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/diy/ - Do It Yourself

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1245889 No.1245889 [Reply] [Original]

Is it too early to discuss Halloween ideas?

I don't really do anything since no one else in the area does much of anything beyond a few decorations....the perverts and psychos have pushed all the kids of get candy from vehicle trunks in parking lots at organized events

but I love seeing the weird stuff people come up with...like this gold from easter: >>/diy/thread/S964018

>> No.1246218

Me and the wife going as little red riding hood and the big bad wolfe. But my 240 pound bearded ass is gonna be little red riding hood.

Crossing fingers for dat sweet $500 prize money

>> No.1246238

Not only is it not at all too early to talk about Halloween stuff, it's actually a really good time to start on Christmas projects for the guys that plan on making something for their girlfriend, but don't know the difference between a hammer and a pair of pliers.

>> No.1246428

Fuck yeah halloween thread. I've been waiting on this

I have over a dozen mostly home made props and an entire closet full of shit. I'll post some stuff soon as I pull it out. The wife and I spent over a month and a half last year making them all.

>> No.1246437
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One of the things we're adding is this effect.

But with this trigger
, instead of the complicated sensors. I'll just point it in a direction that's safe

>> No.1246447

>he cannot drive nails with his pliers

>> No.1246790

Anyone here from last year? Fetusbro's work was pretty good.

>> No.1246898

>doesn't drive his pliers with nails

>> No.1246940

Skelly guy OP here from the thread mentioned in >>1245889

No real ideas for this year, but would love to see what fetusbro is up to. I did a real simple costume a few years back that works as a last minute costume. 1 lab coat splattered in blood, one bottle of bleach, and one coat hanger. Instant abortion doctor.

Monitoring thread so I can just rip off you guys this year.

>> No.1246947
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Is she gonna be hairy...everywhere?

>> No.1246964

I am preparing some spooks for my parent's home (my apartment is even more of a trick-or-treat-wasteland)

Over the past few years I've been looking up and down the street on spooks-eve, watching fewer and fewer houses bother to hand out candy, much less decorate. Unfortunately the house is at the mid-point of the road, bent out of sight from the cross streets, so with the in-between houses gone dark the treater-flow is drying up.

true suffering.

Anyhow, the general theme is Nightmare Before Christmas/evil toystore. Gross presents, an RC powered child's tricycle that chases childen and a big OogyBoogy... rather, a costumed man who has the knack for standing stiff at first and then creeping up on treaters once they are up the walkway.

My first project is to make a big streetlight pole, crooked and bent or perhaps a scarecrow with a pumpkin head and flaming eyes. I need something to place out by the street and catch more attention. Strobe-lights aimed into trees all around are also planned.

>> No.1246974
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I'm the guy that had did the whole house and had a big party. Think we ended up with over 50 stands of string lights lol

Last year I went as an isis goat fucker with a flag, bomb and stuffed goat

Not sure what in doing yet this year for a costume

>> No.1247006

I like the idea of the rc tricycle. I might have to figure that one out. Dunno if it'll be this year, but it's now in the idea bank thanks

My area was pretty barren on Halloween, but the more we do, the more the neighbors do. Last year I think we got about 60 kids and a lot of people were giving out candy. Nobody went as crazy as we did, but at least 1/3 or so did something.

I have the scrap pieces to make a 6 foot moving ferris wheel. Hopefully I'll be able to build it this year

>> No.1247012
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My brother is a drone/rc guy so he had some of the stuff already. There were a lot of asshole moments getting things to work because he was using a motor from a massive RC car that was Too powerful.

It was a motor (motor and gearbox would have been better) on the back "step" of the trike along with a lump of LiPo batteries and a cheap receiver. A servo was mounted under the seat and connected to a hacked-together steering assembly with a bent push rod attached to a stand-off projecting from the handlebar stem.

Problems were: the motor shredding the gears, original wheels being horrible and hard, welds on the axle cracking, motor mounts twisting off because Traxis is weird in some way. There was a lot of fiddling with this thing.

Finishing touch- a little pair of white shoes wired to the pedals. Smeared in blood, trailing dark shreds, connected to a thin black elastic cord attached to the handlebars to they stay upright. Original inspiration: This trike from Cirque. You can almost see the details that make it work. Steering in this case was with cables attached to the horns of a servo and routed along the frame, somewhat like bike brake cables. Bike brake cable stuff would probably be a great material to work from. And I want to remote-ize a real bike bell.

>> No.1247441

Fuck you

I've spent all day thinking about the trike.

I actually do have a beast 12v motor, spare rc cars, and some random gears and chain. Think of I add a relay, and a way to steer I probably could make one

Might add it to my gorilla cart, since I could hide everything below, and steering would be pretty easy. Plus, I'd have a motorized cart, that would make other projects fun

>> No.1247592

I am thinking I may dress up as the war on drugs, so military gear from the waist up and a bunch of pipes and bags of "drugs" attached to my legs

>> No.1247837

that's a stupid idea

>> No.1248514

I hate this "pun" type of costumes

>see a girl in cat ears, a tail and a gavel (hammer thingy judges use)

She is "odor (order) in court"

>Another one with those #1 foam fingers and a t-shirt that says "Go Ceiling"

She is "ceiling fan"

Probably the lowest point for comedy.

>> No.1248552

>Wearing rags and chains

He is a "nigger"

>> No.1248593

Don't be that guy anon

>> No.1248647

So much this

The "pot" head is one of the worst offenders.