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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 3.63 MB, 4608x3456, IMG_20180218_213201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1336327 No.1336327 [Reply] [Original]

Here's the thing; my girlfriend and I recently bought a house, before this we lived in my apartment where the rule was that I occasionally smoked. Now we decided there would be no smoking in the house except in my 'office' (I refuse to call it a 'mancave', it's a functional room with pc, printer etc., books and some colonial furniture I inherited). It's an old house with creases along the doors so the smoke odour is still very noticeable outside of the room, so I decided I wanted to ventilate it so the smoke doesn't get into the rest of the house. My first idea is to install rubber lamellae between in the creases of the door and there's a door inside of my office leading to a closet in which the central heating is housed. In there, there's one chimney pipe which isn't used, so I thought it would be an option to make a hole above this door and connect the chimney with that hole and put a ventilator in it.

What would you say are things I should pay attention to? Any suggestions? Maybe other/better options or possible problems?

>inb4 stop smoking

>> No.1336342

Stop smoking

>> No.1336360

smoking is for degenerates and smoking indoors will literally destroy your interior surfaces.
no matter how much you think you "enjoy" it. its is a disgusting and positively reaking stench that permeates everything

>> No.1336364

Add a window, install window fan blowing out. Don't make your room air tight or you'll die retard

>> No.1336394
File: 178 KB, 1446x1154, hrv03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't seal the room. You want to get the smoke out, not hold it in.

What do you have for air ducts? Supply registers or return registers?

You could actually have a HRV/ERV to bring in more fresh air from outside into the home. They are usually installed with an HVAC system but you can use them for a single room. Single room recovery ventilators are something to look at OP.
If you can afford it, get a HRV installed in the overall system. Fresh air is really important with these new homes being built now. Ventilation is a bitch and stagnant dirty air is harmful to the buildings' occupants. If you dont have one, ya fucking should; especially if you're going to be smoking. Your lungs are going to need all the help they can get.

I smoke cigars but I do it outside when i walk the dogs. Also im poor and have roommates.

>> No.1336409

What if it's not tobacco and just God's herb?

>> No.1336456


dont listen to these alcoholics

>> No.1336489

this is why people hate americans

>> No.1336630

Thanks, I'll look into it. I took a look and there's actually two 'empty' chimney pipes in the central heating closet, maybe I could fashion one into a supply duct and one into a return one, so I can keep a seal on the door without problems, keeping out even more of the smell. The problem then would be to place them far apart, otherwise not a lot of air would actually move.

>> No.1336643

the absolute state of smokers.

>vaping is healthier, smells good, doesnt make you cough
>can literally vape anything anywhere
>vape weed

you're living in the past gramps. you're killing your family and home value.

>> No.1336649
File: 61 KB, 960x960, gbYCsUK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally kill yourself.

>> No.1336653

i dont own a subraru so i cant be a vape king

>> No.1336654

>this is what vapers actually believe

>> No.1336821

I use a herb vape and it's awesome. More potent, doesn't smell, tastes like fresh carrots. Never going back to joints

>> No.1336823

Pee pee poo poo fart stink ass penis fuck bitch whore ass cunt shit fuck nigger

>> No.1336828

dont be a scummy piece of shit and smoke inside. you yellow everything and cover it in a thin layer of tar. this is especially worse in a confined area. it lowers resale value and makes it a hassle for whoever has to deal with that room next. dont be a selfish shit. if you want to kill yourself, go outside. or into a garage if you have one

>> No.1336835

>don't be a selfish shit
It's my house, I can be as selfish as I please

And ffs, I explicitly stated that I'm not looking for 'advice' like yours. If you don't care to give an answer, just ignore or hide the thread. You can shitpost on /b/

>> No.1336842

there are cigarette smoke air purifiers

>> No.1336865

You’re decor is shit. I know what you were going for, but none of it ties together. Paint the walls or something ffs.

>> No.1336868

This is easy. You need an air purification system for the room.

Something like a rabbit air, Google it. This is exactly what it was designed for.


>> No.1336888


lol well aren't you one pretentious motherfucker. Typerwriters and old cameras and shit. That room is dumb and you're dumb for smoking in it but it's okay because you probably don't have any friends that will ever see the inside of it.

>> No.1336893

>Hating on fixing old stuff
>On /diy/

Jesus Christ you're sad. Go be a friendless poorfag somewhere else

True, I just moved in. I have grand plans for the room, but I can't very well put my scarce time into a hobby project when there's things like a kitchen, living room and a bathroom to be done, so it'll have to wait for now. I think I'll raise the ceiling so it goes all the way to the top of the roof, get some dark hardwood + grandfather's Persian rug as a floor and dark wooden panels for the walls up until waist level and some Dutch East Indies themed wallpaper something above it. I saw some dried palm leaf wall covering in an indonesian restaurant once, but that's one of those things that just has to work or become fuck ugly

>> No.1336902
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>> No.1336904
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Nah fixing old stuff is great. Being a pretentious dingbat with a smoking room full of old trinkets is what I'm talking about.

>> No.1336905
File: 62 KB, 480x640, P1070196copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just dont understand anon, a lot of that stuff is from my youth. Stop hating what you dont understand.

>> No.1336909

I've been trying to get my GF to vape. If she doesn't taste the smoke she swears she isn't getting high.

>> No.1336920

If the room has negative pressure you dont need to seal the doors. Just suck enough air out of the room. When i was a pot smoking teenager i would just put a box fan in the window facing out of my room. Worked great, mom never knew.

>> No.1336955

You’re the fucking man who owns the house. You don’t need a man cave. The house is your man cave bro

>> No.1337002

stop smoking

>> No.1337004

They're not trinkets, they're functional items I took pleasure in restoring to working order, something you'll probably never understand. I'm sorry your most valuable possession is a used car battery, but that doesn't mean you have to be a dick about others having nice stuff.

I'm 26

Thanks, I'll go for the wall ventilator option then. I'll have to tackle those door creases none the less though, the wall has sagged a bit so the doorway is basically a parallelogram (it's an old house)

>> No.1337040

Take a pic. Ive got no idea what you're talking about. That might have been for a natural draft appliance.

>> No.1337043

D e g e n e r a t e
>smoking herbal jew ever
Inb4 triggered stoners

>> No.1337047

If your just sealing the door to the rest of the house and you have at least a window then it won't be airtight and you don't need return air, i think your original idea, put a decently powerful, quiet air blower and shove all the smoke up a chimney, a little air flow will greatly cut down on any accumulation of smoke on surfaces, naysayers are faggots.

>> No.1337065

He'll die anyway, sooner if he doesn't stop smoking.

>> No.1337098

Good goy, listen to your government. Drugs are bad, m'kay.

>> No.1337137

Tell her to stop being a faggit then suck her dick

>> No.1337145

I listen to facts. Look how retarded stoners are. I mean look at your post. perfect example of retard.

>> No.1337150
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>straight-edge projection is the new edgy

>> No.1337151

>nuh uhh. U reterded, I smart I kno fact

>> No.1337153

welcome to america

it's shit

>> No.1337160

I miss when internet memes were just shitposts and not propaganda

>> No.1337205

You took the bait hook line and sinker then

>> No.1337244


No exterior walls or access to the attic?

>> No.1337249
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Very classy for your age I see

>> No.1337400


>Anything I don't like is jewish

>> No.1337410

Judging from OP's picture, you are most likely the degenerate here

>> No.1337414

just quit smoking in the house, how hard can it be

>> No.1337475

t. Rob Reiner

>> No.1337493

get out when you are smoking, stop riuning your house

>> No.1337495

400 $ for fucking 5 min outside of the house

>> No.1337502

Underrated comment

>> No.1337506

The room in the picture may be the most pretentious thing I have ever seen.

>> No.1337507

Hide the thread if you're not going to contribute, how hard can it be. I'm not standing outside of my own house that's sort of the opposite of why I bought a house.

By that reasoning, spending thousands on a bathroom instead of just filling a bucket with soapy water and cleaning yourself with a brush and a washcloth is a larger waste of money. Not to talk about heating vs. wearing thick clothing indoors and burning waste in your fireplace. Or having a kitchen instead of just a stove and a single pot. I'm not poor so I can afford some comfort, of which smoking inside of my hobby room is one. By the way, you say 'going outside for 5min', but I don't like that at all because I can't enjoy my cigarette that way, unless it's mid summer. If I can't enjoy my cigarette, I don't smoke one. If I could for some reason not smoke inside the house at all, I'd probably just quit because it'd be pointless

Idc if you disagree with it, it's my house. You ban smoking in your house, that's ok, a lot of people, including friends and family of mine do, and I refrain from smoking there, of course. It's astonishing how many moralfags (not you per se, but some others) came to this thread like flies to shit, just to tell me to stop smoking. I don't smoke a lot, maybe a pack a week, but when I do, I don't like to go outside in winter like a dog. Of course I'll go out in summer when I finish the patio (or whatever it's called, it's too small to be called a yard without being ridiculous). I find it curious that there's such a hard line in people's opinion of smoking; like with alcohol, you have everything ranging between total abstinence (which is curiously even frowned upon) and raging alcoholism, but mild drinking is considered perfectly normal. With smoking, many don't discern between mild smokers and heavy smokers. You could theoretically smoke one cigarette a month and droves of moralfags will still take the opportunity to vent their annoying opinions.

>> No.1337508

Why do people care so much about it being pretentious? It's a collection of old furniture and other stuff I inherited from my grandparents who died. What do you suppose I do with it, trash it because some people find it over the top? Some of it is over a hundred years old and stood in my great-grandfather's home in the Dutch East Indies, I'm keeping that for life and I'll pass it down to my children when the time comes.

Ffs I thought the Netherlands were Calvinist

>> No.1337510

You don't really keep your grandparents in high regard if you consider your own comfort above completely fucking up everything you inherited up from them with yellow cancer smoke.

>> No.1337511

You obviously have met none of my grandparents.

>> No.1337520

Easiest option is a carbon filter and fan combo.

>> No.1337753

>I'm only ironic when it's convenient

>> No.1337767

>Mauser aan de muur
>Portret van de Ruyter
>Én Pim!
>Boeken van Hiddema
/pol/ ga uit

>> No.1337781

Kut, zitten er nu ook al Nederlanders op /dhz/? En dan niet eens de klewang opmerken die nog in de Atjehoorlog is gebruikt om inlanders doormidden te hakken. Maar goed, je hebt me door, ik paal voornamelijk op /pol/, maar ik houd ook van klussen dus ik bezoek dit bord ook regelmatig. Vierkin is een wonderbaarlijke bron van informatie, zeker die blauwe borden worden nogal eens onderschat.

>> No.1337784

Neger alsjeblieft, /dhz/, /k/, /pol/ en /o/ zitten vol met Nederlanders. De enige die meer palen per capita op /pol/ zijn de Zweden.

>> No.1337796

/k/ ook ja? Zou je niet zeggen met onze wapenwetgeving. Op /ck/ en /ic/, /biz/, /mu/, /lit/ en /p/ zie ik ze ook weinig, hoewel je het natuurlijk niet altijd kunt zien.

Die portretten aan de muur heb ik overigens wel ge/dhz/'d, mocht dat het leed iets lenigen.

>> No.1337800
File: 142 KB, 800x450, ols_schieten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zou je niet zeggen met onze wapenwetgeving.
Nederland heeft volgens mij het grootste schietevenement in Europa, en met een verlof voor cat. 2 wapens (verzamelaarsvergunning) mag je hier letterlijk alles hebben.

Daar zit spul tussen waar menig Amerikaan jaloers van word, omdat die niks nieuws volautomatisch meer mogen hebben.

>> No.1337808

Oh, wist ik helemaal niet. Im wist wel dat een wapenvergunning helemaal niet zo'n probleem is als veel mensen menen, het is meer dat de cultuur er niet naar is en de meeste mensen het niet weten of de moeite niet willen doen, vokgens mij.

Uit interesse, wat brengt jou naar /dhz/? Klus je veel, heb je een klusbedrijf oid?

>> No.1337815

Just install a fan and a chimney, it's not that hard. The smoke will be routed from the office into the great outside and if you do the calculations, your AC won't suffer that much and your fireplace won't be destroying your furniture and lungs any more than what's appropriate.

>> No.1337882

Nigga I smoke weed like a fucking chimney I was baked and knew it'd trigger someone, it worked.

>> No.1338248

when did /diy/ get hit with all the underage redditposters? I should have known it wasn't safe, being on 4chan, in 2018, but god damn.

>> No.1338278
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there is no installing anything. you lost the game.

>> No.1338370

Stop smoking inside your house you disgusting son of a bitch, it's a good way to immediately depreciate your home value. Obviously your wife doesn't enjoy you doing it either.

But you could just open a window and put a fan in the window temporarily. If there's no window install one. If you're in the basement install some vents that suck the air out. Also close the normal A/C vents when you smoke or else it gets in your whole house.

>> No.1338372

Smoke outside like everyone

>> No.1339398

>smoke what

just buy a carbon filter kit and install it on you chimney hole nigger

>> No.1339407

>muh secret club

If you had actually been here a long time like you are insinuating, you would realize that this site as a whole has demographic and culture changes pretty much every year or two.

Though im going to be honest I cant tell who you are accusing being "reddit"

The OP for being a faggot "born in the wrong generation" man, or the people ragging on him for it

>> No.1339582

Those are for combustion air. I assume you have a gas furnace?

>> No.1339583

Yes, but the thing itself has since gotten a new chimney which combines intake and exhaust. The two empty ones were presumably for an older furnace that has since been removed

>> No.1339720

>>vaping is healthier
>It does less damage so it's more healthy
Imagine being so stupid that you believe this bullshit

>> No.1339755

Ok so here is what I did at my house
I told the bitch if she didn't like it get the fuck out. Since I fuck her bananas I knew she would stay. Man up

>> No.1339766

Try vaping, it's mostly the same ritual and you get your nicotine fix, plus no second hand smoke issues and no foul stench, you'll be able to vape literally anywhere.

>> No.1339767

I literally read that in Terry's voice.

>> No.1339772

>dude weed lmao
>high estrogen dose everytime you smoke one of those transnigger herbs

Enjoy your low test, cucks.

>> No.1339941

Stop smoking you faggot and either turn it into a fitness room or a study. Fuck it, make it both and learn and be fit at once.

fucking idiots.

>> No.1339970

I just quit vaping and ordered a carton of lucky strikes from spain. thanks, asshole

>> No.1339985

The best Is don't smoke inside. I hope you got some garden.

>> No.1339986

Post more pics of the room. I love that sort of thing.

>> No.1340003

This. Old furniture with history is cool.

>> No.1340042

Buy a bathroom fan piece and attack an activated charcoal/carbon filter on the output end. The carbon can be bought for cheap at fish stores as water filter material. Youtube or MacGyver how to make that into a working filter or buy a gas mask filter for 20$ online and attach that to the fan. No smell = no need for a ventilation hose. Just seal the air in the room so it has time to filter out before your house reeks

>> No.1341364

You need a globe

>> No.1341369
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I'm afraid it's being used half and half as a storage now, with all the moving and renovating, but I'll try

This is a Javanese drawer cabinet I inherited from my grandmother, I believe it was her mother's when they still lived in the Dutch East Indies. My grandmother used to have her TV on this to watch The Bold every day

>> No.1341370
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This is probably the oldest piece of furniture, a Japanese lacquered cabinet (from before the Japs turned evil and attacked the colonies, of course). It was my great-grandfather's, but now I use it to store and display my camera collection. I regularly use them, in case anyone from /p/ is lurking

>> No.1341371
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Javanese small chest, probably from 1st half of the 20th c. Idk who it belonged to or what it did

>> No.1341372
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Klewang, a KNIL Dutch infantry sabre frequently used in the Aceh war

>> No.1341375
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This cabinet was my gf's grandmother's, it's not very interesting historically but it houses a cheeky minibar

>> No.1341377
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Small table with wood carvings, Java 20th c., inherited from my grandfather

>> No.1341378
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Dutch school map of the colonies, 1920s or 1930s

>> No.1341380
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And then there's the desk, it doesn't look too special but it was my great-aunt's who died in ww2. From brain cancer though, not from Japs

>> No.1341422

>except in my 'office' (I refuse to call it a 'mancave',

A man of education I see...

>dont be a scummy piece of shit and smoke inside.
Is his fucking house, he can shit on the floors if he so desires.

>lol well aren't you one pretentious motherfucker. Typerwriters and old cameras and shit

For fucks sake millennials, your whining is getting worse as you get older. You really are a shit generation.

>> No.1341652

'Mirin that Bronica

>> No.1341656

>IE, I was too poor to buy furniture so I took in old musty garbage to use

Stop trying to spin it like they are heirloom pieces
EVERYONE has had old furniture given to them for one reason or another and most of it gets thrown the fuck out.

Most antique furniture is rickety and shitty, doesnt matter how much time the original person put into it. They really arent useful as everyday furniture.

t. someone who has an uncle who made a living refinishing antiques in the 90s, then got stuck with a small warehouse full of projects he never finished when the antique fad died in the mid 00s

Years ago my family routinely got antique shit given to us, and occasionally still do.
I think a single dresser is the only thing that hasnt gone to the fucking dump.

>> No.1341661

>muh millennial boogeyman!

What generations think its ok to keep trash laying around?

Obviously not OPs parents who arent >muh millennials.
They are the ones who pawned off supposed heirlooms onto their kid for him to use and destroy. So much for being important to the family amirite?

>> No.1341662

Your butthurt projecting aside, you have some interesting points, would you care to elaborate?

>They really arent useful as everyday furniture
How and why is an old desk or cabinet less functional than a new one, provided that it's mechanically sound?

>the antique fad died in the mid 00s
In which country?

>> No.1341663

>provided that it's mechanically sound?

Nothing, they will work fine if they are mechanically sound.
The problem is that unless it was overbuilt like fuck (which contrary to popular belief they most of the pieces werent, they were simply handmade with good materials which only goes so far) time seriously takes its toll on wood

>In which country?
Midwest in the good ole USA
If you are a big garage saler and thrift shopper you know that antique furniture is flocking the stores again, after years of people trying to sell them. At least thats my experience, and of course my uncle closing his antique store seems to coincide with that.

May be different elsewhere, who knows

>> No.1342575

Dude, I think that's actually a US 1917 Naval Cutlass, probably a Cold Steel repro.

>> No.1342593

No, the Navy Cutlass was imported/licensed from the Dutch East Indies Colonial Army (KNIL), it's an original KNIL Hembrug klewang

>> No.1342653

Here's some more info in case you're interested:

>> No.1342661

Kek, I know you from /p/, the Bronica is one of my absolute favourites. With the L grip, mereing prism and a flash you can pretty much do everything a 35mm can whilst keeping it carryable. The Mamiya RZ67 with L grip is basically a lifting exercise so I use it almost solely with a tripod. Also my enlarger only handles 6x6 ans smaller so I can only scan or partially print 6x7, I'm looking into a larger enlarger for when I'm inevitably going to LF because I'm a massive gearfag, but those enlargers are fucking expensive. The rest of the cameras is a mixed bag of SLRs and rangefinders, and some compacts gifted to me by family. At 35mm I mostly use the Olympus OM1 for which I have a selection of lenses, otherwise the RZ67 is my broadest system with three lensea and a fuckload of backs and accessories, I really got lucky with buying a set including two bodies

>> No.1342831


>> No.1342998


Well you fucked up really bad mate. You bought a house with your gf. She could at any time leave you and take half of your shit. Then claim that you were abusive blah blah and you could spend the rest of your life paying alimony and/or dealing with criminal charges.

>> No.1343113

Ffs, really? Why has /diy/ been infested with the worst of each board? Go be a mgtow faggot on /r9k/ where you belong.

>> No.1343158

Ok first of all soundproofing stops all air exchange between rooms so do that. The doors are very expensive as they are solid and heave as are the seals around the doors. Having said that i highly suggest you do some research and purchase a very high quality solid wood door with soundproofing seals. Two you need an air intake and exhaust system so you can cycle room air very quickly but not quickly enough to cause a major draft or severely alter the interior temperature. Also make that place cozier and get a record player and some source of fire you pleb.

>> No.1343169

Your air return is centrally located because even with doors shut air can move freely. It’s designed to pull air out of all rooms under doors etc. if you block air from that room (you can’t) but if you did you would throw off the balance to your system. You should install an exhaust fan and smoke near it. Enjoy stinking like shit.

>> No.1343193
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Record player and fireplace are downstairs. Please excuse the mess, I'm still busy with diy shit.

Also, why the heavy emphasis on soundproofing? I'd say that's a bit overkill

>> No.1343215

>yfw I have 3 enlargers in my darkroom, capable of printing all the way from 135 to 4x5, all given to us for free when the art school moved
Post pics of darkroom set up

>> No.1343227
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I'm afraid this is now my DR setup, after moving and all. I'm cleaning up as we speak though, I want to make some prints tonight or tomorrow.

>> No.1343257
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>> No.1343528

It's hilarious that you understand it's not okay for your room but yet haven't applied that to your organs.

>> No.1343530


>> No.1343561

High cfm fans that suck air of the room. Also don't smoke anything with a filter it will kill you quicker.

>> No.1343602

ohh, old TV units with a solid backing and glass cabinet doors. lecture hall/conference room equipment stashed inside secured cabinets with no vents and the speaker cant work out why the equipment only starts to fuck up after 20 minutes and wont believe you when you tell them to just leave the fucking cabinet doors open.

the problem is that people dont just throw out antique furniture. and a simple google search for antique furniture restoration nets you those horror show whitewash jobs where they strip the finish, go over it with a layer of acrylic offwhite paint to get that kische look so people wont just give it away. nobody wakes up one morning and decides, "you know what? i hate the look of a well finished timber piece. I think i want to replace all my old stuff with some of that great ikea stuff."

>> No.1343612

smoke outside you filthy cunt. there is absolutely no excuse to smoke inside.

>> No.1343614
File: 14 KB, 380x263, Get_Smart-Cone-of-silence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

build a cone of silence with a high powered extractor fan and vent plumbed to a vent in the roof.

>> No.1344419


A static pressure inline fan with a chimney so you don't have much water ingress, but plumb the thing to a drain pipe anyway, just in case the hot water from inside condensates

negative pressure in the room means that you could potentially even have the door open and still be able to smoke, if your flow rate is good enough and the room is big enough.

But also, Stop fucking smoking. It's bad for you and yours, your stuff, your kids, your wife, and it's terrible for your health.

Either pay to install a proper smoking room or stop smoking

one of them puts money in your pocket and won't piss off your wife

one of them WILL kill you, costs shittons of money, and involves putting holes in your house and ruining a room for when you resell, if you choose to.

>> No.1344697

Joke's on you, my whole house is made of porcelain enameled steel

>> No.1344700
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Have you ever been to a guitar shop? They always have a room with a sliding glass door that's completely airtight to keep the expensive guitars at the right humidity. You should look into that.