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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1352049 No.1352049 [Reply] [Original]

so me and some buds had the idea of making a horror flick with a budget of $200-$300 with minimal location limits (considering Florida's security along with my connections). I would like to know how to make some nice Funhouse practical effects. (not too much "paranormal activity" garbage)
>yknow demon hands, gore shit, bodily fluids, dead bodies, and a little bit of ghost shit.
along with some cool digital stuff I can do in post
>some real glitch shit
so far here's what I already know how to do
>stock motion
>audio editing
>reverse footage
>animation/fake turning transitioning
I'm using Windows Movie Maker, Audacity, (pirated) Photoshop, and Whatever free application I can get online or on phone.
I know how to layer, animate, lighting, and manual do tracking in Photoshop. And I can push audacity and movie maker pasted their novice limits.
Special on hand Props are.
>A shit ton of weapons, fake blood, a bunch of old electronics, fully illustrated demonic notebook, a disposable car, disposable television, 3 speakers, occult robes
If you know any cool movie magic tricks or have a crazy good idea I'd love to hear it.

>> No.1352157

If Chins Could Kill(by Bruce Campbell) had some good info on low budget effects from what I remember. Make Your Own Damn Movie is supposedly really good too but I haven't read it yet. Plumber's putty can be used to make fake wounds, scars, etc.

>> No.1352191

bretty cool, man, just remember that lighting and color balance are extremely important in setting the mood of the finished product
use a camera with very good dynamic range and store as close to raw sensor output as technology will allow. you'll appreciate the extra headroom in post
get a color grading plugin because WMM alone probably won't cut the mustard

>> No.1352192

Kill real people.

>> No.1352203

Make sure the movie is based on real events. There's a ton of horror movies no one has ever hear of. Most are cheesy and will never be seen. But everyone's heard of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre because it was based on a true story. Find a horrific real life event and make a movie out of it

>> No.1352402

Red dye and corn syrup. Best effects make use of their medium. Night Of The Living Dead 1968 manages to be creepy with minimal budget and making use of B&W. The "feast" scene where they are eating the remains of a survivor is actually BBQ, but the B&W accents the color of the sauce and gives a blood look.

Also this >>1352157

>> No.1352412

He's in Florida, all he needs is an AR and a school to do some filming in.

>> No.1352453

there's tons of youtube videos on this.

biggest issue with noob film is sound. sound check regularly and make sure you get good audio on your takes. use good microphones. editing sound in post production is impossible or you get shitty results, much easier to get it done right while filming.

>> No.1352799

>windows movie maker


>> No.1353224

You got an email OP? I make props for theatre (mainly horror themed, if you've ever heard of Knott's Scary Farm) professionally. I could help you out a bit.

>> No.1353264

Best possible way to make it a corny horror movie, film it on VHS, fuck any digital effects, but everything will be easier to hide and itll be more A U T H E N T I C

>> No.1353560
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Thanks for advice, also checked out plumbers putty it's surprisingly useful. I'll be buying some with my next paycheck
Thanks for the lighting advice anon it really helped with the later takes
I couldn't get away with the murders long enough to finish the film.
There's a known "cult" located in the woods we film in, the location is a source of childhood fear for one of our actors.
The BBQ thing is actually really cool and something I'm now deeply considering.
Audio balance has always been the root of my anxieties so I try to keep everything as balanced as possible.
I'm guessing you don't know how to work within limits.
>if I get doxed it's really my own fault
Alas I have no VHS equipment, Though I like your taste in aesthetics

>> No.1353933

no problem, glad to help
>kill real people
ikr damn cops telling the director when to CUT
most important is the dialogue since it's harder to lip sync in a later rerecording, so use a nice directional mic and get it closer to the talent. most of the rest can be assembled or even recorded in post (Foley isn't just a kind of catheter)
I trust you'll be spoiling us with a link to video once you've put it all together?

>> No.1353993

>not using a throw away unrelated to your irl
Anon what are you doing m8

>> No.1354011

ANON. THIS IS INTERESTING. I have shit i can bring to the table possibly. Donate time, bullshit, amo, raw footage, etc just to be included. 0 pay, only want in on it. I also am broke but i have ways to help. My perfect weekendis sub 2 stsr asylum cuds and my goal in life is a shit 1 liner on netflix. Give to me a fake email please and download the app telegram. Its similar to fv messanger bit not cucked and if yall make an account and list your login name with fake email we can turn notifications off and 24/7 shitpost amd share ideas

>> No.1355721

kombucha leather for skin

>> No.1356018

I'm also interested in helping OP, I've always wanted to make movies, especially silly horror B-movies, I don't know a lot about film production but my cousin is a film school grad who works for Lucasfilm so he could provide any needed info. My throwaway email is juliusebola999@gmail.com if you're interested OP

>> No.1356035

Red dye looks really stupid actually, but if you're not going for realism then transparent bright orangey red blood might be good.

Use cocoa powder, and add a tiny amount of green colouring along with the red to simulate real blood.

>> No.1358140

You need to ditch the fuck out of windows movie maker and get Davinci Resolve. Basic version is free, and it's a fully featured NLE and grading tool.

You should also think of things that are bizarre. Scary and bizarre. I'm glad you don't want to make more stupid body shock horror or found footage bullshit. Spend your time thinking of the best possible thing you can do with what you already have access to.

t. Cannes festival horror winner, no bullshit

>> No.1358509

Windows movie maker will not do what you want it to do. Just yarg a copy of Adobe Premier (and maybe After Effects). This will make your life a whole lot easier in my opinion. I am a bit biased towards Adobe products so I also recommend Audition. Hell, just get the full Adobe Suite.

t. someone who's paying full price for Adobe cc