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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1271172 No.1271172 [Reply] [Original]

whats a good hobby to start if ur low on money but want to do something productive with your time other than vidya?

>> No.1271175

Some cheap options that could with time even become a source of money are, off the top of my head:
Wood carving (you can find cheap sets of carving knives on amazon)
Bone carving to some extent (small pieces can be done with the same tools you can use with wood)
And idk, those are what I do so they're what I have in mind. What things do you like? "A cheap productive hobby" can mean a lot of things

>> No.1271177

Heres cheap shit that I do that you might be interested in.
>creative writing
>play an instrument (only cheap if you already have one)
>run long distance
>body weight fitness (no equipment workouts)
>watch and analyze movies (prolly too close to vidya)
>fantasize about committing suicide
any of that sound interesting?

>> No.1271181

Paracord shit.
Any type of needlework or knit
Not real sure. My next venture is drone building if any of you that can fly for shit want to do some thrashing on them

>> No.1271206

I mean stuff like soldering, coding or woodwork type things, stuff that I can get a skill for and maybe master. I'm mostly a jack of all traders master of nothing type guy but currently I think my spare time is being wasted

>> No.1271211

Get yourself a metal detector, or if your near a river or creek you could pan for gold.

>> No.1271230


>> No.1271242

Well whats wrong with soldering, coding, or woodworking?

>> No.1271355

Well if those are the things that interest you, why don't you stardt studying one of them? You might find what you need used or something if it's expensive
For coding I don't think you need anything, aside from the will necessary to not just use you pc to play videogames lol

>> No.1271366

Photography. The expensive part is the camera and lens. Once you have that an SD the cost drops to barely anything. If you get good start charging and it funds itself as a hobby.

>> No.1271848

Suck dick and earn money

win=win, ur welcome.

>> No.1272270

Collect recyclables and try to make something new. Like old OJ containers can be made into simple containers. Boxes can be made into toys, and old shirts can be made into bags.

>> No.1272298
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>, coding

this is the only one that is free nimrod. until you decide to write an app then buy a cheap tablet, or do microcontrol and buy an AVR, (aka arduino to homsexers).

coding is not a hobby however. it is a lifestyle that either fits you or it does not.

>> No.1272330

>dumpster dive/go to antique fairs/op-shops for old school tools like files planes and chisels
>buy can of wd 40 and roll of duct tape to repair any rusty/cracked tools
>buy some cheap treated pine
>congratules you are now woodcarver

>> No.1273354

Build an arcade machine from scratch using an old PC, monitor and lots of MDF. You will also need 2 joysticks and at least 14 buttons.

>> No.1273362

>until you decide to write an app then buy a cheap tablet

You need a half-decent computer to run Android Studio, which is very nice and is free.

>> No.1273364

The true dream life.

>> No.1273366


>> No.1273385

Leatherwork is also a good one. I spent £25 on tools and another 9 quid on leather and it was everything I needed. It's not as cathartic as I thought it would be but it's a good, productive way to spend an evening.

>> No.1273582

Bird watching. Sketch all the birds in your local area. Follow them, watch how they live and document in your own book to pass on to your grandchildren.

>> No.1273639


Maybe this?

>> No.1273641



>> No.1273697


>> No.1273703

I'm seconding needlework, you can use torn bed sheets (one of the better fabrics to use imo) to practice. Needles and threads don't cost much at all and will last you forever. You will be able to make things for around your house or gifts that add some colour and aestethics to your everyday life, and you'll also naturally get comfortable repairing and fixing clothes and such which can save you money.

>> No.1273810
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Learn a language and try translating some works of fiction.
We need more translators for my hobby

>> No.1273827

Don’t forget to feed the pigeons, they’re smarter than you’d think and recognize faces, so don’t be a dick to them without atleast a mask lol

>> No.1273829

What’s your hobby?

>> No.1273901

What about carving bowls and spoons?
Lots of youtube videos make it sound relaxing and interesting.

>> No.1273907
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>> No.1273922

Gr8, I prefer just the anime because I’m too lazy to read if it can be avoided :D
I thought you were gonna say hentai.
(I still assume that’s what is hoped to be translated too.)

>> No.1273929
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Paper mache is cheep,you already have all the materials at your house. I've been doing it awhile but I just got my husband into it. He made a pretty cool 3D eagles head

>> No.1273930

I use Paracord in macrame,I find spools of it at yard sales on base.

>> No.1273931

Codingacademy learn a skill for free you could potentially earn money on

>> No.1273932
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Come and check out Dan's page on FB endless possibilities with paper mache and you can't get much cheeper than free.

>> No.1273957

Electronics or. Programming

>> No.1274160

Photography can be strangely affordable. It is a pretty useful life skill.

>> No.1274201

Upskirts and creep photos for photography though.
I built my own CNC machine, was pretty cool.
Then I used it to make aircraft panels.
Then I leaned electronics
Now I am building a flight simulator.

Also, the electronic skills i learned allowed me to turn the dog training collar to an almost lethal tazer, you can then taze hobos and film it.

>> No.1274209

choose one

>> No.1274268

whats the secret to good paper mache? every time i try it, it's a lumpy, unrobust mess. i couldnt even make a globe helmet head thing for a halloween costume

>> No.1274294

Did you just see two words somewhat near each other and decide to tap something out with your ass?

>> No.1274319

I want to know too. Nymla on etsy seems to do excellent stuff in paper mache but you have to buy the recipe to know how she does it

>> No.1274375


Why is your reading comprehension so bad?

>> No.1274381

>Why is your reading comprehension so bad?
You need to look in the mirror, anon.

>> No.1274485

Learn to code and write leddit spam bots.

>> No.1274496

Says the guy who thought the OP meant that vidya is a productive hobby instead of being the unproductive one he is trying to get away from.

>> No.1274507

OPs phrasing is bad but it's fairly evident what he meant.

>> No.1274665

Dungeons and Dragons

>> No.1274830

Learning a language is fun, if you ever enjoyed reading then it opens the doors into the literature in that language too. French is a good place to start, Jap if you're a weeb, German because memes.

>> No.1274875
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>theres grass everywhere bro
>theres branches like what
>all you need to do is master the warp and weft

weaving is the cheapest, and probably most prolfiic hobby.

walk down the street, get a bunch of tall grass, flowers, twigs and branches.
weave baskets and placemats and other stuff
go to market a sell for like 5 bucks a pop


bitches will be all over you if you can master a french braid and shit.

>> No.1274901

Omg nothing to do besides vidya.

>> No.1274910
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So then this will literally be a basket weaving forum, lol.

>> No.1274911

Fishing, I bought an old rod n reel from a thrift shop, made some lures and started putting meat on the table literally.

>> No.1274913

Start recording/producing music if you have any musical ability at all. You can torrent literally every program you'll ever need and, once you get familiar with the process, you can spend hours and hours working on songs. Super enjoyable imo

>> No.1274995
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>follow them.

Mfw bird stalking

>> No.1275206


>any of that sound interesting?

Yeah, the last one really resonates with me. Might try that first to cross it off the list.

>> No.1275208

>coding is not a hobby however. it is a lifestyle that either fits you or it does not.
although this >lifestyle shit is a bit cringy, I'll have to agree. I find it interesting and all but I was a born and raised /lit/izen, so I wasn't willing to give up reading to properly learn programming and I realised that you either go full /g/tard or you don't go at all, """coding"""" 1h a day expecting to achieve something is naive and stupid.

still lurks /g/ on my voidlinux though, comfy heh

>> No.1275315
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>coding 1h a day expecting to achieve something is naive
What about arduino stuff?

>> No.1275318
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>> No.1275421
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I can see the headlines:
>Area man gaslights pigeons
>spotted terrorizing pigeons while wearing mask
>returns without mask and feeds them

>> No.1275550

Unless you're just following tutorials arduino stuff is arguable more complicated as you need both low level coding and some circuit building knowledge.

>> No.1275650

Draw porn. Git gud. And even make some monies off of it

>> No.1275655

>go around being really quiet while holding huge binoculars and a notepad
how could this possibly go wrong