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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1336506 No.1336506 [Reply] [Original]

PLEASE help out this dumb ass college kid, /diy/.

So my toilet is clogged in my dorm and I have tried, hot water, it did not work, tried plunging it with our shitty (now literally) plunger and it would not plunge. I tried using a wire hanger but the water is too shitty to see if I am getting in there and All I could fedl was wire on porcelain. I turned off the water valve to see if the water level would decrease a bit but it did not change even after an hour. The water is still very high and full of shit. My college is a private college and is very jewy, calling maintenance at all results in a 50 dollar fine. I do not want to get fined, nor do I want to have the embarrassment of getting my balls busted by the maintenance guys. Is there anything I can do at this point to remedy the situation or will I have to call maintenance. I am going to try to go find a really nice plunger because our current one is one of those old pink suction cup ones that has no suction. I want to do everything possible before calling maintenance. I will seriously buy whoever’s idea works pizza if it is successful.

>> No.1336520

take a shit in it, and flush as soon as it hits the water. should blast it all down

>> No.1336522
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>> No.1336524

That’s not going to fucking work on me anon, I am not that stupid.

>> No.1336526

Get a large fucking bucket or trashcan or whatever the fuck can hold a ton of water and pour it down all out once, like seriously instantly or it won't work and then you have bigger problems. Forget how it actually works, but something to do with pressure iirc

>> No.1336527

lol. seriously, i would just call maintenance. there are tools you can get to go down the hole, a snake or something i think its called, but it might cost you more than $50, and might not even work

>> No.1336529

thats what i do when my power runs out. it looks too filled to try that though

>> No.1336537

Yeah it’s damn near to the seat of the toilet
I’d rather pay 50 bucks and do it myself and have the tool for it in the future than call maintenance. Unfortunately where I am at, it is icing over right now so it will have to wait til tomorrow. I haven’t tried a non-shit plunger yet either though.

>> No.1336540

shop vac, then draino it.

lol fucking retard.

>> No.1336541

snake is cheap as fuck but if it's biological / paper just use some draino / caustic.

>> No.1336543

call your police, youre doomed

>> No.1336544

i doubt he has a shop vac in a dorm room

>> No.1336548

I don’t have a shop vac.
Will that work with it filled up as it is?
I’m not going to jail anon.

>> No.1336551

Have fun in the pokey faggot

>> No.1336559

Sit on toilet bare ass and bounce up and down like plunger. Suction created by bouncing will result in clearing the clog. Should take 5-10 mins of bouncing.

Large pepperoni and sauage pizza please

>> No.1336564

there's a method of using laundry detergent in the bowl to lubricate things up a bit, it's supposed to be one of the only genuinely effective methods

>> No.1336568


Use a bottle or plastic container to lower the water level. It will also make plunging a little easier.

Honestly a non shit plunger that can get some suction is the way to go. I have never dealt with a tolite or sink I couldn't plunge the fuck out of.

>> No.1336570


Some anon did this in another thread and I'm pretty sure it was a meme.

>> No.1336586

I’ve read about using dish soap but I don’t don’t know how much any liquid would do with it being as full as it is.

>> No.1336587

That honestly sounds like a really fucking good idea, thanks anon. I’ll try that tomorrow and get back to you and honest to god if it works I will buy you some fucking pizza, on god.

>> No.1336589


If I win the pizza buy it for a homeless person or donate to a food bank.

>> No.1336591
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OP those round flat plungers aren't good for toilets, they're good for flat drains like in a shower or a sink.
You need one that's molded to the shape of a toilet bowl that seals nicely on it, like this kind.
don't flush it again, don't pour more water in it. for the love of god don't put laundry detergent in it. get the right kind of plunger.

>> No.1336600

That’s what I’m going to do, but my roads are icy right now so it will have to be tomorrow.

>> No.1336601

I deadass will give it to a homeless person if it works.

>> No.1336620
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one of these and it breaks up the poops

>> No.1336637

wtf? What does power have to do with your toilet. Toilet's work by gravity not electricity.

>> No.1336642

If it drains slowly, then keep topping it off with hot water and detergent.

And stop flushing your tampons, dorktress.

>> No.1336651

If a proper plunger does not work, try a toilet snake. Only once hasn't that worked for me. But then it was a kid that flushed an apple down. Then it was boiling water to soften the apple.

>> No.1336658

I use bleach from time to time. There are some reasons not to. One being that if you fail to open the drain you now have a bowl full of bleach and other chemicals will not be an option. It's not ideal on older plumbing.

If it's a simple clog, the bleach will dissolve some tissue. Leave it for a few hours, plunge and forget.

>> No.1336743
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>> No.1336744

plunge for 5 minutes straight

>> No.1337231

kneel before it and pray for it to flush itself

>> No.1337248

Which means it works until you lose water pressure, because the water pump isn't working.
Because no power.

>> No.1337255

>dish soap
Might work if the block is small enough to slide down on its own from the water already in the bowl.
If you have to flush with it you are just going to fill the bathroom with poop water bubbles.
Might also make it worse to get plunging to work.

>> No.1337271

Or the sewage pumps for large commercial buildings. Check if the neighbours toilet is overflowing too.

>> No.1337303

Put some coke innit ......

>> No.1337309

Steal some HCL from chem lab ....pour it in .... lemme know how it turns out

>> No.1337346


dump white paint into it to create the illusion nothing is wrong, have a friend over and when he shits blame it on him

>> No.1337424

Don't listen to these assholes. Only one guy gave you the correct advice. Bail out as much water as you can, then use the expanded cone on the bottom of the plunger. You're gonna plunge until the blockage is free. When you think you have it. SLOWLY add water using s bucket water should easily flow down the drain, if not, you don't have it yet. Plunge some more!
You guys are a bunch of assholes.

>> No.1337477

i find that putting a bit of soap down the clogged train before plunging it helps

it helps break up the schmutz that's keeping the blockage together, and as it foams up it creates pressure that could help push the blockage along

this could conceivably backfire if it's a solid item blocking it, though, like a toy, or your pet turtle

>> No.1337479

>i find that putting a bit of soap down the clogged train before plunging it helps
No it doesn't.

>> No.1337500

Ive done the warm bucket of soap trick for a toilet that wasnt coming unclogged with a plunger
It worked pretty well after sitting a while

>> No.1337585


get that plastic shit out of here. those things are a fucking joke. go shove that up your ass

>> No.1337586

do not put soap in the toilet... it will make more soap and make a bigger mess. dont listen to these fucking morons. just get a proper plunger thats all you need. its a toilet not a sink clog full of food and grease thats been there for years. its just a fat turd blocking the trap. push that bitch out with the proper plunger

>> No.1337651

If you didn't toss paper and inorganic stuff, AND have time to wait, the best solution is pouring yogurt.
A couple liters of it. Let it sink for a two or three days, then flush. Bacteria in yogurt will eat organic stuff.

>> No.1337654

>soap trick
it's not a trick you faggot, it's bullshit
lots of warm water does the trick
these epic baits

>> No.1337660

poke the clog out with a spiral bent coat hanger

>> No.1337661

Laundry detergent; it’s enzymes will break down the TP overnight and it makes the water molicules chain together so it will pull the clog down the drain.

>> No.1337667

Go squirt some dish detergent in your toilet and give it a flush... it’s like turbo powered. (I was going to patent an automatic detergent dispenser that goes in the toilet tank, but it’s too easy, everyone would steal it and sell it on late night TV ads...).

>> No.1337669

Apply duct tape to the top of the bowl to fully seal it off completely. Then place some plywood over that, and finally, a lot of weight, you're going to need at least like 50lbs. Ideally just stand on the wood.

Then flush it until it's clear. The water pressure will build up in the bowl and force the clog out.

This doesn't work on tank type toilets, only industrial type.

>> No.1337679

>toilet's water reservoir works by gravity
>making pressure build up
Subtle bait.

>> No.1337814

It's been like three fucking days, I seriously hope you've cleared the clog by now.
Otherwise, what the hell is up with /diy/ and why do we keep getting people leaving their toilets clogged for a friggin week?

>> No.1337820

Pour ammonia and bleach into the toilet bowl.pepparoni please

>> No.1337939


>> No.1337941

They are actually the best. They suck up a fuckload of water and force it through the pipe, which unclogs it. I have never used chemicals to clear a clog in my life because of these boys.

>> No.1337949

Looks like you'll be paying the 50$ fine. Let it sink in and accept it. Now, to get back at your college you need to create more than 50$ worth of damage. Just keep shitting in or around it until someone else calls maintenance and the college has to bring out the big bucks for some shit hoarder cleaning crew.

College is a goddamn scam, and this is what you fucks get for charging me a 10$ graduation fee. Fucking useless paper pushers, almost as bad as the government.

>> No.1337968

$50 is really not that bad for a plumber call out.

>> No.1338000
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back yard;
cover your shit.

>> No.1338032

If plunging didnt work then you probs have a forign object in there . your gunna have to remove the toilet. Youtube.