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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1292734 No.1292734 [Reply] [Original]

old man died and didn't leave me anything, in addition I had to clean up his shit. this is the only thing that was worth keeping.

what interesting things I could build from it to celebrate his worthless life? there's quite a lot of it.

>> No.1292736
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>> No.1292737

He was to busy working to feed you instead of buying tablesaws for when he dies.

>> No.1292738

he didnt' feed me. didn't even buy a screwdriver.

>> No.1292740

tough luck, hows about you buy your own shit.

>> No.1292741

don't worry about it, I do buy my own shit, always have.

now I'm trying to build something interesting from shit the fucker left me.

>> No.1292759


>he didnt' feed me.

He had to have at some point. Contrary to what you probably believe you weren't very capable when you were first born and for the first few years of your life.

If my dad didn't leave me shit, even though he has a reasonable amount of shit, I wouldn't really get too uppity about it. Maybe it's an American thing to expect to be handed stuff for no reason.

>> No.1292762
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>> No.1292764

you sound like a total asshole

>> No.1292769

Braid a rope from it and hang yourself, ignorant cunt.

>> No.1292772

how was his life so worthless if he had a bunch of winding wire? was he one of those old fuck signal core types who just talks about antennas? what did he use it for?

>> No.1292774
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>> No.1292776
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>He had to have at some point.
Not him, but his old man didn't necessarily do shit for him, or his mom, beside donating a gamete.

>> No.1292778

send it to me. iv been meaning to make a transformer and it sounds like youre just as incapable as him so it will probably sit there until your spawn has to deal with it otherwise

>> No.1292786

he left when I was still inside the womb and I found him when he was 60 and alcoholic. he died and now I created this thread. what else do you want to know?

>> No.1292794

actually the best yet.

>> No.1292795

what was the rest of his life like? he signed up for a screw, not a kid. sure he had responsibilities but you were probably better off without him and he knew it.

>> No.1292796

he was an alcoholic. I looked for him 3 years ago, found him, now he's gone.

he didn't have anyone in the end and the law here insist you need to help your parents. legally you can avoid it by proving he didn't do a shit for you, but I didn't go that route. just took a little bit care of the man before death.

now I'm left with the shit on picture and looking for ideas.

>> No.1292827

Is it solid copper wire, braided copper wire, speaker wire, etc? You could make anything from transformers for resistance solders/welders to electromagnets depending on the type of wiring it is. Or, you could just sell it on your local craigslist or whatever.

>> No.1292829


Id make a big ass electromagnet out of that.

>> No.1292842

Etsy-core: Make a wooden cross or something, wrap with wire, get decorative with it, give to mom as something of a remembrance of father. Or keep it yourself/make another if you want

Could also try getting a lot and sort of 'braiding' it into a sculpture thing of a tree/plant/something similar. Make a decent decoration piece and remembrance kind of thing

>> No.1292858
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>he signed up for a screw, not a kid.
Unless he stuck it in her ass, he signed up for a kid.
You can't follow the baby recipe and expect you aren't going to get a baby.

>> No.1292864

Please old to be fine gauge wire, so things like guitar pickups, audio transformers and coils, antennas, or small electro magnets.

Those bits of loose wire are useless for winding.

>> No.1292877

to be fair, his mom is just as responsible. she should have been on the pill to avoid this whole thread.

>> No.1292881


Paper Citation:

Popsci layman's version:

>> No.1292894

what kind of performance can you get out of this?

>> No.1292895

depends on what sort of crafty you are. i would go for a wire sculpture, but electromagnets are fun to make, or even tesla coil would be possible if you are up to it. alternatively melt that shit down and do some casting

>> No.1292896

Thanks for the lol.

>> No.1292919

This. People who "accidentally have children infuriate me. There are so many options for contraception that there is no excuse.

She is just as responsible but the burden does not fall solely on the woman. Takes two to make a baby and both parties are equally responsible.

>> No.1292921

>iv been meaning to make a transformer
I honestly pity you more than OP.

>> No.1292923

>he signed up for a kid.
No he didn't. That's what abortions are for if all other measures fail.

>> No.1292925


>> No.1292926

>liberal thing.

>> No.1292927
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>she should have been on the pill to avoid this whole thread.
You've unleashed the kek.

>> No.1292928

I am making a fucki g stamp of this

>> No.1292929

nice idea desu

>> No.1292930

Kill yourself, degenerate.

>> No.1292934

I'd recommend you deleted this thread and made a new one asking just what you should do with the wire, skipping the dad details, because this thread is just a daddy issues/pol thread in disguise.

>> No.1292978

/diy/ can be full of preachy fags when suitably triggered with forbidden topics like women and breeding.

>> No.1292990

Just don't make it autobots, those are faggots

>> No.1293204


Pretty poor, DESU. Even if you know what you're doing, it's going to be difficult to get it on par with an air gun.

They've got "cool factor", though. Which is always worth something.

>> No.1293206

Like the ball warmer

>> No.1293269

Make some transformers. Wind some guitar pickups.

>> No.1293273

>his mom is just as responsible
Well, in much of the world in current year, the woman legally has unilateral control once a pregnancy is established, and can keep or kill the child regardless of what the father wants. Right or wrong, women currently have more responsibility here.

>> No.1293291

filthy American government's directed energy weapons are real anon, your poor worthless father might have just been victimized by them

it does seem more likely he was just worthless though

>> No.1293292

>maybe its an american thing to expect to be handed stuff for no reason

burgerstan resisdent here- it certainly seems that way nowadays

>> No.1293580

something like this. I always wanted to try the copper inlay stuff where you hammer the wire in a slot and grind it down flush with the wood.

>> No.1293620

sell it to someone that rewinds electric motors.

I give you this proposition because only thing that i think is worth doing with those wires is use them by purpose (for coils) and it requires a lot of learning to do it.

>> No.1293624

global rule #2

>> No.1293645

All the life coaches in this thread aside, build some goddamn Tesla coils. Magnet wire isn't cheap.

>> No.1293647

MAYBE theres a way to craft yourself a soul with this

>> No.1293650

Are you a nog? If not then well done to both parents and i hope you got many brothers and sisters

>> No.1293698

>requires a lot of learning
Or a lathe and suitably short hair.

>> No.1293700

>Magnet wire
Wtf is magnet wire? This wire is magnetic?
Do you mean enameled wire like op posted?

>> No.1293704
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>t. literal retard

>> No.1293715

I think you are the retard friend.
If you need me to explain that I know exactly what is meant by the term but was questioning it's validity as it is nonsensical while providing a useful and descriptive alternative.
Of course I didn't need to explain that to show you up as a fool, anyone can see from the fact you consider a Wikipedia (a publicly, essentially anonymously, editable website) entry with no sources, clarification, etymology etc as your proof.

>> No.1293729

>was questioning
You were either retarded or a sperglord. End of story.

>> No.1293759

My point was that for a technical term used by many people, "magnet wire" is a perfectly acceptable term for wire used to make electromagnets and such; when someone calls it magnet wire you know what he's talking about. And it also differentiates between solenoid wire and thicker wire that happens to use enamel as its insulator for other, perhaps temperature defined reasons. The Wikipedia reference was not one to prove its validity as being a legitimate term, but rather its validity at being a term in common use.

Now I agree that it's a misnomer, and certainly an annoying one, but your comment was how I'd describe "feigning ignorance to point out something being ridiculous from the eyes of a simpleton". Your point made it across, but remember that any form of shitposting is still shitposting. I doubt that anyone who's been on /diy/ for more than a month can tell you that a magnet is not made of wire, nor is this wire likely to be magnetic, meaning your point was at essence, pointless, since it was obviously shitposting and not coming from a complete moron.

If I were to attempt to get your point across that we should not be using this misnomer, I'd speak as follows:
>Hello web-friend, I have noticed that you were referring to particularly thin wire with an enamel coating typically used to wind solenoids "magnet wire".
>While this term is widely accepted as a term for what you are undoubtedly describing, its roots are dubious at best and it hints at an incorrect purpose to the untrained ear.
>I would suggest that you, as I have already begun doing, refer to it as one of the following more technically correct terms:
>solenoid wire
>enamel wire
>electromagnet wire, the term from which magnet wire was likely contracted from
>inductor wire
>transformer wire
>Thanks for your understanding,
>kindly, Anonymous.

>> No.1293765

137 fps or 42 m/s, and about 8 ft. lbs or 10.8J

>> No.1293774

Surely that could be improved, perhaps the back-emf generated by turning the transistor to each coil off could be used to partially power the next shot, which with some timing magic and ultra-low Vf diodes would be fairly simple. I imagine it uses optical-sensing for the timing.

>> No.1293778

A wire tree

>> No.1294346

I don't have a problem shitposting in a shitpost thread. I appreciate your input but your suggested method would have taken too much effort; I assume it would also have been wasted as much as my approach.
I disagree with the point about differences in thickness and application, there is no reason to exclude larger csa conductor from electromagnetic applications or smaller from, as you say,e.g. Temperature related.

I suppose electromagnet wire would be a step in the right direction but as far as I'm concerned although there are plenty of applications that use coils to induce an electromagnetic field I wouldn't for example refer to a nearfield communicator, a speaker, even a motor as an electromagnet, certainly not a magnet, and so to reduce the generic to such a specific use I think its dumb.

>> No.1294354


>> No.1294357

>I disagree with the point about differences in thickness and application
You're probably right on that one.

While a motor, NFC antenna, or speaker aren't electromagnets in themselves, all contain an electromagnet as their purpose is to produce a magnetic field. An inductor or choke is a purpose where perhaps I would not refer to it as an electromagnet, since their production of a magnetic field is secondary to their main purpose, which is to act as a low-pass filter.

They're all solenoids, so solenoid wire might be a better term. Still, just because drywall screws are frequently used on things other than drywall doesn't mean that they should be renamed to general purpose screws or something, and similarly electromagnet wire shouldn't be an incorrect term because they are used for other purposes. If "magnet wire" is a contraction of "electromagnet wire" then "magnet wire" isn't strictly wrong at all, just misleading to some extent.

And "I have recently come into possession of a very large quantity of solenoid wire, what should I do with it" isn't a shitpost, though the daddy issues posts certainly didn't help.

>> No.1294652

You're Father died and didn't leave you anything, aww poor you. Probably didn't leave you anything because you're a worthless greedy shit who didn't deserve it. Take the wire and make a noose.

>> No.1294653

no u

>> No.1294661

>didn't deserve it
Oh come on, OP's daddy just wanted his orgasm and didn't give a flying fuck whether the baby or OP deserved anything - like a father.
And it sound like OP already did more for his alcoholic daddy than vice versa.

>> No.1295178

You can make a deadly tesla coil, that's it.

>> No.1295193

>so solenoid wire might be a better term.
the best term would be enamel wire.

>> No.1295358

Well actually...

>Magnet wire
>From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
>Although described as "enameled", enameled wire is not, in fact, coated with either a layer of enamel paint nor with vitreous enamel made of fused glass powder.
>Modern magnet wire typically uses one to four layers (in the case of quad-film type wire) of polymer film insulation, often of two different compositions, to provide a tough, continuous insulating layer.
>Magnet wire insulating films use (in order of increasing temperature range) polyvinyl formal (Formvar), polyurethane, polyamide, polyester, polyester-polyimide, polyamide-polyimide (or amide-imide), and polyimide.
>Polyimide insulated magnet wire is capable of operation at up to 250 °C.
>The insulation of thicker square or rectangular magnet wire is often augmented by wrapping it with a high-temperature polyimide or fiberglass tape, and completed windings are often vacuum impregnated with an insulating varnish to improve insulation strength and long-term reliability of the winding.

>Other types of insulation such as fiberglass yarn with varnish, aramid paper, kraft paper, mica, and polyester film are also widely used across the world for various applications like transformers and reactors.
>In the audio sector, a wire of silver construction, and various other insulators, such as cotton (sometimes permeated with some kind of coagulating agent/thickener, such as beeswax) and polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon) can be found.
>Older insulation materials included cotton, paper, or silk, but these are only useful for low-temperature applications (up to 105°C).

>> No.1295360

Melt it down and cast it into a plaque commemorating what a shitbag he was, then find a nice public place to install it.

>> No.1295562

Fucking lost it

>> No.1297724


>> No.1297900

He probably died out of disgust because of his son

>> No.1299287

Melt it down and make a copper knife or mix with tin for bronze. You might have enough for a dagger or a sword. Much easier than making a damn rail gun

>> No.1299424

>rail gun != coil gun
If you have a furnace and casting stuff then yes, but a coil gun is really just a piece of PVC pipe with a bunch of wire wrapped around it, plus some phototransistors and LEDs and power transistors, maybe some logic gates too, depending on your timing. Heck, if it's a single stage it's just one coil of wire around the pipe, one power transistor, and one LED and one phototransistor. Not difficult at all. Not that it would do more damage than a dagger, and I'm assuming you happen to have a fuckton of extra-beefy capacitors lying about.

>> No.1299430
File: 12 KB, 479x188, trans65.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Build a massive transformer then an hero and go into the afterlife blazing and burn your pops.