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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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File: 671 KB, 765x460, leatherman-wave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1290175 No.1290175 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you people even like this shit?
>Tried to screw hose clamp
>No reach
>Can't provide decent torque

That's it, I'm done with it, the only time I truly needed it it failed me.

>> No.1290177

Because it's better than nothing.

I bought one when I acquired a homestead - and grew tired of having to make a 1.5 mile round trip to the tool shed every time I needed a tool unexpectedly - distances just are different in the countryside.

>> No.1290178

> trying to understand the American mindset
Very dangerous behaviour anon, I have seen people literally drive themselves to insanity by trying.

>> No.1290182

you talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

>> No.1290183

>has that exact leatherman
Its handy as fuck. Does't replace the tool itself but in a pinch its great. I love my leatherman.

>> No.1290197


Yeah pretty much it’s better than nothing especially when you can’t find the right ducking screwdriver and the multitool’s just happens to work

>> No.1290200

it's not a specialty tool for any one job. For an actual "job" you need the proper tools, in your case a screwdriver.
but wen you're doing some random shit and find yourself needing a set of needlenose, or a screwdriver, or a knife blade, its hella useful to just have all of those in your pocket instead of either having to bring your tool set everywhere or going to get your toolset every time you need something .

>> No.1290212

>also has that leatherman
The point of a leatherman is not to be the perfect tool for a given task, but to work well enough to get the job done. Yes, you could do a task better if you carried around a knife, screwdrivers, pliers, and saw with you, but for smaller things, a leatherman works well enough.

>> No.1290555

All of this.

Better than nothing, good for getting you out of a pickle, and handy as fuck in the right situation.

Much the same as a Swiss army knife, but tougher.

Anybody that needs to ask has obviously never had a need for one or has used one expecting it to rival the proper tool for the job.

>> No.1290583

I would like to add you just listed all the tools on a multi tool you would actually use.

So get. Skeletool. They also give a ton of leverege when screw driving.

>> No.1290628

So don't use one. I've used the 300s (far superior) for many years and had two replaced under warranty because I wore them out. I have a nicely equipped shop with far more tools than most DIYers but it doesn't fit on my belt.

Now give your nasty multitool away and be happy. Problem solved.

>> No.1290650
File: 47 KB, 1200x1200, 1.3703.3-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have used this leatherman. Now changed it to the picrelated - way more useful for me.

>> No.1290661
File: 720 KB, 2006x2035, 5016128-BK000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One tool to rule them all....

>> No.1290678


>Doesn't fit on my belt.

I always try to have my 2'x1'x1' toolbox in my vehicle and in that I can pack everything offered on a multi tool and much more.

The worst thing I used to run across with a multi-tool is when I am assessing my problem and deciding whether it is worth walking back to where ever my tool box is to get it or try it with the multi tool.

9/10 I was better off taking the stroll.

Hence I never bother with carrying my multi-tool anymore.

>> No.1290688

they are meant to be used in a pinch. 99% of the time i only carry it for the knife but then there's always that one time i need a screwdriver and have no proper tools with me.

>> No.1290697

I travel loaded with tools in both my trucks. As I'm lazy AKA thrifty of energy. I wear the Leatherman everywhere because it saves steps.

My motorcycles don't fit large tool kits so I leave a folding hex key set in my jacket and between that and the multitool I'm good.

>> No.1290752


>> No.1290787

My SOG is honestly a better set of generic pliers than most of the ones I've ever used.

In general multitools are good for when you can't be bothered to get real tools. Think around the house, or at a friend's house

>> No.1290931

I have found scissors to be an incredibly useful tool to have handy

>> No.1290943

I carry a SAK, not sure the exact model but it has the standard two blades plus pliers, scissors and the other standard peripherals.
It's definetely not as good as a dedicated tool for any of its uses but in a pinch its better than nothing.
It's best for quick jobs and saves me a trip to the shed at home and in the lab its normally the only thing to hand at all.

>> No.1290946

This. I used to keep a Leatherman Wingman in my pocket but it was just too much bulk and weight to be comfortable. Now I have a SAK with scissors, screwdrivers (on the can/bottle openers) on the keychain and it's been not a bother while being enormously helpful. Victorinox makes some of the absolute best small scissors.

>> No.1290953

>Victorinox makes some of the absolute best small scissors.

100% this. If Leathermen (plural) had better scissors, I'd be a happy camper.

Also - you reminded me I need a new SAK, as the scissors have finally gone.

>> No.1290955

>, or at a friend's house
You don't take a toolbox when you visit? What kind of friend are you?

>> No.1290956
File: 15 KB, 350x350, 41uYuVQv7qL._SL500_AC_SS350_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If Leathermen (plural) had better scissors
It has.

>> No.1290957

Aww, m8, it ain't a fookin Lederman wif no pliers, m8.

Seriously, though, why couldn't they copy the SAK scissors as a folding tool?

>inb4 someone brings up the fucking Raptor.

>> No.1290958

>why couldn't they copy the SAK scissors as a folding tool?
I guess it's patented, victorinox even can't put those on wengers, that they already bought, instead they put serrated shit.

>> No.1290961

Huh, just looked into it an according to http://www.sakwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page=Scissors, it's the other way around.
Wenger actually has the patent for their cam and lever design and so victorinox uses the unpatented flat spring. weird.

>> No.1290962

I would totally pick up a Micra if the rest of its tool choice was better selected. But I've found with a P4 that you can do shit all with a knife that small (especially one that doesn't lock), and most of the other tools are also not large or stable enough to be very useful.

Also Leathermans of that size seem to rust much easier than a SAK.

What I really wish was that there was a way to customize SAKs or Leathermans short of /diy/. I know what board I'm on, but--whenever I look at how people have /diy/ their own SAKs, the end results are a crapshoot as to when the new pins holding the knife together will fail and have the spring tension do bad things.

>> No.1290963

>doesnt keep a small tool kit in his vehicle
there is absolutely no excuse for not carrying a basic set of tools. even a motorbike seat compartment can carry a few common wrenches, pliers and one of those stupid multi bit screwdrivers and still have plenty of space.

>> No.1291013

I'm not lugging around random tools for unforeseeable events over the 25 acres I own, friend. There's no vehicle, I walk.

>> No.1291069

shit that faux carbon fiber is sexy. I almost bought that one when my university banned knives "except multitools and swiss army knives" because it's an engineering school an tons of nerdy guys carry them around.

>> No.1291090

Sorry mate, but you sound like a fucking retard.

>> No.1291174
File: 314 KB, 1920x1280, 18270258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What I really wish was that there was a way to customize SAKs or Leathermans short of /diy/
This. Unfortunately it have to be very precision to work as it should. There is a team that castomizes victorinox, but they have a long waiting line.

>> No.1291198
File: 68 KB, 1000x1000, 20170328190625_87458[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy lmao

>> No.1291248

You have a name or website for that team by any chance?

>> No.1291250

I mean, I did try to look, but "custom victorinox" gives you a lot of results of having one personalized with your name on it and similar useless stuff.

>> No.1291254
File: 714 KB, 1920x1280, 15041964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't accept orders for few months now, too many orders already.

>> No.1291258
File: 250 KB, 1707x1280, 13676656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, those guys are cool, they add scissors to the slim models, custom handles etc.

>> No.1291260

Thanks anon, I'll give them a look. I can wait a while if they make ones that won't kabang on me.

>> No.1291279

Wow, yeah it looks like not only do they not even have a way to inquire about an order, this build quality looks high enough that I wouldn't be surprised to see their knives costing hundreds of dollars each.

Might just have to see if they are doing anything that makes their knives more viable to use that I could copy for /diy/, but I'm not exactly hopeful.

>> No.1291288

You can write them to ask about prices, I bet titanium ones are pricy (and impractical), but ones with micarta might cost under 100 bucks (but shipping might be expensive to some locations).
Here is the thread about them (a lot of pics with production) but everything on Russian. https://forum.guns.ru/forummessage/97/1708702.html

>> No.1291769

Literally fitted a Lister SR2 engine in a friend's boat using a leatherman for 40% of the work. When you don't have access to all your kit a multitool is ALWAYS handy to have, and if you can't utilise a multitool you have no business building shit tbqh family.

>> No.1292053

Mine was 3.87 at walmart and it has come in use more times than I can count, at least 5. Used it to open a 3 year old can of banana pie filling this week.

>> No.1292054

>more times than I can count, at least 5.
>Used it to open a 3 year old can of banana pie filling this week.
you doing OK buddy?

>> No.1292060

Not since I ate the pie filling. Haven't shat since sunday.

>> No.1292227

So, what's are the 5 best multitool/SAKs?

>> No.1292228


>> No.1292571

Super Tinker is all you need

>> No.1293060

>no pliers
bad meme

>> No.1295129

bump for this

>> No.1296066
File: 82 KB, 400x400, AxvSSVQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon you need to grow a beard first, then become a man. it will work for you afterwards

>> No.1296366

You've never wanted to open a bottle of wine in the woods?

Fucking millennials
also this is why I carry a multi tool

>> No.1296406
File: 1021 KB, 3264x2448, muh knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd recommend the deluxe tinker.
Second SAK I've had. first model was the hiker, think I only ever used the saw on it once so once I lent it to my brother and he promptly lost it, it was time to switch model.

The pliers work surprisingly well for their size, and the handle isn't too chunky either. I use every tool on it at least once a week. I thought the hook was a meme but it turns out to be pretty useful when you want to dig around in rats nest wiring and you can't really fit a pair of pliers in there.

>> No.1296804

Those pliers look like a toy, how the hell is this better than OP's pic overall?

>> No.1296806

it's better than having no pliers at all.

Multitools aren't meant to surpass or replace normal tools.

>> No.1296808

I had a large SAK with these type of pliers - they won't be pulling any nails n shit, but for use as large, accurate tweezers they were pretty brilliant.

>> No.1296837
File: 47 KB, 770x388, leatherman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is my multitool

>> No.1296840

I often carry a pair of slip joint pliers in my pocket

>> No.1296858

we don't all wear cargo pants at all times

>> No.1296862

why not?
I do. wear nothing but carpenter jeans

>> No.1296928
File: 1.52 MB, 3264x1836, IMG_2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>of wine in the woods?
>no corkscrew
>opening anything
pic one.

>> No.1296938

The Victorinox Käsemesser is clearly the superior choice.

Yes, I actually own one.

>> No.1296943

Wave plus bitset, it comes with an extension maybe 3in.

For torgue on the jaws they have a vice grip one i got for a plumber, says its strong enough to do nipples, etc

>> No.1297351
File: 1.35 MB, 1200x801, DSC_1491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice 5600

>> No.1297385

Multitool scissors are garbage and I refuse to buy any tool that has them.

>> No.1297387

If it took standards bits it would be close to perfect.

>> No.1297521

You can get the Leatherman hex adapter if you want.

>> No.1297575
File: 86 KB, 720x540, 4762e3d93d5d8dfbb853268088cbd2a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Victorinox Käsemesser
I don't own one but wine master is the patrician's choice tbqh. Look at this fucking beautiful.

>tfw you will never use it to open a bottle of chateau latour in your southern France villa, to drink with your blonde, green eyed, busty french gf

Good eye.

>> No.1297585

they can suck my tiny cock. the second you get into wood they up the price to $200. exact same fucking knife in plastic is usually $30. i don't give a fuck how well it looks no wood is worth that much of a price increase.

>> No.1297588

For example pic above costs almost 200€uropoors.

>> No.1297714

Victorinox makes a great set of scissors for their Swiss Army Knives. They're my most-used tool and great quality.

>> No.1297730

It's not meant to replace your tools you retard.

>> No.1297746

the spring always breaks

>> No.1297758


Frustratingly also true

>> No.1297810


>> No.1297838

>tape over lighter

>> No.1297839

To carry small amount of tape.

>> No.1297840

>he doesn't carry a 10m electrical tape roll on his wallet

>> No.1297911

>he fails to wrap his midsection in 50m of electrical tape.


>> No.1297921

>he isn't genetically modified to grow ultra strong duct tape instead of hair

>> No.1297940

>he hasn't ascended to the pure energy form of being a roll of electrical tape

>> No.1297946

>electrical tape
>he isn't made of self-amalgamating tape so he can wrap himself around his projects without leaving glue residue

>> No.1298013

>he hasn't learnt to simply cross into a reality where everything is and and always has been a strip of perfectly insulating quantum material

>> No.1298021 [DELETED] 

>he hasn't stolen god's perfect solvent and dissolved the fabric of reality turning everything into an homogeneous liquid deprecating the need to use bonding or insulating materials

>> No.1298022

>he hasn't stolen god's perfect solvent and dissolved the fabric of reality turning everything into an homogeneous liquid deprecating the need to use bonding or insulating materials

>> No.1298031

>he hasn't realized liquid is merely the appetizer for true form electrical tape that governs subatomic particles

>> No.1299128

I can't decide between a victorinox or a leatherman, what do?

>> No.1299259

Get both. 1 for pocket, 1 for glove compartment in car.

>> No.1299264

Wouldn't that be redundant?

>> No.1299269

Perhaps, but I always have a backup for something. Just good rule to follow. Cause if you really need it.. luck is already not on your side.

>> No.1299452
File: 78 KB, 1360x1015, thesework.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel naked without one of these.

>> No.1299460

God stop teasing me with these threads.

>> No.1299461
File: 17 KB, 300x300, multi tool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Admit it Scooter

>> No.1299575

I started carrying one of these at work about a year ago and havn't looked back. One handed opening and the overall compact-ness when closed is GOAT

>> No.1299593
File: 219 KB, 1200x1200, 71iG6ZzV7sL._SL1200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are leatherman or SAKs knockoffs any good? They are really tempting for the price. What are the drawbacks? Will they break easily?

Pic related, Aodoor 24 in 1, 12,99€ in amazon.

>> No.1299627

If we have to explain you probably don't need it.

my $10 gerber clone saved my ass plenty of times at work. not to mention my colleagues ask to borrow it every time because they cba to carry one.

>> No.1299628

I'm >>1299593
>my $10 gerber clone saved my ass plenty of times at work.
How durable would you say it is? I'd buy a knockoff multitool but I'm scared it's made of chinesium and will wreck itself when force is applied to it.

>> No.1299661

>How durable would you say it is?
not at all. don't buy one unless you're a poorfag. maybe not even then. also the gerber is the only multitool clone I've found, and the only cloned version is the DET version, which is pretty retarded, so you get an useless blasting cap crimper instead of an actually useful pipe grip. the c4 punch is pretty useful tho as a marlinspike/ puncher type thing, I'll probably move that on my real gerber when I get one.

>> No.1299773

I bought one for snowboarding. I can tweak/fix my board while riding and it fits in my pocket. As for an on the job tool, absolutely not.

>> No.1300426

???? plumber working in a fabrication shop and i manage to keep all this shit in my jeans with no problem: a pair of channel locks, a crescent wrench, a tape measure, large lockblade, razor knife, a level, markers, pens, a notepad, and all the rest of your standard fare pocket items

>> No.1300778

that must be annoying to carry all that shit around

>> No.1300781


Totally tubular, dude.

>> No.1300837

i dont know what you used but the leatherman super tool 300 is incredibly useful

>> No.1301080

What are the adapters for that watch for the cloth strap?

>> No.1301663

took me 17 years of every day wear to break mine doing something dumb with it...:)

>> No.1301669

>get new job as engraver, old employers give me a Wave as a leaving gift
>helping boss with cleaning out an extractor unit on the laser engraver
>"alright so we need to take these screws off. Can you run downstai- oh, nice."
I fucking love my Leatherman. My boss fucked his arm up on a different, much larger extractor when it sucked him in. It shattered his arm bones, took off a finger, and nearly degloved his hand, but he more or less had to keep working because nobody else could do his job (he's one of the business owners). As a consequence, he's angry all the time due to pain, so every time I don't have to ask him where a tool is I'm grateful for this hunk of steel on my belt.

>> No.1301791
File: 6 KB, 208x242, download (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who thinks the rebar is the best leatherman? I've owned both a the wave and the surge. The wave was just cheap. Those little bits break imediatly and the the wire cutters are pretty lame. The surge was just too large to slip in my pocket. On the other hand the rebar has a big beefy one piece Philips driver that you can actually use, it's got hardened wire cutters, and it's just the right size. Also it's cheaper than the other 2. I just wish it had scissors.

>> No.1301798
File: 7 KB, 343x147, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thing actually saved my ass when my car spat our a spark plug in the middle of nowhere

>yes it spat out a fucking spark plug and I managed to fix the fucking thing with this

I've owned several leathermans and several victorinox tools and my honest opinion is:

victorinox > any other.

>> No.1301802

Shit, I feel sorry for your boss. That's fucked.

>> No.1301920

I just wish they made the surge but smaller. I would prefer it if it was Wave size, but it's just too damn big. I don't like any of the tools that don't have outside blades though, so that puts me off the rebar and similar ones.

I just got a Squirt for Christmas and I've got to say they get a lot of tool into such a tiny thing. The wife accidentally got the wire stripper version but I don't really mind. I'm totally going to be "that guy" as soon as we get the first present that needs batteries fitted or awkward packaging opened at Christmas lunch today.

>> No.1301921

Yeah, it's pretty rough. Thankfully my country has a pretty good no fault accident compensation scheme, so that's basically paying my wages for them at the moment while he recovers. He was working 12+ hour days beforehand (mind the pun) so it was a combination of over tired, over worked and a moment of lapsed judgement that caused it. At least we're closed for 2 1/2 weeks over the new year.
>ask my boss if he needs a hand with something

>> No.1301950

This. I've had tools made by Gerber (decent), SOG (shit), Leatherman (great), and Victorinox (best) and pound for pound the swisstool was the best. It was also the most expensive. If you want a cheap tool than the traditional Gerber is fine for the price. So are the cheaper Leatherman's like the sidekick but if money is no option then get a swisstool.

>> No.1301952

>this thing actually saved my ass when my car spat our a spark plug in the middle of nowhere
this actually sound like a cool story
care to elaborate?

>> No.1302070


I mostly use mine when I hunt, fish, and go shooting. It works ok in a pinch. More convenient than carry a bunch of tools around with you.

Like a hatchet. Those are nice for small work but they suck dick compared to a full size axe or chainsaw for real cutting but who wants to carry that around just in case?

>> No.1303614
File: 26 KB, 770x513, 0286CMS22-B[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only multitool a Man would ever need.

>> No.1303620

You're either delusional or useless if you can't see a use for a screwdriver or pliers on a multitool.

>> No.1303642

use the blade
meme, use your hands.

>> No.1303647


>> No.1303651

Sorry, it's the truth, do you bitch about people not having pliers on their victorinox too?. And you can use the blade for small screws.

>> No.1303652

My knives arent pieces of shit so I'm not about to chip the blade by using them as screwdrivers

>> No.1303683

>My knives arent pieces of shit
>I'm not about to chip the blade by using them as screwdrivers
Looks like your knives have a piece of shit steel.

>> No.1303703
File: 68 KB, 558x515, SOG-PowerLock-EOD-B69-558x515[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't provide decent torque
That's cuz you use shit-tier multi-tool
Try to see if you can wrap your girly hands around pic related and complain about no torque

>> No.1303710

If you don't use a tool the way it's suppose to be used, you're going to end up damaging it sooner or later. Unless the knife is made from adamantium, it's going to chip if you use the fucking thing as a screw driver

>> No.1303716

No, thats not how knifes work faggot

>> No.1304125

It's not supposed to be used frequently because at that point just fucking get proper tools if you know you're gonna need them.
>muh chinesium knife is high quality

>> No.1304448

>>muh chinesium knife is high quality
Okay here, I'll use my Leatherman and you use your knife. The job is to hammer something in, pry something open then crush a steel thing. Go.

>> No.1304615

I didn't know I needed and loved a Rebar until the day I got one. Lighter and more compact than other LMs of the same duty-class, and more complete than even some of its bigger LM brethren even without all the fancy interchangeable stuff. Having no "outside accessible tools" is not a problem for me.

>> No.1304946

>to hammer something in
hit it with the bottom part of the handle
>pry something open
use blade as a lever
>crush a steel thing.
hit it with the bottom part of the handle

blown the fuck out

>> No.1306496 [DELETED] 


>> No.1306775


My biggest problem with my gerber is that im autistic and I cant stand that when folded shut it isn't parallel and perfect.

Of course only reason I switched from the gerber to a leatherman is because is because a local store gave me a $100 dollar certificate that expired same day.

>> No.1306776

>open a bottle of wine in the woods
Just make it a habit to drink champagne instead of wine. Then you can open it with your open carry sabre.
Don't have a sabre you open carry? get one.

>> No.1306778

Not the same guy and I will cut him some slack and assume its not his car/different situation

>be 2012
>have a 2006 dodge cargo van
>rent it out to fisherman to drive down the kenai to fish salmon
>always comes back low on oil, cheap manager says add a quart
>one time a customer drives it off the lot and it blows two plugs
>call up former owner and ask wtf, was a rival rental lot
>keks at us and tells me he put in a different dipstick
>was driving 4k a week with more than double the oil it should have had and a bad pressure sensor

Never trust anyone in the car industry

>> No.1306782

Can also just force the cork down into the bottle in a pinch

>> No.1307371

i have never owned a rebar, but seeing as how it is a scaled down super tool, i can imagine it being pretty great. especially since my only complaint about the super tool is that its a bit large for slippin in a pocket.

funny, i dont miss the scissors at all, you have the knife, who needs scissors?

>> No.1307372

i was gonna say, opening bottles of wine is low enough on my list of priorities that ill just push the cork in if the need arises lol

>> No.1307375

i wish someone made custom multi tools. would be nice to pick and choose exactly what i want and nothing more. every one i've ever owned to get the tools i want i'm forced to also have at least a couple tools i NEVER use which only adds bulk and weight to my pocket

>> No.1307516

Pic related is my multi-tool

Sight post tool came in handy back when I was in the Corps and we still qual'd with iron sights. Also was useful for doing somewhat "illegal" maintenance on CSEL lithium batteries.

What I liked most was that the tolerances were loose enough that it never got gummed up but not so loose that I ever felt it was a FOD hazard. QA would have still raped me to death if they had ever known about it though.

Nowadays I carry my Buck 110 and the multi-tool sits in my glovebox.

>> No.1307519

Wat? Do you hate wine?

>> No.1307762

I am pretty sure you can slot a regular bit into the carabiner end. Saw a video on that nonsense.

>> No.1307819

Oh, I've got that same knockoff. I bought a real gerber multitool some time later, one not for EOD tasks. Build quality only seems mildly better to be honest.