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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 234 KB, 1104x632, primitiveTech_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1372371 No.1372371 [Reply] [Original]

Why do normies praise this guys so much? The guy makes wattle and duab in the middle of a rainforest and rebuilds it every time it collapses. Is he just a revenue monkey?

>> No.1372376

>Is he just a revenue monkey?
he started out posting videos he made for his college class
the channel kinda exploded, but considering his subscriber count hes making abysmal low on patreon (still good for a monthly salary)
If he were in for the money, he would shill for that
still comfy to watch

>> No.1372377

He's out there doin' it to 'em. Yeah I mean he has the internet to learn shit but I think people like him because it's just cool to watch.

>> No.1372379
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That doesnt change the fact that he's in the wrong place to focusing on mud at all. Should be focusing on timber construction. Also wouldnt hurt to have a larger crew to better simulate primitive construction.

>> No.1372381

hes an ausi focusing on aboo shit because he is/were studying them
It all started with him uploading his video diary, he has gained a lot of popularity since but the style hasn't really changed much

>> No.1372385

even abos delved into bark cladding and stone.

>> No.1372386

Somebuddy jelly

>> No.1372387

>being triggered enough to call people normies if they like watching /diy/ in a forest, with pleasing nature sounds as the background
I can't imagine being you bud, is it because you know he makes more at our hobby than we ever will?

>> No.1372389

>Dude does awesome stuff on his own, requiring years of dedication and volumes of knowledge to reach such a level of survival expertise
>hurr normies

>> No.1372391

>Im jelly so im not aloud to make observations.

>> No.1372392

Naw he just reads how to do it out of a book. If you do it step by step you can do it easily too

>> No.1372394
File: 245 KB, 650x480, Just.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're so jelly that you have to run to a northwest pacific islanders confetti and panty hose website to bitch and moan that this guy gets more YouTube puss than you ever will, yes.

>> No.1372407

clear case of dunning kruger

>> No.1372417

Everyone praises him, even you.

>> No.1372439

I don't praise him. I just like watching diy innawoods with few tools and no fucking talking.

>> No.1372485

probably doing more with his life than you are.

>> No.1372494

>Why do normies praise this guys so much?
are you...
are you NOT a normie?
are you abnormal?

>> No.1372502

The guy likes to be alone with his mud. I see no problem with this.

>> No.1372534

>tfw gonna start doing this shit this summer
Not going to record it though

>> No.1372557

Why does that thing have boobs?

>> No.1372565

Not time effective. I hope he finally gets established so he can delve back into iron smelting techniques. Seeing him dig a mine via fire-setting would be neat also.

>> No.1372687

Send us a link to your YouTube channel so we can see how it's supposed to be done.

>> No.1372689
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The alternative on youtube these days is ear-rape music, tidepods, snorting condoms, aluminium foil balls and begging like a crackhead for some patreon support every 5 minutes.
Just a dude making some stuff out of mud, with a stick and some rocks, but at least he's not irritating and actually does some shit

>> No.1372829

>almost 8M followers
>only 3300 patrons
>6k per video
It's good but how isn't this guy making hundreds of thousands? How many does he get from the views?

>> No.1372838

So jelly you made a mad af post about it.

>> No.1372905

>Is he just a revenue monkey?
No, the cambodian and indian bootleg versions of his channel are. This is literally just this guy's hobby.

>> No.1372924

Found the normalfag retard.

>> No.1372932

I agree. I find it fascinating to watch, as I live in a city apartment when I used to mess around outside like that when I was a kid.

>> No.1373031

Yeah, let's pretend that you didn't learn 99% of everything you know out of others, books, and the edumacational system.

Are you legally retarded? Or do you just want to take credit away with bankrupt arguments?

>> No.1373034


>> No.1373035

It's about primitive stuff in general, the stone axe he uses is celtic for instance, it's just basic stuff every civilization and race (except for blacks and abbos on metalworking and such?) did themselves. You can't really claim anything shown there as exclusively abbo/white/south american, etc. as they all did the same shit. When they did become separate in technological advancement was around the indoeuropean invasions, (the people who would become romans, germans, celts and europeans in general).

>> No.1373053

I want to know this as well. The only thing I can think of is male and female steps.

>> No.1373062

from the top of my head:
Primitive Tool
Primitive Life
Primitive Skills
Primitive Technology idea
Survival Skills Primitive

there's like 300 new guys copypasting this genre

>> No.1373063

John Plant said he's doing this full time now.
he should get more patreons tbqh

>> No.1373089

I get ads for them and they're clickbaity as fuck, shit like grabbing a live snake.

>> No.1373098


Sounds like you're just jelly as fuck that he's getting by on this.

>> No.1373103

are you jelly he is a Chad and you are a virgin or is are you sad you arent getting comfy with him in the shack behind him?

>> No.1373127

Well it's not like he has any consumable expenses (besides living expenses), save for an editing PC upgrade every few years and hard drives/cloud storage.

>> No.1373129


His channel isnt monetized, he has a day job as a computer programmer or some shit (ie he is one of us), this is just his hobby so why are you hating. The real money shills are all those dudes making rip off channels.

>> No.1373133

"Hey Hank, what do you do in your spare time? I'm getting into crocheting myself."
"I make mud huts"

>> No.1373339
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>> No.1373347

>the stone axe he uses is celtic for instance
No it isn't. It is a type of primitive axe called ”celt”. It refers to the way it is hafted and it has nothing to do with celtic peoples, who didn't even exist until the late bronze age.

>> No.1373357

>His channel isnt monetized
No matter how you put it, this is just dumb. There's nothing wrong with making some shekels while providing comfy content, he needs to step his game since he could be a near millionaire by now.

>> No.1373358

>putting boobs on it for modesty sake

i like this

>> No.1373359

wouldn't he just get demonetized for cultural appropriation or some other sjw-induced seizure reason?

>> No.1373396

Maybe he just doesn't want to.
That whole "being above reproach, uncorrupted by money" thing.

>> No.1373487
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Some primitive houses look quite comfy

>> No.1373490

The best videos on Youtube don't have voices.

>> No.1373506

I don't see what's wrong with him
I like what he does and he seems to like what he does and puts a lot of effort on it

>> No.1373515

Its cool to watch, you can learn a bit, and he isn't obnoxious. I dig it.

>don't forget to like comment and subscribe and click the little bell so you get notifications

>> No.1373724

Anyone else want to do what he does, except show how absurdly incompetent/retarded abos/indians/third worlders are/were, and how getting to a moderately advanced level of development on your own isn't particularly hard.

By that I mean, focusing on progression from paleo-nigger to 18th century starting from nothing, rather than on the application of ancient/primitive methods.

>> No.1373788

Fast forward six months of scrabbling together tools and forging shitty iron until you realize you need a village of nepotistic craftsmen to actually do anything technologically.

>> No.1373805

>By that I mean, focusing on progression from paleo-nigger to 18th century starting from nothing
nothing except two thousand years of research and a concept of africa and india that's a thousand years out of date

>> No.1373806

>how absurdly incompetent/retarded abos/indians/third worlders are/were
do you think all africans and indians live in straw huts or something?

>> No.1373811 [DELETED] 

They do. This is absolutely correct that they do and it's what africa is actually like. Just google it. Africa doesn't even have roads. Except for the roads that WHITE AMERICANS built for them. You should say thank you, dumb nigger.

>> No.1373820

That would highly depend on the area/country, also you are thinking the British and Dutch if I recall correctly.

That said I would totally watch one man Age of Empires in real life.

>> No.1373825 [DELETED] 

>also you are thinking the british and dutch
Lol. Literally third world SHITHOLE countries. Anything in africa is property of America. We built it and those niggers keep ruining it because they are sub human.

>> No.1373834

Anyone else actually like some of the Vietnamese channels?
I quite enjoy Primitive Skills' videos, mostly because he comes up with his own ideas, like his new videos on irrigation and draining a swamp.
Survival Skills Primitive is also kinda cool, they're brothers so they can make more complex things like a concrete brick house, a well, and a crane off the top of my head.

>> No.1373838

Step 1. Find a branch
Step 2. Find a rock
Step 3. Find fiber
Step 4. repeat
Step 5. Make a roof
Step 6. make walls
Step 7. Make a pole lathe
Step 8. make gear train
Step 9. make a mill
Step 10. Find ore
Craftsmen are a luxury meme and are completely unnecessary for progress.

Most of human knowledge was produced within the past 200 years my dude...

Portugal too, and some minor 'american' influence in liberia.
>That said I would totally watch one man Age of Empires in real life.
That's exactly my thought. Like I figure some simple cheats would be acceptable, like buying seasalt and once something had been done once I was allowed to buy the raw materials, like once iron ore had been found and processed, I would be allowed to buy a few tons of ore so as to preserve the land. And after so much iron had been produced I would be allowed to just buy pig iron.
You know, after capability had been well proven just stuff to save the property quality and wallet, or stuff that can be attained almost anywhere with enough walking but isn't on the property (uncut green lumber, seasalt, sea shells, etc)

>> No.1373844

Please be a troll. Otherwise you're a shining star posterboy for the Dunning-Krüger-effect. At one point, very much before you start smelting and casting iron or lead for pipes, you run into problems with skills that take longer to acquire and collate than you alone have. All adults know this. You will too, unless you only larp at doing things with your hands.

Can one or two people make bloom iron and forge simple tools? Sure. You can probably get started on copper too. But if you think the road from there to fine brasswork and interlocking gears, not to mention complex machinery, is "a meme", you have another think coming.

>> No.1373849

I'd like to see you make anything close to resembling a gear on a pole lathe faggit

>> No.1373850

>very much before you start smelting and casting iron or lead for pipes, you run into problems with skills that take longer to acquire and collate than you alone have.
Yes, that's why I said 18th century. And it happens way afterward ironworking has been achieved.

>But if you think the road from there to fine brasswork and interlocking gears, not to mention complex machinery, is "a meme", you have another think coming.
Yes and no. Although automation would be cool to achieve, that's shooting way too fucking high for a single person to achieve beyond something like a duplicator.
Don't double the utility of compass constructions, weighing paper, and simple files. Besides, what would you even need fine gears for to progress technologically? Energy efficiency is always secondary to utility.

>> No.1373852

Make a round dowel, make it square.
Take N lengths of cordage, one filled with dye or covered in char. Wrap the cordage around the dowel. Do the same starting from the other end.
If you made your cordage and diameter the right sizes, then you will have M number of intersections of marking around the dowel.
Hey woah look at that, equally spaced divisions for you to use to carve out a gear from that you used a pole lathe to be able to do so.

>> No.1373868

it`s not about being wrong with X or Y material, don´t be so fucking autist. is a channel about a man doing primitive stuff HIS WAY.

>> No.1373869

maybe because the dude is not shilling every fucking minute and his videos are pretty comfy, just a man doing primitive stuff, not pretentious, not plagiarizing other people, maybe you are just too retarded to see it´s very simple.

>> No.1373890

well who can dictate better content control than an unbought creator? if he never utters a word in his video, thats his choice. he wont have to advertise clash of clans or anything of that sort.

>> No.1374002

>one man

You have to be trolling... right?

>> No.1374036

>WHITE AMERICANS built for them
ask me how i know you haven't completed elementary school

>> No.1374037

>Most of human knowledge was produced within the past 200 years my dude...
an absolute retard, everyone

>> No.1374067

>Anything in africa is property of America.
The only thing America did of note was Liberia, a dumping ground for former slaves and all round failed state. All the rest is mostly as a result of the English, German, Portugal, Belgium, French and now China.
You really need to stop getting home-schooled

>Craftsmen are a luxury meme and are completely unnecessary for progress.
Its never been easier to be a handy fella in a shed, small-inventor- you can crowd source for investment, prototype shit with CNC, 3D printers, CAD software and all the modern power tools. The sole reason for humans being what they are is our ability to adapt and overcome, sure we're down in the primordial era fending off bitey man eating cats on a daily basis, but the world is changing rapidly in different areas and the tools we use to function in it are also required. Our ability to use and make tools is why we keep surviving and in the event you find yourself with nothing but your dirty dick beaters in the middle of nowhere, the ability to use basic tools competently is one that's highly desirable.

>> No.1374068

No he's quite possibly right, provided you mean correct information. Human progress is exponential by many metrics. The advancements we've made in the last 100 years are more impactful than those made in the 200 years before that.

>> No.1374086

He's thinner and more disciplined than you.

People fawn over, look up to, a college educated, disciplined, attractive and physically fit man.

>> No.1374090

He's doing more than you OP

>> No.1374107

Reread the post.
My point was that mechanization is attainable, but automation is too much for one person to reasonably achieve.

>> No.1374112

My point was that traditional craftsmen are for efficient production, not effective production.
Anyone can do what craftsmen do, just with more time/effort.

>> No.1374140

5 times the autists in the woods building shit.


Yo mj, gimmedat popcorn

>> No.1374141

>our hobby.
Fuck u bro. I like my air conditioning

>> No.1374143
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>> No.1374153
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>> No.1374156

>in the event you find yourself with nothing but your dirty dick beaters in the middle of nowhere.

What is saturdays. Kek

>> No.1374236

>except for blacks and abbos on metalworking
Nah. Bantu Africans got into metalworking with iron sometime between 600 to 1000 AD and earlier with bronze IIRC. It's really just Abbos that couldn't civilization.

>> No.1374246
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>Getting irritated about some dude playing with mud in the woods.

Lmao I was like, Lmao

>> No.1374310
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Really makes ya think huh...
You're (>>1373849) a retarded nigger.

>> No.1374312

Some people find it entertaining to watch him out build all of Africa within a day. It is somewhat funny that he’s able to build better structures with random sticks and mud than what Africans today are even able to achieve.

>> No.1374315

He might be wrong about the America part, but the fact of the matter is Whites literally built everything of value on the continent.

Niggers never even invented the wheel in the thousands of years they were on that continent.

>> No.1374319
File: 48 KB, 640x580, gravity gear train.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the real question, is making a pole lathe for anything other than making dowels even worth it when you can do this?

>> No.1374405

>Live in the jungle, an environ where the wheel is effectively useless against the uneven terrain and the haphazard growth of trees and shit

>> No.1374411

Wait are you still talking about Africa lol

>> No.1374441

>the jungle
projecting a little hard there

>> No.1374504

Island niggers could manage doing it just fine, Stop being a nigger apologist.

>> No.1374610

>dey didn’t need no wheel in da jungle, days why dey never invented it

Not all of sub-Sahara Africa is a jungle. Living in a jungle also didn’t stop the South East Asians from discovering the wheel and building civilization.

>> No.1374631

you think anyone else who invented the wheel didn't have the same problems?
>trees and shit
this your argument. huh. how can any people contend with uneven terrain and trees? it's amazing we even survived as a species.

>> No.1374643

>Why do normies praise this guys so much?
hes attractive

>> No.1374658

They didn't, it was invented twice. Once in Syrian desert and once in Eurasian steppe.

>> No.1374712
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Invented in America, too, but most of what we see it used for was toys. It reminds me of all those mechanics principles that the Romans figured out but never found productive applications for.

>> No.1374725

>Island niggers could manage doing it just fine by leeching off the advancements of Chinese civilization and Indian civilization
>Living in a jungle also didn’t stop the South East Asians from letting the Chinese and Indians discovering the wheel and building civilization off of their advances, before which they were a bunch of fucking boatniggers that could only use boats to get from point A to B even on land.

>> No.1374739


I'd be more interested if he got a group together and did more stuff with the group instead of doing everything solo. You know, emulating actual history instead of just basically following instructions and building things. Watching how different people with different skills interact and compliment each other would be better and more realistic.

>> No.1374740 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 900x600, applejack_commie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


compliment is when you tell your wife her ass isn't really that huge.

complement is when we whatever.

>> No.1374742


Homophones. My mistake. Thank you for correcting me.

>> No.1374896

He has a nice video format.

>> No.1374901

idk man I'd like it if people complimented me at work, on my work. maybe I wouldn't skip so much if my workplace were a bit more positive

>> No.1375063

Liberal detected!

>> No.1375078
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>jealous nigger detected.

>> No.1375153

what would you rather

its comfy AF, fuck off

>> No.1375178

Doesn't matter man. I worked so hard and so smart well i got a total of over $4 raise.

Owner loves me.

Still treated like absolute shit...

>> No.1375654
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>> No.1377759

how to into renewable chemistry/chemicals as a single person? I mean the hard shit, not opium extraction and fuel synthesis.

>> No.1377786

fuck off you could NOT do this

>> No.1377795

fuck off, his videos are great.

>> No.1377913

He's not interested in wood

>> No.1378131

>as a single person
I don't think having a gf would help much.

>> No.1378282

American detected.

>> No.1378806


Use a pole lathe to make componants for reciprocal treadle lathe dumbnuts

>> No.1378940

having three hands in a chemistry lab is very very helpful. Chemicals will be needed before the effective waldo's can be produced.
Yes, I understand that waldos are attainable with simple copper, steel, charcoal, clay, and sand/generic rock; the point is that making waldos is easier if you do it later.

>> No.1378945

It started off good, went to great, then godlike. Now it's boring as fuck

>> No.1378948

it's because the progress/development he showed was coincidental, his focus was always on the techniques used.

>> No.1378968

One of his knock-off channels is pretty awesome. "Survival Skills Primitive"

They started with simple stuff, an axe, knife, a couple of weapons, baskets, fish traps, etc. Then they made and fired clay pots, lime, lime concrete, bricks, a well, a water filter, a house, and most recently a fish pond.

I enjoy them.

>> No.1379040

look up old outdated industrial and laboratory preparation methods, they tend to be low tech and often more "renewable"
for example acetone was made by dry distilling acetate from vinegar
potassium hydroxide from lime and potash
Iodine from Algae

theoretically, you could gassify wood/biomass, make synthetic oil and work from there but the process is quite inefficient and difficult

>> No.1379054

It was a joke, (I assume) he meant "single person" as "not an organised workforce", but I deliberately took it as "single in terms of relationship status".

>> No.1379073

It's like a safety rail

>> No.1379108

Not for production so much, but for time spent doing this instead of time spent at a normal job, it is a big expense. Free time is never free.

>> No.1379122

Well considering he just bought a new plot of land I imagine he's got enough money lying around. He's also running a wordpress or something so maybe he makes ad revenue of that.

>> No.1379232

>how to into renewable chemistry/chemicals as a single person

Here you go:

Start with fire. make charcoal. Boil seawater for salt. extract potash from ashes, calcine rocks to make quicklime, brew alcohol, ferment it further to vinegar, all fun stuff.

>> No.1379237

>or example acetone was made by dry distilling acetate from vinegar
but anon, what if I live inland away from both limestone and seashells?

>> No.1379256

Limestone is hardly exclusive to inland areas, though it's hardly everywhere. Try harvesting carbonate from inland soil or sand I guess.

>> No.1379260

Not reading the thread but I recall him saying that he bought the parcel with revenue he got primarily from YouTube. It was about $600,000.

>> No.1379292

I guess you're right.

>> No.1379364

It seems like you might be able to use aquaponics and bonemeal to farm calcium carbonate.
Although the easiest, if you can control your fear/disgust/desire to kill may be snail farming.

>> No.1379476

>but anon, what if I live inland away from both limestone and seashells?

Then buy a fucking chicken, eat its unborn children, and use the eggshells.

>> No.1379524

Good editing--not a faggot, sensible hair cuts, beautiful physique, enjoys doing it, modest about himself.

He just does everything right.

>> No.1380534

His videos are relaxing/asmr
He's arguably handsome
His videos are at least generally informative on the topic they deal with, even if he isn't in the ideal locations for it, it's not like he's literally trying to build permanent structures for practical use.
And finally, people tend to exaggerate praise to be nice, something even most autists can understand.

>> No.1380566

It evokes something primordial in all of us. Genetic memories of spending thousands of generations in the forest living like that. I'd call it comfy, but it's the exact opposite of that, you're not comfy in the jungle. But it still feels nice of sorts. Primitive and clean.

>> No.1380578

>you're not comfy in the jungle
Not all the time, but in doing stuff like this (depending on your personality) you certainly might be comfy. Comfy-ness is subjective, and though the overall lifestyle of people who HAD to do stuff like this was definitely harsher than ours, that doesn't mean the parts we have the privilege to pick and choose aren't comfy, since we can always return to our clean, soft modern houses and visit a doctor if you get sick. There's reasons people like to go outdoors and play in the dirt.

>> No.1380745

He's alone, he doesn't have 10 people to help him lift an entire fucking tree.
Timber framing requires lifting large weights and that means cranes or at least hoists of some sort, which isn't 'primitive' technology.

Working with mud allows him to do everything on his own without modern tech.

>> No.1380777

>he doesn't have 10 people to help him lift an entire fucking tree
Or 2 people to pit-saw it into lumber.

>> No.1380975

Pure DIY, clear instructions, no commentary, no begging for subscribing or patreon money. The only shit part is he doesn't have fresh ideas anymore, almost every new video is about building a wooden/mud hut.

>> No.1381012


>> No.1381190

>Pure DIY, clear instructions, no commentary, no begging for subscribing or patreon money.

I'm one of his Patreons, fwiw.

Because somebody needs to pay for good shit or good shit doesn't get made.

>> No.1381194

>or good shit doesn't get made.
a few million autists between 1985 and 2010 suggest otherwise.

Good shit gets made, just not at a sufficient rate for regular consumption.

>> No.1382588

why are abos so shit at life and pretending like they had a civilization?

>> No.1383993

Man, every popular thing really does attract contrarian kiddos.

>> No.1383995

You say that like it's weird or something.

>> No.1383996

Because they're a human relative that didn't die out like the others.

>> No.1384082

>He uses what books are meant for.
>That's somehow bad.
Ah yeah, of course, everyone must derive everything themselves.
I guess you like to reinvent the wheel?

>> No.1384090

Living comfortably is perfectly fine, why does everyone want to be a millionaire?

>> No.1384146

While you were out sperging, I studied the WATTLE
While you were shitposting on 4chan, I studied the DUAB
And now that the liberals have won and everything's going to shit, you have the hall to ask ME for help?

>> No.1384245
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>tfw tried to go into the forest near my home to do something like this
>live in the UK so not as much open land
>forest I went to was actually just a patch of woods in the middle of the city
>still pretty excited, decided I could make myself a small hut out of sticks
>get to the wooded area, walk right to the middle
>such a small space that the nearest path is well within viewing distance
>just hope nobody will come
>start building
>collect fucking hundreds of sticks and bring them all to the construction location
>don't really know what I am doing
>make a square by stomping sticks into the ground like stakes as a 'support' for my hut
>sit down for a while to think
>realise I need some sort of rope, like the guy in the video uses vines
>search for fucking HOURS
>can't find a single fucking vine
>start to get fucking depressed at my own uslessness
>fucking break down and start crying whilst crouched behind a tree
>after a few minutes feel something on my shoulder
>a man is touching me
>look, he has his wife and kids with him, they are staring at me
>all i can think to do is scream 'MY HUT FELL'
>push the man over and run away into the woods, before getting into my car and driving home

fuck this guy. he is a cunt for making me seem so pathetic.

>> No.1384261

I enjoy his stuff, but for more advanced bushcrafting stuff utilizing a lot of clay, mud, and simple concrete, check out the Primitive Life circle of channels, which are a few asian dudes making some crazy shit.

>> No.1384310

> Let me insert my politics into an unrelated discussion because adults like to discuss politics all the time and I'm sooooo mature for my age XD
Beware of the wereretard: wherever he go, he must be also be a retard.

>> No.1384316

primitivism is a fraud, it still requires a collection of knowledge to be built up to live

>> No.1384393

>these people exist

>> No.1384436


>> No.1384507

... You're a nigger. Anyone with a room temp IQ can outclass any paleonigger that has ever lived.

>> No.1384532

>a room temp IQ
Regrettably this analogy loses the bulk of its authority in the eyes of us who brandish units of centigrade.

>> No.1384534 [DELETED] 

>he thinks (paleo)niggers have an iq above 25
... Sure thing pal. Primitive language, primitive mind.

>> No.1386090

You know you can use bark fibers to make rope right? Vines dont grow in UK, besides a well made rope is better than any vine.

>> No.1386305

>be comfy innawoods videographer
>focusing on building the best mudcave I can muster
>fat balding american "businessman" knocks on my door
>"how wud chu like 2 be a millionaire" spit visibly projecting every syllable
>consider the mans offer, ask him to write a contract up
>20% taken to pay some web dev to build some shitty badly formatted html/CSS website,
>20% spent on some weeb making graphix and "marketing"
> sweaty "manager" takes 30%,
>Tax takes 20%.
>Have to add product placement, such as hipster vintage kickstarter metal axe with a bottleopener
>Have to remind people to like subscribe watch until the end add notifications like my patreon review me on yelp and visit my reddit page
>SJW army falls upon the channel for monetizing the appropriation of abbo culture even though I've moved onto metalwork

srsly this is a likely timeline.

>> No.1386306

get the fuck outta the thread Pajeeto

>> No.1386310

Vines do grow in the UK though.

>> No.1386314

I though they're native to tropical lands? At least the liana vines, which you can use as a rope replacement?

>> No.1386317

Plenty of lianas (it isn't a species its a type, woody stem = liana) in the uk https://easywildflowers.wordpress.com/about/cream-wildflowers-of-the-uk/clematis-vitalba-the-wild-clematis/

>> No.1387796

>Is he just a revenue monkey?
that guy has the purest youtube channel I've seen so far. he never begs for cash. he doesn't advertise for products. he doesn't even fucking speak in the videos.
how dare you?

>> No.1387812

Stupid capitalist scum

>> No.1390231

Drained more swamp than you did, burburger.

>> No.1390260

no offense but you sound retarded

>> No.1390262

>Stupid capitalist scum
capitalist? wtf does that have to do with anything.
Lefties hate culture and they hate white men.

>> No.1390278

>falling for the bait

>> No.1390281

Could those more interested in making this about ideology please go away? This is not the right place to throw shit about what you think about capitalism or social democracy. Please guys, this used to be such a nice board, don't fuck it up.

>> No.1390318

You think it looks comfy until you sleep in one of them and get eaten alive by the bugs that live in the logs.

>> No.1390321
File: 13 KB, 212x238, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not as if they could chop down the jungle and make rammed earth roads, right?

>> No.1390507

I have, I don't like that the brothers haven been focused on the fish storage. I wish they would furnish their house.

>> No.1390604

>Why do people like things that I don't like?
Here's some valuable information: You don't matter and your opinions don't matter.

>> No.1390786

can you articulate yourself beyond a shitpost?

>> No.1391036

but those logs have been stripped of bark

>> No.1391533

Those have been made to accommodate vehicles built somewhere else.

>> No.1393357


he's getting fucked by regulation iirc

he almost never takes down big trees because he's not allowed to, just like how he's not allowed to hunt for boar or those big birds that invade his gardens.

he does what he's allowed to, which is use fast growing stuff and dead wood to make stuff.

he's slowly making his way towards metallurgy by the looks of it, which is neato.

>> No.1393399

>he's slowly making his way towards metallurgy by the looks of it, which is neato.
For the second time. Looks like he had no trouble obtaining iron bacteria in his new location, though it might be better if he can find actual iron ore, to say nothing of the other primitive metals copper, tin, silver, and lead.

>> No.1394893

latest vid, he actually gets a sizable bloom of metal

>> No.1394923

What is the point in ore processing when there are billions of tons of metal sitting inside of rubble, scrap yards, and land fills?

>> No.1394926

...just to see if he can?...

whats the point of /diy/ for non-professionals?
theres literally millions of underpaid chinese people making things every day.

>> No.1394946

I couldn't think of a better time to shill than this. Here's the dump:

>Cody's Lab
>Grand Illusions
>Practical Engineering
>Sixty Symbols
>The Royal Institution

>> No.1394961

Marxism is not a legitimate economic school.

My point is that zero human intervention, you can expect for there to be free iron readily available for a few hundred/thousand years. After which time, they'll have reverted to virtually pure powdered ore.

Why focus on the methods for an objectively inferior and unrealistic process?

>> No.1394977

You can use the same argument on everything he makes.
Maybe, like the other anon said, he just wants to see what he can do? Apocalypse fantasies are not necessarily involved.

>> No.1395001

cute animation and good production quality but educationally very poor unless you understand its a channel for quick rundowns and the information is heavily simplified to the point it almost becomes misleading

>> No.1395226

Wasn't a bloom just slag, read the captions.

Why build anything yourself? We're on /diy/, more than half the shit people build here is unpractical and a waste of money.

>> No.1395494

>Why build anything yourself? We're on /diy/, more than half the shit people build here is unpractical and a waste of money.
There is a difference between building stupid shit, and building shit stupidly. "That is a stupid way to do X" can not be interpreted to mean "doing X is stupid".

>> No.1395733

Is "it's fun" not enough of a reason for you?

>> No.1395744

Not when the implied reason for doing X in a stupid way is to do X.

>> No.1396209

Thanks, more?

>> No.1396214

Those "big birds" in his garden are cassowaries, one of the most dangerous land animals in the world.

>> No.1396241

>Why focus on the methods for an objectively inferior and unrealistic process?
Because it's fun and aesthetic. Go be an autist somewhere else.

>> No.1396243

WOW! when i saw the thumbnail i thought for a second he was crafting a clay sexdoll! O_O

>> No.1396441

>He's not allowed to hunt for boar

He's allowed to hunt for boar he's worried about upsetting the normies. Trust me, no one's worried about a dead pig in Queensland.

You don't fuck with cassowaries though.

>> No.1396463

I'd watch the youtube of r9k island
>stealing other people's mudwaifu
>full lord of the flies by the end of the week

>> No.1396587

there is a difference between saying that something shouldn't be done and saying that a way of doing something is stupid.
I can say that going from florida to washington backwards on a unicycle is objectively inferior and unrealistic without any implications being made about going from florida to washington.

>> No.1398376

Shit, does that mean I am a normie now?

>> No.1398391

More proof that niggers are subhuman, and that whites beat them even playing around like that d00d

>> No.1398635

>Should be focusing on timber
Well that depends on what his goal is. If his goal was to please you, then yeah I suppose you're right
But I'm pretty sure his goal is something else

>> No.1399129

>But what is his end game?
>Refines 200kg of fissionable material, rocket made of a hollow tree and methane blows north Korea off the map

>> No.1399328

He probably wants to build a brick hut. He's made the lime for mortar and the mud bricks. He's made the roof tiles before too.

Although collecting enough shells for all that mortar would probably get boring real quick. Hopefully he stumbles upon an Abo midden on his property.

>> No.1399394

But a lot of niggers live in savannah type enviroment

>> No.1399399

A lot of (most) niggers also have an IQ below 65. That's literally retarded... Not borderline retarded, not mildly retarded, but significantly retarded.

>> No.1399437

He was recommended to watch on YouTube so people watched. He's doing real manly outdoorsy stuff none of them have approached, so it's like he's living a realer reality than they are. People just like knowing there's still possibilities to have some fun/danger/testosterone/challenges to overcome.

Take me for instance. I used to work at a secluded adult shop off a highway. Coworker was shot dead (but he owed drug money), others come in scoping the place to rob it, a cartel member was dropped off in my care before he went on a killing spree over his cheating wife, people flashed their wives titties, dude punched his wife over a (poor taste) joke in the parking lot, etc. People wanted me to start a blog just because they were excited that there's still some danger and excitement out there in seemingly mundane places. Beats listening to "corporate accounts payable, Nina speaking. Just a moment" 8 hours a day.

It's nothing about praise. It's just cooler than what they're doing.

>> No.1400052


You need to learn to make/find

You can start making a mud/wood hut, then make roman concrede from lime.
If you want to make homemade soap, use ashes/charcoal.
If you want to make salt, use charcoal.

Once you're done making your concrede home, you can focus on metallurgy.
Learn to make a battery using acid, copper and zinc.
If you find copper and tin, you get bronze.

Metallurgy is quite cool but actually most of human inventions revolve around the mechanization and industrialization of producing cloth.

You could also focus on producing hygiene-related stuff (something niggers still fail nowadays as they shower in cow urine): making soap, filtering and cleaning water, making a shower, latrines.

Don't forget agriculture. Another thing niggers yet failed to master as we witnessed in Rhodesia.

Basically, back then, it was a maslowian reality:
water/food, shelter, clothing, heating.
Fucking niggers I swear.

>> No.1400060

Forgot to add that I fucking despise those fucking ripoff chink channels because they FUCKING USED THE BAMBOO CHEATCODE.


>> No.1400090

Fuck... Damn oceans.

Easy mode

Distillation / tar kiln or pyrolysis

>If you want to make salt, use charcoal.

>Learn to make a battery using acid, copper and zinc.
Batteries were a mistake. The resources are better used towards more alternators, capacitors, and inductors. If I were restarting civilization, until I had a need for power tools or communication, I wouldn't make batteries.
Lights you say? A dynamo light with a ripcord and flywheel is much easier to make.

>Don't forget agriculture
Yeah, but once we get alternators and steelworking going good, we can just use the haber process in batches and then agriculture is easymode.

>You could also focus on producing hygiene-related stuff
Yeah, but saponification requires chemicals, and they're annoying. HOLY SHIT, turns out lye is just meme hydroxide and is easily renewable.

>> No.1400093

You can make salt from charcoal, one primitive gook shows it.

As said before, lime can be made either from eggshells, snail shells or sea shells.

Tar is just a primitive form of glue, helpful in many cases

Saponification literally just requires ashes (transformed into caustic soda) and some form of fat (oil, animal fat...)

To test the caustic soda, you can either test it with a small potato or test it with eggshells. If the potato drowns = it's good to go. If the eggshell disolves = good to go.

>> No.1400213

Dont forget about Periodic Videos, photonicinduction, and any of the random teardown guys like AVE or bigclive

>> No.1400226

its to hold a knife

>> No.1401349
File: 48 KB, 262x344, Stupid_Sexy_Flanders_Tapped_Out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is sexy as fuck

>> No.1401605

Except the roads are made by the chinese.

>> No.1401676

Millionaires can live very comfortably

>> No.1401693

>"stop being successful because I am not nor am I ever"
you, in a nutshell.

>> No.1401695

You reconfirm the trash-tier level of your opinions again and again.

>> No.1402886

well i think the reason they never used the wheel for transportation is they build a very clever and big system of trenches and canals and used boats for everything

think of our cites where every asphalted road would be a canal would we still use wheels.?

>> No.1403527

He sort of struck gold with presentation and content. The videos are comfy, and it's fun to learn about what he covers because it all builds into the same frame. There's nothing to give you the impression he's doing it for the views or to sell or attract anything. It's basically primitive homesteading for the fuck of it, and he's showing you how to do some of it too. Not to mention handworking crude and natural tools like this is novel these days, which makes it neat for a larger audience than it might otherwise interest.

>> No.1403924

>think of our cites where every asphalted road would be a canal would we still use wheels.?
Venice and Amsterdam have roads, because a canals stink if there isn't enough flow, and you can't redirect rivers without a fuck ton of work.

>> No.1403948

It's just fun to watch someone make something from nothing

>> No.1405977

blows sub-humans out of the water with minimal effort.