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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1395986 No.1395986 [Reply] [Original]

Aussie bogan version of AvE


Pretty cool new DIY channel, anyone got any more? I've pretty much seen all of the big diy approved channels.

>> No.1396018


I made it through the first two or three minutes. Good diy videos don't waste that much time screwing up and then doing something over and over and over and then bragging about how nice it turned out. I actually wanted to see how well he could bend steel but I couldn't stomach the bullshit.

>> No.1396043

And now you know what a shill is.

>> No.1396111

>I've pretty much seen all of the big diy approved channels.
I'm new to this board, can you share some of these?

>> No.1396135

matthias wandel, keith fenner, abom79, ave, paul sellers
ben at applied science is imho the god of diy because of the huge variety and complexity of projects he takes on. like he's made aerogel and superconductors. he's deposited metal film on stuff using vapor deposition in his own vacuum chamber and then taken pics/videos using his electron microscope.

>> No.1396139

Beyond the Press is pretty good. Lauri actually does tool and equipment educational videos in between blowing shit up. And Anni's laughter is adorable.

>> No.1396199

thank you very much anons

>> No.1396339

>Aussie bogan version of AvE

Hard pass

>> No.1396412

Beyond the Press is great I love their lifestyle and now I'm 100% Juice vegan.
Their main channel is what got me into Juicing and two weeks ago I ordered a Santos Model 58 Industrial Centrifugal Juicer.
Set me back about $3000 to import from France and another $2500 to get it restored by an expert in Austin.

>> No.1396680

Everyone knows it's your own channel and you're trying to shill it, at least be honest and say that that's what you're doing.

>> No.1396871

THIS. fuck you op, if you're gonna shill be a man about it.

>> No.1396884

Anni makes my penis become the big penis.

>> No.1396888

>liking Anni over lauri
Please an hero.

>> No.1396906
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>shilling your own video
>calling yourself a clone of AvE, when the only good thing about him is his uniqueness

>> No.1396933

>when the only good thing about him is his uniqueness

His shtick is stolen from Red Green, not really unique

>> No.1396984

>Back to >>>/fit/

Anni just set her personal best record for dead lifts. If I fucking had legs like her, I'd be wearing leggings all the time too.

They have a green haired friend named Sari who does mountain biking repair/riding and vidya vids who looks like an Elve from Lord of the Rings. And she has the same sing-song Tempere Finnish accent.


>> No.1397489

Anne of All Trades is autistic enough for most 4chan users to enjoy.

She's plain enough that she seems attainable, yet has a great ass.


>> No.1397571

Why I hate most DIY YouTubers:

>Here's a fun little project you can do at home!
>First we (pulls our a 18 inch steel rod)
>Then we (cuts a chunk of with an Industrial grade band saw with a 28 inch opening)
>Now we, (chucks it up into an aircraft lathe)
>After, simply use your (obscure $2,000 machine that can only serve this one purpose)
>Once you have that done, just (automotive milling machine)
>See how easy!? Now let's (40 inch drill press)
>Now we can (3 inch tap in some weird threading size)
>After, (back to 7 foot lathe)

>Great! Now we've made the tool you need for this project! So let's start!

>> No.1397632

THIS someone screencap this please, put it on the sticky or something. Look at Beyond the Press for example. Those finnish motherfuckers own a fucking metalwork shop ffs. Some of the machines they own must be at least 30k dollars if not way more. They should not be classed "diy" channel

>> No.1397700

Stick to slime and glue guns sweetie

>> No.1397856

Those are the youtubers that I love.
If you are really into diy, getting a metal cutting bandsaw/drill press/lathe/mill/welder should be aspirations for you. And its not even that hard or expensive to acquire them with a minimum wage job. It just takes time

Dont like it, stick to Kipkay videos

>> No.1397900

For leather workers, Allen & Bradley have amazing vids and beautiful products.

>> No.1397928

the alternative is 14 year old kids that make hobo stoves

>> No.1397942

This is exactly why I hated Norm Abrams and "New Yankee Workshop" I wanted to build ever fucking design he made... but the mother fucker expected us poorfags to have a fucking dado cutter, 20 inch joiner, 16 inch planer, a $600 mortise and tenon jig, and another thousand tools costing 500 bucks each. Fuck, those dedicated mortisers he had were $700. All he and channels like him do is make the beginning dreamer realize he can't afford this hobby.

Give me one video where the creative beauty of a project doesn't require 10 years of my salary in tools. Just my hands and what I already own. Maybe a $200 purchase from Harbor Freight for parts and consumables would be fine, but I cant fucking afford a milling machine and a metal lathe and where would I put them?

>> No.1397967
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>> No.1398039


OP Here.

OP here. They're not my videos. Not sure how to prove it though.

>> No.1398176

You might or might not want to watch her in a bikini with Nelli: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWXqU3Gf1B0

>> No.1398496

Holy shit it's true what they say about finns having sami blood. Holy shit.

>> No.1398737

I can't believe I actually fapped to this.

>> No.1398754

based Anni poster

>> No.1398755


>> No.1398762

finns aren't really. they're a russian joke that got out of hand.

>> No.1398766

You want to here a Finnish joke?

How is a Finnish man make coffee?
With a Perkelator.

>> No.1398771

it's good to know that there's an aussie with a pair, ol' eevblogs yoko screech is unbearable.

take it from me, if your posting your own channel, don't there's too many goobertards here that wouldn't appreciate a good channel if they were sucking it's dick.

>> No.1398774

is this a real chick? no that fucking mentally ill "fran".

>> No.1398779

What the fuck are you even saying you complete lunatic.

>> No.1398867

I like a lot the humor of the Green Anni and that she is interested in things that are interesting. Very cool Green Anni.

>> No.1399214

"fran" the trans guy who does electronics on youtube.

>> No.1399241

I like Green Anni because she make my pee-pee tingle.

>> No.1399279

do you like boipussy too?

>> No.1399296

BEN is God.

>> No.1400811

It's a real girl with no apperent mental illness.

Much prettier than that other anon describes IMO.

>> No.1401384

>real girl with no apperent (sic) mental illness.
You're on 4chan, that's all the proof you need.

>> No.1401387

Kid, those tools are investments and you'll make your money back on them within a year if you're planning on using them for something worthwhile.

>> No.1401428

>It's a real girl

>> No.1401442
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poor guy.

>> No.1401914

Has anyone mentioned good old uncle bumblefuck, AvE, yet?

>> No.1401931

I guess it's too much to ask that you read the first sentence of OP's post

>> No.1402148
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Anni's laugh at 6:24 in this video steals my heart. I want my own Anni.


>> No.1402152

>the absolute state of 12 year old AVE fans

>> No.1402161

this guy is based, he mostly restores old hand tools but has some other vids as well


>> No.1402289

Restoring shit is really popular on youtube right now and people seem to have realized music, rambling, and durresta fast forward actually detract from the video.

>> No.1402397

This is a really good channel that doesn't usually get posted in these threads
Not exactly obscure now, but they were in the thousand-view ranges until recently, some of their videos still are.

>> No.1402517

Its entering a bit of a renaissance. 2 years ago when I started watching DIY on youtube there wasnt much to choose from, now there's loads of professional looking channels and theyre all communicating with eachother to some degree.

>> No.1404661
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Brtish antenna god andrew mcneil.


>> No.1404683

cost isn't the issue space is.
I could go out and buy a lathe but would have to keep it in my front room.
THats why I like Paul Sellers as most of his projects can be made with a workmate and hand tools.
His poor mans tools series is pretty good as well.

>> No.1404729

Get a bigger house with a real workspace if cost isn't an issue.

>> No.1404738

Pretty sure this giant lathe is way more than 30k

>> No.1404744

I first saw green haired Anni in one of Anni's vlogs. Didn't know she she had her own channel.

>> No.1405082

People unironically find her attractive? Her face is a mess. The body is decent but the face fucking ruins it.

>> No.1405421
File: 159 KB, 859x828, ForestElve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finnish faces are an acquired taste. You either love them or you hate them.

>> No.1405430
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I'd like to acquire this one.

>> No.1405433
File: 132 KB, 750x902, MarjuFu5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>University of Helsinki
>Not Even Once

Recent photo of Marju.

>> No.1405437
File: 55 KB, 436x640, FinnChipmunkHybrid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was very adorable. Once. Those chipmunk cheeks...

>> No.1405439
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>> No.1405443
File: 51 KB, 480x480, beautiful_finn_marju.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the internet, where everyone is famous.

>> No.1405450
File: 116 KB, 480x640, MarjuFu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who didn't have a crush on Marjufu before she went all Helsinki Hipster?

>> No.1405461
File: 171 KB, 748x902, marjufu_why_just_why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>before she went all Helsinki Hipster?

did she lose a bet or something?

>> No.1405466
File: 207 KB, 750x1176, MarjuFu6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helsinki isn't Finnish. It's a liberal shithole that needs a nuke so the rest of the country can be spared its bullshit.

>> No.1405487
File: 110 KB, 800x600, jim williams-old-scopes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the teardown of the Hp8690b Sweep Oscillator was super painful to watch , i hate this kinds of people, they obviously like electronics and techology but don't have any respect for classic technology.

anyone interested in electronics and doing tear-downs should read some jim williams.

i use a lot of old test equipment in my home lab, they can still do a great job.


>> No.1406970

Green Haired Anni posted a new biking vlog.


>> No.1406981

Cozy gramps that restores pliers from yard sales. Not a shill or camera whore.

>> No.1406983

fran was born with a penis. you're probably fully aware of this considering how defensive you got.

>> No.1406984
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>> No.1406986


>> No.1406996
File: 360 KB, 1920x1080, KillMe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn have a green haired Finnish clone of that skater chick to go biking with.

>> No.1407026

thoughts on these two nigger?

>> No.1407031

Fuck them. I want to punch their faces more than April Wilkermemeson and her fucking short-shorts while woodworking.

>> No.1407040

now i would lick her splatter clean any day of the week.

>> No.1407059

>Sponsored by Triton

Who the fuck is Triton?

>> No.1407069

Jesus Christ. she's adorable.

>> No.1407071

I didn't know they had mountains in Binland, let aloun mountain bikeing.

>> No.1407073

>it's another cold country idiot doesn't understand shorts episode

>> No.1407086

Can't stand their videos.

>> No.1407639
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>ywn be her bikeseat.

>> No.1407675

She only gets clicks because that cunt has good legs and is less ugly than the average dyke into woodworking. She's a fucking narcissist who fucking cashed in on Youtube bucks and she knows it.

>> No.1407719

>She only gets clicks because that cunt has good legs and is less ugly than the average dyke into woodworking.
Not really.
Her videos are decent. The few I have watched have been project specific, not because of her.
I'm sure women find her less intimidating to watch.

>good legs
Don't forget the massive bazongas.

>She's a fucking narcissist.
Without delving into her personal relationships, you cannot have enough information to form that diagnosis.

>who fucking cashed in on Youtube bucks and she knows it.
Can you explain your reasoning here?

>> No.1407760

why the hate for fran? does she really have a dick?

>> No.1407786

I wasn't even aware of who fran was. Why the fuck did you even bring her up?
Or are you just that obsessed with trannys.that you have to think about them all the time.

>> No.1408266
File: 2.04 MB, 1366x768, Sari3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cute!