cheap whole grain bread ideally with no added sugar, which means i usually end up with pita bread. that plus a bag of rice and thats your grains covered. the rice will last a couple weeks.

you also need complete proteins. dry beans are cheap as fuck and combined with rice you get the complete range of amino acids required to absorb protein. eggs are also a cheap source of protein. and grab a can or two of tuna.

now look into fruit and veg, these are mandatory or you will get cancer quite possibly. farmers markets are a great place to spot a deal. oasis fruit drinks are like a buck a litre and have a few different fruits in them. just grab whatever fruit and veg are on sale. carrots are cheap. tossing some frozen mixed veg into your rice cooker with your rice is nice and easy.

make sure you get enough fats too. on a budget with healthy food you may not get enough fat. milks a good source of fat if you can afford. eggs have fat, frying stuff in vegetable oil adds fats. avoid hydrogenated fats (they're illegal in many countries for good reason, they clog your arteries and dont go away with exercise)

grab a bottle of multivitamins, but dont rely on them. take one every other day more as an insurance policy in case you missed something in your diet.

>> No.142422

when you buy peanut butter make sure the only ingredient is peanuts.

read the label. if it says icing sugar as most peanut butters do put it back on the shelf. it's shit. some peanut butters also have hydrogenated oils, avoid them.

all peanut peanut butters are usually the same price as name brand icing sugar bullshit. so spend the extra buck over cheap brand icing sugar to get something that is actually real food. you cant afford to waste money on shit that isnt nutritious

>> No.142424

and when you eat rice go for the whole grain rice. that white shit has had all the good nutrients drained oout of it.

>> No.142428

>>We've both already said we've been eating canned foods our entire lives and we're still in fighting form. So how poisonous is it?

We've both been smoking ciggerettes our entire lives and we're still in fighting form. So how poisonous is it?

look i eat canned soup too but what a retard fucking argument

here's a good argument "as long as i read the labels and dont go over 100% of my RDA of sodium i'll be fine."

>> No.142436


All I want to know is why you keep this shit up.

Thread after thread.

Night after night.

You're always here sticking your dick in the mash potatoes, and derailing amazing threads.

I really need to know what kind of mental condition drives someone to such pointless destructive behavior. I'm sure i'll be called scum, a kid, a hipster, or some combination thereof, but really man, this shit isn't even trolling. Its not anything. It's just pointless static.

Can you please, please restore my faith by demonstrating at least a brief spark of intellect, diving a little deeper into your apparently limited vocabulary and tell me what your problem is?


>> No.142437

>too afraid to mention dumb suggestion again
>generic retarded responses
>1 canned food a day = death

>> No.142449
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lmfao what happened here

>> No.142457

one troll, and a bunch of dudes who don't understand the simple rule, don't feed the trolls.

>> No.142462

An absolute trainwreck.

>> No.142474

a special olympics event. i'm not sure who won, but every participant was clearly a retard.

>> No.142478

Rice noodles with some chopped up veges

>> No.142479

first lulz i have had all thread, thank you kind sir.

>> No.142482

ITT: Hipster orgy

>> No.142484

what? why? stop overusing that word. people discussing cheap nutrition and rice and beans and arguing about sodium level in canned soup has nothing to do with hipster anything. explain to me what is hipster here

>> No.142486


You're a hipster, you're so hipster you won even admit it.

>> No.142491 [DELETED] 

..Really? less than 10 posts under >>142457 and you are still feeding these dickweeds you absolute fucking cretin?

>> No.142493

..Really? less than 10 posts under >>142457 and you are still feeding these dickweeds you absolute fucking cretin?

>> No.142495

i dont usually respond to trolls but KIDTROLL has been pissing me off lately. his grammar is shit and his vocabulary is miniscule. he said he is from chili so im guessing he has no idea how to speak or interact with adults.

>> No.142498

Be the bigger man, report it and move along.

>> No.142509

Eggs, ramen, oats, dubious-looking canned fruits and vegetables. Honestly, though, double that to $6 and you can throw in a half-gallon of milk and a serving or two of fresh produce a day. You'd feel much better.

>> No.142521

No need to mention something when you act like a fool. There is no questions here, just me stating facts and you being a retard. You are manipulating what im saying to meet your argument, a common liberal tactic.

Don't get upset you were so poor you have to eat canned foods, that's your fault not mine. So don't take it out on us here in this thread and act childish.

>stop overusing that word

You know it would be easier to stop using that word if it wasn't true. Stop acting like hipsters and grow out of your "phase" already.

Do you honestly think its one person? You must be really naive. Anyone with half a brain can tell its a lot more than one person.

>> No.142524

Dude, just get tap water from a water fountain and some free samples from trader joes or something.

>> No.142530

I dunno, I lurk a lot of threads at the same time and I have noticed a general pattern of hit one thread hard, leave it for another, leave that one for another, then rotate time amongst the three. Even happened ITT. He went from here to another thread I was in (now closed in my browser) and then popped up back here.

I think we are dealing with some sort of aspie wunderkind with >9000 stamina here. The post content is just too consistent, and i would definitely demand nuclear holocaust in the next 3 minutes if there were actually more than one of these little cum garglers about.

but anyway, keep talking cheap food, and report it as you see it.

>> No.142540

eat your own shit and drink your piss

>> No.142548

well, OP grow stuff. mushrooms, herbs and stuff. forrage in dumpsters for food, and dolar stores for stuff you can't find, like drink mix.

>> No.142549


Idiots like this ruin /diy/

>> No.142551

and dumb cunts like you, who respond to it, feed him. you're worse than him IMO. he clearly has a mental condition. you're just trollbait.

>> No.142560

Dumpster dive
Go to ethnic shops, they'll have massive bags of pulses and grains for dirt cheap
Look out for wild edibles or fruit trees
Make your own bread
Always buy in bulk
one pot meals are your friends.
Never make a one person meal at a time. Always make a meal for at least 4 and then freeze the rest for later. Cooking for one costs more and is much less efficient.
Always keep an eye on the offers in shops - just expired stuff often gets reduced to less than 1/4 of it's original price
Always buy ingredients, never buy meals or pre prepared stuff.


>> No.142567

Stopped reading at >liberal
Stopped giving a fuck 14 hours ago.
Get a blog.

>> No.142618

We bought a rice cooker for 10 bucks at kmart, put rice and frozen veggies in it and flick the switch, 20mins later dinner is served.

We buy meat to have with it, but if you don't wanna part with the cash you could try fishing or hunting.

>> No.142702

Rice. Beans. Potatoes. Some meat, when you can afford it. Don't buy anything pre-packaged or any fast-food, it's too expensive when you consider the ingredients; cook everything yourself. Dollar stores have food, nothing wrong with it. If you're low income, get on food stamps.

>> No.142748

Why does this thread remind me of a CombatEX cast? Oh because I'm nerd fodder...

Protip for the bum who made this thread: steal protein powder, buy noodles in the same trip (backpack) and then buy cheap non-green vegatables + spinach. You're golden if you get some fat pills like a composite fish oil (don't focus on any one particular fat or another, your body can interconvert).

>> No.142755

You can eat soybeans since it's the cheapest food with protein levels higher than meat but there are health risks. The best option is to eat hemp seeds if you can find them cheap but they are extremely expensive if you are in US.

>> No.143087


veggies have potassium.
potassium evens out sodium.

>> No.143105
File: 255 KB, 700x1351, mcds sucks price.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.143111

Those 700g pizzas, 2 comes in the package, forgot the name, 7$ ea. stock up on it when it's on sale, keep em in the freezer

>> No.143118

I'd leave the 1.49 drink out and buy a box of ice tea or something near the price

>> No.143120

Go to a library, open up a card that will never be used again. "borrow" a book about edible plants. Go hiking and find plenty of these plants. Eat and plant them. Some types of plants pass through the digestive system so planting could require "fresh human fertilizer".

>> No.143122

Should be pure plants

>> No.143137

Milk has vitamins and minerals.
Tea does not.

Also, commercial tea is a ripoff. You're paying $1.50 for water.

Make your own for pennies a gallon.

>> No.143356

79 cent mac and cheese.

>> No.143377

Head to a tropical climate and eat whatever's growing. Plant more seeds of any edibles you come across.

>> No.143414

Jesus christ.

OP, learn how to cook from scratch. Premade shit, even instant, is expensive garbage.

Eggs--dirt cheap. Protein source. Meat is expensive. Eggs are also used in cooking a lot.

Potatoes--Cheap, easy, versatile, healthy. Chuck it in oven or microwave, baked potatoes. Chunk and season, bake, potato wedges or fries.

Flour--Make your own bread. You'll want yeast, a small amount of sugar, a bit of salt, flour and water. I've made cakes, bagels, cookies, breads, muffins. BAGELS ARE AWESOME.

Oats--Two bucks for a huge cannister. Eat oatmeal for breakfast. Put it in breads. Make granola/granola bars. Two cups oats, two eggs, a shot of milk, pinch of salt, however much sugar (I used 1/4 cup), whatever you want to throw in it. Put that shit in a bowl, mix, put it in a greased pan and bake until it's golden.

Onions--French onion soup. Cheap as hell.

Carrots, broccoli, beans and squash are all cheap and nutritious. Hang out at your grocery stores, see what's on sale, what's in season.

And farmer's markets. One time my dad filled the back of his pickup with sweet potatoes for 20 bucks. We had potato everything for weeks.

>> No.143416


Bananas are dirt cheap. White rice, don't bother, there's no nutrition (same for any white grain, get whole if you can.) If you want, there's a way to make "milk" from rice, specifically white. It doesn't have calcium, vitamin D, etc., but it's cheap and a good substitute if you want to make a recipe that uses a ton of milk.

Apples and oranges both tend to be cheap.

Get milk when you can. It's expensive, but nutritive. Whatever dairy form is cheapest.

Don't buy canned veggies. No nutritional content. Get frozen. Some things are worth an extra quarter.

With the beans, buy bulk dry beans. You need to soak them overnight (I had to soak mine for TWO nights, the fucks.) Make bean chili. It's hearty, full of protein and nutrition, and cheap as hell if done properly. You can buy canned tomato product for this, as fresh are usually expensive off season.

Grow herbs and tomatoes. They're easy to grow and will help flavor your cooking. Chuck dirt in a pot, put seeds in it, water once in a while. Et voila.

Basically cook everything yourself. It takes longer, but the quality is higher, it tastes better, and it's cheaper.

>> No.143419
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Why is this /ck/ shit in /diy/?

>> No.143424

Brown rice and beans supply your body with all the amino acids you need as well as most of the other crap you need. Amino acids will be synthesized into proteins... you may want to take a good multivitamin daily though just in case you arent getting enough of certain minerals or vitamins. Very cheap though. a can of beans is about fifty cents. Brown rice is dirt cheap. litterally. You could buy a pound of soil for about the same as rice. Potatoes are also good and cheap. Corn too. Think of staple foods used by older cultures. native americans ate wild rices and corn. irish people survived off potato and all of asia eats mainly rice. I had an internal health problem and i did not have insurance to take care of it. i ate nothing but brown rice and multivitamins for several months and the health problem slowly came to a halt. Dont go for mac n cheese. it tastes good but has too much sodium and fat. maybe eat it once a week as a "Treat" for having the discipline to eat the healthier stuff the rest of the week.

>> No.143428


There is a huge possibility for /diy/ solutions to this problem, but people have mostly just been posting /ck/ ones.

>> No.143431

Ultimate cheap dickhead healthy breakfast:

1 cup of oat bran
2 cups of skim milk
1 ripe banana
fresh grated/crushed cinnamon

Throw everything in a small pot, and cook until it looks ready to eat. You can eat this shit every morning for the rest of your life and be as healthy as a mule. And it's cheap as a bag of assholes. Buy your cinnamon in sticks at the greasiest ethnic grocer you can find and it'll be super cheap.

Oh, also, popcorn should be your go-to snack at all times. It's cheap and it's difficult to eat, so it keeps you busy snacking for a long time for very little money.

>> No.143443

>not collecting backyard bugs to suplement your already shitty 3 dollar diet

Why are you forced to be so stingy with money, OP?

>> No.143456 [DELETED] 
File: 191 KB, 1180x1288, megatype.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuz he doesnt do this

>> No.143459


Or he could flip burgers or get some other minimum wage shit job instead and make much more money that way.

>> No.143830
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Not that I'm forced to, I've just been in a Jewish mood lately and have been slashing costs from nearly every bill and every other thing I pay for. Food came next; I couldn't think of any solutions, so I asked /diy/. $3.00 was an arbitrary limit, but low enough for people to get the idea I was attempting to be extremely frugal.

Thanks for everything in this thread, guys, it's been very informative. Tits for your troubles.

>> No.143841

frozen chicken parts $2 a kilo
rice - dirt cheap
frozen veg or picked salad from forest - $1 a kilo or free

spice - onetime $5

add 500g of chicken, bit of spice, 200g frozen veg cook until well done, add rice to water and watch it soak up all water

2 meals for near $3

failing that, porridge or rice, with dumpster diving


>> No.143848

spaghetti / noodles
like .89 to .99 cents for a 1lb bag/box
spaghetti sauce around $1 to $1.50 a can/jar
tomatoes like 3 to 4 can for $1

It's Cheap & Fills You The Hell Up

>> No.143893

>Fun Fact: rice and beans is the staple diet for many third world countries.

Lentils and rice.

>> No.143926

Buy top ramen, a large sack of patatoes, and a large sack of carrots. Maybe some other things, like celery, tomatoes, maybe some chicken.

Anyways, just chop up a half of a potato, and a carrot, throw it in a pot with water and the seasoning packet from the top ramen. When the vegetables are cooked through enough that they don't feel firm when you poke them with a fork, then throw in the top ramen noodles and any seasonings you have on hand.

Viola, you now have soup.

>> No.143931

Eggs & Rice.