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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 99 KB, 1280x1028, In+france+we+have+a+lot+of+taxes+on+_8ae57fc96ddc3eebd309fc7f8af3254e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1381032 No.1381032 [Reply] [Original]

>that one guy who fires up his lawnmower at 7:30 am on a Sunday

It me

>> No.1381038

Thats alright. I'm up by 5:30 every morning anyways.

>> No.1381040

Why do jobs start at 9am? I fucking hate it. I got hired for a position and it starts so god damn late.

>> No.1381047

Started my yard work at 7am. Though that's more of a Saturday thing for me. Usually don't mow that early till it gets hotter. Then I'm up as soon as the sun is. fuck mowing in midday heat.

>> No.1381054 [DELETED] 
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Bye. Cuck. This is /diy not (hurrduurrr i am an autist)

>> No.1381056

Must be nice. I work 7-5 with no breaks in a small town.

>need an inline fuse holder
>2 blocks from parts store
>have to drive 1 hour 1 way to autozone on the weekend.

Kill me

>> No.1381060

calm down bucko, drone delivery will become mainstream due to time/cost savings within the next 20 years. Either that, or underground automated light rail networks.

>> No.1381061

I got pretty lucky. I work 6:00-14:00. The pay is mediocre but the commute is nonexistent. I'm not looking forward to the eventual 9-to-5 though. Your mornings are shot and your evenings are shot. At least with what I have I have a full afternoon/evening.

>> No.1381062


If you get more than 5 hours of sleep a night after you're fully grown, you're a cuck.

>> No.1381102
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>that guy who places railroad spike in the lawns of assholes who make obscene amounts of noise before the legal time

it's me

choo choo motherfucker

>> No.1381107

Why not go the grown up way and talk to the person about it?
Or is it that you're too scared to face the person?

>> No.1381108

>"Oh look, a railroad Spike!"
>"I've always wanted to make a knife out of one of these!"
>"thanks passive aggressive neighbor!"
Welcome to /diy/
Now get off my fucking grass

>> No.1381109

What does one have to gain by revealing himself to thine enemy, except eventual retribution?

Spike his sod, and let him curse at God.

>> No.1381110

Exactly. This is why I don't let on how much I despise dogs that way people don't tie the poisoned dogs, that shit in everyone's yard and yap all night, to me.

>> No.1381120

If someone is that stupid (or that much of a cunt) to be making intentional noise at inappropriate times, you can't talk to him like a person.

>> No.1381125 [DELETED] 

You wouldn't do a thing besides complain to your fat wife about me, meanwhile i have the best lawn on the block as always

>> No.1381126

>rulefag is a passfag
Like pottery

>> No.1381129
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>that neighbor with a yard consisting of nothing but 2 ft dandelions upwind from you

hey there

>> No.1381191
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>when you know your neighbor are all young 20 something college kids but you do it anyway

>> No.1381204

Is that even legal?

>> No.1381210 [DELETED] 
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>posts that he reported a post
>abusing the report system
>telling someone you reported their post is also bannable
>has no idea about the rules of 4chan

what a newfag

>> No.1381237
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>the guy who is already blowing off m80s and bottle rockets

>> No.1381243
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I’m the guy that fires up a 300hp diesel at 6am and spends 12 hours driving around a field kicking up dust to fuck the clothes you have hanging out to dry.

>> No.1381246

I'm rural so it really does not matter I have a neighbor up the road who target practices in the dark.

>> No.1381249
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>that guy who picks up a railroad spike and spends the next couple of days hammering it into a crude knife

>> No.1381325


>> No.1381328

Cannot believe these retards are taking the bate.

Anons either be a fucking adult and askt the. To fuckoff till 8am. Sleep in another room if woken early, or get a 2 gallon gas can, fill it with deisle, walk by with a plastic cup full and toss it on the grass.

3 days it yellow for a year

>> No.1381331
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It's better to mow in the morning as cooler air helps air cooled engines

>> No.1381332

>wesring sandpaper clothes

>> No.1381333

Cop or tweaker?

>> No.1381334

My knife groups say they male shot for knife edge but you can forge weld a better metal into if for edge

>> No.1381374


Me too but I have an electric mower.

>> No.1381376
File: 124 KB, 633x758, 1231234124786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>helping my disabled neighbor take his lawnmower to a guy he knows that can fix it
>happens to be a sunday
>get to repairman's house
>dead lawn mowers all over his property
>look in his garage
>pressure washers, compacters, mowers, all kinds of shit that he is 'fixing'
>he gets the mower running
>mfw I can hear his neighbors yelling in their house about how he does this shit all day in the early morning

I felt so fucking bad for them, this was a residential neighborhood and their house is like ~30ft away from his garage full of shit that he has running all weekend

>> No.1381391

>live miles from nearest neighbor

How is this related to /diy/?

>> No.1381424

Cops and judges all around my area tweakers don't really fit in well here

>> No.1381436

Whatever happened to just draw obscenities into the lawn with fertilizer? Damn kids these days ...

>> No.1381437

Actually, that is active aggressive

>> No.1381442

There was a guy like that in my neighbourhood when I was a kid. He "fixed" lawnmowers, but really he just had a heap of busted lawnmowers he fiddled with and made a hell of a fucking noise every day from 7:30 am (when by-law courtesy quiet hours end in my county) until about 2 pm. He was a retired trucker or something and had absolutely no manners, his wife always wore sunglasses, ie. probably was always nursing a shiner, and on weekends he'd get roaring drunk with his buddies and start bonfires with garbage, choking the whole neighbourhood in plastic fumes.

I hated that man.

>> No.1381448

I use power tools in my garage late into the night. Like 3-4am on weeknights

And yes I live in a residential area. I just assume none of my neighbors can hear me. I have never had someone say anything.

>> No.1381503
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fire is better

>> No.1381517

If the sun is rising, its fair game, doesnt matter what time it is.

>> No.1381523

But the wet grass nullifies any benefits gained from temperature.

>> No.1381529

>I use power tools in my garage late into the night. Like 3-4am on weeknights
>And yes I live in a residential area. I just assume none of my neighbors can hear me. I have never had someone say anything.

If you have a huge yard full of trees and bushes maybe you are not an asshole, but I'm pretty sure there are lots of people who hate your guts but are like me in that they don't come over and try to start shit.

When I was young I played my stereo wide open because I assumed everyone else loved the music because it was so good. Goddamn I was a shithead.

>> No.1381556

Whatup ravenbro. Thinking about tossing a deck under or behind a gokf cart instead of a tractor when i move. I hatebcattle and cedar trees so probably mowing 20 acres.

>> No.1381557

My goal is to buy enough land that i will never see my neighbors. Too bad the wife wont just live like molepeople

>> No.1381558

For sone readon tweakers can be out on bond in 3 coubties here. Get busted stealing shit, and then get out the same day. It's astoubding all of the newfaggot theives around here.

They have ruined my small town in under 1 year.

>> No.1381559


>> No.1381560

If you keep the doors mostly closed or its relatively new construction they might not. Meanwhile i can hear someone sneexe 5 blocks away.

Kill me

>> No.1381561

Good call. Wet grass can suck it

>> No.1381563
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