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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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137376 No.137376 [Reply] [Original]

Good evening, /diy/.

I purchased this blazer from my local Savers today and I'm going to be altering it. I'm definitely fixing the sleeve so it's a consistent width and more of a straight fit. Aside from that, what else can I do to give it a more modern fit?

>> No.137381

Iron it and/or dye it a non-repulsive color then grow another 4-5 inches so it actually fits. Also try /fa/

>> No.137385

Would /fa/ know about self-altering?

>> No.137386

breast surgery

>> No.137387

>the bottom raises way up when you raise your arms

I always hate when that happens. What can be done to prevent it, gussets perhaps ?

>> No.137388

No need for that. I can increase breast size in women naturally.

>> No.137390

Hey, now. Just asking about the blazer.

Other jackets I have altered had this problem as well. What I did was make the entire sleeve the same width as it was at the wrist to make in more like a cylinder than a cone. Afterwards, for the body of the blazer, I just did a straight stitch to where the new sleeve underarm was. I'm not too good with explaining so I hope that made sense. If what I did before does not work with this blazer I'll try out some gussets.

>> No.137421

>Top row: This girl is cute and she wants to sew, awesome
>Bottom row: Whyareherlipsred.exe.tif.ocx

>> No.137434
File: 43 KB, 640x404, bvkqh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'm not photogenic. The reason for the bottom row is to show what it looks like with my arms out.

>> No.137435

I would ask them for examples of modern fits, but then come back here for how to pull it off

>> No.137436

Oh, I poorly added red lips because my face was derping and I thought I could fix it. I was wrong.

>> No.137439

Paint it with some bleach to produce grey and white tiger stripes.

>> No.137440


You're really cute, don't fix anything. Except the sleeves.

>> No.137442

I love tiger stripes!

>> No.137446

Find a book on tailoring, they'll have pages on troubleshooting common issues.
I'd do something about the back, it looks too baggy from behind. Shoulders need to be more fitted, and you can probably bring it in at the waist to give it a more feminine look.

>> No.137447
File: 89 KB, 857x713, IMG_0907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, thank you! Yeah, those sleeves shall be fixed.

>> No.137456

Could I add a dart in the back to make it more fitted? As for the waist, should I try it on and pin it to fit or just take in a few inches entirely?

>> No.137466

How old are you? You're pretty, but you look young.

>> No.137468

op I dont want to crush your dreams but that jacket is never going to fit no matter how much you tailor it. The shoulder/back/arm area is going to be fucked without refitting of the entire shoulder, thats pretty much the most difficult tailoring job you can do and doing it on yourself is nearly impossible. Even if you took in the seams at the sides and back it would only amplify how much the shoulders dont fit by comparison. Also the chest will never fit if you just take the side seams in. You would do better just working minimum wage and paying for a jacket that actually fits. You would at least save time that way. (I know, I know, /diy/ blah bla, but fuck u u dont know how hard tailoring is)

now, if you dont care that the fit is all off and you are ok with it looking like an oversized coat that doesnt fit, you will be fine, but actually getting it to look right? Nah

>> No.137470

Definitely go to /fa/

they'll be much more help than anyone here

>> No.137472

op are you like 10?

>> No.137474

/fa/ doesnt know shit about anything fashion or tailoring related

>> No.137478

I'm 18, but apparently I have a "youthful" face.

Oh, darn. Well, I'm going to at least try fixing the sleeves. I'm pretty much self-taught when it comes to sewing so if the sleeves don't work I must be screwed. It was only $8 so I guess not too much was wasted, I just really liked the color and the buttons. It's actually a very nice light blue, the picture just has awful lighting.

>> No.137484
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its not a waste trying to pull it apart because you can learn so much about clothing construction and tailoring but its probably not going to be successful. Cheaper jackets like that can be even more impossible to tailor just because of the fused facings also. Anyway yeah just get some books about tailoring at the library and start with a simpler project.

>> No.137498

considering /fa/ only believes in tailored clothes I'm sure they can tell op what to do to that blazer.
btw I suggest going to styleforum and searching tailoring, even though it's a mens wear forum they are pretty knowledgeable at this type of stuff.

>> No.137505
File: 65 KB, 754x571, shoulders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright anon, go to library.nu and look for a book called Metric Pattern Cutting. There's a section that should be able to help with your problems called "Size and Fit."

>> No.137533

I can't get into the website, but it looks like I'll be able to torrent the book. Thank you.

>> No.137563

Nice to know that this board is still cultured enough to not have a gigantic shitstorm when a conflicting gender posts. Or when someone posts a 1.5mb(!) png that isn't high res, etc.

Good luck with your sewing, OP. I don't know shit about it.