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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1295153 No.1295153 [Reply] [Original]

>Decide to modify my Nintendo Switch
>First time doing a paint project but do tons of research beforehand
>Live in a city so can't just spray paint outdoors or in an apartment
>GF is uni student so lets me into her art department where they have a spray paint room
>Take Monday off work so I don't feel like I'm rushing and can patiently wait between coats
>Spend the whole 3day weekend patiently applying thin layers and sanding lightly between them with 1000grit
>Monday comes around, everything looks great, I'm excited and very proud of the results
>No thick putty looking coat, unevenness, or splotching, smooth to the touch and feels good
>Apply my clear coat layers
>Let the final layer become dry to the touch as I get everything prepared to pack up and go home
>Modern Art student comes in with literal giant turd statue
>Starts haphazardly dumping black paint all over his sculpture to the point where it's dripping
>Leaves the room
>Go in to grab my stuff and leave for it to cure at home
>Black specs all over my finished product

Anyone else have experiences with other people ruining their projects at literally the final step?

>> No.1295155

Did you light his turd on fire?

>> No.1295163
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Nah. He took it out with him without even letting it dry and got scolded by a professor that it was still fuming out and he was pretty much poisoning everyone. He was walking out the door with it while I was walking back into the room.

Final pic I have of it. This is before the touch up coat and then varnish coats. the paper logo is just for visualization for the general area I planned to apply my waterslide decal. Ignore the watermark, my camera app is busted so had to download a new one.

>> No.1295173

Yume nikki?
It looks very good anon. I would look for the retard and go ruin his stuff. What a fuckin piece of shit goddamn

>> No.1295182

Yea, I put Madotsuki on everything.
To be fair, he was a student most likely using the facility for an actual school project like it was intended. I technically wasn't supposed to be there but the professor liked what I was doing and let me stay. She asked if I've painted figured before because I had good technique, but I just had months of research before attempting this.

>> No.1295186

Just because he had the right to be there it doesnt mean he can be an incosiderate piece of shit. It would've been just as bad if he ruined another student's project. Did you try to gently scratch away the spots? Maybe you could remove them and then do another light coat of color or clear coat to get a smooth surface.

>> No.1295202

>not just punching the shit out of him
I feel bad for soyboys who can't stand their ground, this was a good project and I like YN.

That stupid retard should have checked his surroundings and noticed the freshly painted pieces, a good smack and he'll remember next time.

>> No.1295211

>weabo bullshit
> no room in house for projects
> passive aggressive hard talk posturing
> painting things for no reason
> pretend to have a girlfriend by mentioning her even though its superfluous to the story
Is this bait for that retarded bingo card or something?

>> No.1295212

anime website

>> No.1295213

pretty sure OP is a girl from /cgl/ since like 80% of them are gay and this looks right up their alley

>> No.1295214

That's actually a meme, dykes like to pretend they own the board, much like traps on /g/.

>> No.1295215

maybe wishful thinking. if he was a guy and didn't punch the dude's face in then I feel sorry for his low test but if this is a girl then it makes more sense even moreso with a pink paint job.

>> No.1295219
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I'm not 100% sure but I'd say he's a dude and it comes as no surprise to me that he didn't do anything, I don't know if you got the memo, but basically young """"""men"""""" are pumped full of xenoestrogen and have less drive than a woman. And I'm not even bashing the paintjob, I actually like that game, I'm mad at his lack of spine. Pic related.

>> No.1295223
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>OP gets angry and beats the shit out of art student
>Gets banned from studio and isn't even a student so shouldn't be there anyway
>Can't even return the next weekend to fix the ruined paint job

Sounds like the logical course of action.

>> No.1295235

>omg guise! gna get band!! ;_;

Death before dishonour.

>> No.1295250


>> No.1295252

>getting arrested for assault over paint
How's middle school?

>> No.1295253

>left project in public spray booth
>it got over sprayed
why are you surprised?

>> No.1295261

go make your black dicks elsewhere, modernart fag

>> No.1295271

>someone called me out on being a soyboy
>here, take this meme! bet you didn't expect that! nothin personnel, heh

>> No.1295295

>letting someone destroy your hard work with no consequences whatsoever
How's r/cuckold? Any new content?

>> No.1295423
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I just finished up my shift at work so I'm heading to the uni to try fixing my paint. I sanded it down (hopefully knocking off the top coats) and I'll hit it up with maybe a layer or two of color again followed by re-applying the clear coats. Hoping it's salvageable and I don't have to scratch down to base coat again and start from scratch.

Oh no, I didn't mean it that way. I just meant that he was the one using the room for its intended purposes even if his project was shit and obviously had zero attention for detail. Like even if I tried to "accidentally" ruin his shit, it's literally...shit. He may appreciate it getting damaged.

I didn't really "leave" the project in there. In my region it's about 30 degrees F, so in order to ensure the paint dries optimally I made sure the project stood in the room that's specifically designed to be an optimal spray painting environment (complete with constant heat). Others have their projects in there as well, because the rules for using the area are that you let your project fume out in the room (where there is a ventilation system) before removing them. Throughout the day, many others have come and gone into the room, sprayed their projects while being aware of their environment, and keeping them off to the sides to dry for a while.

I had no issues my entire 3 day weekend utilizing this room despite the probably heightened traffic considering this is around the time of finals and I'm sure these students have pieces to submit. Everyone was courteous and I made sure that when spraying my controller I was never in a dangerous distance from anyone else's projects. It just so happened that in the final 5 minutes or my final coat drying, shitboi came in to paint his turd.

>> No.1295466

let this be a life lesson. all you had to do was put a cardboard box over your work. this is actually something I must do whenever i'm between coats.

post pics of the black dots. I think you probably just didnt wait for each coat to dry, put it on too thick and now you have failure of the sublayers. bubbling, dust and pitting. describe the layers you used.

>> No.1295486

I'm curious about his "turd", can you like sketch it or something?

>> No.1295491
File: 27 KB, 390x344, wat pigeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm gonna make awesome paintjob yeer.
>So good
>Much time

>It's fucking Bondo Pink.

>> No.1295534
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The specs were from paint splatters, not dirt or anything like that. There were fresh black splats on the wall behind too.

Will draw in a bit.

It's inspired by a character, also pink is my favorite color.

>> No.1295535
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>> No.1295553

Someone post the other /diy/er whose dragon art piece was displayed next to some faggot modern art student's ``statue'' of someone sucking his own dick.

Fucking modern art students. Cancer upon the world.

>> No.1295617

I don't know what I expected.

>> No.1295636
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>> No.1295653

Many keks, friend.

>> No.1295832


>> No.1295833

Are you a girl or not, fucking tell us already

>> No.1295834

At first I thought any console paint mod looks terrible and you were gonna ruin your Switch but no, this really feels like you own it, and it's uniquely yours, so nice job

>> No.1295843
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Paint on plastic is fine if you know what you're doing. The best places to learn are the model building threads on /m/. It all applies to console mods exactly the same way.

Also I feel you OP.
>storage area below parking garage
>can count number of people I know have access, myself included, on two hands
>store interior truck trim down there to allow paint to dry and as safe storage while I finish it all to be reinstalled with new carpet

>> No.1295893

Reminds me of using my uni accomodation's bike shed to paint my friend's sideskirts. But nobody else uses the bike shed so we were fine. But the paint job was less than stellar after all.

>> No.1295910


>> No.1295911


>> No.1295912

Dicks you say?

>> No.1295914

> no room in house for projects
Not everyone lives at home with mommy and daddy like you do anon

>> No.1295915
File: 76 KB, 720x1097, youreacatfucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stolen for memes

>> No.1295918
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>> No.1296068

What you don't see is the rest of the dragon sucking himself off off-screen.

>> No.1296119


>> No.1296174
File: 811 KB, 1000x1414, __madotsuki_yume_nikki_drawn_by_kokemozuku__839f3cb00bca0443ffad987606f9743e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought OP was going to do le green and shitty stenciled triforce theme for the billionth tine that every uncreative hack decides to do but I can appreciate that OP actually had thought put behind the design to the point of even altering the logo to fit the aesthetic more. Bonus points for picking a niche character and thematically basing it off her instead of straight up putting an image of her all over.

OP post the end results when you finish. Id you already did top coats then you're safe to sand down a few layers instead of starting completely from scratch. You may just have to do 2 more color layers. Depends how bad the splatter was.

>> No.1296194

>>Live in a city so can't just spray paint outdoors or in an apartment

>> No.1297054

The teacher assigned the theme.