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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 436 KB, 1280x857, e81a7eb064b78ca957301a8284201605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1308464 No.1308464 [Reply] [Original]

Using Christmas lights instead of a ceiling bulb or lamp for bedroom lighting. Is it tacky? Or comfy?

Is there a best way to do it? Should they hang from the ceiling or drape on the walls? How much or how little should you use?

>> No.1308487

theres no reason to not have both. neither take up too much usable space, so go crazy. i stuck a 5 M RGB LED strip all along the top of my wall, got alot of great moods with that, and it's cheap, 20 bucks or so.

>> No.1308491

>is it tacky
its not stupid if it works. just know what you want and build something that accomplishes those things. thats the /diy/ way of things. the people who say "oh that looks stupid" or "nice pintrest shit faggot" dont matter.

>> No.1308509

>Is it tacky? Or comfy?
Why are you asking us? It's your fucking room. Do YOU think it's tacky?

> Is there a best way to do it? Should they hang from the ceiling or drape on the walls? How much or how little should you use?
Again, your fucking room. Entirely subjective. Why are you looking for other people validation about how YOU live your life?

Fuck off you insecure maggot.

>> No.1308519

What are you a girl or something? Real men sleep under bright flourscent lights like in a hospital.

>> No.1308533

I did it as a teenager, was comfy then. Haven't done it since.
Christmas lights on a tree will always be comfy tho.
Use as much or as little as you want. Hang if you want to hang, or drape. Nobody is going to answer these without knowing your tastes. Unless you just like being told what to do.
Are you lonely? Just wanna talk about xmas lights with anons?

>> No.1308535

Yep, can't let those monsters have their way in the shadows.

>> No.1308763

If you want a more subtle glow, place the lights behind a semi-transparent curtain. There are tons of pictures of ideas like this (fairy light canopies, led drapes, lighted headboards and more) in pinterest, you should have a look at them so you know if you like it before you start putting anything up. Browsing pinterest home decor ideas in general is very useful because it helps you to figure out what you might like and what you definitely won't like before buying or diy:ing anything massive.

>> No.1308771

Looking at google images your picture looks the comfiest.
Just don't buy the cheapest chinkshit.

>> No.1308783

>i stuck a 5 M RGB LED strip all along the top of my wall, got alot of great moods with that, and it's cheap, 20 bucks or so.

what do you drive it with? did it come with packaged routines or did you use a microcontroller like an arduino or PI?

>> No.1308786

>Fuck off you insecure maggot.

the most insecure maggot in this thread would appear to be you, kind sir.

>> No.1308810
File: 2.94 MB, 270x480, RainbowStrandTest.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christmas lights are always comfy, no matter the time of the year. I wouldn't use them as a replacement for normal lighting, as normal lighting can have utility.

t. light autist

>> No.1308813

I used white xmas lights in my house for years for ambient lighting. It was really great. The colored ones are tacky unless your decor can match it and you have a steel pan set and you can play.

>> No.1309254

So are you just going to post that shit over and over and fucking over at every tangentially related opportunity forever or are you actually capable of doing something else..?

>> No.1309278

Looks cool if you ask me!
Now i want some too, got any links?
Can only find led strips, not the sweet colored bulbs.

>> No.1309309
File: 175 KB, 970x970, white-bulb-christmas-lights-fairy-light-ideas-cute-fairy-lights-christmas-curtain-lights-970x970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for your contribution to this thread, anon.

>> No.1309310

Search: "LED Christmas Lights" or "LED String Lights",


>> No.1309313


are you the same thread cop who blows a fuse every time someone posts one of those lgmtfy or whatever links?

Janitor applications are being taken. I wonder how they keep people like you out, or do you slip in and get canned in 24 hours.

>> No.1309315

Potential staff are interviewed via IRC and stuff. It is pretty easy to spot most morons that way.

>> No.1309389

>how to shorten your life by 20 years: the post

>> No.1309403
File: 815 KB, 2322x4128, 20171022_173632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey, it's you again! One of my many haters on /diy/. I see you have taken the time to post how much you hate someone doing something themselves which leads me to wonder what the fuck you're doing here? I mean seriously. Have you ever posted a project? Have you ever completed a project? Also, I finished a few projects over the holidays but haven't been arsed to upload photos yet.

Here's another for you.

>> No.1309404

I get the gist of your project with the GIF, what LEDs and controller are you using? I'd like to integrate this into my bathroom remodel.

>> No.1309405

When i was a kid i nailed net lights over my bed. Mum went fucking crazy but it was comfy.
If you go led 4 colour will be quite blue overall, try it in the shop to make sure it remembers the setting otherwise it will flash every time you turn it on,pain in the ring.
A string of cold white and a string of warm white strung together is my personal preference but it might look a bit too Christmassy.
Little girls have cherry or novelty lights usually around a mirror or something,never functional ignore the naysayers.
Led strip light above cornice is an entirely different aesthetic.

>> No.1309406
File: 690 KB, 2322x4128, 20161029_204957_LLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WS2812B for the LEDs. Get the weatherproof ones as they don't cost much more. I use an Arduino for the controller. For your project using the sample code for Adafruit or Fast and modifying it will be enough to get you the lighting effects you want.

>> No.1309407
File: 3.36 MB, 4144x6696, Lathe & Micro Plugs 00b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I really like the DIY aspect and workmanship of the work piece in that image, I dislike Apple on ethical and environmental reasons to the point that it detracts too much for me. Love >>1308810

Not the anon you are replying to, fyi.

Didn't you or just someone posting an image of that, start an 80s aesthetic thread in /tv/ like 1-2 months ago?

>> No.1309411
File: 1.00 MB, 2322x4128, 20170919_200349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, not the biggest Apple fan myself, however the aesthetic of the 80's logo was just too great to ignore. The FM-84 logo was done for a love of the logo itself and the music artist.

I have never posted on /tv/, so probably not me.

>> No.1309418

Almost all LED Christmas lights flicker, either at 60Hz (bad ones with half-wave rectifiers) or 120Hz (better ones with full-wave rectifiers). This is arguably harmful even when they're just in your line of sight as accent lighting, but using them to light up a room for extended periods will certainly cause strain/headaches for sensitive people. With incandescent lamps, however, flicker is negligible.

There's also the issue of light spectrum. LED Christmas lights are bound to have very, very limited light spectrum, since they're not intended to be anything except for accent lights, even if they're just "white" and not colors. Same issue applies to incandescent lamps with colored glass, albeit to a much lesser degree, especially if you're using a bunch of different colors together.

Clear glass incandescent Christmas lights is the only way I could see it being a viable option for actually lighting a room, because they will not flicker and they will have provide spectrum light.

>> No.1309419

>One of my many haters on /diy/.
I have never posted to you before anon but maybe you should take the hint. You know what they say,if it smells like dog shit everywhere you go you should maybe check your shoes

>> No.1309420

Sure thing, kid.

>> No.1309421

>Clear glass incandescent Christmas lights is the only way I could see it being a viable option for actually lighting a room, because they will not flicker and they will have provide spectrum light.

Actually the white painted ones would be even better, because of less filament glare. They might be hard to find nowadays though.

>> No.1309427
File: 2.00 MB, 360x202, 18vh1a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny, you seem to have the same posting style and mannerisms of my "other" haters. Could all be one person shit posting. As I have asked before: where are your projects? Do you have anything you have done?