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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 1.53 MB, 2560x1536, 20180504_175957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1389602 No.1389602 [Reply] [Original]

Ok so i have to vent/rant. I run a small dock repair business.I have a few small rules for myself..for example..Always make sure customer is crystal clear on price,Never quote a job based on pictures thats someone sends me(always boots on the ground), etc. Anyways..I was at my dock suppliers office and got to talking to one his customers..the guy wanted me to go look at his dock and see what needs fixing. This is what it looked like

cont. >>>

>> No.1389605
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So just so everyone knows whats going on i am standing on his dock and those are his walkways that have broken off

>> No.1389606


>> No.1389607

this makes no fucking sense at all op.
Jesus get your shit together and try again

>> No.1389611
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so i tell this guy( who is buying a $70,000 aluminum dock) Im gonna add some floats under the walkway closest to dock and upgrade the hardware that connects everything, and hook everyyhing back up... he says he also wants to put in 2 4×4 posts and wants some new rope. I start telling him that i will get back to him on a price and he just kinda cuts me off "just do whatever you think needs done to get it right" (I will add that at this moment I am a one man show and busy as fuck thistime of year) so in my mind im like ok this dude has money so im not gonna push the issue..here is another pic of how the dock.is held together

>> No.1389614

well fuck it then im not typing all this.shit out

>> No.1389615

and he doesn't want to pay for it?

small claims court time?

>> No.1389617
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>them pincones
i think i see the problem now

>> No.1389618
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go ahead and tell us more about it anyways

>> No.1389620

Sounds good from here. Keep going.

>> No.1389621
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Ok so i put all new hardware on the walkways and dock (see pic), I hooked everything back up, put floats under the one walkway, put in 2 posts with concrete.

>> No.1389622

Oh boy oh boy. Keep her going.

>> No.1389623 [DELETED] 

Its called a "Proposal" You list everything in great detail then date it and sign it. Then it don't turn into a he said she said. If you don't know about any of this you have no business acting like one.

>> No.1389625

Its called a "Proposal" You list everything in great detail then date it and you both sign it. Then it don't turn into a he said she said. If you don't know about any of this you have no business acting like one.

>> No.1389630

this looks good
>put in 2 posts with concrete.
how do you put in concrete underwater?

>> No.1389631
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i do that for jobs that are over $2000. like i said im a one man show and i do so many little bullshit $500-$1000 jobs that to sit down and do that for every job would slow me down. 90% of the time with those small jobs i do all negotiations through text and i have Never had a problem getting paid...so how about shutting the fuck up and listening to the story instead of assuming shit because you dont even know how this ends.

>> No.1389632

The posts are on shore..its what the ropes are attached to...jesus christ

>> No.1389633
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calm down op. we don't know all this stuff unless you tell us about

>> No.1389634

Anyway ill wrap this up since the fucking idiots are starting to show up. I ended up charging the guy $1500. He was like goddam i thought it was gonna be like $800. At this point i had to show him my price sheet that shows how much all the harware costs. Once he saw hiw much the shit costs and i kindly told him its not my fault he wanted to put lipstick on a pig . He didnt argue. Wrote me my check..The end..

>> No.1389635

Going to go ahead and make a prediction: OP gets fucked for $1000, give or take $150. Learns a lesson, but doesn't want to admit that, because then it looks like he didn't already know everything. Also, should've used a shot of black, he would've been too afraid to NOT pay you then, pro.

>> No.1389638

Oh well, least you got paid

>> No.1389639

Sorry that.motherfucker about 2 replies up just got under my skin.

>> No.1389640

Well... Fuck you, OP. I mean, I'm glad you got paid, but fuck you.

>> No.1389642

Well 90% of the people i work for have more money than they know what to do with..the other 10% are pretty wealthy...This guy was buying a brand new $70K dock. The one i was working on was his backup that his son fished off of

>> No.1389644
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that was me. sorry op. i'm a retard. please discard my posts

>> No.1389646

Like i said ive never not gotten paid..however every now and then(about twice a year) i do a job and have like $200-$400 in materials and the motherfucker takes there sweet ass time mailing me my check..its the principal..if i finish the job in a timely manner send my fucking check with the same consideration.

>> No.1389648

well at least you apologized...i accept good sir

>> No.1389649 [DELETED] 

don't have time to write a proposal
Another no insurance, no tax paying loser with a mouth like a bitch sound like a coon ass

>> No.1389654

Speaking of this let me tell you guys This shit..So i got this one little young bastard that i do work for every now and then. He ALWAYS takes his fucking time paying me. The first job i did for him 2 summers ago..i fixed his walkway and charged him like $1080 because it was so fucked up i practially had to build a new one. (so he lives in another town and has a lake house) anyway i bust my ass to do this job beforw memorial day. and i finush the job like an hour before he shows up..it was my first or second year in business for.myself and money was tight back then..so this motherfucker shows up and says he forgot his. checkbook at home...i was fucking livid (but i kept a straight face) cont.

>> No.1389655

no i dont write a proposal for jobs that dont fucking merit it. If its over $2k then yes i do..like i said i get so many little jobs a few text exchanges suffice as an agreement..

>> No.1389668

whats "a shot of black?"

>> No.1389686

>whats "a shot of black?"

oh, dear anon! i'm so sorry you had to find out this way!
we meant to tell you sooner, honestly,..
you see, it's about your real father,...

>> No.1389690

I think its safe that I speak for everyone
We don't care, you're an uptight broke dick
Running a so-called business on a shoe string budget. Just another drunk and a truck. Your soap opera under the guise of a /diy/ is embarrassing

>> No.1389691
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>> No.1389693

>a few text exchanges suffice as an agreement
I laughed out loud
I can hear my lawyer letting out a guttural laugh

>> No.1389699

>laughs in legal-ease
i am imaging a very dark foreboding laughter as if from the depths of hell itself

>> No.1389731

Its in writing
You even can enforce verbal agreements with enough proof

>> No.1389758

>Anyway ill wrap this up since the fucking idiots are starting to show up. I ended up charging the guy $1500. He was like goddam i thought it was gonna be like $800. At this point i had to show him my price sheet that shows how much all the harware costs. Once he saw hiw much the shit costs and i kindly told him its not my fault he wanted to put lipstick on a pig . He didnt argue. Wrote me my check..The end..

So what is the point OP? You did the work, he questioned the price, you explained, he paid.

Is this your first job? Are you mentally retarded? What exactly is the point of this rant?

>> No.1389762

This was the dumbest fucking story I've read on 4chan.

5 posts that could be summarized in 5 lines:
>repaired a dock for some faggot
>he thought it was going to be one price
>it was actually another price
>he paid me
>the end

>> No.1389772
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This one is among the greatest threads I've been blessed enough to witness. May you and your small dock repair business prosper OP.

>> No.1389773

>cup half empty

>cup half full

It will bite him in the ass one day but I don’t think he’s too worried about people with waterfront property and $500 repair bills.

Sucks being a small business man though and having to wait months for payments like the big companies can do,

>> No.1389797

Judge Judy would go apeshit on your ass for thinking an agreement reached in plain english over an independently verifiable and time stamped medium doesn't constitute a contract.

Op probably does already, but should receive downpayment/good faith money and it's a pretty airtight contract. Written word + exchange of money for a service

>> No.1389802

I liked this story, not all stories have to be dramitic and/or made up. You know this is a true story because it is some thing most small business owners encounter every day and quite boring (to normie wage slaves)

>> No.1389803

>my price sheet that shows how much all the hardware costs.
>its not my fault he wanted to put lipstick on a pig
You're a professional shopper

>> No.1389816

This is exactly what I thought thanks anon, good enough for JJ good enough for me. Her limit in small claims is 5g which based on what op said on this thread is a pretty big dock or whatever

>> No.1389833

>being this fucking stupid

>> No.1389834

>mentally retarded

>> No.1389841

But did she pretend to put her hair up and love every minute of it?

>> No.1389843

This is what you get for using the phrase 'boots on the ground', faggot.

>> No.1389846
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a size 7 boot at that

>> No.1389848

Why'd you make him spend $1.5k on shit when he's about to get a $70k replacement?

That's where duct tape and pallet wood comes into play. You're an asshole.

>> No.1389851

Manlet detected. Now it all makes sense.
>Just do whatever
Current year
Not refinishing the wood with handrubbed cum varnish for a cool sheen with the required anti slip surface and adding decrative pallet inlays.

I'm going to dox you and have the customer sue you for gross negligence.

>> No.1389854

>he just kinda cuts me off "just do whatever you think needs done to get it right" (I will add that at this moment I am a one man show and busy as fuck thistime of year) so in my mind im like ok this dude has money so im not gonna push the issue

well theres your first mistake

youve been running this for years and you don't have a standard pricing checklist for estimates?

>> No.1389856

So what your saying is (not OP), that it doesnt matter what you charge, this particular customer will whinge no matter what, so charge him whatever the fuck you want

>> No.1389861

It's a shit dock and he never mentioned how long his boots were on the ground.

I know the customer's perspective. Place an order for a $70k deck, and in the interim ask the dude to keep the current one on life support. Dude goes full autist about loads and floats and balance and say 'yea, yea, whatever'.

The fatass buffs his chest out and putters around for a few hours and the stiffs him with a $1500 bill.
>But the expensive hardware you didn't need isn't free!

>> No.1389862

Ah yeah, i see what your saying. So to avoid being "ripped off", the owner of the dock can just fix his own dock himself "easily" without the use of equipment he didnt need.

>> No.1389863

nah, i'm saying OP starts on a <vague work order>, all through out the job hes left wondering 'should i be doing this?' 'am i gonna get paid on something that has really no documentation', in the end hoping to get paid

>> No.1389864

Yeah totally agree, but think that >>1389861 is someone who is butthurt about not being able to fix things for themselves/doesnt want to get there hands dirty

>> No.1389865

When's the new deck getting installed? You took advantage of him b/c you thought he had money and was loose with it.

>> No.1389866

No, guy with money/deck was vague and passive agressive on purpose to try and weasel out of paying. Guy with deck is the weakest, lowest lifeform who always blames his problems on "someone else"

>> No.1389867

OP trying to do the job was just being polite, perhaps a little too polite, when they shiuld have clarified at least a bit.

>> No.1389868

>vague work order
>should i be doing this?
>am i gonna get paid?
>never discussed the work or bill with the customer

What if I were to take my car to the mechanic and say I want it running, then have them put in a new transmission without checking first? OP is retarded.

>> No.1389875

Why would you be vague like that? You are opening yourself up to being takem advantage of, and not really getting what you want. Unless you consider whineing to your freinds about how "X dock bulider/mechanic " ripped you off, a windfall, why bother playing these pathetic games. You should say, " tell me whats wrong with the dock/car, give me a quote to fix it. You more than welcome to reject the quote and find someone else. Just saying "i want it fixed" and then complaining when it is fixed, is piss weak. You had the power to control your costs through the above method, but were to fucking lazy.

>> No.1389876

Prolly only b/c he thought OP understood the situation. If he's already making the dude a new deck and is asking to keep the other one on life support, concrete and new hardware was over the top. Floats and chains would be plenty.

>In before hurr durr butthurt non DIY
I do all my own work, but this is just duchebag Jew behavior. What if the customer was elderly or you mom? Sticking them with a $1500 bill for a dock that's about to get thrown out is bullshit.

>> No.1389877

No gives a shit about my mum or your mum. The customer said they want the dock fixed, OP fixed it, they complained. This is /DIY/, so no you cant "inb4 non diy" because this is fucking DIY, not softcocks who feel sorry for hypothetical mums.

>> No.1389878

Maybe the analoge would be more like
>Customer wanted the power steering pump replaced
>OP saw he had money so he took the initiative to also do a brake job and new tire and oil change and motor mounts

>Customer 'Didnt need that shit - it's going to the Demo Derby

>OP : hurr durr guys! Look at this shit customer!

>> No.1389881

Yes this is possible, but customer should have stipulated that it was deme derby. Mechanics arent learned in mind reading as far as i know. Poor bastard was just trying to go above and beyond to hopefully retain a customer.

>> No.1389882

In tahy case, OP should have polished that turd a lot more. The wood needs to be refinished and the rail posts are shit - not to mention there aren't rails or buoys.

OP should have milked the customer for $10k so the dock is safe until he delivers the new one tomorrow.

>> No.1389884

Sorry my bad, didnt read the post, youre right, they stipulted power steering pump. Not ream me with oil change a brake repair which i can do myself.

>> No.1389887

Come on man, he did what he thought the customer wanted based on vague instructions. Customer would have been more pissed off with that option.

>> No.1389888

OP knows the context, so the mechanic could know the context.

To keep a customer, I wouldn't charge then $1,500 for work that really doesn't need to be done in the first place.

If OP was that busy, he'd slap some chains and floats and rope on it, then bill him a few hundred for a couple hours of work - not go balls to the wall and replace the expensive hardware that's just going to get tossed out later this year.

Actually, I bet the hardware was prolly used and OP is going to scavenge it when he puts the new deck in and play this scheme on someone else.

>> No.1389890

Idk, it could go both ways, and OP is only telling his side.

Sure as hell is getting expensive to have any work done these days.

>> No.1389896

Three letters.... D.I.Y!

>> No.1389898

Fuck, wrong way around. Im using a fucking ifixit screen,

So much irony hey?!

>> No.1389900

>Your speculating OPs perspective isn't skewed to his favor

>Didn't DIY; charge 3x what's reasonable!

>> No.1389902

Op here..Goddammint.. some of you motherfuckers. I have no clue what the point of the story was..i guess i was just trying to tell a fucking story.I thought.this board could do with some original content..the guy pissed me off I mean hes buying a fucking $70K Alumnium dock and wants to cry about a $1500 repair bill? He paid end of story. I guess he thought i was trying to fuck him over. It was a small job that took literally 2 afternoons..And i just would like to explain something if in the unlikely snowballs chance in hell someone decided to not pay for one of these small jobs they would be blacklisted. No contractor would deal with them so they would be fucking themselves(its a smallish town). Half of my clients i never even meet they live out of state/country and own lake houses here..so like i said a few simple texts is good enough for me. Do i type up a contract for jobs over 2K yes. Do i do it for jobs under that..no..there is no point because emails and texts have been exchanged and i dont do work for broke dicks.. I was just trying to make a point that everyone makes mistakes sometimes and it always leads to aggravation however small..Im sorry the story didnt end with me being fucked over

>> No.1389903

Describes exactly what work will be done
Exact price and payment schedule for said work
>Im too busy to write a contact
Learn the hard way then you ignorant fuck

>> No.1389904 [DELETED] 

damn I'd love to stomp your ass

>> No.1389905

I guess you could say that at the end of the day, OP and the customer weren't on the same page.

>> No.1389907

When will the new deck be put in and why go with expensive hardware if it'll only be temporary?

>> No.1389908


good on you OP. I like your blog; no ads, fresh content all the time.


>> No.1389909

That's why you don't hire these wanna be contractors that live from pay check to paycheck. The homeowner is lucky the guy didn't get hurt or he would of been sued.

>> No.1389911

>I mean hes buying a fucking $70K Alumnium dock
so fucking what retard? You think because the guys got money that you deserve a large chuck of it. Typical Millennial thinks the world owes them something

>> No.1389915

We're going to cause him PTSD and the homeowner will be on the hook

>> No.1389921

>too busy to write a contract...soooo much work

Spends two days on /diy/ trolling his pussy bullshit

>> No.1389923

To be fair, he doesn't have time to be bothered with punctuation or correct grammer either.

>> No.1389925

No asshole he said that he wanted the hardware replaced..He wanted to go with black plastic floats and i advised against it..i dont try and 'fuck' customers over..there is enough work out here that it would be foolish to do that..I wouldnt last a season because word of mouth..no one would deal with me..However that being said if a customer wants something done and i advise against it and they still insist..i fucking just do it

>>1389867 Yes i should have clarified. I made a mistake that was the point i was trying to make but i forgot that im on 4chan and half the people on here insult other people to make up for there own shit existance..

>> No.1389928

Your parents made a mistake.

>> No.1389929
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>> No.1389930

When is the new deck getting installed?

>> No.1389932

>I made a mistake that was the point i was trying to make

So that's why you came to /diy/ to make a thread? You're a small time repairman and you fucked up, so you made a thread?

Heaven forbid you burn your hotpockets tonight.

>> No.1389933

The hardest part of being a story teller is knowing which stories are worth telling and which ones you shouldn't bother with.

>> No.1389935

Home owner here and I did ask this guy about a dock repair. But when he started explaining to me that a carp was an Ozark Mermaid that has a mouth like an angel I fired him.

>> No.1389936


>Im sorry the story didnt end with me being fucked over

Your title is misleading (not once did you ask if you overcharged) and your "story" went no where.

It is like you are flabbergasted that he dared to question your cost even though he was totally amicable after you showed him material expenses. He probably simply didn't expect it to cost that much to run some shitty bolts into his shitty dock and when you showed him it did he said "OK". You are lucky he isn't asking why you are giving him long life solutions on a tear down project.

It is like you think just because people have some money that they aren't allowed to be careful with it.

>Oh. This is double what I thought it would cost

It doesn't go like this outside of television.

>> No.1389937

Its not getting thrown asshole..he wants to keep the dock for the son or as a backup..i didnt go balls to the wall everything i did he asked for..Yes i made a mistake by not giving him a price..its the first time in 4 years that has happened..fucking sue me..I just have been so busy lately that i totally spaced..Did it bite me in the ass ..no...did i learn a lesson..yes..

>> No.1389940

Do you feel disenfranchised with the world moreso because of your obesity or your manlet status?

>> No.1389942

>I just have been so busy lately that i totally spaced
we see that you poor thing

>> No.1389946
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>> No.1389949

OP I'd be mad too if I couldn't get laid in a trailer park whore house with a fist full - o - food stamps either

>> No.1389964


That's a true piece of shit floating in Piss Pond. You'd never last 5 seconds if you wondered out of Sisterfucking County, Arkansas and found your way in an Ocean town.

>> No.1389969

Im guessing Louisiana because of the sand shore and his shitty coon ass attitude. That state is the proverbial asshole of the country

>> No.1389972
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OP is a thieving little nigger and whiney little cunt to boot.

>> No.1390010

good luck with the word of mouth references you slack jawed sockless shit stain

>> No.1390032

As I understood it, the 70k dock was a separate location. This is just for his son to fish off of, as op said.

>> No.1390056

He didnt even start the work. How's your reading comprehension bro?

>> No.1390076


> reading comprehension


>Ok so i put all new hardware on the walkways and dock (see pic), I hooked everything back up, put floats under the one walkway, put in 2 posts with concrete.

maybe you should contact OP and see if he needs a helper. Sounds like you'd fit right in.

>> No.1390085

>Mouth of an angel

Wouldn't put it past OP

>> No.1390086

Yea, but he only mentioned that waaaay down in the thread.

>> No.1390102


>> No.1390103


oh great. now the failed doc repairman is going to shoot up docks.

>> No.1390109

OP is Bryce Williams!

>> No.1390111
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>> No.1390112
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>> No.1390113
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>> No.1390114
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>> No.1390115

pew pew pew

>> No.1390116

she had a smokn lil bod on her

>> No.1390399

I have messaged ahead and a space has been reserved for you in HELL
you tell story`s like a bitch

>tits or GTFO

>> No.1390446

He tried to make trickle down economics a real thing.

>> No.1390461

bro i understand the economy we live in and how life goes, but man to man youre an american and as such you need to diversify your abilities. if youre a genious on dock repair great now move to building repairs-repairs-same principal less water, then to vehicles like RV's any man knows what alot of whitw collar old cucks dont. i respect your work ethic and we need more of you in this world. keep up the good work let the gnomes work it out themselves. bless you for not taking welfare

>> No.1390466

Sometimes I realise that people who actually talk like this IRL post on 4chan too. I think because I grew up in the late 90s/early 00s I never really pictured folk like this using the interwebs.

>> No.1390488
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Trade Secret.

You need to have 500+ posts here and made at least one thread that hits 250+ posts to receive your 'black' status(like credit cards https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centurion_Card ).

Only people who have 'a shot of black' can see other posters who also have it, there names appear in black instead of green.

>> No.1390490
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>$6 - 3 bags of concrete
>$40 - 2 hinges
>$100 - dock float

That leaves $1,354. I'm sure the going wage in bumfuck Louisiana is around $15 for your fine skills, and you say it took 2 afternoons

>$120 - 'labor'

$1,234. You must have one really pretty mouth.

>> No.1390491
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>I have a few small rules for myself..for example..Always make sure customer is crystal clear on price,

>Always make sure customer is crystal clear on price
Always make sure customer is crystal clear on price
>Always make sure customer is crystal clear on price

>> No.1390514

OP you shitty bitch nigger you need to do invoices

Some people need to do invoices, some don't. You do.

I don't do invoices. But I do woodfinishing and restoration, I take possession of the thing I'm working on, they don't pay they don't get their thing back.

You don't take possession, you work in situ. Once the job is done you have no leverage whatsoever, except maybe "if you don't pay me I'll start taking shit apart", at which point I'd just call the cops and tell them some hillbilly's messing with my dock.

I know math might be hard and your stubby countryman's fingers have difficulty with the keys but if you're going to run this business as a business instead of a nixer for beer money you need to do invoices.

>> No.1390524

have to agree with this op.

also your project should start with a written estimate/scope of work agreed upon, that your customer signs.
with his signature, this becomes your contract agreement to do the work and be paid in return.

same document more or less becomes the billing invoice.

it doesn't have to be fancy. a single page will do in most cases

>> No.1390534

so I dont get it. what makes his dock cost $70k? you could pour a cement dock cheaper than that. heck bobby, you could build a HOUSE for that much. are you sure you arnt building him a boat?

>> No.1390565
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Always make sure the OP is crystal clear on being a giant faggot.

>> No.1390599

From being bum fucked in the past... Yeah not even this covers opees ass. Unless he's a notary himself or has a friend who can always come along with him or have a good lawyer who's also an notary. Literally. Get a notary.... Or become one.

Holy shit last year I wish I had... Yeah I filled out all the paperwork properly but because it wasn't notarized "I" got fucked in the end.

And look I'm into more shit this year!

Court in 3 days from this post.... Cheap ass boomers need to die, and the spics need to go home.. So tired of this shit.

>> No.1390605

haay BENIS why the fuck are you in every thread ever and still using trips

>> No.1390609

If someone is gonna jew you, they are gonna jew you. The judge was probably his friend or some shit. You don't need a notary for every single contract you sign

Text messages are pretty powerful. There's a third party record of them available from the phone company. If you agree on terms and a downpayment, I don't see a defense.
'but I didn't agree to it, that was someone that stole my phones then why'd you pay the downpayment we agreed to?
'it was my wife! She had my phone.i didn't authorize it!' She was clearly your authorized agent.

If you still get jewed, at some point there's nothing you can do, except work on your jew sense amd don't work for them

>> No.1390614

nigga don't go shooting up schools and shit

>> No.1390617

$150 on parts and a very generous $500 in labor still leaves a grand unaccounted for. Who is jewing who?

>> No.1390634

As well as all that, do it by phone and record them agreeing to the price and the work. In like, 38 out of 50 states it's completely legal to record your own phone calls and never tell the second party that they're being recorded. You just have to make sure your state is one of the 38 that doesn't require two party consent.

>> No.1390642

a signed contract is a signed contract. they are legally binding. and in OPs line of work, most of his jobs wont be costly enough to make it worth it for the customer to fight it out in court.

Most states have some kind of statute of frauds to protect small businesses from getting fucked by dead beat non-paying customers

if your customer refuses to pay. you go through the courts and slap a "contractors lien" on his property title. nobody wants a "lien" on their property, so the threat of this is enough to convince most people to pay up

a lien on your property can really be a pain in the fucking ass for a property owner. especially if the title is being held by a bank, they will not stand for this shit.

besides, the best way to avoid misunderstanding and conflict with customers, is to have a clear scope of services / cost estimate written up and signed.

if its done properly, the judge will absolutely rule in the contractors favor unless there was some problem with the work that was done or other breach of contract by the contractor.

>> No.1390657


>> No.1390660

Fax me over the documents and we have a deal.

>> No.1390662

Too busy to write a proposal
Posts in here all day

>> No.1390664

>Fax me over the documents and we have a deal.

>> No.1390665
File: 1.95 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180521-133952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the $70k dock?

>> No.1390668

I'm sorry everyone else here is treating you so wrongly. Can we get pics of the aluminum dock and maybe a few more of your other before/after work?

>> No.1390842
File: 60 KB, 600x450, 1223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a squirrel ladder I installed for a customer for 3,000 he was estatic

>> No.1390843
File: 60 KB, 600x450, squirrel ladder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nutter shot nut squirrel get it see im no always a dick

>> No.1390859



You son of a bitch.I'm not sure what to say about this. When my son, who frequents this site, just happened to see a picture of our dock while scrolling through came and told me I didn't fucking believe it. You've got some fucking nerve to sit here and post pictures of MY fucking property on a public form. Not to mention all the bullshit you just spewed. Telling half the story I'm sure these folks would laugh their asses off if they knew the full story. You will be getting a call from me tomorrow and you better fucking answer.

- Keith H.

>> No.1390860

why don't you enlighten us keith

>> No.1390874

>he's really going all out
calm down, your about to burst a blood vessel

>> No.1390875

But it would have helped you avoid this whole situation you felt so strongly about that you had to make a thread on /diy/

>> No.1390877
File: 34 KB, 300x100, traps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When my son, who frequents this site,
Anon, I think I have some bad news

>> No.1390878

WHAT the FUCK is a squirrel ladder?

>> No.1390880

>squirrel ladder
those are a staircase you fucking mong

>> No.1390914

I installed it so the guy could feed his squirrels
No shit Sherlock nothing gets by you

>> No.1390915

Yo Keith call all you want tightass Ill stomp a mudhole in your old ass

>> No.1390917
File: 35 KB, 450x450, 222333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another dock I spruced up

>> No.1390926

good job shit looks awesome.

>> No.1390932

yeah I get that a lot im kind of a celebrity in these hear parts to be honest ole keith apparently hasn't heard that his ass is in a wringer better ask chuck Norris to have his back when I show up

>> No.1390933

OP is clearly new and doesn't know how to properly repair floating wood docks.

>> No.1390944

>WHAT the FUCK is a squirrel ladder?
Apparently someone is ignorant of the things we do in Alabama. Any respectful person has a squirrel ladder and the one pictured is a fine example. I'd be proud as punch to have a neighbor of that standing.

>> No.1390945

Its not about the new hardware or the concrete stay line posts its about fixing things that are obvious shit and making the dock look good. the dude obviously had plenty of money since he was going to pay 70k for a new aluminum pos all you had to do was make it look nice maybe a pressure wash. fix those loose ass posts. make the ramps flow evenly. the guy was obviously embarrassed because his shit was fucked up. and all the things I listed only cost time and effort. If that dude had walked up to an almost new looking dock and you gave him a bill for 2,500 he would have written a check on the spot I promise. Its all about the effort.

>> No.1390948

high heels on the ground should be your motto Jethro

>> No.1390950
File: 1.33 MB, 2560x1536, 20180518_122748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just so everyone's clear, this is not a troll post. As proof of that here is a picture of the dock in question. This is Evan I am Keiths son. I will go into more detail of what the full story is later if anyone's interested.

>> No.1390953

Jeffs a crackhead isn't he Evan?

>> No.1390954

Looks like something out of a documentary on third world child canoe delivery boys.

>> No.1390955

should of seen it when I started jackass

>> No.1390964

Is this a pic of it after Jeff the Crackhead fixed it?

>> No.1390965

Evan again,
So here's the deal. Jeff is the local meth head that started out a good kid. His parents worked the carnival scene and Jeff got shuffled back and forth between his Uncles and Grand parents. Its rumored that Jeff was molested by his Uncle. The whole town knows everything because it's a small community. Anyway my Dad felt sorry for Jeff and offered him some simple jobs to do around the place and Jeff stole some tools and broke into the house and took other stuff. My Dad contacted the Sheriff this afternoon.

>> No.1390967

he didn't fix anything my guess is he delusional from being up for 2 weeks straight

>> No.1390971

Update: My Dad just informed me that Jeff has multiple warrants out for his arrest. You really messed up Jeff.

>> No.1391005

I want to believe, I want to so bad...

>> No.1391007

Jeff is in jail
We got some of our stuff back the rest is in the pawn shop.

>> No.1391020
File: 41 KB, 550x678, 71fffe5cec473707d9bff5fbe26653d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the mugshot.

>> No.1391035

So Jeffs head caved in from sucking his uncles dick too hard eh?

>> No.1391037

Google image search gives this pic about a 1% chance of being Jeff. Just saying.

>> No.1391045

No it's not Jeff but pretty darn close
I'll see if the county has his mugshot online
Wont post it he would probably try to sue us.
Apparently he is threatening my Dad and may face yet more charges. The police here do not like him at all.

>> No.1391048

Why are you pretending to be me ?After I finish up my work for my classes I will explaining greater depth. In the meantime I'd appreciate it if>>1391037
Would stop all your going to do is cause confusion

>> No.1391049
File: 355 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180521-221551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost forgot

>> No.1391053


>> No.1391061


>> No.1391063

Dare you enter this magical realm?

>> No.1391064

What does that prove. Look please quit trying to pretend to be me. I have explained everything as best I could. I would suspect that this is Jeff's Grand mother posting trying to start more problems. Jeff claims when he bails out he's going to burn down our house with us in it. The Sheriff has set his bond at 10,000 so he isn't going anywhere soon.

>> No.1391066


>> No.1391069



Hey /diy/ , did some small work dock repair for a little walking around money. The guy didn't want to pay up the whole amount at first, but then I showed him how much I spent on parts and he was cool about it. Anyways ITT I kill myself on cam.

>> No.1391070

jesus christ OP you sound like a stereotypical flightover state 56-percenter

>> No.1391072

Settle down Buckwheat Jeff the "Dock Cock" is in the whoscow. More than likely having with draws and sucking dick for smokes.

>> No.1391167
File: 40 KB, 600x476, rc19989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finished building this dock a couple weeks back. guy who contracted me tried to weasle out of the 1500 he owed me. after i showed him the parts list he was cool about it though.

>> No.1391175

>inb4 streisand effect

Stop teasing him.

>> No.1391183

Keith - why'd you pay Jeff 3x what you should have to swap out some hinges?

>> No.1391198

> image taken 4 days before posted
Ya dun goofed. Its the details that carry a shitpost into a troll anon. Apply yourself.

>> No.1391202

I run a small business OP - different area of expertise but I also deal with many small clients.
I use alot of automation to make me competitive (processing data, preparing reports etc). I'm actually at a point where I can quote cheaper but still produce industry standard, if not above par work.
What I'm getting at it you can get yourself a tablet with a camera and either find an app or pay someone to develop it for you that allows you to prepare quotes, including photos, very quickly while you're on-site. Then you can email it straight to your client, and there's no questions about anything. Even if they say "just do it", always put it in writing. You only need one job to go south badly enough and you'll be out of business.

>> No.1391240


>> No.1391259


Well let's see the before picture.

Oh. You didn't take one? So the only thing you have to show us is a rickety old dock that is still missing decking and you are proud of that?

>> No.1391261


This would have been an 8 reply thread

>> No.1391264
File: 35 KB, 480x360, redneck_boat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys, will you rate my new dock? Owner said to just do whatever. Had to shell out $20 for the vintage captains chair from my mom, so I was thinking $3k is a fair invoice.

>> No.1391265
File: 22 KB, 500x256, wonderful-wooden-pallet-walking-way-ideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep in mind it's just temporary. This is the mothership. Owner got a steal at $70k. Couldn't let him hose me twice.

>> No.1391281

So my kid tells me that Jeff ran his mouth on some perverted message board and that I was accused of molesting him. I took Jeff in when he was 9 years old because his parents traveled a lot and wanted him to remain in the same school. Since my sister and I are close I took him in which I might add was only suppose to be temporary. As far as molestation allegations I am appalled at the accusations. Sure we went on a few camping trips where I forgot Jeffs sleeping bag and he had to bunk up with me. Was I suppose to let the poor kid freeze? " I did not have sexual relations with that boy" Eric if you continue to spew lies you will be contacted by my lawyer


>> No.1391284

In a not so rude way yes. This faggot probably does this to everyone.

9/10 businesses fail in the first 5 years. You got this anon. Chaulk it yp as a lesson and put his ass on you blacklist. Any customer that is a cunt or unreasonable needs put one your blacklist.

Faggot calls 3 years latter trying to fuck you again. "Gee i uhhj, i am booked 7 months out. Really sorry, may i suggest this guy?" (Insert someone you hate or a random yellow page ad.)

>> No.1391285
File: 31 KB, 766x575, savejeffatgofundmedotcom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1391286
File: 302 KB, 1000x905, 1519182750506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thread is going badly

>> No.1391289


Bless you /diy. I feel better about myself

>> No.1391290

That pic.

Underated as fuck

>> No.1391294

This. My attorney wouldnt be laughing so much as making sure we have out shit together. You and you attorney that rapes you are hacks

>> No.1391295

When i had my business if it took over 30 days and 3 phone calles. Blacklisted

>> No.1391296

.....and that show is a joke, all claims are paid by the show.


>> No.1391298

That's every fucking low life home builder out there
Money flipping used car salesman
The asshole would be like goddamn you need that 500 bucks so bad? I was like yeah when 20 of you cock suckers owe me 500 bucks yeah its bad. After 30 days I slapped a 10 day notice of intent to file a lien on the homeowner they did all the calling. In short Fuck Builders I sold the business and when they waited a day before the closing I told them to find someone else. That was glorious

>> No.1391304

Twice the stress for twice the freedom and pay.

I wish i could be so lucky.

>> No.1391306

Wasting dubs on a cuck.

Anon. Have you ever even been in a courtroom?

Sentancing hearings dont count faggot

>> No.1391308

Neets talking shit on the heaetbeat of America. The small business man.

Fuck these faggots op. Never fully disreguard the autistic faggots here because altho seldom and completely at random good advise is peppered in. Even if they are being hateful cunts.

>> No.1391309

Not a replacement.


>> No.1391314

Try 1,000 times the stress and no freedom
Phone calls til 10PM, paper work, vehicle maintenance, etc...
Then finding and bidding the work, getting it done and then chasing your fucking money
Dealing with unreliable employees, quarterly taxes, workman's comp. Anyone that thinks being self employed is a piece of cake should try it. Back surgery ended it all Thank God told everyone to go fuck themselves, loaded my canoe and went fishing for a week. Now I don't own shit, make next to nothing and live a very frugal life its perfect.

>> No.1391324

Concrete will set underwater, it takes a while but it does.

>> No.1391325
File: 171 KB, 750x500, herringbone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. I would either blacklist him or put him on the rape list.

Takes 6 weeks to get paid? Rape list. Is a hassle like this faggot? Rape list.

Customers not really worth firing. But also not worth the hassle for normal pay.

Used to lay brick patios and charged materials plus square foot. Estimated a job at 5k. Knew it would be about 4k but never lowball an estimate and then piss people off. Get it done for about $3,800. Dude says... for that? Hell, i coulda done that for $500. Cool... not telling him you have insurance, truck, materials, labor, whacker packer, advertisement, taxes, etc... and still need to make a buck. Whatever. ...Hwell.... i aint payin it. Cool. Well, here is your estimate for $5,000 you signed and the bill for $3,800. You can make payments if you want....

Well, this is bullshit as he writes the check.

2 years latter he wants to add to that overpriced patio. Charge him double. Estimate for a little bigger addon is over twice as much as originall. $9,800. Get it done. Charge $9,500 when i normally would charge under $4,500. Now its worth him bitching and i dont feel bad at all. Be a descent human being. Everyone has a bad day but round 2 went almost exactly the same way. He said he wouldn't pay. I said you sure. Can make payments. Nope, not 1 penny of your overpriced bullshit. Okay, well, sorry we couldn't work something out. Grab a bar out of the truck and start prying stones out. ANON WTF ARE YOU DOING!!!! Oh, well, you said you didnt want it so i am going to take up the gravel and stones and lay sod here free of charge. NONONONO WTF YOU CANT REEEE. Uhh, well, since you don't want to pay for them then they are still mine. It's okay, i can just take them to the next job. I will come by every day and water your new grass until it takes.


noted it in my rape list and in a few years when he tries to lowball the entire town and none of my competitors will work for him i will happily.

>> No.1391326

Sink some 55gal drums and force air back in them yourself faggot

>> No.1391327


100%. What you faggots fail to realise is if he didbt understand what was beeded or didnt care then that is on him. Fuck the few hours of labor and aluminum hardware. You faggots dont know half of the cost of running a small business.

>> No.1391328

Oh, then they put a mechanics lean on it and you have to pay it.

My $3,200 6 banger in my 00 blazer is proof.

>> No.1391336

...or they wanted the mutherfucking docl fixed and didnt say hey, can u fix it for under $1,000? No. Damn. Guess its trash then. Or yes. Ok good. Do it...

>> No.1391337

Idgaf if op built a damned new one almost for 10k. You dont like it? Dont say yeahyeahyeah and then expect it to be fucking cost of materials...

>> No.1391338


>> No.1391339

If this faggot is going to a demo derby and can't change his own power steering pump then he is fucked anyway. Nevermind the fact you dont fucking need it in the mud.

>> No.1391340

Trips wasted on a cuck.

What is this thread.

Bunch or larping kids that have never had a job let alone a business.

Fucks sake op. Is it summer in here or what

>> No.1391342

...thats why insurance is u stupid faggot. And anyone with a lake house dumb enough to hold it in their name or ffs paid off deserves to get fucked out of it.

>back in the day. Making the first million is the hardest.

>now. Keeping your first million is the hardest.

If all these wealthy people dont know basic asset protection then they get wtf they deserve

>> No.1391345
File: 7 KB, 225x225, download (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey mutherfucker! Lava pockets are no joke. 2 days of burnt taste buds is no way to live.

>> No.1391347

Why bother tho. Sisterfucking county is actually pretty country and only a handful of methed out retards keep it in the family

>> No.1391349


Drove all over the lower 48. California is americas libcuck infested asshole with cancer. New York is a fairly close 2nd. Florida is 3rd.

>> No.1391350

> $25 a hinge.

Sure kid. Hes lucky to buy a 12 pack after work. Eat shit faggot

>> No.1391351


OP i like you. Don't let these faggots trigger you. You coukd win 10 million and give it to us and half would find a way your are doing it wrong just so they can bitch

>> No.1391355




retarded "how to sand a tabletop" neets utterly blown the fuck out!

>> No.1391356

Aluminum dock anon. You aint pouring a 20 foot thick concrete slab for 70k..

You could build a floating cuckshed for 70k sure, but that guy probably has a ski boat, pontoon, jet skis, etc...its har more handy to leave shit in the water or maybe use a hoist to hover above it than it is to load shit up and drag it 1 mile. And short of a natural disaster his grandchildren will be shitposting from it.

>> No.1391358

Why court?

>> No.1391359

Because see above

>> No.1391360

Wait 3 years. Cut deck off at night. Drag it accross the lake. Strip any good hardware. Burn the rest. Shovel evidence into the lake.

Get fucked mutherfuckers.

>> No.1391362

Solid advice here bros.

And if they dont pay, then they gotta cut you a check when they sell the house or get a loan on it. If nothing else the faggot will stroke out and die and then you get paid from the estate

>> No.1391363

Ffs op breathe man. I have seen you here before. You know that no matter what you do people here will talk shit.

>> No.1391364


>> No.1391365

Nice larp faggot.

>> No.1391366
File: 1.17 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180522-095708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1391367

>$10 - 3 bags of concrete
>$40 - 2 hinges
>$100 - dock float
>$350 - labor (8 hrs)

Still $1,000 unaccounted for. I think OP is doing just fine.

>> No.1391368
File: 217 KB, 220x220, tenor (5).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T-this is for real???

Dis fitnah git gud!

>> No.1391369
File: 31 KB, 600x750, 7e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be real.

>> No.1391370

What city?

>> No.1391371
File: 869 KB, 986x797, 1525019827239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1391373

>mfw i want to believe pic and the next post is a grey in an Edger suit

>> No.1391374

DONT POST MUGSHOT. Read the fine print online. Shit can get u in trouble

>> No.1391376

>Finish class
Rehab counciling? You gotta give us Jeff's info. I have a treehouse that needs to be repaired and I'd love to spend $10,000 per screw.

>> No.1391377

Death threats.

File a PFA (restraining order.)

It's just a piece of paper but if he walks by you on the street and you get it on camera it is back to jail.

Just like around here. That cocksucker will roll on someone and be out in 2 days to try and burn your house down. Get guns. Lots of them all ever the house loaded. Get arlo wifi cams. Stick them anywhere you think would be easy to break in or start a fire.

This way it is all on tape and long documented he meant you harm when you shoot that piece of shit and do the world a favor.

>> No.1391378

Better than being a 44 percenter libcuck shitlord.

Fuckoff back to your free shit kid. The adults are talking

>> No.1391379

Or make him walk the plank that is your lovely, overpriced deck.

>> No.1391384

Has a troller motor. Checks out. Brb will show my new boat project. Was thinking of drill amd bolt down a 3/4" plywood with fiberglass resin over it and silicone in the holes. I am a fat but it looks like just ebough room for a deep cycle battery, troller motor, and a couple small coolers. Gonna put a 12v bilge pump on amd drag it around when i want my squirt gun.

>> No.1391385

Are you Jeff's daddy? Were you not there for him growing up, or are you just as bad as him?

>> No.1391386

Cross the swamp for free. I see no problem here. Somethibg actually useful done with pallets for a change

>> No.1391387

This is epic troll or even more epic real thread

>> No.1391388

NICE. Fuck em. Builders are fucking desk jokeys in a pickup

>> No.1391389

>when you post on the unironic boomer board and no matter how blatant some bait is it gets taken everytime
yeah pops, it's about to get ebin as fug in here

>> No.1391390
File: 27 KB, 492x450, download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call it The Electric Chair

>> No.1391391
File: 81 KB, 235x240, gary_oak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1391393

You installed it sideways dummy

>> No.1391394
File: 35 KB, 604x402, 11mdqi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. thanks to everyone who made this thread possible! Now im one step closer to getting my shot of black! Just so everyone is clear about half of this was true..i just exxagerated the details and added some juicy bait. srsly thanks guys do you know how hard it is to make a thread on /diy/ thats over 250 posts in 2 days.

>> No.1391396

to be honest this thread may be the beginning of the end of /diy/. it's rare to have such an uneventful shitposting thread be so popular and i feel like there has been a lot of recent migration here from other boards.

>> No.1391398

Case in point:
'How do I commit?' WTF?
DIY has become 'what do I buy' and 'post memes'.

>> No.1391401

OP here..i think your right i mean alot of those posts wernt even me just people larping. It really feels like /b/ ecspecially late at night.

>> No.1391407

Proof of boots on the ground. I need a quote, Jeff

>> No.1391408

Sorry about the injury. I got a taste of it. I work overtime as it is. No need for a 60 hour a week job after work with less pay.

Should look into rental real estate. It's not much better, but if mutherfuckers don't pay in this line of work they get evicted.

Went and looked at my 2nd rental last night. New tin roof 2 years ago. Central heat and air. Cool layout. Big 2 bedroom. Bigass nice cement porch with ass high cement walls for sitting or plants or wtf ever. Long cement driveway for an easy 3 or 4 cars with a garage on the end.

Asking price is 25k. Going to try and offer 20k and get a loan against my home and my other rental for down payment and 10k to fix it up. Wife and her family will paint while i run all new pex and if needed rent a little hoe to throw down new sewer.

30k altogether. Probably get $650 easy. $700 if i maintain the lawn. Maybe more. $300 payments.

It isn't a lot. But how many rentals would yall like to pay you $50 a week after expenses and have a free mortgage payment on another house?

Once i hit about 30 houses even if i dont make a dime profit i am fully paying a house a year when normally it would take anons 30 years...

Real estate is so fucking underated. I mean, it is work. But pound for pound it is hands down the easiest, safest, and most fun living you can have once you get out of the grinding stage

And those bitching about being citycucks.

Drive 3 hours or 5 until you can find affordable deals.

>> No.1391410

this is me

>> No.1391411

It sets with sprinklers on it all of the time. Can confirm

>> No.1391412

would a pic of my water shoes from the original posts suffice?

>> No.1391414

Bit then you wpuld have to find freshwater sharks and it just becomes a big hassle

>> No.1391415

No. I didnt read the thread and then saw the owners posting.

>> No.1391417
File: 1.01 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180522-105645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the electric chair!
>this kills the man.

Anon my sides.

>> No.1391418

...his water doesnt rest vertically.

What a faggot.

>> No.1391419

I have come to love those size 7 shoes.

What state's soil do they grace?

>> No.1391422

Actually im not sure why everyone thinks i wear a size 7 actually i wear a 10 it mustve been the angle. and im not sure if i want to disclose my state..i dont want you bastards ordering pizzas for me

>> No.1391428
File: 148 KB, 1044x1176, 8128686-46931-1A-zoomin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't make me scout out every fine pervayor of the great Merrell Men's All Out Blaze Sieve Water Shoe across this great land.

>> No.1391433
File: 1.14 MB, 2560x1536, 1527005990367-59446888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao good fuckimg job anon! Bravo

>> No.1391437

And if you can.find out the brand of shoe im wearing im damn sure not telling you what state. Id have 20 pizzas at my frint door by noon

>> No.1391746

Quit beging for pizzas faglord.

>> No.1391750


>> No.1391850

>Wasting dubs
Anon. Have you ever even been in /diy/ before?