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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 162 KB, 730x450, shelter3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1368032 No.1368032 [Reply] [Original]

Any suggestions on how to build one of these things?

>> No.1368037 [DELETED] 

There will never be peace on this earth so long as kikes exist

>> No.1368054
File: 1.06 MB, 2000x1500, 9397e5114ac54cc6b9b4d599ea3fe9fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of these, being all metal it creates a Faraday cage protecting from radiation.
anti semites leave

>> No.1368056

Then it collapses in on you, and you deserve it bect you're a semite apologist.

>> No.1368076

Doblike my buddies grandpa. Built during the cold war. Still not 1 problem.

>get hoe
>dig trenches
>pile dirt in middle
>half a geodesic dome...
>poor roof and walls
>climb in with skidloader
>throw dirt on top
>wacker packer a 1" ab3 rock pad
>pour floor
>sling mold resistant paint.

Obviously slope the floor a little for natural drain if a pipe blows or water starts to seep.

>> No.1368078

He doesn't spray layers of molten aluminum over his shipping container

>> No.1368097

>Anti semites leave
Then you would be alone.

>> No.1368124
File: 55 KB, 550x550, Light-Duty-Manhole-Cover-for-Sale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy pic attached, bury bottom half in ground and pit radiation sticker on it.

Sit on chair in garden with cock out and watch instant sunshine erupt.

Die with dignity masturbating to mushroom clouds.

No one in america will survive living in a hole for a few months without shooting guns at things.

>> No.1368139

Oh those hecking Jews

>> No.1368151

...not u loading a pallet of .223 at it while duel weilding belt fed double barrel ar-15.

Do you even america bro?

Idgaf if an astroid is comming to ice age us. If i can see the mutherfucker comming to kill me i will go down fighting.

>> No.1368166

that's not how radiation works

>> No.1368196


>> No.1368205

>op says its WW3
>its fucking syria
>not like they have any way to hurt the US
>op is a faggot

>> No.1368210

Live under ground for 2 months going crazy listening to wife and kids bitching. Shit in buckets until smell is killing you. Listening to the neighbors and family beating on the hatch for days...Finally escape the bunker madness to die from radiation and a world of chaos.

>> No.1368219 [DELETED] 
File: 2.84 MB, 485x274, Homeland.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have /out/ and /diy/ as your boards
>both are well aware of old and current day tricks
I love you guys.

>> No.1368221 [DELETED] 

Do you guys think stuff like this is actually harmful? I always used to think it was funny. Like so obviously inflammatory that everyone could see it for what it was.

But I've genuinely stated to wonder if maybe it's actually bad. Because there's enough idiots out there who can't think for themselves who get sucked into this stuff.

>> No.1368225 [DELETED] 

>t. shekelsteinberg

>> No.1368227 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 1000x1000, spencer condenser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ding ding ding!
here's your prize

>> No.1368232 [DELETED] 

death will save you, sheep

>> No.1368266

The trick is to build big bunker. Also hide another bunker butted against it. Tell nobody

>> No.1368272

>Faraday Cage
>Protecting from radiation
No. Most RF radiation, but not the radiation that matters: ionizing radiation. This includes fast neutrons and gamma rays. Alpha particles will be stopped by the earthen barrier and betas will be stopped by the steel enclosure. The other types of radiation. will fuck your shit up, leaving you a corpse in your very own metal coffin.

>> No.1368296

>not 5.56
git gud

>> No.1368302

Unless you're expecting to take a direct hit, overengineering for something so unprobable is just a waste of effort. You want protection from radioactive, chemical and in worst case biological fallout. Even a tornado-shelter-like wooden-frame dugout will do as long as you spend your time to have it hermetic with a proper filtration system.
It doesn't have to be particularly deep underground, nor does it need some awfully thick walls or anything. If you were so close to the posible ground zero that radiation burst could be a problem, then you're probably fucked with anything that you're able to build on your own.

Unless you have a military base right across the street or live in a downtown of a big city (you wouldn't have a place to build such a shelter then though), then anything you do will work as long as it adheres to the basic requirements stated above.

>> No.1368306

... You mean gamma rays? Okay nut there's only ever a short burst of those and although neutron bombs exist I thought they weren't widely used? You probably wouldn't have time to shelter from one anyway, that's the point.

You also couldn't cover a shipping container with enough dirt to shield from beta radiaton.

>> No.1368351

this is a sad realization anon

>> No.1368353

Sad, but true.

>> No.1368355

Nukes kill you and fry electronics. You need at least a few feet of dirt, but this would offer some protection to the electronics.

>> No.1368359

Radiation is adsorbed by the imitation crab meat layered between wooden pallets.

>> No.1368360

Russians and Americans shot each other recently. IN syria, because both of them are fucking around playing the military/political "i am not touching you" game. Due to the recent eyepoke (several hundred russians killed by usa) people are spooked that shit is going to happen and we will get another cold war or ww3.

Trump being a chump that thinks he is tough and Putin being a sneaky kgb fucker, that just worsens the situation.

>> No.1368362 [DELETED] 

that shits how trump got elected, bunch of chucklefucks got stirred up by Russian trolls.

>> No.1368379 [DELETED] 

You didn't know that mossad is behind all the chemical attacks in Syria? They are pissed we are ignoring the war they want us to fight.

>> No.1368380
File: 11 KB, 242x208, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been tempted to do this in my basement. I find it esthetic.

>> No.1368384

>still thinking trump won because of muh russians
Dude wtf? All he did was to call and appeal to people basic instincts, jobs, muh china boogeyman, muh wall, us first because fuck spending money overseas for nothing- These things were the key, not some russian plot, you give them too much credit or you, just like the mass media rely on that because you refuse to acknowledge that there are dozens of millions that actually prioritize this things rather than some progressive utopia. You can only push people so far until they snap, I know this is scary to admit to some but that's the truth, people are just tired

>> No.1368394 [DELETED] 

Ya, voter apathy was a major issue. Barely half the voters even bothered showing up. The russians contributed a fair bit to that by convincing people it was a no win situation so why bother. I highly doubt Hillary could do worse than trump, though to be fair I think a literal tree stump could do a better job than trump.

>> No.1368400
File: 995 KB, 385x175, tumblr_mljdttTn8B1qb0ixoo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buried alive
Buried alive....

>> No.1368416
File: 430 KB, 1400x1120, 1518998704115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1368420

>(several hundred russians killed by usa)

>> No.1368421


from the current CIA director and possible secretary of state.

>> No.1368425

Have you heard the good news of our Lord and savior, the shipping container?

>> No.1368434 [DELETED] 

Hillary literally promised to go to war with Russia off the bat.

She was going to establish airbsuperioirty in Syria to help the rebels amd that involves shooting down a bunch of Russian jets with Russian officers in them.

>> No.1368444 [DELETED] 

>President Trump’s nominee to serve as Secretary of State confirmed Thursday that “a couple hundred Russians were killed” by U.S. forces in Syria earlier this year. - so says the head of the CIA

It looks like the result was the same regardless of the candidate.

>> No.1368446 [DELETED] 

Indeed. We are being ruled by tyrants but he was a better chance

>> No.1368452 [DELETED] 

Of what?
He has spent like 40% of his time golfing, 30% of his time failing at trying to do stupid shit, 20% making the republicans look bad and the other 10% playing sock puppet.

The only ones he gives a better chance to are the russians.

>> No.1368456

those were mercs, not official soldiers

>> No.1368457

...that changes thing how?

>> No.1368472

>semite apologist
>would burry container
Brainlet hello

>> No.1368489
File: 86 KB, 1131x801, Capadature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1368490


Its to be build in your basement.

>> No.1368491
File: 117 KB, 1100x799, Captzzdfure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot pic

>> No.1368500 [DELETED] 


>The russians contributed a fair bit to that by convincing people it was a no win situation so why bother.
Or you know, people could have just not liked either of the main candidates on offer or their runner-ups. I know you're an idiot that's prone to fall for the most obvious of propaganda, but not everything is a Cold War era Russian plot.

>> No.1368511 [DELETED] 

>He has spent like 40% of his time golfing, 30% of his time failing at trying to do stupid shit, 20% making the republicans look bad and the other 10% playing sock pup
Which makes me wonder why the Democrats were so myopic as to not see this as a possibility for 8 years, when Obama basically did the same shit (albeit making the Democrats look bad when they basically continued all of Bush's policies after protesting and being against them for years along with all those scandals like the him giving aid to the FSA (an Al-Qaeda affiliate) , the NSA scandal, Fast & Furious,etc.) and even GWB did it as well. It's like the left should have followed through on that whole checks and balances thing after Bush left office so that this couldn't happen again, but Black Jesus was elected so everything was magically alright then now that a steaksalesman they don't like is President. Also, stop with this Alex Jones tier Russian conspiacy theory. It's some of the dumbest shit and literally the most obvious case of post-election salt I've ever seen, just like when the Republicans called Obama a Leninist Kenyan Muslim that's destroying US democracy when he was elected. This is why there ought to be more than 2 parties in American politics or even better, none since why should a private political corporation have representation in gov't but not me?

>> No.1368515

Mercs aren't soldiers for a specific country dipshit, they fight for pay. In other words, it's not like we killed a Russian regular army soldier, we killed a private contractor who won a bid to fight for Russia. That's WHY Russia and others use Mercs, they're expendable.

>> No.1368518

Because WW3 doesn't start. Mercenaries are expendable and no one is going to fight over them if they die. Soldiers are a completely different story

>> No.1368526

early feel-good fallout shelter plans were dreamed up when people thought that a nuclear war would be a couple dozen Fat Man/Little Boy bombs pockmarking cities here and there. People were worried about a bit of falling debris for the first couple minutes and mildly radioactive dust after that.

Most of Civil Defense's mission was to keep people from panic. One way to do that was to get them to believe some cinderblocks stacked in their suburban basement would save them.

>> No.1368558

Why is this on /diy/?

>> No.1368722

>.223 inches
>being something other than 5.56mm
>prefers to use metric
It's all right if you don't America, just admit to it.

>> No.1368727 [DELETED] 

>This is why there ought to be more than 2 parties in American politics or even better, none since why should a private political corporation have representation in gov't but not me?
OK, you don't into game theory. Time for some explanation. There are two relevant parties in the US because of the way elections work. The candidate with the most votes wins. Meaning that if there is more than one opposition party, the vote gets split, and the incumbent wins. The only dynamically stable arrangement is two parties that go after different ends of some relevant political spectrum. If one party screws up royally, it gets quickly replaced by a new party, as happened when the Republicans came onto the scene shorty before the Civil War. Changing this dynamic would require a Constitutional amendment to change the way elections work, in order to make less popular parties viable. Systems where voters select multiple options according to their order preference, and these are combined to give a winner somehow, for example.

As for why political parties are dominant strategies, bloc voting works. In a political system without parties, the first party that forms steamrolls everyone else because they can actually organize people to vote together for a particular goal, which can easily overwhelm individual efforts that are not unified in a particular direction. And you can't prevent political parties in a free society, because people are free to communicate with each other about what they want, and organize to select candidates to represent their interests. There are naturally better and worse ways to do it, but preventing political parties takes a unified group in power to enforce it. That is, a single-party state.

>> No.1368798


oooh i know, but as a civilian what else can you easily do.. Guess u could change it for concrete, put in a blast door and some kind ventilation. And then proceed to coat the exterior with some lead stuff.

>> No.1368802

Wow you're smart. What did you study to know so much about game theiry, gee I wish I could learn as much as you. Do you have a blog.

>> No.1368803 [DELETED] 
File: 1.55 MB, 460x5212, 1466505263210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth will set you free. Quit covering your eyes like a damn ostrich.

>> No.1368805
File: 1.06 MB, 1103x946, diagram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1368807

Lead isn't some magic radiation proof stuff, it is just dense.

What stops radiation is mass. Hydrogen is just as good as lead for blocking radiation. Problem is you need a fuckhuge volume of hydrogen to get the same mass As lead. So if you are building something where size matters you choose lead. If you are building something where cost matters you just use dirt.

>> No.1368808

case and point

>> No.1368852

Has there ever been research into underwater nuclear shelters?

Water is really good for stopping radiation, so if you could live in the bottom of a lake for a week or two you'd be more or less safe.

You wouldn't be under the same pressure as deep-water habitats, so I wonder if you could get by with positive-pressure inflatable habitats.

>> No.1368860


unless you're a US congresscritter, you'll be above ground for the initial strikes. sure, you can take your iodine pills to protect your thyroid, but you'll still be exposed to fallout like Strontium 90 and Cobalt 60 a week or two later. ingested dust of radioactive isotopes will be with you for the rest of your life.

>> No.1368864


>> No.1368867

duck and covhurrr

>> No.1368869
File: 2.02 MB, 3264x2448, 20180415_165339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't allready have a government issued one with 1.5 m thick concrete walls, an air filter for nuclear, chemical and biological hazards complete with a toilet and gas masks

Lmaoing @ ur soon to be nuked life

>> No.1368870

"And now I know,"

"And knowing is half the battle!"

>> No.1368871

I got security, Son. It's not an IT it's a Whom. God, son, my Security is YHWH. So have fun with your Saturday Morning doohickey care of Mr Wizard's World.

>> No.1368875 [DELETED] 

everyone fucking knows that, (((sperg)))

>> No.1368885

more pics?

>> No.1368892

Anon, WW3 is in full motion already. It's just not fought with conventional weapons.
It's fought with immigration, indoctrination and destruction from within. Splitting the population of a nation from within is way easier than just dropping bombs everywhere.

Bombs are reserved for third world countries.

>> No.1368927
File: 288 KB, 578x1240, Culvert Shelters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest one of these on these sites:


Personally, I'd have the outside and inside sprayed with truck bed liner. Then on the inside sprayed with 4-6 inches of spray foam insulation then another layer of truck bed liner. Only then would it be completely water proof and rust proof while providing a fair amount of insulation from the cold ground. You can also install a geothermal heat pump to cool/heat the inside as needed. You can even encase it in concrete if you wish.

While you can manufacture these yourself, keep in mind that they are still really expensive and require that you have the equipment to make them and the skills to do it correctly. If you do it incorrectly, you and other people can be harmed or die when it collapses. Merely digging the holes itself can be a deadly affair if you don't know what you are doing.

>> No.1368992

What the hell are you talking about? There haven't been in Russia/US KIAs in Syria, asshole.

>> No.1369009 [DELETED] 

>enough idiots out there who can't think for themselves

Yeah, its harmful. But if people start looking through the anti-Semitic bullshit and seeing it for what it is, they might start looking at the other side as well. And realize that we really don't have much skin in either side of this fight.

>> No.1369011 [DELETED] 

It's a game of good cop/bad cop.

The Federal government is like a whorehouse. And we just pick a new piano-player every four years.

>> No.1369023
File: 92 KB, 1280x721, Cloverfield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder how many grils have been abducted because war has given people an excuse to buy a bunker
v jelly tbqh

>> No.1369026
File: 578 KB, 554x523, 1512248649779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So this is it? The spillover reached /diy/? I was away for a few months, when did this happen?

Fucking hell I used to love this board, most users here were always relatively intelligent, well-spoken, had practical knowledge in the board's field of interest and were often civil during argument - the complete opposite of most boards and especially /pol/. I assumed since /diy/ requires actually doing something productive that /pol/tards won't have any interest in coming over, guess I was wrong.

>> No.1369029

the world is /pol/ now
get used to it nerd

>> No.1369036


>> No.1369038 [DELETED] 

seriously, that looks comfy as fuck. Are they cheap? I'd buy a few of those and bury them with windows facing outward and turn that doomsday bunker into a hobbit home!!

>> No.1369039
File: 168 KB, 1429x1022, e53dbdbec2032afb666179ee6244cee4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously, that looks comfy as fuck. Are they cheap? I'd buy a few of those and bury them with windows facing outward and turn that doomsday bunker into a hobbit home!!

>> No.1369042

>the world is /pol/ now
Contrary to what you must feel a 4chan echo-chamber board is not the entire world, son.

>> No.1369043

Go check this >>1368502
And be aware that it's highly likely a bunch of NWF larpers trying to build an "ethnostate" community

>> No.1369172


>laughs in swiss

>> No.1369175

actually, he's right. most of the Ivans in Syria now are officially not there. I assume it is very similar on the US side.

basically, you've got a bunch of people in our government with a centuries old blood feud who would like to kick Ivan out of the middle east completely, and that means destroying the only decent countries there that are left: Syria and Iran.

>> No.1369196
File: 5 KB, 112x112, 1506663358433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's WHY Russia and others use Mercs, they're expendable.
>you have choice ivan
>pay $3000 a day for single merc in dangerous place
>or pay 600 rubles a month for regular army soldier
>what choice ivan?

>> No.1369198

It always amazes me how you or whoever made that image put that edgy antinazi quote in there when the nazis were literally against everything that TV said in that image.
Makes you wonder if schlomo is attempting to misdirect you again even now.

>> No.1369202

>if we keed repeating it, we will change the past of 4chan and rewrite it as a place full of politically correct cucks that never dared to say the N word and sacrificed their lives to protect social justice
>just call everyone who is a meanie /pol/ spillover or the word for newcomer flavor of the month!
>we can make it happen redd*t, come on!

>> No.1369220

>we will change the past of 4chan and rewrite it as a place full of politically correct cucks that never dared to say the N word and sacrificed their lives to protect social justice

A decade ago 4channers were marching in the street against Scientology. The original social justice warriors anon. Those SJW stood for something different back then.

Poes law exists, you are living proof

>> No.1369235

>marching "against" scientology was a politically motivated move
Sorry, redditor, try again.
You can preach all you want, you'll only get the newcomers. We know what 4chan stood for and you can't change that.

>> No.1369242

>We know what 4chan stood for and you can't change that.

Please, tell us what 4chan stood for.
Before faggots starting marching in the street with stupid masks, the whole site was built upon anime and inside jokes. The whole point of the site was not taking itself seriously.

/b/ literally used to be about posting Azumanga Daioh and Lucky Star pictures and shopping hats onto kittens heads. Its YOU who has this skewed horse shit, arbitrary idea what this shit site "stood for" in the past.

>> No.1369269
File: 208 KB, 800x933, 1523745402840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are they cheap?

Cheaper than the rest, but it is still pretty expensive for a pipe in the ground.

>The spillover reached /diy/?

They intend to render 4chan unusable. There's a few groups with different agendas, but it is all the same shit. Then there's the people that are attracted to that who think the site is really all like that. Report and hide. Get 4chan-X and use its thread/post filter system. Once you filter it out, everything is like it always was.

>> No.1369273
File: 1.09 MB, 1831x2044, Az-8294-9_CEV_1024_02[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concrete culverts and utility vaults would be the way to go in my book. Relatively cheap, designed to be underground, easy to install since it's all precast.

Maybe something like this (pic related) then a round culvert transition and hatch that leads into a big box culvert bunker. For the box culvert, go with those U-shaped sections (where the top half and bottom half mirror each other and basically clamshell onto each other). They can span 14' and have interior heights of like 12'. Plenty of room for a false floor so you can have 2-3' of storage and plumbing/electrical/ducts underneath but not feel pressed up against the ceiling. And the box shape means less back fill to cover it than the round ones.

I know they make sections with "doorways" to connect rows of culverts together. You can several very big rooms connected. So at that point it's just a matter of budget and how big you want to go. The one thing I can't find is pricing. Every site I find wants to give you quotes.

>> No.1369274
File: 143 KB, 686x580, 9139_CA_CON_Box-Culvert-Split_011[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U-shaped box culvert sections.

>> No.1369287
File: 960 KB, 3264x1840, Hickories Park.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best pic I could find of a 12x12-ish culvert with people in it for scale.

>> No.1369296

You're gonna need some big equipment to put that in the ground.
I'd rather pour something specific at that point.

>> No.1369297

Box culvert/vault being installed.

>> No.1369299

Sure, it's /diy after all. For me, I'd rather have the precast parts set in place in one day. Then take my time doing what I want to it and buying it myself.

>> No.1369302

i worked at a place for a while that built telecom shelters. but i never saw any that were built to be placed underground. not sure i understand the point of it, and dumping all the heat from that backup generator must be a bitch.

>> No.1369328

>Every site I find wants to give you quotes.

Because the price will vary with the scope of the job. Two pieces will cost more per piece, delivered, than 12 pieces will cost per piece. Another option is to get plastic septic tanks. Buy a 2500 gallon one, with a profile that gives at least 6 feet of internal headroom. Rent a backhoe or Bobcat for a weekend, bury the tank, done. Add another the next time finances allow. Connect tanks with 48” or 54” diameter corrugated poly culvert sections. Advantage to this method is, you don’t need to start wiith a huge initial outlay.

>> No.1369333 [DELETED] 

There literally were no political parties when our nation was first formed so why the fuck are they suddenly relevant to governing and not the actual policies the candidate has, especially when it's that individual who will represent me, not his party?

>> No.1369334

They had brief heyday in the late 90s and early 2000s.

There's some crazy shit from the 70s too. Theres designs for like three or four story deep slc-96 enclosures that were subterranean.

>> No.1369366

You don’t need an underground one, unless you live within about 8 miles of a target. If you’re close enough that blast and radiation are a legit concern, ground shock would be a threat to a subterranean structure. If not outright collapse, then dislodging and jamming access points and utility runs.

All you need is to stay hunkered up indoors for about a month, then you should be able to go out again. Stock enough food, water, fuel, necessary meds, and entertainment to be able to do so. Also have a roll of 6 mil visqueen and a half dozen rolls of duct tape for draping and sealing your dwelling against fallout. Additionally, get a case of hepa hvac filters, any size, a couple of lengths of disposable accordion ducting, and some bedsheets and pillowcases. This all is for air filtration. The boxes some of this stuff comes in can be turned into plenums and filter mounts. To provide airflow, get 8 12 vdc computer fans. My experience is, a single car battery will run 8 fans for 72 continuous hours. A solar panel from a solar garden light will run 1 fan at half speed as long as there’s sunlight. Get 8 garden lights, cannibalize them, now you have daytime air handling. Get a couple of those jumper boost packs for nighttime ventilation, run the fans for about 3 hours a night, now you’re good to turtle up for a month or so. Finally, have a respirator with P-100 cartridges, nitrile gloves, a few Tyvek suits and shoe covers on hand for when you first go out. That’s when you’ll be doing your radiation survey with your Geiger counter. Everything I’ve listed is available on Amazon, for a lot cheaper than digging and stocking a hole.

Now, about nuclear targetting; current doctrine for all of the major nuclear powers leans toward counterforce strikes. That means the primary targets are nuclear weapons, or control nuclear weapons. Cities, dams, nuke power plants, most military bases, infrastructure, and logistics hubs aren’t likely first strike targets.

>> No.1369380


The reason for that is, non-nuclear targets don’t help win the immediate exchange. Countervalue targetting MIGHT come into play for a second or third strike scenario. All of this is assuming that Russia is the opponent of choice. They’re the only other nuclear power on the planet that can play in the MAD arena. The 2 other most likely opponents are China and NK, both of whom could hurt us but not kill us. While getting glazed like an ashtray by the retaliatory strike, btw.

Some myths- nuclear winter is highly improbable. Urban layout, and construction materials, don’t support firestorm genesis. Irradiated wastelands being impassable for centuries is flat out fiction. High energy means the radiation dies off rapidly. Long life means radiation levels just above background. Look at the immediate surroundings of Chernobyl for an extreme, irl example. You don’t want to take selfies with the Elephant’s Foot, but it’s no longer guaranteed fatal if you do so.

EMP- HEMP isn’t going to instantly fry everything electronic. However, there’s a very good chance it’ll cook significant portions of all 3 of our national power grids. Transmission lines are at greatest risk due to their length. Anything plugged in and turned on has a decent chance of getting spiked. Plugged in/turned off, better chance of survival, unplugged will probably be unscathed. Depending on a lot of variables, cars will probably survive. Might have to be restarted, and might run poorly for a few miles while the ECM reboots.

Chemical weapons- those are tactical, not strategic. Highly unlikely to be used on civilian populations. Inb4 hurr durr Saddam and the Kurds, Assad and his own people- both of those were tactical uses, which amply illustrate the problems and inefficiencies inherent in chemical warfare.

Ok, I think that covers most of the Hollywood bullshit surrounding nuclear war. I’ll shut up now.

>> No.1369423 [DELETED] 

First past the post was a mistake

>> No.1369432

5.56 NATO is different from .223 Rem. Different powder loads.

>> No.1369457

get a load of this noob

>> No.1369505

It's almost as if some people still don't understand the President is just a figure head and really has no power.

>> No.1369615

>muh safe space

>> No.1369619
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>98% of preppers dont have filters to take the large dust particles of earlie stage nukedom
>most just buy some gimmick hepa filter
>most preppers will suffocate before the filters do anything

If you are outside the blast zone you are better off with propper filters in an above ground bunker. Underground is only efficient if you can breath.

How did YOU guys solve this problem?

>> No.1369681

What filters do you recommend for fallout?

>> No.1369691

Wanting to talk about DIY on the /diy/ board and getting retarded /pol/ memes isn't desire for safe space you nigger.

>> No.1369739

Some sort of multi-stage filter system--settling traps, oil bath primary filters, down to a final hepa.
Wouldn't be a fun task to unclog such a mess, but the idea could be refined

>> No.1369743

Saved. I had an unhealthy obsession with browsing that board 2yrs ago. And I can say almost every bullet pt on there is true. And now im working to fix myself, pt by pt. Thanks for posting that anon.

>> No.1369749

Can I modify a shipping container to work like this? It's basically the same shape, just cut a hole in the top at both ends for entry/circulation.

>> No.1369816

Shipping containers aren't meant to bear weight on the top of the container, so you'd have to reinforce it.

>> No.1369855

Make sure you get a fucking tetanus shot before getting into one of these

>> No.1369858

More details, pics please!

>> No.1369869

>brackets on the outside
Use the wrench to hit yourself in the balls, bruder

>> No.1369874

What weight? I'm putting it underground not sitting on it.

>> No.1369876

Why did he turn into herbert the pervert at the end?

>> No.1369877

Can't remember what movie it was, something from the 1990's (possibly 80's) and it was some young popular actor like a Corey Haim, but he had a bunker in his back/front yard that seemed to be a former sewer that was blocked off. Movie wasn't a drama or anything ominous but like a comedy or someshit. Decorated like a bedroom with skater, music, chick posters and shit. Thought that was cool.

>> No.1369880

You fucking ignoramus.
The weight of the dirt on top of the container. The weight of the dirt on the sides of the container. Shipping containers are not made to withstand the pressure from all that weight. it will collapse (the side walls and ceiling) within itself over time.

>> No.1369881

The dirt is outside the container you moron.

>> No.1369884

Really? I just assumed you buried a shipping container in the ground only to fill it with dirt to you know, preserve that dirt in case of SHTF so that you can, what- eat it? Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Because I'm retarded, and haven't figured out your stupid bait.

>> No.1369886

Well, you know what they say about assumptions.

>> No.1369892

Anon, I...

>> No.1369925

Actually having not Radioactivet top soil to grow your food in is really important to surviving the first five years.

>> No.1369938

Awww shit it's bunker bro back from the dead

>> No.1370073

No, that's a plain old Swiss basement bunker. You can tell by the characteristic yellow wrench. But maybe we can summon Bunkerbro...

>> No.1370102

>There literally were no political parties when our nation was first formed
Because political parties aren't very relevant for colonies of monarchies. Washington won the presidency unopposed through universal acclaim for his leadership in the revolution, and voluntarily gave it up after his second term. Every single following president was elected as the candidate supported by one political party or another, for the clear and overwhelming reason I explained above.

>> No.1370148
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Whoops, forgot about this thread.
This is the whole bunker, designed for six people, 5x2.5m.

>> No.1370151
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This is the door, 30cm thick iron-infused concrete(or whatever you call when there are iron beams inside the concrete).
The wench is to open the door if it jams and general post-apoc survial, alltough I'd note that these bunkers were never designed for the scenario of switzerland getting nuked directly, so it's fallout protection and not blast protection.

>> No.1370154
File: 2.17 MB, 3264x2448, 20180417_155353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The air filter system is powered by a motor but can be opetated manually by putting a handle on that metal rod sticking out. One filter theorethically lasts for one month filtering air with mild to medium nuclear pollution.

>> No.1370155
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More filter for you

>> No.1370157
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This is the "toilet". Basically a barrel with a lid on it. Imagine the smell.

>> No.1370161

> inside clearance 6 foot

DIY manlette pit.

>> No.1370168
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>mountain jews masterrace
Muh fucking dick, anon.

>> No.1370177

Different chamber geometry.

>> No.1370266

Different headspace

>> No.1370303

Are there any good resources on draping and sealing my dwelling? Do you just close off a small subsection of your structure? Is it sufficient to seal it up from the inside or do you need to go outdoors and cover the crawl space vents as well?

>> No.1370359
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>imagine the smell

>> No.1370519

I like this.
>all this buried in a small hill or maybe laid out on the ground, then buried to make a man-made hill
>1st level down from the hatch is like an antichamber
>2nd level down is like a ready room and storage
>hatch to a big hub
>connections to the hub lead to 3 other box culvert sections like "halls"
>hall for sleeping, broken up into smaller rooms with bunks, etc
>hall for eating and living
>hall for storage and maybe a garage
>garage extends to the hillside and ends in a culvert entrance

How do you bury/hide the garage entrance, I wonder.

>> No.1370600

Shorter lede

>> No.1370601

Surprisingly, FEMA might have some good resources on the topic.

>> No.1370684
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let's see what /diy/ can come up with!

free software to make some designs: http://www.sweethome3d.com/

>> No.1370698
File: 105 KB, 650x349, k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roughly you can make something quite fast and easy with this. once you actually want detailed changes it simply suck. well, since it's free is still okay, I guess.

>> No.1370967


My only question is this: How do I convert to Judaism and get one of these bunkers?

>> No.1371092

Marry a jewess they might give your wife one.

>> No.1371105


Fuck! I'm broke. No way to marry a Jewess unless you've got money. Not even being antisemitic either.

>> No.1371303

do not, DO NOT, bury a fucking shipping container, it is not going to work, the fucking thing will buckle and you'll be out a lot more money but now with a useless hunk of metal in your backyard.

use you brain, anything you put in the ground is going to have to meet the same standards as anything else you put in the ground.

would you put in a basement without proper drainage and foundation? of course you wouldn't.

if you must have a budget bunker look into things that are either meant to be buried or realize that for the money you'll be spending before a shipping container is prepared to be used as a bunker is very near that of a purpose build shelter.


>> No.1371348

what about anti anti semites

>> No.1371351

Move into dark bunker for months
Listen to bitching and crying, fight over food and water. Crap in a bucket
People find you and plug ventilation shaft
Suffocate, food and bunker for lunatics

>> No.1371352

Amen brother.

>> No.1371356

>3 dudes
>2 beds

>> No.1371368

One is always on alert.

>> No.1371369

>Listen to bitching and crying
with an echo

>> No.1371373

>Faraday cage protecting from radiation

>> No.1371374


>> No.1371375

you don't need to stay 2 months down there. a few days is enough as fallout loses 99% of its potency after 2 days.

>> No.1371384

>fallout loses 99% of its potency after 2 days
I'll take radiation half life for 500 Alex

>> No.1371390

No, it's true. The fallout consists of a multitude of isotopes and many of the them have very short half-lifes.
Too bad the remaining 1% can still be a significant health hazard.

>> No.1371391

What if lined in lead?

>> No.1371392

Are you actually serious or is this a blatant troll post?

>> No.1371394

...you cant even cover a shipping container with enough dirt to cover the shiping container.

Fun fact. And i will get pics soon. Fucking trailer park near me stacked dirt around one for a tornado shelter.

>> No.1371395

Russia ia our autistic little brother. You feal bad not letting him pkay with you, but again, he is autistic as fuck. So u let him do his stupid shit and once in a while you gotta smack the shit out if him.

Putin's a cuck and isa is his wifes bull.

>> No.1371396



Wow anon. This is /diy. Can you please fuckoff back to /pol so we can plan our gravesites?

>> No.1371397

Brick room inside your basement? A foot of dead air or insulation should make your rapecave sound proof.

Please no brick roof... F

>> No.1371399 [DELETED] 

This. Faggots in 3rd world countries been mirdering each other while we slap the shit out of them my entire life.

Pack our shit, improve life in america, let the cucks murder each other, when the biggest group rises to power we slaughter those faggots. Turn those deserts into lake front property with pumpjacks in the back yard and free natural gas.

>> No.1371401
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>> No.1371412

We should of wiped em all out when we nuked the Nips

>> No.1371452

It was confirmed 9 russian mercenaries of Vagner, or Vargner group along with 70 or something SAA tribal forces near Dier Ezzor

>> No.1371465


spiegel reporters were there
the number of dead russian mercenaries is 9 or less

>> No.1371485


>> No.1371562 [DELETED] 
File: 784 KB, 899x899, 33114467-724E-4FD3-AD03-F4FC32CB021F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh Russian trolls

I wonder (((who))) is behind this post.

>> No.1371593

In Germany?

>> No.1371600

even a mongoloid could tell there's something nasty going on when he sees a hatch a chimney and a dildo in the middle

>> No.1371662

except that they weren't, just like Ukraine, they were "vacationing soldiers" that were magically turned into "mercs" so Russia could save face and go all "whatever bro I don't even care" while seething the whole time

Trump is a fucking idiot, Putin is a piece of shit, but they will never, I repeat, NEVER launch any nukes. Never ever

There is no money to be made in rubble and nuclear winter. There is no more Russian nationalism or Murican hate or fear against the ruskies, both sides are ran by Oligarchs and/or corporations, aka Money. Conventional war used to be a money maker, but a Russia vs Burgerland war will NEVER be conventional, it will be nuclear. And it will never happen

>> No.1371830

where is the toilet?

>> No.1371833

Bunkers = Fear mongering Retards $$$

>> No.1371919

what >>1371303 was trying to say was that shipping containers were designed to only support weight above it if it was concentrated through its four corners. Unfortunatly, the roof itself is not strong enough to carry that much dirt, unless it is buried 1-2 inches deep, which clearly won't do in the event of nuclear holocaust. If you really had your heart set on making a roof, perhaps one could design another roof designed to keep the dirt off the top of the shipping container, while concentrating its weight on the four corners. Honestly, i suppose it would be easier to design the bunker yourself.

>> No.1371922

the only thing stopping you is your financial ability to gather that much lead, annon.

>> No.1371923
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Note: The 2x6 is CRUCIAL when doing shipping container bunkers.

>> No.1372198

Its a fake rumor anyway, russians got involved in ukraine when they choked that pocket Debiltesovo, i remember seeing yakuts, dagestanis and chechens riding russian, not ukrainian, russian 72s.
Before that everyone knew there were specialists, advisors and volunteers from russia and not only russia.
Ukrainians made a big fuss over nothing, they brought all that shit on themselves.
I know the Zone as well, i know what im talking about

>> No.1372236


So how much dirt would be needed to survive somewhat close to a nuke?

>> No.1372241


You anons reckon i could reinforce some old oil tanks and pour cincrete around them a couple feet thick? Pretty much just throw like 10 in a hole and use them for the form? 99% of the time the bottom sits on thr ground and rots. No matter with concrete floor.... green is fiberglass saltwater tank. (Fun fact. Saltwater all over Kansas and Oklahoma. Probablybevery state.)

Tanks very in size but the easy accessable ones are best guess 10 foot diameter and 10 foot tall?

>> No.1372242
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You anons reckon i could reinforce some old oil tanks and pour cincrete around them a couple feet thick? Pretty much just throw like 10 in a hole and use them for the form? 99% of the time the bottom sits on thr ground and rots. No matter with concrete floor.... green is fiberglass saltwater tank. (Fun fact. Saltwater all over Kansas and Oklahoma. Probablybevery state.)

Tanks very in size but the easy accessable ones are best guessm 10 foot diameter and 10 foot tall?

>> No.1372244

>muh rock i live under

>> No.1372247

4 chan x????

Is a app? Am degenerate phone poster and every fucking week 4cuck fucks my fikters and deletes them all

>> No.1372248

Took me a lot longer than it should have.


>> No.1372249

Nah. Just buy an old junk backhoe for $4,000. Get an extended boom for the hoe and fill the bucket with pump jack weights or wtf ever.

>> No.1372250

Because thr faggot fucking demorats and libcucks all want free shit for nothing.

>> No.1372251

That's what the jerry cans are for.

>> No.1372255

That wastes way too much space for couch & tv area

>> No.1372257

Price an 8 footer...

>> No.1372261

He doesn't camoflauge his air pipe by setting a fake tree. Around here ceder is perfect. Nobody is gonna get balls deep in a ceder tree for no reason. As long as it is in an inconvenient spot to chop for firewood. Hide a motion sensor camera.

He doesnt run a sewer line and run slighly filtered well water or slightly filtered pond water to shit comfortably. Light a match...

>> No.1372273

Here in Finland all pre 1990 appartment buildings have (nuclear) bomb shelters.Plus in most cities there are huge underground bomb shelters build a few meters under the granite. Most of them are fitted to hold small military units as well.

>> No.1372288

Working on it 1 pound at a time.

Cast bullets, sinkers, etc. Buy scrap lead for peanuts. Use profits from all sales to increase production and buy more lead. $2.50 a pound atm. $5,000 a ton. Maybe sub $2 a pound if i buy a 44,000 pound $110,000 semi load and borrow a truck.

>> No.1372331

Lol no

Neutron radiation doesn't give a fuck about your lead lining

>> No.1372356

8 Chemical toilet

>> No.1372517

Yeah, so think about that. If something has a half life of a few hours, it's breaking down and spitting out radiation all the fucking time. If it's got a half life of 10,000 years. It's going to breakdown once in the history of civilization.

Don't forget all this radioactive shit came out of the ground originally mang.

>> No.1372571

The good thing is that if it doesn't interact with an inch or two of lead, it probably won't interact with you either.

>> No.1372589

>who give a shit about some blok in Austria we in Britain amrite guys
>we in USA who cares.

>> No.1372599
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Bout this much

>> No.1372618

You ought to start digging in your basement
You also have to learn as much as you can, how long the fallout will last and when to get out of the hole
You have to know how to bring clean air and water into the hole and what to do with your shit and piss
Only the underground dwellers will survive a real nuclear exchange meaning the human body and mind will change forever

>> No.1372628

if you can fuck off for a full year after a nuclear attack your odds of surviving are around 100% according to the US govt.

that scales too, half a year of self sufficiency and you have pretty good odds of surviving the famine, fallout, etc.

>> No.1372630

Russian shills gtfo /diy/ no politics here.

>> No.1372718
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took me a while to learn (1 week) had to find and install a lot of add on's for measures and stuff but then it became fairly easy to use, a lot of libraries to get stuff into your project too, my cpu is pretty shit though and i hear it making noises every time i even turn around the project let alone when i add things in

>> No.1372727 [DELETED] 

Για το πέος είναι

>> No.1372842

>seconds before the bomb hits you get an alert on your phone
>miraculously make it to underground shelter
>it's the big one, 2000 warheads
>survive the local blast
>no communication with outside world
>spend a full year inside tiny concrete cell
>just enough supplies, air quality is terrible, no sunlight, water must be rationed
>finally you believe enough time has passed
>exit shelter with ptsd and/or some form of solitary confinement madness, suffering from scurvy and vitamin d deficiency
>everything is destroyed, including your house
>everyone you ever knew is dead
>no way of growing food, all water is irradiated
>gasoline and canned goods may last two more years but no electric grid
>now roaming wasteland, anyone you may encounter will be either military or a fellow bunker lottery winner
>country will easily be invaded by foreign government, survivors will be POWs
>spend the rest of your life eating a bowl of radioactive rice a day in a prisoner camp
why the fuck would anyone want to survive?

>> No.1372846

buy an old salt mine.
fortify it
Build a proper ventilation system with filter etc.
Build a well inside.
Make the electricity generators durable. like wind, solar....heat etc.

>> No.1372847

>you have a point
but you do realize not every location on earth is a target for Nukes?
i would most likely survive a nuclear attack on my country simply because im removed so far from the most strategically important targets.
and more than likely they wont attack my country because its so strategically important.

War isnt about destruction its about gaining more power and wealth.
What use is it to conquer Moscow if you have to abandon it soon after?

Your view of Nuclear War is too apocalyptic.

>> No.1372849

>but you do realize not every location on earth is a target for Nukes?
yes i accidentally left out the part where i was going to specify in the USA
>Your view of Nuclear War is too apocalyptic.
it's the worst case scenario

>> No.1372850
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also why is it that so many want a shelter and never mention filling it with BOOKS

i mean the main reason African countries are so shit is because they lost all the knowledge of agriculture and what not when they kicked out the white educated population.

>> No.1372853

Nobody on the planet that is in power can be a mad man.
If others see you are suicidal they'll kill you before you can do anything to threaten/endanger their lives.

>> No.1372855

>Nobody on the planet that is in power can be a mad man.

>> No.1372859

you lol.
but they killed kennedy because they thought his pursuit for peace with the russians would be the end of the americans.

>> No.1372867

Nazis were literally the first ones to use television for widespread propaganda, you cousinfucking trailer park /pol/ idiot

>> No.1372871

TVs werent used as much as Movie Theaters though.

>> No.1372919

That's not the danger of neutron radiation

Neutrons are very volatile and break down after a given amount of time to release massive amounts of energy

Since they don't interact with anything except impacting a nucleus, it be means the only way to shield against it, is to make something thick enough that it can slow the neutrons down enough to break down before reaching you.

In nuclear reactors, this is hundreds of thousands of gallons of water along with 10ft thick heavily reinforced concrete

>> No.1372927

You can export your settings in a URL. Doesn't it save filters?

>Assuming there will be a government left to take you as POW

>> No.1373135

How is that even relevant to what I said? I didn't know redditors were this retarded.

>> No.1373768
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try Yellowstone, if Yellowstone blows the entire US is fucked.

If I truly sense WWIII is on its way Im moving to NZ where I can chill with Kea. Even if im dying or on my deathbed, seeing those little fuckers play with things and letting out their famous KEYAA yell would put a smile to my face.

>> No.1373775

>TFW actually red green colorblind

WHY you do this to me anon

>> No.1374607

Why is there always a Gibs in there stealing shit.

>> No.1374611

last time I visited "oldsaltminesforsale.com" there were so many to choose from I couldn't decided and ended up with a shipping container.

How lucky was my cousin, he decided to buy the closest one to his home for $200. Now the salt has leached into the water table and 5 million residents are suing him. Looks like he may also be charged with corporate manslaughter, a few people dies from salty water related deaths.

>> No.1374782
File: 69 KB, 602x441, main-qimg-49fa5fb1c150a8cd8a30d2cc33bded09-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1375416

>>pay $3000 a day
as if

>> No.1375528

>Lead isn't some magic radiation proof stuff
That's where you are wrong kiddo.

>> No.1375529

make sure to leave only one entry way inside so no radiation don't get in. any "breathing pipes" will just let radiation in. air will always find a way. don't listen to that libral bullshit.

>> No.1375532

he's still right though

>> No.1375533

>cu chi tunnels
Even though they were extremely prone to collapse? Vietcong tunnels barely survived conventional blasts. What makes you think they'll survive nuclear ones?

>> No.1375605

>2000 warheads
>turns entire country into nuclear wasteland
>significant radioactivity after a year

Please stop getting your information from videogames.

>> No.1375606

My Vietnamese wife's cu chi tunnel survives my blasts nightly.

>> No.1375620

fallout shelters and bomb shelters are never constructed to protect against direct blasts. maybe what you're talking about is a military bunker? turns out letting the CIA train arabs in civil engineering just makes them build heavily fortified underground bunkers.

>> No.1375625
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Link to Old 1980 UK Government guide on building shelters RRP 50p: http://www.atomica.co.uk/shelters/main.htm

In the article they refer to the thickness of materials and the radiation absorbance

>> No.1375960 [DELETED] 
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>The candidate with the most votes wins.
Oh you poor naive fool.

>> No.1376065
File: 592 KB, 1900x882, Screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yall know nukes ain't that big of a deal right? Making land uninhabitable/unfarmable and the long reaching effects of fallout is their biggest threat.


>> No.1376228
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> 2 months
I think you're forgetting something
> run out of air after six hours
> spend rest of eternity buried in an underground shipping container
> eventually get found and revived by space aliens

Heinlein, in "Farnham's Freehold", made some good points about what to stock in your shelter. Including tanks of compressed air or oxygen.

Dean Ing, in "The Rackham Files", also made some good points. Larry Niven's introduction to the most recent reprinting is well worth the read.

>> No.1376278

you see the smile on the guy just re-entering the bunkerm, he just took a crap outside

>> No.1376283 [DELETED] 

A majority of the Electoral College gets you the presidency. A plurality of a state gets you its electoral votes. Adding vote totals across states is irrelevant here because it isn't involved in the mechanisms of the election.

>> No.1376454

t. russians

>> No.1376526
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>no one will survive without shooting guns
>imblying thats a problem

Just gotta survive the blast and immediate fallout, and wait a while for the rain to wash some of the radioactive dust away. Then it's time for fun (even if i'll still get cancer in a decade)

>> No.1376527

No garage. Outhouse covers man door

>> No.1376600

Swiss detected

>> No.1376694

This is very underrated.

>> No.1376854

>Making land uninhabitable/unfarmable and the long reaching effects of fallout is their biggest threat.

If the fallout is energetic enough to be hazardous, it’s going to die down quickly. Look up the 7/10 rule. After 3 weeks or so, radiation levels will be down to slightly above background. Maybe twice what you get if you spend a lot of time flying.

>> No.1376953 [DELETED] 
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Jewish conspiracy.

>> No.1376964 [DELETED] 

I don't know what's that supposed to mean. That's normal when it happens in israel. The problem is that it happens on the USA and Europe too.

Is this the left attempting to meme?

>> No.1376983
File: 38 KB, 564x272, 280950ddcde56be4ac9ab43aa8a3bf45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use your car, or better still make a mobile bunker.

>> No.1377454

Injoi crude stonk and H2S death

>> No.1377469

Unless you drive a backhoe, that's a lot of digging

>> No.1377472

You're dumb

>> No.1377483

>build bunker underground to protect from radioactive hazards

This has always confused me.

>> No.1377548
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>WW3 is...
>when you're waiting to go all the way and Ivan, Kim and everyone else doesn't want to play war again

>> No.1378433

There is one of these a couple meters from me.
It's abandoned and once you get in a serious sense of claustrophobia sets in.

>> No.1378439
File: 41 KB, 900x352, thermal-shipping-container-type.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if you were to place a container on a concrete floor and once in place, fill it in place with a 2-3 inch concrete wall?