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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 54 KB, 550x475, guerilla-gardening-skills_fBp9P_11446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
130332 No.130332 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /diy/nos,

I've heard about this thing called guerrilla gardening, and I'm sure you have too. My apartment complex is nice, but there is this no man's land between my apartment's land and a storage unit place, and people dump all their shit there.

I'd like to clean it up a bit and maybe plant some nice things there - trouble is, it's under a lot of shade and I live in a zone 6 region (cold mountain). I was wondering if anyone had any tips or recommendations on things to plant.

There's already an apple tree and some wild grapes growing around there. It's like a fertile crescent. I must spread seed on it.

I know spring it a while away but it's gonna take me some time to clean the place up.

Thanks for your help!

>> No.130334

I actually recommend you find who owns or manages it and ask first. There's nothing like having your shit ripped out or being arrested by some asshole.

>> No.130337

Yeah I probably should - it's like littered with beer cans and old 2 by 4s and I think there's a charcoal grill and a family of cats. Maybe if I offer to clean it up, they'll be all for it.

>> No.130793

If you wanna go illegal, try flower bombing. Compact tennis ball sized lumps of soil, fertiliser and seeds, throw the lump somewhere.

>> No.130924

Flowerbombs are nice, made a few last year and that worked out fine for the kind of place you're discribing...If you don't fancy the cleaning up, you could just create sort of a rock garden idea on top of the stuf. Just put it in a pile and grow over it

>> No.130929

find native plants that can already grow in the area without human assistance and sew seeds for those op. Anything else is going to probably need TLC or be a weed.

Or you could contact owners and maybe set something up but that seems unlikely to me

>> No.130975

I almost banged a greenpeace intern over flower bombing. She was standing out in the summer, trying to get people to sign her petition to get Japan to release some eco-nut they had locked up. I told her she was wasting her youth and that she needed to work locally if she wanted to change things, not in Japan. Told her about flower bombing, guerrilla gardening, etc.

She kept trying to get my number so I could take her out for it, which pissed me off. Why don't YOU just go do it, god damn woman!

Realized the next day she was totally hitting on me, playing with hair, leaning in, asked me for my number. Why am I so oblivious? I have no idea how to talk to women except when I get frustrated at how wrong they are. And when they hit on my I get all nervous and try to run away. Every gf I have had have been girls who pursued me relentlessly and it's like every time I eventually just got worn down enough to let them hang with me.

Oh well....

>> No.130982

"flower bomb"

really guys? flower bombing?

fuck i hate you

>> No.130984

>beta as fuarrrk

>> No.130985

Really why? Have you ever seen a blighted abandoned lot just sitting there, sucking out property values? Throw some flower bombs over and start something growing.

City land not being managed right? Eyesore? IT'S YOUR CITY!

As far as eco projects, flower bombing is not a bad habit.

>> No.130988

I'm not though, I just mostly have found talking to females to be a waste of time. My last gf for 8 months, the No.1 main topic she talked about was her clothes. Her clothes! She would comment that she liked her shoes!

>Well no shit they are YOUR shoes after all
>Now go watch tv I'm busy here

>> No.130989

What about modifying shoes so they plant seeds while you walk?

>> No.130992

I just buy seeds and hand cast. Last year I hit over ten locations in my area as I went about my days sprinkling California Poppy seeds around. In the spring it was pretty glorious, six of them managed to really bloom. I expect the others were eaten by birds or ground squirrels (the seeds not the plants).

>> No.130996

Would it make you feel more manly if you knew it was actually called "seed bombing" and can include vegetable plants and shit too?

>> No.130999

>vegetable seeds

Brilliant idea! I've been toying with the idea of setting up various groves in city locked off places for a while.

>> No.131000

People grind squirrels? 0_0

>> No.131002
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 1283970088101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mod shoes
>plants seeds while you walk

>> No.131003

>She went home and cried over a tub of icecream before googling diets for an hour.

>> No.131013

That would make me feel bad lol. She was very idealistic and pretty but equally naive and silly. Honestly, like your petition is going to get Japan to let some nutjob out of prison.

Shit, she wasn't even in Japantown. And what, we would have a tacit love affair based on mutual love of eco-topics? What a terrible way to start a relationshit. No, it's bar sluts for me for the foreseeable future. Disregard females, acquire currency.

>> No.131014

go big or go home ecofaggots:


You could also put seeds into biodegradable balloons and fill them with helium, then they pop and rain seeds back down, though I guess thats not accurate enough for just one lot. Also I remember reading about some college students in yourup someplace where they were building large model rockets with weed seed payloads to fuck with farmers doing GMO crops, pretty gay thing to do but still a cool idea.

>> No.131018
File: 15 KB, 300x300, man_with_question_mark-blue[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you imagine anything less satisfying than spending a few hours collecting and nitpicking seeds, compacting them, then tossing them at piles of dirt?

>> No.131021

lol no

More like grab a buddy (or a girl) and some dirt. Spend 15 minutes making thirty flower bombs (sorry seed bombs). Spend 45 minutes throwing them everywhere.

Pessimism is a stink cologne.

>> No.131023

>And what, we would have a tacit love affair based on mutual love of eco-topics? What a terrible way to start a relationshit.
Weird. Similar politics would turn me onto a girl like you have no fucking idea.

>> No.131030

For me it's boobs.

>> No.131031

Boobs are pretty cool, too.

>> No.131034

Oh hell no. Last thing I need is some brainwashed modern homyn who doesn't want kids and wants me to be a 'modern man' ie raging beta faggot.

See, unlike 90% of ecofags out there, I am actually trying to accomplish measurable change in my local area. Not stand around holding signs and then spending that night talking about how awesome we are. Not chaining myself to trees in a TREE FARM to prevent logging. And not getting faggy little petitions signed for pointless causes.

I am a co-lead on a community garden, 12 acres and we're likely expanding. We have more food than we know what to do with, lol. As well as that, I am involved in capture and socialization of feral cats who do far more to ruin the environment than people think. Honestly, try raising just ONE litter of feral cats and you will understand I am a hero for not just strangling them all. Of course we spay and neuter, don't even go there.

>> No.131040

Sorry, womyn i meant to say. Modern day self proclaimed princesses who literally do think they are unique and special snowflakes. And even I know I could be doing far, far more despite having seed bombed five times last spring and almost throttling a hispanic 'gardner' who works in our complex. These yahoos just go from plant to plant chopping down to nubs.

Pruning, mexico! PRUNING not clear cutting!

>> No.131041

Props to you good sir, for spaying and neutering feral cats! Are you a fellow /an/on by the way?

>> No.131043

Nah, never been to /an/. Our organization if you feel like donating. I wouldn't, we really just need more volunteer houses to raise them.


>> No.131048

There's plenty of people who'd think that neutering feral cats is just as pointless as her petition. More perhaps, the constant political pressure that she forms a minute part of has ended whaling in a lot of nations, and public pressure to get political/social prisoners released is often successful.....but cats are not in any danger of going extinct.

And 'ruin the environment'? Aren't wild cats a part of the environment?

>> No.131051

>And 'ruin the environment'? Aren't wild cats a part of the environment?

No. I don't even have the interest to explain to you why not but as a volunteer in the area for over five years you're going to have to trust me.

>> No.131054

also, we spend literally months acclimating the kittens to home life. It's rough work and you will get clawed, bitten, scratched and kept up at night. But in the end, it's the kids faces which make it all worth it.

Fuck the 'humane' society. Animal genocide every day of the week like it's cool.

>> No.131058

also, to say that a modern californian woman's time is best spent raising petitions for japanese whaling is just silly and short sighted. Real change comes about by example.

>> No.131073

Don't a lot of people mistake the humane society to be the same thing as the local SPCA?

Either way, it's nowhere near as bad as PETA.

>> No.131074

I think mebe you're too confident in your opinions, like I said, plenty of people would think exactly the reverse.

And I'm not going to take 'just trust me' from someone who uses the phrase 'animal genocide', cos that's an indicator that we have wildly different views on animals. But your opinion that's IMO a waste of time doesn't make you an idiot any more than hers makes her an idiot.

>> No.131075

Brofist and agreed.

>> No.131077

Let's agree to disagree and get back to the topic of clandestine gardens.

I am thinking about planting potatoes along a creek/watershed in my area. I would have to build terraced flat areas to do this, as the dirt along the walking path is to compacted. What is the best way to build a terrace on a steep hillside?

>> No.131082

I don't think potatoes would be good there. They hate water and too much moisture.

>> No.131084

The hillside itself is very large, I would estimate 75-100feet at a constant slope. The earth is very dry and mostly weeds grow there.

>> No.131086

Mostly, I'm just looking for shit to grow because our community garden is pretty much set up already. As well, I always liked the idea of simply co-opting city land without permission.

>> No.131092

Hmmm, I don't think you need to terrace it at all then. Unless it is steep enough that you need something safe to walk along.

I would just get some potatoes that are sprouting, cut them up into chunks so each one has an eye on it, then just shove them in the ground in more or less horizontal rows.

Make sure this is legal though, you don't want to get your ass thrown in jail for trespassing, then all of your potatoes either left to rot, or thrown in the garbage.

>> No.131095

heh, it's california. no city in california is going to arrest me for growing food in 2012. maybe a fine, but i doubt that. i already got into it with a council member about picking fruit on city land.

>but you're stupid, it's falling to the ground and rotting
>well... well... ummm......
>yeah, buzz off suit and tie
>merrrrrrr! merrrrrrr!
>look, if you issue me keys i won't have to climb the fence

>> No.131098


>> No.131103

I wouldn't worry about the food part, so much as the trespassing part.

People can be real assholes like that, they don't care why you where trespassing, even if it's to improve the area at no cost to them.

>> No.131105

I do this in broad daylight all the time.

Don't look suspicious, don't wear dark colors, and have a few pretty plants with you.

You would be surprised how many people don't give a fuck as long as you aren't breaking in to something.

>> No.131108

heh, I'll fight that battle when it happens. we've got so much community support I literally think I could swing a local election if I really needed to.

Besides, we drop off a basket at city hall during harvest. And the fire stations, and the police stations. We cover our bases.

>> No.131109

This. No one on earth thinks a white guy with a floppy hat and overalls is dangerous if he is carrying flowers.

>> No.131111


Wouldn't it be weird if the property owner comes out.

>> No.131114

That is very unlikely. And if he does, hand him a flower and a dirt ball. Say something nonsensical like "Look out for the bees!"

>Bees? <gulps, tosses the clod and runs inside>

>> No.131153

You NEED balaclavas
Only your eyes and mouth must show

>> No.131161

lol no just walk around and throw dirt onto dirt

wear a smile and carry flowers

>> No.131168
File: 303 KB, 768x576, Gerald_Field.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only option that anyone should be considering is cleaning it up and making a baseball field.

name it Gerald field

>> No.131169


Anyone ever tell you to stop or call the cops?

>> No.131178

>leading Community farms
>contributing to the community
>enabling food producers to garner popular support in society

I like you.

>> No.131762


! did it like this several times on my street.
Bringing kids / women helps too
even got some money from locals as support

>> No.132151

Very much a poorfag and there are areas in my town that need some more life.

Any suggestions for when spring rolls around?

>> No.132410

>mfw i shoot a guy breaking onto my property holding a shovel
>dont get charged
>he was just gardening
>but cops sided with me because shovels can be lethal weapons

>> No.132418

You don't need fancy store bought flowers or plants. Try walking around town or googling native wildflowers from your area. Go out, dig some up, and transplant them to the areas you want. Maybe water them and fertilize them occasionally. If all goes well, nature will take it's course and they will keep themselves thriving.