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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1321295 No.1321295 [Reply] [Original]

Is there an easy way to check if something is grounded, in the electric sense?
Mum is a neo hippie and have bought a bracelet to wear while sleeping. It's connected by wire to a metal rod we've put in the ground outside. Now we just need to see if it's actually conducting to the ground.

>> No.1321298


>> No.1321304

Put some current to it, breaker should trip immediately if it's grounded.

>> No.1321307

You mean the house's breaker? Don't I have to use a naked wire to short circuit then?

That might be a good idea, where can you find or rent one of those?

>> No.1321311

>mom is a neohippe
>bracelet connected to ground via wire while sleeping
Did no one else find this interesting?
Can somebody please explain what the fuck op is talking about?

>> No.1321315

1. There's got to be a way to explain to her why "earthing" isn't a real thing. It's not like the human body builds up some dangerous static charges while you are asleep, and if there was some magic induced current across the body from the AC in the house, it wouldn't do anything either since there would be no net charge. What are the supposed health risks that have shortened our lifespans since we went from sleeping on the mud outside to sleeping on mats or beds in shelters? If anything, the galvanic reaction at rod/ground will create a charge in rod.
2. If ground for house and that "earthing" rod are at different potentials she's actually at risk of electrocution from otherwise safe conditions and anything electric plugged in she touches.
3. A:doubt the fake rod is deep enough to actually do anything, like 3-9 foot, and B: if the soil isn't conductive enough you actually pick up stray current from other shit grounded nearby
4. if there is a lightning strike or power fault nearby, she's likely to get zapped or killed from the current across upper soil.

You'd need to measure mega ohms between that bullshit and something nearby that is grounded properly. They make meters to test the soil and ground connection for actual ground rods

I'd suggest psychiatric care or a physical if there are real health problems. She's obviously not grounded in the non-electrical sense.
Bonus: Do africans sleeping on the ground in huts or abbos laying out in the open have better health and lifespans than us in the west who sleep on beds mostly?

>> No.1321318
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From what I can understand she goes like this.
>when body needs to remove dead cells it removes an electron from the molecule (???)
>when we used to walk barefoot on the ground we got or removed that electron by grounding
>in modern times we never touch the ground anymore
>so bad stuff builds up in our bodies
>wearing that bracelet helps the body clean up
And then she talked a video with a guy showing he had 15 volt in his body until he put on the bracelet, so it "has to work".

>> No.1321319

>where can you find or rent one of those?
Just about anywhere that sells tools. Amazon, Walmart, Home Depot, etc.

>> No.1321324

15 volt relative to what? It's a voltage potential, voltage is just like a measurement of distance between 2 points. If I say I am at "1 mile" you should ask "1 mile FROM WHAT?" Guessing that video guy was selling it or getting ad views.
Even if there was something electrical about the body in that way, strong enough to generate a static charge that covers the whole body (where did the opposite charge go?) you'd lose the charge to everything you touch, in particular when you shower. You can build up a static charge from rubbing your clothes walking in the winter, then get a spark just touching some metal. Your shoes aren't some great insulator either, you can get a static charge from sneakers on a rug sometimes. Your body doesn't have some supernatural charge that is insulated against everything but dirt.
If she genuinely believes it's some magic voodoo, tell her to wear a pouch filled with dirt all day so that she gets the benefits all day instead of just when she wears an extension cord plugged into the dirt. Or carry around a battery and hold it occasionally.
It's as silly as that "dry potentiation" homeopathy or something. They say a bottle of sugar pills gains medicinal properties if you just set it next to a real pill.
For a couple of years people were selling/buying en masse bracelets with hologram stickers that would cure diseases or make you stronger.
-Does she have up to date life insurance policy?

>> No.1321326

Good point, want to give her a red pill on the matter but I only know enough of the electric part, no idea about the biology behind the idea.

>> No.1321333
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>> No.1321342

shut up you dumbfuck. you don't want to do anything, you're borderline retarded and raised by a crazy person.

>> No.1321352

Wouldn't it be simpler to just plug her into the grounding in a power socket?

>> No.1321364


Strictly speaking, plugging her into the live connection might be best in the long term.

>> No.1321367
File: 26 KB, 640x480, Grounding-Rod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do a continuity check between rod and bracelet (multimeter or whatever). Low resistance is not required because it's not about amps but merely about charge exchange. There may be a resistor in the connection by design. Direct (independent) grounding of otherwise floating equipment is common practice for charge-related measurements, see pic. Anything that has to do with the mains supply is a 'dirty' ground that cannot be used as a valid reference potential.

>> No.1321469

The answer is yes. You can test how grounded your metal rod is with an earth ground tester, a good one costs a few grand.

Why not use the same ground as your house? You can hook that bracelet to a household cord cap and be grounded without driving additional stakes in the ground. You can also take the cord bracelet with you and ground yourself while traveling. You might want to get one of those cheap plug in testers to insure the socket is wired correctly. If you connect to ground or neutral, you are fine. Hook to the ungrounded conductor and you might be put in the ground.

So yes, it can be done. The next question is if it is really worth it for such mumbo jumbo.

>> No.1321670

>bought a bracelet to wear while sleeping. It's connected by wire to a metal rod we've put in the ground outside.

>Now we just need to see if it's actually conducting to the ground.

get some wire and an electric fence charger
connect ground side to rod
run hot wire inside
touch bracelet and hot wire at the same time
feel the spark of enlightenment

>> No.1323254

Use a car battery and jumper cables to connect to the ground rod while she is wearing the bracelet.

>> No.1323256

epic bait thread

>> No.1323371

>muh Himalayan salt lamp.
>muh coper wire "name a nown"


>> No.1323373
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Just leave if you dont like it but ffs calm yourself.

You comment in every single thread triggered to high hell for no reason and it's exhausting. Get some depression meds and watch your blood pressure before you stroke the fuck out.

>> No.1323375

And get a small burn.

This isn't movie physics

>> No.1323376

Wow... fuck. I got got.

Good work op

>> No.1323411

>but I only know enough of the electric part
Clearly you don't.

>> No.1323441

Take a 9 volt battery, some wire, and a small LED. Connect the wire to a grounded plug in your house (the round third prong at the bottom if you live in America), then to the positive terminal on the battery. Then attach one leg of the LED to the negative battery terminal and the other leg to the bracelet. If the LED doesn’t light up, switch the legs, and connect the opposite leg to the bracelet while connecting the one that was on the bracelet to the battery. If the LED still doesn’t light up, its not grounded.

You are completing a path through ground using your house ground (which should definitely be grounded if its up to code) and your bracelet grounding rod. I will save you some time and effort and tell you that hippie shit does nothing. Your body doesnt need to get rid of electrons, thats the stupidest shit ive heard today.

>> No.1323713

This is a wild oversimplification of free radical chemistry.