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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1292955 No.1292955 [Reply] [Original]

I have a problem.
Neighbor dogs barking loud at night.
I want to make acoustic device to frighten dogs and force them to go back doghuse. And not awaken all neighbors.
The distance ~330 ft and line of sight.
So, how to make directional horn?
The source of sound would be spark generator. Dogs dont like it, I tested.

The construction, I have now, is thick cardboard tube, inner diameter 2" and spark gap at one closed end. It works, but too loud at night and not very directional.

>> No.1292956

how about you report a noise complaint or talk to your neighbor instead of being a degenerate autist?

>> No.1292957

Antifreeze in some mince.

>> No.1292980

> a degenerate autist
If it's something bad.

> report a noise complaint or talk to your neighbor
Already done, not worked. They dont calm their dogs.

>> No.1292982

I dont want to kill dogs.

>> No.1293010

You are a picky little OP, aren't you? Did you Google directional horn, or speaker, or anything like that? Consider parabolic/hyperbolic reflectors? Do you need a good hand holding? Maybe a hug?

>> No.1293032

Why aren't you using ultrasound? Dogwhistles exist for a reason.

>> No.1293056

> Did you Google
Ofc, thats why I'm here.

> Maybe a hug?
Yes, pls.

>> No.1293057

Ultrasound makes dogs listen hardly and bark more strongly. Tested.

>> No.1293095

bark back
record - play - record - play - record - play ..
situation explodes

>> No.1293189

pellet gun, not enough to hurt them, just enough to teach them to go the fuck inside

>> No.1293293
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I got you,OP.

>> No.1293295

Then it's not loud enough. You need more power and focus.

>> No.1293368

I like you, OP. I hope you get your doge problem tended to.

>> No.1293371

100% what you want, this guy built. Horn, parabolic reflector, evidently really effective, and like 25$ of bits from the web. Sorry I dont have time codes for a 2hr podcast

>> No.1293374

> focus
So I asks! Howto focus damn acoustic waves??!

>> No.1293384

pvc pipe stuffed with tennis ball halves and screwed onto a .22 rifle.

Verified pest be gone.

>> No.1293398

Step 1: Record your neighbors dogs barking
Step 2: Amplify the noise and play it back louder
Step 3: -
Step 4: Profit

>> No.1293414

Bruteforce methods.

>> No.1293434

Oh, thanks!
From 54minute.
15khz piezo transducer with parabolic dish.
Should try.


>> No.1294398

just pop a taser a couple of times
dogs see the light and hear sound and feel electric fields. most animals will run

>> No.1294516

Put a magnatron on the end of a long stick and quietly cook the dogs

>> No.1294521
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>> No.1294523

When I was little my next door neighbor killed my barking dog with food spiked with poison.

Our family knew he did it but we didn't have enough proof so my dad didn't even confront him. He was pissed though and discussed burning down the neighbor's house.

>> No.1294531

maybe dont be a shitty pet own and train your fucking animal to stay on its own property or to shut the fuck at night , also if you loved the dog you wouldnt leave it alone for hours a time while it eats random shit and dies

>> No.1294536

>someone kills your dog that's worth about 10 bucks
>brainlet dad thinks of burning down a house possibly worth 100k or more

>> No.1294538

Some people are just insane. I lived around a bunch of meth heads and they would literally drive around throwing rat poison in people's yards for the lulz. One of our chickens ate some. Luckily our pet rabbits didn't. I would have gone insane.

>> No.1294542
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Train your goddamned dog, asshole. If it was so bad that your neighbor poisoned it, it was probably annoying as fuck, and you're dad's a jackass for not training it to behave. Everywhere I've lived, there's been at least one household like yours that pisses off their neighbors with irritating, poorly behaved animals. I have zero sympathy for the loss of your dog, and your dog deserved better than you.

>> No.1294549

I was little but the pup was the sweetest thing ever. Barking was in his nature.

I can tell you've never had a dog. Anyways, as far as I'm concerned, if you hurt my dogs then your life is forfeit. Thanks for your concern.

>> No.1294552

>if you hurt my dogs then your life is forfeit
Look out guys, it's Anon Darkblade, destroyer of worlds and lover of dogs.

>> No.1294557
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>the pup was the sweetest thing ever.
Maybe to you, because you were (and still appear to be) an idiot, but to your neighbors it was an obnoxious little shit. Barking ceaselessly is not an endearing trait.

>Barking was in his nature.
There are a lot of things that are in a dog's nature that are the responsibility of the dog owner to curb via training.

>> No.1294558
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>Buy, make, or steal a subsonic amp and loudspeaker.
>Play a tiger's roar through the speaker.
>Dog shit and piss themselves.

>> No.1294560

not OP but people who make noise at night or let their pets make noise at night are worse than niggers. Have some fucking self respect.

>> No.1294598

With a parabolic reflector.

>> No.1294603

Okay...? I agree with you? I asked if OP Googled (while sneaking in a suggestion or two), he said yes, I respected him for that and sincerely wished him well? Not sure where your troll is rolling here.

>> No.1294613

I commend OP for actually thinking about how to deal with this instead of just being a faggot who kills animals. Good luck with your problem OP.

>> No.1294657
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Strategic Dog Initiative

>> No.1294813

Fuck that. Do like i did. Car alarm and button.

>bark bark ba....Whoooooooop! Right at the neighbors house.

Dogs stop barking soon.

>> No.1294890

o lawdy i kekd hard

>> No.1295070

what do dogs do if you play their barking back to them at some milliseconds delay, too fast to be an echo, but to slow for them to hear it as in sync with their own actions?

Alternative, send the inversion of their barking noise back. It'll either cancel out the sound, or really fuck with their heads or everyone else around.

>> No.1295098

>record their bark
>hide speaker on their property
>play back their bark at 10x the volume
>now whole neighborhood is involved

>> No.1295696

OP doesn't wanna kill animals.
If OP brings neighbourhood into this the chance of the dog dying by poison is a lot higher.

>> No.1295697

I'm surprised you didn't have your windows smashed by your neighbours anon

>> No.1295711
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>The source of sound would be spark generator. Dogs dont like it, I tested.
Reminds me of this

>> No.1295712

>dogs biting feet while riding bike

>> No.1295717

>bark more strongly
whats wrong with that

dog annoys more people until someone who isnt a pussy talks/assaults neighbor

>> No.1295746

> who isnt a pussy talks/assaults neighbor

> > report a noise complaint or talk to your neighbor
> Already done, not worked. They dont calm their dogs.

>> No.1295747
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have you tried yelling



>> No.1295748


You must never get out or do any kind of outdoor physical activity through any residential areas. For some reason some people dont believe in leashes and dogs love to chase after cars and bicycles.

>> No.1295752


>pedaling past house
>hear paws getting louder, some barking
>pedal faster
>look behind, its a tiny fur ball dog falling behind
>relax, pedal slower
>like a mile away, look behind you
>it's still running... wtf

>> No.1295755


You should also try an ultra-low frequency.
You want to try and find the dog's "brown note"

Report back on results.

>> No.1295777

What you want is some ground up glass in mince meat. Give them to the dogs.
Remember,dogs are niggers and shitty owners are even bigger niggers. I did that to a faggot neighbor, learned his lesson real fucking fast after that. No faggot howls when I come back from work tired and in desperate need of some fucking sleep. What if I had committed suicide due to lack of sleep because the faggot dog won't shut up ? Questions dogfags never seek the answers to. Keep your shitty fucking pets under control or don't own them.

>> No.1295813

Yell at them at 3 am, everyday. Ironically it worked for me.

>> No.1295823

>barking was in his nature

you know what? i'm glad they killed your dog.

image to have a neighbour with an annoying car alarm, that goes off every half an hour, day and night, and he doesn't give a fuck about it leaving it make noise.
you go to his house to complain and he answer that its in the nature of a car alarm to make loud noise.

this is how fucking irritating you are
fuck you and your dog i hope he suffered as much as you faggot

>> No.1295827

Loud uncontrolled dogs are just pests imo,do what you have to. Don't listen to the furries

>> No.1295845

No? Pretty sure I just don't have dogs attacking me while I ride my bike.
>Must not get physical exercise because I don't get mauled by dogs on a semi-daily basis
What kind of fucked-up 3rd world shithole do you live in? Genuinely interested. I live in Australia, never had a dog bite me.

>> No.1295871

>dogs attack me every time I leave the house

Stop wearing bacon underwear!

>> No.1295886

Record it barking, set up a speaker to play straight back towards the neighbours house but at 1.5 the volume of the dog, just leave it running day and night.
In the meantime buy some in ear phones, listen to some natural sounds like rain or whatever ripped from YouTube, this helps you to sleep and block put all other sound.
Eventually shit will stop.

>> No.1295892

Nah, i made it pretty well known wtf i was doing and they coukd fuckoff if they dont like it

>> No.1295895

Dog chase me on bike. Dirt road so no zoomzoom.

Taser. Yipeyipeyipe as it barrel rolls in the ditch. 0 fucks given. Fuck that thing

>> No.1295907

It was feral, wasn't it.

>> No.1296090

bullshit device
kind of works
again illegal in lots of towns/counties
you're being silly
your dad and you are assholes and deserve to be murdered with a machete up your asses. Plus, I hope your dad is dead.

>> No.1296098

Keep window part open near where dogs are and yell shut up!, please for the love of god let me get some sleep!, etc at dogs every time they bark for more than a few minutes.
(just avoid obscenities etc that could get you in trouble for disturbing the peace or whatever dumb shit laws)

eventually they will deal with their dogs, other people will get involved in it,
>most people will tune out the dog barking if it's not directly outside their house, but if hearing you yell at it draws their attention, they'll notice it and be annoyed too, it's like that "you are now aware you can see your nose" kind of shit
or the dog owners or someone will call the cops on dogs or you.

If ever have to talk to cops, just act tired, worn out, like you don't even give a shit anymore. Don't act pissy or uppity. Just tell the cops in your half asleep drowsy exhausted voice/look "I left notes, I mentioned it to the owners, I wasn't going to call animal control or call in a noise complaint because I didn't want their dogs put down, but I have gotten like 2 or 3 hours sleep a day for the last week and just don't care any more. I didn't even notice I was yelling at them out loud or anyone could hear me. Can I go lay back down and you go deal with the dogs?"

>> No.1296099

Best think you can do is contact your townperson who is in charge of zoning. My local official asked me to send them audio and video of it happening. I emailed them with a link to listen to it. They received citations until they decided it was more economical to bring their dogs in than to pay out the ass for citations