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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1248498 No.1248498 [Reply] [Original]

Making a Donut Machine?

Hey, this is my very first post and I have little experience in building stuff. I read the rules so Ill tell you what I learned.

Make a Machine that can automatically make Donuts. There is this Machine but the reviews are horrible, and Id like to make it smarter

I did some research and found these http://stok-engineering.com/donut-machines/

Basically the machine will need:
A compartment for the dough
A pool with oil
A belt that moves the donuts while being fried
A mechanism that flips them
A mechanism that 'prints them out of the though'
(sorry, im not a native English speaker)

So, how would I do this? Any help is appreciated!

>> No.1248957

>So, how would I do this? Any help is appreciated!

here is how you do it, become an engineer, or just buy a fucking deep fryer and do it by hand.

Please promptly kill yourself, gay nigger.

>> No.1248963

Fuck off back to boards featuring bbc porn and jerk off on you moms blanket. Your response offered nothing but opportunity to infer that that is why you log on to 4chan you fucking neet. You dont even have the capacity to imagine life as a mechanical engineer so just get the fuck out of here and go make someone's lunch you poorfag. Hey OP, i think the biggest question anyone who can actually help is gonna be how many donuts do you need to make in a run. Question two would be how auto mated does the process need to be.

>> No.1248966

Oh yea, like some retarded dipshit is going to build that contraption in ops pick. He asked how to build it, which would be a huge waste of time. A deep fryer costs max 20 dollars, shit he can cook them on his stove for free. Way to reinvent the fucking wheel fag.

They fucking sell those things for a grand but obviously op is some shit eating third worlder who can't afford one.

>how do I build this machine with 200 custom machined pieces

lmao fuck off.

>> No.1248974

since your boyfriend is a retard let's break down the main parts of the machine, we have a hopper for the dough, we have a deepfryer, and a conveyor belt.

Buy a fucking deepfryer, cut slits in it, grab a shitty electric motor, slap a sproket on it, then a chain / metal belt, and either fill the fryer with dough by hand or just get another fucking motor with a oval shaped sprocket that hits a leaver at timed intervals to release the dough.

Boom done. Fuck off.

>> No.1248980

You forgot the paddle wheel to flip them...

>> No.1248988

Not that much, it would be only for my family and we're not particularly obese :P
With the automation I was thinking about it making a few Donuts once I get out of bed (and press a button) - Thats the easy part though :)

The idea with the deepfrier combined with motors is good, what kind of motors would I need for that? Ill also look up how I should make the conveyor

>> No.1248999

Building one is easy compared to how hard it will be to make it actually work consistently, which is why even the one you can straight up buy has a lot of issues.

Don't expect the first one you make to be any good. If you're really talented at engineering your third or fourth prototype might be be acceptable.

What you need to start out with though, is making them by hand to see exactly what's required before you start designing the machine that will do it automatically.

Also, you'll probably also want to buy the conveyer belt system as a unit. If you try to make one yourself you'll want to kill yourself.

>> No.1249004

Stop dreaming... so you are going to permanently have an open trough of oil sitting in your kitchen.

>press a button

Right but who exactly is going to get at up 5 am and make the dough?

What drops out are hot plain donuts. Someone will have to fill or top them...

Stupid idea, really.

>> No.1249142

Sugar on top would be easy compared to the rest and I dont need filling. The dough would have to be premade, youre right.

>> No.1249144

So because you're going for shit tier donuts might as well buy a box the night before and enjoy the next morning like everyone else.

>> No.1249146

I was considering using a sort of elevator instead. This makes it go vertically, thus saving space. The metal mesh goes down, donut dough gets dispensed, fried, elevator closes by adding a 2nd mesh ontop, goes up and turns it upside down, goes back down to fry and finally goes up and opens so you can take it out.

>> No.1249176

We dont have D. Donuts, we only have the supermarket where they are really expensive. I just want a fried, fluffy, sweet donut

>> No.1249180


Then just MAKE the damn donuts. The dough is 80% of the work. You realize that, if you're going to bother pre-making the dough, the "donut machine" you're proposing is literally a glorified cookie cutter and spatula.

>> No.1249237

this, even if you go to Krispy Kreme where they proudly display their big donut machine, there's still a dozen workers right next to it kneading dough and measuring out ingredients for the big mixer that they then load by hand and remove the bowl from by hand to take to another big kitchen machine that they operate by hand...

>I just want a fried, fluffy, sweet donut
a machine is going to make them worse than you could do in a normal deep fryer or even on a pan and youre going to ruin shitloads of donuts trying to figure out exact cooking times and thicknesses of the dough etc etc even on top of just finding a good recipe

>> No.1249241

All to save a few dollars and then the fuck'in thing burns his house down...

>> No.1249271

OP lets make a quick estimate of Is This Fuhcken Worth It Jimbo?

>Family is not obese
>Couple donuts morning

Let's say you want 5 donuts every morning.

Making 5 donuts by hand would take you ~25 minutes for the dough, 4 minutes for the cooking/flipping, 1 minute to fluff sugar on those. That's 30 minutes for 5. So 6 minutes per donut. If you scale it up to 50 donuts in the morning, it wouldn't take you 5 hours (6 minutes * 50 donuts) to do, but more realistically close to 50 minutes or so (35 minutes dough and 15 minutes for a batch of cooking and fluffing); due to the efficiency with scaling.

Now think of your donut machine, if you want to build it and STILL want to run at a 5 donut/day capacity that's just a waste of time. First, let's assume it would take you 15 condensed hours of building, designing, sourcing, and optimizing your machine. That number won't change based on how many donuts you will make.

Once you complete your machine:

If you want to make 6 donuts every morning, it would still take 25 minutes for the dough, but you would save 5 minutes by clicking the button (the point of your machine is to automatize your 4-minute (cooking and flipping), and 1-minute sugar fluffing).

But now think if you want to make 50 donuts with your machine, it would take still take you 35 minutes for the dough, and you save 15 minutes by clicking the button.

Now scale it way up. If you want to make 5000 donuts, it would probably take you a few hours for the dough, and then you save 10's of hours by working your machine. That's why businesses have machines, and ordinary people don't. It's just Not Fuhcken Worth It.

>> No.1249273
File: 107 KB, 980x350, slide01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now we can make a quick formula to find how long it would take to break-even in terms of time saved, based on just 5 donuts a day, and hopefully, you'll see why it's not worth it.

Time spent making donuts:

By hand:
>(30 minutes/day) * (x days)

With machine:
>(15 hours to build machine) + (25 minutes/day)*(x days)

Set them equal to each other and solve for x....

>x=180 days

It would take you 180 days to justify building this machine, which not gonna lie is not too bad if you plan on having this for years. But note that none of my calculations accounted for possible failure (and having to add to the 15 hours of building the machine), or anything about cleaning and filling oil and the like.

In other news if you really want to do it, I'de would probably just make a metal conveyor belt thats partially submerged in the oil that conveys the donuts out onto a cooler place... pls update if you decide on building this.

I wanna build a desktop chocolate enrober like pic attached, but the heating element is my barrier.

>> No.1249297

>the heating element is my barrier.
Cost barrier or what? Because I think the sort of heat element mentioned here might do what you want


>> No.1249305

that is an incredibly optimistic time for building this machine, and an incredibly ineptly long time to take to make a doughnut

making dough should take like a minute or two, no longer than making pancake batter or fish breading or any other flour+egg+stuff concoction. 4 minutes per doughnut is reasonable cooking time but you can do two or three at once; same with the sugar, you shouldnt take Sixty Whole Amenian Second's to sprinkle sugar on a pastry, and can do the whole lot at once.

Still, youre right that the dough remains the most work of the whole affair, since you have to measure out your ingredients, adjust for inconsistency in your ingredients, and mix it all up presumably by hand. doughnut batter is pretty tough stuff and might defeat your beater.

its also not worth it since cooking time isn't reduced by having a machine do it anyway, and just waiting for the doughnuts to fry in the pan isn't real work that prevents you from doing something else. you can easily shitpost or have a leak or whatever while the doughnuts cook either way, since you don't need to have an active hand in the fryer. you can leave and come back, same as with the auto-flippy machine thing.

>> No.1249319

Fuck you OP, now I want to make doughnuts at 2 in the morning.

>and an incredibly ineptly long time to take to make a doughnut
You have to let the dough rise, dude. Give it an extra hour.

>> No.1250475

Enjoy the donuts :)

>> No.1250733

>but the heating element is my barrier.

If you can make everything in a chocolate enrober but not the heating element you are an extremely unique and special type of retard.

>> No.1250756

Huh. I always thought doughnuts were unleavened, or at least chemically leavened like a lot of other pastries are.

Then assume it's cake doughnuts for FASTs.

>> No.1250761
File: 37 KB, 600x365, 0018000001820_CL_hyvee_default_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with you people? Please tell me I'm not the only one who does this.

1. Open can of pic related.
2. Pop hole in the middle of a biscuit with a chopstick.
3. Fry biscuits.
4. Coat freshly made doughnuts with powdered sugar or cake frosting or whatever.

Seriously, the longest part of the process is heating the oil. I've been making bread, scratch biscuits, and other doughs for years, but that's just for the enjoyment of it. If you want fresh doughnuts fast, just buy a can of ready to bake biscuits and turn on the oil, and you're 90% done.

>> No.1250764

P.s. get the regular biscuits, not the ones that say "millions of flaky layers"

>> No.1250770

I just make pancakes.

>> No.1250772

Remember this day when you're sitting in a doctors office being told how advanced your cancer is... I told you so.

>> No.1250780

How do you get cancer from making doughnuts? Am I missing something?

>> No.1251536

I think anon is implying that store bought dough is some how more dangerous than dough that was made in to doughnuts at a store. Seems legit.

>> No.1251986
File: 445 KB, 960x1280, IMG_20170929_170235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a brand new hole machine for your donuts.